Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation


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Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Compiling all my stories into one thread like a logical minded person.

Starting with Akira and Hideaki.

“Wah, Akira-chan that’s too big to fit in there!”

She was getting sick of his attitude.

At first, it was cute, wearing stockings and hairclips and girly clothes, but she thought he’d grow out of it when he graduated high school.

She’d tried to help him, tried to toughen him up, but at every turn he remained the same effeminate, timid, eccentric fucking twink, and she was fed up.

If he wants to act like a girl, she said to herself, I’ll make him into one.

Hideaki let out a stifled moan as Akira toyed with his anus, slowly sliding one lubed finger in and out, watching all the cute little faces he made. Initially she thought he was going to snap, slap her or yell or run away, but the second she’d basically jumped him and began to tear his shorts off Akira was surprised at how hard he was.

Like a fucking adamantium pillar, she thought.

To be honest, the initial crazy thought was brought on by a tremendous amount of liquor, and she DID have a few instances on her way home from the bar where she started to bitch out, but each time she was reminded of how many times she’d caught glimpses of him wearing girl panties, or when they’d gone shopping and he went immediately for the petite section.

Now she was in a position she never expected to be in, standing over a naked Hideaki wearing a strap-on, finger-fucking his virgin asshole.

Whelp, no going back now, she thought.

“A-Akira….” He said quietly, his voice mixed with anticipation and fear.

“Shaddup,” she replied with a wicked grin.

Grabbing the bottle of cheap anal lube, she greased up another finger for penetration.

Probably ought to do at least three fingers, she thought, The dildo isn’t THAT big.

In truth, it really wasn’t, it measured only 6 inches. She kept it around for when Shiina wanted to take it easy, or when she was feeling particularly dominate.

Hideaki moaned a little louder as her middle finger entered him, she was still pumping slowly, trying not to end the ordeal too quickly, and also to not cause him any unneeded pain. As she pumped into him, her free hand reached under him to fondle his hardness. She was surprised that he was as big as he was, and wondered how in the hell he hid it so well.

Probably tape or something, she thought.

Hideaki’s moans grew even louder when her ring finger joined the fray, and she began pumping even faster into him. He was almost ready, his sphincter no longer having such a death grip on her, probably due to how much he was unintentionally enjoying this. He’d always had a crush on Akira, and though this wasn’t exactly how he’d wanted them to be intimate, he was nevertheless happy that they were.

Even though she was a lesbian, or bisexual… Hideaki really didn’t know.

Growing impatient, Akira pulled her fingers out of him, and tightened the harness on the strap-on. She tended to get a little wild, and it would be no good at all if she had to break her stride.

“Ready~?” she asked, despite knowing whatever his answer was, she was going in.

“Ye-AH!” Hideaki shouted out, due to Akira jamming the plastic tool into him mid sentence.

“Oh, were you not ready?” Akira asked with a fake worried tone.

Hideaki’s response was a mewling noise as Akira started into him, slowly, giving him time to get used to her girth.

He moans just like a fucking girl, she thought anger flaring through her, I’ll make him fucking moan.
She began to drastically increase her pace, blonde bangs bouncing as she thrust her hips into him. Hideaki began to moan even louder, enjoying the violation and the sensations it sent across his body every time the dildo rubbed his prostate. He entered this dazed state, the feeling of the fake dick pounding into him sending his lust spiraling into new heights, but the sensations themselves not enough to make him orgasm. Instead, his cock throbbed painfully, screaming for release with each thrust.

“Oh no you don’t,” Akira said as she slapped Hideaki’s hand from his penis.

If he was going to come, it was going to be on HER terms, she was in control.

And drunk.

Which was not a good combination, ask Shiina.

Beads of sweat began rolling over their bodies as the pegging continued, Akira being sweatier due to her near ludicrous speed she was humping at. Suddenly, she reared a hand back and slapped his ass hard, eliciting a very loud, lustful moan from the younger boy. Seeing her action as favorable Akira began to intermittingly spank him as she thrusted, eventually leaving both cheeks red with handprints.

Looking over at the wall clock, Akira noticed they had been at this for almost two hours without Hideaki blowing his load all over the carpet. She had to admit to herself, the boy was pretty good, he lasted longer than Shiina anyway.

