The United States of Misha (Misha Post Shizune Good End)


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Re: The United States of Misha 6/29 Update

Post by Helbereth »

I only kind of miss the 90s. Technically, it's when I was a teenager, so there ought to be cultural sentimentality. However, since I was also in High School (school, period), I glazed most of it over.

I don't miss the 00s either. Dear God, nothing good came out of that useless decade.

The 80s... happened about 30 years ago.

Honestly, I don't revel in the past much.
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Re: The United States of Misha 6/29 Update

Post by Hoitash »

Helbereth wrote:
Honestly, I don't revel in the past much.
I'm a historian, its an occupational hazard :)
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha 6/29 Update

Post by Helbereth »

Hoitash wrote:
Helbereth wrote:
Honestly, I don't revel in the past much.
I'm a historian, its an occupational hazard :)
I should amend my statement. I don't revel in my past much. I like history, just not my own.
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Re: The United States of Misha 6/29 Update

Post by Hoitash »

Helbereth wrote:
Hoitash wrote:
Helbereth wrote:
Honestly, I don't revel in the past much.
I'm a historian, its an occupational hazard :)
I should amend my statement. I don't revel in my past much. I like history, just not my own.
In that regard, I agree completely.

My god, I'm all of the girls... Mind. Blown.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha 6/29 Update

Post by Hoitash »

I regret nothing. Except Blockbuster not having the anime I want available for my Queue, but that is unrelated to the matter at hand.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Eighteen: A Season For All Things

March turned into April, and slowly but surely, the weather started to warm. Lynda’s transfer was submitted and awaiting review, and had been for a while. Both Lynda and Misha knew better then to expect speed from a university, but the waiting still gnawed at Misha whenever she thought about it. Fortunately her course load was keeping her occupied, when her friends and campus events didn’t. As the pain of loss began to fade, a new emotion slowly crept its way into Misha’s heart: confusion.

Kelly seemed less nervous talking to Misha these days, and instead of merely sitting together on a bench staring off into the city, they attended LGBT events together, or lecture series held on campus, or studied together in the Kimmel building. It had taken a while for Misha to notice Kelly’s interest in her- she could still be oblivious to social cues sometimes. Fortunately, after their one dinner together, they hadn’t done anything as intimate since.

“Lynda said if someone comes along I might like, I should pursue it,” Misha said to her counselor during a session, as she sat in her office, wearing a skirt for the first time in months, “but if I do that, and Lynda comes back, I’ve created a mess, and I don’t want that to happen- it hurt enough being in a love triangle, causing one would kill me~.”

Misha slumped into the chair and stared at the floor. The Counselor shifted herself a bit before speaking, “it’s not really my place to address this, but, you need to realize, Lynda’s statement wasn’t necessarily a logical one.”

Misha nodded, “I know, but the problem is, I haven’t told Kelly I don’t want to pursue anything- at least, not as long as me and Lynda have a chance.”

“Well, how do you know she wants to pursue something?”

Misha thought, running her hand through the almost faded purple stripe of hair, “she glances at my face a lot; she almost never looks anyone in the eye, but when I glance back, she looks into mine,” Misha gave a mild snort, “she says I have nice eyes.”

“You do,” the Counselor said, “and is it possible you’re over thinking this?”

Misha nodded again, “what should I do~?”

The Counselor gave a mildly patronizing look, “Shiina, you know the answer to that.”

Misha sighed, “I need to talk to Kelly. I need to find out if she’s interested in more then just friendship, and I need to tell her that’s all I want from her- and in a way where she won’t cut her hair or throw herself off the roof.”

The Counselor smiled and nodded, “very good. You need to stop doubting yourself.”

“I’m not sure its even doubt anymore. For months I was someone else’s voice, and when I had my own it was a lie. I’ve been spending the last year trying to find a new voice, and whenever I get close, it seems like something happens to drag out the old me.”

“Accepting one’s past is an important part of moving on. I have to say things like that,” the Counselor rolled her eyes, “seriously, I know it’s hard to do, but you have to try, and most important, you have to know you’re not alone. Mr. Nakai and Ms. Hakamichi share your past, and its pain, too. Some of it, at least.”

Misha nodded again.

The Counselor leaned in, her pad and pen abandoned on the chair’s armrest, “I’ve seen you at your worst, and at your best, and through it all, your friends have stood by you. No matter what happens, they will, even if what you do costs you one of them. Remember that.”

