Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). Updated 8/02


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Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by Helbereth »

Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Her gaze straight ahead and her eyes set on the road, the glint of the morning sun on the edge of the windshield went mostly unnoticed. The chill of the breeze stuck in her mouth and made her teeth chatter, but she enjoyed the feeling. The morning air was warm, but zipping over sleepy streets at 65KPH without a face shield made everything feel a bit colder.

The little houses and trees seemed to melt together, and the street signs were a mere blur caught in her peripheral vision. She knew where she was going, though. Lilly had brought her along on a few occasions during High School to visit her cantankerous uncle, and she came to visit once before some time later on her own. She hoped Jigoro wasn't home. Not that she didn't like him, but he was always so loud and aggressive - and scary.

Even though she had come so far from the shy, skittish girl who hid in the library, ran from her classes and clung to her 'only' friend for dear life, Hanako was still nervous around people - especially people she didn't know. She still dressed to cover her scars and wore her hair such that it covered the right side of her face; but she no longer felt like people were constantly staring at her, and didn't jump when they tried to talk to her. Still, she was shy. That part of her hadn't changed. She wasn't likely to walk up to someone and start a conversation, but she didn't protest too much if someone decided to talk to her.

As the morning light brightened and the streets started becoming more familiar, Hanako let back on the throttle to make sure she didn't miss the Hakamishi's street. The decrease in speed let the warm morning air catch around her and she smiled at the warmth. The odor of suburbia -cut grass, flowers and a hint of something baking- wafted up and hung around her nose as she leaned into the turn.

Expecting the outer gate to be closed, she nearly sped right past the house.

Slowing to a stop and making a u-turn just down the road, she propelled her bike right into the driveway; coming to a stop just in front of the garage door next to a black sedan with rental plates. Both feet on the ground to either side of the bike, she shut the engine off and quickly lifted the helmet off her head - nearly knocking her sunglasses off her face in the process.

Birdsong filtered in as the helmet no longer blocked out the sounds, and she took a moment to rest. Leaning against the saddle bag behind her, she closed her eyes, rotated her neck and stretched her arms to push the vibrations out of her body. She had been on the road since before dawn, and, aside from a few red lights, she hadn't stopped for nearly two hours.

As she sat there stretching, she wondered if anyone was even awake yet in the Hakamishi house. She wasn't sure how loud her bike really was, though, so they could be completely oblivious. Hisao was probably up at the crack of dawn for his morning run, like always, and Misha always seemed like an early riser. She had no idea about Samantha, but, looking at her watch, she thought Lilly might still be asleep - she hated mornings. The late-night phone call she got from Lilly about how they'd survived the flight and had already met Misha and Samantha came to mind. It seemed like Lilly was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion during the call, so it wouldn't be surprising if she were still asleep.

Unless they had already left for the festival.

Autophobia, the fear of abandonment. She pushed that thought aside. That was the old her peeking out and trying to put her down. She knew her friends -especially Lilly- were waiting inside. That thought gave her the energy to throw a leg over the bike and, once on the ground, start opening the saddle-bag to retrieve her luggage. It was really just a duffle-bag she threw some toiletries and a couple changes of clothes into, but she usually traveled light anyway. She had no intention of going to the Yamaku Festival dressed as she was in a thick, black leather jacket and stone-wash jeans. She might wear the boots, though.

Tossing her head to get the hair out of her face, and pushing her aviator sunglasses back up to the bridge of her nose, she picked up her bag and started walking to the door. Hopefully she would have time to take a shower and get the road smell out of her hair. For now, the first step was to knock on the door and then hope Jigoro doesn't slam it in her face.

Setting the bag down beside her on the doorstep, she reached up to knock but then noticed the doorbell off to the side. She quickly pushed that button instead, figuring it was the more polite course. She ran a hand through her hair to try and get the helmet-head to calm down, and stood there with a neutral expression; trying to look natural.

A few moments passed, but nothing happened. No sound came from the other side of the door, and the door didn't open. Not knowing how long it was polite to wait after ringing the doorbell, she arrested her hand and held it against her side. Are they still there? She leaned back and looked over at the driveway. That rental car was probably Hisao's - it seemed like something he would pick. It was also big enough to carry a half dozen passengers, so it was also practical considering their plans.

If they haven't left yet, and they aren't answering the door, are they even awake yet?

She reflexively checked her watch. The hour had just passed nine, so they had to be awake - except Lilly, maybe.

Deciding it had been long enough, she reached out her hand and pressed the doorbell. An instant later, her finger still on the button, the door opened suddenly and with enough force to pull her bangs out of place. Quickly adjusting them, Hanako peered into the dark door-frame and saw a familiar face grinning widely. She couldn't help but stutter, "M-Misha?"

"Hana-chan~!" It was definitely Misha. Before Hanako could even think of a response, the pink-haired lady dove at her and wrapped her in a friendly hug. Stunned at first, Hanako just stood there in the embrace feeling very much like the lost girl. After the apprehension passed, she returned the hug, wrapping her arms around Misha like a long-lost sister.

"How've you been, Misha?" Hanako asked as the embrace ended, still a little apprehensive.

"Oh, same old same old." Misha's response felt a little alien. It felt like something someone much older and more serious would say. "You look great~!"

The excited smile on Misha's face effectively rendered the previous thought moot. Misha was eyeing her up and down, now that they were standing away from each other. Hanako returned the gaze with less enthusiasm, but took the quiet moment to take in the sight before her. Misha was still dying her hair pink, but she was keeping it short now. The missing drill-like curls that made her so distinctive in high School were replaced with a sportier, straighter style. She wore a lavender-colored knit sweater with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows and a pair of white Capri pants.

