Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Brisingr wrote: I could have sworn I saw you in my high school classes because this sounds so familiar. This is practically me only I'm 21. Now that I'm starting to care about having good friends to hang out with, everybody I seem to meet are either not worth it or out of my league. I feel pathetic in saying that I get along better with a 16 year old over xbox live who lives in California better than the people I see of my own age on a daily basis back home in Michigan.

Nothing wrong with that. I know friends over PSN better than I do most "friends" from my school. Sometimes, the 16 year old who lives across the country is kinder and more mature than most of the people who live around you. (Sometimes, not always. Don't play Call of Duty expecting to find mature, well-balanced individuals.)
The biggest dilemma in Katawa Shoujo:
'Should I recommend this to my friends or do I want them to continue to see me as mentally healthy?'

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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Xden »

DrNonookee wrote:...in an attempt to get back on topic: how about someone with some drink-mixing experience *make* some KS-themed drinks? Like, say, "The Lilly" or "The Misha", and come up with a combination of booze and other ingredients that somehow reflects the character's appearance or personality. :D I'd try it myself, except I know nothing about mixed drinks...
Nice idea. I might try and experiment with this a little bit myself.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Eraser35 »

a Lily drink would basically have to knock you on your ass as soon as you drank it
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pyramid Head »

Katawa Shoujo themed drinks...?

The Lilly: Mix a very cheap flavorless characterless scotch consumed primarily by misogynistic scarf wearers into tea, top with warm cream.

The Hanako: In a cocktail shaker with rocks (And i will personally gut you if you use a tumbler shaker) combine sloe gin with aromatic bitters until well imulsified. Serve neat in a heat resistant glass, top with a small measure of Everclear or Bacardi 151 and ignite the drink.

The Rin: Okay this one would be a little more coherent because some stages of the Rin arc scream self destructive artist, and there actually is a liquor for self destructive artist perfect for cocktails because the American Food and Drug Administration doesn't allow distillers to brew it properly so you won't want to drink it straight unless you pay $200 for a bottle of the real stuff. Combine a three to one measure of dry gin with vodka with half as much absinthe as there is vodka, shake well in a cocktail shaker and serve in a stemmed glass with a twist of lime.

The Emi: This one is based entirely on her preferred sexual lubricant scent and a video i found on YouTube called "When I'm Crippled." Well, the flavor that is. First, you need Limoncello.
To make Limoncello: Zest one pound of lemons (If you're too inept to use a micro zester, you can simply peel the lime and scrape off the albumin with the flat of a paring knife) and place them in a jar along with the full contents of a 750 ml bottle of preferably 50 proof vodka. Don't worry about buying the good stuff, any impurities in the vodka will be lost to the flavor of the lemon. Seal the jar tightly and let it age for one week in a cool place, shaking it at least twice a day to keep the solids in motion. After a week has past, strain the mixture so that only the liquid remains, return to the jar along with one cup (you can adjust it based on your taste) of simple syrup and let it age in the freezer for at least two hours.
Pour two shots worth of your limoncello into a glass with rocks and topped with cold green tea.

The Shizune: Like the Hanako one i'm shooting from the hip based on the characters hair color. Combine equal measures of gin, vodka, white rum, tequila blanco, and blue curacao in a shaker, mix well, pour over rocks, top with 7-Up or a similar soda and garnish with an orange wedge.

The Misha: I've got nothing.

Now i can't be held responsible for what happens if you actually do try to drink The Lilly or The Hanako, so don't go out of your ways to try these.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by ProfAllister »

Disclaimer: I am not a professional bartender, and cannot vouch for the quality of any of these drinks. They're more for fun and being thematically appropriate.

The Rin: A variation on a Mojito seems appropriate. Begin with lime juice, sugar, and mint, thoroughly muddled. Add one part white rum to two parts gin. Garnish with a skewer with cherry(or strawberry), orange, lemon, lime, blueberry, and grape. Drink with a straw.

The Emi: While it may make sense to start with a speedball as the base, the problem is that most people can't agree on what a speedball actually is. Take equal parts gin, tequila, and strawberry-infused vodka. Add melon liquor, aiming for a poplar green color. Garnish with lemon. Not recommended for Karaoke.