Misha looked up from the floor, “I will~.”


After some thought, Misha decided she had a good way to talk to Kelly about their situation. It wasn’t too direct, but it got to the point relatively easily. It required Misha to be more in the lead then she was used to, but she didn’t mind that. It was almost necessary with someone like Kelly, anyway.

After another Friday spent slugging through reading and assignments at the Kimmel building, Kelly triumphantly closed her laptop as she sat on the floor next to Misha in front of a small tree.

“There,” she said, smiling widely, “that has to be the best program I’ve ever written.”

Misha smiled back, “good work, Kecchan. If only my paper on the election went as well.”

“You’ll do fine. I think you understand our government better then I do.”

There was a reason for that- American citizenship exams were very thorough. Even if they were years away, she wanted to be prepared. Misha checked her cell phone for the time, “hmm, I should get something to eat. You wanna come with me~?”

Kelly blinked, “to dinner?”

“Sure~! We can even go off-campus if you like; I know a great sandwich shop a few blocks over,” actually, Carla knew about the shop and told Misha about it, but that was beside the point.

Kelly grabbed her necklace and fiddled with it for a few seconds before nodding, “yeah, I’d like that.”

The two silently trotted to the elevator. On their way down Kelly turned to face Misha, the only other occupant, “we haven’t gone to a meal together since that time we spoke on the roof.”

Misha nodded, “you look hungry, and I’m hungry, so it seemed like a good idea to eat together,” knowing such logic would fail, Misha continued, “also, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

Kelly nodded and muttered an “okay.”

The shop was a small place that bordered on being a deli. A tall man with an intimate knowledge of Yiddish stood behind a counter of chunks of meats and cheeses, with stacks of bread behind him. A small array of drink preparation machines was to his right, and in taking up roughly half of the shop were several rickety metal tables and chairs. After ordering some sandwiches and hot chocolate, the two took a secluded table at the back of the shop, sitting across from each other and eating silently. Halfway through her sandwich Kelly asked Misha what she wanted to talk about.

Misha spent a second collecting her thoughts, “I just wanted you to know, I haven’t given up on me and Lynda- not yet, at least.”

Kelly nodded and stared at her cup, looking deep in thought. The next time she spoke was when they had finished their food.

“If she doesn’t come back, is there someone else you had in mind… to, you know, date?”

Misha nodded, “I think so. For now though, I’m just waiting to see how things turn out.”

Kelly sighed and nodded slowly.

The two left the restaurant shortly after that, both of them walking almost side-by-side, Misha just slightly ahead of Kelly as they walked along the sidewalk. Kelly hadn’t spoken since her glum acknowledgement of Misha’s determination, but once the two had crossed a street Kelly grabbed Misha’s hand and spun her so they faced each other.

“I’m sorry,” she said, looking Misha in the eye for the first time that night.

Misha frowned, “For what?”

“For wanting to replace Lynda,” she said, her face flushed slightly and her hands clutching her necklaces, “I wasn’t sure how involved you two were, but knowing you’re willing to wait for her… I was stupid for thinking I could replace her.”

Misha smiled, “No, you weren’t. You took a risk, and it didn’t pan out, it’s no one’s fault,” Misha stopped smiling to take on a more serious gaze, “and don’t be sorry, either~. Nothing bad happened and we didn’t do anything stupid. I’m the one that should be sorry, for not saying anything sooner. I wasn’t sure how you really felt.”

“Well, now you are…”

“Yep~. I’ll also understand if you don’t want to hang out in the future.”

Kelly’s face quirked in a sad smirk for a moment, “I appreciate that. Still, I am sorry, if for nothing else, then not saying something sooner. Not that it would have changed anything, but…”

Misha smiled again, “logic and relationships don’t mix very well~,” she said.

Kelly nodded at that, a small smile on her face as she did so. She broke away from Misha’s bright golden eyes and started to look at the various lamp posts that illuminated their way back to campus. After a few minutes Kelly coughed and looked at Misha.

“…It must really hurt, being separated from her,” she said.

Misha sighed and nodded, “at this point, though, all we can do is wait. There’s nothing else we do, at least.”

Kelly nodded, “usually, when there’s nothing more you can do, there is at least one last thing you can do.”

Misha raised an eyebrow, “what~?”

Kelly quickly riffled through her pockets and pulled out a small wooden chain of polished beads.

