A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)


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A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by WiseSilver »

This is my first fanfic but before everyone shudders too much, I do happen to be an experienced writer. So I hope you all enjoy.
This is a Misha fan Fic, since I love Misha dearly and after the prodding of a close friend I decided to write this, and on my favorite KS Forum to boot. So with out further ado...

Misha stood there, looking out of the windows in the Student Council room, trying to ignore the pain that was sweeping through her in waves. It wasn't a physical pain, but rather an emotional one. She was in love or... Possibly falling out of love with her best friend. And to be honest... She felt so horribly alone. It has been a couple of weeks since Hicchan and Shizune had gotten together. And these have been some of the worst weeks of her life since her rejection by Shizune all those years ago. And after going to Hicchan for comfort and being rejected Misha knew she wasn't in fare shape, this being evident in the fact she, just a few hours ago told Hicchan of her feelings for Shizune. Misha sighed, she knew that the growing distance between her and Shizune would only increase and the methods that Shizune was taking to make up for it were in no way helping. 

Misha looked up at a tap on the shoulder and she flinched at the sight of Shizune standing so close to her.
Shizune signed. Misha sighed and replied


Shizune was surprised when the usual ripple of laugher didn't shake her friends shoulders. 

[Well since you are here we can get some work done!] Shizune put a flourish to the final sign and smiled happily. Hoping that this will bring Misha's guard down a little. 

Instead Misha merely sighed and looked out the window again and placed a hand on the window, wishing she could just slip through. And slowly she signed in reply

[I don't feel like doing any kind of work today, Shiichan... Please... Just leave me be.] Misha noticed the look on Shizune's face, the fierce determination that would surely keep this conversation going long past it's due.
Shizune signed fiercely in return.

[Misha! What is wrong, tell me and I shall fix it!!]

Misha felt a spark of anger kindle within her, she was tired of Shizune taking command, for once she wanted to be herself, she wanted to be allowed to be alone, to feel her own feelings, to hold her own conversations. For too long she had felt like she was being absorbed into the force that was the Student Council President. 

She turned to leave and signing good bye to her once best friend...
When the door opened and Misha saw the distinctive green hair and eyes of the diminutive Interfaith Club Leader Sora Mi. Misha knew much about Sora, who strode into the room with the strut and confidence to put Shizune to shame. Sora was the very outspoken of the small Interfaith Club there on campus. And like Lilly she was a kind and patient person but unlike Lilly she was a pure leader down to the core. It was not uncommon for Misha to translate the arguments that erupted between the two alpha wolves that ran the school. 

Misha smiled as the signature cloak that the young green haired Witch wore with her always flowed around her mysteriously. And returning Misha's smile brightly, Sora walked towards her.  

"Misha, I am so glad I caught you and Shizune. I need to speak with you both on an important manner." Misha smile widened, Sora wasn't only cute but she talked to both Misha and Shizune during their arguments. And though the Student Council hasn't heard much from the green haired club leader over the last few months, the chance to talk to someone other than Shizune was a welcome moment. 

But Misha's good mood was broken when she felt Shizune tap her in the shoulder and began to sign. 

"It has been a while, we had thought that you had fallen into one of your caldrons again", Misha sighed inwardly, why did Shizune always have to be so mean when it came to Lilly and Sora. 

Sora's grin shrunk a few sizes and and shifted her eyes to Shizune. 

"Shizune, it's nice to see you as well... And it's always a pleasure to see you use Misha in such a kindly manner."

Misha translated, surprised at the last part. Sora was always kind if not sometimes overly determined but rarely did she ever stick up for her like that. Shizune's glare strengthened and her signs came down like axes barred on defenseless stumps. 

"I treat Misha very well, thank you!--" Misha looked back at Shizune and gave a slight huff but instead of translating Shizune word for word... 

"So what is it that you wish to discuss with us Wahahaha ~?" Misha tilted her head, deciding that she would answer in her own way. It felt good to give off her signature laugh, feeling her usual bubbly-ness return. It truly was nice to speak for herself for a change and the smile Sora gave her when she chose her own words certainly helped. 

