The "thank you 4LS" thread.

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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Surreal-mind »

Thank you for this beautiful piece of art.
You should really feel proud of yourselves.
Not only is Katawa Shoujo ultra awesome, but it has also changed the lives of many persons in really positive ways.
Thank you!
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Softclocks »

Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories with the world.

You've touched my heart.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Tununias »

Thank you 4LS for making Katawa Shoujo. I would say conservatively on today's market, it would be sold for around ¥4000.

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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Artolomei »

Thank you for this beautiful story. I don't know what I expected while I dowloaded this, but I would have been underprepared at best for the great tale I have read through this evening. I will not be comming back, just made an account to give my heart felt thanks.

However, I would also like to provide the context for understanding how I am appreciative beyond my vocabulary. When I was hurt in the military I did not know that it would be years of my life ruined and wasted. Before being hurt, I had a wife, a best friend, a house, a...well...a lot that was entirely lost within two years of the onset. I suffered from chronic migraines that seemed to be caused by nothing and cured by nothing. Bed ridden 90% of the time fetal position and smelling like vommit for the rest. Sometimes, I was even able to sleep. I am only alive to write this due to the difficulty of finding a vein in the dark with a broken ball point pen. But I am here, my scars across my body are mostly faded. I've found a way to cope with it and function near normal most days up until a month ago. New therapy, new doctor, new lease. It's slow but I'm becoming the person I had missed. Darker but welcome. I don't have to lie so much any more.

Why the context? Hanako. Well her and Hisao. The story was close enough to my recent attempt at love that I'm up hours after bedtime to tell you thank you. Thank you for either your good instinct, insight, research, and/or human empathy. It may seem like a neat story to some but I can tell you from my personal experience that a lot of what was said was beautiful in it's faithful recreation in my opinion, in my experience.

I thank you not only for the time you guys have obviously taken but also for the reminder that that life is no longer mine. You've given a refreshing inward reflection to me on more things than I feel right to waste your time with. I'm happy to have found this tale when I'm at a point where I can enjoy your story for the heart in it, and not break...but instead smile happy tears. One story down, more to go.

Thank you again and again and again.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Xden »

I'd like to add my thank you to everyone who worked so hard on this game. It's an incredibly inspiring, beautiful set of stories that have really done a lot for me. You're work is greatly appreciated. I would've paid more than full price for this game. I also admire the spirit of the work itself. A great, indie storytelling experience stretched over years of dedication. Very well done. ♥
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by ProfAllister »

Well, I guess it's my turn...

I had known about KS for a while, but didn't really give it much beyond a second thought. I figured it was an interesting idea, and might be worth looking into, but it was just a project at that point, and I've been pretty jaded about ongoing projects. I tend to assume they'll be left uncompleted.

Some time later, I was directed toward Katawa Crash. I always had more enjoyment with Nanaca Crash than was ever deserved, so I gave it a spin. It was silly, and fun, put KS back on the radar, but still hadn't brought myself to care.

In January, I heard the project was completed, thought "that's pretty cool" and went ahead and downloaded it. Not a huge deal. I have tons of odd, interesting, or just weird games downloaded, most of which I've never touched. Figured I'd shove it away for a rainy day when I got bored.

Fast forward to June 10. I was depressed, frustrated, and suffering from insomnia. It had been a bad month. Wasting time surfing through random stuff, I figured I'd grab one of those games I'd downloaded and give it a spin. Figured KS was as good as anything.

5 minutes in, I was hooked. Something about it just grabbed me. I drifted through the chat options, choosing as I felt was most natural.(I hadn't played the demo, so it was all new.) I had a bit of a crappy mouse, with a tendency to double click. That accidentally got me into Emi's route. In fairness, I was likely headed toward a manly picnic otherwise. I played through the night, ended up with the non-saving throw good ending, but it was around 5 AM, so I crawled into bed. As I normally get up for work at 5:15, I figured I'd have to call in sick, since I was exhausted. Slept until noon, then got back on and explored the other choices on Emi's path. Then I decided to start again and see what I could do. Ended up stumbling toward Rin's path, by choosing options I hadn't chosen the first time. Decided to consciously see what happened if you didn't choose a girl, with the well-known result. Then I started Rin's path. As you all can expect, it tore me up. A lot. Ended up staying up all night with Rin, as I couldn't stop thinking of KS, and couldn't sleep. Explored the different endings, and I thought I had explored all the choices, but, seeing as this was Rin's route, I missed a few choices that don't result in scene changes. Then I moved on to Shizune's route. By this time, I decided I needed to shape up, and actually went to sleep, and then work. Picked back up on the game after work, and was managing my consumption, but it still wouldn't leave me alone. After Shizune, it was Hanako, then Lilly, over the course of a couple weeks. By then, I had already joined this lunatic asylum, and here we are a month later.