The Lilly: Drinking pure grain alcohol will cause you to go blind. In this case, we probably only want you to go blind with flavor, not literally. Being a proper lady, with foreign credentials, we will start with the foundation of a cosmopolitan as our blueprint. Take two parts tea-infused vodka to one part vanilla vodka. Add slightly less White Cranberry juice than total vodka. Finally, add half as much blue curaçao and lemon juice as cranberry juice. Ideally, this should result in a blue beverage, slightly cloudy.

The Hanako: It's tempting to make jokes in poor taste regarding Hanako's burns, so let's go in for a penny, in for a pound. We'll use the Manhattan as a base, in reference to the Manhattan Project. Start with a high proof Rye whiskey. Set the drink on fire, then add vermouth, with a double dash of bitters. Add a splash of tobasco or other hot sauce. If desired, add a shot of chocolate liqeur.

The Shizune: Now, what we want here is a harsh initial impression, with a hidden sweetness. Since Shizune's childish with aspirations toward being seen as more mature and grown up, we'll start with a "mature" drink - Gin and Tonic. A Camp David seems appropriate on several levels, being gin and tonic with a dash of creme de violette, but we need something more to make the Shizune stand out. Therefore, add a shot of whipping cream, to mute the flavors and add that ever desirable bondage subtext.

The Misha: The devs have a specific formulation for the Misha, but they choose not to disclose this information. Many people decide the Misha is a fruity pink champagne and leave it at that. As such, we're left to build from the various clues left by the devs. Some people argue that the Misha has no alcohol, but, to others, that just doesn't feel right. Start with a clear liquor (Vodka, Gin, Tequilla, Triple Sec, Rum). This will help to define the character of the drink, but it's really left to the mixer's discretion. For Misha's lovable effervescence, add a clear carbonated mixer (Club Soda, Tonic Water, Lemon-Lime Soda, Ginger Ale). Needless to say, the underlying source of effervescence is also crucial to understanding the drink's character. Add fruit juices to taste, aiming for a pink coloration. Serve with spiral cut ham, unless you're feeling depressed and just want some comfort.

The Kenji: No, this is not some sort of romantic princess drink. What the hell, man? This is a manly drink. 12-year old single malt whiskey, straight from the bottle. Garnish with pretzels.
Last edited by ProfAllister on Thu Feb 14, 2019 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Snow_Storm »

Theme song of this topic:

Pyramid Head wrote:Katawa Shoujo themed drinks...?

The Hanako: In a cocktail shaker with rocks (And i will personally gut you if you use a tumbler shaker) combine sloe gin with aromatic bitters until well imulsified. Serve neat in a heat resistant glass, top with a small measure of Everclear or Bacardi 151 and ignite the drink.
I'd imagine the drink would be purple but shit, erryone going for the burn scars joke. Anyway, that sounds good for some reason. I guess for bitters, I could use Jaggermister but is there any other ones I could use since I'm like the only one of my friends who like Jagger? Also, 151 Rum is amazing! CARIBOU LOU!

The Shizune: Like the Hanako one i'm shooting from the hip based on the characters hair color. Combine equal measures of gin, vodka, white rum, tequila blanco, and blue curacao in a shaker, mix well, pour over rocks, top with 7-Up or a similar soda and garnish with an orange wedge.
Oh my god, that sounds amazing. Gonna do this sometime soon if my budget allows.
The Misha: I've got nothing.
Given her pink hair and bubbly nature, I say something that is a bubble gum liquor or a bubbly drink.
Now i can't be held responsible for what happens if you actually do try to drink The Lilly or The Hanako, so don't go out of your ways to try these.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by ArazelEternal »

ProfAllister wrote:Disclaimer: I am not a professional bartender, and cannot vouch for the quality of any of these drinks. They're more for fun and being thematically appropriate.

The Rin: A variation on a Mojito seems appropriate. Begin with lime juice, sugar, and mint, thoroughly muddled. Add one part white rum to two parts gin. Garnish with a skewer with cherry(or strawberry), orange, lemon, lime, blueberry, and grape. Drink with a straw.

The Emi: While it may make sense to start with a speedball as the base, the problem is that most people can't agree on what a speedball actually is. Take equal parts gin, tequila, and strawberry-infused vodka. Add melon liquor, aiming for a poplar green color. Garnish with lemon. Not recommended for Karaoke.

