Real (A Suzu/OC Story) Chapter 16 Now Up


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Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

Dippeggs wrote:
DanjaDoom wrote:
Dippeggs wrote:I'm guessing like 7 or 8 years old, but I'm not really sure at all.

No one seems to comment on your story update, which is weird. Keep up the good work man.
It's cause everyone hates me *commits sudoku*

Really? I could've sworn he was like 12-ish. Ah well.
I think if he was 12 he definitely wouldn't be wearing the stupid clothing he wears.
Maybe he just has bad fashion sense. I mean, I dressed pretty crappy when I was twelve (pullstring pants, rolled white socks, old running shoes, etc.)
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
Bi-Polar Hernandez
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Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by Bi-Polar Hernandez »

I'm pretty sure Hideaki's within the 12-15 range.

Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by CBuM »

Bi-Polar Hernandez wrote:I'm pretty sure Hideaki's within the 12-15 range.
Yeah, about as old as BPH.

Also, good job. I really like your story and your OC is very easy to relate to. Keep writing, this and your MollyxMiki stories are some of my favorites on here.

Your taste in music is also pretty good too. I am liking the references you make throughout.
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Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

CBuM wrote:
Bi-Polar Hernandez wrote:I'm pretty sure Hideaki's within the 12-15 range.
Yeah, about as old as BPH.

Also, good job. I really like your story and your OC is very easy to relate to. Keep writing, this and your MollyxMiki stories are some of my favorites on here.

Your taste in music is also pretty good too. I am liking the references you make throughout.
Thanks! Really means a lot, love when people comment on my stories :)

And it's good to know someone got the music references, heh
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
Bi-Polar Hernandez
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Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by Bi-Polar Hernandez »

CBuM wrote:
Bi-Polar Hernandez wrote:I'm pretty sure Hideaki's within the 12-15 range.
Yeah, about as old as BPH.

Also, good job. I really like your story and your OC is very easy to relate to. Keep writing, this and your MollyxMiki stories are some of my favorites on here.

Your taste in music is also pretty good too. I am liking the references you make throughout.
>starting shit outside of the KSGs
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Re: Real (A Suzu/OC story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

Bi-Polar Hernandez wrote:
CBuM wrote:
Bi-Polar Hernandez wrote:I'm pretty sure Hideaki's within the 12-15 range.
Yeah, about as old as BPH.

Also, good job. I really like your story and your OC is very easy to relate to. Keep writing, this and your MollyxMiki stories are some of my favorites on here.

Your taste in music is also pretty good too. I am liking the references you make throughout.
>starting shit outside of the KSGs
Shiggy Diggy Doo you two.

Hug it out
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My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 8 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

Well, this update's pretty short, but I kept nagging myself to get something done.

Anyway, please comment and critique!

Chapter 9: Doublewhiskeycoffenoice

I’m currently engaged in a game of cat-and-mouse with silverware. A spoon, more specifically.

“Open up for the choo-choo train!”

Suzu’s unnervingly upbeat delivery makes it hard to determine whether she’s mocking me or not.

“Suzu, just give me the spoon.”

“The train’s coming closer, you better open up!”

“Suzu, I’m not-”

“If you don’t open up everyone inside is going to die in a horrific and fiery crash!”

“That’s doesn’t even-”

“Poor little orphan choir amputees, burning to death before they could make it to seven!”

“Alright, just give me the spoon!”

She giddily shoves the apple slices into my mouth. My tongue wretches up in disgust, taken aback by the bitter taste that just assaulted it.

“How old are these apple slices, Suzu?”

“They’re not that old, they probably just have a funny tas-oh wait, nope, they’re a month past expired.”

She smiles at me apologetically as I scrape away rotten apple remnants from my taste buds.

When the nurse recommended I not use my right hand for the next day or so, Suzu was more than willing to help me take care of things while my hand is healing. However, “willing” and “able” are two different things entirely.

“Tastes like a stinkbug died in my mouth,” I grumble. She laughs silently at my expense and fumbles with the hem of her skirt.

