Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.


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Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by MikeNight »

I started this right after KS came out and I had finished it. I thought it would be a fun exercise to continue building on the characters of Lilly, Hanako and Hisao. What is here is about three weeks of on and off work. I have been sitting on it for months. I had an artist interested in doing Sprite work but we both got busy and things cooled off. I was looking through my computer when I saw the script and thought I might as well post it here so it can at least see the light of day. It's not finished, probably about half way through. I did have the rest of the plot points in mind and know exactly how I want it to end, but with being away from it for so long and being busy with work, i'm not sure if I will ever get around to it. The last part may read a bit rushed because I never got around to finalizing it. Also, many typos throughout as it is un finished.

I you are interested in reading it in it's original script format check out my drop box link and download the HTML file.

Airport lobby

I'm feeling a mix of emotions right now. Excited, anxious, with a little bit of nervousness thrown in for good measure. I'm sure it's only natural right? Here I am, a foreigner in a new land, going to meet with strangers whom I desperately want to impress. Making a first impression has never seemed so important. Maybe I'm over thinking this a little.


"Hisao, are you feeling well? You have been unusually quite this whole trip?"


"Ahh yeah, I'm fine thanks. Just thinking I guess."


"If it's about your English I wouldn't worry. Your pronunciation is coming along very well I must say."


"It helps when you have a good teacher."

Her smile has always had a calming effect on me.


"So... how far a ride is it from here?"


"Around 45 minuets or so. You seem very anxious. Just be yourself."

I let out a nervous chuckle. It's times like these I take some comfort in knowing that she can't see my flustered face. Just be myself, sounds easy enough.


"Right, got it."


You do sound cute when you worry like this though. You are a part of my life now, Hisao. My parents know how I feel about you. I know my Mother has been looking forward to meeting you since we first talked about the idea of you accompanying me here.

That eases my mind a bit more.


"What about your Father?"


"Hi guys... here Hisao."

Hanako hands me an orange soda before Lilly can formulate an answer.




"They um, didn't have ice tea. So I got you an orange soda. I hope that's okay."

Hanako lowers the soda gently into Lilly's outstretched hand, looking all too earnestly sorry for not being able to find her ice tea.


"Don't worry, this will be just fine Hanako. Thank you."


"okay... you're welcome."

Traveling on a plane and going off alone in a crowded airport to get us drinks would of been something I never thought possible of Hanako when I first met her. It's amazing to think just how far she's come, even though the soft drink machine was just around the corner.


"So how was your first plane ride Hanako?"


"It was kind of scary at first..."

I can still remember the uneasy look on Hanoko's face when the flight attendant was running through the process of what to do in case of an emergency.


"But once we got in the air... t-the clouds looked really pretty."


"Did the gum help much?"


"Y-Yeah, I think so. Naomi told me it would help too."


"You are becoming quite the traveler, Hanako."

A small giggle escapes Hanako at Lilly's remark.


"I-I'm just happy you invited me to come."


"It just wouldn't be a party without you."

Another giggle from Hanako eases my anxiety a little. As Lilly picks up the conversation with Hanako I zone out, letting my eyes wander around the airport. People are still picking up luggage from the conveyor belt as it goes round, some waiting patiently to get their belongings so they can get on with their trip. One particular passenger catches my eye as stacks of suit cases seem to pile up around him without an end in sight. The women he's traveling with stands idly playing with her phone, seeming to get more and more impatient.

(phone rings)

My thought process of trying to figure out just how they were even allowed this much luggage on the plane is interrupted by Lilly's cell phone.


"No, we will meet you outside, that is fine. Bye."

Lilly begins to stand as me and Hanako follow suit.


"That was the driver, he is outside at the south exit ready to pick us up."


"I-umm... which way is that?"


"I think I know which way."

I recall seeing the south exit sign on the way to luggage pick up. This realization gives me pause, as it goes against my usual directionally challenged self. I pick up my bag and insist on taking Lilly's as well. Hanako nudges beside her allowing Lilly to place a hand on her shoulder.

Outside airport

A sense of relief spreads over me as I see the exit. My stomach started to sink when I realized we were inching closer to a dead end with only rest rooms in sight. Then as I turned my head the south exit sign appeared like a miracle from above. The setting sun greets us as we step through the sliding doors, a sea of taxi cabs lining the street.


"Lilly, we're here. Do you know-"

Before I can finish my sentence a well dressed man with sunglasses introduces himself and explains that he will be driving us to the Satou residence. He begins to take our luggage and put it in the trunk of the long black sedan.


"Ladies first."

I open the back door taking Lilly by the hand and guiding her in as best I can. The car looks pristine, and as I begin to help her in the smell of leather invades my senses. It's not an unpleasant one, but the strength of it tells me the car is fairly new. The interior is also very roomy, with two rows of seats facing each other. It's more like a small limo now that I think about it.


"What a gentlemen."

Hanako smiles at me as I let her get in next.

Inside the black sedan

Once we make it out of the hustle and bustle of the airport the driver takes us through a series of winding roads. I can't make out much of the landscape due to the heavy tinted windows, combined with the increasingly darkening sky. The one thing I can clearly pick up on is the crashing of the waves over the hum of the cars engine.


"The sound of the waves is soothing, don't you think, Hisao?"

She must still be worried about my nerves.


"Ahh, yeah, it is. I look forward to getting out on the beach"


"You sound just like Akria. That's her favorite aspect of the home."

Hanako shifts in her seat, her curiosity peaked.


"I-is... Akria going to be there too?"


"She might be. Her new position has her very busy so I'm not sure if she will be able to get away."


"Oh... I hope she will be. It would be nice to see her again."


"Yeah, I would like to see her again too. I just hope she leaves the wine at home this time."


"Oh I don't know, it wasn't so bad before now was it?"

A devilish smirk spreads across Lilly's face.


"I don't know if Hanako would agree with that."


"Um... I-I don't mind"


"Look what you're doing to our innocent Hanako, Lilly, you should be ashamed!"

Lilly lets out a playful laugh while Hanako turns her gaze to her feet trying not to giggle. From what I remember of Hanako's birthday party she was passed out before long and I was the one breaking curfew making sure she and Lilly got tucked in for the night. Maybe it wasn't all bad...

Inside the black sedan

As the car slows down I can hear the sound of gates opening to let us through. I had known Lilly was well off but it really wasn't something I gave much thought to. She's always had an aura of high class sophistication, the way she talks and presents herself, but none of the snobbish qualities I had always assumed rich people to have. As we come to a full stop I can hear the front door open and close. We must be here.

Outside the satou residence

As I step outside I glance up at the moonlit sky, full of twinkling stars greeting me in this new land. The breeze is fresh and cool, reminding me of our proximity to the sea. I set my gaze on the 'Satou residence' as the driver so aptly put it. I think the Satou estate would make for a better description. I can make out the basic shape of the house, but it's still hard to place exactly how big it is. I forget Lilly and Hanako are still in the car as I turn quickly trying to make up for my memory lapse.




"Yeah I'm here, sorry. I just got a bit caught up in the surroundings."


"Ah. What do you think of Scotland so far?"

It's hard for me to answer as I haven't really seen much of it yet. On the plane ride over the landscape seemed full of rolling green hills with farms scattered about, offset by densely packed city centers here and there.


"I like it so far."


"I-its, kind of relaxing."


"I agree."

Lilly closes her eyes and takes a deep breathe, enjoying the fresh crisp air. Hanako is right, but there's still some nagging anxiety in the back of my head that takes away from the tranquil environment that surrounds us. I pick up my luggage as the driver takes Lilly's and Hanako's. We start to make our way to the entrance of the mansion. Hanako gets close to Lilly allowing her long slender fingers to gently pinch the side of her coat. Her other hand grasping her cane, lightly tapping along the interlocking brick that makes up the driveway.

Inside the Satou residence

Once inside the driver turns on the lights illuminating the grand entrance hall. Compared to the rustic stone exterior the inside seems very modern in design. Hardwood floors and expensive looking paintings adorn the walls. I wonder where Lilly's parents are as I assumed they would of been waiting to greet us.


