Hanako's Broken Heart Club

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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xden »

Total Destruction wrote:...get hella drunk and talk politics and existential nonsense.
One of my favorite things to do! Add in some philosophical and psychological concepts and you've got a party.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Pseudogenesis »

Xanatos wrote: As for Revelations, I plan on it. It may be the weakest of the series but that's really not saying too much in this series. It's like saying Ponyo is the weakest Miyazaki film: The worst of the best is still gonna be awesome. :P Incidentally, I liked Ponyo.

And your thread got locked. :lol:
I was afraid that would happen. :S Oh well. I doubt the mods will hold it against me.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xiious »

Total Destruction wrote:@Xiious: Stay away from those anime broads. Those two dimensions will cut you deep, bro.

But seriously, nothing wrong with asexuality. Hell, I do it myself on occasion. Sometimes I just don't want anything to do with anyone else's flesh and grime for a second, so no big. Consider it, I dunno, restocking your arsenal. Nothin' weird, nothin' wrong. And if I'm ever in your neck of the woods, even though I've already offered ya a session, you have the pleasure of watching me get hella drunk and talk politics and existential nonsense.
Anime just seems to hold my heart hostage right now. What's worse is I think I have a new current waifu from a very old character. And she's not even human, or even biological. Anyone know Brass?

I've never really understood the male pleasure of being turned on. It just doesn't suit me, I just don't feel the need for sexual release. I'd much rather have feels. Although the hurtful feels can be debatable if I want or not.

One day we'll get together and chill sometime bro, and I'll drink my apple juice while you entertain me with drunken drivel. Believe it or not though, I prefer to listen to other people talk than hear myself ^^

Also, Update:I decided not to speak, but yesterday I still went. I don't remember much besides crying for a while, and a few speeches. It was like the funeral all over again, everyone giving the girl the attention she lacked in life. I hated that so much I burst into tears. It's not like they really cared about her. They were just using her accident as an excuse to bring up what happened again. Her parents were in on it too, near the end they pulled me aside and asked many times what really happened. Even though I told them the truth every time, they kept asking, like they wanted me to confess I pushed her or something. Of course, the truth is the other way around. She pushed me.... So I left the building and went home and cried and ate junk and drank Monster and watched Medabots. I had to disconnect my house phone because so many people were calling to try and console me as they had noticed I had left early.

I'm tired of fakers who just want to pester me all the time. I'm glad I have a friendly place to escape to here.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Erenussocrates »

My stupid computer is messed up, so I haven't been checking here for last few days, so sorry guys. I don't know when I'll be able to buy the new one though.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Beoran »

Xiious, that sounds hard, man. Maybe they didn't know her, but I'm sure many people are missing her, as are you. She is irreplacable , and yet, that chapter of your life has ended. No matter how many time you reread it it will stay the same. I's say it's time to start thinking about writing the next chapter. I hope you will find a way, somehow and someday.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kouryuu »

Xiious - thats so harsh man I really dont know what to say. Unfortunately if these people who pester you dont understand there is nothing you can really do but try to carry on. Take what time you need to settle then like Beoran says, you got to think of whats next.

This really is a nice friendly place, you picked a good place to come to. ^^

In other news about me, I sent my first job app off today. Took a long time but I did it. Big obstacle for me so it took as long as it needed, thats what I like to think. I am so nervous of getting called though, if I get caught in the wrong mood or at a bad time then, well fuck. I just avoid thinking about that the best I can and just concentrate on the important bit. That can come later if it needs work.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

[insert repetitive sentiments here]

^^; Yeah...Not much I can say that hasn't been said before me, Xiious. Good luck with things.

I totally need to watch more Medabots.
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Pyramid Head »

Xanatos wrote:
Total Destruction wrote:...get hella drunk and talk politics and existential nonsense.
That's actually a fairly good way for me to forget I'm in this lousy place...Not that many can follow my ramblings, drunk or otherwise. And I'd definitely say this place falls on the xenophobic side of things. Small community isn't a problem: Hell, Yamaku's got nothing but a single suburb around and that place sounds alright. :P

It's the people who suck. I've been here at least a good six years (definitely more but six is the figure I recall for some reason) and I can count the number of non-idiots I've run into on a single hand. Possibly a hand-and-a-half. Either way, I like to think I'm fairly intelligent and the intelligent don't do well surrounded by idiots. There's a reason the phrase "I need a damn drink" has become an increasingly common part of my speech. It first slipped into my daily speech about three months before my 21st birthday, actually...Though all things considered, I maintain that I was in desperate need of booze a good three years prior to that anyway.

It basically went like this:

Three years prior: Being surrounded by idiots rapidly taking a toll.

Three months prior: "I need a drink" becomes an increasingly common declaration in light of finally being able to get one soon.

21st birthday: Near-death from alcohol binge to drown out all my damage, defects, and the many idiots I've endured.

Ongoing: Occasional vodka-fueled rambling about politics and existential nonsense. Also, I often ramble about how much PETA can suck it but that's neither here nor there. :P

At any rate, my increased desire for brain-loosening beverages and alleged genetic disposition to alcoholism aside, my current focus is finding a job and saving cash...And if the heat will ever allow, losing some weight. I guess I'll have to start going out later at night or something to get a reprieve from the hellish temperatures this place has going lately.

I found myself in a similar position but found that sense writing doesn't exactly adhere to a fixed timeframe in terms of work hours, it was easier to simply declare 700 my bed time and take walks at four in the morning to grab a cheap dinner and walk off most of the calories. Of course that's made a little more difficult by the fact that i'm a severe insomniac and have problems falling asleep at any fixed time, but it's a plan i found works.

