The "thank you 4LS" thread.

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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by MadMonkD »

I would like to thank 4 Leaf Studios for their hard work and dedication on Katawa Shoujo. They have poured their hearts and souls into this game.
It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made happy, it made me sad. It made me angry... Which makes for an overall excellent experience.
Thank you for putting out such a wonderful, and excellent game. It wrenched my emotions in many directions depending on whose path I would choose and every decision that I would make.
Everything from the visuals to the music to the pacing, the characters, and the interface in the game, very well done.
Again, Thank you!
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A Thanks to the Devs

Post by Dalton4888 »

I'd like to post my personal gratitude to the Devs of this wonderful VN. I've played this and maybe two others, and now I don't play on playing another VN for a very long time. It's been 3 days since I finished all of the arcs (good endings for all :) ), and felt it was necessary to give you my gratitude for multiple reasons:

1. I haven't read something of the anime / manga sort since I was 13. Now that I'm 17, I picked this game up because I saw a few videos on youtube and was like "Wow, I'm really going to regret doing this lol, but let's give it a go anyways." Literally, 3 days after I've finished the game I feel extremely hollowed out and cannot stop thinking about the stories. So touching and well written, I don't think the game has escaped my mind for a moment since I finished playing.

2. The story destroyed my feels for the first time since I was 13. I don't think I've cried as much as I did when I finished Lilly's arc since I was an infant. It was that depressing feeling of knowing it's all over and over joy of how the game ended. Props to you for doing something like that.

3. You've managed to cure my addiction to gaming. I haven't touched a game since I started reading this VN two or so weeks ago. I literally, for the last two or so weeks, lived and breathed this game when I wasn't working. Even when I was working, this was all I could think about. I believe I'm going to head back to my old addiction to reading and may (for the first time in 3+ years) pick up a new manga and start reading them again.

4. For a bunch of people with one common goal of creating a heart warming and touching story that, personally, may not even know each other, you guys and gals did a hell of a good job on the writing, art and musical score.

I could say so much more, but this is all I can manage to get out right now. I haven't really come back to reality since I finished this VN, and I'm hoping it happens soon because I really doubt I could take much more of 24/7 thinking about this game. Anyways, that's all I've got to say.
My favorite arcs:
Lilly > Hanako > Emi > Rin > Shizune.

Most feels:
Hanako > Rin > Emi = Lilly > Shizune.

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Re: A Thanks to the Devs

Post by Erthel »

Great! now breath, step out, and live!
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Re: A Thanks to the Devs

Post by Dalton4888 »

Erthel wrote:Great! now breath, step out, and live!
Working on it! Only thing left that will keep this game in the back of my mind (hopefully) by the end of this weekend should be Chilled's playthrough on youtube.
My favorite arcs:
Lilly > Hanako > Emi > Rin > Shizune.

Most feels:
Hanako > Rin > Emi = Lilly > Shizune.

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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by imbazxc »

The paradox that is Katawa Shoujou. When I first downloaded the game, it was more out of boredom than anything else. However, I got hooked by the characters in the game (LILLY SATOU FTW!!!) and also the intricate drawings, and well-polished writing. All of their stories deeply impacted me, especially Lilly's. Amazing how a VN can make me cry like no other million-dollars film productions. After doing 3 of the endings, I have never opened KS again. 4LS had made such a great effort in bringing this characters to life, and just playing the other paths made me feel like I'm 'cheating' on Lilly, or Hanako. I can relate to Hisao, for I too have a heart problem that makes it difficult for me to be near girls or play sports, or fap :oops: However, I kept KS on my computer, awaiting the day when I can finally move on, without shedding any tears, and try out the other story arcs. 4LS, made the greatest VN of all time. Music, writing, illustration, character design, almost everything was flawless. Best of luck to your future endeavours, and thank you, for enlightening so many of our paths. :D
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Lolzster »

Well what more can I add to arguably the most important thread here :)

My friend told me to play this game back when it was first released. He described it pretty poorly- 'play the crippled game' was what I kept on hearing from him. A month later, I decided well what the heck, might play the game see how it goes, if my friend played it, it can't be all bad. I would say I got off to a slow start, not really understanding what was going on and seeing as this was my first VN, having a WTF look on my face. Then I got into it, made it to act 2 of Emi (even though I was going for a Lilly, dam the running) and after finishing it, I said to my friend... 'you really made this game sound terrible... its actually amazing!!!!'.

Followed this up by finishing it quicker than my friend who suggested it to me and actually now starting to replay it after a couple of months away.