"Wow... this is quite a home."


"Hmmm... is anyone else here Hisao?"


"No, it's just us as far as I can tell."

Lilly furrows her brow in thought, and then switches to English, asking the driver about the whereabouts of her parents. He explains that they will be arriving tomorrow, the reason why I can't quite make out. Something to do with business I think. The whole thing sounds a little strange. I look intently at Lilly's face trying to gain some insight into the situation.


"It appears that my parents will be arriving tomorrow morning."


"Is everything okay?"

She takes a moment to formulate her response, taking care with how she answers.


"Yes, they are fine."

I was worrying more about her.


"My Father has been working longer hours than normal lately, trying to finalize an important business deal. My Mother has been accompanying him to the city and they just feel it's better to spend the night there then make the late trip back home."

Lilly lets out a low sigh, returning back into thought.


"It's for the best really, not much we could do this late anyway. I'm pretty tired from the plane ride also."

I can't tell if my words are giving her any comfort.


"I suppose that's true. The trip here has tired me more then I anticipated. How do you feel Hanako?"


"M-mhm... me too."

I grab Lilly's hand, giving it a gently squeeze breaking her out of deep thought.


"Well I guess we should all get some rest then, wouldn't want to sleep the day away tomorrow."

A faint smile crosses her lips. As I start to let go of her hand to grab my luggage she squeezes it back.



She grabs my wrist gently, inviting me forward, placing her delicate pale fingers on the side of my face. She moves forward and places her lips softly on my cheek.


"Thank you for coming."

She whispers it ever so faintly, her fingers easing away as she steps back. I can see a smirk on the drivers face as I try to regain my composer. I say goodnight to Lilly and Hanako as I am lead to my room. I thank him as I enter the room and close the door. I collapse on the bed, letting out a long sigh as exhaustion creeps into my muscles. Now the real vacation begins.

Morning in the guest bedroom

I woke up earlier than I expected, with a million things on my mind. I was happy to find that my room had it's own bathroom as I showered and shaved, something I only started to do recently. As I dig around in my luggage contemplating what to wear for the day I stumble across my medication. The pill bottles, a constant reminder of my own mortality. A little morbid I suppose, but how else should I look at them? Thankfully I haven't had any serious incidents since the last time I tried to go after Lilly. I think back to that day often, feeling helpless and alone in that hospital bed. The irony of Lilly being the one coming to console me, when that's all I ever wanted to do for her. I have to take care of myself, seeing her worrying so much over me was crushing. I never want that to happen again. I gulp down my penance with a glass of water as I look out the window.

(Knock knock)

I turn to hear Hanako's voice outside my door.


"H-Hello? Hisao are you awake? L-Lilly sent me to check on you."


"I'll be right out Hanako, thanks for checking up on me."


"O-okay... I didn't mean to wake you, we'll be downstairs-"

I open the door surprising Hanako and feeling entirely awful about it in the process.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that, are you okay?"


"U-umm... yeah, it's just that I didn't expect you to be ready so fast."


"Well yeah... I've been up for a little while so don't worry, you didn't wake me."

Hanako's expression quickly changes to a more worried one.


"Y-you didn't sleep well, Hisao?"


"Oh it's not that. I just got up early, I had a lot on my mind I guess."

Wanting to get off the subject, I quickly reverse her question.


"How about you? Did you sleep well?"


"Umm, yeah... Lilly and I stayed in the same room... it was really big."

She says it in such a matter of fact manner that it makes me smile. It doesn't surprise me though, as my single guest room had it's own bathroom and veranda. I can only imagine what Lilly's parents room must look like.


"How are you liking it here so far, Hanako?"


"So far... I like how quiet it is. Lilly took me to the backyard, it looks out onto the water. It's really pretty... I like it here."

She really does seem at peace here, it makes me happy for her.


"We should go sight seeing today. Maybe go to the beach or something?"

Hanako's eyes dart down at my suggestion.


"Mhm... maybe... Oh we should get going. Lilly sent me to get you for breakfast... her parents are here."

The time has come, I'm ready for this... I think.

Dining room

As we enter the dinning room I see only Lilly seated at the table, full of an assortment of breakfast foods.


"Hey, Lilly, sleep well?"


"Oh Hisao, I thought you would of taken longer to get ready."

Geez, I need to change my sleeping habits.


"T-thats what I thought, but he was ready to go when I knocked on his door."


"Okay I get it, I like to sleep in."

They both share a giggle at my expense. Not that it stings... much.


"Are you two still standing there? Please, come take a seat."

I take a seat across from Lilly and Hanako sits beside her. I thought Hanako had mentioned something about Lilly's parents, but I still don't see any sign of them. This food smells so good though, reminding me of the pangs of hunger in my stomach.


"Lilly, this looks delicious. Did you and Hanako make all of it?"


"No. we had nothing to do with it actually."

Before I can fully process Lilly's remark another women enters the room with a tray of drinks in her hand. It must be Lilly's Mother. She looks so much like her, except for the shorter hair they share much of the same facial features. Her eyes the exact same shade of blue. She looks distinguished and regal but doesn't seem to carry herself with the same sophistication as Lilly, opting for a more natural walk like Akria.

Mrs. satou

"Oh, I see are guests have arrived! I'm sorry Lilly said I would have a bit longer, but I guess she misjudged your enthusiasm!"

She speaks in English yet, I can pick up all her words. Her accent is a little strange, but I'm sure you could say the same about my English.


"H-hello, Mrs. Satou."

I get it out with a bit of effort. I can feel my ears heating up. Don't over think this... I continue with what English Lilly has taught me.


"I am Hisao Nakai. It is a plea-sure to meet you. Thank you for welcoming me into your home."

I bow my head in a sign of respect, and to also break eye contact so I can try and regain my composure.


"Oh my Lilly... You really have brought home a gentlemen haven't you?"

I am taken a back by what she says. The playful context of it makes me feel better but more to the point, she responded to me in Japanese. I look up from my bow to see all three girls smiling at me. I feel like I have something stuck on my face.


"Y-you speak Japanese Mrs. Satou?"

She let's out a laugh.


"Now Hsiao, you're not the only one who has tried to learn another language to try and impress their significant others family."

That's right, Lilly Father is originally from Japan after all.


"I'm sorry if my Japanese is a little rusty, as I really only have course to use it with Taro's family. But this does give me an excuse to brush up."

This is the kind of surprise I welcome. I was already high strung enough without trying not to trip over my words in English.


"You're Japanese is very good Mrs. Satou."


"Well thank you for saying so, Hisao. Please, call me Fiona."

I nod my head and smile as a wave calm sweeps over me.


"Mother, this is no fun! How will he ever learn if he has no use for it?"

My eyes dart to Lilly.


"Why did you let me get all worked up?"


"You seemed so intent on learning English that I didn't want to discourage you, Hisao. It was also good teaching practice for me."

A playful smirk crosses Lilly's face. She does want to become an English teacher after all, but this whole thing makes me think a little differently of her... in a good way, I have to remember to get her back.


"I think it's an admirable thing, trying to learn another language to impress your girlfriends parents. We can change back to English if you like?"

Lilly does have a point, I should give English more of a try since I went out of my way to try and learn it. But Hanako is also sitting at the table with us, so I wouldn't want her to feel left out.


"Japanese is fine for now, maybe later we can switch things up."

Lilly lets out a forced sigh and puts on her best pouty face. I smile at Hanako who returns her own smirk with a giggle.


"Please everyone help yourselves before the food starts to get cold."

(Fade in and out)

I feel a little embarrassed by how much I ate. I can tell who Lilly learned her cooking skills from. I wonder why Akira never picked it up. Maybe she wanted Lilly to have her own thing, or maybe she was honestly just bad at it. A silence has fallen over the room, but it's not an awkward one. More like the one after a big meal where everyone is trying not go into a food coma. At least that's how I feel. I look over at Hanako's empty seat, having excused herself to go to the bathroom. Lilly's eyes are closed looking like she's deep in thought, her brow furrowed like she's grappling with what to say.