Out of the blue, she leans forward and locks lips with me; the flavor of our mouths form together like a cocktail before parting with a satisfying pop.

“What was that for?” I ask, a bit dumbstruck.

She shrugs. “Well, we’re a couple now, right?”

“I guess swimming together at midnight, kissing and then getting detention constitutes becoming a couple then, right?”

“Wouldn’t be the weirdest way people have gotten together.”

We laugh oddly, like two androids who just learned about humor the day before. We may as well have.

“Do you think we’re... moving too fast, Suzu?”

My comment seems to catch her off guard. She squirms awkwardly, like a criminal under interrogation.

“Define ‘fast.’”

I take a breath. “I mean, it’s... Suzu, I like you. I like you alot. But I don’t know if...”

A cooling rush overtakes the unbearable humidity of my bedroom. It takes me a minute to register her pale hand on my face; more specifically, it’s on my scar. Needless to say, most people are hesitant to touch it. I can’t blame them. How do they think I felt having it on me?

Suzu has no such reservations. Every contour and groove is overrun with her touch. It’s a strange, wondrous, awkward touch.

“What’s not to know? We’re two dumb teenagers in dumb love with each other. It’s better to just let nature take it’s course.”

There's that "love" word again.

“It’s dumb course, you mean?”

She smiles sympathetically and pats me on the cheek. “Leave the jokes to me.”

That gets a chuckle out of both of us. More importantly, it gets Suzu to smile. I must sound like a broken record by now, but it’s something I love to see. I can’t even explain it, really; it just fills me with some sense of rightness, makes me want to share in her happiness. It’s like the opposite of a stomach virus.

An obnoxiously loud knock interrupts our moment. I recall the nurse mentioning sending up attendants to check if we were in the middle of any “funny business.” He doesn’t seems like the type to be a total cockblock on purpose, but then again...

Barely a millisecond passes after I allow them inside before Suzu and I are enveloped in a rib bruising bearhug.

“I missed you two lovebirds!!”

“Miki, I was only out for a day,” I groan, my voice muffled through her shirt.

“So what, I can’t miss my two best friends in the whole world? And watch where you put your mouth, you freak!”

“Then watch where you put your boob, you...she-freak!

She sticks her tongue out at me. I’ll just pretend that she’s bowing before my superior snarking ability.

“So, you coming with Molly and me later on?”

She frowns at the blank stares on our face. “To the cafe in town, duh! Sheesh, I've only been telling you guys for like a week!”

“You haven’t told us anything,” Suzu helpfully points out.

Miki rubs her chin with her free hand.“Ah, right... must have been too busy studying!”

“Miki” and “studying” are two words incompatible in any language. Except maybe Icelandic. Then again my Icelandic is a bit rusty.

A sharp nudge to the side stirs me from my semi-peaceful nap. It’s been about twenty minutes since we've set off on the bus, but the whirring engine and intoxicating fumes have already made me drowsy. It comes with being a city-slicker I guess.

The mystery nudger turns out to be none other than Molly, having snuck next to me and a napping Suzu under the nose of the driver.

“So, how goes the operation?” she asks.

I feign ignorance, mostly because I actually am ignorant. “What operation?”

She stops to inspect her surroundings, as if divulging a top secret government conspiracy.

“Operation Suzu Boyfriend?” she whispers.

“You two are still going on about that?”

She shoots me an indignant look. “Hey, this is for the emotional and, ahem, ‘physical’ well-being of our friend!”

“I think you two just need lives.”

“Fine then, see if I offer you any of my country's native aphrodisiacs!”

An elderly woman, who's apparently heard more than she needs to, coughs rather sharply near us. Taking her cue, Molly retreats back to her seat before we draw anymore undue attention. I find myself shaking my head as she leaves. Poor Molly, already corrupted by the filthy mind of Miki Miura. When will her reign of terror end?

