Facing my Pains


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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

And here's the next chapter.


The Third Run

The constant ringing of my alarm clock brought in the new day.

I take some time to look at the hammer swinging merrily between the two bells before moving the catch over to stop it.
This has been the first time in a while, if you don't count the three days when I used my phone, that I haven't silenced my alarm clock using my fist.
The schedule for today includes lessons, lunch with Suzu and company and the doing the 400 meter timed runs after classes as long as my back can take that amount of punishment.
Time is now wasting away, so I got out of bed and prepared for what was to come.
As had happened most of the time, I was one of the few that had turned up to class early.
Eventually, everyone walks in to class before the bell rings, except for Mutou who walks in some ten minutes late, writes some page numbers on the board and sits at his desk.
It looks like someone had a late night yesterday.

Lunch came around all too quickly, and Miki, Suzu, Lezard, Akio, Taro and I headed to the cafeteria.
Once we got what we wanted and started eating, the topic of discussion became clear.

“Could you turn that alarm of yours down”, Akio asked “it's really annoying”.
“It's a mechanical alarm clock”, I said “the only settings it has are loud and off, and I can't have it off since I'd be late to classes every day”.
“I was grateful for the unannounced alarm call”, Taro said “since my alarm clock broke down yesterday”.
I took a piece of paper out of my bag and wrote down the name of the shop that I got my alarm clock from, and passed it over to Taro.
“That's where I got mine from”, I said “they do have several to choose from”.
Taro looked at the piece of paper before putting it into his left trouser pocket.
"I'll see if they have anything that is suitable", Taro said.
"Until then, you'll be depending on my clock to make a prompt alarm call", I said.
"Great", Akio said extending part of the word.
"There isn't much that can be done", Lezard said "but you can at least know that you'll have a backup alarm call if you either forget to set yours, or fails like Taro's did".
"I would prefer to wake up at a time I would like to, not one determined by someone else", Akio said.
"I won't be setting early morning alarm calls on Sunday if that's what you're concerned about", I said "I'm not one for getting out of bed early on a non school day unless it's absolutely necessary".
That seemed to get Akio on side, but I didn't have much time to judge his reaction as we started to clear up just after the conversation ended so we could get back to class.

The afternoon consisted of group work, and another random conversation while Molly, Miki, Suzu and I were working on the problems we'd been given.

“I heard that you got into the track and field club”, Molly said “that's an incredible thing to do considering your condition”.
I knew that I could cover up the root cause of my occasional pain, but I couldn't cover up the pain when I was in class and without my medication.
“Incredible is right”, Miki said “I've never seen anyone run that fast”.
“Try saying that again”, I said “but without the major exaggeration”.
“What do you mean by that”, Miki asked.
“I went back to the track on Friday to do some more 100 meter timed runs”, I said “and they showed no improvement”.
Miki started laughing quietly after her (and Emi's) exaggeration had been found out.
“Miki was the classes best hope for a top spot at the track meet you'll be running in”, Molly said “but now you're here, those chances have increased”.
I knew that there was another male member of the track and field club in this class, but I never saw that person on the track while I was there.
“Just don't get your hopes up too much, since things could still go wrong during the meet”, I said “and we should get our focus fully back on what we're doing here”.
Everyone nodded in agreement and got on with what we were doing, but with the odd piece of conversation when someone was stuck on a certain question.
The end of classes comes rather unannounced, and I head back to my room to change for my date with destiny... or an unexpected trip to the nurses office.

My arrival at the track seemed to be greatly anticipated, since everyone was standing around the area that I would be walking through to get to the track itself.
However, Emi had a rather sheepish look on her face, most likely from knowing that her exaggerating had been found out.
I didn't really pay that much attention to that, since I had more pressing matters to deal with.
Everyone went to their positions, or to the bleachers to wait for my runs to finish as I made my way to my starting position on the track.
As I looked towards the finish line, I started to wonder if I'd be able to cope with this distance because I've never had any tests with the running pace I'm currently using.
It was no use thinking about that too much, but I'll know if I've got any limits when I reach them.
I turned my attention back to what was in front of me as I went into my starting posture ready for the start.

After hearing the starting signal, I launched off the start line to start my first run.
I reached the finish line with no problems, and headed back to my starting position for the second run.
The second run was a carbon copy of the first run, but the look on the face of the person who had the stopwatch told me that I'd beaten my previous time.
When I was about 100 meters away from the finish line on my third run, I was hit by sudden pains going through my body but I managed to cross the finish line only to fall to the floor the moment I stopped running.
There was a lot of commotion after I collapsed, but there weren't any attempts to get me back to my feet since most would know what happened the last time
The only thing I knew was that I could run about 1000 meters at this pace without any problems.
After a few minutes the pain finally subsided and I returned to my feet, only to face a disappointed Emi and Miki.