"I was hoping that with the end of the semester coming we could hold a small picnic for the entire school out in the park, it would of course be arranged by the InterFaith Club. Don't you think that would be fun Misha?" 

Misha grinned in response and laughed, relaying the request to Shizune. Who, to Misha's disappointment did not seem to share the same enthusiasm as her. Misha decided to support Sora in this, a picnic sounded fun. 

[We should give her permission! It's nice outside and she is willing to do all the work herself] Shuzine shook her head back and forth. 

[No, there is too much going on as it is and besides she would probably use it as an excuse to launch another crazy recruiting campaign!] Misha sighed, it was the same reason every single time. She relayed Shizune's response to Sora, who was watching the exchange with rapt attention. Misha winced as Sora's smile withered away and a cold glare replaced the once jovial smile, making Sora's green eyes appear to shine with a fierce fire. Misha knew already things would not get better. Her slowly recovering emotional state started to deteriorate once more under that cold glare and a great weariness overcame her. 

"Misha, please tell the 'kind' Student Council President that--" Sora stopped in mid sentence. Misha was tied of being the median in which Shizune's fights took place through and with a disgusted "Wahahaha~" Misha stormed out. 
Leaving both Sora and Shizune in shock. 

I realize this is short and I will write more here shortly. So, please feel free to comment. I love hearing feedback and welcome any constructive criticism you might have. :)
Last edited by WiseSilver on Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by BobBobberson »

First things first, get some space between yer damn paragraphs. No one wants to read through a wall of text.
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by WiseSilver »

Well here is the second installment of A Return to Spring. And as asked, I have seen fit to increase the spaces between paragraphs. Hopefully this makes it easier to read. I hope you enjoy it!

Misha strode through the halls, her emotions in a roaring boil. She was glad she didn't run into anyone else as she made her way towards the roof for the second time that day and hoped that Hicchan wouldn't find her once more. She couldn't stand to be around either of them at the moment. Hicchan meant well she knew but trying to force her into a room with Shizune right now would be the worst possible torture. And if Shizune was to find her right now... Misha shook her head to clear her mind of such thoughts. She leaned into the steel linked fence that guarded the sides of the roof and fell to ground with a undignified squat. 

"Why can't things just go back to the way they were... Why do I have to feel all of this, I should just be able to laugh it all off! Wah ha ha..." The laughter died before it could truly begin. Misha knew she was truly in a bad place now that things have come so far. Shizune would stay with Hicchan, they would live happily ever after and she would stay forever alone. She didn't even notice the tears that fell down upon the gravel as stared up at the setting sun. 

Misha wished that for once, just this once someone would be there for her and not bring more pain. She felt the chill on her face and finally noticed the multitudes of tears that now fell freely. With a slight shake she sent them flying and watched as they shined in the evening sunlight as they fell to the gravel below. She reached up to wipe away the few remaining tears when another hand ran along her cheek. 


Misha snaps her head up and to her surprise Sora was kneeling beside her. A small smile sat contently on Sora's lips and to Misha's surprise her touch calmed her down a bit. 

"Sorry to startle you Misha, but I was worried when you stormed out and to no surprise Shizune just stood there in shock." Sora smile grew and drew Misha into an embrace.

"I couldn't leave you to be by yourself. I would be a horrible person if I didn't do something." 

Misha sighed and rested her head against Sora's chest. She didn't understand why Sora was doing this, of all the people to come looking for her, Sora had been at the bottom of the list. But the fact that Sora was there, was truly comforting her in a way that she wished to be comforted, was enough to cause another wave of tears to fall. 

Misha sat there in that embrace, letting it all out into Sora's chest, while the green haired girl merely smiled and whispered into her ear that everything would be alright... That Misha would be safe with her. 

