Facing my Pains


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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to take some of the comments that you've made seriously (the confession that was never there is the notable one), no offence.

Here's the next chapter (which will probably explain things better then that pathetic excuse of an explanation).


A Golden Week part 2

The alarm clock rings in the start of a new day, albeit a bit later then normal.
Even though I was on break, I thought it would be better to have a timed wake up call since I could easily sleep for the better part of the day.

Once I'd turned the alarm off, I remembered that I was going to dig out one of my old alarm clocks for Taro, so I got out of bed and headed to where they're stored.
As I started looking through the various boxes, my mother walked past.
“What are you looking for”, my mother asked.
“One of my old alarm clocks”, I said “one of the people I eat lunch with said that their one broke down”.
“Couldn't they got one just like yours”, my mother said.
“He has a... problem with one arm, so a mechanical alarm clock might not be the best thing”, I said “I did give him the name of the place where I got mine from, but he hasn't gone and was still depending on my alarm clock for his wake up call”.
My mother then went and pulled another box out and placed it on the floor.
“I think they're in this box”, my mother said “and breakfast should be ready in a little while”.
After digging through the box that my mother had brought out, I finally found the alarm clocks and pulled out one that I thought would be suitable.
Once I'd checked that everything was still working as it should, I placed it into the bag I brought with me, got dressed and headed down to breakfast.

Breakfast was a two person affair, but there was still questions to deal with.
“Why didn't you bring one of your new friends over”, my mother asked “we do have the room”.
“Most of them had plans in place already”, I said “and the only one I was able to ask refused straight away”.
“Why was that”, my mother asked “you could have done a bit more convincing”.
“She... how can I put it... doesn't do well with others”, I said “that's why I didn't push the matter any further then I did”.
“Then why does she get on with you”, my mother asked.
“It could be the way I treat her”, I said “or it could be that I don't pay much attention to her... face that much”.
“Does that mean that she's your”, my mother started to say before I interrupted.
“It's not like that”, I said “it was just by chance that we met, and I don't think that she'll think about me that way”.
I did of course not say that there is another girl on my mind.
“I do hope that you'll bring a friend over soon”, my mother said “or a girlfriend at least”.
I do wish that she'd stop saying that since I don't even know if Suzu is interested in me in that way.
When I finished eating, I put everything into the sink and headed back to my bedroom.

While I was in my room, my mind started to wander only to be snapped back to reality by my phone ringing, and I knew of only one person who would call.
“Hey, Miki”, I said “are you done with your punishment for breaking the phone now”.
“How did you know about that”, Miki asked “and there wasn't any punishment”.
“Suzu told me that you got into trouble for breaking the phone”, I said.
“I wondered why she disappeared for a minute”, Miki said as she changed the subject “are you doing anything at the moment?”
“Nothing much”, I said “why did you ask?”.
“Because Suzu and I were planning to go out”, Miki said “and I though I'd call to see if”.
There was no shouting or crashing, just the call ending abruptly.
Now I'll be the one to be ridiculed as I looked at my phone only to see a blank display, and with all attempts to turn it back on failing told me that the battery had run dry.
This wasn't the time to curse my forgetfulness, so I put my phone on charge and thought about what I was going to do.
Staying at home isn't a good idea, and since Miki said that she was going out I decided to head out myself since I might run into them while I as out.
Which is a big 'might' since I don't even know where Miki lives.

I stepped outside and started to figure out where I'll be going for the next few hours.
The local park would be the best bet, but then I might end up encountering the idiots that put me in the hospital but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I decided to take a slow walk so I could get used to the sights and sounds of what I called home.
When I got there I headed for the central area, but as I was walking there I heard what I thought was a loud wailing and when the sound changed I took several steps to the right just as someone flew right past me and hit the ground.
Once I had a chance to look at the back of my assailant, I suddenly remembered who it was as well as the person who was walking up to us.

"I've told you not to run up to strangers like that", the older girl said.
"But big sis", the younger girl said "you know exactly who it is".
The older girl stopped walking and looked at me wonder who I was, so I decided to help her out a little.
"Hey there, Matsuri", I said "long time, no see".
"No way", Matsuri said with surprise in her voice "is that you Karou?"
"It is him", the younger girl said "there's no way I could forget".
"It's most likely that you can sense all the metal that's in my back, Naru", I said "you only started to remember me after that".
"And you always had to dodge her like you just did", Matsuri said before she turned to her sister "you should know by now not to tackle him from behind like that".
"But I only wanted to say hello", Naru said.
"Then you should try and do it in a way that won't send me to the hospital", I said.
Naru puffed her cheeks out as she looked at me, but she knew that I was correct.
"You won't have to worry about seeing them", Matsuri said "they moved just after you transferred".
"I thought one of them was your boyfriend", I said.
"She dumped him", Naru said "and made him squeal like a pig soon afterwards".
"After everything that happened, I couldn't really stay in a relationship with him", Matsuri said.
Once Naru had dusted herself off, we started walking.

"So how have things been", Matsuri asked "I was told that you got onto the track team at your new school".
"Told or heard", I asked "my father was really loud when he heard about it, and I know how close our houses are".
"I heard it", Matsuri said admitting defeat "your father was really vocal on the matter".
"And I really gave him a piece of my mind when he had a go at me", I said.
“That explains why he stopped shouting”, Matsuri said “I didn't expect that it was because you'd given him a piece of your mind”.
“I wasn't going to let him take control of my life”, I said “even after what happened”.
Once we reached our destination, Naru dashed off in some random direction with Matsuri following after her.
I decided to take a seat on one of the benches.

As I looked around, I wondered what else had changed after I left here almost three weeks ago.
Everyone that had caused my accident had moved away, and everything else seems to have returned back to some form of normality.
However, Matsuri has gone back to the life of a singleton and hasn't found anyone else, and Naru is still the... hang on a minute.
For a second there I thought that I recognised someone.
I left the safe haven of my bench and headed into the crowd.
After a few seconds looking around, I noticed an all to familiar bandage and once I saw the rest of the person and who she was walking with, I knew that it was Miki and Suzu.
Was this where they were planning on going, and now did they manage to get here.
I'm still not sure where Miki lives, so she could live nearby as well and I never knew about it.
It took just that second of thinking to lose them, so I tried to find them again.
I wasn't able to catch up with them again, and spent the better part of three hours doing so.
Once I'd given up all hope, I ended up heading back home.
Dinner was a more quieter affair then it was yesterday.

“Do anything interesting today”, my mother asked.
“I just went to the park, and ran into Matsuri and Naru on the way there”, I said “although I should say that Naru nearly ran into me on the way there”.
“That girl never learns”, my mother said as she sighed.
“It was a good thing that I could hear her coming”, I said while chuckling a little “it gave me the opportunity to get out of her way”.
“Why were you laughing while saying that”, my mother asked.
“It's just she reminds me of someone I know in my class”, I said “you could probably hear her from a mile away when she laughs”.
Misha could be called the wailing siren of the class when she laughs, and when she talks normally since I doubt she has any form of volume control.
Nothing much else was said after that, and I headed for my room after I'd finished eating.

I hadn't received any messages from Miki or Suzu once I turned my phone back on after I took it off charge, so I had my bath and went to bed hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You've used the "accidentally meeting Miki and Suzu" for the second time now... This time quite unneccessarily since you didn't follow up with anything.
And I was talking about an 'almost-confession'. She might not have said the actual words, but she was WAY more obvious than Emi was on her path, and even then I thougt Hisao was acting a bit dumb...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

I actually call it a variation on a theme since in the previous instance the encounter leads to them continuing on together where in the last chapter he only catches sight of them, but is unable to track them down (I believe that I've put the follow on from that in the next chapter).

As for the almost confession (I believe you're either talking about the time when Suzu placed her hand on his or when she fell asleep as she was going to say something that was important), I actually put it in as Suzu giving hints depending on how certain she was about her feelings (by the third time (when she fell asleep) she was just about ready to tell him, but her falling asleep ruined the moment in her eyes) and because they haven't spent much time by themselves he thinks that she is talking about someone else even though he's starting to have feelings for Suzu (he's about as dense as a slab of cement when it comes to relationships which is partly the reason why he hasn't taken the hints).

Aaaand once again the next chapter isn't complete, but once I'm done and got it posted I'll be updating the first post with the file that contains chapters 11-20.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

The next chapter is done (I've already posted download links for the last 10 chapters before I started on this post), but before I get to the copy and paste I'd better clear a few things up.

The last part of the chapter came completely out of the blue since I was thinking about how to complete the scene, and I remembered the reason my Misha is there and I just went with the flow (and it doesn't mean that she'll be a more permanent part of the story since I'm not sure if that will be the case)

I didn't really do a profile for Matsuri as I was working on it as I wrote (the initial introduction in the last chapter was based on a scene I was originally going to write for this part of the story, but that encounter was outside his house and not while on a walk in the park but the basic structure of the meet was the same), so I just made it that she followed his lead as a childhood friend and joined the track team alongside him (which is how she ended up dating one of the people that caused his injury).