“So that means that you won't be running this distance”, Emi said “that's disappointing”.
“That isn't the end of it”, I said “it's only the beginning”.
“What do you mean by that”, Emi asked with her disappointed look being replaced by one of surprise.
“If I only have to run one race at each distance then I can still run them”, I said “and even if I have to run more then that, as long as I'm able to rest between each race then I'll still be able to get through them all”.
“Now that's the right attitude”, Emi said as she beamed a million watt grin “you should never give up”.
“I only made a judgement call based on what I know now”, I said “and since I didn't take any rests between each run then I'd have to guess that taking a rest would help”.
“But you still have the right attitude”, Emi said “Your judgement on what you can do is a part of that”.
“You should be running three races at the meet”, the captain said as he walked up to us “so you should be fine, and you should be the best of the guys in the 400 meter race based on your second run”.
After taking all that in, I departed the track and headed back to my room.

To get rid of the rest of the pain.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

1000 meters - no pain. Any more - pain.
I wish all medical conditions were that easy to predict :-)
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by DLMicheru »

Well written, I really like How things are working out in the story :). But Like Mirage mentioned, I don't think medical conditions are easy to predict.

Maybe a stupid question, but since I'm planning on writing fan-fic I think I should ask...

Where does everybody get their information about the students of class 3-3? Aside from the main-chars and Naomi, Rika and Saki (I know the latter 2 were involved in an April fool's day joke)

Bit of a sidenote regarding my question: I only played the Full Version.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

The full names, disabilities and - if applicable - clubs are known from a picture on the shimmie. Everything about their character or personal backstory is the invention of the authors of the respective fanfictions.
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by atw_ah »

Normally, disabilities are not predictable. One can't be sure how their body will react in certain situations. But I did say "normally".
Runners, especially those involved in Track and Field, are able to keep track of how much they can run before their bodies give out on them.
From personal experience, I can tell you that runners measure how far they're able to go with the number of events they can do.
These limits are different for each person and can be either because of something physical or mental. (For instance, my limit was about 1400m because of a physical limit. My friend, on the other hand, had a limit of 300m because of mental limit, he didn't want to do anything longer than a 200m. Another one of my friends had a massive limit of 5600m.)
I'm just saying this because there is a hint of believably when he said that 1000m is his limit.

By the way, is there a lack of male participants that the captain wants to use the guy with the bad back to run a 400m?
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

You may be able to estimate your limit, if it is because of endurance.
If the problem is a back pain, that may or may not be set off by everey running step you take, you cannot tell if the step that eventually WILL set it off will be the 1001st, the 762nd or the 58th.
Basically it will be the step where you set your foot just a bit harder than with the others, or where you twist your head slightly to the side, because something caught you attention or....
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

I did make mention of this in the last chapter, but I'll expand on it to make it a bit clearer (and it'll show one of the rules I laid down for the characters disability).

When he did all tolerance checks on his back (if you can call it that) he wasn't running as close to what he was running during his timed races, which is why he was wondering if he could complete all three races at that distance since the first two races would take him further in distance then any of his other timed runs before that.
Also the 1000 meter thing was just a guestimate since he wasn't even sure if he was within 100 meters of the finish line (so he rounded it up to the nearest thousand instead of the nearest hundred which if he had would've put his limit at that pace at around 1100 meters).

As Mirage said about the other people in class 3-3 you can get most of the information you need from the picture that's posted on the shimmie, but you can go your own way when it comes to their personalities (except for Miki who features a couple of times in Hanako's route, but you can do your own thing when it comes to the parts that you don't see in the game).

Once again the next chapter has been delayed down to time constraints, but it'll be the first in a multi part chapter that covers the golden week break (if I'm correct, the school year in Japan starts around the beginning of April and since golden week starts around the end of April, I factored in a sub three week duration between the start of school and the golden week break) and will feature a few mishaps with a big progression in the story by the end of it.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

And here's the first part in the aforementioned multi part section of the story.

The last bit in this part might look a but stupid.


A Golden Week part 1

I look up at the clock as it counts down the minutes left in the school day.
Just thirty minutes left before I can leave this classroom for a few days of rest.
My mind goes back to the call I got from my mother on Wednesday, asking if I was coming home for golden week.
I hadn't been invited elsewhere by anyone else by then, so I couldn't say no since I'd be cooped up in this place with little to do for at least five days.
Now I was focusing on my travel arrangements, since if I could get out of here a little while after the ball rang, I'd be able to get home in about three hours.
Eventually, the bell rang and everyone started to clear their stuff away, but Mutou had the last word.
“I want the answers to those questions by the time you get back”, Mutou said.
A collective groan echoes through the classroom, but I wasn't worried in the slightest.
I could have all that done by the time I got home.