After all this time spent with Suzu, it’s easy to forget that we were kinda-sorta forced to hang out around each other. Sure, getting handily whooped at Street Fighter in front of a bunch of middle schoolers was fun, but would any of that happened had the girls not decided to invite me to the mall that day? For all I know I may have just ended up as a lonely, bitter shut-in who did something retarded like throw himself off the roof.

I guess I owe them more than I realize. But I can’t tell them about Suzu and I just yet. Frankly, I can’t trust the girls at this school to keep a secret. Especially not Miki.

Suzu is slumped next to me, her breathing soft and methodical, almost like a lullaby. Over the dull hum of the engine, it’s making my eyes heavy once again. We can’t be more than a few miles away from the city, but I’ll take any moment I can to get a few extra winks in.

Damn, that sounds cheesy. I find I don’t really care, though.

“Welcome to hipster park”

“Quiet, they’ll hear you!”

“Not likely, they’re too wrapped up with writing their novels and not grooming their beards. This place is like an ironic haven for them.”

My sentiments are greeted with a roll of the eyes. Some people just don’t appreciate my genius it seems.

In a very un-Miki-like decision, the locale she chose has turned out to be a very low key, quasi-romantic spot. The kind of place an artsy-fartsy guy may take his beanie clad girlfriend for an overpriced cappuccino. From the speakers a soothing jazz piece plays. I heard it was called “Red Velvet” or something to that effect. It certainly seems to be putting other young couples in the mood. Some have even started public displays that would probably give the old lady from earlier a stroke.

“Not a bad place, huh?” Miki gloats.

I shrug as sip on my iced mocha. I had to dip into my college fund to get it, but it’s damn good. “Well, it’s a step up from where I thought you were gonna take us.”

“And where would that be?”

“Whorehouse, porn theatre, love hotel, you know.”

I get a peanut lopped in my direction for my troubles. Molly is too engrossed by a script an “aspiring writer” gave to her on her way in. We just ignored him, but sweet Molly, bless her heart, just couldn’t resist helping an art bum in need.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Suzu’s eyes darting to and fro like a frightened rabbit.

“Something wrong?” I ask.

“Does it look like that guy’s staring at us?”

With as much discreteness as we can muster (hint: it’s not a lot), we look in her direction. A scrawny, bearded young man is seated at a table in the corner, engrossed in his coffee and nothing else. His hat...looks familiar.

Wait a minute...

Hurriedly, I stand up from my seat. “Uhm, guys wait here, I’m gonna check something out.”

“You don’t have to beat him up, he was just looking around!” Molly protests.

"I'm not going to beat him up, I'm just going to talk to him.”

I ignore their looks of confusion and and make my way over to the table. Realization hits me as I move closer and closer to the table, so much so that I don’t even bother to ask permission to sit down across from him. I know the girls are looking at me, and I can only imagine the looks on their faces as they watch this scene unfold.

The bearded man looks across at me, surprised at first, but begins to chuckle in an almost depressing manner, like he just got told a joke at a funeral.

“Your scars have cleared up a bit, cuz.”

I’d recognize Arashi’s drawl no matter how much hair he’s got on his face. I used to think it was the epitome of cool.

“Doesn’t burn like hell anymore,” I say with a chuckle.

We say nothing for a bit. I’m trying to fish for something, anything to say at this point. I imagine he’s doing the same.

“So, you going to that crip-er, disabled kid school now?”

I shudder at hearing him. Hearing that I’m technically “disabled” from some faceless suit is one thing, but to hear it from a family member feels like a punch to the gut.

“Yeah...yeah, I am.”

“Sounds cool...”

Silence once again. I take a look at Arashi once more. He’s let his hair return to its natural color, the only artifact of his blonde haired days being a faint dye job at the root of his hair. He’s traded his once flashy hip-hop getup for a simple white tee and jeans.

“You’ve grown up.”

My comment seems to make him jump a bit. “Seeing your cousin almost die tends to do that to you.”

I smirk morbidly. “What are you doing down here anyway?”

