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Re: Motivation

Post by andros414 »

Need more motivation to put towards anything? Have a few videos. Don't have to actually watch the clips, just pay attention to what's being said.
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Re: Motivation

Post by Magnenntae »

I don't know, I don't really have motivation in life, my long-term goals are to enjoy life, become the best person I can, and help others, so that they might enjoy life too.

As for the smaller things, like learning a song on the piano, for instance, the only thing that keeps me going is the feeling of wanting to finish it, to be able to play a beautiful song on the piano, or whatever. My motivation is the reward, I suppose.

Of course I'd love to find my Lilly or what have you, but I've learned that searching for someone like that isn't the way you should go about love, "love finds you" or whatever.
Here's the some of the best advice i've heard, in regards to relationships:
"I have spent too long caring about getting a relationship, finding a girlfriend and settling down happy with them. The fact I have come to realise is that, I am only 21. I shouldn't be caring about settling down with a girlfriend, I should be enjoying the most of my time until I am 26 or 27, then thinking about that stuff. If you think that "oh god I can't find a girlfriend" or you have girlfriend problems, honestly, don't worry about it. You shouldn't be worrying about that stuff now. Wait until you are older then start thinking about it.

Of course if you meet a nice girl or boy on the way and you think it might work, then by all means go for it. But don't go out of your way for it. If the other person wants to be with you, then they will try, you just get on with what is important in life, family, friends, and studying. Leave the serious love stuff till later on."

Apologies, this post has gone off topic quite a bit, but I'd still like to include that bit of advice.
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Re: Motivation

Post by Keyalha »

My motivation is trying to get my soon to be wife a good live. And my books, as i am a vivid reader that ready roughly 4000 pages a month, in good month even beyond that. Altho my grammar is bad ( even my german grammar which is my native language ) i aspire to write my own fantasy story since i was like 12 and i fond to write scripts for video games which i already did to some extent in some open source games which are average in sucess.
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Re: Motivation

Post by WorldlyWiseman »

Motivation is a tough one for me. I didn't really learn it as a kid and have had to begin teaching myself as an adult.

Novelty is a big one with me. If I'm learning something new I can feel a bit better about myself, even if I'm not making any real progress. This can backfire on me when the internet is involved, since the amount of 'new' content to explore with little mastery required is pretty much infinite. A new webcomic or a series of science lectures is easier to pick up because all I have to do is click the 'next' button, whereas learning the guitar means buying a guitar and putting up with myself while I'm terrible at it.

Shame is, unfortunately, another big one for me. If I get embarrassed about being bad at something I either: a) push myself much harder to avoid the negative consequences, or b) I work to mitigate the negative consequences in the future. It's kind of a crapshoot. I learn about health and keep myself trim because I hate being fat, but I will likely never learn about the insides of my car because there is no shame in getting repairs from someone who knows what they are doing.

Happiness/future happiness is the most difficult one for me. I have this terrible apathy for the future, and I have become resigned to the idea that I will never be 'happy' in the conventional sense. All I can strive for is to find something that I can feel okay obsessing about.

So there you go. I am wandering but not yet lost.
Hanako's favorite joke is The Aristocrats, but she never tells it because Lilly finds it really offensive. Instead, she practices her delivery in front of a mirror when she's alone. It's the only time she never stammers.
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Re: Motivation

Post by Nicendeth »

Helbereth wrote:Honestly, feedback is what motivates me.

Whether it be drawing, writing, conversing, playing a video game or anything else, I do it for feedback - discourse.

As far back as elementary school, I've always been motivated by the assent or dissent of my peers. Throughout my 31 years, I've always hungered for someone to look at, read or otherwise notice what I was doing and offer comments. Unfortunately, I still don't quite know why that is, but the fact remains.

Lately, I've been able to get a lot of feedback -constructive criticism- by writing and posting various stories on the fan-fiction forum. What motivated me to continue has always been and remains the comments and feedback -positive and negative- about what I've written.
I definitely agree, and my motivation comes from a similar desire, but mine's more along the lines of experimenting and attempting to get certain feedback, and not just from people, but from creating things in the world in general.