“Pray,” she said, and carefully placed the rosary beads in Misha’s hand. Kelly’s hands lingered on Misha’s for a moment before pulling away, “I have others, consider that a gift to you and Lynda.”

Misha nodded, “thanks, Kelly.”

Kelly smiled sadly, “you’re welcome,” her eyes lingered on Misha’s for a moment, and she shrugged.

“Screw it,” she said, and leaned over to kiss Misha lightly on the cheek. It was over before Misha could react, and before Misha could say anything Kelly was trotting away from her.

“I’ll see you around, maybe, okay?” Kelly called behind her.

“I’ll understand if I don’t~,” Misha called after her.

Kelly waved an acknowledgement before veering away from the path to campus the two had been taking. Misha watched her veer off for a moment, sighed, and continued her way back to her own dorm room.

Carla was again at work, so Misha put her schoolwork by her desk and sat on her bed, the beads still in her hand. She started to twist and turn them in her hand, feeling the polished wood against her skin, her mind racing. The feel of the wood on her hands was comforting, and the longer her fingers lingered the more she found her emotions focusing. Her feelings for Lynda, her anger at herself for leading Kelly on, and a million other thoughts and emotions raced through her mind, her train of thought only ended by the ringing doorbell of her dorm. Jumping slightly, she walked over to the door and opened it, nearly fainting in delight from the person standing outside her doorway.



Next Chapter

Have I mentioned yet that I’m an evil bastard? In the technical sense, not the literal sense- my parents were married when I was conceived.
Last edited by Hoitash on Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/5

Post by Helbereth »

Have I mentioned yet that I’m an evil bastard? In the technical sense, not the literal sense- my parents were married when I was conceived.
You do good work, though. That has to count for something.
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/5

Post by Hoitash »

Helbereth wrote:
Have I mentioned yet that I’m an evil bastard? In the technical sense, not the literal sense- my parents were married when I was conceived.
You do good work, though. That has to count for something.
I'd like to think so :wink:
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/5

Post by bradpara »

When I was reading the scene with Misha and Kelly, "Shadow of the Truth" starting playing in me head.
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/5

Post by Hoitash »

bradpara wrote:Fact:
When I was reading the scene with Misha and Kelly, "Shadow of the Truth" starting playing in me head.
You know, I don't know if it was the awesomeness of the KS soundtrack, or the fics that use the soundtrack, but now, when I read fan fiction, I end up thinking of which songs would play at which points during certain emotional scenes.

Good work, KS music guys, whose name's escape me at this time.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/5

Post by Hoitash »

This is NOT the end. But it is coming. Resolution of conflict implies as much, and I do not intend to disappoint the conventions of the writing profession. Except when I want to :wink:

Also, sorry for shortness. I try to make up in quality what I lack in quantity.

Previous Chapter

Chapter Nineteen: And They Shall Know No Fear

In the blink of an eye the two were together again, pressed close in the fiercest, most desperate hug they had ever shared, determined to make sure that the other was really in front of them, held tightly in their arms. The kiss that followed was deep and long, and conveyed more strongly then mere words how much they had truly missed each other.

How much they finally realized they truly loved each other.

Minutes, hours, or days later, the two broke apart, and Misha was able to examine Lynda entirely. Her black hair was the same, her eyes were dull from weariness, and her clothes looked ruffled and worn. Her smile was wide and bright, and that was all that mattered.

“I’m back,” she said, her use of Japanese stunning Misha.

“For good?” Misha asked, also in Japanese.

Lynda nodded and switched to English, “my transfer was accepted a few days ago, and I wanted to tell you in person. I’ve been saving for weeks for when the transfer went through.”

Misha led Lynda to her bed and asked the next burning question, “when do you move here permanently?”

Lynda sighed, “not until August. Henry and Will have a few leads on apartments, but I still need to finish up at Toronto.”

Misha hesitated on her next question, holding Lynda’s hands in her own, once again making sure she was really there, “will you still be able to make it to Japan for summer break?”

Lynda nodded, “by then I should have enough- my birthday money should give me the rest of what I need. Any more questions, or can we pick up where we left off?”

Misha smiled widely and dragged Lynda to her bed, where she pounced at her and forced them both onto the mattress. Once horizontal, their lips met again as if they had never parted. When Misha came up for air another question lurked into her mind.

“What if this happens again?” she asked.

