"Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lilly)

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Re: "Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lil

Post by Helbereth »

Against the ever-blowing wind (colors of the wind).

Emi leads Hisao out to the asphalt track and turns, placing a hand on his chin and locking eyes.

Emi: "What you mean is, you think I need help?"

She steps back and begins to sing:
You think I'm an invalid cripple
And you've seen me winning races
You must be right, Hisao
But listen and you'll see
If the crippled one is me
How can there be so much that you don't know?
You don't know ...

You think you know what everyone is feeling
The past is just a mem'ry, you might claim
But I know that the truth burns deep within you
You might fight, but you'll always lose the game

You think that I am broken, so I'm broken
But I know the only broken one is you
But, if you listen closely, I would wager
You'll learn of pain you never knew, you never knew

Have you ever heard death cry of someone dear to you?
Or asked the weeping widow why she wept?
Can you hear the dying words of a loved one...
Whisper gently, ever gently, from within?
They whisper gently, ever gently, from within.

Come run all of your cares away on the asphalt
You can almost drown the whispers in the mirth
Ailing heart be damned, don't let that fate control you
And for once, don't you ask me what it's worth

The rainstorm and the sunshine hardly matter
No-one lives without some risk, worried friend
And we can stay connected, just like you said
'Round that circle, 'twined forever, 'til the end

How long can this marathon go?
Unless you run it now, you will never know.
And you'll never know the feeling of a race well won

For whether broken heart or missing limbs
We need to live like our tomorrow won't be counting
We need to push against the ever-blowing wind

You can know the world has thrills, but
All you'll know is naught until
You can push against the ever-blowing wind.

Emi steps back and winks knowingly. Hisao stands dumbstruck.

Fade to black.


Emi's story is the last one I read through, so it's still fresh in my mind as I adjusted this Pocahontas song thus. I'm quite happy with the resulting lyrics. They capture the Emi-ness of Emi, I think.
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Re: "Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lil

Post by Hoitash »

I know it’s not a Disney show tune, but this has been in my mind for a while, so I needed to let it out before my head asploded. Also, this is one of my favorite songs.

From Lilly’s perspective, on a certain issue she has to deal with. Warning, potential spoilers for her route:


Farewell to Yamuka High School,
The School of Hope.
Let your children successful be.
When I am far away on the windy Scottish coast,
Will you ever heave a sigh or a wish for me?

(Song proper):

The sun was setting in the west.
My boyfriend waved goodbye to me.
All of nature seemed at rest,
But alas there was no rest for me.


I grieve to leave my beloved school.
I grieve to leave my dear best friend.
The country I once called home,
And the boyfriend whom I once adored.


The plane takes off and I fly away,
My father calls, I must obey.
Farewell, farewell, to Hisao’s charm,
But it’s early in the morning- I am bound far away.


My dear sister will be next to me,
Helping me to see what I can’t see.
But as for my two most dearest friends,
Will they toss and turn without poor me?

"Who are you, that do not know your history?" -Ulysses
Misha Time: United States of Misha Meet the Hakamichis
Awesome, served on the rocks: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! (Check out the Archive for more!)
I wrote a book! Brythain edited it! If you like mystery and history please consider: A Sister's Habit
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Re: "Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lil

Post by Helbereth »

I got to thinking about Hanako's storyline, and I tried to think of a fitting song to mold. I hit upon something, I think, that matches the right mood and hopeful lilting I'd expect if she were to arrange her feelings toward the end of the tale into song.

What I thought of was Luna's Boat Song (I'm uncertain as to the exact title) from Lunar: SSSC (PS1 release).


Luna's Boat Song on YouTube for reference.

Hearing all the things he's said to me,
echo in my addled mind.
The shadows in my past, like someone else's twisted fate,
wrap my heart inside these scars.

But, what if I've finally found someone,
who could see past my sorrows?
Calm eyes piercing peacefully,
In that gaze, I believe there is hope.

Is the patience in his eyes pure honesty?
Or am I inventing truths without knowing?
My heart says to believe him, but
Does he know I'm in control?

Could he truly understand and let me be?
Or does he percieve only my fallacies?
I wish, then, for his heart to know that all I need,
Is pure, heartfelt love.
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Out-All Knight
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Re: "Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lil

Post by Out-All Knight »

Helbereth wrote:I got to thinking about Hanako's storyline, and I tried to think of a fitting song to mold. I hit upon something, I think, that matches the right mood and hopeful lilting I'd expect if she were to arrange her feelings toward the end of the tale into song.

What I thought of was Luna's Boat Song (I'm uncertain as to the exact title) from Lunar: SSSC (PS1 release).


Luna's Boat Song on YouTube for reference.

Hearing all the things he's said to me,
echo in my addled mind.
The shadows in my past, like someone else's twisted fate,
wrap my heart inside these scars.

But, what if I've finally found someone,
who could see past my sorrows?
Calm eyes piercing peacefully,
In that gaze, I believe there is hope.

Is the patience in his eyes pure honesty?
Or am I inventing truths without knowing?
My heart says to believe him, but
Does he know I'm in control?

Could he truly understand and let me be?
Or does he percieve only my fallacies?
I wish, then, for his heart to know that all I need,
Is pure, heartfelt love.
*Claps* *Claps* :shock:
Damn! It fits like a glove. Bravo!
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Re: "Can you feel the love tonight" (Shizune/Misha/Hisao/Lil

Post by WillDfly »

Through the magic of love and spending the whole night awake obsessing over cripple girls I call forth the spirits of resurrection!
Phill Collins just destroys in this song, and after my fair share of goosebumps throughout this thread, I'll attempt to give some back.

I tried to keep it neutral, so just picture Hisao opening up to your favourite lady, having fallen harder than he could imagine.
The movie doesn't cover the whole song:
but I was too far gone, so I went on with the full version:
Piano only (for swooning):

My Heart

Come, let's stop crying, we'll be alright
Staying together, holding tight
All that's inside you, I will accept it
I will be here, don't you fret

For one so frail, you are so strong
In each other's arms
We'll be safe and warm
This bond between us, can't be broken
I won't leave you or make you cry

I'm giving you my heart
I'll give you all my heart
Though it's messed up
It is forever yours

I'll give you my heart
And even if it fails
I'm giving you my heart
All yours

I hope you understand
The way I feel
Connecting so purely
Words can't explain
The difficulties we carry deep inside us
Our differences are who we are

I'm giving you my heart
I'll give you all my heart
For what it's worth
It is forever yours

Trust me your secrets
I'll tell you all I know
Support each other
Two halves, one whole
For all of the time
We've got

There may be a moment
You must be strong
I will be within you
Only thoughts to hold on
But for the time
We've got

We should be together

So I'm giving you my heart
Believe, I’ll give you all my heart
I'll be there
When you need me
Only together we are more

Ooo... I'm giving you my heart
(I'm giving you all of my heart)

No matter what happens
I'll be with you
The pain you bring inside
We'll share it
It's ours

I'm yours

I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always
Always and always

You'll never again shoulder
You'll never again shoulder
You'll never again shoulder
Your pain alone

English isn't my first language and neither is music, so commentaries and corrections are welcome :mrgreen:
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