I know I didn't write in the packing of the homework a couple of chapters ago, but I didn't even say if the unfinished assignment either.

And here is the next chapter.


A Golden Week part 3

I looked at the small stack of papers that are on my desk.
It's comprised of all the homework I was given before I left last week, along with the unfinished assignment that Mutou told us to have finished by the start of classes later on this week.
I had intended to get that part finished even before I got home, but I was unable to find an opportunity to get it done.
All of this is easier to deal with then what happened yesterday.
Every time I thought about Suzu, or her name went through my mind, my heart would flutter like crazy.
I never knew having feelings for someone would be this painful, but I really need to get over all this since I doubt Suzu feels the same way about me.
Even though we sit next to each other in class, take lunch together and do group assignments together with Miki and Molly, we've spent the equivalent of less then a day together, alone.
Plus she started talking about that person she liked when me barely knew each other, so I'm absolutely sure she wasn't talking about me and her actions might have been done unconsciously.
I was finally interrupted from my chain of thought by my phone ringing.

“What are you doing”, Miki asked.
I do wish that she gave me the opportunity to say something when I answer the phone, even though I have been able to do that once.
“Doing my homework”, I said “which is what you should be doing”.
“Screw the homework, it's boring as hell”, Miki said.
Is there anything that she doesn't think is as boring as hell.
“Try saying that to Mutou just before he chews you out for not doing it”, I said “I think the response you'll get will be rather harsh”.
“You're just like Suzu”, Miki said “she's already doing her homework”.
Thanks for that Miki, now I've got another flutter to deal with.
“Maybe you should join her”, I said “it shouldn't take you that long to do”.
“I'll think about it”, Miki said “by the way, who was that girl you was with in the park two days ago?”
“Which one? There was two”, I said “and how did you know I was in the park?”
That was a good question, since I didn't even think that they had spotted me in the park.
“The one that wasn't wailing like Misha”, Miki said “and we saw you walking in the park with two girls in tow”.
That proves that Naru does sound like Misha.
“Then it's none of your business”, I said rather bluntly.
I didn't want to tell her that we live next door to each other, since it might make her think that there's more that just that.
“Then I'll be sure to mention that when we see the two of you together”, Miki said just before she ended the call.
At least she didn't keep on asking, now back to the homework.

After four hours and a lot of drinks I've finally finished with all the homework.
The last bit of the assignment I was doing in class last week was the simple part, it was the rest if it that took up the lions share of the time.
Since I had little else to do and there's still a few hours before dinner, I decided to go downstairs.
When I got there, I found Matsuri standing near the front door.

“What brings you here”, I asked.
“I was just wondering what happened to you when we were at the park”, Matsuri asked “we came back to the bench we last saw you at to find that you weren't there”.
“I spotted someone I knew from school”, I said “and spent several hours trying to track them down. Which I wasn't able to do”.
“I saw your bedroom light that evening, so I knew that you made it back”, Matsuri said “I just wasn't sure what happened before that”.
“I'd been back for a while at that point”, I said “and I wasn't sure if they'd been walking faster then I was, or I just made a wrong turn somewhere”.
I felt that is was improper for Matsuri to be standing in the hallway like a statue, so I invited her into the living room.
Once Matsuri had sat down she continued talking, but not on what we were just talking about.

"So how have things been at your new school", Matsuri asked.
"The same as it's always been", I said "it's pretty much like any other school except for the nursing staff... the ramps and lifts in the school and dorm buildings... and the students who's disabilities are more noticeable".
"It sounds like a very interesting place", Matsuri said while chuckling ever so slightly "I wish I could go there as well".
"You could since they don't discriminate against perfectly healthy people attending", I said "it's just the tuition fees are rather high".
"That does put things down a bit", Matsuri said "and are you sure that they do allow those that have no disabilities".
"I think one person in my class is", I said "unless she suffers from an obsessive compulsive loudness disorder".
"Why would you say that", Matsuri asked as she laughed even harder then she had before.
"Because she's just like Naru", I said "she's really loud".
"That's one way to describe her", Matsuri said.
"You can hear her coming from a mile off, so", I said before I suddenly noticed something Matsuri was doing "what are you doing?"
"After I dumped my ex, I decided to take up sign language", Matsuri said "but I'm not that good at it".
"You can't say if your good at something or not until you've got a good grasp of it", I said "but it might give you a chance to get in".
"What do you mean", Matsuri asked.
"You know that girl in my class I just mentioned. She knows sign language and translates for one of our classmates", I said "if she had no disability and is doing that for a reason then her tuition fees might have been lower then what others have paid".
“That's good”, Matsuri said.
“Why are you thinking about transferring all of a sudden”, I asked.
Matsuri's expression darkened after I asked that.
“It's just that something changed inside me after what happened to you”, Matsuri said “when you transferred I tried to sort myself out but it didn't help, and now I know that what I did could get me into a new school it gave me a bit of hope”.
“What about the track team”, I asked.
“I never went back once you'd transferred”, Matsuri said “I couldn't face the team even though they had left”.
“You could still come back to the team”, I said “if you transfer”.
“Do you think I have a chance”, Matsuri asked “if I can transfer, that is”.
“If your times are the same as they were then you shouldn't have any problems”, I said “but you might have to juggle your club commitments alongside your sign language classes”.
“I'm sure that I'll be able to manage”, Matsuri said “I'll see if I can get the ball rolling at my end, so we might be in the same school again”.
“Wouldn't you prefer that I check things out before you go about the transfer”, I said.
“That would take too long”, Matsuri said “besides, I've made up my mind on what I want to do in the future”.
“I thought that you wanted to be a teacher”, I said “going to any school would allow you to go down that career path”.
“But I want to be a sign language teacher now”, Matsuri said “and going to the school you're at would give me a better chance of doing that”.
“It depends of if you can get into that schools sigh language classes”, I said “if they do sign language classes”.
“I'm sure that they would”, Matsuri said as she got up “I should go before I get yelled at”.
“By Naru”, I asked.
“How did you know”, Matsuri asked.
“Lucky guess”, I said “she's the only one that does any yelling in your family”.
“That is true”, Matsuri said “and I really should go now before that does happen”.

After Matsuri had left, something came to me.
Did I just... create a monster.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Here's the next chapter (and the last part in this scenario).

And before anyone complains about when I put the start of the relationship, I had planned to put it in here since I wanted it to be established for more then a week or two before Hisao comes onto the scene.


A Golden Week part 4

I look up at the ceiling as I was lying in my bed.
I'm due to head back to Yamaku this afternoon since the golden week break is now ending, and classes start again tomorrow.

Even though I spent some of my time with Matsuri, I felt that there was something was missing.
I never managed to spend any of the time I had with Suzu, even with the fact that she was with Miki and she lived somewhere in the area.
She must be really disappointed after sending that message last week, but then I'm disappointed for a different reason.
After everything that has happened over the past few days, I decided that I should confess my feelings to Suzu as soon as possible.
Even if I'm rejected, then at least I can move on and put this painful experience behind me, but I had thought about what this all started.
Maybe that chance meeting in the nurses office was what started all this, but the good thing was I didn't end up being struck by the ailment known as love at first sight.
We might have only known each other for about three weeks, but it seems to have been enough for things to go this far while we've barely had any time alone.
The time we've spent together in class might have been a contributing factor, but then I could be wrong since I've never had any feeling of this kind.
I can't stay in my bed for the better part of the time I have left here, so I got up and went to have breakfast.

“Has anything been troubling you”, my mother asked.
“Why are you asking that”, I asked between mouthfuls of rice.
“Because there's been something different about how you've been acting over the past few days”, my mother said “maybe you're in love with someone”.
“Why would you say that”, I said while spitting out the rice I was eating.
“You've never acted like this before”, my mother said “the only reason that would be happening is that you've fallen for someone”.
“Am I that easy to read”, I asked.
“You've never been in love before”, my mother said “the way you were acting on Sunday told me that must be the reason”.
“So I can be read like a book”. I said rather dejectedly.
“You could say that “, my mother said “so who's the lucky girl?”
“Someone in my class”, I said “we actually sit next to each other”.
“So you've spent loads of time together”, my mother said.
“In class”, I said “we've barely spent any time alone”.
“Does it matter”, my mother said “you've spent enough time together for things to end up like this”.
“Maybe”, I said “it was probably that chance meeting we had that got things going”.
“How did this meeting go”, my mother asked.
“It was when I was in the nurses office on my first day”, I said “she woke up at the end of my initial check up and we went to have dinner together after that”.
“That must've sounded like a cheesy pick up line to her”, my mother said “but it would be a really romantic thing to do”.
“I think she knew what I meant”, I said “and we weren't alone since we were eating in the schools cafeteria, and one of her friends came over just after we started eating”.
By this time I'd already finished eating, so since the topic in question has now ended I placed all the bowls and such into the sink and headed to my bedroom to pack.

I might have come here with just a bag containing a few items, but I'll be going back with a small case containing things I think I need.
I quickly go though everything that's going into either the case or the bag.