"Where is Father?"

The question that has been on my mind also.


"I take it still in the city, trying to finalize some important business deal?"

Her words come out cold and accusing... Now this is an awkward silence...


"I know how this must feel dear, but he doesn't have much choice in the matter. He was trying to-"


"I'm tired of hearing you making excuses for him Mother!"

Lilly's outburst is primal and full of emotion. I have never seen her like this before.



Her Mother seems hurt by the outburst, as if Lilly's words had physically cut her.


"Do not make it sound as if this is just the way it has to be! He is not being held there at gun point, he has a choice in the matter!"

Lilly now seems to realize just how angry she is becoming and takes a moment, trying to get a handle on her emotions. I want to do something but feel it's best to let her emotions run their course. Her Mother seems to share my feelings, not wanting to interrupt.


"And... it seems as if he always chooses his work... over his family."

She utters the words calmly, almost to herself, as if finally understanding something. If Akira was the one doing this I wouldn't be as surprised, she's had no problem in the past venting about her parents... But Lilly, she's always seemed so understanding of the situation. Like she understood it from a different angle, making her seem wise beyond her years... I guess everyone has their breaking point.


"Lilly! Don't think like that. He loves you and Akira both dearly!"

Her Mother's words come out defensively, more like a quick reaction to the surprisingly forward comments from Lilly. I don't blame her, I wouldn't know how to respond either.


"I am sorry you had to hear this, Hisao... It is not something you should have to concern yourself with."

Her comments indicate that she's done with the one sided conversation between her and her Mother. I don't want her to think that she can't depend on me. This is very much a family matter, but me and Lilly are together now. I want to be there for her no matter what the problem is.


"Ummm... H-Hello, I'm back."

Hanako's return cuts off my attempt at trying to comfort Lilly. As I look at Hanako I wonder just how long she's been there. She's never appeared to be the type to eavesdrop, so I take it that she's just gotten back. Non the wiser to the raw emotions that have come out in her absence.


"I-Is... everything... alright?"

Anyone walking into the room unaware of what has transpired could still cut the tension in the air with a knife. I'm sure our faces don't exactly hide it either.


"Everything is fine, Hanako."

Lilly stands up from the table doing a remarkably good job at looking like nothing is wrong.


"Why don't we go to the backyard Hanako, it seems like such a nice day out."

She speaks in her normal tone. Maybe she is over it, having got everything she wanted out on the table.




"Lilly, please."


"I am sorry Mother... I don't want this to effect the rest of our time here. I was directing my anger at the wrong person."

She really has a knack for talking so calmly about matters that would easily make another trip over their words. I need to get some alone time with her and see how she's really feeling.


"Why don't we all go outside and get some fresh air."

I walk over behind Lilly and place my hands gently on her shoulders, trying my best to rub them reassuringly.


"Yes... Mother are you coming? you must show them Akira's favorite diving spot."


Of course I will, Lilly.

I'm glad that everyone seems more relaxed, even if it's just a show. Thank God Hanako came when she did.


"I just have to clean up and I'll be right out."


"Oh, well what kind of a guest would I be if I ate and ran, I'll help you clean up."


"Thank you, but that's really not necessary, Hisao."


"Non sense. The faster we can get this all cleaned up, the faster we can all enjoy ourselves, right?"


"My my, you are persistent."


"How do you think I got your daughter to go out with me? I assure you it wasn't all due to my good looks and dashing charm."



My off hand comment seems to catch Lilly off guard making her blush. Her Mother let's out a lighthearted laugh seeing Lilly's reaction.


"You and Hanako can go on ahead if you like."

Even though I want to talk to Lilly I know she has Hanako to keep her company right now. I'm still kind of concerned about her Mother's state of mind after all that's happened.


"Okay then, we will be outside... Don't take too long."

Hanako and Lilly go off together as I am left wondering if this was such a good idea.


I give the dishes a quick rinse before handing them to Lilly's Mother who puts them in the dishwasher. Feeling that the longer this silence goes on the harder it will be to lift, I try to break the ice with a lighthearted compliment.


"That was a wonderful breakfast, Fiona. Now I see where Lilly gets her cooking skills from."


"Does Lilly hate us, Hisao?"

Her forward question catches me completely off guard as I drop the dish I was starting to pick up back into the sink.


"I'm sorry, Hisao, I shouldn't bring you into somethi-"


"She doesn't hate you."

I cut her off before she can finish, stating it like a fact.


"She just had a moment back there, it can happen to anyone. I wouldn't read too much into it."


"Seeing her like that was a surprise for me. I have never seen her express that much anger before."

Same here. I don't say that out loud obviously. I try to make excuses for why Lilly flew off the handle.


"She has had a lot on her mind lately after graduation, with University entrance exams and trying to figure-"


"Another aspect in which we failed her."

Fuck, why did I bring up graduation?


"She insisted it was no big deal, she would call us right after, no need to re arrange Taro's important schedule. Always playing the role of an understanding daughter."

This is exactly what I stayed behind to prevent. Her from going on a downward spiral of depression.


"Listen to me!"

I try to snap her out of it. It seems to work.


"The past is just that, the past. You can't change anything about it. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and move forward... Do you understand?"

She seems surprised by my forceful and direct approach. So do I.


"I can tell that you care deeply for her, or else you wouldn't be here so worried. And I know that she cares deeply for you, or else she wouldn't of taken this trip here."

She stares into my eyes, as if she's searching for something.


"You really do love her don't you, Hisao?"


"With all my heart."

I say it without hesitation, feeling like I have never meant something more in my entire life.


"Well then..."

She takes a moment to think, Closing her eyes reminding me so much of Lilly in the process.


"I know you came here wanting to be accepted by me and my husband. But I think it us who should be asking you for acceptance."

I feel a bit dumbfounded by her praise. She is bearing her true emotions and somehow I feel unworthy.


"I think I now know the reason why Lilly got so angry before."

The idea that she could pin point Lilly's outburst on one single thing peaks my interest.






"Her Fathers absence would of normally been a tolerable inconvenience, but with you now in her life. She took it as an insult to you, to the love you both share.

My heart is telling me to respond but my brain can't seem to come up with anything. Does Lilly really think that way? The mere idea that I could have that kind of an effect on her kind of scares me.


"I'm sorry..."

The words come out and I have no idea why, my head lowering in thought. I feel bad for some reason.


"Hisao, don't be sorry... you are the first person to make my little girl understand what true happiness really is. It's only natural to try and defend the people you love, isn't it?"

She places her finger on my chin gently raising my head so she can look into my eyes.


"Love can be a hard thing to understand, Hisao. It can play with your emotions in strange ways... and it's effects don't become any less potent with age."

She smiles as she says the last sentence, it's contagious. I begin to wonder if all the women in the Satou family posses this kind of calming effect on men."


"Thank you."


"I'm just returning the favor. I know you didn't stay behind just to clean up dishes."

I let out a light chuckle, dispersing of some of the heavy emotions that have been building up. I suddenly remember that Lilly and Hanako are still outside waiting for us when an idea hits me.


"Fiona, do you have a camera?"

Her eyes squint a little at my question, no doubt a bit surprised by my sudden change of topic.


"Yes I do. Why do you ask?"


"I have an idea. Come on, it'll be fun."

Outside Satou residence

As I walk outside I immediately notice Lilly and Hanako standing near some carefully laid out patio furniture. They look to be in mid conversation when Hanako notices me approaching.


"O-Oh, hey Hisao!"


"Hey Hanako, what are you girls up too?"



My simple question seems to have Hanako at a loss for words, as she fidgets and shifts her gaze at Lilly before shifting it to the ground.


"I get it, girl talk, I won't pry... You were talking about me weren't you?"


"N-No, it's not like that Hisao!"

Hanako takes my playful comment the wrong way, making the secret subject matter of their conversation only more intriguing.