The Lilly: Drinking pure grain alcohol will cause you to go blind. In this case, we probably only want you to go blind with flavor, not literally. Being a proper lady, with foreign credentials, we will start with the foundation of a cosmopolitan as our blueprint. Take two parts tea-infused vodka to one part vanilla vodka. Add slightly less White Cranberry juice than total vodka. Finally, add half as much blue curaçao and lemon juice as cranberry juice. Ideally, this should result in a blue beverage, slightly cloudy.

The Hanako: It's tempting to make jokes in poor taste regarding Hanako's burns, so let's go in for a penny, in for a pound. We'll use the Manhattan as a base, in reference to the Manhattan Project. Start with a high proof Rye whiskey. Set the drink on fire, then add vermouth, with a double dash of bitters. Add a splash of tobasco or other hot sauce. If desired, add a shot of chocolate liqeur.

The Shizune: Now, what we want here is a harsh initial impression, with a hidden sweetness. Since Shizune's childish with aspirations toward being seen as more mature and grown up, we'll start with a "mature" drink - Gin and Tonic. A Camp David seems appropriate on several levels, being gin and tonic with a dash of creme de violette, but we need something more to make the Shizune stand out. Therefore, add a shot of whipping cream, to mute the flavors and add that ever desirable bondage subtext.

The Misha: The devs have a specific formulation fort he Misha, but they choose not to disclose this information. Many people decide the Misha is a fruity pink champagne and leave it at that. As such, we're left to build from the various clues left by the devs. Some people argue that the Misha has no alcohol, but, to others, that just doesn't feel right. Start with a clear liquor (Vodka, Gin, Tequilla, Tripe Sec, Rum). This will help to define the character of the drink, but it's really left to the mixer's discretion. For Misha's lovable effervescence, add a clear carbonated mixer (Club Soda, Tonic Water, Lemon-Lime Soda, Ginger Ale). Needless to say, the underlying source of effervescence is also crucial to understanding the drink's character. Add fruit juices to taste, aiming for a pink coloration. Serve with spiral cut ham, unless you're feeling depressed and just want some comfort.

The Kenji: No, this is not some sort of romantic princess drink. What the hell, man? This is a manly drink. 12-year old single malt whiskey, straight from the bottle. Garnish with pretzels.
The Lilly sounds good. The Kenji is one I have drank for some time. 12 year scotch neat is the best.

Lilly = Hanako, Emi, Rin, Shizune
I fell in love with Lilly and Hanako

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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pyramid Head »

The Feels vs. Brown Ale

I can be opinionated when it comes to food. I know what you're going to say, "Oh, Pyramid Head opinionated about something. Will wonders never cease?" Well you smarmy prick, if you'd shut up for five seconds i'm sure we can agree on this. In my opinion pizza should be good food; it's one of the most ancient forms of prepared food being essentially cheese on a trencher and should have gotten better with time. Yet, it rarely is. Pizza. Cheese melted on a plate of bread typically also served with a tomato sauce and cut into wedges. How can people keep fucking it up with flavorless cheese and nasty sauce? So being someone who demands excellence while getting shitfaced, i have a designated "Episode of depression, need pizza and booze" spot which was ready to ease the pain of me discovering the hard way just how much H.A.W.X 2 sucked by having a big discount on Newcastle Brown Ale, along with cheese and crust that could be considered the apex of the American pizza experience. Hard to be depressed when you're creaming your pants due to oral pleasure.
...okay maybe i took that metaphor too far. The point is one, the English know how to make a damn good beer because the Newcastle was even better than Boulevard Pale Ale, and two, i was buzzed. Phase three of seeing if i can get the feels while my frontal lobe was marinating in ethyl alcohol was ready!

So did the rich and bitter ale affect the bittersweet pool hall scene in the Hanako arc which actually did give me a small high because i personally had been in that position before where i was so lonely i didn't let myself speak out on backbreakingly stupid behavior. Did the booze get in the way?
Yes, though while the margarita experiment simply mellowed me out, the ale had a decidedly different affect. I had the compelling urge to minimize the novel and spent pretty much the rest of my time buzzed listening to Smoke on the Water, finally sobering up when the playlist finished the one good David Bowie song Space Oddity. For some reason this time around the booze gave me temporary ADD and it did get in the way of a scene that usually grabbed me by the balls, so two experiments out of three seem to suggest getting drunk can cheapen the experience of the feels. But i won't end the experiments here, after a particularly grating animated show i've been hitting Katawa Shoujo with a vengeance and should have more experiment notes ready for you.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Pyramid Head wrote:The Feels vs. Brown Ale