Alarm clock: check
Alarm clock that I'm giving to Taro: check
Homework: check
Pills: check
Portable DVD player and a stack of discs to watch: check
A pile of books that I can read when I don't have the chance to get anything from the library: check

Once I'd checked everything was present and correct, I packed everything into their respective bag or case and took them downstairs.
When the time came to head back, I said my farewells, picked up the bag and case from the hallway and headed for the train station.
It took me less time to get back to Yamaku, but that was because I didn't walk part of the route to the train station like I did on the way home.
Once I'd returned to my room, I unpacked everything from the bag and case, put them in their respective places and sat down on my bed.
Most of this week had been a complete bust since I'd only caught sight of Suzu once, and we never spent any time together.
I must've spent a lot of time moping about that, since the next thing I know is that it's started to go dark out, and someone has just knocked at my door.
When I opened the door, Suzu was standing in the corridor.

“H-h-h-hi, Suzu”, I said trying badly to cover up the flutter that just hit me.
"Can I come in", Suzu asked.
I didn't say anything since my moving aside, and holding the door open was enough for her to know that I was allowing her to come in.
"Did you just come back", I asked.
"A little while ago", Suzu said "Miki decided that we should take a normal train when we went to her place and came back".
"That explains why there was that much of a delay between me getting home and Miki calling me", I said "I thought Miki would be the kind of person who takes the faster trains".
"That would probably fit her", Suzu said "but there's something I need to ask you".
"Go ahead", I said.
"Just who was that girl you was with on Saturday", Suzu asked "Miki asked who she was, and you told her it was none of our business".
"That response was just for Miki", I said "I thought that she would blow things out of proportion".
"What do you mean", Suzu said "just who is that girl?"
"She just lives next door to me", I said "I've known her for ages, but we've only ever been friends".
"Are you sure", Suzu asked.
"I'm certain of it", I said "she went out with someone else just after we started high school".
"Do you mean it was one of them", Suzu asked.
"Yes", I said "it was one of the people who caused this, but she's not seeing him any more".
"Doesn't that mean that she might go for you", Suzu asked.
"It's unlikely", I said "if she did have any feeling for me, she would've confessed either when we got into high school or while I was at home".
Suzu seemed to look relieved once I'd said that.
"Then I have to tell you something that's important", Suzu said "because I l... I lo.... I lo... I lo".
Every time she tried to finish what she was going to say, her face got redder and redder until she couldn't continue with what she was saying and started walking towards me, wrapped her arms around my body and kissed me.

The moment our lips touched, it felt like time was standing was standing still for just a brief moment, but it also eradicated all the doubt I had over my own feelings.
I wrapped my arms around her to bring her that little bit closer, and allowing the kiss to be deepened ever so slightly.
After what felt like a complete age the kiss ended, but it looked like it have given Suzu the confidence she lacked before it.
"I love you", Suzu said breathlessly.
I couldn't respond the same way since I was a bag of nerves, so I responded with another kiss.
This time there was slightly more passion to it, but it ended seeming more quickly then the first kiss.
"I'm sorry", I said "I've never had these kinds of feelings for anyone before, so I couldn't get enough courage to say I love you in any way other then with a kiss".
"You just said it now", Suzu said "So would this mean that was your first kiss?"
"First and second", I said "plus your my first and hopefully only girlfriend".
"Does that mean we'll be together from now on", Suzu asked.
"We'll be together until the day we die", I said "as long as things don't go wrong between then and now".
"I'm certain it won't", Suzu said "as long as your other female friends are just that".
"I'm guessing that you're talking about Hanako", I asked.
"I certainly am", Suzu said "as long as you stay just friends then I won't have to send Miki in to deal with you".
"It won't come to that", I said "I'll just have to make sure Hanako knows that our relationship doesn't mean that I won't be spending time with her".
"That would be something you have to do", Suzu said "I'll see you tomorrow morning outside the dorms".
Suzu kissed me again and left my room.

As I sat back down on my bed, I was still in a daze as to what just happened.
Suzu just confessed to me, and I responded in kind.
That means that we're boyfriend and girlfriend, and I couldn't be happier.
As I was running through everything, my phone started ringing.
If that is who I think it is, then she's either extremely lucky or she psychic.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Here's the next chapter.

I've based the last scene on what Hanako said during the last scene in her good end, but she'll still be the same Hanako at all other times she'll still do her 'ivegottogodosomething' scene when Hisao enters the story for the short time that he's there.

Also I think Shizune is a little more anal (if that is the most appropriate word) when it comes to certain school rules and regulations (it actually took me some time to find the scene that mentioned the rule in question).



I'm standing within sight of the entrance to the girls' dormitory, waiting for a certain someone to appear.
That certain someone being the girl I'm deeply in love with.
It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since Suzu and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, but I'm still in a daze every time I think about what happened yesterday evening.
When I woke up this morning, I thought that it was just a dream until I checked the received calls list on my phone.
My mother had called to find out why I hadn't called her once I got back to Yamaku, and once I told her what just happened before she called, she just spouted out a list of what I should and shouldn't be doing.
If I'd taken that call anywhere other then my bedroom, then it would've been extremely embarrassing.
I looked back to the entrance of the girls' dormitory after a few girls walked past me.
There was a lot more activity then there was a little while ago as everyone started to head to their respective classrooms.

A few of the girls did give me some curious looks, but one gave a more curious look then the others.
She, like Miki does, wears a boy's uniform, but it looks more neatly put on and the knots tied in the sleeves told me that she had no arms, which she might have lost in some form of accident or for some other reason.
I didn't really know who she was since I've never seen her before, but I easily recognised her walking companion.
Emi smiled and waved at me, then she started saying something to the girl she was walking with as they left.
When I looked back to the girls' dorm I recognised the two that just walked out, one of which I was waiting for.
Miki was her usual energetic self, but Suzu seemed to be bereft of the energy I saw in her when she confessed.
Once Suzu had caught sight of me, that energy seemed to come back to her as she ran towards me.
She immediately wrapped her arms around me almost like she hadn't seen me for years, and once Miki had caught up she took hold of my right hand and we headed to class.

“So who did the confessing”, Miki asked.
“Why are you asking”, I asked.
“Because Suzu ran up to you and hugged you, plus you're holding hands”, Miki said “that is enough to tell me that the two of you are an official couple”.
I look at Suzu, who looked at me and nodded to tell me that I can tell her.
“Suzu did”, I said “but it came in the form of a kiss first before the words came out properly”.
“I'm guessing you didn't go the same way”, Miki asked.
“He was just as bad”, Suzu said “but that kiss is one I'll never forget”.
“At least the two of you are happy”, Miki said “but you'll pay dearly if you make Suzu cry”.
“The only times I want her to cry is when I do something to make her happy”, I said.
“Those are the times I won't make you pay”, Miki said with her trademark grin “just make sure those are the only times”.
“There is one thing I want to know”, I asked Miki.
“What is it”, Miki said.
“If you live that close to me”, I said “then why have we never met before now?”
“I's have to wonder about that”, Miki said as she thought for a few seconds before going back to her usual expression “maybe we've never crossed paths before I started here”.
“That would be the most logical explanation”, I said “but I'm not entirely convinced”.
The conversation stopped there as we arrived at the school building and headed up to the classroom.

We were the last (except for one who turns up just after the bell) to arrive, and as we were sitting down at our desks the door opened and Hanako walked in.
There was something different about her as she always acknowledged when she came in, but now she isn't even making eye contact with me as she walks to her seat.
I realised that Suzu and I were still holding hands when she walked in, so she probably thinks that I won't have anything to do with her from now on.
It's something that I have do deal with, but I'll have to do that later.
Mutou walks in much later then Hanako does and starts of the days lesson with a lecture.
Why didn't he make us do group work, since I'd be able to look directly at my girlfriend instead of looking at her out of the corner of my eye.
A note placed onto my desk halfway through the lecture make me think that this session should have been group work.

Section eight of the code of conduct that is written in the student handbook clearly prohibits public displays of affection, even if Misha thinks that the two of you walking in holding hands looked cute.
Please consider this note as a formal warning, and please refrain from such displays of affection in the future.
Shizune Hakamichi

She's being rather anal about this, since this is the first time I've heard that holding hands is classed as a public display of affection.
I decided to voice my opinion, and pulled out a piece of paper so I can write a response.

This is the first time I've heard that holding hands is classed as a public display of affection.
I'm well aware that there is a time and place for things like that, since we wouldn't try playing tonsil hockey in the middle of class or even before it.
Karou Nomura

I pass the note back to Shizune who starts reading it straight away.
And cue loud laugh from Misha in three, two, one...

“Wahahaha”, is all that comes out of Misha's mouth.
Thought as much.
“Midako”, Mutou says from the front of the class.
“Yes”, Misha said.
“There's a time and a place for stuff like that, and this isn't the time or the place”, Mutou said “and we have talked about volume control already”.
“Yes, sir”, Misha said rather meekly.
There was some sub silent chuckling from some of the class, but it soon subsided once Mutou got back into his rhythm.
The lunch bell takes everyone by surprise, and everyone gets back into the routine of sorting said lunch out except for the usual people I have lunch with.
Thankfully, the topic of discussion wasn't my relationship with Suzu.