Lynda smiled and stroked the almost completely faded purple stripe in Misha’s hair, “we’ll figure something out. We did this time, didn’t we?”

Misha nodded, “I love you.”

“I love you, too. And your knee is crushing my ankle.”

Misha yelped and moved her leg.


Misha had almost forgotten what it was like to wake up with someone. She had also almost forgotten how annoying it could be when you had to go to the bathroom and said someone was sprawled on top of you like an extra blanket. Fortunately, her alarm going off solved that problem, as Lynda bolted awake to shut the thing up.

“It’s the weekend,” she grumbled as she switched the clock radio’s alarm off.

“It’s good to have a routine sleep pattern,” Misha said.

“Says who?”

“The Fastest Thing on No Legs.”

Lynda raised an eyebrow as she hefted herself off Misha. By the time the two had finished in the bathroom, Carla was back, unpacking her bag on the bed. She looked up and practically shrieked when she saw Lynda walk out after Misha.

“Thank Christ,” Carla said, “I thought Misha would go nuts if you didn’t come back.”

“Gee, thanks Cacchan,” Misha said, her hands on her hips.

“That would’ve been a nice case study,” Lynda said, “’Shiina Mikado, a Descent into Madness.’”

Misha rounded on Lynda, “and you did any better?”

Lynda shook her head, her wet hair slapping her in the face, “the only reason I stayed sober and on my meds was the thought of coming back to you.”

Carla “awed,” earning her a leer from the two. It was then that they realized they were wearing only their towels. Carla noticed that, too.

“Huh. Well, as much as I would like a free show, I’m gonna go out for a few minutes,” Carla said. Before she left she turned to look back at Lynda, “welcome back.”

“Thanks,” Lynda said as Carla darted out. Lynda turned back to Misha, who had an odd look on her face.

“That is not a good look on you,” Lynda said. Misha nodded and sat down. Lynda followed next to her.

Misha looked around her bed, eventually holding up the small set of rosary beads, “Kelly gave these to me.”

Lynda raised an eyebrow, “really?”

Misha nodded, “they were a parting gift… before she kissed me, on the cheek.”

It was a second before Lynda managed to make a small grunting sound, “Huh. I wondered about that. Did anything happen?”

Misha shook her head fiercely, her wet hair slapping her and Lynda’s faces in the process, “she had a crush on me, but she understood how much we mean to each other~. I’m upset though, that I didn’t see it sooner. I think she’ll get through it- I was able to, eventually. As long as she remembers she’s not alone.”

Lynda leaned in to hug Misha, “I think she’ll get through it, to,” Lynda pulled back slightly, “but what about us? I believe you wanted to talk about my disorder.”

“It can wait,” Misha said, hugging Lynda back.

“Hey, do you two have clothes on yet?” Carla called from the hall.



Again, this is not the end. I have an epilogue to write. I wrote this for sappy closure, and by gum, there will be sappy closure.

As both the epilogue and this chapter will likely be shorter then two normal chapters, I’ll post the epilogue earlier then I usually would post an update.
Last edited by Hoitash on Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
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Re: The United States of Misha 7/8 Update

Post by Hoitash »

Posted early as promised.

Yes, another epilogue that takes place several years after the main story.

If this epilogue offends or upsets you, I apologize. Unless it’s because you’re a bigot, then you get da drillz :wink:

Previous Chapter

Epilogue: Happily Ever After (Finally)

Three Years Later…

Lynda, Will, and Henry sat around a round wooden kitchen table playing cards one July afternoon after graduation. The apartment they were living in wasn’t very big for four people, plus Henry’s and Will’s girlfriends when they came over, but it worked. The kitchen was painted a dull blue paint, with simple white appliances scattered around it on top of cheap white counters. Lynda did her best not to fidget as the three played, but she wasn’t doing a very good job. Her eyes constantly glanced from her hand to the round clock next to the fridge across from her, and then to the blue painted hallway behind Will’s seat, across from Henry.

“She should be back by now,” Lynda said, “she’s checking online, it shouldn’t take this long.”

“It’s the government, it always takes longer,” Will said as he exchanged several cards.

“She should have applied sooner,” Lynda said, “the program only gives out so many green cards.”

Henry sighed, “you could always move to Japan with her. She got offers for grad programs from what, three universities?”

“Four,” Lynda said, “and she said she wanted to get her teaching certificate anyway.”

“Not to mention your Japanese sucks,” Henry said.