"I was only teasing. Sorry, bad joke.

Lilly hasn't said a word yet, and I'm left wondering what exactly is going through her head.




"Oh... sorry. My Mother is not with you I assume?"


"She should be here any second. I asked her to grab something."


"O-Oh, here she comes, I see her!"


"Hello everyone. Here Hisao."

Fiona hands me an older looking camera that appears to still use film. To be honest, I'm a little surprised.


"Now come on. Don't act like you've never seen one of these before! That's a classic piece of equipment you're holding"

She seems to beam with pride as she says it. I then suddenly realize that Lilly has no idea what we're talking about and quickly move to vocalize it.


"They still make film for camera's like these?"


"They do, but it's not easy to come by. There is only one company that still makes this type of instant film, and it's only a matter of time before they stop production."

She let's out a long winded sigh. Her genuine interest in the camera grabs my attention.


So, you're big into photography then?


"Well, you could say I was. This was one of the camera's I used when I was a young and foolish jet setting journalist. Traveling for a local magazine to different countries, writing articles and mingling with all sorts of intersting people...

Her nostalgic trip down memory lane jolts one of my own.


"Oh, right. I remember Lilly mentioning something about that... It's how you met your husband, right?"


"Well, you are well informed."

She lets out a light laugh.


"I'm not sure I'm in the mood for photos..."

Lilly's comment seems to put a wrinkle in the laid back atmosphere that's been building up.


"I asked Fiona to get it for Hanako."

Hanako's eyes shoot wide open, looking surprised and a bit confused.


"...F-For me?"


Yup. You have been talking about how nice this place is since we got here, so I thought it would be fun to have some photos to take back. You know as a reminder of the times we had. Whadaya think?

Hanako seems to tense up, it's hard to get a read on how she will react.


"I-umm... don't know how to use it."


That's what I'm here for, love. With my guidance you will be taking cover quality photos in no time!

Hanako freezes, not knowing how to react to suddenly becoming the center of attention. Fiona's over the top enthusiasm doesn't seem to help much either.


"Okay... I'll try."

Either my eyes are deceiving me or she just smiled a bit. I feel a little bad about shining a spotlight on Hanako so suddenly, but if Lilly will put on a brave face for anyone, it's Hanako.


"Well then lets go to the beach, I'm sure you can get some good pictures down there."

I'm happy that she's willing to play along.


"Well, lets get going."

I move up towards Lilly and gently place my palm on hers, her fingers intertwining with mine. This is the first moment of today I feel completely relaxed.

At the beach

Getting down here was more of a hike then I expected. The stone steps looked ancient, but it was kind of a nice contrast to the modern interior of the home. I was worried about Lilly though, watching over her every step and trying to take it slow. She hadn't said a word the whole way down, not that I tried to press the conversation. I was content with holding her hand and letting the sea breeze wash over me.


"Why don't we take a seat on the beach, Lilly?"

Fiona is showing Hanako the best way to approach taking a shot. Kneeling down and gesturing with her hands at something. Hanako would of probably fell back with me and Lilly if it wasn't for an eager Fiona, quickly leading her down the stairs. This photography thing can really get her excited... or maybe she just wants to give me and Lilly some room to talk.


"I would be fine with that, Hisao."

The sand sucks at my feet with every step, making a thoughtless everyday action weigh on my mind more than it should.


"One moment, please."

Lilly breaks contact with me and stops, lifting her left foot back to her outstretching hand. She wrestles with her shoe for a brief moment, maintaining her balance until she gets it off. She then proceeds to mirror the action on her other shoe. Pinching the inside of both shoes with one hand, she extends her other with an open palm and smiles.


"Where were we?"

I can't help but chuckle. I take her hand and we find a spot to sit not far away.

Sitting on the beach with lilly

Seeing her on the beach like this, with the sun reflecting off her pale soft skin, the sea breeze playing with her long blond hair, It makes me want to keep quiet so I can take in the sight for as long as possible... But I know something is still bothering her, her eyes are closed and she seems to be in a distant place.


"Lilly, what's on your mind?"


"Oh... I'm thinking about sand."

Well, that's not what I was expecting.


"...What about sand?"


"The way it feels between my toes, it's quite relaxing."

She closes her eyes as she tilts her head back towards the sky and starts to hum. I am utterly confused.


"Hey... Lilly?"

The concern in my voice seems to grab her attention, as she stops humming and tilts her head back to look at me. I have never been good at reading her eyes, they don't flicker or shy away under my concerned stare. Like her true feelings are being hidden behind them.


"You know, you can talk to me, right?"

I try to up the concern in my voice, hoping it will make up for her not being able to see it on my face.


"Hisao... I know."

She trails off, closing her eyes and tilting her head back again, rubbing her feet in the sand. I can understand her not wanting to talk about her feelings but, I would like to think that if she could talk about them with anyone, it's me... Does she think she can't confide in me? Or am I just digging for something that's not there?



I edge closer to her, placing my arm around her back and grasping the side of her thigh, nudging her tall slender frame closer to mine.


"...What are you doing?"

I kicked myself in the past for never truly being there for Lilly when she needed me. Not asking the right questions about what was bothering her. Never again.


"Back there at breakfast, you said that I shouldn't concern myself with what was happening. But, I could clearly see that what was happening was effecting you and... Whatever effects you, effects me. I know I can't solve all your problems Lilly but, you don't have to face them alone."

She doesn't respond right away, her face wrinkling unable to hide the contemplation going on within.


"I... just wanted... everything to be normal..."

She leans into me, finally returning my embrace.


"I thought they would act different, you know... because of you..."

Both her hands tighten on the back of my shirt, clutching the fabric, her body beginning to shake slightly. She looks to be on the verge of tears.


"I was stupid to think anything would change..."

I hold her head close to my chest, muting her soft sobs as they come in and out. Is this what I wanted?


"I'm sorry..."

Her sobs begin to subside as I feel her grip loosening on my shirt. As she pulls back I can see her moist eyes and cheeks, the same sun shining on them, only this time it's a much different feeling. I place my hand on her cheek, gently trying to wipe some of the moisture away with my thumb.


"I'm sorry me being here didn't change anything... I'm sorry that your Father doesn't seem to understand how his actions effect you... but I'm sure that if you told him how you feel... he would change. I mean, if we told him"

I squeeze Lilly's hand.


"Like I said, you don't have to face this stuff alone, right?"

After a few final sniffles Lilly tilts her head and lay's it on my shoulder, both of us facing the open sea. The conversation seems to be done, and I feel as if I have finally said everything I wanted to say. No more regrets. The ebbing waves and light breeze seem to fill the silence well enough. I can make out Fiona and Hanako some distance down the shoreline, Hanako now having the camera in her hand squatting low and taking pictures of something out at sea. Fiona is standing back observing her technique.


"Your Mother's enthusiasm for photography seems to be rubbing off on Hanako. It looks like she's really getting into it."


"I'm glad to hear that. Mother has always had a way of drawing people in."


"Like Mother like daughter."

I rock her back and forth gently, trying to lighten the mood.






What do you see?

I turn to look at her, her head raising from my shoulder.


"Hmmm... I see a caring, beautiful, sophisticated young women... who seems to be smiling at my compliments."

She elbows me playfully as she leans back to to place her head on my shoulder again.


"That's not what I mean... I mean what do you see... out there?"

I am a little surprised at her request.


"I,uhh... I don't know how I could..."


"Just, describe it... Please?"

Her words trail off as she closes her eyes.


"Okay... Well, I-I see..."

I feel a bit self conscious. I don't want this to turn into a game of 'I spy with my little eye'. I try and recompose myself.


"The water from the sea... it's washing over the sand right where the two meet. Light sand turning darker as the water spreads over it..."

She fidgets around as if trying to get more comfortable, nestling her head closer to my neck.



Trying to describe what I take for granted everyday seems like a daunting task. I don't want to talk about colors because I fear they wouldn't hold much meaning for her.