"I'm glad you're back", Taro said "I've been having trouble waking up after you went home".
"Tell me about it", Akio said in what sounded like a distasteful tone "there wasn't a day during golden week where he wasn't in a state from waking up late".
At least I remembered to bring the alarm clock with me before I left the dorms, so I took it out of my bag and handed it over to Taro.
"What's this", Taro asked.
"It's an alarm clock", I said "I had a few lying around, so I brought one with me since you needed one".
"Does it still work", Taro asked as he looked at the alarm clock.
"I wouldn't have brought a faulty one", I said "at least it hasn't gone through my more current punishment".
Taro placed the alarm clock into his bag and went back to worshipping the bun he was eating.
Nothing else was said and once everyone had finished, we headed back to the classroom.

The afternoon was made up of even more lectures, but what was concerning me more was Hanako who walked out of class about an hour after lunch ended.
It wasn't unusual for her to do this, but after what happened this morning I was more concerned about it then usual.
I felt relieved when the final bell rang, since I could clear things up with Hanako.
As I left the classroom, I started to wonder where she might go when she leaves the classroom so abruptly and hardly noticed.
Then I remembered that there is only one place she could be when she wants what I think is some time to herself, and headed for the library.
Once I arrived, I walked around a bit so it didn't look like I had a destination in mind.
Yuuko was nowhere to be seen, but since I heard Suzu saying there was a literature club meeting today it might be that she's in charge of the club.
After about ten or so minutes, I found Hanako standing near her usual spot holding a book.

"D-did... you come here... to tell me", Hanako asked with a hint of anger in her voice.
"Tell you what", I asked.
"You k-know... what", Hanako said as the anger in her voice seemed to increase.
"If you're thinking that my relationship with Suzu means that our friendship is over", I said "then you're sorely mistaken".
"W-w-why", Hanako asked.
"Because I don't turn my back on a friend for any reason", I said "unlike some people I used to".
I was stopped mid sentence by the sound of something hitting the floor, and looked up to find that Hanako had turned around with the book she was holding now on the floor.
She's looking directly at me with her one visible eye open as wide as a saucer, with tears welling up in it.
It eventually became too much for her as she runs towards me, latches onto my shirt and start crying loudly.
She must have had some problems with friends abandoning her in the past, and hearing that there was one person out there that treated her like an ordinary person as well as not abandoning her was enough to make her this happy.
That is if these are tears of happiness.
Hanako finally stopped crying after three minutes, but it was enough to get the attention of at least one person.

"Did you manage to patch things up with Hanako", Suzu asked.
"I... think so", I said.
I looked down at Hanako who was trying to dry her eyes, and she looked up at me and gave me a smile that I'd never seen from her before.
"That's good", Suzu said "I didn't want things to go bad for your friendship".
Suzu then picked up the book that was on the floor, and gave it back to Hanako along with another book.
"I hope that we can become good friends through this", Suzu said "here's your book back, and I think that you'll like the other book as well".
Hanako took both books, and I smiled as I saw what the other book was.
"W-what... is that for", Hanako asked.
"I have the book Suzu just gave to you", I said "it's a real blast".
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Here's the next chapter (there is a time jump of just over a week between this chapter and the last).

I might have made a mess of things in some parts.


First date

I come to a halt at the bus stop, but nobody else is standing there.
It makes me feel a bit relieved since this is the second time Suzu and I are going through this dance.
That dance being our first date, which ended before it began last week when we ran into Miki at this bus stop.
We planned this one in secret, making sure Miki wasn't within earshot when we were talking and using text messages when we weren't together.
All that planning has brought us to this point, with me being the advance scout to make sure Miki hadn't caught wind of our plans as was waiting at the bus stop for us.
This action was triggered by a message from Suzu, telling me that Miki wasn't in her room and that I should check the bus stop to make sure she wasn't there.
We had planned this course of action, but since we didn't know where Miki would be when we departed the message I got was to be expected.
I pull my phone out of the pocket it was in, navigate to the text messaging section and compose the vital message to Suzu.

Miki isn't here, so it's safe to come down.

I composed the message as quickly as I could, selected Suzu's number from the short list in the phones address book and sent the message.
After about fifteen minutes, Suzu walked through the schools main gate and towards the bus stop wearing a rather beautiful one piece dress.

“Hi, Suzu”, I said “you look... beautiful”.
“T-t-thaks”, Suzu said as she blushed rather heavily “it's the first time I've worn this”.
“Did you get that when you went clothes shopping with Miki”, I asked.
“Yes”, Suzu said “she thought that you would like it”.
We kissed once that had been said.
“Ready to go”, I asked.
“On our second date”, Suzu said “certainly”.
“First”, I said “Miki ruined what was meant to be our first date by just being there, so it didn't really count as a date”.
“That is true”, Suzu said “it can't be called a date if there's another girl tagging along”.
“I just have to hope that girl doesn't make an appearance during our date”, I said.
“We should be fine”, Suzu said “it's not like she goes to the city every Sunday”.
I just hope that she doesn't, but that doesn't matter at this moment in time as the bus is about to arrive.

Our trip to the city went by without a hitch, and we're now standing not that far away from the stop we got off at.

“Where are we heading first”, Suzu asked.
“Some place to eat”, I said “then we'll head off to the cinema”.
“We could've gone into town to see a film”, Suzu said.
“We'd risk running into Miki on the way”, I said “and then the date would be in tatters again”.
“Is it the same film we watched last week”, Suzu asked.
“I'm not one for watching the same film twice within a week”, I said “I went through what the cinema was showing today and picked something suitable”.
We set off towards our first of two destinations before we went to the cinema.
When we arrived at our first stop, Suzu looked a bit confused as she looked at what was on offer.

“They don't seem to have any desserts here”, Suzu said rather disappointingly.
“We'll be having dessert at our second destination”, I said “this place is just for the main course”.
“Then lets order”, Suzu said “so we can get to dessert as quickly as possible”.
We then went up to the counter, ordered what we wanted and headed for the first set of available seats there were.
There wasn't much talking while we were eating, but there was a lot of looking at each other between mouthfuls of food.
We didn't do much for the minute or so after we finished eating, but once we'd digested some of what we'd eaten we headed out to our second stop.
It took us about five minutes to get there, but the look on Suzu's face was worth it.
There wasn't that much talking as we headed straight up to the counter upon arriving and ordered what we wanted.
Not that many words passed between us as Suzu part ate, part inhaled the cake she'd ordered, while I took my time getting through the pie I had ordered.
Once we'd finish up with our last food stop, we left and started walking to our final destination.

“Where are we heading now”, Suzu asked.
“To the cinema”, I said “did you forget about that part”.
“Of course I didn't”, Suzu said with a smile “I just wanted to make sure that is where we're headed now”.
We got about half way to the cinema when Suzu's phone rang, so we stopped so that she can answer it.
I just hope she remembers to turn it off before we go into the cinema, but then I turned mine off after I sent Suzu that message earlier on.
As I waited for Suzu to finish, I thought I could hear a familiar voice so I turned around to where I thought the voice had originated from and...
No... freaking... WAY.
The person we didn't want to see at any point of our date has appeared.
How could Miki be here at this moment in time since I was certain that she'd be elsewhere, and nowhere near here.
It doesn't take hoe long to see us as she waves her stump like a mad woman, so I distract Suzu from her call to give her the bad news.
Once she saw Miki, the look on Suzu's face changed from one of happiness to one of sadness.

“Hey there”, Miki said “what are you two doing here?”
Looking for an axe, since I need one to grind after you turned up.
“What are you doing here”, I asked.
“I went to see a film”, Miki said “but the cinema in town wasn't showing the one I wanted to watch, and they said that is was showing here”.
Let me guess, that film you wanted to watch is the same one we're about to watch.
“We were just walking around and doing some window shopping”, I said.
“That's right”, Suzu said “we were just doing some window shopping”.
I wasn't sure if Miki believed us or not, but it's a certainty that the date is now either in tatters or on hold until such time we can ditch Miki.
"That's too bad", Miki said "I thought the two of you would be out on a date".
"If we were then you'd have known", I said.
Our last date was planned on short notice and Miki knew about it, which is why she waited for us at the bus stop the last time.
"You two might as well come along", Miki said "but I have to make a stop before we get to the cinema".
I thought things would've been ruined, but we got a reprieve after Miki said she had to go somewhere else before she went to the cinema.
It meant that we could get away from her, but it means that we'll have to make some changes in our date plans.
We followed Miki, keeping behind her so I could try to communicate what we would be doing.
When we got to the place Miki had to stop at, she dashed inside giving us a chance to get away but not to the cinema.