“Traveling around. Only thing I can do, really. As far as the family’s concerned, I’m a son of a bitch now. The less they have to see me the better. So, I figured, why not grant their wish and get the fuck outta dodge.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“The hell are you sorry for, you’re the one who nearly got his face all tenderized.”

“As eloquent as always, huh?”

He chuckles. “Can’t even spell eloquent.”

A third silence as he absentmindedly stirs the contents of his drink. It’s pure black coffe, funnily enough.

“Those your friends over there?”

We glance over at my table, with the three occupants doing their absolute worst to pretend like they weren’t just staring at us.

“That they are. The one in the pigtails is Molly, the tall one’s Miki, and the blue-haired girl is Suzu.”

“Not bad at all, cuz, not bad at all.”

There’s a rather funny tone to his voice that I recognize immediately. Some things never change.

“They’re still in high school, Arashi.”

“I know, I know... But hey, that Miki girl has some nice tits. Just sayin’.”

I nearly choke on my mocha. “I’ll be sure to tell her that. Make sure you’re looking right at her so she knows who to punch.”

Like an imp he waves over to them, a sly smile on his lips. They awkwardly wave back, still not entirely sure of what’s going on with us.

“So, which one are you fucking?”


“What makes you think I’m banging one of them?”

“You’re related to me, bro. If I was with one of them, I’d be tapping that pussy until the break of dawn. Logically, since we share the same genetic makeup and shit, you’re doing the same.”

His infallible leap of logic stuns me into silence. “So because we happen to be related, you think I’m a hedonistic sex-fiend like you?”

“Well, yeah! Science and shit, you know.”

“‘Science and shit, you know’...I think I like the new Arashi better.”

“Think of me as a melting pot of the best traits between the old and new Arashi.”

“My plebeian mind can’t keep up with your astounding views, unfortunately.”

He pats me sympathetically on the shoulder. “If we were perfect, we wouldn’t be human.”

At this, we both laugh, much harder this time, catching the ire of some nearby patrons.

“So come on, tell me, cousin to cousin, who’re you going for?”

I swallow my saliva nervously. I feel like i’m going to go crazy holding everything in. Hell, I may as well tell someone I won’t see for a while.

“It’s Suzu...I like her a lot, man.”

Expecting some wise-ass remark about not going for the one with the bigger tits, I’m pleasantly surprised to receive an understanding nod, and and at least semi-genuine smile.

“Glad to see one of us is doing something...”

His face falters slightly under the brim of his hat. As he sits up from his chair, he clears his throat.

“Listen man, I think it’s about time I head out. If you ever need anything, just gimme a call alright?”

“Will do,” I respond with a mock salute.

He chuckles before taking on a sincere voice. “You’ve got a good thing going here, Aaron. You’ve got a girl, a school, friends...Just, don’t fuck it up, alright? Not like I did.”

“If I do you’ll kick my ass?” I ask.

He smiles. “Count on it.”

I move aside to let him exit. With a bow of his hat to me and my friends, he exits out of my life once again.

“Who was that, your ex-con uncle?” Miki asks.

I shake my head and check out the wadded up paper he have to me. He wrote something down.


I know there’s a million other things I should write that would be ten times better than that, but I can’t really think of any of them. I wasn’t the one who got the brains.

Stay strong, your sexy cuz Arashi “

It’s not the most profound statement of the century, but coming from Arashi, it certainly means something.

I tilt my head back to them.

“Just an old friend.”
Last edited by DanjaDoom on Tue Apr 30, 2013 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 9 now up

Post by Total Destruction »

Yes. Yes.
... Danger.
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 9 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

Total Destruction wrote:Yes. Yes.
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My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 9 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

So yeah, here's the next installment of my Suzu story! It's just like the other Suzu story, only not as good! :D

This one's a good bit shorter than my last few. Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Comments are greatly appreciated!

Chapter 10: Cloud Mojo

Is there a statute of limitations on what’s nostalgic and what isn’t?

