Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Helbereth »

Camoufrage wrote: >__> I gave him that name like 3 weeks ago. WE DONT CHANGE DAT SHIT NAO`
His character changed from being something somewhat entertaining into something 1-dimensional and stupid, though. He doesn't deserve such a clever name.

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Camoufrage »

Helbereth wrote:
Camoufrage wrote: >__> I gave him that name like 3 weeks ago. WE DONT CHANGE DAT SHIT NAO`
His character changed from being something somewhat entertaining into something 1-dimensional and stupid, though. He doesn't deserve such a clever name.

(how ya like my new avatar?)
Its much less disturbing to me. Maybe I can take you seriously now :0
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Ahem. Nice avatar, Helbereth. :D
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by ShinigamiKenji »

Wow, last I checked here it was in page 113, I think... Anyway, brace yourselves, The Great Wall of Meaningless Text is coming!!

Myshina (Shina-chan? Mycchan?), I'd say I'm reconsidering Xanatos' advice on the Holy Hand Grenade... Jokes aside, I'd say that for now just leave him be, but still try not to be alone when going home, or in a more deserted place. Maybe he will give up in some time. And please keep the pepper spray with you (a taser would help too, but I think it could be more dangerous if you ever get caught with it, or had an accident). If not, I'm not sure about the the French law, but another option is, like, recording or having some evidence he is actually suspicious and warning the police. Given he already was arrested for that little show, they should at least be aware of his case. Discretion is good so he doesn't make plans if he suspects of you. And threatening him may get him even more alarmed, so I believe it's for the best if you don't communicate with him. Of course, I'm assuming the worst case, for what you've told us.

128-Up, welcome to the forums!! And I'm sorry if I can't be of much help in your case, I believe the others gave much better advice.

Walrusfella, good news you're getting over it!! Though not perfect, still a good ending!

And really, let's call him Mr.Condom-in-Jacket. Mr.Game-and-Watch (the original) wouldn't be happy about it...

And I like the new avatar, Helbereth. Though I'm used to find your posts because of that surrealist avatar... :lol:
Xanatos wrote:Shinigami...Kenji. Oh, you poor guy. You have my sympathies. :lol: But at least with you around, our supple Japanese women won't be raped by lesbians. :mrgreen: ...Actually, that'd be pretty hot

Avatar made by OtakuNinja. Yeah, it would be pretty badass if it happened, don't you think?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Ghotiheads »

Wow that whole Condom-Jacket-Boyfriend nonsense is crazy. This kind of stuff actually happens? Good lord. Well I can't come up with anything to say, that hasn't been said. That's what happens when you're gone for a couple of days I guess.

Ugh I'm going back to the Hospital tomorrow. Having an attack that's only now dying down to a workable level. Ugh this one lasted for over two hours. The stupid sheet they gave me says to come back 3-5 days later. So I guess 6 days is fine time for me to come back, only to get told they still don't know what's wrong, and get another 125 big ones slapped onto my bill.


I hate hospitals so goddamned much.
I grammar badly, I apologize heartily on this.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Ghotiheads wrote:I hate hospitals so goddamned much.
Everyone does. They really need more funny black guys.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by ShinigamiKenji »

Ghotiheads wrote:Wow that whole Condom-Jacket-Boyfriend nonsense is crazy. This kind of stuff actually happens? Good lord. Well I can't come up with anything to say, that hasn't been said. That's what happens when you're gone for a couple of days I guess.

Ugh I'm going back to the Hospital tomorrow. Having an attack that's only now dying down to a workable level. Ugh this one lasted for over two hours. The stupid sheet they gave me says to come back 3-5 days later. So I guess 6 days is fine time for me to come back, only to get told they still don't know what's wrong, and get another 125 big ones slapped onto my bill.


I hate hospitals so goddamned much.
Holy s***, can't you really, like, go to another town to see this? Don't know, maybe some relatives could help you (can't remember if that's the case, but even if you and your family don't go along well, that could be a life threatening situation). Well, at least they still see you, here in some poorer regions it could be called a miracle.
Xanatos wrote:Shinigami...Kenji. Oh, you poor guy. You have my sympathies. :lol: But at least with you around, our supple Japanese women won't be raped by lesbians. :mrgreen: ...Actually, that'd be pretty hot

Avatar made by OtakuNinja. Yeah, it would be pretty badass if it happened, don't you think?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xiious »

I have three tinily cracked ribs, and a large bruise all on my left side. I have no idea where or how I got it. I don't think I got hit by a vehicle...
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Xanatos wrote:
Ghotiheads wrote:I hate hospitals so goddamned much.
Everyone does. They really need more funny black guys.

No, they need more serious black guys and funny white guys. Where mah homies at?

