Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

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Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Odd little observation I made after following a link to the Dev Blog. I happened to click on the GeoTracker they have on the Blog and noticed the stats for May 1 to current day (May 15).

Current Country Totals
From 1 May 2009 to 13 May 2009

Japan (JP) 23,699
United States (US) 15,778
Canada (CA) 2,227
United Kingdom (GB) 1,807
Germany (DE) 1,107
Australia (AU) 1,067

Japan has roughly half the hits shown on the Dev Blog. Does anyone have any ideas to explain it? From what little poking around I did the Dev Blog does not seem all that easy for a non-english speaker to get much info from.

I suppose it could simply be that the mass of people interested in VN are in Japan.

Let the rampant, uninformed speculation and conspiracy theories begin...... Japanese Femenists are plotting to take over 4LS and use KS to spread their ideology around the world..... :twisted:

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Aura »

Bara wrote: I suppose it could simply be that the mass of people interested in VN are in Japan.
We've been numerically more popular in Japan than West since October of last year. That's why some blog posts are translated into Japanese or are exclusively in Japanese. It'd be nice for KS to be even more accessible for the Japanese crowd, but this is pretty much the limit of what we can and are willing to do. I'm sure the translation project, once it completes, is welcomed by the people checking the blog or interested in the project (and the Japanese translation team is by far the largest there is)
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Aura wrote:
Bara wrote: I suppose it could simply be that the mass of people interested in VN are in Japan.
We've been numerically more popular in Japan than West since October of last year. That's why some blog posts are translated into Japanese or are exclusively in Japanese. It'd be nice for KS to be even more accessible for the Japanese crowd, but this is pretty much the limit of what we can and are willing to do. I'm sure the translation project, once it completes, is welcomed by the people checking the blog or interested in the project (and the Japanese translation team is by far the largest there is)
Now why do you bring informed facts into a speculative frenzy. :mrgreen:

You did not mention Big Foot, the Illuminati, cattle mutilation, or Atlantis in the conversation once. Bzzzzt! Sorry, subtract 10 points for rational, factual discussion. We can let you slide on the lack of an aluminum foil hat, but please remember it next time. :D

All foolishness aside; asking why the greater number of folks interested in WS are from Japan is akin to asking if they serve beer at Oktoberfest. I just think you guys should pat yourselves on the back for garnering the attention of so many folks around the world.

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Teclo »

I used to run a little Dragon Quest blog and there was a similar thing with that. The country that visited most or second most was Japan, despite it being an English site. The other one in the top two was the US and then every other country had a mere fraction of the visitors of those two countries - including my own country, the UK.

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Also I think you could factor in a larger portion of the population in Japan is net savy. You know there are adolescent boys in some parts of America who can't find porn on the internet!!! The shocking inadaquacies of youth today. :twisted:

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by ClckwrkLoyale »

Bara wrote:Odd little observation I made after following a link to the Dev Blog. I happened to click on the GeoTracker they have on the Blog and noticed the stats for May 1 to current day (May 15).

Current Country Totals
From 1 May 2009 to 13 May 2009

Japan (JP) 23,699
United States (US) 15,778
Canada (CA) 2,227
United Kingdom (GB) 1,807
Germany (DE) 1,107
Australia (AU) 1,067

Japan has roughly half the hits shown on the Dev Blog. Does anyone have any ideas to explain it? From what little poking around I did the Dev Blog does not seem all that easy for a non-english speaker to get much info from.

I suppose it could simply be that the mass of people interested in VN are in Japan.

Let the rampant, uninformed speculation and conspiracy theories begin...... Japanese Femenists are plotting to take over 4LS and use KS to spread their ideology around the world..... :twisted:
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Flamesoul32 »

ClckwrkLoyale wrote:
Bara wrote:Odd little observation I made after following a link to the Dev Blog. I happened to click on the GeoTracker they have on the Blog and noticed the stats for May 1 to current day (May 15).

Current Country Totals
From 1 May 2009 to 13 May 2009

Japan (JP) 23,699
United States (US) 15,778
Canada (CA) 2,227
United Kingdom (GB) 1,807
Germany (DE) 1,107
Australia (AU) 1,067

Japan has roughly half the hits shown on the Dev Blog. Does anyone have any ideas to explain it? From what little poking around I did the Dev Blog does not seem all that easy for a non-english speaker to get much info from.

I suppose it could simply be that the mass of people interested in VN are in Japan.

Let the rampant, uninformed speculation and conspiracy theories begin...... Japanese Femenists are plotting to take over 4LS and use KS to spread their ideology around the world..... :twisted:
Japanese blog title.
I am kicking myself for not thinking of that myself....although I also think that it has to do with the fact that it is a VN. Far more of a fan base in Japan.
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Khaos »

YES, Germany 5th place! :mrgreen: that's why I'm trying to figure out if there is something I need to figure out and then figure that out before it's too late and all hope is lost.
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Teclo »

Khaos wrote:YES, Germany 5th place! :mrgreen:
Just being beaten by the UK, I see! :wink:

Seriously, I'm (pleasantly) surprised to see us up there.

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

So if anyone cares, just to add some silliness I'll throw in some population numbers I got from the web. I won't even try to vouch for their accuracy... its the internet after all and there ain't no lifeguard out there. :wink:

(Read: Country, Hits on Dev Blog, Approx. Population)

Current Country Totals
From 1 May 2009 to 13 May 2009

Japan (JP) ..............23,699 ...... 127 million
United States (US) .....15,778 ..... 305 million
Canada (CA) .............2,227 ...... 33.5 million
United Kingdom (GB) ...1,807 ...... 61 million
Germany (DE) ...........1,107 ....... 72 million
Australia (AU) ...........1,067 ....... 21.2 million

I'm feeling lazy, but anyone who cares can figure out hits per pop and figure out what country realy loves KS the most. :twisted:

Seriously... it is over 100 degrees Farenheit today and the air conditioning is not keeping up. Math is beyond me in this condition.

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Rednal »

Japan: 0.01866% (1st)
United States: 0.005173% (3rd)
Canada: 0.006648% (2nd)
United Kingdom: 0.002962% (5th)
Germany: 0.001538% (6th)
Australia: 0.005033% (4th)

In other words, Japan STILL wins. XD
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Rednal wrote:Japan: 0.01866% (1st)
United States: 0.005173% (3rd)
Canada: 0.006648% (2nd)
United Kingdom: 0.002962% (5th)
Germany: 0.001538% (6th)
Australia: 0.005033% (4th)

In other words, Japan STILL wins. XD
Go Canada! It's a stern chase but I think the folks north of the border might have a shot at moving into 1st place if they try.

Of course, we slackers in the US are close to being bumped to 4th by Australia! Oh My!! :wink:

It looks as if the stats update every 2 weeks. If the devs haven't locked this thread for sheer yammerheaded silliness by then we might see what happens in 2 weeks; or maybe we will all be bored of this and back to discussing KS.

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Aura »

If you look down the list, both Finland and Singapore beat everyone in top 6 except Japan on hits/population (and so does the last one on the list, Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Aura wrote:If you look down the list, both Finland and Singapore beat everyone in top 6 except Japan on hits/population (and so does the last one on the list, Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
True enough I suppose, but I deliberatly chose a cut off of 1K or more hits. Now if they want to get over one thousand hits they could totaly rule. :lol:

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Re: Dev Blog GeoTracker stats

Post by Bara »

Too much reality..... (passes out aluminum foil hats to all so at least everyone is propperly attired.)

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