Hell, after about twenty minutes Misha was drenching the sheets.

As a drop of sweat stung her eye, Akira decided this was going to end, and slipped a hand onto his member. She didn’t start pumping wildly; instead she grasped firmly, and began slowly tugging. Her thrusts began to slow down, eventually matching the rhythm of the tugs, before both movement started picking up speed.
At this point with Shiina, Akira usually used a cheap line, one you’d be likely to find in some shitty H-doujin, but not this time. Instead Hideaki loudly proclaimed something when he began to come, shooting the sticky white fluid all over her hand and the carpet.


Once his orgasm had subsided, and the plastic member left his anus with an audible pop, Akira leaned back.
He… Hearted her?

Before you ask, yes that is a reference at the end to another person's story, and he does in fact know about it. He doesn't like it, but begrudgingly accepts it.
Last edited by Banda on Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by WolfStreak »

I've seen you around before, never pegged you for a smut writer, though.

I enjoyed this.
Last edited by WolfStreak on Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Streak as in streaking by at the speed of light.
Not the naked kind of streak...
That would just be odd >.>

Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Guest »

Have I read this before somewhere?

Pretty damn good, either way.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Banda »

Guest wrote:Have I read this before somewhere?
I pastebinned it, just now putting it on this forum.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Total Destruction »

I thought I was the only one that liked this sick pairing. Turns out there's a few here sicker than I. Well met.

(Hideaki as a "AAAAHH YOUR DICK IS SO KAWAII~ <3" type trap is disgustingly hilarious.)
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Re: AkiraxHideaki

Post by Episcia »

You know what?

I'll just stick to that other AkiraxHideaki fic, thank you very much.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by VCR »

I am okay with this, OoC aside
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Banda »

So, thanks to an anonymous bro, there is now this.

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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Guest »

Banda wrote:So, thanks to an anonymous bro, there is now this.

Oh god yes. Yes yes yes.
Would you ever consider writing more of this? It'd be awesome if you did.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Banda »

Guest wrote:Oh god yes. Yes yes yes.
Would you ever consider writing more of this? It'd be awesome if you did.
I-I-I might... :3
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Guest »

Banda wrote:
Guest wrote:Oh god yes. Yes yes yes.
Would you ever consider writing more of this? It'd be awesome if you did.
I-I-I might... :3
Banda, you can write even more. I have foreseen this. It is your destiny! Join me, and together, we can rule the galaxy as father and son! Come with me. It is the only way.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Zombiedude101 »


What has been seen... cannot be unseen.
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by dwarduk »

... I enjoyed this way more than I should have. 8)
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Re: AkiraxHideaki [Very Adult Content]

Post by Total Destruction »


Son, I am impress.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Ecchi as Fuck

Nothing could prepare Hisao Nakai for this moment.

Not a goddamn thing.

It had been a normal day for him, classes and such, up until entering Hanako's room.

She'd practically jumped him, covering his eyes with her hands, and making him promise to do whatever she said.

Of course he'd agreed, he trusted the beautiful purple-haired girl.

But... He didn't expect this.

It'd been about thirty minutes since he'd entered her room, and he found himself blindfolded, sitting in a chair, with his hands tied behind his back.

He could hear Hanako shuffling around the room, and what he could swear was a plastic bag being rustled.

Then... The blindfold came off, and Hisao was thanking God for both his existance, and the fact that his heart didn't explode.

"M-master's been m-mean to us nyaa~"

There, before Hisao, stood a half-naked Hanako.

The non-naked parts of her were covered in an otaku's fantasy.

Starting from the top down, she had a pair of purple cat ears on her head, still keeping her normal hairstyle.

Past her blushing face she wore a black collar on her neck, complete with a little silver hear dangling on it.

How she found a matching set of furry purple bra and panties Hisao would never know, because he honestly didn't give a fuck.

Her look was more or less completed with a cat tail attached to her rump, Hisao guessed it was probably part of the underwear, but then again most of the blood in his brain was flowing the opposite direction.

He began struggling against the fabric binding his hands, Hanako noticed this and giggled.

"H-Hana's got m-master all to herself today. H-he's not g-getting away from h-her nyaa~" she stated in a sing-song voice.