After a few moments, Misha leaned out the door and looked over toward the driveway. "Is that your bike?" she asked.

Hanako looked back toward her black and blue Suzuki Hyabusa and grinned, "That's my bike," she said with pride, "she's my baby."

"Oh~!" Misha couldn't contain her giddy laughs as she ran out the door and around to get a closer look. "It's so pretty!" She stopped and looked back as Hanako trailed behind her, "Kinda dark and moody color-wise, but that's fitting."

Hanako shook her head as she watched Misha run her hands along the seat, "Don't touch the engine, it's probably still hot." She felt like a mother cautioning a precocious child.

Misha looked back and grinned sheepishly, "Your butt must be numb."

Hanako laughed. "Well, two hours on a shaking bike will do that."

A voice behind have her a start, "hey, is that a Hyabusa?" As Hisao walks, he has his head turned to face the bike, but his eyes are fixed on Hanako. "I hear those are great for racing."

Hisao was grinning widely with his hands in his pockets. Taking a moment to look him over, Hanako noticed his outfit was oddly similar in fashion to the Yamaku uniform. His trademark sweater-vest and dress-shirt combo was ever-present, though his slacks were khaki colored and loose, and he wasn't wearing a tie. She gave him a dour look and folded her arms, "Yes, and yes..." Trailing off for a moment, she decided to answer the third, unasked question, "and, yes." It was Hanako's turn to grin sheepishly.

"Oh, hear that Lils -er, Lilly- Hanako here's been racing on her bike." Hisao was looking back toward the door where Lilly now leaned against the doorjamb with a contemplative expression.

"I didn't say that." Hanako put her fists on her hips, "Hisao's putting words in my mouth!"

Lilly shook her head, smiling. She looked almost the same as the last time they met. Her hair was still partially wet from what Hanako assumed was a shower, but she was dressed in a knee-length black skirt and a red blouse with black buttons. The poise in her stance hadn't diminished at all, and the motherly tone of her voice hadn't changed. "I'm sure she wins them all, too," was all she said.

Misha suddenly bounded back over to Hanako, "You have to let me ride it sometime~!"

Hanako smiled and shook her head, not wanting to sound impolite, "Maybe."

Misha beamed a smile and let out her trademark laugh, "Wahaha~! Maybe I'll just get one of my own, then! I'm tired of buses, trains and taxis."

Hisao blew out a sigh toward Misha as he walked over, "maybe you should get your license first, though." He threw his arm over Hanako's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. She leaned into the embrace and smiled. "I've missed you, y'know. Lilly too."

Hanako barely heard him, but absently responded, "S-sorry, life's been hectic lately." The stutter, more than the admission, made her look down, embarrassed.

"I heard." Hisao nodded. "First out exploring foreign lands and now..." He trailed off and stepped an uncomfortable step away, "I'll be wanting a copy of your book," he said evenly.

"Of course," Hanako relaxed and couldn't help smiling, "I thought you only read fiction, though."

"I'll make an exception." he said, smiling cheerily.

Hanako wasn't sure about that smile considering he knew what the book was about, but it didn't worry her. Hisao had become as stable a friend as Lilly, and she knew his interest was genuine just by the tone of his voice. That's what always made it so easy to talk to Hisao, she realized. He was never coy or disingenuous. When he liked something, he said so; and he was equally forthcoming when something bothered him. She'd even been a little jealous of Lilly when they started dating, but only for a little while. Now, he was a good friend - her best friend's boyfriend - and he always made time if any of his friends needed him.

Lilly was leaning inside talking to someone else; Hanako assumed it was the mysterious Samantha. For a moment she thought it might be Jigoro, but his truck wasn't here and he hadn't burst out the door to see what all the commotion was about. Hisao saw her looking at the door and whispered, "You'll probably like Samantha. She's a chef and a globe trotter like you."

Hanako smiled shyly and rolled her eyes, "Why's Misha been hiding her, though?"

Hisao cleared his throat and grinned broadly, "She's got a few years on us is all. Maybe five or six. She's also from America and..." he trails off and looks a little pale for a second, "well, she looks a bit like Shizune."

Hanako's eyes widen at the revelations. She reflexively looks over at Misha, who had wandered back over to the driveway, and lets out a little giggle. She immediately stops herself and looks back at Hisao to ask, "Really?"

"Red hair and freckles, but otherwise, yeah. She even wears similar glasses." Hisao shakes his head and shifts his weight as he starts back toward the door, finally adding, "she talks a lot more, though."

That makes Hanako laugh, which catches Misha's attention for a moment. Hanako turns to start following Hisao inside as much to avert her gaze as to get on with the upcoming meeting. A moment later, though, Hisao stops and spins around to places a hand on her shoulder; a child-like, giddy expression crossing his face.

Hanako meets it with a confused look, though. It doesn't look like he's about to make any more revelations about Samantha. Instead he looks down at his pocket. A second later, he gives a determined nod and draws his hand out of the pocket. In his hand, there appears to be a small black box - the kind you might use to hold a piece of jewelry.

She smiles at the realization, then the smile spreads into a full-faced toothy grin, "Is that?"

"Don't say anything!" Hisao snaps, stuffing the box back in his pocket, and assuming a conspiratory expression, "I had to tell someone," he eyes Misha, still distracted by the bike, then looks back into Hanako's eyes, "I figured I could trust you with a secret."

"O-of course." Hanako silently chides herself for the slip. "Not a word."

Hisao continues to hold the gaze for a few moments before pulling Hanako around beside him and starting to walk them back toward the house. "Act casual," he says, adding a fake laugh at the end as he looks back toward Lilly.