"Where are we going", Suzu asked "the cinema isn't in this direction".
"Back to Yamaku", I said "to continue our date in a place where we shouldn't be interrupted again".
"I thought the date was in tatters after Miki showed up", Suzu asked.
"It would've been if we went to the cinema with her", I said "but since her stop off gave us an opportunity to get away then the date was just on hold until we could get clear".
"Have you got any ideas for what we'll be doing once we get back to Yamaku", Suzu asked.
"We're going to watch a film", I said "but it'll be in the privacy of my bedroom".
"Are you sure about that", Suzu asked while blushing heavily.
"Miki doesn't have direct access to my bedroom", I said "so I can lock the door and close the curtains so we won't be distracted".
"She could still knock", Suzu said.
"I've already thought about that", I said "and I have a plan in case that does happen".
We got to the bus stop for the bus that would take us to Yamaku in record time, and it was a good thing as a bus had just arrived as we got there.
The trip back gave us more then enough time to catch out breath, and I made sure that Suzu had turned her phone off so we could eliminate another distraction.
Once we got back to Yamaku, we headed directly to my bedroom and when we got inside I locked the door.

"Do you have any ideas on what we're going to watch", Suzu asked.
"I'll leave that to you since I have to set everything up", I said "all the discs I brought with me should be in that drawer".
I pointed to the bottom drawer on the chest of drawers as I went to sort the viewing equipment.
I'd thought that my parents hadn't brought any form of viewing equipment with them which is why I packed my portable DVD player before I came back, but I missed the glaringly obvious boxes sitting near my bed.
One contained a TV, and the other contained a blu-ray player.
The good thing was that the bracket that connects the TV to the stand was already fitted, so all I had to do was attach the stand to the end of my bed and lock the TV onto it.
After I managed to get that done, I turned back to Suzu who was looking at several cases with a confused look on her face.
"Having any problems", I asked.
"I'm not sure what one to pick", Suzu said.
"Go with your gut instinct", I said.
Suzu looked at the cases again, picked one up and handed it to me.
"Good choice", I said "I haven't watched this yet".
I took the box from her and started setting things up, and once I did that I closed the curtains, turned off the light and shuffled over to the far end of the bad as Suzu took the empty spot next to me.
I'd elevated the head end of my bed high enough so that we could watch in comfort, but about half an hour into the film I felt something hit my left shoulder and found that Suzu had fallen asleep.
I can put this down to her condition, so I moved her into a more comfortable position and went back to the film.
After another hour and a half the film ended, but Suzu was still fast asleep.
She looked incredibly cute while she was sleeping, and the dress she was wearing complimented her look very well.
After another twenty or so minutes, Suzu finally started to wake up.

"Enjoy your sleep", I asked.
Suzu checked herself over before responding.
"I didn't do anything weird", Suzu asked.
"I put you into that position", I said "I thought it would be more comfortable for you".
She leaned in and kissed me.
"That's what I love about you", Suzu said "you're so considerate and kind".
"And you look incredibly cute when you're sleeping", I said "but that's not the only thing I love about you".
Suzu blushed rather heavily again as I glanced at my watch.
"You should go now", I said "Miki might have returned now and could be concerned that you're not in your room".
"I don't want to go", Suzu said "I want to stay here with you".
"Then go back to your room, get your uniform and come back", I said "and make sure Miki doesn't catch you".
"Are you sure", Suzu asked.
"I'm certain", I said "but the next time we do this, it'll be to take our relationship to the next step".
"You mean that", Suzu said as she started blushing again.
"I do mean that", I said "but I've got to get those first before we go that far".
"Then I'll make sure I'm prepared as well", Suzu said "in case you can't get anything ready in time".
"It would be best if we're both prepared for that moment", I said "in case something fails during the act".
We got off the bed and I unlocked the door.
"You better hurry", I said "if Miki hasn't returned by now then she should be back within the next half an hour or so".
The film we were going to watch (and what Miki might have been going to watch) was slightly longer then the one we just watched, but with Suzu's sudden sleep we might not even have half an hour before she returns.
"I'll be sure to get there in time", Suzu said "but I won't let Miki stop me from spending my first night together with my boyfriend".
Suzu kissed me again before she left the room.
I couldn't get my head out of the clouds, but what I need to do is sort things out in here and get changed before Suzu comes back.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Chance meeting number three...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Panthour »

The ideas are there, the dialogue just seems so... unatural and awkward, like they say things that don't really need to be said.
S-Class Wizard. Emi is my waifu.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Chance meeting number three...
Is it.

It could be that Miki did find out and went after them after making sure Suzu thought that she'd gone out for the day, but you might find the true answer in the next chapter.

Also making the story sound more natural and less awkward would be the same as the worlds fattest man running the four minute mile... it's virtually impossible since I've had to think on my feet at some points in the story, otherwise I'll be taking weeks and not days on each chapter because I'll be staring at the screen for hours thinking about what I should be writing.

And here's the next chapter... finally (there was no mention of what the class was doing for the festival in the game, so I'm pretty much winging it at this part and I'm not the recipe reading type although I have looked at a few pages in my dads recipes for diabetics book so it might not look right).


Festival Preparations

My alarm clock rings in the beginning of a new day, but something is different today.
I look over to my left to find Suzu still sleeping, even though the alarm clock is ringing.
This is the second time we've slept together, and the first time we've been on a date without Miki finding out about it and either ruining it completely or putting it on hold until we could get away.
I really did have a go at her after she told me that she'd found out about our last date and did a vanishing act from her own room to make it look like she'd gone elsewhere.
This second sleepover should have taken our relationship to the next step, but neither of us had arranged the necessary protection and it was too soon to be performing the horizontal mattress dance.
I reached over to turn off the alarm, and not only got to the alarm clock but I got an unexpected kiss from Suzu as well.

“Good morning”, Suzu said with a smile on her face “did you sleep well?”
“As well as can be expected”, I said “I thought you would still be sleeping”.
“I woke up with the alarm”, Suzu said “but I wanted to surprise you with the first kiss of the day”.
“And what a surprise it was”, I said “we should get ready to get to class”.
Suzu got off the bed and headed to the wardrobe, so I could get off the bed to get dressed.
When Suzu returned from collecting her uniform last week, she brought more then one along with a few nighties for whenever she spends the night so I placed them in the wardrobe.
Once I'd got off the bed, I also went to the wardrobe to collect a fresh uniform as Suzu picked up the underwear she was wearing yesterday.
We'd gotten used to seeing each other in the nude rather quickly, as well as seeing our respective scars.
Suzu was a bit shocked when she saw the scar on my back for the first time, but all she did after the shock was wrap her arms around me making sure that her face was in contact with the scar.
We finished getting dressed at the same time, and once Suzu had checked that her leg brace was in it's correct position I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her.
This one was a lot more passionate then Suzu's kiss, but it was still as satisfying.
As we left my room, I kept looking around to make sure that nobody was around to see us leaving.
We made it out of the dormitory without being seen, and headed for the school building only to be greeted by Miki who was standing by the stairs just a few hundred meters from the dorm buildings.
I was still a bit pissed off about Miki intruding on our previous date, but I only heard about that four days ago.

"Are you still going on about that", Miki asked.
"A date is only for two people", I said "unless it's a double date, so if you want to join us then find your own guy to go with".
"If I could find one to go with", Miki said "but I can't be bothered".
"Then make sure that our future dates go the same way as yesterdays one", I said "even if you find out I don't want to see you within visual range".
"What if I'm going to be in the same area", Miki asked.
"Then make sure that we don't cross paths", I said "and if we do then just walk on, unless we aren't on a date".
"If I can resist the urge", Miki said.
That pretty much ended the conversation as we'd gotten to the school building.

Things were slightly different this morning in class, since the usual figure of Mutou standing at the front of the classroom was replaced by Shizune and Misha.
"As you might know, the school festival is in just under three weeks time", Misha said as she translated "and we need to sort out what our class will be doing".
A majority of the students started barking out suggestions, but I doubt that Misha could understand what was being said let alone translate it for Shizune
The tirade of overlapping voices came to an end when Shizune banged the desk.
Even though she's deaf, I had a feeling that she knew that everyone was being somewhat unruly, or it could be that she saw the look of panic on Misha's face as she attempted to figure out what everyone was saying so she could translate.
"If you're going to act like this, then we'll do it another way", Misha said once she'd translated Shizune's flurry of gestures "we'll leave a suggestion box so that everyone can have their say, and the suggestion that gets the most votes will be what the class will be doing".
They then spouted out a short list of those who would be able to partake in either a limited basis or be excluded from the classes festival preparations because they have other commitments or for other reasons, and I was among those in the limited category.
Once they'd finished with what they had to say Shizune and Misha returned to their seats, but Shizune seemed to be about ready to blow again.
Normality returned to the class as the first lesson finally started, but it didn't stay normal for long as a note found it's way to my desk, the bright pink ink telling me that Misha was the one who wrote it.