I can be opinionated when it comes to food. I know what you're going to say, "Oh, Pyramid Head opinionated about something. Will wonders never cease?" Well you smarmy prick, if you'd shut up for five seconds i'm sure we can agree on this. In my opinion pizza should be good food; it's one of the most ancient forms of prepared food being essentially cheese on a trencher and should have gotten better with time. Yet, it rarely is. Pizza. Cheese melted on a plate of bread typically also served with a tomato sauce and cut into wedges. How can people keep fucking it up with flavorless cheese and nasty sauce? So being someone who demands excellence while getting shitfaced, i have a designated "Episode of depression, need pizza and booze" spot which was ready to ease the pain of me discovering the hard way just how much H.A.W.X 2 sucked by having a big discount on Newcastle Brown Ale, along with cheese and crust that could be considered the apex of the American pizza experience. Hard to be depressed when you're creaming your pants due to oral pleasure.
...okay maybe i took that metaphor too far. The point is one, the English know how to make a damn good beer because the Newcastle was even better than Boulevard Pale Ale, and two, i was buzzed. Phase three of seeing if i can get the feels while my frontal lobe was marinating in ethyl alcohol was ready!

So did the rich and bitter ale affect the bittersweet pool hall scene in the Hanako arc which actually did give me a small high because i personally had been in that position before where i was so lonely i didn't let myself speak out on backbreakingly stupid behavior. Did the booze get in the way?
Yes, though while the margarita experiment simply mellowed me out, the ale had a decidedly different affect. I had the compelling urge to minimize the novel and spent pretty much the rest of my time buzzed listening to Smoke on the Water, finally sobering up when the playlist finished the one good David Bowie song Space Oddity. For some reason this time around the booze gave me temporary ADD and it did get in the way of a scene that usually grabbed me by the balls, so two experiments out of three seem to suggest getting drunk can cheapen the experience of the feels. But i won't end the experiments here, after a particularly grating animated show i've been hitting Katawa Shoujo with a vengeance and should have more experiment notes ready for you.

Good work, but where's your control? Your hypothesis? Experimental data? I'm starting to think that you're not even a scientist.
The biggest dilemma in Katawa Shoujo:
'Should I recommend this to my friends or do I want them to continue to see me as mentally healthy?'

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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pyramid Head »

Pseudogenesis wrote:
Pyramid Head wrote:The Feels vs. Brown Ale

I can be opinionated when it comes to food. I know what you're going to say, "Oh, Pyramid Head opinionated about something. Will wonders never cease?" Well you smarmy prick, if you'd shut up for five seconds i'm sure we can agree on this. In my opinion pizza should be good food; it's one of the most ancient forms of prepared food being essentially cheese on a trencher and should have gotten better with time. Yet, it rarely is. Pizza. Cheese melted on a plate of bread typically also served with a tomato sauce and cut into wedges. How can people keep fucking it up with flavorless cheese and nasty sauce? So being someone who demands excellence while getting shitfaced, i have a designated "Episode of depression, need pizza and booze" spot which was ready to ease the pain of me discovering the hard way just how much H.A.W.X 2 sucked by having a big discount on Newcastle Brown Ale, along with cheese and crust that could be considered the apex of the American pizza experience. Hard to be depressed when you're creaming your pants due to oral pleasure.
...okay maybe i took that metaphor too far. The point is one, the English know how to make a damn good beer because the Newcastle was even better than Boulevard Pale Ale, and two, i was buzzed. Phase three of seeing if i can get the feels while my frontal lobe was marinating in ethyl alcohol was ready!

So did the rich and bitter ale affect the bittersweet pool hall scene in the Hanako arc which actually did give me a small high because i personally had been in that position before where i was so lonely i didn't let myself speak out on backbreakingly stupid behavior. Did the booze get in the way?
Yes, though while the margarita experiment simply mellowed me out, the ale had a decidedly different affect. I had the compelling urge to minimize the novel and spent pretty much the rest of my time buzzed listening to Smoke on the Water, finally sobering up when the playlist finished the one good David Bowie song Space Oddity. For some reason this time around the booze gave me temporary ADD and it did get in the way of a scene that usually grabbed me by the balls, so two experiments out of three seem to suggest getting drunk can cheapen the experience of the feels. But i won't end the experiments here, after a particularly grating animated show i've been hitting Katawa Shoujo with a vengeance and should have more experiment notes ready for you.