Now what did it do for me, besides eat up all my sick time? (the insomnia was real, even though it did serve as an excuse for KS) I found this community, and there's many reasons to be glad for this. I started looking around and saw how KS has changed others. And I've gotten a better look at myself, to see again what problems need to be fixed, but KS has also been a source of motivation to really do something about it.

On an internal level, it's reminded me of the joy I find in making things, and in completing projects. I dismiss projects in large part because assuming they'll fail makes it easier to excuse all my half-finished works.
It also got me to start thinking about other people and paying attention to them - to care what's really going on. I was never really a misanthrope or anything, but I was reminded how much everyone deserves to be loved and appreciated. Even the assholes. Especially the assholes.

In the end, I've had a pretty easy life, and other experiences have generally pushed me to get my life together even before I had heard of KS. But KS reminds me to do my best to make it a life worth living.

So, as I've said before, thank you, 4LS. You may have no idea where you went right in your cripple porn game, but you did something miraculously, fantastically right.
Current Project: Misha Pseudo-Route

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Too everyone involved in making Katawa Shoujo

Post by Ryolitt »

You have my eternal thanks.

High praise !

Post by Guest »

Just wanted to leave my own "thank you" for the developers. Found out about the game through the You Can Play This review JewWario did recently. He did such a good job getting his point across that I had to see for myself. Well, 35 or so hours of play-throughs later and I find what he said not only accurate but spot-on! Never played anything of the sort but I kind of feel that the bar was set so high with Katawa Shoujo that it might be pointless to try. The writing was excellent, characters fleshed out perfectly. Never found myself getting into a book or game quite like I did this one...almost addicted to finding out what happens on the next characters story arc.
Considering the background subject I completely applaud how they handled it so tastefully.

Aside from the artwork & story....the music for the game was flat out amazing! I have a number of the songs stuck in my head for days now. For an effort put together over this time frame with all of the difficulties they overcame along the way it's truly baffling to me how this turned out nearly perfect.
Thank you guys again for a job well done and also making the game free to download....sad to hear this will be the only release but I can understand how hard it would be to top what you accomplished !!
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by ShinigamiKenji »

More than one month here, and I forgot to do what I really wanted after I finished Katawa Shoujo. I'm dumb as hell. Luckily, found this thread that reminded me of this. And, even though I really wanted to write something cool, and am too lazy to read the posts before, I know from the last 2 pages that everything I could write to thak you all was written better there.

Maybe the only thing different is how I could relate to the game. Hope it's enough to tell what impact this masterpiece had.

I used to be cynical about everything around me. College work was brainwashing me. I thought my life would be just finishing college and getting to work in some company, and that was all. Hang around with some friends, work, buy something nice every once in a while, eventually finding a girl. Yeah, a somewhat hollow life.

Then I played it. And it shook the foundations of my mind. I've thought about how I've been dragging my life, without motivation. I resent now some choices I made, but Lilly taught me not to worry about my past, but see the future, and that it involves other people. Emi taught me not to deny help from these people. Hanako taught me not to give up because of my flaws, and we can always be the better person. Shizune taught me to take responsibility in my hands when it's needed, and to carry it with determination. Rin taught me that we are not alone, even though no one seems to really know us, and you should be yourself and do things you can't do because you can. And above all, KS in general taught me that there isn't that person who will appear in your life and solve all our emotional problems; it's up to us to find true happiness, changing and choosing on our own.

The messages have not faded since I played the game. And this is the only piece of fiction that achieved it. I'm truly willing to change my life and mind for the better. KS helped me to find a motivation. For this, thank you, Four Leaf Studios.
Xanatos wrote:Shinigami...Kenji. Oh, you poor guy. You have my sympathies. :lol: But at least with you around, our supple Japanese women won't be raped by lesbians. :mrgreen: ...Actually, that'd be pretty hot

Avatar made by OtakuNinja. Yeah, it would be pretty badass if it happened, don't you think?

I bow to you 4LS

Post by Keyalhar »

As a little head notice. Katawa Shoujo is my first VN, altho i had played some games which most likley fall into the category or an Eroge. Only i really can remember is a game called True Love which i really enjoyed simply because the main drive for the game where not the sex scenes ( which might sound odd considering i played eroges) per se but the story behind the characters. I like the fact that there is erotic ( read not pornographic ) content in such games as well as not beeing to overly soft in language terms like swearing and stuff. I like storys that have a realistic or lets say plausible feeling and humans do swear sometimes no matter how much composure they have.