As I looked around the classroom, I could see that everyone else is sorting out their plans.
That included Miki who was already walking out of the classroom with Suzu in tow.
I wasn't really that bothered since I already had my own plans, and she'd had several chances to ask me if I had any plans.
When I returned to my room, I looked at the bag that had sat there since I left this morning.
Since I would've had a lot of clothes at home, I wouldn't need to pack any from here so all that is in the bag is my alarm clock, pills (if I ever needed them) and the charging cable for my phone.
Once I'd changed out of my uniform, I picked up my phone and the bag before I left the room.
The trip back home took a little longer then expected, but I'm now standing outside the door of the house I left just over three weeks ago.

I went to open the door knowing that there would be someone here at this time.
As I removed my shoes at the entrance, I could smell something good coming from the kitchen.
Maybe my mother knew that I would arrive at around this time.
After I'd placed what little I'd brought with me in my bedroom, I went down to the kitchen.
Even this seemed to have been predicted as my mother started to speak before I'd actually entered the kitchen.

"I thought that you'd turn up sooner", my mother said "dinner will be ready in a bit".
"I got a bit held up on the way here", I said.
I'd slightly tweaked the truth there since I walked most of the trip from the train station to here.
"Your father should be back from work soon", my mother said "so we should be having dinner together".
Almost as if she'd predicted it, the door open and my father appears in the kitchen shortly afterwards.
“So you did decide to come home”, my father said “I thought you had other plans”.
“He said that he didn't have anything else planned when I called”, my mother said “so he said that he'll be”.
My mother was stopped in her tracks as she finally turned around and noticed what I was wearing, as it was something I'd purchased at the same time as the alarm clock.
“And when did you get that”, my mother said.
“I got it on Sunday since you didn't leave me with much casual wear”, I said “it's not like I'll be staying at school all the time”.
“At least he hasn't been spending money on garbage”, my father said “I just hope he hasn't”.
“The only thing I've brought apart from clothes is a new alarm clock”, I said “since the one that went to school with me is now in pieces”.
“How many alarm clocks have you gone through”, my mother asked.
“Four”, I said “but three of them are still in perfect working order”.
That reminded me that Taro is still depending on my alarm clock for his wake up calls, and since I'm here I can dig out one of my older alarm clocks for him to use.
“At least he's only broken one”, my father said “and he had the right frame of mind to get a replacement”.
That conversation came to an end as dinner was now ready.

The food tasted a lot better then it did at the school, and it looked like it was showing as I shovelled it down my throat.
“Has the food been that bad”, my mother asked.
“It reminded me of the hospital”, I said “but the company I had at lunch changed that, but only slightly”.
“So you've managed to find a new circle of friends”, my mother said.
“Only through those that are sitting near me in class”, I said.
“It wasn't through the track team”, my father asked.
“One of them is in the track team”, I said “but I only got into the group through the person that sits right next to me”.
“How are things with the track team”, my father asked.
I placed my chopsticks and rice bowl back on the table as I prepared for what was about to happen.
“You'll have to promise me that you won't blow as gasket after what I'm about to say”, I said.
“What do you mean by that”, my father asked.
“Just promise me that you won't blow a gasket after I've finished talking”, I said.
“All right, all right”, my father said “I promise”.
I took a breath before speaking.
“I'm running the 400 meter race as well”, I said.
“Your doing WHAT”, my father said in the same tone that he used when he called me just after he knew I was in the track and field club.
“You promised that you wouldn't blow a gasket”, I said “and it's not like I'm running a marathon, I'll be running well within my limits since I'm only running three races at that meet and I should have enough of a rest for it not to cause any problems”.
My father admitted defeat considering that he broke his promise, and I went back to my food.

Once I'd finished, I placed the bowl along with the other items that had food on into the sink and went back to my bedroom.
Little had changed since I left here just under three weeks ago, including the bookcases that are laden with books.
It made me think that if Hanako was here, then she could lose herself in the amount of books that were here.
I did ask her if she wanted to come, but she refused straight away and I really didn't want to press the matter any further.
After I walked over to my bed I was interrupted by my phone ringing, and I didn't even have a chance to say anything when I answered as the person on the other end started talking as soon as I'd answered.

“Hey there”, the voice shouted.
It didn't take me that long to figure out who was calling.
“Hey Miki”, I said.
“Where are you now”, Miki asked “I went to your room to find out what you was doing only to be told that you'd already left”.
“I'm at home”, I said “and you had plenty of time to ask me that before my mother called me yesterday”.
“How long have you been there”, Miki asked “Suzu and I only just got to my place a few minutes ago”.
“Just over an hour ago”, I said “I just finished with my dinner before you called”.
“Suzu, come here”, Miki said “you said that you wanted to talk to him, so”.
Miki wasn't able to finish what she was saying as I heard some shouting and a loud bang before the line went dead.
Since the number she called from didn't show as hers, it was likely that she was calling from home and dropped the handset when she was talking to Suzu.
I decided to leave this matter until later since my mother just called me to say that the bathroom was free.