All I wish to say now is, 4LS, you are a great team and have made a wonderful game, it has made me change my views of others and understand that no matter who you are and what circumstances you may be in, you have the same opportunity in life as the person beside you. All it takes is to grab that opportunity. Anyone can find happiness in this world, all it takes is the will to do it!

Many thanks for creating Katawa Shoujo!
Favourite routes: Lilly>Rin>Emi>Hanako>Shizune

Most Feels in route: Lilly>Emi>Hanako>Rin (frustration doesn't count as feels)> Shizune

Yes I love Lilly and hate Shizune... deal with it :)
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Episcia »

Frankly, I forgot where I heard about KS. However, I'm glad I did. It didn't change my life, true, but it has been one of the most emotional works of fiction I have ever had the pleasure of having.

Thank you, 4LS, from the bottom of my heart. What else can I say? You have created something here - something beyond a Visual Novel, something beyond a collaborative effort game.

You have created a wonderful thing. Be proud of it. You have made the world a (slightly) better place.
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Thank you 4LS

Post by Nomizu »

You've done an increadible job. This is easily the best game I've played, in terms of emotional investment in the game, since Quest for Glory 4 (perhaps that says something about my tastes in games though).

I've only played it once (getting the Emi good ending), but it gave me such a roller coast of emotions that I both struggle to face playing it again and can hardle bare to pull myself away from it. My emotions don't tend to change that much so my partner has been wondering WTF has been going on with me. It's an impressive feat that this game affects me so much.

All of you must have put a substantial amount of time and money into producing it.

Thank you.
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As a thanks and more than that too

Post by kisora »

I recently finished Katawa Shoujo, and I am nothing short of amazed at what I read, seen and heard. Nothing quite holds up to it, even living experiences...

Awhile back when I was about 14, I contracted cancer and to cut the story short, I had to replace part of my leg with a prostheses. It rendered my left leg nearly useless for awhile. Even so, there was no guarantee that I would survive if cancer reoccurred and relearning how to walk with something less was difficult. Despite that, I started trying to walk on the third day after my operation. I can't recall everything I have been through since then; it has been 5 years since.

I forced myself to walk everyday, stairs and whatever that I needed to be normal again. While this was going through me, friends in the ward under the same situation had issues as well. Some died, some never got to use their limbs even close to comfortable, and there was nothing that can describe it. And I kept trying to walk and survive. A month or two later, I started jogging regularly every morning. I didn't care about my weak immune system, or my state, I wanted to prove something. Something I sadly admit I have forgotten today.

For a long time now, I have been able to run and sprint like a normal person, maybe slower and slightly limped, but I can.

Reading the stories of these people, I know how it's like. Emi reminded me of that kid who was only 14 and was close to losing it. Maybe that kid had something he was holding on to, something like running was like to Emi. Whatever it is, I wish I remember it now, but memories fade, and I accept that (Not even half way through and my hands are shivering, while eyes already threaten to tear)

Parents and friends, nothing could have changed my view more. Something I didn't reflect on Katawa Shoujo much was parents, I relied on their love so much. They sacrificed so much to so what they could, but even money cannot cure an incurable disease. I will love them forever for what they did. Friends, I never found what true friends were until I had cancer and subsequently, lost part of my limb. I only ever had one, worst part is, I pushed him away. We are not even friends anymore. The stupid things I do sometimes...

Depression is a very real thing, but somehow, I can't ever recall exact moments of my life before or during my treatment. A hazy blur, like it has become irrelevant to the general scheme of things, or I have purposely forgotten it. Since the beginning of this year, I have wanted to write a visual novel, and yet every time I sit in front of a computer or put a pen at hand, nothing comes to mind. Yet days after contemplating upon the fictional lives of Katawa Shoujo, I have finally written something I actually want to. Perhaps the music helps in this?

I am starting to ramble on, back to the point.

I want to share how it important Katawa Shoujo has become for me and my life. I want to share so much with this world, and yet sometimes we can't even discuss about the smallest of things. So as much as you can take it, thank you, all of you who made this story an amazing telling of what it is to be human. I cannot think of a better definition of philanthropy.

You know what's the best thing about Real life? You don't get multiple playthoughs, save-games or reloads. Life goes on. If you did a bad end, it isn't an end at all, but rather a continuation of new opportunities.

Thank you for everything
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Re: As a thanks and more than that too

Post by Kouryuu »

Wow, very inspiring story, thank you :)

It's amazing what fiction can do sometimes ^^
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Mint »

While looking at the plethora of well-written, expansive and overall touching thank yous this thread has received, I sort of feel complexed with writing my own. Probably because everything I have to say is likely to pale in comparison with everything that has already been said.