So he's finally proposing? It's about time!

She sighs in exacerbation as they near the house. Misha chases behind, catching up just as they reach the door. The three of them walk into the house finding Lilly and Samantha standing in the parlor talking.

Hanako reaches up to remove her sunglasses as the interior of the house is much darker. Samantha is as Hisao described. Her eyes are green rather than blue, but she has a similar look about her - even sharing that same determined smile. Her hair is cut business short, though it's fiery red in stark contrast to Shizune. The freckles around her cheeks and forehead soften the hard expression on her face. Her glasses are small and round, but they rest low on her nose - as reading glasses might. Hanako doubts she needs them for distance.

As she picks up on the conversation, Hanako realizes they're speaking English. It has been a while since she hear it spoken so fluidly. Even though Lilly speaks it so expertly, she usually spoke Japanese around Hanako and her Japanese friends. After a few moments, Samantha looks over, "You must be Hanako!"

Lilly follows the direction of Samantha's greeting and offers a smile.

Hanako smiles nervously and fidgets a bit, trying to make sense of the English greeting.

A second later, Samantha leans in and repeats the greeting in Japanese, "Hello, you are Hanako, yes?"

Hanako nods this time, trying to remain calm - and fighting the urge to cover her face. She takes a few moments to remember her English lessons before responding, "yes, and you must be Samantha."

Now, it's Samantha's turn to fidget uncomfortably, "Sorry, I thought you couldn't understand English."

Lilly chimes in now to salvage the introduction, "Hanako studied a number of languages while she was traveling about."

Samantha takes a sharp breath, "well, I'm sure it must be a little confusing having all that swimming around your head. I-" She breathes out the rest of her air looking like she had more to add, but isn't sure it should be said.

Hanako nods, still feeling like she's under a microscope. Shizune's stare had always made her recoil a bit, but Samantha's expression seems to lack the outward disdain of that gaze. Still, neither of them seems to know where to take the conversation from this apparent dead end.

After a few agonizing moments of discomfot, Hisao breaks the silence by attempting English, "Maybe she should tutor me."

Misha lets out another, "Wahaha~!" From behind and slaps her hand on Hisao's shoulder. "You might want to ask your girlfriend first." Misha's English is much more fluid. Indicative of her time spent in... Boston, was it?

Lilly sighs, "I've tried. Hisao's brain is too full of formulas to accept a new language."

Everyone shares a laugh at Hisao's expense and the tension is broken. Samantha leans forward and smiles, "I'm Samantha Grey, world-traveling epicurean extraordinaire!" The way she places her hands on her hips is extremely familiar.

Hanako smiles and holds out her hand, "Hanako Ikezawa, globe-trotting author."

Samantha takes the hand in a vigorous shake and smiles happily, "Oh, they didn't mention the author part." She pulls Hanako toward her which is alarming until she realizes it's to walk her toward the dining room.

"Actually, I'm not published yet." She follows the boisterous woman, Misha's girlfriend, feeling like she's being swept up into her world but not feeling apprehensive at all. It seems Samantha has that same drive to make friends with everyone she meets as Shizune, but without turning everything into a small war.

The dining table is already set with five places. Toward the middle there's a mountain of pancakes resting on a big platter next to a small bowl filled with a blueberry-smelling concoction. Next to that is a blue and white tea set with small yellow flowers snaking around the pot and cups.

Samantha lets her grip go and smiles over her shoulder, "You hungry?"

Hanako looks across the sprawl and suddenly realizes she hadn't eaten anything before getting on the road, "I left before breakfast," she says simply.

"Well, don't just stand there looking pretty. Hisao and I didn't make the pancakes just to be stared at!" She whips her head back in a laugh as she sits down, patiently waiting for the other four to sit.

And so they all sat down to eat breakfast together. Whatever Samantha had used to make the pancakes, they were exceptional. The blueberry compote, which didn't seem to be the right word for it, was rich and sweet like syrup. Lilly pressed Samantha for the recipe, but she was coy and evasive. She wanted to keep some of her culinary secrets, it seemed. All Lilly managed to pry out of her was that she'd used sake to marinate the blueberries. Whatever the secret was, Hanako didn't care.

She hadn't seen Misha since her last visit to the Hakamishi house when Lilly came to visit during summer break. That was nearly two years ago. Misha had changed her hair sometime between then and now, but she was still relatively the same. Samantha seemed to make her smile, and that was a happy thought. Misha deserved to be happy after what she'd gone through - which wasn't much different from Hanako's troubles in school.

Lilly was still working on finishing school - taking this sabbatical to spend time with Hisao. She was still estranged from her parents, but she took it in stride. She was always smiling despite what was going wrong. Her friends and Hisao were all the family Lilly needed, it seemed. She'd always been so independent and responsible, and Hanako tried to emulate that confidence.

Hisao was finally going to propose - maybe even sometime today. Other than that grandiose news, he didn't seem much different. He would be starting a hospital internship next month to round out his doctorate of sciences degree, but the stress didn't seem to be affecting him. Or, maybe he was secretly out of his mind with worry but putting on a happy face for Lilly. Considering he's about to propose, Hisao looks extremely relaxed.

The morning strolled by as they got caught up on the little things. Having a quiet conversation over tea and breakfast reminded her of afternoons in the tea room when it was just her and Lilly - and Hisao eventually. Misha and Samantha were welcome additions to the conversation, as well. About an hour rolled by as they sat and talked.

When she finally looked at the time it was nearly ten o'clock. Hanako stood and asked if she could make use of the shower and change, Misha nodded and led her to the guest bathroom.

