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Post by Vagn »

I published this in a way that seemed pretentious, and while I am pretentious, I don't think I can allow myself to behave like that until I've proven my worth. So I've decided to update it.

I intended for the story to cover the original story line of Katawa Shoujo too, however some pointed out that it wouldn't help readers to get into my story, like wise I included some other details. This has all been removed, the only thing available now in this thread is the post-Katawa Shoujo stories. Maybe, at some point when I've finished writing the entire stories, I'll include it again.


Act 1
(Removed until further notice)

Post-Original story line.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Emi (To be written)

Hanako (To be written)

Lilly (To be written)

Shizune (To be written)

Misha (To be written)

Iwanako (To be written)

Beyond the 4th wall
(Removed untill further notice)


Questions and comments goes either in the topic or in Private Messages, remember spoilers and all that jazz. :lol:
Last edited by Vagn on Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Slices

Post by Vagn »

Chapter 1

'There is a state of mind, called battle fatigue. It is the point at which a soldier can not carry on; they have been broken down. All they desire is a bit of peace, and some time to clear their mind. Probably to avoid being completely broken. Yet at the point of battle fatigue, no one would argue that these people truly had lost their mind.

In their pursuit of the peace they so highly seek, they often expose themselves to various dangers. One careless second, then a short loud blam, and the soldier would have turned dead instead of insane.'

My grandfather never was the best at telling me bedside stories. Stories about the war, the bombing or about the broadcasts that would later shape our entire nation. I never liked them, but I had apparently listened because, why would I otherwise suddenly hear his words inside my head, when everything was supposed to be so calm?

I redirect my attention to the girl with no arms. Her name is Rin, I think she has just been exposed to more than she could handle – she is on the edge.

She is standing with her stumps spread out, as to give the world a hug. Yet her face is looking at me. She is asking me a question; a complex yet simple question. Not that in itself the question is a paradox, but the way she asks it to a guy with Arrhythmia.

“Hisao, what do you call it when inside your heart, it feels like everything is al right?”

Then she collapses.

Before I've had the time to properly digest that specific question, before I can manage to consider the thousands of answers.
I had been standing behind her, almost wanting to grab out and hold her. So perhaps that is why she don't fall completely down before I grab her. Preventing her from hitting her head on the rock she is standing upon.

Luckily Rin is not really a heavy girl, and the fact that she hasn't been eating properly for the last couple of days is probably helping.

So I catch her from tumbling down. And suddenly she is in my arms, while unconscious.

More thoughts run through my head, I seem to be in another state of consciousness.
I try to think, but my mind must have taken on the pseudonym 'Bob Marley' because it does nothing but jam.

Without thinking I reach conclusions. First I have to find a place to put Rin, then I have to get the nurse.

My legs move on their own, I'm in a state of shock myself, going down the hill and through the forest. My heart begins acting up, and I'm forced several times to sit down, losing uncountable minutes.

Am I experiencing battle fatigue? Probably not, Rin has been through a lot more than I have. If anything it might be the sudden revelation that she loves me.

My consciousness returns, once we are back at the school. I want to bring her to the safest place in the world, and of all places that seems to be my room.

I pass Kenji on my way through the hall, he barely manage to make a remark about a manly picnic. But as he sees Rin in my arms, he shuts up.

What he must have been thinking isn't my concern. Kenji is legally blind so for all he knows, I might simply be helping a fellow student.

An explanation was due, but not yet. And when it was to be given, things would go sour. Kenji doesn't really like girls.

It is surprisingly easy to open my door, without banging Rin's head into the door frame. My bedsheets are still a mess, from before our excursion to the dandelion hill.
I manage to put her down and put my blanket over her.

“What's wrong?” I hear the raspy voice behind me, had Kenji followed me in here?

I turn, yes he has followed me in here.

“Kenji, mind giving us a few minutes? Don't worry, I won't do any drug raping.”
“Sure dude.” and Kenji leaves us before returning to his room and locking all his locks.

My heart hurts badly, but considering I've still not passed out I might have a chance.

I make my way to the nurse. Perhaps I shouldn't have told Kenji to fuck off, as I'm in doubt if I can make it.

I clear my head, 'Hisao, you can still feel your limbs, you can still move forward, just go to the nurse and get some help.'
It helps, somehow, my mind becomes more lucid and everything seems a bit more clearer.

I pass a handful of students on my way to the nurse. Some I recognize and some are strangers. No one seem to notice anything wrong, which I takes as a good sign. The nurse don't seem too awfully busy as he is only reading some papers, yet he notice me straight away.

“What is wrong?” His question shows better observational skills towards my health and facial expression than most students. Then again, would I have come there if nothing was wrong?

“It's Tezuka Rin,” my voice sounds normal, but gasping for air “She passed out.”