"I can see sail boats far off, almost looking like tiny toys floating on the water. The wind rippling through the fabric of their sails, as the waves bob them in and out of sight..."


"Keep going."

I pause, looking for things to describe when I see Hanako and Fiona again.


"I see Hanako and your Mother... Hanako looks like she's in another world, far away from everyday worries... Even her body language is different, more relaxed and carefree then I'm use to seeing... Seeing her like this, smiling and giggling, I can't help but smile myself..."



Lilly lifts her head from my shoulder to turn to me, her face turning serious.


"Are you falling for Hanako?"

She smiles.


"Shut up."

I nudge Lilly playfully as she giggles.


"Okay, your turn."




"Don't play coy. If you're only going to make fun, I want to hear how well you do."

She returns her head to my shoulder, our bodies becoming closer once more. Her fingers wrap around mine, her thumb slowly tracing circles on my palm. She breathes in deeply and exhales, her warm breathe running down my collarbone.


"I wasn't very found of your cologne when we first met but I must say, it has grown on me."


"I-I umm-"




"The warmth of your body is inviting. The rhythm of your breathing could lull me to sleep if I were to let it..."

She pauses, making me think that's exactly what's happening.


"When I traveled here with Akira to visit my aunt, I sat on the beach, much like we're doing now. I thought about you Hisao, more than I thought I would. The smell of the sea, the breeze, the sand on my bare feet. I knew these things should of been calming, but at the time they made me feel more lonely then anything... I think that's starting to change."

I feel Lilly's cheek as it moves against mine, rubbing the oils on our skin together. I lick my chapped lips before pressing them against her's, the lust we share for one another guiding our movements... Lilly pulls away.


"I love you..."

I respond by pressing my lips against her's once more.


"Now that's a picture worth a thousand words. Huh Hanako?"

Our lips begin to slowly separate at the same time, trying to linger as if the moment could still be salvaged.


"Ahh, young love... It's so idealized. Holding one another and kissing on the beach. I can't remember the last time me and Taro did something so romantic."



Lilly let's out a long sigh. I look at Hanako who seems to be wearing a bashful smile. I quickly turn my gaze to the ground, feeling a little embarrassed as I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.


"H-Hello, Fiona. Hanako."


"Why, hello Hisao. How are you doing on this fine day?"

She is really enjoying this isn't she?



Not wanting to give her another opening to poke more fun at my expense, I try to quickly change the subject.


"S-So, pictures. How did that go?"

Smooth Hisao... Fiona smiles understanding my desire to move on from the current situation.


"Hanako is a natural born photographer. I think she was even teaching me some new things at one point."

Hanako looks absolutely ecstatic from Fiona's praise. She tries to hide her smile behind her hand as she fidgets around. Trying to contain her joy like it was some sort of bomb ready to explode. It's an adorable sight.


"F-Fiona... I'm not that good..."


"Honey, do not be ridiculous. I was one of the top photo journalists for "Q" magazine! are you questioning my ability to see talent, young lady!?"

Fiona playfully changes her tone, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head to drive home the point she's only teasing Hanako. Hanako gives up on trying to contain herself as a giggle pushes through her defenses. I find it simply amazing that Fiona was able to have Hanako warm up to her this fast.


"When it comes to photography, Hanako, my Mother does not give praise lightly. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying it."

Lilly lowers her voice just enough so that it's out of earshot.


"Your timing could use some work though."

I grin a bit and pretend not to hear her comment.


"So, let's see these pictures!"

I act as enthusiastic as possibly without trying to seem too forward.


"Ummm... I want go through them all first... their not all great..."


"A natural photographer and a perfectionist! Anyone can take a photo, but it takes an eye to know which one to present. You take all the time you need, love. Just remember that over thinking things can be detrimental. Usually your first instinct is the right one."

Fiona gives an encouraging smile as Hanako nods intently, committing her words of wisdom to memory.


"I have a great idea! Why don't we get a picture of you all together on the beach... Go on Hanako, I can take this one."

Hanako seems to freeze at Fiona's suggestion, trying to work out exactly what she should do.


"You can sit beside me Hanako."

Lilly pats the sand next to her.


"Hey, wait a minuet! Whats wrong with sitting beside me!?"

I try to have some fun with Lilly.


"Hmmm... Hisao, you do have a point. The shot would have more symmetry with Hanako beside you."

I have no idea what she means, but my off hand remark seems to have moved her into deep thought about how to approach the shot as she rubs her temples. After her brief lapse Fiona notices that Hanako still seems frozen in thought.


"Oh, Hanako. If you don't feel like taking pictures I understand. I'm not always in the picture mood either..."


"No it's okay."

Hanako seems to snap back to reality in an instant, her response coming out fast and defiant. She walks over in an almost mechanical way. Her worries being stored away for the time being as she concentrates on her physical actions. Her long winded exhale as she sits down tells me that she hasn't been able to erase all her concerns.


"Okay, everyone squeeze in a bit more..."

Fiona is alternating between looking through the camera and adjusting dials. Lilly squeezes herself closer so that she's leaning on me a bit. I lean slightly back extending both my my arms behind me and placing my palms on the sand for some support, allowing Hanako to get in closer for the picture. She seems lost in thought again. I lower my voice to a whisper.


"Hey, Hanako?"

As I capture her attention I raise my hand slowly to the brim of her hat and adjust it slightly so that it's not so far down on her face. She seems a bit stunned, but still remains speechless.


"There. Perfect."

I smile at her as she returns my gaze for a brief moment, a small smile of her own appearing as a response to mine.


"Okay, almost there... Hanako, squeeze in just a bit more, love?"

My eyes turn back to Fiona as I feel Hanako moving slightly closer, her shoulder makes contact with mine and she stops.


"Alright, perfect! Everyone smile!"
Last edited by MikeNight on Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by MikeNight »

I hear the click from the camera go off as the the picture itself starts to come out from the bottom. The sight of the camera producing film instantly is a new and intriguing one for me. As Fiona grabs for the picture and begins to shake it in the air I sense Hanako edging away as Lilly leans in to make herself more comfortable.


"So how long does it take to develop?"

Fiona takes one last look and then walks up to us, extending her hand giving me the photo.


"See for yourself."

(A CG image of the picture is shown fading in)


"Well... how do we look?"


1. "You two look stunning... Me, not so much." 2. "Like we're happy to be on vacation." 3. "I look great as usual."

Answer 1


"All that flattery is going to get you into trouble one day."

A wry smile crosses her face.

Answer 2


"It does have it's moments."

She squeezes my arm.

Answer 3


"Hmmm. I'll have to take your word for it..."

She furrows her brow. I guess my mock cockiness didn't come off like I expected it too.

(Back to main path)


"This sun is starting to be a bit much..."


"We have some umbrella's back in the house. I should of remembered to grab one."


I'll go get it.


No, Hisao, really...


I wouldn't want you to get a sun burn, and it's too nice of a day to waste inside. I'll be quick!

More importantly, I really need to use the bathroom.


Since I know how insistent you are Hisao, I won't try to argue.

Fiona smiles as she comes over and explains to me where to find the umbrella. Before I leave I say my goodbye's to everyone and am off to the bathroom... I mean umbrella.


After using the bathroom I found my desire to browse around hard to fight off. I'm not one to snoop around, but then again I've never been in such an extravagant home before. Everything has an air of luxury to it. Passing by a polished black grand piano in the living room I wonder if anyone plays it, or if it's just there to serve as decor. I begin to wonder exactly what Taro does for a living. I mean, all I ever hear is that he's a very busy business man. It's kind of weird Lilly has never come out and told me, not that it comes up much. Then again, I've never pressed the issue. As I make my way downstairs in search of Fiona's umbrella, a picture on the wall catches my eye.