When she emerged, redressed in a dark blue sun dress, white cardigan and nylons, she caught sight of Misha rushing out the front door and went to investigate. Apparently Shizune had arrived at last.

Lilly and Hisao were still at the breakfast table grinning nervously, while Samantha was clearing the table. Lilly tried to speak up and say she'd take care of the plates, but Samantha insisted, taking them into the kitchen. It seemed like Samantha was nervous about meeting Shizune.

Deciding it wasn't her place to try and ease the meeting, Hanako went back to the breakfast table and sat down next to Lilly. Having met Samantha, she didn't really worry about her getting along with Shizune, but the prospect made her seek refuge near her friends. Maybe there was still some of the old Hanako left inside her; more of it than she cared to admit at least.

Five years was a long time, but maybe not quite long enough.
Last edited by Helbereth on Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:02 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by Breaker deGodot »

You did an excellent job of re-characterizing Hanako. She seems rather similar to Robanynomous's characterization of her in "Reconciliation", which is a very good thing in my book. Also, the idea of Hanako being a biker babe is REALLY hot :lol:
Helbereth wrote:All Lilly managed to pry out of her was that she'd used Saki to marinate the blueberries.
Also, unless I'm very much mistaken the alcoholic drink is called "sake", not "saki". (Though if it was done on purpose, I as a Saki fan appreciate the gesture.)
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Re: Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by Helbereth »

Breaker deGodot wrote:You did an excellent job of re-characterizing Hanako. She seems rather similar to Robanynomous's characterization of her in "Reconciliation", which is a very good thing in my book. Also, the idea of Hanako being a biker babe is REALLY hot :lol:
Helbereth wrote:All Lilly managed to pry out of her was that she'd used Saki to marinate the blueberries.
Also, unless I'm very much mistaken the alcoholic drink is called "sake", not "saki". (Though if it was done on purpose, I as a Saki fan appreciate the gesture.)
Ah, yeah... brain misfire on the 'sake' part. I even missed it when I went back over it to fix typos and clear up some sentence structure. Fixed now, though.

Oh and yeah, Hanako + Bike = awesome in my book. I'm glad I made the change. I haven't read "Reconciliation", though.
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Re: KA 5-year reunion (Lilly's path). S5 Updated 6/30

Post by Mirage_GSM »

"He was looking at the bike, but his eyes were on Hanako..."
What was he looking at the bike with then?
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by Breaker deGodot »

Helbereth wrote:I haven't read "Reconciliation", though.
You absolutely have to read it! It's one of the best KS fanfics on the site, IMO, and I know for a fact that I'm not alone in that feeling.
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Re: Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by Helbereth »

Mirage_GSM wrote:"He was looking at the bike, but his eyes were on Hanako..."
What was he looking at the bike with then?
I think I need to reword that, perhaps. As he walks, he has his head turned to face the bike, but his eyes are fixed on Hanako. That probably isn't how it sounded, though.

Breaker deGodot wrote:
Helbereth wrote:I haven't read "Reconciliation", though.
You absolutely have to read it! It's one of the best KS fanfics on the site, IMO, and I know for a fact that I'm not alone in that feeling.
Only just joined the forum like 10 days ago. I've read several of the fanfics that bubble near the surface, but haven't had a chance to dig around the archive threads. I'll get around to it eventually. I've seen several of them mentioned and I've been meaning to check out the ones people mentioned.

While I'm at it, I still don't have an overall title for this. The scenes all have names - even those yet unwritten - but the encompassing title still escapes me. I almost don't want to put a label on it until I've actually written the whole thing - like naming it something before I finish might spoil the experience somehow.
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Re: Scene 5 - Five Years Later

Post by atw_ah »

Helbereth wrote: While I'm at it, I still don't have an overall title for this. The scenes all have names - even those yet unwritten - but the encompassing title still escapes me. I almost don't want to put a label on it until I've actually written the whole thing - like naming it something before I finish might spoil the experience somehow.
You really don't have to worry about a title too much. It's up to you to decide when and what you want to call it. You can name it based on what you're writing, though I have seen stories called "Reunion" or "Blank Years Later" a lot. As a long as you put some thought into it and make it yours then it'll be fine. Just don't called "Untitled" (unless referring to Rin).
KS: Bloodline The story of Yaso Atoza, 24 years after the events in KS.
Nomad: A Hanako Tale Hanako's search for her own personal paradise, ten years after KS.

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Scene 6 - The Gangs All Hear

Post by Helbereth »

Author's Note:
This is the shortest section so far, I think. It's the final roundup before heading to Yamaku. After this, there will be more characters stepping in, but I probably won't be spending any time inside their heads.


Scene 6 – The Gangs All Hear

Hideaki and Keiko trailed behind as Misha led Shizune to the door. More than once she turned back and levied a beaming smile over her shoulder, but it seemed more like she was stalling. After the third time she peered back, Shizune turned a questioning gaze at Hideaki; the dumb smile on his face vanished almost immediately, and Keiko seemed to tense at the sight of her 'better half' squirming. He still wasn't giving anything away.

I really hope this secret doesn't turn out to be something lame.

Turning back, Misha was now through the door and holding it wide. As she approached, she half expected her father to come running out the door waving his sword around and blustering about some nonsense. It didn't happen, thankfully. She was eager to see him, but not so early, and not after that flight -he could smell weakness, she was sure.

Finally through the door, Shizune looked around at the parlor. It hadn't changed. Everything appeared to be in exactly the same place it had been when she was here two years ago. Hideaki came up behind her, and only when she felt the air change from his passing through the door did she notice the three people standing up by the dining room table.

The beaming smile that broke across her face was out of her control.

