When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

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When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Hadokant »

I tried to introduce this game to a friend who loves books and plays games like phoneix wright and layton
She slapped me and called me a pervert :cry:
Exact script of conversation
Me: This game is like a dating sim with very good story and lovable characters
Friend: Anything special i need to know like yandere or tsundere
Me: Nope
Friend: U sure?
Me: Well All the girls are cripples
Friend: ....ok i can live with th-
Me: with nudity of the girls
Friend: :evil:
* slaps *
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Brogurt »

It's super sexy cripple porn and that's all there is to it.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Irrapture »

I told my friend I played a game and it got me depressed because it was so good. (I had done Hanakos route, and had been depressed for like two months). So he asked me what it was about. I pretty much described KS. He said some things along the lines of "wtf? Disabled girls? Hahaha." I got him to try it. He has completed three routes already, and still playing now. This by the way, happened with my other friend. So far I have gotten three people to try KS, and they love it, just as I love it.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by acewing905 »

It depends on the person, I guess. First of all, don't introduce it as a game. When you say game, people expect gameplay. When there is none, they just drop it.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Unforgiven »

Brogurt wrote:It's super sexy cripple porn and that's all there is to it.
+1 :lol: but seriously, I wouldn't call it a dating sim. I would mention nudity only if it's a guy. I would just tell the basics and let my friend out the rest. I think I will try to introduce KS to one of my friends soon, but we will see how it goes.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by ShadeHaven »

You say your a real man? Prove it. Play this.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by metalangel »

If you mention the sex or nudity, you're an idiot.

Just tell them it's a story about a guy who has a heart attack and has to adjust to his new life in a school for special needs.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by uzl »

Say a basic description of the main character (Hisao) and his case (what happened to him) and then she'll get interesting.

Start it out like this.

This game like visual novel is where the main character, his name is Hisao something bad happens to him, therefore he has to change the way he lives and he moves to a new school. That school, is a disabled school! So he has to live a new life and find new friends, you can choose options which lead into different parts of the 5 girls lives and at the end, you'll find love, friendship or hate with one of the 5 disabled girls.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Althamus »

"Hey I found a game you should play! It's like a porn game with crippled girls in it! 8D"

Nah, as the guys above say. I mostly say it's an illustrated book, because people may not have heard or understand visual novels, and describe it as being a feel-good story which really fleshes out the characters and leaves the reader feeling really good at the end of it, and play down the nudity and disabled chicks and let them find out for themselves 8D. I figure pretty much once they see the opening wmv of the hospital, if they've got any sense in their heads they'll realise that the game has been very well put together, and decide to give it a try.
And I also vet the people I would show it to. Anyone who wouldn't be OK with nudity ingame, or other parts of it, I just don't tell about it. Anyone else, I stress that I'm serious, and am not just trolling them.
Routes played: Emi (10/10), Shizune (6/10), Lilly (9/10), Hanako (9/10), Rin (7.5/10)
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by NoOne3 »

Hadokant wrote:Me: This game is like a computerised novel with very good story and lovable characters
Friend: Anything special i need to know like yandere or tsundere
Me: Nope
Friend: U sure?
Me: Well All the girls are disabled
Friend: ....ok i can live with th-
Me: You should be warned, it contains some adult content here, and there... which you can turn off
Friend: Oh, ok...
There, fixed it for ya.

Also do the checklist:
- Over 18
- No known issues about disabled people
- Has a box of tissues
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by yummines »

dont call it a dating sim. call it a visual novel.

also when mentioning nudity say that it has about as much nudity as an R rated movie. its mature, not erotic
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Unforgiven »

I introduces KS to my friend and I just said it's a visual novel and that I would recommend it. I also mentioned something about how emotional it is (and I never like love stories, so when I say that it means a lot). I also told him to be open minded. And I think I also mentioned: (no homo) :D
Anyway only answer I got so far is: (translated to english) ummmm... okay :D
So that's good right?
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Sin of my sins »

NoOne3 wrote: Also do the checklist:
- No known issues about disabled people
In fact, I think KS could act as a strong factor in growing over those issues.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Paul Atreides »

That KS has better characters and storyline than most of nowadays games and anime.
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Re: When introducing this game to somebody, how do you start

Post by Revvy »

Me: You get to give anal to a chick with no legs
Friend: Brb Downloading lol

Few days later..

Friend: KS is 2nd only to Metal Gear. I Love It.
So...Revvy enjoys lemon lube then? -Xanatos
(Yes I Do.)
Currently Reading: Scissorlips' Suzu Route.
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