I heard from the game merly out of pure luck when i was actually googling for novels ( as in written ones ) which people recommend. I got cuirous why so many people recommended a Visual Novel ( which i wasnt sort of aware that they exist ). I tried it and i was BLOWN AWAY.

MY first route was Emi which was ok i liked the story altho it lacked a bit.
then came Shizune and i was BLOWN AWAY the first time. I havent read such good material in a while. While i heard many critical voices that she is a maniac and a control freak and all that i felt completly different. It fit the whole picture of her it was just on the spot and whenever her weak side came out i felt i have to protect her.

But that got fastly forgotten when i played the third route ( in only 2 days rl i might add ), which was lilly.
After i played her route i sat there and cried. Im normally not that kinda guy that cries lightly but the moment i got the good ending and the moments that lead to it i just had to. The writing the whole setup deserved it.

So i actually just post to tell 4LS that i thank you guys for the wonderful expierience KS is ( now i started the Rin path ). For something that is free is made by non professionals you guys pulled of something that moved me more than most AAA price tagged games/movies/books could do and i congratulate you for that and bow in awe.

Altho i know that the team is loose drawn and fluctuated a lot i hope that more sprungs up from this. When i am trough with Rin and Hanako i just need more in the same vein and just ordered shuffle out of recommendations, fearing that it cant feel the same as KS at least the bar is set very very high.

With best wishes and kind regards
Ellesarath Moonsnow

Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Ellesarath Moonsnow »

It is thought provoking, heartwarming, interesting and the list goes on. I think this game is one of the greatest stories of all time, not because it tells an epic adventure or because it has unexpected twists - no it is simply because it gets under your skin and makes you imagine. So this is me saying thanks for a great game, it helped me stay positive last winter and ever since I can't help but go sprinting whenever I can.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by ojamamask »

Thank you for making this VN. I am going to write a review for KS as part of my summer homework.

Seriously, this has made me think over a lot of things about my life and I'm trying to change myself for the better. This probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for reading KS so thank you.
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Post by Ratatox »

Hey gaiz! I actually just recently started playing the game although I've heard about it for a while. I'm not going to give a full in-depth review but I'll give my short opinions.

I start the game feeling kind of strange playing it, considering it's about disabled people and I've kind of had that feeling when I looked at them. You know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I decide to start off going my own pathway (secretly hoping that I get with Hanako) but I actually end up with Emi path. I found Hanako hot, didn't give a shit about her burns. She was hot. Emi, kind of freaked me out since she didn't have legs.. BUT, she was EXTREMELY cute; I'll give ya that. After going a little in, I actually started to like her more than I did at first. I thought she was a bitch honestly. She still is; but that doesn't change the fact that I do like her. As the story progressed, I started to get really into Visual Novels as I usually do, but this one had me stuck on it. I played non-stop for 5-6 hours until I finally completed my first playthrough. I just finished my second playthrough, going through the Hanako path, and that ending almost killed me. I was so happy and so sad.

Now that I'm done to that, lets get to the aftermath.
I LOVED this game. By far my favorite visual novel I've played so far. I had times where I had cried because it made me think of some of my currently relationship problems, and also had times where it made me so happy. One of the things I like so much, is the fact that this game was pretty much made on 4chan in a way. I go to 4chan daily, so once again I'm thanking my 4chan friends for this. You actually made me change my opinions about disabled people to, so that's a big thank you too. I'm sure you get it all the time though, really. I honestly don't think I've ever thought about having sex with a disabled chick, but it really didn't seem to bad. I guess looks really don't matter, 'eh?

Now that I'm done with that, when's the second game Four Leaf Studios is going to release coming out? LOL. I heard you guys weren't planning on releasing another game, but I highly suggest that you do. I would for damn sure pay money for it. And if it's Katawa Shoujo 2, you've got me. I also had ideas; like bringing a new character to the same school and make him close to Hisao's room. Also make it so you can get with the other girls in the different classes, like Miki (who is extremely fucking cute) or Misha.

Anyways, I've probably wrote too much (I've actually wrote more than I was planning on.) But that just goes to show that I really did LOVE this game. And a big thank you for making it, and even making it free.

Thanks again, and keep being awesome.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by ultraman »

Hi all.

'Til now I played only Hanako route, but I loved it so I need to thank you for this game... really.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Mader Levap »

No crying IRL, no epiphanies, no changes in life, nothing earthshattering like that.

Just a damn good, touching, immersing game that caused me to go to sleep at 4 a.m. more than once. It is one of those rare things that defeats Sturgeon's Law, spit on it, set on fire, shoot into space, evisecrate and finally feed to dogs.

Nothing more is needed to say except one last word.

Image Proud member of Polish Route - group that translated Katawa Shoujo to Polish. Full translation released!
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