(CG picture of the Satou family when the girls were little)

It's a family picture with what must be Akira and Lilly when they were young. I remember Lilly telling me that her parents moved to Inverness when she was 12. A 19 year old Akira deciding to stay behind to look after her sister. Supposedly they left because her Father's business was booming and Inverness was the location of it's headquarters. Akria had lead me to believe there was more to it then that, but never really went into detail. This picture must of been taken when they were all still in Japan. If it wasn't for the seven year age difference, it might of been hard to tell them apart in their matching dresses. Seeing Akira with a bow in her hair and a pink dress is hard to believe. Up until now, I thought she was born with a business suit on.


As I emerge into the basement I hear some rustling as something catches my eye. A figure crouched over arranging some boxes. I freeze, wondering if he's become aware of my presence. He continues with his task, not giving any attention to me. Still frozen about what my next action should be, I quickly realize that if he was to turn and notice a stranger staring at him it would only make the situation more awkward.



As he turns to face me there is no doubt, this is Lilly's Father. An older reflection of the man I just saw in the family picture is now staring at me. I bow and then extend me hand.


"Mr. Satou? Hisao Nakai, pleased to meet you."

His calculating stare looks me up and down until it settles on my eyes. He's suit looks sharp, as if it's just been pressed. His hair short and black, his dark eyes intense. Even if I didn't know his profession I would of pegged him as a business man. As my hand begins to falter under the assumption that he's not going to shake it, he steps forward and grasps it. His handshake is firm as it shakes my now sweaty palm, seeming a bit rough for someone who probably works with numbers all day.



He nods.


"We speak English in this household."

Well, this is off to a great start.


"...My apologies."

I respond in English, still a bit surprised at his blanket statement.


"Why are you down here?"


"I ahh, Fion-"

I catch my tongue, realizing that I should probably refer to her as Mrs. Satou in front of him. His calculating eyes still drilling into me as he waits for me to continue. I'm probably overthinking this way too much.


"Mrs.Satou. She sent me to get something."


"What was that, 'something'?"

I try to rack my brain for the English word as he continues to dissect me with his stare. If he's enjoying watching me squirm his face doesn't show it. It remains cool and calculating as he awaits an answer.



That came out more enthusiastic then I intended...


"It's right over there, behind the cellar door. Understand?"

I nod as he moves aside and motions with his head towards the door in question. As I pass him I can't help but feel his stare burning into the back of my head. As I open the cellar door and close it to get a better look, I let out a long breathe I didn't even realize I was holding. I take a moment to gather myself before grabbing the umbrella... Maybe he won't be there when I open the door? Yeah right... As I make my way back I'm actually surprised that he's nowhere in sight.



I almost drop the umbrella as his voice echos out to me. Then I see him step out from behind a doorway near the stair case.


"Do you play cards?"




"Leave the umbrella there for now. Come over here."

He disapers back behind the doorway. Did he say cards? Ever since this day started I've had no idea what to expect. I'm surprised my heart is doing as well as it is. I set the umbrella down and make my way back to Taro.

Basement Game room

As I step into the room I immediately notice a full size billiards table. A large bar with an assortment of bottles adorning the shelf behind it and an old fashioned jukebox make me question if I'm still in the same house.



Taro's voice snaps me out of inspecting my surrounding's. Following where it came from I come upon a card table, surrounded by rich looking leather chairs. Taro is busy shuffling cards as I notice he's already set aside two stacks of chips.


"Cards. Do you play?"

His eyes concentrate on shuffling cards as I feel a bit relived to not be under their constant stare. It gives me a moment to reflect... So he wants to play a game, huh? Ulterior motives no doubt, but I'll bite... Acting like I have a choice in the matter makes me feel better.


"Yes. I know how to play."

He's eyes lift to look at me while his hands continue shuffling without them.


"Good. I hope it's more than just go fish?"

At my previous school, before I had my heart attack and started going to Yamaku, I went through a bit of a poker phase. I remember thinking the game was so cool after seeing this one gangster flick with some friends. So we all decided we would learn to play... The phase only lasted a few weeks, and I probably read more about it then we played, but I know the basic rules and hands.


"Poker. I know the rules."


Knowing the rules and knowing how to play are two very different things. Which game of Poker do you prefer?


"Hold' Em."

Taro shakes his head and snickers.


"I should of guessed. Well, take a seat. I'll deal first."

I take a deep breath as I sit down.

(The following paragraph will have words blurred out)


"We'll play Heads up. Blinds will start at 10 and 20. Blue and Grey chips respectively. No splashing the pot, we're not animals. You look like a rabbit so I won't bring up cheating..."

The speed at which he lays down the rules of the game is overwhelming. He knows full well that English is not my first language.



As his stare analyzes me yet again I can't help but feel trapped. He continues more slowly as he enunciates his words carefully.


"Is Lilly the one teaching you English?"




"You should pay more attention to her lessons."

He switches to Japanese, making his comment sting more then it probably should. I try my best to ignore it and continue in English.


"S-She is a good teacher, I-ah..."

I'm concentrating so hard on the pronunciation of my English that I lose my train of thought.



He puts the deck of cards on the table, directing his full attention to me.


"I don't do this often, but I will make an exception in this case. You can speak Japanese."

I feel like stubbornly continuing to speak in English just to spite him... But he does have a point. At this rate we wouldn't have much of a conversation. With my ego put in check, I nod in agreement.



He shifts he gaze back to the deck as he picks it up and begins to shuffle again, leaving me to brood on my own. Why am I getting so flustered? I shouldn't be the one worrying about having my character put on trial. He should, with the way he treats Lilly. Maybe I'm being too harsh. I just met the man... but so far he's not leaving a very good first impression on me.






"Action's on you."

My attention turns back to the table as I notice he's already dealt the cards.


"Blinds start at 10 and 20. Blue and Grey chips respectively. I dealt so I'm small blind, you're big blind. So you bet 20. You already knew that though, right?"


"What's the point of playing poker if there's no stakes, right?"

A smirk crosses his face. Probably more entertained by the fact that I'm expressing more than the simple sentences my English allowed me. He leans back shifting his gaze as he nods over at something.


"You see that bar over there? If you win, I'll let you take any bottle you want. What do you say?"

I look over at the assortment of bottles lining the shelf's. I really have no clue what makes one kind of alcohol better then another. They all look expensive, not that it matters to me. His grin shows me that he's not afraid of losing, and being the one to wipe it off his face would be reward enough.


"Okay. And if you win?"


"The stakes have never been the point for me. The game is. If the idea of reward is what drives you to play, you can never hope to truly master it."

He explains it as if bestowing wisdom upon me.


"But I can't deny the fact that this idea of reward is what drives most to play cards. So how about this?"

He leans in and pauses for a moment before he continues.


"If I win, you have to do your best and tell me something. You have to tell me why you think Lilly decided to stay in Japan."

As he leans back his words linger in the air. Why did Lilly decide to stay in Japan? Because she loved me and I loved her... What is he getting at?


"Excuse me?"


"Is there a problem?"


"We don't need to gamble for the answer to that question."


"To come up with it that quickly I could only assume you chose the most obvious reason... Love?"

My stomach clenches. Taro being able to distill my hasty mental reasoning to one word freezes me.


"Hisao. Let's play. If by the end of the game that is still your answer, I will accept it."

What is he trying to do? Put doubt in my head about Me and Lilly? He's playing mind games...


"Let's play."

I put forward a grey chip as he grins, sliding a blue chip into the pot calling my big blind. As I stare at him the grin dissovles back into his usual calm and calculating face. I take a peek at my cards.

(10 clubs, Queen hearts)



He responds by dealing out the flop.

(Ace club, Queen Diamonds, 5 spades)


So what are your plans now that you've graduated?

His question interupts my concentration.


Now that I have entrance exams behind me, I'm looking forward to University.

I'm actually a bit scared and uncertain, but he doesn't need to know that.


So you and Lilly will be attending the same University then?


Yes, Tokoyo U. They have one of the highest ranked English Education programs in all of Japan.

I wrap my knuckles on the table checking the flop as he raises with a grey chip. I picked up a pair of Queens on the flop, maybe he has the Ace up his sleeve? Either way a grey chip won't break the bank. I call him. He deals out the turn.