As for the drinking, i actually can't help you. I don't touch vodka with a ten foot pole, i drink because i like the drinks themselves. I did set up a rule for myself that i can't have more than three drinks an hour unless i'm having a meal or it's something i can't quaff, but since my personality isn't that addictive i'm probably downplaying how hard maintaining that rule would be for other people.
Still, what's wrong with discussing politics while sober? I mean yeah both political parties in America are a disgusting joke of either corruption and hysterical racism or pure spinelessness, but that doesn't mean we should never talk about it. I for one feel the Republicans can go dive under a tractor because it became a party devoted to sucking off big business ever since that piece of shit Reagan held office, but what can you do? Expecting logic in America, a country that can't go five years without entering some armed conflict, is like expecting tact and good taste in YouTube commentators.

...wait you are based in America right?
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xiious »

Xanatos wrote:[insert repetitive sentiments here]

^^; Yeah...Not much I can say that hasn't been said before me, Xiious. Good luck with things.

I totally need to watch more Medabots.
Thanks. And thanks to everyone else as well.

Medabots are amazing. I wish that world was real. It'd certainly make life easier...
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Pyramid Head wrote:...wait you are based in America right?
Unfortunately. If it's not corporate greed running this place, it's terrorism. If it's not terrorism, it's corporate greed. I've adopted the policy of simply ignoring most of it until it inevitably rots. I think I'd go mad otherwise. Sadly, there's no sign of any violent revolution soon...Just this Occupy crap that's done utterly nothing apparent except exposing corrupt police forces to no good end.

@Xiious, Most fictional worlds would be infinitely better than the real one. If fiction has taught me anything, it's that reality sucks and I'd gladly wither away in a Matrix-esque reality of robots and catgirls. :mrgreen: The next best thing is to immerse myself in anime, video games, and VNs both heartwrenching and perverse as suits my mood. Most would say that's unhealthy...I would say fuck those people, do what you enjoy in life. 8)
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Kutagh »

I've just read this... What a way to remember someone dear to you.

@Xiious: People usually want to only hear what they think is the truth. This also goes for those parents of her. They want a scapegoat, someone to take out their rage on. They don't want to believe that their daughter sacrificed herself for you, that she chose your life (which is worth next to nothing to them compared to their daughters life) over her own life and family. Even if they might have neglected her, she was still part of their family, their life.

I'd recommend to write them a short letter, repeating in detail what happened according to you during the accident as well as saying that you wish no contact with them until they accept that what you said is what truly happened. Obviously sweeten it up with 'my condolences' and such.
Why am I recommending this? Because her family (and you) needs time to mourn and to return to their normal life. Part of that process usually is finding closure, which is what they were trying to find by pestering you about what happened. As long as they cannot accept the truth and want to find their own truth, you have nothing to offer to them and thus seeking out conflicts, opening wounds, is not what either side needs. Once they do accept the truth you can together close that chapter of your life and move on.

Keep in mind that it is a recommendation and it is up to you to decide whether you think it is worthwhile. In any case I wish you good luck with moving on.

@Anime and such: Some of those anime are a way for us to escape real life and go to our imagination. A way to forget our burdens and a way to feel what we want to feel. To live in an impossible (but ideal) world. Unfortunately they're still imagination and not reality, but it certainly won't hurt anyone to read a book, play a VN/game or watch an anime/movie. Reality sucks and everyone can occasionally use an escape from reality.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Walrusfella »

Xiious, I'm sorry to hear it went like that. For what it's worth, I'm proud of you. You did your duty and attended, and you told the truth. Nobody can demand more. What her parents might think is entirely down to them.

Edit: Congratulations on getting a new job, Beoran! It sounds like a great step up.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Total Destruction »

Walrusfella wrote:Xiious, I'm sorry to hear it went like that. For what it's worth, I'm proud of you. You did your duty and attended, and you told the truth. Nobody can demand more. What her parents might think is entirely down to them.
This fucking times infinity.

On that note, @Xiious: Hahah, apple juice does a body good. Also, I had to Google what the hell Medabots were and they look legit. And I can see the more personable aspects of a robot chick with guns in it. :D

For serious, though. Just to beat off a dead horse or whatever the hell, yeah, asexuality is killer. Divorcing yourself from the more base aspects of romance and just, well, mentally "getting off" on something like just chilling out with someone is pretty frickin' groovy. Goddammit. You've got me really bummed out on something totally cool, hahah. No damage done.
Kutagh wrote:most Godawfully romantic thing
Nuts. THAT is how you do it with class, kids.
... Danger.
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Erenussocrates »

@Xanatos, I don't know about USA politics, but what I know is; that the politics of my country, society around me at certain parts of my life, and the good old punk bands, those three gave me some ideas of anarchism, lol. I know it sounds foolish, and I know it's as impossible as communism. And I'm certainly not throwing molotoves around or anything lol.
But, in short, the heads of big organizations which shepherds large amounts of people -like companies, or governments- are bound to corrupt.. That's all I think.

Also, I totally agree with everything Kutagh says above.

Now I gotta go and watch some Bleach fillers and get bored..

PS: Xiious, do you have a MAL account??
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Re: Hanako's Broken Heart Club

Post by Xanatos »

Total Destruction wrote:Nuts. THAT is how you do it with class, kids.
I can't find that quote. What did he do?
<KeiichiO>: "I wonder what Misha's WAHAHA's sound like with a cock stuffed down her throat..."
<Ascension>: "I laughed, cried, vomited in my mouth a little, and even had time for marshmallows afterwards. Well played, Xanatos. Well played."
<KeiichiO>: "That's a beautiful response to chocolate."
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