Like, can you feel the same way about a really bitchin’ cup of strawberry mocha blend you had last week as you do about a train ride you took with you mother ten years ago?

I don’t know. Life questions always stump me. That’s probably why I’m up here on the roof right now. It’s a good place for stumped people.

Life, school and Suzu. Not in that particular order. It’s like a strange game of eight degrees.

Life is... life. Suzu keeps me grounded in that life. School, well, inhabits some strange middle ground. A short-minded way to look at things? Maybe. But it’s how I see them. And isn't that what matters?

The wind carries the pebbles and smacks them against the chain link like wind chimes. I envy the wind, and yet I pity it. It can’t feel pain, yet neither can it feel joy.


Blah, that was corny. I need to think of a new phrase.

Before I can narrow down my options, the sound of crunching distracts me. It’s the girl I saw about a week ago, the weird artist. The girl, with no arms I may add, plops down next to me, and stares off into space.

“Uhm... hi?”

She acknowledges me with a half-eyed gape before turning back to an apparently extremely interesting drink stain on the wall. She’s like a red-haired Suzu. It’s a little scary.

“What are you thinking about?”

Her voice is a bit more monotonous than Suzu’s, but it still has enough similarities to give a very eerie effect. Are they twins or something? Because that’d actually be pretty hot.

“Why would I be thinking?”

She turns to me. “No one comes to the roof unless they’re hungry or they’re thinking. You don’t have any lunch with you, so I assume you’re thinking about something. Unless you just forgot your lunch.”

I chuckle quietly. “You caught me. I don’t have any lunch.”

“Maybe you’re thinking about lunch? I do that sometimes. Mainly when I’m hungry. For lunch.”


“So you’re not thinking about lunch?”

“Well, I am now.”

“Sorry. Maybe. Should I be sorry for it?”

“Why would you be?”

Her crimson eyebrows inch upward, as if confronted with a paradox. “Maybe you didn’t want to eat lunch today. Maybe I just reminded you of a unpleasant lunch-related memory. Maybe your relative died choking on a ham sandwich during lunch. If so, I’m sorry. And I give my condolences to your family.”


“Don’t mention it. It’s the least a gentleman can do. Will crying on my shoulder ease your pain?”

“Nothing will ease the pain of my sandwich loss.”

She hangs her head, and if she had a drink I imagine she’d be pouring it out for my dead homie.

Why am I playing along with her? Maybe I’ve built up an immunity to weirdness. Like taking a lot of snake bites to the leg. Weird snake bites.

“So what are you thinking about? I assume you’re thinking about something. Thinking about lunch all the time will make you fat.”

“A lot of stuff.”

“Stuff stuff?”

“Yes, stuff stuff.”

“Any particular stuff stuff?”

A familiar strain pops up behind my eye. Sometimes I think my scar is a sentient being. Otherwise, why would it get all achy when I’m exposed to high levels of what-the-fuckery?

“Just... life, I guess.”

“Does it pertain to that girl you always hang out with?”

My eyes shoot over towards her. “How do you know about that?”


“What else do you know?”

“That you two are having se-”

With a leap that would make Superman jealous, I place a hand over her mouth, even though no one’s around to hear it. She glances down at the obstructive appendage with little more than mild confusion.

“Look, I don’t know how you know about me and Suzu, but we’re not doing that... yet.”

She nods in understanding.

“Sorry, last time someone asked me that question I nearly chopped my finger off... long story.”

I remove my hand from her mouth.

“Doesn't sound too long.”

“Well, it is,” I answer, irritation creeping through my voice.

We sit there for a few minutes to break what has to have been the weirdest conversation this school’s seen in... months, I guess. History’s been made here.

“How long could it be? You nearly cut your finger off, that’s not really a process that takes a while.”

“Don’t you have some cloud watching to do?” I ask, a bit more rudely than I intend.

“Nah, they don’t look too interesting today. They look like... clouds.”

“Clouds do tend to look like clouds.”