You wasn't that vocal when everyone was spouting out their ideas.
I picked up my pen and wrote a reply.
I didn't think that you needed another voice to concentrate on, besides getting into an 'everyone voicing their opinions at the same time' debate isn't my thing.
Four minutes after I'd returned the piece of paper, it returned to my desk.
Then what would you suggest we do, Shicchan said that she might give it a higher priority if nobody else comes up with a good suggestion.
Preferential treatment is something I don't need, besides I really don't have any ideas crawling around in my head.
I don't have any ideas, I'm not that good with thinking about things on the fly.
The note came back to my desk rather quickly.
You've got enough time, just think about it.
I spent the next half an hour thinking about it as I took notes and looked out of the window every once in a while, and then thinking about the schools location as well as the menu in the cafeteria gave me an idea.
How about a food stall serving stews and such that can be prepared rather quickly or in large quantities, but the menu should cater to the students so we can give those visiting a taste of what we eat at the school... only better.
I handed the note back and waited.
After ten minutes a new piece of paper was placed on my desk, and the handwriting coupled with the colour of ink used told me that Misha wasn't the writer of this note.
Interesting concept, as long as you can come up with a menu and an ingredients list in the next few days.
I just hope that she isn't thinking of using this without getting anyone else’s opinion.
I'll only do that if my idea is the only one of interest, since I don't want to do this and find out that we're doing something else.
I handed the note back to Shizune, which returned back to my desk only a minute later.
You should at least do some research on menu options, so you can get everything together quickly.
It looks like the next few days will be rather fully tied up.
Make sure you still get suggestions, unless I can convince some of our classmates to back my idea.
I handed the note back, and never got another piece of paper on my desk after that.
Lunch came around, and the focus of conversation was me.

“What was all that note passing about”, Lezard asked “that's the first time I've seen you do that”.
“The school festival”, I said “Shizune wanted to hear my suggestions on what we should do”.
“I'm not surprised”, Akio said “after everyone wanted to put their two yens worth into the debate”.
“What did you suggest”, Lezard asked.
“A food stall serving food that caters to the students here”, I said “but I hope that it's thrown away”.
“I doubt it”, Miki said “once little miss student council president gets something in her head, then she runs with it”.
“I told her that I didn't want my idea to take priority”, I said “she's still getting suggestions from the rest of the class”.
“It'll still go through”, Akio said “I think I heard some people say something along the lines of running a food stall”.
“Was that why you were writing down what was on the menu”, Miki asked.
“I was told to do research in case my idea went ahead”, I said “but I still have to find recipes”.
“Well you'll need a cook”, Lezard said as he pointed at Taro “Taro's a pretty good cook, even with his problems”.
“Don't get ahead of yourself”, I said “my idea hasn't even been confirmed as what we're doing”.
“It's good to have options available”, Lezard said “in case it does become what we're going to be doing”.
I added the possible cook to the list I'd currently made and ended the conversation at that point.

When we returned to the classroom, the suggestions box had already been set up with a few slips of paper in it.
The afternoons lessons went by rather quickly, most likely because I was thinking about what I'd be doing afterwards.
When the final bell rang, I headed straight to the library to see if they had any recipes.
The library seemed rather empty, except for Yuuko who was sitting at the counter.

"Are you looking for anything specific", Yuuko asked.
"Just some recipe books", I said "but only those that cater for certain dietary requirements".
"Would this be for the festival", Yuuko asked.
"Probably", I said "I'm only doing research and it isn't like my suggestion is going to be accepted".
After a bit of thinking, Yuuko told me where the books I was looking for were and after a lot of searching I managed to find everything I needed and went to the reading area.

Once I started looking through the first book, I knew that what I had suggested was a long shot in more ways then one.
Most of the recipes have slight changes, but the amounts and cooking times are for single servings which would mean that we can't prepare everything during the festival.
With only one confirmed cook and no confirmed help to either get all the ingredients or prepare them before the festival (which is the only way it can be done), there's no way this can be done if I don't get any further help.
As I write down the recipes that wouldn't take much time to make in large quantities, I know that I'm now working on the worst idea ever and if Shizune goes ahead with it then I'll most likely be able to reach the tenth level of hell rather quickly.
I think that I need to find a place to hide if things go wrong and nobody decides to help.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Also making the story sound more natural and less awkward would be the same as the worlds fattest man running the four minute mile... it's virtually impossible since I've had to think on my feet at some points in the story, otherwise I'll be taking weeks and not days on each chapter because I'll be staring at the screen for hours thinking about what I should be writing.
It is better for a fat man to run a mile in fourty minutes than giving up after four minutes and 250m...
Spending a long time on one's writing is what sets Tolkien apart from dime novel writers... Okay, one of the things that sets them apart :-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Scissorlips »

I don't really understand why Miki went from being a good friend to an extremely nosy stepmother figure who even Suzu wants to avoid in the blink of an eye. Also:
demonix wrote:"I'm certain", I said "but the next time we do this, it'll be to take our relationship to the next step".
"You mean that", Suzu said as she started blushing again.
"I do mean that", I said "but I've got to get those first before we go that far".
"Then I'll make sure I'm prepared as well", Suzu said "in case you can't get anything ready in time".
"It would be best if we're both prepared for that moment", I said "in case something fails during the act".
You what. He what? They just got back from their first real date and he's already talking about boning? Hisao Nak... Karou Nomura, master of romance.
demonix wrote: This second sleepover should have taken our relationship to the next step, but neither of us had arranged the necessary protection and it was too soon to be performing the horizontal mattress dance.
You what.
We'd gotten used to seeing each other in the nude rather quickly, as well as seeing our respective scars.
You what? I don't understand why that would be at all. The scene with the scars is a great prospect, but either there's some extremely loosely implied sexual foreplay that's gone on or they've been changing in front of eachother for no real reason. It's totally okay to gloss over things like that (and I think it would be for the best in this case, no offense), but describing it like this just feels like there's a huge black hole in the progress of their relationship and we have no idea what just happened.
I'm going to sound like a jerk for saying this, but it's pretty clear that you have no idea what a real relationship is like. However, on the other hand, it's impossible to get better at writing things like this without practice, so I'm not encouraging you to stop at all. It's also okay to let your story flow to wherever you mind wants it to at the time, you can still do that and take the time to go back and smooth things out, making sure they make sense. A little proofreading and mixing up your word usage (cinema being a good example of this) would help things along as well.

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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

When I used the fattest man reference, I meant that making things look more natural would be impossible as that person being able to support their own weight let alone walk or run under their own power.

And yes, I'm not that good at writing romantic situations (and you are right about my knowledge of relationships) and this in the first time I've gotten a story to this part.

Also when the word processor of choice red lines words that should be correct, it kinda puts a downer on if it's actually spelt correctly so I can't mix the words around at certain times.

Here's the next chapter complete with a few references from other series (and just so everyone knows, I did get the first name of my character from Ai Yori Aoshi).

I also did some research on most of the conditions of the other characters which is why I wrote in that others would act as backups in case someone had to take a break or something else along those lines.


Planning Hell

My head hits the desk as the bad news comes out.
Shizune is looking as serious as she always has, and the pink haired drill monster standing next to her is grinning like a Cheshire cat as she tells everyone what the class would be doing during the festival.
They had done, as expected, gone for my idea but adding cakes and other desert items.
The worst thing was they put yours truly in charge of the operation, as well as doing most of the planning.
I really need to find somewhere to hide if things go wrong, maybe I can ask Hanako if she knows a few good hiding places.
Once the bad news has been well and truly delivered, Shizune and Misha returned to their seats and the lesson started.
I still hadn't emerged from my pit of despair when a note landed on my desk, penned by Misha.

I thought you'd be happier about this.
Straight to the point, how nice of her to start like this.
I didn't think you'd use my suggestion, but I'm not that happy about being in charge. It's like making the new guy pick up all the trash during the school trip.
It did feel like that since I am the new guy. Oh, and here's the response.
There was only one other good suggestion apart from yours, so we merged the two and put you in charge.
Now I do have something I need to ask.
Why didn't you put the other person in charge, and I thought that the class rep was meant to be in charge.
That'll give them something to think about, for all of thirty seconds as the note has been returned to my desk.
The suggestions are all anonymous, so we don't know who made the suggestion and Shicchan and I have student council work to do, so we can't help but Shiccan will check and approve your menus as well as write up the budget.
So I'm just the scapegoat since I was the only one who gave them a suggestion, and they have other things to do.
You could've said something along the lines of those without any other commitments should help, since I only have one confirmed helper.
I added a rather crummy picture of what looked like Taro in a chefs uniform before handing the note back, and getting it back about a minute later.
You'll get enough help, I'm sure of it.
You might be sure, but I definitely ain't.
Just make sure you're somewhere I can find you, so I can tell you 'I told you so' when it's only three days until the festival and I don't have anything to show as well as no help.
I handed the note back and hoped that there wouldn't be any more.
When lunch came around, Shizune and Misha made a quick exit leaving me to wonder about what to do before leaving for lunch.
As I got out of my seat to head to the cafeteria, the girl that sits to the right of Miki walked up to me holding a notebook.