The nurse stands up, fetches a bag and tells me to lead the way. It doesn't seem to phase him that Rin is in my room.

While the nurse checks up on Rin, I push off a few books and papers from my table and sit down. My heart seems to have resigned, and it is slowly turning back to its 'normal' beating.

I'm exhausted, but for a good reason, for a while it felt as if Rin and I stood on the edge of life and death. I open my eyes, after having shut them for a brief second. I hear whispering, from the door, and I turn to look.

It seems quite a few students has noticed the nurse and I head for the dormitories. I blush as my room is a bit of a mess, but I'm strangely happy. Yes, a dozen people is peeking into my room all quiet, but at least it shows a bit of concern.

I smile, the crowds attention to my room is abnormal, but abnormal in a good way. Kind of like receiving the best grade on a paper after consistently getting failing grades.

“Hey, Hisao, what happened?” one of them whispers to me.

I look up, it is a guy from my class. His name escapes me for a brief second, but then I recognize him.

Maeda Takashi. The guy with bandage on his ear. Always seen with a hat which I have mixed opinions about. It takes another second before I remember that he is in the art club too.
He probably got here, carried by curiosity. Yet seeing as the Art Club's star is unconscious, Takashi might just want to know.

“I don't know,” I whisper back, “Had I been sure, I wouldn't have fetched the nurse.”
He nods at my answer as if to add 'Good point'.

The whole assembly outside my door reminds me of those Christmas decorations where everyone is gathered to see the coming of Christ. About a dozen people are out there, maybe more but probably less.

Everyone silent, waiting for more information about Rin's condition.

I recognize a few more people but fail to place names.

Takashi asks me if Rin and I are going out, I'm unsure but reply that it seems like it.

So many things seem unsure. What happened, what will happen but most importantly: What is going on right now?

Last edited by Vagn on Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Slices

Post by Oddball »

Well, your various unnecessary introductions make the mistake of explaining far too much about what's going to happen, taking away any of the suspense or unexpected surprises the stories might have otherwise enjoyed plus they were filled with a bunch of unnecessary stuff that nobody here cares about. Before I even managed to make it to the story itself, you stuck me as pretentious and ostentatious.

Your retelling of the story is unnecessary, as everyone here is already familiar with the story and your versions lacks the warmth and charm of the original while adding nothing but some stale humor.

Honestly though, even given all of that, you're not that bad of a writer. You've just got a few major problems holding you back. It's entirely unnecessary to retell the part of the story that everybody already knows. You'd be better off either skipping directly to the original stuff you intended on doing or wildly diverging from the canon that's presented in the game.

The most important advice I can give you, though, is to stop taking yourself so damned seriously.
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Re: Slices

Post by Vagn »

Yeah, I guess I come off as pretentious far too often. :lol:

Taking that to heart, I'll reconsider their necessity. :)
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Re: Slices

Post by Oddball »

Vagn wrote:Yeah, I guess I come off as pretentious far too often. :lol:

Taking that to heart, I'll reconsider their necessity. :)
Nice to see you've got a bit of humility and sense of humor about yourself. :D

You might just be an alright guy after all. :wink:
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Re: Slices

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I mostly agree with oddball that I don't really want to simply read another version of the original VN. What I did see before I started skipping ahead was not bad. I'll get back to this thread once you get to the original stuff.
Just one thing: Since you directly addressed Aura - he doesn't normally read the fanfiction board, so if you're hoping for some reaction, you should try a PM or the Feedback forums.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Slices

Post by Vagn »

Oddball wrote:
Vagn wrote:Yeah, I guess I come off as pretentious far too often. :lol:

Taking that to heart, I'll reconsider their necessity. :)
Nice to see you've got a bit of humility and sense of humor about yourself. :D

You might just be an alright guy after all. :wink:
I'm a new guy, and you are an old guy. Naturally there are bound to be some initial hostility, but that is not personal. :)

I could write a brief essay (I estimate it would be between ½ a page and 1½ page in word) explaining all the reasoning behind this. :lol:

Fact is, you as an older member don't know how much I'll post or if I'll continue being pretentious (I probably will, but most likely you'll find that once you get used to it, it is the pleasant non-condenscending kind of pretentious). :)

As a new member I have to mark my territory without pissing off the first guy to give me any critique, and I think the best way to do so, is to be humble. :wink:
Mirage_GSM wrote:I mostly agree with oddball that I don't really want to simply read another version of the original VN. What I did see before I started skipping ahead was not bad. I'll get back to this thread once you get to the original stuff.
Just one thing: Since you directly addressed Aura - he doesn't normally read the fanfiction board, so if you're hoping for some reaction, you should try a PM or the Feedback forums.
Thank you very much, seeing as you agree with Oddball, I probably should remove one or few things and focus on a post-Katawa Shoujo story line. :)

I'll be updating the OP and following replies once I've hammered out a chapter or two about Rin and Hisao after the original story line.