“It’s good enough,” Lynda said, then shrugged, “better then my JSL, at least.”

After a few more minutes her patience ran out and she yelled from the kitchen into the hall to her left, “Misha, did you get the damn green card or not?”

It took a few more minutes for Misha to appear, her long brown hair held behind her with two heart shaped hair clips as is draped down her back. Like the rest she wore blue jeans and a T-shirt, though she was also tucking something into a back pocket as she entered from the hallway into the kitchen.

“Well?” the three asked, their eyes on Misha as she stood in the threshold between the dimly lit hall and brightly lit kitchen.

Misha nodded, “the diversity program accepted me; I can get a green card.”

Lynda shot out of her chair and grabbed Misha in a hug as the chair clattered to the floor.

“And you can still keep your Japanese citizenship when this is all done?” Will asked.

Misha managed to awkwardly nod her head as she hugged Lynda back, “although getting Lynda another dual citizenship might be hard.”

“Triple citizenship can be done,” Henry said, “but it’s a pain in the ass.”

“Fuck Canada,” Lynda muttered from Misha’s shoulder, “where Misha goes, I go; not the other way around.”

Misha finally broke away from Lynda, “Lycchan, I already said I don’t want to have to drag you to Japan with me~.”

“And I told you I’ll be fine if you do. I mean we go three times a year anyway, not to mention the wedding coming up.”

“About that,” Misha said, “now that it’s confirmed, there’s something I want to ask you~.”

Lynda raised an eyebrow, and Misha took another step back, her deep golden eyes wide as she spoke, “it won’t help with Japan, if we end up moving their, but now that it’s legal here, and I’m on the way to becoming a US citizen…”

“Yes?” Lynda asked as Misha trailed off.

Misha cleared her throat, “when I came here, I thought I was running from my past and abandoning my old friends. But instead, I made new friends, learned to accept my past, and learned how to move forward. You were there for most of that. The good times, the bad times, that one time with the tequila I’m not supposed to mention,” Lynda snorted and Misha paused for a moment, her eyes watering as she continued, “and… well…” Misha, smiling nervously, reached into her back pocket, and pulled out a small black box, her hands and knees shaking as she did so. Lynda gaped at the box as Misha slowly opened it to reveal a shining ring with a small diamond.

“Lynda Long, will you marry me?” Misha asked, too shaky to get on one knee.

“Hell yes!” Lynda cried, once again grabbing Misha in a fierce hug.

“Are you crying?” Henry asked Will, who sniffled slightly.

“Manly tear,” he responded.

Eventually Lynda pulled away, and Misha was finally able to slip the gold band around her finger. Misha smiled widely as the ring fit perfectly. Lynda smiled back, and, with both of their wet from burgeoning tears, Misha dragged Lynda’s head down so she could kiss her new fiancé.


…And we’re done. I considered adding a bit of a monologue like the KS endings, where Hisao gets all philosophical, but that’s not really Misha’s style.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Personally, I found it fun to write, hard to write, and even harder to write well. The feedback was far more positive then I expected- though it is what I hoped for. It’s good to write for an audience and receive feedback, so thank you for that. Also, thanks to everyone who has read and commented- griffon8, bradpara, new guy Helbereth, and everyone else- your feedback and readership is greatly appreciated. If this is what success feels like, I understand the appeal :)

Thank you all.
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/10

Post by Doomish »

This story was awesome and you should feel awesome for seeing it through to the end.
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/10

Post by Hoitash »

Doomish wrote:This story was awesome and you should feel awesome for seeing it through to the end.
Thanks :), and I do, but, as with any finished project, I can't help but be a little sad that it's over.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
Misha Time: United States of Misha Meet the Hakamichis
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/10

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Don't be!
Be proud that you finished it. Too many stories never are.
Very good story. Nice OCs and everything.

But flying to Japan three times a year has to cost a pretty penny :-)
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: The United States of Misha Updated 7/10

Post by Hoitash »

Mirage_GSM wrote: But flying to Japan three times a year has to cost a pretty penny :-)

I'm imagining parental and Shizune aid in that regard.

I could see them moving to Japan and Shizune has a bill for babysiitng for the next decade.
"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
Misha Time: United States of Misha Meet the Hakamichis
Awesome, served on the rocks: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! (Check out the Archive for more!)
I wrote a book! Brythain edited it! If you like mystery and history please consider: A Sister's Habit
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