“I thought you should have this” the girl said “since you're in charge of the classes project”.
I took the book from her and looked over the contents.
It contained recipes for cakes as well as other dessert items, but the difference here is that all the recipes required a sugar replacement instead of actual sugar.
“So you must be the one that suggested a cake and dessert stall”, I asked.
“I did”, the girl said “I didn't think that it would be used, let alone merged with someone else’s”.
“I didn't really want this”, I said “but I appreciate the help, er”.
I just remembered that I know the names of just over half of my classmates.
“It's Komaki”, the girl said “Ikuno Komaki. We... haven't had an opportunity to talk before now”.
“It'll take a lot more then a list of recipes to get this started, Ikuno”, a girls voice said.
We turned around to find the origin of the voice was the blonde haired girl that sat next to Hanako, who was walking up to us with girl that sits to her right in tow.
“It's not like I wasn't going to help, Naomi”, Ikuno said “I was just making sure he got the recipes”.
“That's only half the battle”, Naomi said “we still have to get recipes for the other part”.
“Already done”, I said bringing out the notebook that I wrote all the recipes in “I've got all the other recipes I thought would work written in here”.
“So you're the one who came up with the rest of it”, Naomi said “and I thought that you'd been stuck with it because you're the new guy”.
“I thought that was why as well”, I said “but everything still has to go through Shizune, since she has to draw up the budget”.
“Well you'll have all of us helping you out”, Naomi said as the group around her got bigger.
“And they're not the only ones”, Miki said “we'll help out as well”.
As I do a head count, I find that I've got over half of the class on my side, including Akio.
“I thought you'd been excluded”, I said looking at Akio.
“I couldn't just leave you in all this mess”, Akio said “I can't do much, but I'll do all I can”.
My stomach told me what I should say next.
“Since everyone needs to eat”, I said “we should start going over everything after school”.
“That sounds like a good idea”, Miki said “where should we meet up?”
“Near the track”, I said “anyone who can't come due to club commitments should tell the record keeper”.
I placed a hand on Ikuno's shoulder when I said that.
“Why me”, Ikuno asked.
“Because this is partly your idea”, I said “and I think that all records of what we're planning should be written by one person”.
I wasn't sure if that made any sense, but I did think that she had better handwriting out of the two of us and would be the better person to do all the writing.
“I'll do it”, Ikuno said.
“Then we'll continue this after school”, I said before dismissing everyone so they could go eat.
Nothing happened during lunch, but I did leave early and Miki followed for some unknown reason.

“The two of you looked cute during your last date”, Miki said.
I instantly shot her a look that could've gone into a nuclear ractor, through to the core and out the other side.
“You were watching”, I said rather harshly.
“I was only making sure your date went well”, Miki said.
“Were you making sure the other times”, I asked.
“I thought that you'd already left the first time”, Miki said “and I was heading to the cinema myself the second time, but it wasn't like I was going to sit next to the two of you then”.
“Then why didn't you say that”, I said “instead of making it sound like you'd been trying to intrude on our dates”.
“It kinda came out wrong”, Miki said as she then came in closer and lowered her voice “so have you done it yet?”
"What on earth do you mean", I asked in a way that I thought would cover up what I'd said to Suzu over a week ago.
"Well Suzu did say that you'd be doing it the next time she was in your room", Miki said in a quiet but unsubtle way.
I know that Suzu wouldn't have told Miki about what I'd said out of the blue, unless...
"Don't tell me that Suzu talks in her sleep", I asked.
"I thought that you knew", Miki said.
"She hasn't done that around me yet", I said.
"Now you do", Miki said as she went back into quiet but unsubtle mode "so have you done it?"
"Absolutely not", I said in a hushed voice "I didn't think that we'd be sleeping together so soon, so I admitted that I'd made an error in judgement when I said it. Besides I didn't have any protection to hand, and neither did Suzu".
"At least you decided on taking precautions if you had", Miki said "but I'm also wondering why she suddenly said something about healing your wounds over time".
I know that she'd never said that after she'd seen that big scar on my back last Monday morning, unless...
"That's probably from Ai Yori Aoshi", I said after a brief image flashed in my mind.
"Ai Yori what", Miki asked.
She probably thinks that stuff is as boring as hell like everything else, so I rooted around in my bag and found what I was looking for.
"This", I said as I waved what I'd pulled out in front of her "the main character in that and I share the same name which might explain why she said that".
It might explain her actions the day after if she'd read at least the first volume, but I might lose the will to live if she starts calling me Karou-sama all the time.
Our arriving at the door to the classroom ended the conversation at the most opportune time, and we walked in and took our seats.
The rest of the day went on for what I felt was an eternity, but the final bell did ring and I packed everything away and headed to the meeting point.
Everyone got there around the same time, and after the introductions with my unknown named classmates had been done, we formed a circle and started the meeting.

"Is this everyone", Ritsu asked "I thought there were more people coming".
"This is everyone", Naomi said "Takashi said that someone in the art club was going to do a mural and that he had would have to help, and the other two made up their own minds not to join in".
"Then what about Hanako", Ritsu asked.
"I think everyone knows what she would say about doing this", I said.
I knew that she wouldn't help out, but I hoped that she would even if it was just to help prepare everything the day before.
Once that had been sorted out, I brought out the two books and placed them on the ground.
"First we need to figure out what we'll be serving", I said "then we can sort out who will be doing what".
"What about prices", Ritsu asked.
"That'll be done once we know how much everything costs", Naomi said "we can't think about prices until we know how much everything will cost".
That debate ended and we started going through the recipes, and after about an hour of debating about a few things, we settled on six main items and four desert items which would be made the day before the festival.
I then went onto giving everyone their assigned duties for the day, with Suzu, Akio and Misaki would be in charge of stock.
Molly and Miki would be the runners for bringing more stock over if we can't keep everything at the stall with Misaki put in as a backup.
With Taro already being assigned to cooking duties before everything had been planned, I added Naomi, Natsume and Ritsu to the cooking detail with those that can cook acting as backups in case either of those two had to bug out for one reason or another.
Ikuno, Lezard and I were to work the counter with those that were able and not doing anything at the time assisting.
"It might be better if we purchased all the stock ourselves", I said "and apart from the desert items, everything will have to be cut up and made ready the day before the festival".
Once everyone had okayed everything, I ended the meeting and dismissed everyone.
I thought this would be a nightmare to do, but now everything is now in motion I'm finding that it's a fun thing to do.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Here's the next chapter (it might be a unholy mess in places, but I do know about the affects of what is used in place of sugar in items for diabetics since my father is a diabetic and I've had first hand experience of those effects when I had a few too many diabetic sweets and paid the price).

The chapter after the next one will be the start of Hisao's brief appearance in this story.


Plan Completion

I'm standing in the student council room, on the verge of breaking into a sweat.
Shizune is going through every word on the plans I'd just handed to her with a fine tooth comb, and Misha seems to be drooling at some of the desert items that are laid out on the table.
After the initial planning meeting last week those that were able to had gone out and done some research on where we could get the specialist ingredients along with their costs, so by our second meeting we had enough data to sort out portion sizes and pricing plus they'd gotten enough of those ingredients and everything else we needed to do some tests and samples for today.

“Why are the samples so small”, Misha asked.
“Because I didn't want the student council to be distracted with other matters”, I said “since what is being used to make the cakes in place of sugar does have a laxative effect if eaten in large amounts”.
“Then why are you selling things like this”, Misha started to say before she was distracted by Shizune “really Shicchan, they're putting warnings signs out for these things”.
Silence descended again as Shizune continued to examine the plans, and once she was satisfied with that and had gone through the samples with Misha she located some forms and placed them on the desk as she signed something to Misha.

“So how are you sourcing everything”, Misha asked.
“We've found a place that stocks the specialist ingredients”, I said “but since everything has to be prepared and made in some cases, we'll be getting everything ourselves and doing the preparations in the last day or so before the festival, the only things that have to be requested would be the eating materials”.
Another flurry of gestures went between the two before anything else was said.
“We'll try to get you access to the cafeterias kitchen to so what needs to be prepared before the festival”, Misha said “but you should have other plans in place just in case we can't get it done”.
“We'd planned on using the dorm kitchens”, I said “so they're the backup plan now”.
After another exchange of gestures, Shizune started filling out the forms she'd brought out.
Once she'd finished, Shizune stamped the forms, and handed the plans back to me as well as exchanging more gestures with Misha.
“Your plans and the budget have been approved”, Misha said “good luck”.
I just nodded and left since there was just over half an hour left for lunch, so I put the plans back into my bag and headed to the cafeteria.