Even after three weeks of showers, it was great to be able to have a bath.
It gave me some time to think about everything that has happened, but this chapter in my life has only just started and there must be a lot still to come.
When I got back to my bedroom, I checked my phone just in case either Miki or Suzu had called while I was in the bath.
They hadn't, but it was to be expected since they'd only reached their destination a little before Miki actually called me.
Just as I was about to put the phone, it started beeping, telling me that I'd just received a text message.

Miki's in hot water after she broke the phone, and we had dinner after she'd been chewed out for the broken phone so this is the first opportunity I've had to contact you.
I hope we can have some time together.

My heart skipped a beat when I read the last bit.
I just had to wonder if what I was feeling a while back were my true feelings.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Oddball »

DLMicheru wrote:Well written, I really like How things are working out in the story :). But Like Mirage mentioned, I don't think medical conditions are easy to predict.

Maybe a stupid question, but since I'm planning on writing fan-fic I think I should ask...

Where does everybody get their information about the students of class 3-3? Aside from the main-chars and Naomi, Rika and Saki (I know the latter 2 were involved in an April fool's day joke)

Bit of a sidenote regarding my question: I only played the Full Version.
Miki appears in Hanako's route.

Takashi is mentioned in Rin's route. He's part of the art club. He and Hisao don't get along and he always looks like hes' irritated by something. That's about the extent of the info you get on him. Fanon is that he's a bit of an asshole.

Naomi is talked about very briefly in Lilly's route.

Fanon has it that the newspaper girls are a couple, Suzu is a bit of a shut-in, and that Miki and Suzu are friends.

A few of the other characters are cameos from other games and anime.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by DLMicheru »

Oddball wrote:
Miki appears in Hanako's route.

Takashi is mentioned in Rin's route. He's part of the art club. He and Hisao don't get along and he always looks like hes' irritated by something. That's about the extent of the info you get on him. Fanon is that he's a bit of an asshole.

Naomi is talked about very briefly in Lilly's route.

Fanon has it that the newspaper girls are a couple, Suzu is a bit of a shut-in, and that Miki and Suzu are friends.

A few of the other characters are cameos from other games and anime.
Ah, thanks for the extra heads-up, I Know some of the char are mentioned in certain routes, just slipped my mind.
Regarding your last point: I found a picture on the Shimmie with the 3-3 Students, their names and disabilities. So I found out. (seriously, Lelouch Lamperouge?)

@Demonix, Story is developing well. I just wish My old man was as easy as that in admitting his defeat :roll:
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Oddball »

(seriously, Lelouch Lamperouge?)
He doesn't actually appear in the final version of the game. He's replaced by some other guy who's name and disabilities have never been revealed. Still, Lelouch pops up in fanfic now and again.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Let me get this straight...
He asked Hanako to visit his home over the holidays?
With Hanako's anxiety as it is?
While being in an almost-relationship with Suzu?

I can imagine the reactions of his parents ("Oh, you already found a girlfriend?")
...and that of Suzu when she found out...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Oddball »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Let me get this straight...
He asked Hanako to visit his home over the holidays?
With Hanako's anxiety as it is?
While being in an almost-relationship with Suzu?

I can imagine the reactions of his parents ("Oh, you already found a girlfriend?")
...and that of Suzu when she found out...
So, he asked the most socially awkward girl he can find to meet his parents and stay with him without telling his girlfriend about it (a girlfriend that he doesn't seem to spend very much time with) and on top of all of that is taking part in a sport that aggravates his injuries and causes him a great deal of pain just about whenever he tries it.

Is he purposley setting himself up to fail at everything?
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by demonix »

Time for explanation corner.

The inviting Hanako thing was originally put in as a afterthought, but because of how the story will progress it'll be referred back to later.

You also have to factor in the circle of people he knows and the time gap between the last two chapters that might tell you that he knew that the others already had plans, and since there was no mention of the time the call came in it could be that he asked Hanako (being the only person he would know that wouldn't be doing anything during that time) afterwards so he could call back to tell his parents that he was bringing a friend along (with emphasis on the word friend), and her anxiety is why he didn't push the matter any further.

Also there isn't any form of relationship yet, so that point is moot at the moment.

Plus could you please tell me how many times he has aggravated his injury while on the track (you can exclude the impact one out since that wasn't caused by running).

Most of this would've been covered in the next chapter, but since I haven't finished with it yet, I can't post it.
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Re: Facing my Pains

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I'm sorry to say this, because your writing is really improving (and has been a lot since your first story!), but this story has not only challenged my suspension of disbelief but shot it dead in the subsequent duel.
At this point I can't really take the characters seriously anymore...
Which is a shame, really, because otherwise I would probably enjoy this story a lot.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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