There stood Hisao, Hanako and Lilly – dressed and ready for the days events. Her first instinct was to run up and throw a hug around Lilly, but she held back. Hideaki was tapping her shoulder and she turned to see Misha signing, a look of concern on her usually happy features, [How was the flight?]

She have a non-committal shrug and replied, [there were runway problems and we circled for a while.]

Misha frowns. She was among the few who knew about Shizune's air troubles, [did you get airsick?] She thankfully doesn't ask the question aloud, understanding Shizune's discomfort.

Shizune shakes her head and changes the subject, [Is everyone here?]

Misha smiles and nods, [Yep, did you see Hanako's bike?]

[No. I must have missed it.] She looks over at Hanako. Her hair is cut to shoulder length, and her chosen attire seems to cover her scars as expected, but the smile on her face and the lightness of her eyes looks much more genuine that she remembered. Shizune bows toward Hanako and smiles, signing, [Freedom seems to suit you.]

This time, Hisao was apparently translating.

He learned sign?

Before she can ask, Hisao answers her question, [I'm studying to be a science teacher and wanted to be sure any student I had easily understood.] He quickly adds, [Among other reasons.]

Shizune frowns, [So you didn't just learn so you could talk to me? Disappointing.]

Hisao doesn't take the bait, instead he just smiles and wraps an arm over Lilly. A moment later, Lilly seems to be saying something, and Hisao translates fluidly, [Lilly says I ought to learn brail, too.]

Shizune laughs and takes a moment to inspect her cousin. Red blouse, black skirt -she always was a smart dresser, even being blind. Looking at Hisao's haphazard arrangement, she doubts he has any influence on her style. Her hair is tied in a ponytail now, but it's just as billowy as ever. Shizune smirks and winks at Hisao, [Tell her I look mad.]

Hisao blinks, but dutifully translates. His performance doesn't seem to be terribly convincing, based on the smile spreading on Lilly's face, but it doesn't matter. Shizune takes a few brisk steps and wraps her cousin in a gentle hug.

Hisao leans into her vision and signs, [She missed you.] Shizune merely nods.

Off to her side, she sees Hanako grinning happily, and tosses a hand onto her shoulder, giving her an affirming squeeze. This is why Shizune insisted they meet up at her father's house. She wanted to see them all again before the crowds at the festival could pull them apart. Attending school so far from home meant she needed good reason to hop a plane back here, and she knew her time would be limited. She didn't want to chance missing seeing one of them because of bad timing.

Perhaps that was selfish of her, but none of them had argued.
Hisao grinned despite himself as he watched the two of them hug. Their strained relationship had always been a sore point for their circle of friends, and he was glad to see it seemed to finally be over. He couldn't help but think he might have caused, or at least furthered, that rift back when everyone at Yamaku was vying for his attention. He'd chosen to side with Lilly that day -only his third at the school- and from then on it seemed like their worlds diverged. Up until near the end of the school year, you couldn't get the two of them in a room without some kind of argument being sparked up by even the most mundane of things.

When Lilly was about to walk out of their lives and return to Iverness -which feels like it was an eternity ago- Shizune had started to see her cousin in a new light. As did Lilly. After Hisao's second -and so far final- heart attack, and Lilly's subsequent return to Yamaku, they seemed to be closer than before. However, the pointless arguments didn't stop. Childish arguments over attendance sheets and club disputes where neither of them seemed capable of understanding the other's opinion – and neither would back down. Now it all seemed so frivolous.

As Shizune backed out of the hug, she was smiling widely. She turned back over her shoulder then, and caught sight of Misha still standing at the entrance to the dining room. The look on Misha's face was all Hisao needed to know what Shizune was asking.

Misha began signing and speaking the same amazing way she'd done years before, “Samantha's in the Kitchen – she made breakfast.” Her mannerisms and voice make her appear like a scared child explaining an accident to her parents.

Shizune's reaction doesn't help matters. She folds her arms and sighs, taking a second to think out her response, [You let the guest make breakfast?]

Misha didn't miss a beat, “She was happy to. She's a chef.” She eyes Hisao as she continues, “Hicchan helped”

Suddenly feeling betrayed, Hisao wilts a bit under Shizune's glare, but responds evenly, “She did most of it, admittedly. She wouldn't let us help.”

That makes Shizune smile, which is rather unexpected. She takes another moment to think out her response before asking, [So, she took over the kitchen?]

Behind Hisao, Samantha's cheery voice perks up in answer to the silent question, “Yes, dear, I didn't want one of these amateurs learning my secrets!”

They all turned to regard the fiery-haired woman. Samantha stood leaning in the kitchen doorway with a rag on her shoulder and a stack of cleaned plates in her hands. Hisao fumbles to translate a second later.

As he made the gestures, Shizune appeared to be distracted by the newcomer to the conversation. Samantha Grey was a little taller than Shizune, but the relaxed stance she usually took made her appear shorter. She was dressed in a floral print blouse with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, black overalls that end with white socks, and she now has a bandana tied over her head covering most of her hair.

Samantha sets the plates down on the table and leans across to offer Shizune a handshake, “Samantha Grey. You must be Shizune.” Hisao translates dutifully.

In that moment, he isn't quite sure what the look on Shizune's face means. The resemblance between the two women is uncanny. Flatteringly so, he thought. Aside from the glaring differences in details, they had similar face structure, similar builds and even had the same determined look in their eyes. To Shizune it must almost be like looking into a mirror that reflects an image with slightly different details.

When their hands broke apart, Samantha started signing everything she said, “Misha told me a lot about you. I hear you're a future fortune five-hundred financier attending UCLA. My little brother's at Brown. You know where that is?”

