The future

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Re: The future

Post by Bara »

Just the sad fact. Peoples lives change. Students graduate and have to find work, folks get married and life continues even for developers at 4LS I'm sure. Frankly it is ammazing what they have done on their own personal time for such an extended period. I would not be supprised if it it takes as long to finish KS as it has taken to get to the release of Act 1. That would be approximately 4 years. You could graduate in that time span. Heck of a long time to keep any group together.

Now I've gone and depressed myself.... :wink:

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Re: The future

Post by kaura »

You know what'd be awesome?

A full-scale, epic space opera VN. Not necessarily a militaristic one - say, an interstellar colonization project of some sort. If using a setting without faster-than-light travel, but at least relativistic speeds, the story can be of the struggles of living in tightly confined, potentially high-risk environments and the relationships that grow and die along the journey. The end result, presumably with the girl that's been won over, will be the starting of a new life on the planetary surface.

(okay, so I'm a wee bit of a scifi buff. Still~)
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Re: The future

Post by Bara »

What is the matter with a militaristic space-opera. Doesn't a space opera require space-pirates? :mrgreen:
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Re: The future

Post by Strider »

Bara wrote:What is the matter with a militaristic space-opera. Doesn't a space opera require space-pirates? :mrgreen:
Even better! Where can I find this game? Hehe.
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Re: The future

Post by Bara »

Best start writting it. I think the folks a 4LS are kind of committed for the forseeable future. :D

Though I do think it would be ammazingly cool to be able to look back in 10 to 15 years and trace the myriad art, writting, music, etcetera that could be traced back to the inspiration from this one page drawing with a few notes in the margins.

Sounds more like the subject of a thesis for a grad student to try.

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Re: The future

Post by Mercutio »

on one hand, 4LS has shown some mad skills with KS, and I'd love to see what else they could come up with. "Katawa Shoujo Shoujo" from last year's April Fool's joke intrigues me, if only 'cause I dig yuri.

on the other hand, if 4LS ceases to exist after KS, then KS becomes their one incredible achievement, like the artist who creates one masterpiece and then dies. What's left behind is a beautiful thing that may be imitated but can never be duplicated. just a thought.

and on the non-existent hand... Rin.
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Re: The future

Post by Vaelastrasz »

Mercutio wrote:and on the non-existent hand... Rin.
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Fund it.

Re: The future

Post by tehehe »

Bara wrote:What is the matter with a militaristic space-opera. Doesn't a space opera require space-pirates? :mrgreen:
Kenji would be the pirate.
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Re: The future

Post by ContinualNaba »

Mercutio wrote:on one hand, 4LS has shown some mad skills with KS, and I'd love to see what else they could come up with. "Katawa Shoujo Shoujo" from last year's April Fool's joke intrigues me, if only 'cause I dig yuri.

on the other hand, if 4LS ceases to exist after KS, then KS becomes their one incredible achievement, like the artist who creates one masterpiece and then dies. What's left behind is a beautiful thing that may be imitated but can never be duplicated. just a thought.

and on the non-existent hand... Rin.
and on the non-existent hand... Rin.
Non-existent hand

In all seriousness, I think it's fine if 4LS decides this is its magnum opus and passes on, although having a constantly changing staff under the same studio name sounds like it would be a nice way to give a sense of nostalgia to us all in later years. ("Remember when Suri and Aura shot for the nest? Good days, man.")
[19:33] <!Suriko> i think i could go my whole life without putting my mouth on someone's ass voluntarily

[12:46] == climatic was kicked from #katawa-shoujo by climatic [climatic]
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[12:46] <%VCR> wut
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Re: The future

Post by Shades of Grey »

Its fairly normal for development teams to switch people in an out over the years isnt it? especially when changing to new projects and such.
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Re: The future

Post by ContinualNaba »

Mmm, but from what I gather, after KS 4LS is going to wipe. No continuation, although I'm not entirely sure if American Copyright laws apply to not-for-profit works, so it could be possible to revive the name..
[19:33] <!Suriko> i think i could go my whole life without putting my mouth on someone's ass voluntarily

[12:46] == climatic was kicked from #katawa-shoujo by climatic [climatic]
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[12:46] <%VCR> wut
[12:47] <+Juno> Qué
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Re: The future

Post by Shades of Grey »

I dont recall the devs ever saying that KS was the only project that four leaf studios would ever do. I think they just said that they have no plans as of right now.
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Re: The future

Post by Bara »

Leave these questions about 4LS future plans for the future. Right now they they are working on finishing up KS, but who knows what next month will bring. Maybe they decide to stop work on KS sometime in the near future and it never gets finished. Weird stuff happens in life... :?

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Re: The future

Post by Csihar »

My guess, based on absolutely nothing, is that some of the devs will continue to work on something or other (possibly VN related), possibly (or not) under the same studio name, and some of them will return to their normal lives, avoiding with a passion anything having to do with Japanese school life, disabilities, teenage romance, or hentai for the rest of their days.
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Re: The future

Post by Member22 »

Bara wrote:Maybe they decide to stop work on KS sometime in the near future and it never gets finished. Weird stuff happens in life... :?
I seriously hope that never happens... it would be a very dark and bad day for the internet. As a fan, I can only hope that does not happen. :(

Damn, reading this thread is beginning to depress me!!
"If Hisao took one thing away from his time at Yamaku it was the fact that people who have handicaps don't actually have handicaps. People like Lilly and Shizune are more able-bodied and well-adjusted than most of the kids at Hisao's old high school. He shook his head slightly. No, students at Yamaku weren't handicapped; everyone else was." - WetCrate
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