(10 diamonds)

Huh, two pair.


So you share the same carrer ambitions as Lilly?


Not exactly. I plan on completing my undergraduate in pharmacetical science and then my graduate in the same field.

Atleast that's what I keep telling myself.


Wouldn't attending a University that has a higher ranked science program be more benifical then?

Me and Lilly already had this conversation. It's not like they have the worst science program... It was Lilly's first choice for Universities though. I grab a grey chip and toss it into the middle.


It was my first choice actually.

Taro looks at me, his eyes squinting a bit as he appears to be in thought. He calls my raise.


I see.

He deals the final river card.

(8 diamonds)

Eight of diamonds... Even if he picked up an Ace he would need another pair to beat me... three diamonds on the board, he might have the other two to make a flush... Should I play it safe and check, or be agressive and raise?


1.Check or 2. Raise

1. Lets see what he does.

It only takes him a second after my fingers tap against the table for him to throw in a blue chip.

2. I'm feeling lucky. I throw in a grey chip.



He smirks as he throws in a grey chip to match my bet and then a blue chips to double it.



Would you be interested in seeing one of my cards, Hisao? It's a part of the game that's getting phased out in tournament play, which is truly a shame. Under my roof it remains a house rule... if the other player accepts of course.



He flips a card up revealing a two of diamonds... He's trying to make me think he's holding a flush. I would of thought he had an Ace two pair for sure. Picking up a flush on the river would be seriously lucky. He could be trying to bluff me out plain and simple. That damn grin... What should I do?


1.Call 2.Fold

1.He's bluffing.


Let's see em'.


I don't bluff.

Well there's the Ace up his sleeve, and it's a diamond... Damn.


I knew if I showed you the Ace it would of probably scared you off. Or not, i'm probably thinking too highly of you.

Lucky bastard.

2. Something tell's me he's not bluffing. Better to make a smart fold now then lose any more.


So, did you have it?

He smirks.


You'll never know.


(However outcomes from player choices will carry forward resulting in differnt dialouge and the overall length of the game)

My turn to deal, time to take control.


I would like to thank you for invinting me into your home Mr. Satou. It's all a little over whelmeing.

I concentrate of shuffling the cards, and begin to deal them out.


Over whelming?


Sorry, that came out wrong. I mean you have a beautiful home.

He takes a quick glance at the hand I dealt him, shifting his gaze back to me. I look at my hand (469543) and match his big blind. I want to see the flop.


Mrs.Satou was showing us her old camera equipment. Lilly had mentioned she use to be a journalist. She still seems really passioniate about it. She made Hanako really take an interest. Lilly's friend, she also made the trip with us here.

Taro checks and I start to deal out the flop.



I didn't even realize she still had her old eqipment around.


Well, I was the one that suggested she grab a camera if she had one.

Taro seems to be contemplating over the flop. He looks like he's going to raise.


Lilly hasn't told you what I do for a living?



Well, umm... I mean, it's never come up. She doesn't really talk about you much...

Taro goes back into contemplation mode. I can't tell if he's thinking about cards or the fact that his daughter hasn't mentioned anything of importance about her Father to her boyfriend... He finally checks and I'm happy to do the same. I deal out the turn.


He raises. I fold. Got nothing. He collects the small pot and it's his turn to deal.


You see that ship over there on the bar, Hisao?

I crane my neck to get a better look. It's large even for a model, looks like a military ship.




That's what I do for a living.


You make model ships?


No. Not model ships, real ships. We are the largest shipbuilding company in the United Kingdom, one of the largest shipbuilders in Europe, and one of world's largest builders of complex warships.


So you are the owner then?


I am the CEO and hold a chair on the board of directories. I have to take other's opionions into consideration but when it comes down to it. I call the shots.

He deals out the cards and looks at me with grin.


So yes. I am the owner.

I always pictured the people who owned these big companies to have other's to do the work while they sat back and enjoyed the life... I guess if that's how it was he would never have grown the bussiness like it is now. I take a peek at my cards and post my Big Blind.



So you founded the bussiness yourself?

He lifts his cards up and lingers on them... He's taking his time. It's just one grey chip to match my big blind, he's got the stack to back it up. He finally glances up from his cards.


My Father founded it.

He folds his cards, throwing them into the middle of the table.


That's enough business talk.

That statement seems out of place coming from him. I collect my chips and the cards so I can start the next deal.


So how was the trip over? eveything okay?


Yes. Wasn't the first time I had been on a plane. Traveled with my Parents overseas to visit some realtives before.

I deal out the hands to both Taro and myself.



I hope the long trip wasn't too much of a strain on you, with your condition,

With my condition? you really are looking for every angle. I match his Big Blind and raise by ten.


With Lilly by my side, I've never felt better.

I smirk. He matches my raise, keeping his cool demanour. I deal out the flop.



It's good to hear you are in high spirits, but Hisao. A heart problem is a serious thing. Make sure you take the proper precations. We wouldn't want you to have another episode like you did at the airport.

Okay. I would like to think that I have come to terms with my disability, but something about the way he adresses it just rubs me the wrong way. How to handle this?


1. I appreciate your concern. But I would also appreciate if you would mind your own business.

2. Staying on top of my condition is my number one priority now. I have too much to lose if I don't

Answer one


I appreciate your concern. But I would also appreciate if you would mind your own business.

A tinge of venom lingers in my voice as I stare him down. He returns the gesture. I check, he raises by 20.


Your actions seem have a direct influence on my daughter. Therefore, is my business.

A sneering chuckle is my gut reaction to his statement. I match his raise and deal out the turn. I try to project my words in the same cool and collective manner as he does.



Look, I get it. Your still sour over the fact that Lilly decided to stay in Japan. Maybe if had given your daughter the same attention as you did your business, you wouldn't have had to "summon" her back to Scotland. Maybe, she would of made the decision on her own.

My heart is pounding through my chest... That felt good. If my words rattled him he isn't showing it. He continues to stack two chips back and forth... His fingers wrap against the table checking the turn. My hand is strong, I bet 20. He continues to play with his chips. Finally he matches my raise and I deal out the final river card.


He moves his stack forward going all in. I match him. He takes his glasses off and sets them on the table. His un ubsturcted eyes glaring into mine.


Hisao. Let me tell you a story.

Great, here comes the sob story where he justifies why he abadoned Lilly and why everything he did was out of love for her. Give me a fucking break.


When I was a boy my Father wanted to teach me a lesson in responsiblity. So one day, he brought home a dog. I wasn't like other children who begged their parents for a dog. The chores that came with looking after one vastly outweighed any enjoyment I thought the animal could bring me.

How cute.


In time I started to appreciate his companship. I would go so far as to say that I even loved that dog. But there comes a time in every one's life when they have to move on. The week before I left home he got hit by a car crossing the street. I remember it was a summer day. The street we lived on was never busy, but that day it didn't matter. I decided to stay with him. I put off my plans for the time being. I just wanted to see him get better. In time he recovered. I remebered all the good times we had, but it didn't change the fact that I still had to move on with my life. So I left home to continue my studies. Looking back now I realize that I really had no choice in the matter.

He grabs his glasses and puts them back on. (A low ringing sound like when your ears pop can be heard. It starts to grow louder)


Hisao. I stayed because I felt sympathy for the dog. I coudln't leave him in such a sorry state. But it was not my free will that made the descision, it was pure and simple pity.

(A flash of white and the sound of a table flipping over and chips flying are heard. When the picture comes back the camera angle appears higher like Hisao is standing, a shocked Taro can be seen)


Fuck You! Where do you get off!? You sent her to another country and practiocally forogt about her. And now, after all these years, you wanted her to drop everything and come back like none of it mattered!? You self centered asshole!


Yo! Hisao!

(The picture begins to cross fade back, Taro is still seated and Akira is now in the scene)


Hey, what did you say to him?


We were just having a friendly game of Poker. This must be how he deals with defeat.


