If you could bully Hanako in the game...

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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by mysterycycle »

I'd beat up the bully! Hells yeah! I'd do it for her! White Knighting achieved!
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by ravenlord »

Society is really cracking down on this kind of shit, both through education in schools:
http://www.antibullyingweek.org/dox/res ... zAod4j7p0w

and in local and state governments through legislation:

There will always be a few bullies and trolls about, but by and large they are being marginalized by peer pressure and a general awareness that there is simply no redeeming social value to it. And while the internet is becoming the last bastion of trolling and bullying for them (mostly due to the fact that the cowards who practice it can hide behind a veil of anonymity), the internet community and national governemnts are already curbing pure anonymity, so that it is getting harder for them to act that way without consequences:
http://www.cracked.com/article_16765_5- ... et_p2.html
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Snow_Storm »

Sadly for you guys, I'm a Black/Dark Knight so I would be joining in the trolling and bullying option if Hanako route had one.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Helbereth »

If it developed into some kind of story-route to follow in the game, then maybe. It's just a story, after all. Kinda like playing Infamous; you could decide to be a total bastard because there aren't actually any consequences for you either way - except that you get to see the game two different ways.

It can be entertaining and enlightening to explore the darker side of humanity in a consequence-free environment.

However, IRL, I wouldn't bully anyone intentionally.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Snow_Storm wrote:Sadly for you guys, I'm a Black/Dark Knight so I would be joining in the trolling and bullying option if Hanako route had one.

Fairly sure that Batman wouldn't be down for this.

Helbereth wrote:If it developed into some kind of story-route to follow in the game, then maybe. It's just a story, after all. Kinda like playing Infamous; you could decide to be a total bastard because there aren't actually any consequences for you either way - except that you get to see the game two different ways.

It can be entertaining and enlightening to explore the darker side of humanity in a consequence-free environment.

However, IRL, I wouldn't bully anyone intentionally.
Oh dear god, InFamous 2's evil ending was so fucking brutal. I HATE playing the bad guy, even destroying the very first village as the first little morality path killed me a little inside. [Major end-of-game spoilers] When you had to kill Zeke at the end, I could feel my heart break a little more every time I hit him.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Sgt_Frog »

Pseudogenesis wrote:
Snow_Storm wrote:Sadly for you guys, I'm a Black/Dark Knight so I would be joining in the trolling and bullying option if Hanako route had one.

Fairly sure that Batman wouldn't be down for this.

Helbereth wrote:If it developed into some kind of story-route to follow in the game, then maybe. It's just a story, after all. Kinda like playing Infamous; you could decide to be a total bastard because there aren't actually any consequences for you either way - except that you get to see the game two different ways.

It can be entertaining and enlightening to explore the darker side of humanity in a consequence-free environment.

However, IRL, I wouldn't bully anyone intentionally.
Oh dear god, InFamous 2's evil ending was so fucking brutal. I HATE playing the bad guy, even destroying the very first village as the first little morality path killed me a little inside. [Major end-of-game spoilers] When you had to kill Zeke at the end, I could feel my heart break a little more every time I hit him.
I really liked Infamous2's Path of Good. It felt nice to cruise around the city, dispensing vigilante justice with ice and electricity. If that didn't work, my shiny chrome-tastic Amp gave them a little something to think about. Though that Path of Good ending...it's a real punch to the gut. You sacrifice yourself as well as every other Conduit on the planet to save the majority of the human race from The Beast.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Well yeah, but that was noble self-sacrifice, something that you were already used to. The conduit gene was rare, too, so not too many people died. The Good ending was good, but the Evil ending... it just made you feel like a horrible person.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Dr. Robotnik »

The only reason I went good in inFAMOUS 2 was because the power was better and the girl was hotter. Right things for the wrong reasons.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by RadioactiveData »

Nope. :p
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Xanatos »

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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Pyramid Head »

Sometimes people say disturbing things because they're desperate for attention, sometimes they say things like that because they don't realize a sense of humor can only go so far, sometimes they are disturbed, and sometimes people are just shit and you're better off forgetting about them. I mean sorry to bring it up again, but this was a 4Chan project and the fan art on the shimmie is pretty quick to remind you some fucked up people were involved with the project over it's five year Valve time.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by yummines »


why do people keep necroing this one particular thread?

i dont have anything more to say so heres a video of Lily going to a convenience store
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by Helbereth »

mysterycycle wrote:I'd beat up the bully! Hells yeah! I'd do it for her! White Knighting achieved!
I don't think it's exactly white-knighting. I'd be willing to knock a bully on their ass regardless of their target, but that's because I have a real problem with the act of bullying in general.

I don't think standing up for someone being assaulted -mentally or physically- is the same as the white-knighting the VN looks upon with such disdain. In the case of standing between a bully and their target, you're preventing the act from happening, whereas in the game you're trying to stand in that same place against assumed threats that may not even exist.

Hisao ends up trying to protect Hanako from the mental projection of being teased, which isn't something he can really accomplish. Instead the game tries to get the point across that the battle is largely in the hands of the person recovering from the trauma. Regardless of how you might feel, it's up to them to come to you, or you're just bullying them in a different way - a more insidious way, really.

Let them know the hand is offered, but don't force it on them, one could say.

If you want an external example of a similarly structured drama, check out House M.D. Season 3 Episode 12, "One Day, One Room", in which House gets chosen to help a recent rape victim deal with the trauma. IMDB Link.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by LOL WUT »

This ^^^ Is the most sense I have heard in a while.
Which is surprising.
Since this is a forum.
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Re: If you could bully Hanako in the game...

Post by OtakuNinja »

I would never bully anyone. I've been bullied myself and I still haven't recovered from it. :(

Also, remember Stephen King's "Carrie"
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