Finally after several minutes Misha composed herself and let out a short laugh,


And with it she felt the remainder of the tension left her shoulders and the pain within her heart subsided. She looked over to Sora who had fallen down next to her. And to Misha's surprise a couple of tears were slowly falling down Sora's cheeks as well. But before she could anything the green haired girl sighed and wiped them away. Allowing Misha to get a good look at Sora's green eyes, which were several shades darker than her hair. The depth Misha saw in them was amazing to her. She could see the emotions rage behind the green glass walls. And for a moment knew that she wasn't alone in her pain. Misha finally spoke, breaking the beautiful silence that hung in the air, as if a great storm had just passed. 

"Why are you crying?" 

Misha watched as Sora turned her head and smiled slightly. 

"Because I am a Empath. What my friends feel, I feel." 

Misha tilted her head in confusion but shrugged and smiled back, Misha had come to expect such weird statements from the green haired Witch. 

"You were crying because I was crying? Waha~" 

Misha let out a short laugh, as Sora grinned back at her assessment before staring off into the distance. Both sat there for a moment longer before Sora finally spoke. 

"So, Misha... Something is going on and I know we aren't the best of friends since we have always ended up on the wrong side of the battle lines... But I would love to listen." Sora reached over and took Misha's hand and gave it a slight squeeze. Misha started to shake her head but ended up laughing instead. 

"Wahahahahaha~ You're right Miichan we have been on the opposite side of a few wars, haven't we! Wahahaha~" 

Misha's signature laugh came rolling out of her for the first time in what felt like a life time. And she noticed that Sora was laughing as well. Misha squeezed her hand back and began to unravel the tale that led to this roof top breakdown. All the while Misha was impressed at how empathetic Sora was, Sora would smile when needed and squeeze her hand when she found it hard to continue. Until finally the events of the last couple of days came down to a head. How she had offered herself to Hicchan and how to her relief he had refused her and how he had found her in that very spot that very morning and told him of her receding feelings for Shizune. 

Misha finally fell silent as she sat there, looking down at the gravel. Night had fully fallen now and only a few lights lit up the night. But she felt as if it was some how right that she should have finished right as the sunset.

"Sun set, the perfect time for a ending, don't you think Misha?"

Misha looked up in shock and laughed at how Sora seemed to have read her mind.

"Wahahaha~ Yes I was just thinking that actually!" 

Sora smiled at her knowingly, causing Misha to wonder if she had IN fact read her mind... But before she could give any more credence to the thought she shook her head and stood up. She noticed that Sora quickly joined her and Misha realized that Sora was still holding her hand and she felt a quick blush color her cheeks. She broke the moment by laughing and facing Sora. 

"Wahahaha~ Thank you Miichan so much for being here with me!" 

Misha watched as Sora smiled at her and to her surprise the green haired girl took her other hand and pulled her into a hug. 

"Misha if you should ever need anything... Please come see me, I would be upset if I find you crying alone again." 

Sora's voice might have been stern but Misha knew that it was just a facade. Warmth spread throughout her entire body at those words, words she had wished to hear, err.. See from Shizune for years. And as they part Misha smiled shyly and without hesitation kissed Sora slightly. The feel of Sora's soft lips sending a shiver down her spine. Misha parted from the stunned Sora with a laugh.

"Wahahaha~ Thank you Miichan, can we have lunch together tomorrow?" 

And without waiting for an answer Misha skipped away, her signature laugh trailing behind her. Leaving a stunned and blushing Sora behind, a small smile growing on the green haired girls lips as her cloak whipped around her in the growing wind. 

"And where the Goddess walks, the wind of change shall blow..." Sora said to the star lit night sky...

As always I welcome feed back and shall hopefully post the next section tomorrow! :)
Last edited by WiseSilver on Sat Aug 04, 2012 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by WiseSilver »

Well I have edited both for mistakes and have increased the paragraph spacing in the first installemnt in hopes of making it easier to read. If there is anything else you guys see, don't hesitate to inform me! Thank you!
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by Mirage_GSM »

...she wasn't in fair shape,
Hoping that this will bring Misha's guard down a little.
Sentence fragments. Avoid.
Sora was the very outspoken of the small Interfaith Club there on campus.
Leader? Also, what's an "Interfaith Club"?
Misha's smile widened,
And though the Student Council hadn't heard much...
...that you had fallen into one of your cauldrons again
...causing Misha to wonder if she had IN fact read her mind.
Really "IN fact"?
And as they parted Misha smiled shyly...
Also: Comma use

So, enough about technical stuff.
This Sora character... Is she your OC or is this some kind of crossover?
I feel that this is progressing a bit too quickly, but that might be, because I don't know that character and she isn't really introduced in this story...