“So how did things go”, Akio asked when I got to my seat.
“Signed, sealed and approved”, I said “we might even be able to use the cafeterias kitchen to speed things up”.
“That should make Ikuno happy”, Lezard said “if the student council can do that”.
“We just have to hope”, I said “Taro, Miki, could you spread the word to the others that the plans have been approved”.
“I can do that as well”, Akio said.
“But you'll have to get past Hanako”, I said “and I'm not sure if she'd be willing to help spread the word”.
I still had to see if I could get her to help with the preparation work, but I might be able to get that chance later on today.
“This leaves us just under two weeks to get everything ready”, Miki said.
“The only things that will need doing would be the signs and the food”, I said “and we can do those next week, but those on cooking duties can spend this week tweaking what we'll be serving”.
“I'll make sure to get the message across”, Miki said with her trademark grin.
I finished up my food, and we headed back to class.

The rest of the day went on as normal, but with the message that the plans had been approved being passed around to those that are involved.
Once classes had ended I thought about what to do, and I remembered that I wanted to speak with Hanako to see if she would help out with the preparations for the festival.
I knew it was a long shot, but I wanted to see if she would help in even the smallest way.
She'd left the classroom about half an hour before lessons ended, and I knew that there would be at least one place I knew that she would be right about now.
I had a few books that I needed to return, so I headed straight for the library.
Once I'd dropped the books down the chute and making them crash into the cart like a herd of rhino, I walked towards Hanako's usual reading area.
She was there with her face buried in a book, but my appearance did startle her and I wasn't sure if it was just because I turned up out of the blue or if it was because she knew what I was going to say.

“You know why I'm here”, I asked.
Hanako only nodded in response.
“I'm not going to force you into doing something you don't want to do”, I said “you'll only be doing prep work the day before”.
“I-I'm not sure”, Hanako said.
“You'll be working on the cakes with Ikuno”, I said “if we get access to the schools kitchen, then it'll be just the two of you as the rest of us will be doing the rest of the preparatory work in the dorm kitchens”.
“B-but I'm still not sure yet”, Hanako said.
“You don't have to give me your answer straight away”, I said “there's still plenty of time before we start that part, so take your time and give me your answer when you know what you want to do”.
Hanako nodded again, but there was a bit more confidence this time.
“Then make sure Ikuno knows that you're helping when you know that you want to”, I said “you can hand a note to Naomi and she should be able to get it to her”.
Another nod came from Hanako, so I left her to her book and left the library.
When I left the library, Miki was standing outside.

"Did you manage to get Hanako to help us with the preparation work", Miki asked.
"I might have", I said "we just have to wait and see if she wants to help".
"I hope she does", Miki said "she has a rather large supply of ingredients in the dorm kitchen, so she must be a good cook".
"Hanako will only be following someone else's instructions", I said "so if she is a good cook then she'll definitely be able to help with the cake making".
"Then I'd eat one of her cakes", Miki said "even if I have to take a trip to the toilet later on".
"I hope it doesn't end like that", I said "so is the track and field club doing anything?"
"I don't know", Miki said "they might have excused me because I'm working on our classes project".
"You can juggle between the two", I said "just remind them that the classes booth takes priority on the day".
"You're the boss", Miki said "collecting supplies from storage would most likely be more exciting".
"You'll have to help out at the counter when you're not collecting supplies", I said "lets get down to the track, I've missed the last two times I was meant to be there".
"You've got a good excuse", Miki said "you are the one that is in charge of our classes booth".
I just hope that they believe that.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Here's the next chapter which might be a bit messy in places (the bit where Hanako joins the meeting with her own sign designs was added at the last moment).


Prep Work... Planning

Once again, my alarm clock rings in the start of another day.
It's now nine days before the festival, and things are progressing rather slowly.
We'd ordered all the ingredients from the respective shops to be collected so we didn't have to go running around, but the prep duties are still up in the air with regards to cooking since I haven't heard anything from Hanako after I spoke to her on Monday.
I hadn't heard if we'd be able to use the schools kitchen to bake all the cakes, but then we've got at least a week before we can worry about implementing what is now the backup cooking plan.
There wasn't any reason to fret about that until next week, so I clambered out of bed, got dressed and headed to class in a hope that those two blanks would be filled today.

The first lessons of the day were a bunch of droning lectures, and almost everyone seemed to be thinking about something else.
About an hour into the first lecture I had two notes placed on my desk, the first from the left and the second coming from the right.
I started with the second note since I knew that it wouldn't have come from Misha.

I just got a note from Hanako, saying that she'll help out with the cooking.
That's one piece of good news, and I hope that the other note will be more of the same.
We managed to get you access to the schools kitchen on Saturday afternoon, and we need to know who will be doing the work.
Two for two, now I have to pass on the news.
We'll have access to the schools kitchen on Saturday afternoon, please pass this message to Hanako so that she knows.
Now for the second note.
Ikuno and Hanako will be doing the baking.
I passed the first note to Suzu so that it could be handed to Ikuno, and I placed the second note back on Misha's desk.
It took only a few minutes for another note to appear on my desk.
Hanako's helping! That's great!
We also need the plans for the booth as well as all the signs.
I started rooting around in the shelf under my desk to find the copy of the booth plan I placed there, and found it after a few seconds.
Here's the plan, and we should have the signs to you by Tuesday.
I folded the note, slipped it onto the plan and placed it on Misha's desk.
A new note appeared on my desk about ten minutes after I'd handed over the last one.
Just make sure they're done by then.
I can guarantee that they'll be done by then, since I know that note was written by Shizune.
Lunch comes around, with me and the usual suspects heading for the cafeteria.

"So, it's been a good news day", Miki said.
"What do you mean by that", Akio asked.
"We've got the use of the schools kitchen for baking the cakes and such", I said "and Hanako will be helping out with the aforementioned baking".
"Getting access to the kitchen is the good news", Miki said "having Hanako helping is something that could break the laws of physics".
"It's giving her the opportunity to come out of her shell", I said "there's nothing there that can break the laws of physics".
"Give him the benefit of the doubt", Lezard said "he's only the second person Hanako's opened up to".
"The blonde amazon is one thing", Miki said "this is completely unexpected".
"Maybe it's because I paid attention to the right things", I said "and not the wrong things".
"Whatever you say", Miki said.
Silence descended on our little group as everyone went back to whatever they were eating, and once everyone had finished eating we headed back to class.

The afternoons lessons were group based, so there was a bit of relief as Miki, Molly, Suzu and I went about the assignments we'd been given.
This is the first time I've been face to face with Suzu in class, but there wasn't that much eye contact happening like there had been before.
We hadn't done anything together since our last date and sleepover in my room just under two weeks ago, so that could be the reason.
Once lessons had ended I moved my desk back to its usual place, packed my stuff away and headed for my room since the last planning meeting is about to happen and I'd left the designs I'd made for the signs in my room.
As I walked through the school grounds I thought that I was being followed, so I turned around and saw Suzu walking towards me.

“I know that we haven't spent much time together”, I said “all this work for the festival has kept me too busy to think about anything else”.
It has left me with little time to think about other things, but Suzu seemed to be relieved... I think.
“Miki thought that was the case”, Suzu said “but I'm relieved to hear it from you”.
“Then why don't we go somewhere”, I started saying before Suzu interrupted.
“Now”, Suzu said with what sounded like shock in her voice “don't we have a meeting to go to”.
“I was about to say on Sunday”, I said “I'm just heading back to my room to collect my design ideas for the booths signs”.
“Did you plan this”, Suzu said “or is it a spur of the moment thing”.
“I just thought about it now”, I said “since we're not going to be doing anything for the festival on Sunday”.
“Do you have any plans on what we'll be doing”, Suzu asked.
“We could start by eating ourselves under the tables of a few places”, I said “then watching some random film before coming back here”.
“Will we be going to your room when we get back”, Suzu asked.
“Just make sure you drop your bag off at my room before we leave”, I said.
Suzu smiled after I said that.
“I've got to get the paperwork I need from my room”, I said “you should head for the meeting point”.
“I left my designs in my room as well”, Suzu said “so I have to go get them before going to the meeting”.
We continued walking to the dormitories and once we reached the point where the path splits to go to each dormitory we headed of in our respective directions, and met up again at the same point once we'd collected what we needed and headed for the meeting place.
Everyone had turned up by the time Suzu and I had arrived at the meeting place, including Hanako who was holding a few pieces of paper as well.

“This will be the last meeting before we start our work on the festival”, I said “as most of you would know by now we will have access to the schools kitchen as well as having Hanako helping with the baking, but we've now got to decide on a design for the booths signs”.
Everyone placed their pieces of paper into the circle and most of them ranged from extremely bad to reasonable, but the one that stood out was Hanako's designs which were drawn a lot better then the others including mine.
“Those who think we should use Hanako's designs raise your hand”, I said.
Everyone raised their hand, except for Hanako who was the designer but also because she seemed to be wilting ever so slightly in the face of all this attention.
“Against”, I said.
No hands were raised, which was to be expected since everyone had voted to use them.
“Then it's decided”, I said “we'll start work on the signs tomorrow after classes have let out, and we'll continue what hasn't been completed on Monday since we need to have everything to the student council room by Tuesday”.
Everyone agreed and the meeting ended, but one thing came to me.
I've got to go get a certain thing, in case our date ends with that happening.
You never know, it's better to be safe then to be sorry.
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