“No, I mean, I don’t feel anything from them. Usually I’ll see something I’m thinking about. Like an ice cream bar, or an iguana, or my bed, or-”

“Yeah, I get it; the clouds look different.”

She bobs her head solemnly, and for a minute I think she may cry. I've certainly never seen someone cry over clouds before. So, what should I do? Be the dogged nice guy? Couldn't hurt I guess.

“There, there, I’m sure you’ll find your... clouds mojo soon,” I tell her, patting her with a trepid hand.

“Thanks,” she answers, quickly reverting back to her cheer-... well, not depressed demeanor. “So, now that you helped me through my existential crisis, any problems I could help you with?”

I hold off from sighing, figuring that’d be more than a little unmannered.

“No, that’s fine, really. I’m good.”

“Are you sure?’

Am I sure...

“No. I’m not sure. I keep telling myself that I am, but I know that I’m not, and that just makes me mad. I know I have no reason to be mad. I mean, I've seen the people here, seen what they have to go through. I know I don’t get what it really means to go through that. That just makes me feel left out... I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”

My shoulder begins to lean to the right, courtesy of her foot. I suppose that’s to make up for her lack of a hand to put on my shoulder.

“Allahu akbar.”

I stare at her in confusion, fearful that her inane ramblings have degenerated into full-on tongue speaking. “Say again?”

She even smiles like Suzu. I feel like she may be a clone.

“It means ‘God is great.’”

I’m a little less confused now, but just slightly.

“What’s a Japanese teen doing learning arabic?”

She shrugs, flapping her knotted sleeves like a cotton wings. “Heard it in a song somewhere. I was also watching Star Wars, and then that one guy, the one who has the power to spot traps, came on, so that’s what it reminded me of.”

“I’m not much of a religious person, to be honest with you.”

“That’s fine. It just seems like something you’d like to hear. Even if there are a lot of bad things, there’s at least something good out there.”


“Or ice cream.”

“Heh... know any other phrases?”

She slithers her tongue around the confines of her mouth, deep in thought.

“Nope,” she answers. “So if you and Suzu aren't doing that thing that you don’t do, what do you do?”

“We, you know...”

I take a page from her book and play with my tongue. I come to a realization. We haven’t done anything. I mean, boyfriends and girlfriends tend to do stuff together, right? Well, there was the coffee shop, but that didn't really count. Gah, I need advice on this... but from who?


Fuck it.

“Hey, uh, quick question.”


“Say you had a boyfriend... wait, do you have a boyfriend?”

“Not since ‘Nam.”

“....Right, well, where would you want to go if you had a boyfriend... a poor boyfriend.”

I immediately regret my decision to ask her advice as she begins to rock in place like a bored five-year-old.

“Probably the movies. Or a nice barbecue restaurant, something like that.”

That’s... oddly normal. Though the barbecue restaurant may be a stretch for my pocketbook. A movie, on the other hand, seems manageable.

“Thanks for the advice.”

“It’s what I’m here for. Just call me Morgan Freeman. Or Rin Tezuka, since that’s what most people call me. On account of that being my actual name.”

“Well, thanks Rin. I appreciate it.”

She bobs her head, laying down on the pebbled floor. Her eyes are brimmed with deep concentration, as if trying to uncover some clarion call in the clouds.

Opting to leave her to her own devices, I exit the roof.

Aw fuck, fuck, fuck. No good. No good at all.

Fuck sixteen. It’s the worst number of them all. Why was it even invented? Stupid.

“You mind hurrying before I get wrinkles?”

I shoot my girlfriend a dirty look. “Sometimes I like you better when you’re sleeping.”

She grins like the bratty five-year old she really is deep down.“ Didn't sound perverted at all, nope...”

“Shut up.”

I catch a glimpse of her tongue as I look down at my cards; when I lift my head back up, she’s looking down at her hand, fake innocence all over her face. Pretty sneaky, sis.

To the side are our esteemed dealers, more preoccupied with their game of soccer than with this life-or-death game of blackjack we’re playing. I have a feeling one of us may end up in the hospital tonight with a gunshot tonight for “being a varmint,” whatever that means.