The shock was still on Shizune's face, and she looked like she might fall over with the slightest breeze. He had seen her surprised before, of course, but never quite so completely. Slowly she regained her composure and nodded.

Samantha, who had appeared to be exceptionally nervous about the meeting, was now looking extremely relaxed. She probably already knew about the striking resemblance between her and Misha's High School crush, and she was using that advantage to give her confidence. Sounds like something Shizune would do. The fact that she was signing now was also unexpected.

Hisao decided to ask her, “Samantha?” He broke into sign as soon as she turned, [You didn't say you knew sign.]

[Neither did you,] she responded with a grin.

It was true. Neither of them had mentioned it, and Misha didn't even know he knew sign language until just now. [We should talk, later,] Hisao signed.

Shizune was finally able to sign a response, [I see why Misha was hiding you from me.]

Samantha signs as she speaks with expertise rivaling Misha, which makes Hisao wonder if she learned sign before meeting his pink-haired friend. “She was hiding me?” Samantha looks to Misha, and her nervous smile is all the tell she needs, “Silly girl.”

[Misha has good taste, I never denied it.] Shizune flashes a flippant grin and holds back a stifled laugh that sounds more like a squeak.

“Yeah, but she's not always the brightest bulb.” Samantha shakes her head as her shoulders bob up and down with stifled laughs.

The conversation went on with Samantha and Shizune, who were more alike than just in appearance, talking about things they had in common – which was mostly Misha. Samantha's younger brother was deaf, she explained, and so she learned sign language to talk with him. The differences between ASL and JSL made parts of the conversation harder to follow, but Samantha made a point to repeat things if it looked like someone wasn't following.

A few minutes after Shizune arrived, Hideaki made the announcement he was heading for the festival early. Shizune protested, but Keiko wanted to see some of her school-friends before they had to leave.

“Keiko ran the student council after you three graduated, you know.” Hideaki explained. “She even added to the workload once they increased their ranks to nine members.”

Realization dawns on Shizune as Hideaki signs. She quickly asks, [That's the same Keiko?]

Hideaki didn't even pause to reflect, “Yes, though she's changed a bit by now.”

[Obviously.] Shizune didn't seem as annoyed about forgetting Keiko as she did that, [Isn't she a little old for you, then?]

This set Hideaki back on his heels, “She's only a few years older.” He looks over at Misha and Samantha, chatting in the parlor.

Shizune follows his gaze, but quickly turns back with a stoic frown, [That's Misha. You're my brother.] She points a finger in the air and assumes a solemn expression before continuing, [I'm supposed to protect you.]

Hideaki smiles, “Don't worry so much, it'll give you wrinkles.”

Shizune fumes. Watching them bicker, Hisao wonders what it would be like to have a sibling. It wasn't that it ever bothered him, but every time he saw Shizune and Hideaki together -or Lilly and Akira- he felt like he'd missed out on something. Soon after, the two of them departed saying they'd probably see us at the festival. Shizune went back to sit with Misha and Samantha to talk about whatever women talk about out of masculine earshot, and Hisao began to fumble with the box in his pocket again.

After a few minutes, realizing the majority of the people around could actually see him doing so, and might wonder why, he forced his hand to stop. Hanako gave him a quick nod when he shot her a conspiratorial look, and she happily made a point to turn Lilly's attention away. Even being blind, Lilly had to be suspecting something by now. His unnatural reaction in the bedroom earlier had probably at least made her think something was wrong, and he knew she was keen enough to pick up on little telling sounds – like a little black box turning over again and again in his pocket.

Finally deciding he'd better get busy doing something and knowing it was about time to get going anyway, Hisao spoke up, “We should get going.”

Misha stood and grinned, “Yeah, we don't wanna miss the party~!” Her voice seemed to get louder as she spoke.

Shizune stood next to her and nodded in agreement. Hanako and Lilly got up from the dining table and started making their way to the door, Hanako acting more the guide than she had ever been. Samantha stayed in her seat, not quite knowing what to do with herself. Hisao smiled and signed, [You're coming too, right?]

Samantha replied by standing and nodding.

“Let's go then, last one has to ride in the trunk.” Hisao silently chides his accent-laden English as Samantha strides by, apparently understanding well enough.

“You're driving, right, Jacki- er Hisao?” She catches herself in the door and turns, “Sorry, slip of the tongue.”

Hisao is bewildered at the apparent gaff, but decides to ignore it, “No worries.”

Samantha shrugs and sprints out the door.

Upon exiting the house and turning to lock the door, he turns and finds Shizune standing on the walkway giving him a sour look, [Remember to close the gate this time.] With that, she spins around and heads toward the open back door of the black sedan he and Lilly rented.

I knew I forgot something.

Taking another longing look at Hanako's Hyabusa as he walks by, Hisao climbs into the driver's seat and checks to make sure everyone is buckled up before starting the engine. Hanako, Lilly and Shizune line the rear seat while Misha and Samantha sit to his right. Everyone is seated comfortably, which is a relief. Had there been anyone else, someone really would have to have ridden in the trunk.

He spoke as they backed into the street, “Please make sure your arms and legs stay inside the car at all times,” He grinned upon hearing a few giggles, “and please do not make faces at the operator as he liable to eject you from the vehicle on a whim.” Finishing his announcement, they got on their way for the two-hour drive to Yamaku.

They should arrive shortly after noon, he thinks. Looking around at the five young women in the car with him, he has an odd thought.

I wonder if Kenji will be there?

I'm so glad the introductions are over. I actually kinda dislike writing hugging reunions even when they make sense. That's probably why I threw things in like the mystery about Sam (which someone partially guessed) and some of the interplay between characters - to keep myself interested.