Hanako dropped to the floor, crawling on all fours, placing herself inbetween Hisao's legs. She quickly undid his pants, pulling them off, and gazing longingly at the tent his boxers made.

Hisao silently prayed that Hanako didn't intend to tease the everloving hell out of him, and midway through this prayer he noticed EXACTLY what held that tail in.

Where in God's name did she buy a cat-tail buttplug?

"M-Master's all hard nyaa~"

The addition of "nyaa~" to her natural stutter was almost overbearingly cute, and brought a goofy ass smile to Hisao's face.

Hanako's hand traced the lump in his pants, the feather-light sensation causing it to involuntarily twitch, which brought a grin to her face.

"M-Master's been teasing Hana, s-so Hana's g-going to tease m-master nyaa~"

Teasing her? Hisao couldn't recall any ti-

Oh wait.

Hanako was most likely referring to their last romp together in her room, which was cut short when the fire alarm was pulled by "An Anonymous Freedom Fighter" as was indicated by a poster.

He could see why she was upset about it, she was almost about to come when the alarm was pulled, and now she was reaping vengeance.

Vengeance as in.... Like... Sexy vengeance.

Hisao was snapped out of his monologue by the sudden sensation of Hanako's hand on his member, his head snapping down to see a wonderful sight.

His member a fraction of a centimeter from her lips.

Hanako knew how close it was too.

She puckered her lips up, blowing lightly on it, as she slowly began to jack it off.

Now he knew why he was tied up so well, he doubted he could stop himself from pulling her mouth down on it had his hands been free.
Though... He could just... Thrust his hi-

His thought train was stopped by a harsh squeeze and an angry look from Hanako.

"M-Master's thinking about b-bad things. S-stop that o-or Hana s-stops nyaaa~"

Hisao resigned himself to his torture, hoping it wouldn't last much longer.

To his credit it didn't.

The second her grip loosened, Hanako lolled her tongue out, and gave the entire shaft a long, slow lick. Enjoying the shudder it sent through his body.

Then it began.

She cut the teasing out, and went straight down on him.

Oh God, it was like heaven, only better.

Her mouth and hand worked in perfect rhythm, the dual-sensation threatening to send him over the edge immediately, but Hisao held out. Almost frustrated at how long he was taking, Hanako increased her speed, and tried going even deeper down on him.

"Oh God Hana, I-I'm-!"

She didn't respond in words, merely purring, the vibration sending him over the edge.

He closed his eyes as he unloaded into her mouth, almost overcome with pleasure due to her not stopping her ministrations.

"Oh my God Hana that wa-"

He was silenced by her mouth.

The kiss happened so fast that Hisao didn't have a second to ask if Hanako had even finished swallowing the white goo in her mouth. Instead all he could do was return the passionate kiss with one of his own.

As she straddled him, her hands went behind his back, untying the binds on his wrists, and the second they were loose his hands started fondling her body. Hands running over her modest breasts, and perky rear end.

She moaned into his mouth as he untied her bra and began playing with her hardened buds.

"M-Master's so r-rough, he's m-making my head go b-blank nyaaa~"

It didn't take long for them both to remove each other's clothing, and even less time for Hanako to slip him in bareback.

Normally, Hisao would object to this, but today he couldn't be bothered.

Right now his attention was on the girl riding him for all she was worth.

Normally he was on top, controlling the speed of his thrusts to last as long as possible, but today Hanako was in control.

And she was in heat.

She pressed his face into her chest with one hand, while gripping the back of the chair with the other. She was moving at such a fervored place the front legs of the chair actually lifted off the ground with each bounce, moving them backwards a little, and making a light "thump" sound that was overshadowed by the moans she let out.

Jesus, she was really wound up, Hisao thought to himself as he tried to pull his head back enough from her chest to breath.

Thankfully for him, she climaxed first, helped along by Hisao when he pulled on her cat-tail as she came down on him.

"Nyaaaa~!" she moaned loudly.

She clamped down hard on him, her inner walls massaging his member as she went through her orgasm, and the sensation caused him to finally blow. He thrust up into her, vision going white as he came hard.

Almost an hour later they were still in the same position, naked on the chair, basking in the radiance when Hanako finally spoke up.

"R-Ready for r-round 2?"
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