And does empathy qualify as a disability nowadays? :mrgreen:
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by andros414 »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Also, what's an "Interfaith Club"?
An "Interfaith Club" is a club meant to help people learn more about and be more respectful of other religions.

From the sound of things, Sora seems to be Wiccan. The comment about "being an Empath," the line "Misha had come to expect such weird statements from the green haired Witch," and what seems to be some sort of prayer: "And where the Goddess walks, the wind of change shall blow" point to this in my mind. I remember most Wiccans believe in a Goddess, most often of nature, similar to Gaia from ancient Greek legends, so that's why I pointed the last line out (Been a long time since I've looked into Wicca or talked about it with anyone, so I may be mis-remembering things).

Seems to be very much an OC, as the OP is the story as if there had always been a Sora and Interfaith Club at Yamaku, though a crossover wouldn't surprise me.
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by WiseSilver »

Well the last couple of days have been busy but I have fianlly finished this installment.
I will be doing more revisions and editing once time allows it so bare with me and enjoy the story. And for those who have wondered this is a Original Character story, but don't worry everything will make sense in time if it doesn't already. Thank you for your imput so far! ~WiseSilver

Misha awoke the next morning with a stifled yawn. She hadn't felt so good in days, and though discontent still lurked in the darker recesses of her heart she was glad that maybe things will take a turn for the better. With a low laugh she sprung out of her bed and stood facing the window that served as the only source of light in her pink and frilly room. Over the course of the next ten minutes she got ready for the day, amazed at herself for how quickly she was able to prepare without her drills and long hair. Though she did notice that she needed to re-dye her hair in the next few days. But as she looked at herself in her mirror, the pink stickers forming a stylish if not overly powerful pink border, and ran her fingers through her neck length hair. She had cut her hair at Shizune's insistence and now she realized just how much she missed her drill like curls.  She sighed, just another reminder as to much of herself she has lost to the girl that had held her heart for so long. But with a mental shake, she set her shoulders and started into the mirror, her visage confident and passionate. 

"I am myself, I am Misha and today I will laugh often! Wahahaha~" 

Misha let out a loud belly laugh after shouting out her pronouncement. And as she was standing up a soft knock came from her door. Misha nearly fell over from surprise, she hadn't expected anyone to come to her door so early, Especially since it was only seven in the morning, classes didn't start for a little while longer. Misha knew it couldn't be Shizune, the knocks would have been far louder and more controlled. She crossed the room, a curious grin touching her lips. And as she opened the door she let out a laugh.

"Good Morning!! Wahahaha-" 

"Good morning Misha--" 

Misha cut her laugh off short at the appearance of Hisao. He looked surprised by her greeting and a smile grew, lightening up his once serious expression. But he squared his shoulders when Misha cut her laugh off, causing Misha to go on the defensive. 

"Why are you here do early Hicchan?" 

Misha asked, unwilling to laugh again in his presence. She knew that he was here on Shizune's behalf and she wanted none of it. She wanted to have a good day, one devoid of being sucked back into the depressing world of the student council and the mixed feelings that came with it. 

"I was hoping you would go on a walk with me? I wanted to talk to you again..." 

Misha noticed that he glanced down the hall and Misha tilted her head out the door and noticed just a flicker of blue disappearing around a corner. Misha gasped inwardly, Sneak Attack! She turned back to Hisao and gave a soft glare, no where as powerful as Shizune's and leaned in towards him. 

"I am afraid not Hicchan, I have no interest in walking with you today! Wahahaha~" 

This time she did let out a laugh, the idea of standing up to him suddenly sent a burst of energy coursing through her system. If she stood up to Hicchan then she was standing up to Shizune. 