In regards to adressing Aura, I did mention too:
I remember you mentioned the fact that you don't read fan fiction so I don't suppose you will ever read this, if you do, I hope you understand that I am sincerely sorry for this.
I don't expect a reaction, a reaction would be nice, but I don't expect one. :)
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Re: Slices

Post by Vagn »

Considering no moderator/admin ripped my head off for posting seven consecutive posts, I'll take my chances again. :)

I've written a new 1st chapter and I'll focus on the post-Katawa Shoujo story line for now. The new story begins shortly before the end of Rin's storyline. :)

Everything else? Removed. :wink:

I hope this puts me off as less pretentious for a while, I hope you may enjoy it better now than before. :)
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Re: Slices

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Okay, much better, but some things were challenging my suspension of disbelief, like:
- Hisao carrying Rin all the way back to school without problems when the last time he was exhausted even just walking there.
- Hisao taking off his shirt in front of a dozen people without a second thought.
- Hanako suddenly and inexplicably being among a crowd in the boy's dorm.
- The school paying for a holiday.
And a few minor things...

Also - but I'm not sure about that - didn't the summer holidays start shortly before the end of Rin's path?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Slices

Post by Vagn »

Thanks for your input once again.

Yes, I know Hisao most likely wouldn't have been able to carry Rin, he does have some issues - as should be appearent from the text itself - but the alternative was either a lot of breaks, which I felt would take up a lot of space in the text, or Hisao dropping dead or unconcious, and that wouldn't bring the text anywhere but to a sudden halt. :)

The crowd, well, some students are very curious and seeing a nurse or other authority figure would probably attract the attention of a few people. The shirt thing, probably should have caused more thinking, but in some cases we do things without thinking about it when requested by an authority figure. I could refer to Pavlov's dogs as an example of subconscious behaviour, but in this case I guess it is justified to have it revised a bit. :)

Technically though the school isn't paying for the holiday just the transportation, Yuuko mentions at one point that the school is well endowed and seeing as it might be a rather expensive school, I wouldn't be surprised if they have some benefits for students. One boarding school I went to - when younger - offered to pay my transport home for a weekend because they had to close for the weekend, despite their initial planning. And no, not a well endowed school or school focusing on students with special needs, just an ordinary boarding school.

I decided to do a bit of calculation though:
11.290 JPY (115,5 €) for a train ride between two points (Kyoto to Hiroshima) at a distance of 310 KM means a price of 36,420 JPY per kilometre leaving it 0,37 € compared to the Danish train prices where if I had to go from that Boardingschool to my current home and have a reserved seat it would cost me 19,23 € for the whole trip - excluding the busfare from the train station to the boardingschool. Effectively costing 0,21 € or 0,16 € per kilometre (depending whenever I use the straightest route possible or driving distance).

When that boarding school I mentioned earlier paid for my transportation, it ended up being the cost of traveling 90,5 KM (the straightest line I could find, if I had to go by car it would be 120 KM) by train meaning a third (roughly) of the distance from Kyoto to Hiroshima, assuming Hisao lives in a distance similar to what I used to live - plus or minus 50% - the price could be anywhere between 1881,5 JPY and 5644,5 JPY (19,25 € to 57,75 €).

Most of those prices and distances has been rounded up to first or second decimal place.

I'm not sure whenever that leaves me able to justify it or not. One thing I am sure of is that the school wouldn't pay for Lilly's transportation. But let me once again clarify, that the school, or nurse, only offered to pay for transportation, any goofing off or indirect trips and I doubt the ever-so-calm nurse can accept it. :?

Okay, some changes are due there too. :)

In regards to your last line, the first day of the vacation is indeed the rainy day, the day that Rin and Hisao has actual sex for the first time (discounting him fingering her). As far as I could tell from the text in Katawa Shoujo, it isn't compulsory to leave school during the holiday, in fact from all I've gathered it seems to be left up to the students themselves. I'll look into it eventually, but not tonight (it's past midnight and I'm not even sure why I'm still awake). :)

If it is any consolation the next chapter is better researched, not that I did any on the first one. :lol:
For example: Whenever or not they have potatoes in Japan. They do.


Just for fun, or boredom, or both. Berlin is roughly 300 KM from Copenhagen on the Danish State Trainrails they advertise a trip to berlin for 46,92 € which is very cheap compared to the Japanese price of 115,5 € for the same distance. Welp, Japan sure is an expensive country, good thing that I will probably only ever end up living there if I'm offered a well paid job. :lol:
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Re: Slices

Post by Mirage_GSM »

In your case it was the fault of the school that you had to travel. No matter; it's not a big problem.
And while they do have potatoes here, it is pretty uncommon to find them on the menu in restaurants.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Slices

Post by Catgirl Kleptocracy »

I'll tl;dr ya two posts down (wordiness is my problem, too!) sorry though, the catgirls are gone now : (
Last edited by Catgirl Kleptocracy on Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slices

Post by Doomish »

Word of advice.