That's also why I like the style of jumping between character perspectives.

Not everything is cheery from here on. Emotions running high, old arguments renewed, hijinx in the schoolyard, maybe even some explosions before the fireworks, and Kenji.

Oh, also since the introductory phase is basically over, the next act starts after this.
Last edited by Helbereth on Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Author's Notes

Post by Helbereth »

Author's Notes:

I decided to add all my notations here so they don't clutter up the story pages. I'll leave them on the current page until I post a new page (we'll see how it goes).

Some of them are mostly inane ramblings while others are trying to explain my thought process. They're mostly whatever was on my mind when I was posting the scenes.

Scene 1 "Imminent Nostalgia" Notes:
I've decided to take this somewhat more seriously in that I've actually planned out the story. I've written out a story outline to follow, so I'll have something to actually work from instead of just making things up as I go - which I did for the first 3 parts. I'll probably consolidate things a bit more at some point, and perhaps even write whole parts separately instead of going directly to the forum to write.

Essentially it will be a 'what are they doing in 5 years' using a class reunion as a vehicle. All 7 primary characters, as well as many peripheral characters will make appearances - as well as some new characters. For the sake of basics, it's assumed this is after Hisao pursues and wins Lilly - which was the last story I finished and thus was freshest in my mind when I started writing.

When I figure out how, I'll set up the first page with appropriate links. The first 3 parts are 'complete' and available to read down below. The list will eventually show all 4 acts and the individual scenes once I've added them (or written them, as it were).

I also kinda dove back and decided to add a prologue of sorts to establish some basics about the story - especially the time difference and location. it blends right into the first scene now. I wouldn't normally do something like that, but i wasn't even sure where this was going when I started - nor was I really sure where it was starting.

I haven't written anything like this in 10 years. Comments welcome - especially criticism.

Scene 2 "Sleeping Outside The Lines" Notes:
I'm kinda writing this as it comes to me, so it might end up being a little disjoined. Today, I decided to jump over to Rin and Emi on the same morning.

I came back to add the other half of this scene. It felt unfinished when I wrote it originally - especially since it didn't really do much other than introduce Rin and Emi to the timeline. Now, though, I've added in their car ride toward Yamaku in which Emi's apprehensions about the day are revealed, and Rin assists her in coming to a realization - and a decision. Honestly, this stuff wasn't in my mind when I wrote the first half, but as I've been mapping out the rest of the story outline, it occurred to me that bringing this up early was important.

Writing Rin is hard. Toeing the line between being spacey and wistful with occasional bouts of lucidity makes my head hurt.

Scene 3 "All Signs Point To Home" Notes:
Okay, this should be the last introductory bit. Since I'm bringing in so many characters, I have to start the story in three different places, but this should be the last one. Any additional character introductions will flow with the story, but I'll change the perspective around as it goes. This time I'm writing from Shizune's perspective, and in keeping with that there isn't a word uttered. All the dialogue is in sign, and since it seems to work, I'm using the [] brackets to identify it the same as one might use "" for spoken dialogue.

I'll probably go back over it later and fill in some environmental details, but I really wanted to concentrate on her interactions with people.

I feel I should mention I'm not leaving Hanako out of this story. Her entrance is something I can work into the day rather than having to reset the clock.

Scene 4 "How My Tea Has Fallen" Notes:
Okay, at this point I should note something about the way I tend to write. I usually try to weave a linear tale such that I invest a full length of time in one particular scene and then possibly reverse time to change that perspective. Since I'll be switching between a number of different perspectives depending on the story development or particular scene, you can expect to see the story leap backward a bit between scene breaks.

I've done this already, of course. The first three sequences are all occurring within the same chunk of time. Hisao is the first to wake and head out for his jog. On his walk back, the sun starts coming in as the clouds are parting, which is right about the same time Rin is waking out on the Ibarazaki lawn, and Shizune is descending the escalator at the airport.

I'm hoping that came across in the writing - I try to be subtle.

That said, Scene 4 is going to jump back through time a bit into the Hakamichi house before Shizune's arrival. It might be a little disorienting, but it shouldn't ever feel redundant. You won't see sequences you've already read seen through a different angle, rather you'll catch other bits of story that were happening at the same time.

That said, let's get this over with. Or let's trudge on. Or some other positive-thinking platitude.

I finished writing this around 1:30 and posted it before really going over it to make corrections. I went back over it now, though. I hope the time changing isn't bothersome.

Oh, I should also mention that I used the --- to indicate a perspective change. The first one switches from Misha to Lilly, while the second switches from Lilly to Sam. I think at this point I've spent a little time in each main character's head, which is oddly fitting.

Scene 5 "Five Years Later" Notes:
Okay, so I'm still introducing characters. So sue me. I'd thought that was mostly over, but this kind of story seems to propagate new angles regardless of my intent. That said, I had to go back over and rewrite the entire beginning of this following scene because I decided to completely change the entrance. Originally it was a much more pedestrian introduction, but after having a crazy thought and pondering the possibilities, I decided it wasn't really that crazy and fit better with how I wanted to reintroduce the character.

That sounds more ominous than it really is, though.

I shouldn't make any promises since I'm not sure I can keep them, but this should be the last of the major introductory sequences. I think a 5-year gap between the last time we saw these characters actually demands this kind of thing anyway, so I don't really feel that bad about it.

I feel like I should explain myself.

Okay, after having read that, I'll reveal the original introduction of Hanako was much more subdued. She arrived by taxi and was much more meek and tentative about the whole ordeal. After considering things from the end of the Lilly path - and other paths, for good measure - I decided that 5 years was a long time. That opening was wrong, and I needed to fix it, fast.