Good work, but where's your control? Your hypothesis? Experimental data? I'm starting to think that you're not even a scientist.

Okay, so this has to be a more unorthodox experiment. My experimental data is based largely on how bitterly i laughed as what little hints of emotion i have become more and more perverse, but yeah, i don't have much in the way of a control. No-one i know with relative emotional stability got into Katawa Shoujo. But hey, it's not like it's a published experiment being peer-reviewed, i'm doing it like a Mythbuster and and pulling interpretations out of my ass.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo and Alcohol

Post by Pyramid Head »

The Feels vs. Cuba's Greatest Invention

Hemmingway drank daiquiris. Never could figure out why. The daiquiri is just simple syrup, lime juice and white rum. Not a lot of character to it, and really kind of a femmy drink. A wise man once theorized that the great writer was hung like a hamster, but some thoughts come to mind when someone says that. Jigoro and Kenji are hung like hamsters but in all likelihood they both drink the same whisky, a mellow Scotch that is kind of like the Battlefield 3 of distilled beverages, it's for people who think they're too manly for rum but don't actually have the balls to go for Irish whiskey or American bourbon, kind of like how Battlefield 3 is for dog fucking losers who think they're too smart for Modern Warfare but aren't actually smart enough for Deus Ex. But on the other hand, Kenji and Jigoro are in denial about their penile deficiencies, it's quite possible Hemmingway was perfectly fine with the size of his dick, small as it may be, or it may be possible that since he was based in Cuba late in his life he just thought the great rum didn't need to much gilding. Plus, he did still drink mojitos.

The mojito is the worlds great underrated drink. Technique, fresh fruit and herbs and a good rum can make what i consider to be the best cocktail ever, though bare in mind i'm still a few months shy of 22 and live in Missouri, i haven't had a lot of opportunities to try American cocktails like the martini, most of the good drinks i get are from bistros ran by immigrants but the martinis i've tried were always at yuppie cocksucker steakhouses and made by bartenders who wouldn't know how to pour a beer if you shoved a pilsner glass up their stupid ass!
I'm sorry, this is a a happy time. I'm inebriated goddmanit! Or i was a while ago. Anyway the mojito is my personal favorite cocktail when it's done well. Minty, a little bitter, a little sour and sweet from the lime, and of course a bit of raw alcohol from the rum, my friend(s) you've got a damn fine drink if you make it right. Too few places in not just my town but this godforsaken country get it right, but i found a place that does get it right, and i might have chugged the first one in raw ecstatic glory of "Holy fucking shit, the asshole actually muddled the mint properly." Either way, after a tamale and two cocktails it was time to pit my marinated mind against Katawa Shoujo for stage four of the Feels vs. Booze experiment.

The results?

This time i really put things to the test.
...okay, i didn't. I wasn't even buzzed. Two drinks? Bitch please, i'm a foot taller than Hanako and walk everywhere so i've also got more muscle mass than her, so it takes more than three drinks to get me to say i love somebody. Plus i mentioned before i drink because i like the drinks, not because when i'm inebriated i see the ghost of Jerry Garcia, so this time it was relatively light boozing. But still, in the past a couple down were enough to mellow me out and reduce the effects of the feels, so with two of my favorite drinks in me i pit it against the last few days of the Hanako good ending. The results?


Yes, it did interfere with the feels. I wound up getting more angry at Hisao than ever before when sober and that did get in the way of a scene that some say causes manly tears. Mind you i don't shed manly tears unless there is a dog death, but you get the idea. My favorite drink spoiled one of my favorite scenes in Katawa Shoujo.
...it did however make me kick ass in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Go figure.

But now phase four must come to an end, as must all good drinks. Perhaps the only thing more depressing than Hanako's story is the sight of an empty mojito glass. Mint leaves battered and beaten to give up their flavor, but now all lost as only my gullet and the dregs of the drink left on the rocks remember the nectar produced by torturing the leaves so. Farewell mien mojito, until next payday...1
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