Resigned to my loss, I sigh and signal over.

“Hit me.”

Miki idly reaches her hand over, flinging a card in my general direction.

I nearly jump for joy upon fetching the card from inside my shirt. “AW YEAH, BABY, CHECK THEM QUADS! WHO’S GOT A TWENTY? WHO’S GOT A TWENTY? THIS GUY!”

My bleary-eyed opponent pouts as I partake in my celebratory tribal dance.

“That’s extremely off-putting, just to let you know," Suzu complains, her eyes rolling like a gossipy teenager.

“What was that?” I ask, cupping my ear. “Can’t hear you too well, must be all the WIN in my ear right now! Miki, darling, flip the card, will you?’


With a dramatic flip, her next card is revealed in turn. It’s a three of clubs, for a grand total of...


Molly leans across Miki to look. “Well, isn't that funny-ARE YOUR FEET MADE OF JELLO OR SOMETHING, HOLY SHIT!”

“So... guess we both lost,” Suzu says sheepishly.

“Yeah, yeah, guess we did,” I answer in turn.

We sit there across from each other silently...well, kinda.

“FUCK YOU F.C., I JUST LOST 100 YEN TO THAT TAINAKA BITCH!” Miki exclaims, snacking away on the M&M’s we were using as chips.

“Guess we’re all losers today,” I chortle quietly.

“Speak for yourself,” Molly sighs as she stretches out on the couch.

“ Didn't you have 100 yen on this game also Molly?” Miki asks.

Molly’s face falters as she slumps alongside Miki on the couch, the both of them now 200 yen short.

“Hey, Suzu?”

She turns to me in surprise. “Yes?”

I twiddle my thumbs a bit. This is turning out harder than it should be. “You’re not... doing anything later this week, are you? Say... Saturday night?”

Out of the corner of my eye I see two pairs of brown ears twitch like a dogs.

“Not that I know of... why?”

Her grin is subtly cat-like. I know she can’t resist teasing me, especially in front of the M&M group.

“Wanna, I dunno... see a movie?”

“Sounds good.”

We proceed to pick up the cards strewn around the floor, a knowing gleam in both of our eyes. I resist looking into the faces of our two friends, for fear that I’ll burst out laughing. Their expressions are a humorous mix of happiness and being dumbstruck. I imagine Suzu’s taking just as much pleasure in it as I am.

Somewhere, I have a feeling Rin managed to find her cloud again.
Last edited by DanjaDoom on Wed May 01, 2013 12:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 10 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

Will Rin ever find out what's wrong with the clouds? Will Suzu and Aaron see a decent movie? Is the cancer terminal? Will Miki find her Slovakian transsexual half-brother-sister?

Find out whenever I put out another chapter!

Don't judge me
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 10 now up

Post by nemz »

Not since 'nam? Heh. Not sure about the Morgan Freeman line, but otherwise this seems like an unusually helpful Rin.

also, 16 isn't so bad. 13, however, is teh suck.
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 10 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

nemz wrote:Not since 'nam? Heh. Not sure about the Morgan Freeman line, but otherwise this seems like an unusually helpful Rin.

also, 16 isn't so bad. 13, however, is teh suck.
Y'know cause Morgan freeman is such a helpful gentleman and...yeah. She was in a helpful mood that day. Also black, apparently.
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 10 now up

Post by nemz »

DanjaDoom wrote:Also black, apparently.
Rin is available in different colors now? Oooh... I'll take one in purple! :D
Rin > Shizune > Emi > Hanako > Lilly
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Re: Real (A Suzu Story) Chapter 10 now up

Post by DanjaDoom »

nemz wrote:
DanjaDoom wrote:Also black, apparently.
Rin is available in different colors now? Oooh... I'll take one in purple! :D
My fine literary endeavors: Real, M&M, Rat Race, and Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness. Feel free to stroke my ego and read them.

We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey-Sanic
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