Instead of remaining oppressively shy and skittish, it seemed to me like Hanako was starting to come out of her shell at the end of the previous story. Showing her being not much different from that felt fake. Instead, I decided to run with the idea that, after High School, she went globe trotting with some of her new friends. This lead her to seeing the world and its people in a new light - a more favorable one, at least. She's still reasonably awkward around new people, but she's much more relaxed around friends. She still hides her scars as much as she can, realizing they're at least a distraction, but isn't reflexively covering her face or retreating from crowds.

I wanted to show that Hanako was capable of becoming independent in a real sense, not just a lesser degree of dependence.

Scene 6 "The Gangs All Hear" Notes:
This is the shortest section so far, I think. It's the final roundup before heading to Yamaku. After this, there will be more characters stepping in, but I probably won't be spending any time inside their heads.

I'm so glad the introductions are over. I actually kinda dislike writing hugging reunions even when they make sense. That's probably why I threw things in like the mystery about Sam (which someone partially guessed) and some of the interplay between characters - to keep myself interested.

That's also why I like the style of jumping between character perspectives.

Not everything is cheery from here on. Emotions running high, old arguments renewed, hijinx in the schoolyard, maybe even some explosions before the fireworks, and Kenji.

Oh, also since the introductory phase is basically over, the next act starts after this.

Assorted amusing notes:
Hideaki's girlfriend, Keiko was named and was originally a completely OC. However, as I was going back over Shizune's route for some reference, I came upon the scene where they're interviewing the new student council candidates. Keiko and Aoi. After reading that, and thinking about how well it worked as a little plot point, I decided to make my Keiko the Keiko that took over the student council. A happy accident, you could call it.
Last edited by Helbereth on Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). S6 Updated 7/2

Post by LOL WUT »

I have one question. For the title "The Gang's All Hear" Did you purposely do Here as Hear for Shizune or was that a misprint? But anyways overall great story. You got yourself a fan here old chap.
Xanatos I'm Sorry.
Xanatos wrote: I was totally going to include the leaf. Otherwise it's just a Ken(ji) doll because I can't model cocks from nothing.
Hello! Did I mention that I have a form of Arrythmia?
LOL WUT: I Am Feeling The Urge To Get More Posts Than You By The End Of The Year. May The Best Man Win
Xanatos: Bring it, Clifford.
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Re: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). S6 Updated 7/2

Post by nemz »

It's slow going but mostly enjoyable so far. I do wish you'd be more consistent with the perspective though, especially in the last update.
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Re: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). S6 Updated 7/2

Post by Helbereth »

LOL WUT wrote:I have one question. For the title "The Gang's All Hear" Did you purposely do Here as Hear for Shizune or was that a misprint? But anyways overall great story. You got yourself a fan here old chap.
Completely intentional.

It's even supposed to be 'gangs'. Though it refers more to cultural groups than street gangs.

It has to do a bit with them realizing their spoken language barrier has a short-cut (or a work around). What isn't mentioned is that Sam is using JSL she adapted by learning from Misha. There wasn't really an opportunity to mention that, though.
nemz wrote:It's slow going but mostly enjoyable so far. I do wish you'd be more consistent with the perspective though, especially in the last update.
Yeah, it's a slow-moving story thus far. I think everything that's happened so far has occurred between 6:30am and 10:30am on the morning of the Festival. Like the title of the act, though, they're all reconnecting. The rest of the story covers the festival as well as another day afterward. There just happens to be a lot going on.

The jumping perspective is just how I write, though. When I want to change the way a scene is perceived, I pick a different person in the room to watch it and hear their reactions beyond conversing. It's not done thoughtlessly, though it sometimes happens in the middle of a conversation and it can be disorienting. That's why I try to add a break in between so there's an indication that the perspective has changed.
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Re: Scene 6 - The Gangs All Hear

Post by griffon8 »

Helbereth wrote:That's probably why I threw things in like the mystery about Sam (which someone partially guessed)
Yay, me! Only a couple years off.

The resemblance to Shizune was brilliant though.

One question: why would Hideaki say 'after you three graduated'? If he's referring to the members of the Student Council, there were only two. If he's talking about everyone in the room who graduated, it would be five, unless some people left the room without it being mentioned. He should just say 'after you graduated'.
I found out about Katawa Shoujo through the forums of Misfile. There, I am the editor of Misfiled Dreams.

Completed: 100%, including bonus picture. Shizune>Emi>Lilly>Hanako>Rin

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Re: Scene 6 - The Gangs All Hear

Post by Helbereth »

griffon8 wrote:
Helbereth wrote:That's probably why I threw things in like the mystery about Sam (which someone partially guessed)
Yay, me! Only a couple years off.

The resemblance to Shizune was brilliant though.

One question: why would Hideaki say 'after you three graduated'? If he's referring to the members of the Student Council, there were only two. If he's talking about everyone in the room who graduated, it would be five, unless some people left the room without it being mentioned. He should just say 'after you graduated'.
My idea was that Hisao had kind of become an unofficial member late in the year - offering help with whatever filing and other mundane tasks Shizune asked of him. Getting more involved with the school as a whole. It's part of the background outline I keep in mind for events after he returned to school from the airport incident. That's why running with Emi became a plot point, as well.
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Re: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). S6 Updated 7/2

Post by Walshy12238 »

This is actually so good. Lilly's was my favourite path, and it always had me wondering how things might play out down the line for all of the characters. I'm glad that I stumbled upon this early, so that it's not already finished and over :) I almost don't want it to end.
Keep up the good work!
Lilly > Hanako=Emi > Shizune > Rin
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