You okay, Hisao?

(The ringing lowers and comes to a stop.)


Yeah... Just thinking. Sorry.


Ouch, pocket aces. You walked into that one. The old man is a pro when it comes to poker. Don't beat yourself up too hard.

Blowing up like that might of felt good for a brief moment, but it would of accomplished nothing. I need to take a step back.

Answer 2


Staying on top of my condition is my number one priority now. I have too much to lose if I don't


Do you ever wonder what would of happened if you never had that episode at the airport?

The honesty in his voice seem geniune, the question catches me off guard.


If you had managed to talk to Lilly before she boarded the plane. Do you think you could of convinced her to stay?

(un-finished. The rest of the conversation plays out with Hisao being more of the calm and collected Hisao from the VN. He doesn't allow himself to be enraged by Taro, folding his hand. The end result is Hisao getting across to Taro that sometimes you just need to take a chance, and sometimes it pays off. Thats what he did with Lilly, and he can live with the fact that his episode at the airport may have made Lilly stay, but it was the love they share that keeps them together. Hisao wins the hand simply by taking a chance and getting a straight on the last card. Akira sill shows up, putting her hands over Hisao's eyes, making her entrance. Depending on how you choose to deal with Taro, it will color the mood and interaction between the two charachters for the rest of the story. Don't think that one choice is white and the other black. Taro will never like Hisao, maybe respect him, but not like him.)
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by OtakuNinja »

That was beautiful! :D I'd love to see a continuation of this. Keep up the good work, and one day I might experience the full story. :)

As a LillyxHisao-shipper, I approve of this. :mrgreen: Bravo!
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Tormound »

Is this gonna be left unfinished or no? Would like to know so I don't have to check this thread all the time. Great writing by the way.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Mirage_GSM »

(phone rings)
My thought process of trying to figure out just how they were even allowed this much luggage on the plane is interrupted by Lilly's cell phone.
Outside airport
A sense of relief spreads over me as I see the exit.
Dining room
As we enter the dinning room...
Now why do you have to use a script style annotation if you mention it in the next sentece anyway?
Not that it would be an excuse to use script style even if you left out the sentence, but in these cases it's not only bad writing, it's also unneccessary.
Script style always is bad and lazy writing, except if you write plays or screenplays. Both of which a fanfiction is not.
(Fade in and out)
I don't even know what to say about that...

About the cahracterizatrion:
"I'm tired of hearing you making excuses for him Mother!"
This seems to be a reaction I would have expected from Akira, not from Lilly. Usually Lilly defends her father herself whenever Akira accuses him of something. Lampshaded a few lines later, but still... It's strange that she had this epiphany at that point especially with Hisao present.
Hanako would of probably fell back...
You do this a few times: It's not "would of" but "would have" - except maybe in direct speech by Akira. Oh, and in this case also "fallen"

Also, you are a bit inconsistent in your use of quotation marks - which is especially confusing in combination with the script style writing.
Why would you fold (or raise for that matter) in a game with fixed stakes (Bottle of Whiskey vs Honesty)?
If you fold you lose by default.
I look at my hand (469543)...
I don't know that much about poker, but are that numbers supposed to mean something?
The last bit is completely confusing. I have no idea what is happening, what is direct speech and what is inner monolougue, when Akira appears and why anf how...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by MikeNight »


As I mentioned before this is un-finished. I would have more people read it and make corrections before I made it. Just like you are doing :) Script format is just how I organize my thoughts, and it's what I'm use to. Wrote the whole thing in a script program, that's why I give the link to the original. So thing's like the Scene Heading "Airport" might make a little more sense. I was also planning to do this as a video series on YouTube, presenting it in VN style using motion, as my talents are in video production.

The quotation mark thing in the second half is another example of its un-finished state. It is a bit confusing, will probably fix that. Just keep In mind any text not in the same sentence under the persons name is inner monologue.

(fade in fade out) should of been fade to black, fade back.

(45363634) is exactly how it looks, gibberish. It was placeholder until I went back and put in the nuts and bolts of the real cards.

As for the reason why Akira showed up, the gist of it is she and her Father had just returned from the city on a bussiness deal directly related to Akira. (it is something that comes up later). Taro went downstairs to do something while Akira went to the backyard, just missing Hisao. Once she heard from Lilly and the others that Hisao went inside to get something she went to go check on him, see how the two were getting along. This would have been dealt with in a few sentences. Like I said, un-finished.
Last edited by MikeNight on Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Okay, so very unfinished...
I would of had more people...
This would of been dealt with...
It's still "would have", though, ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by MikeNight »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Okay, so very unfinished...
I would of had more people...
This would of been dealt with...
It's still "would have", though, ;-)
Unfinished is unfinished. No need to put a qualifier on it.

And yes, bad habit. Thanks for pointing it out.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Oddball »

This is an interesting idea that I don't think I've seen touched on before.

Few other random comments...

Lilly's outburst about her father seems to come out of nowhere. I'd think she'd try to hide her displeasure in front of Hisao and Hanako and leave the argument for when they're in private. Likewise for her breaking down in tears later. It all seems to happen far too fast.

No servants? It seems a bit odd that with Lilly's huge house and driver, they don't have somebody to cook, or at last clean-up after them.

Hisao seems surprisingly open and to the point with Lilly's mother. He's usually not that direct with adults.

Lilly describing the beach was rather well done.

The choice you offer in the second part about the photo really doesn't seem to add anything to the story.

You use a few too many choices later in the story with the poker game. It interrupts the flow of the story.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by griffon8 »

OtakuNinja wrote:As a LillyxHisao-shipper, I approve of this. :mrgreen: Bravo!
Interesting that your avatar is from Shizune's route…
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Guest Poster »

Was it really the episode at the airport that made Lilly stay? I mean, it was the reason she didn't board the plane, but in the hospital Lilly once again brings up the reasons for migrating and she only mentions her parents and her sister. I got the impression Lilly's departure was never something she wanted for herself; only for her parents and Akira.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by OtakuNinja »

griffon8 wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:As a LillyxHisao-shipper, I approve of this. :mrgreen: Bravo!
Interesting that your avatar is from Shizune's route…
One has to play all the routes to discover the destined couple. ;) Also, this is the only picture with Lilly and Hisao actually looking like gf & bf. :)
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by Oddball »

Guest Poster wrote:Was it really the episode at the airport that made Lilly stay? I mean, it was the reason she didn't board the plane, but in the hospital Lilly once again brings up the reasons for migrating and she only mentions her parents and her sister. I got the impression Lilly's departure was never something she wanted for herself; only for her parents and Akira.
I also seem to recall her saying that Scotland was nice, but it's not home at some point.
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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by griffon8 »

Some problems I though about with this story:

1. It's established in the VN that Lilly is the one who isn't a morning person. Granted, it's their first day in Scotland and jet lag will alter things, but it's never been mentioned that Hisao has problems with mornings.

2. Hisao has spoken to Mrs. Satou in Japanese before when he called Lilly, so he wouldn't be surprised that Fiona speaks it.

Well, this was an interesting experiment anyway. I didn't have a problem with the VN format that I normally would, since I knew it was intended to be a visual continuation project.
OtakuNinja wrote:One has to play all the routes to discover the destined couple. ;) Also, this is the only picture with Lilly and Hisao actually looking like gf & bf. :)
Right, the picture in the wheat field doesn't quite work. :twisted:
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

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Re: Lilly continuation story. Hisao goes to Scotland.

Post by OtakuNinja »

griffon8 wrote:
OtakuNinja wrote:One has to play all the routes to discover the destined couple. ;) Also, this is the only picture with Lilly and Hisao actually looking like gf & bf. :)
Right, the picture in the wheat field doesn't quite work. :twisted:
It's too emotional. ;) I prefer the curious Lilly and the "fishing-like-a-boss-Hisao". :lol:
Emibro, Hanabro, [Lilly Lover], Rin Kin, Feminist, Two-timer
(Passively working on my KS YouTube series. Someday...)
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