@Myshina, read up as much as you can on French law, then try going to the police again. Look for something like a restraining order, or at the very least a cease-and-desist. He can't be prosecuted for threatening your privacy and security? *subtly checks France off of places-I-could-live list*

@128 Welcome to the forums! I suspect that the best antidote to your ailment is time. Sounds like you've got a case of the feels. The whole attachment to fictional characters thing is common here, believe it or not, and as far as I know it fades with time.

Other than that, you know how everybody says that Hanako represents and idea, a facet of your personality, and your attachment is born out of empathy for yourself and the issues that Hanako represents? (Possibly) Then why would you want to get rid of the attachment? Instead, use it as a driving force for self-improvement. "Strike while the iron is hot," as a more eloquent forumgoer has said before me. Try to find the roots of these feelings, and work to resolve them in a healthy way that leaves you feeling better about yourself.
The biggest dilemma in Katawa Shoujo:
'Should I recommend this to my friends or do I want them to continue to see me as mentally healthy?'

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Ghotiheads »

It's not a matter of us not getting along. It's a matter of them living too far out of the way.

And honestly? They're not that sympathetic to my cause. That sounds harsh, but it's the way it is. We have damn good insurance for a reason, the only without some sort of condition is my sister in my nuclear family. Nobody has chest related ones. And with not a bill to my name, I'd have to walk 5 miles to see another doctor. A single mile wore me out, five of them would take me all day.
I grammar badly, I apologize heartily on this.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by ShinigamiKenji »

Dunno, maybe some friends then? Seriously, I'm a bit worried about it, it's been a time since you posted about that. That may sound selfish, but I'd rather have a bill than having an attack. And not trying to scare you (spoilertagged if you or someone are not comfortable with it), but my father once had some pain in the chest during the night, and my mom took him to the hospital. It was almost a heart attack.
Xanatos wrote:Shinigami...Kenji. Oh, you poor guy. You have my sympathies. :lol: But at least with you around, our supple Japanese women won't be raped by lesbians. :mrgreen: ...Actually, that'd be pretty hot

Avatar made by OtakuNinja. Yeah, it would be pretty badass if it happened, don't you think?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by LOL WUT »

Ghotiheads wrote:It's not a matter of us not getting along. It's a matter of them living too far out of the way.

And honestly? They're not that sympathetic to my cause. That sounds harsh, but it's the way it is. We have damn good insurance for a reason, the only without some sort of condition is my sister in my nuclear family. Nobody has chest related ones. And with not a bill to my name, I'd have to walk 5 miles to see another doctor. A single mile wore me out, five of them would take me all day.
If it makes you any better I have tachycardia.
It is a form of arrhythmia. The one that causes the heart to beat too fast.

It sucks because if have get a heart attack, the nearest hospital is 7 miles away.

That's actually the reason why I got the game(book, visual novel, what ever the hell you want call it.)
I was at the hospital for my physical and told them I was feeling chest pains every once in a while they checked me up took me to another hospital and diagnosed me with tachycardia.

That is also my motivation to become a doctor.
Now if only there was a school for disabled students filled with pretty girls.
Xanatos I'm Sorry.
Xanatos wrote: I was totally going to include the leaf. Otherwise it's just a Ken(ji) doll because I can't model cocks from nothing.
Hello! Did I mention that I have a form of Arrythmia?
LOL WUT: I Am Feeling The Urge To Get More Posts Than You By The End Of The Year. May The Best Man Win
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by LOL WUT »

Sorry for double posting but I just noticed that I told a bunch of people that I don't even know, something I don't even tell my friends.
Xanatos I'm Sorry.
Xanatos wrote: I was totally going to include the leaf. Otherwise it's just a Ken(ji) doll because I can't model cocks from nothing.
Hello! Did I mention that I have a form of Arrythmia?
LOL WUT: I Am Feeling The Urge To Get More Posts Than You By The End Of The Year. May The Best Man Win
Xanatos: Bring it, Clifford.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Total Destruction »


Xiious: That's the shittiest thing. Fractured ribs suck more than fractured anything else. Yikes. Get well soon.

Ghotiheads: Do what you gotta do to do you by you. (That was the world's most horrendously confusing sentence, but it stands, dammit. TAKE CARE YOSELF.)

Edit: GODDAMN. That's like three Hisaos in one place, right here. :( Good on ya, LOL WUT, for doing something about it.
... Danger.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Myshina »

Things are going much better~! They are~!

I called the police after the little incident and they promised they will come check on me every 20 minutes, which they have been doing for the last hour.

Meanwhile, Mr.Condom-In-jacket has made a flag and written UGLY in black across the white fabric and hung it on his car as a décor. WTF~?
Xanatos wrote: Whips, of course. :P I don't do that submissive shit!
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