I agree with all of the criticism in the above post, but jesus christ do you have to be so smarmy about it? Like, if you're going to give someone criticism (fair criticism at that!), just give it. Ditch the 'wacky all-knowing mentor' attitude because there's no reason for it. Don't bury it underneath shit people are just going to skip over and unnecessary pictures of catgirls. You've got legitimate points there but nobody is going to want to read that whole post if it's filled with all kinds of pointless extra stuff.
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Re: Slices

Post by Henry Spencer »

No kidding. I read about as far as the first pic of a catgirl, and then I just gave up. It's nice that you're willing to give constructive criticism, but seriously, cut the shit. If I wanted a bunch of pictures of catgirls, I'd type "pictures of catgirls" into my search bar and look them up. :V

Anyways, besides the minor weirdities that others mentioned (Hanako being there, Hisao carrying her all the way back on his own, etc.) and a few minor grammar hiccups, I like it. Keep up the good work!

(p.s. weirdities isn't a word, just roll with it)
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Re: Slices

Post by Catgirl Kleptocracy »

The smarm wasn't necessary. I'd argue the pictures of the catgirls were, but we can have that discussion another time. Her's the condensed version:

You're getting your money's worth out of your first person writing. First person is BAMF because you're directly in the character's head. Always. A lot of stories--even those in first person--seem to forget that. They get caught up in the action, and stray away from what the character is thinking while things are going down around him. What I liked about this story was that we didn't see a whole lot of that. Hisao's always got something running through his mind, and we see that.

I also loved your whole inclusion of Hisao's grandfather. I like it because it shows you're not constraining yourself to what's known. There's a whole lot of things about Hisao's life that aren't included in game, but that's what I want to see when I read stories. I liked this one especially because it dealt with his family, and his family is glaringly absent from the game. He has to have memories of them, though, right? I want to see that.

The first thing that pops out at me is that you're wordy. I don't mean all those posts that were deleted. That's water under the bridge. I mean in story. When you're writing fiction, you're not in the same prose poverty you're in when writing poetry, but you're at least on word stamps. You have to make every word count, and if it doesn't, it gets cut. You want to look out for ways that you can say the same things with less words or less awkward phrasing, and cut bits that are redundant. What's that mean? Let's check some examples:

My grandfather never was the best at telling me bedside stories, stories about the war and the bombing or about the broadcasts that would later shape our entire nation. I never liked them, but I had apparently listened because otherwise why would I suddenly hear his words inside my head when everything was supposed to be so calm?

I pulled this part out because it's a part I really like. As I said above, it tells us more about Hisao's relationship with his family. Bangarang! Let's break it down as far as the writing is concerned. We've got two sentences. The first tells us that his grandfather told him stories about war (and other weighty things), and the second tells us that, while he didn't like the stories, he listened anyway--and they had a big effect on him. Awesome from a story perspective. Let's see what can be changed about the writing to match that potential.

I think this is a section that should be broken down into more than two sentences. The two you have don't quite qualify as run-on sentences yet, but they're wordy enough to feel close. Altering the pacing of the sentence with different punctuation will make those sentences more manageable. Here's just one example of a way to break that chunk down into smaller parts:
My grandfather never was the best at telling me bedside stories. He told me about the war and the bombing, or about the broadcasts that would later shape our entire nation. I never liked them, but I had apparently listened. Why else would I suddenly hear his words inside my head when everything was supposed to be so calm?

I'm sure if you looked, you could find dozens of ways to change the pacing of that section. My point, though, is that you want to make sure that your sentences and paragraphs are put together in digestible chunks. Every time you place a comma, ask yourself whether or not it would be better as a period. Maybe sometimes you'll find that period you placed would be better as a comma. Pacing is hugely important, not only in the context of what's happening in your story, but also in the very words you use to tell it.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. I didn't say it earlier in the review, but I LIKED the ten million posts you had up before you deleted them. Were they pretentious? Maybe. But it shows that You're pumped for writing this story, and that makes me pumped for reading it. I eat it up. When I see a new story pop up, I hate when I see things like, "Oh, this story sucks, just something I wrote, but you probably won't like it!" I don't want to see that. I want to see confidence. I want to see, "Here's my story! Enjoy!" I want to see tables of contents and dedications and 'thanks from the author'--because they show you care. You're awake and alive, and Goddammit, it's a beautiful day to read your story! Doesn't have to be professional quality, and you don't have to think so. It's probably better that you don't. But Hell if that will stop you from being proud of it. Wear it like a shit-eating grin. I'm looking forward to more.
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