But you guys deserve my gratitude. Regardless of how insignificant it may be to anyone, you have it.

I can't say I've ever had a traumatic experience in my life that can compare to any of the students in Yamaku. I do not have a serious disability either. The only thing broken about me is my very awful eyesight (-5.5 dioptre) which is easily correctable with a pair of glasses and my most traumatic experience was being threatened by our landlord while I was 8 because we couldn't pay the rent. So I can't say Katawa Shoujo relates to my life directly in any way, which doesn't seem to be the case for a lot of the posters here.

But it did relate to the human inside of me. KS is a touching story that really opened my heart and mind to a lot of things. It made me feel emotions so real, that I began to question the purpose of my current existence. Safe to say, a visual novel I accidentally heard about over the internet prompted me to make changes in my life that I am sufficiently happy with, changes I probably wouldn't have made otherwise. On my behalf and on behalf of everyone that was touched by this marvelous work of art.

Thank you guys.
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Re: As a thanks and more than that too

Post by Total Destruction »

kisora wrote:(Brutal storytime.)

I want to share how it important Katawa Shoujo has become for me and my life. I want to share so much with this world, and yet sometimes we can't even discuss about the smallest of things. So as much as you can take it, thank you, all of you who made this story an amazing telling of what it is to be human. I cannot think of a better definition of philanthropy.

You know what's the best thing about Real life? You don't get multiple playthoughs, save-games or reloads. Life goes on. If you did a bad end, it isn't an end at all, but rather a continuation of new opportunities.
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Re: As a thanks and more than that too

Post by mysterycycle »

Total Destruction wrote:
kisora wrote:You know what's the best thing about Real life? You don't get multiple playthoughs, save-games or reloads. Life goes on. If you did a bad end, it isn't an end at all, but rather a continuation of new opportunities.
Thunderous applause.
What he said.
You are not alone, and you are not strange. You are you, and everyone has damage. Be the better person.
Couch to 5k with Emi: WD123 W2D123 W3D123 W4D123 W5D123 W6D123 W7D123 W8D123 W9D123
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by MusedMoose »

I've been lurking here for a long, long time, reading a ton of these threads, and I only finally registered because I have fanfic to post. I'm usually not all that active on message boards anyway. @_@ But I wanted to make my first post here something more than just saying "Hope y'all like my fanfic."

I wanted to say thank you.

Like a lot of people here, KS has helped me deal with some major issues in my life. I don't want to go into details, but I would not have realized the things I did without playing this game.

To all of you at 4LS, my life is better because of your work. I don't truly have the words to say it, but this will have to do: thank you. For everything.
Lurker since 2008. KS fan forever.
Favorites: Emi and Hanako
My fanfiction: Featuring the post-Hanako good ending fic "Hanako, Uninterrupted". Also: Oh! My Goddess, Onegai Teacher, Love Hina, Noir, Chobits, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Contains an RGU/Sandman crossover and much femslash.
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Re: The "thank you 4LS" thread.

Post by Thespian »

Mint wrote:While looking at the plethora of well-written, expansive and overall touching thank yous this thread has received, I sort of feel complexed with writing my own. Probably because everything I have to say is likely to pale in comparison with everything that has already been said.
This is exactly how I feel as well, thank you for putting it so eloquently. I've decided to show my thanks and introduce myself by sharing my own experience with the game. It's been about a week since I finished the Hanako arc, and I've finally gotten over "the feels" (as they are apparently called) to do this.

So, after accidentally finding out about KS, I was hesitant at first because of the premise, but a quick glance at reviews set my mind at ease. I was planning to go for Shizune, as I'm a sucker for a girl with glasses, but as the story progressed I too found myself drawn to Hanako. I wasn't expecting to be so engrossed in the story and surprised myself by spending a whole day at work worrying about Hanako after her catatonic birthday breakdown (definitely a bad point to stop at and go to bed). I then spent a good deal of my weekend getting to the good ending and spent a few days thinking about all that had happened and imagining what would happen afterwards, so logically I ended up here.

Reading the reactions of others to this has really opened my eyes to my downward spiral of negative thinking (hmm that sounds sort of redundant) and made me realize that maybe good people do still exist, if only on some anonymous message board. Maybe I'll elaborate on this in the Broken Heart Club thread.

That's why I would like to take this opportunity to thank not only everyone behind KS, but also everyone here for posting their own experiences, personal stories, thoughts and solutions. Thank you.
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