"Misha, please Shizune is feeling horrible about all of this and I just want to resolve all of these issues so we can go back to the way things were..." 

Misha's glare increased as he spoke causing him to trial off as he finished. It there was one thing she didn't want, it was for things to return to the way things where. It was time she changed things and the first thing she needed to do was grow a backbone and get out of this. Misha wanted to go for a walk but certainly not with Hicchan. He would only lead her straight to Shizune. 

"I said no Hicchan, and no means no!" 

She almost giggled at the look of surprise that flashed across his face as she gave him a gentle push away from her door, but it was her turn to be surprised when he stuck his foot out to stop her from closing it. Misha almost retreated into her doom room when Hisao stepped close. 

"Shizune is really upset Misha--"


Misha turned her head from Hisao and looked in shock as a cloaked figure marched down the hall way. Sora walked up with a grin and a spark to her eyes and she pushed past Hisao and gave Misha a hug, taking the chance to whisper into Misha's ear.

"I saw Shizune scurrying off and knew something was up, hopefully I showed up at the right time?" 

Misha returned the hug with a smile and a laugh.

"Wahahaha~ Good morning Miichan!" 

Misha noticed that Hisao had backed off into the hallway. He looked to Sora in surprise and curiosity. And Misha realized that Hisao had never met nor heard of Sora before. Finally she noticed that he had composed him self and began to introduce himself to Sora. 

"Hello, I am Hisao Nakai, of class 3-3 and a member of the Student council" 

Misha nearly sighed as he showed off one of his more pleasant smiles. She turned to Sora who was still standing shoulder to shoulder with her and noticed the calculating look in her eyes. Misha shivered a little at how much those green eyes burned like Shizune's. But the similarity ended there as the hardness softened and Sora gave a slight bow. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you mister Nakai, I am Sora Mi the President of the Interfaith Club here at Yamaku." 

Misha watched as Hisao took in this new bit of information.

"It is very nice to meet you Sora, I'm surprised I have yet to meet you since I have joined the student council." 

Sora stood up a little straighter, Misha noticed that something about her... Hardened. As if Hisao had stepped on some sort of button. It was true that Sora has been conspicuously absent from her usual dealings with the Student Council since the spring. Not even the Vice President of the Interfaith club had been seen. 

"Well.. We have all been very busy, it is our final year here at Yamaku after all."

Misha's eyebrows raised, in all the years that she had had dealings with Sora, she had never seen Sora back down like that before. Misha couldn't believe that Sora was being down right evasive. She noticed that Hisao seemed to take that as an acceptable excuse and was about to continue the conversation when she felt Sora take hold of her arm. 

"Misha, would you like to go for a walk before class? I haven't gotten to walk out in the park for a couple of days now." 

Misha barely had time to respond before Sora lead her down the hall way, leaving a flustered Hisao behind. All Misha could do was smile, she had wanted out of that situation since it had started. 

Thank you for your feed back so far! Keep helping me spot mistakes and such, it is very appreciated. Also I am afraid I didn't get Hisao just right and any opinions on that matter are welcome and also if I am deviating from Misha's personitalty too much please inform me. I want her to be a dynamic character and thus evolve but I still want her to be the same character we all love and cherish. Thank you!! ~WiseSilver
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by griffon8 »

I think the only problem I've had is the idea that Shizune would disallow a picnic on the grounds that it would be used to recruit new members for a club. It makes me think the Interfaith Club is being singled out for this treatment. If the club is violating school policy by using a picnic as a recruiting tool and have done so before, that's one thing. Shizune's interaction leaves it vague as to what the problem is: recruiting or the Interfaith Club itself.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by WiseSilver »

If it wasn't for the fact that I already plan to explain why Shizune stopped the picnic, and the fact I thought I left a nice hint to this effect, I would totally agree with you! :)
Thank you for bringing it up though!
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Re: A Return to Spring (A Misha Fic)

Post by Hanako Scars »

It's always nice to see a Misha fic.
Misha Fanfic hunter. If you know of a good completed one, please PM me :)
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