As naive and oversimplifying as it is, I treat life like a game; Everything and everyone acts in a peculiar fashion, and I love being able to bring out certain reactions in people. Even more I love being able to tell what they are before the person reacts. Gives me confidence in my understanding of the world and by extent my chances at understanding any of what I do.
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Re: Motivation

Post by yassodude »

My motivation is shallow , but I got it from KS and I'm going to utilize it :
I am overweight , not obese but overweight enough that it's the first thing people notice about me , but not overweight enough to keep (my bros) from being friends .. girls are another matter though.
After playing KS shoujo I realized that for 3 years I have put a barrier around myself , I told myself that I don't need to lost weight just to please other people , and I already had a girlfriend (ex now) so that made it much harder to get motivated enough to lost weight. Funny thing is : I broke up with my girlfriend only days before playing KS , and since she has alot in common with Emi , that made the feels much much much worse. BUT after finishing KS (2 routes only) I realized that the fact that I am overweight caused me to blame my lack of female friends to that aspect , and not to the fact that I myself am not friendly with them , perhaps for fear of being ridiculed or sth (remember how Hisao was paranoid that Emi is playing a prank on him at first ?) So that in turn got me motivated to lost weight , I hope I can lost a good amount of weight while I still got the feels (cause they're not 100% bad) and hope I can keep that motivation hopefully forever . I did this especially because although you won't find real romance with a girl that only likes you because of your body , but society seems to value physical appearance more than anything , so even a kind non-judgemental girl will hardly give you the attention that will make her like you unless you are "socially acceptable" on the outside ... P.S : I'm not that fat , I think I look like Seth Rogen (people tell me I'm a bit skinnier but people tend to compliment)

TL;DR : Motivated to lose my weight to increase my chances of finding girls at least half as good as the ones in KS .. (Lilly :'( )
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Re: Motivation

Post by Zezin »

yassodude wrote:TL;DR : Motivated to lose my weight to increase my chances of finding girls at least half as good as the ones in KS .. (Lilly :'( )
Wow... just... wow. I'm not sure why but comparing this and your thread about dealing with the depression. You're just that kind of person that makes me want to hit my head on the wall.
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Re: Motivation

Post by DrNonookee »

Some brief thoughts on some of the typical motivating factors behind my behavior...

HAPPINESS: The big one. I like being happy - I do things that make me happy, which in my case means plenty of geeky things like cartoons and video games and toys and such. However, I also like making other people happy, especially people I care about - it's just about the only thing I've exer experienced that gives me any real sense of accomplishment/satisfaction/pride. I do something for myself? Eh, no biggie. I do something nice for someone I know and she gets a huge grin on her face and gives me a big hug? I feel like the most special guy in the world. :oops:

As an extension of this, I dislike seeing people I know unhappy, and I absolutely *despise* mean people - those who would cause *un*happiness out of some warped sense of sadism. Which leads us to...

VENGEANCE: I am a strong believer in the concept of karma - that good things should happen to good people, and that bad things should happen to bad people. I am vengeful; if someone wrongs me or a friend of mine, I want them to suffer an appropriate karmic payback. With any luck, it will get them to reconsider their behavior...or, failing that, it will at least discourage them from being assholes out of fear of karmic reprisal. :P

JUSTICE: Everybody gets treated fairly - no exceptions. If I *do* feel the need to retaliate against someone, it's always done in measure with their own behavior. I forgive easily, but only if I feel the person is being sincere in their apology and is genuinely sorry. I give everyone a fair chance - if a plain-looking girl asks me out on a date, and then a much cuter girl asks me out on the same night, I'm going to turn her down so that the plain girl has her fair chance to win me over.

NECESSITY: Some stuff just *needs* to be done - keystone actions, without which everything else falls apart. I work because I need money to survive. I don't *dislike* my job, but I don't get any sense of great enjoyment out of it either - if I win the lottery and get rich some day, the first thing I'll do is quit my job and never work another day in my life. ;) I *hate* washing dishes, dusting, taking out the trash, etc., but if these things don't get done then I end up wallowing in filth, so I grit my teeth and get them over with. Grim determination.
You know how people take up running because of Emi? Yeah...I don't do that. But what I did instead is consider how I've neglected taking care of my body in that physical regard, do a careful lookup of how I could stay fit in ways that are much more personally acceptable to me - and then I kept doing it regularly for the past 2 months, never missing a term so far. And it works. So I don't try to imitate Emi by running every day. Instead I take care of my body in my own way, because Emi reminded me that it's an important part of my life.
Heh. I wound up the same way, sort of. I initially started out trying to exercise, under the impression that my couch potato lifestyle would make it difficult-to-impossible for me to lose weight and that the next best thing would be to increase my physical strength and cardio to better compensate for being a fatass. :shock: But then, after reading a fitness book and learning a lot of good info on healthy, effective dieting, I tried that instead - and to my shock, it seems to be working. I've stopped with the intensive exercise for now and am instead focusing on maintaining my diet; my plan is to lose as much weight as I can before I start back with the workouts, since the more weight I lose, the easier it will be to work out without overexerting myself.
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Charlotte Donnay - Hyperion server. Look me up sometime!
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