Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one shot]


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Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one shot]

Post by acewing905 »

Okay, so this is basically a part from my ongoing story, but I expanded it a little and turned it into a one shot, as it doesn't have any crossover elements at all, and fits nicely sometime after Lilly's good end. To be honest, I feel it's rather unrealistic in a way, but when I wrote this, my intention was to write something fluffy, giving each girl a happy ending, and to end things on a bright note. (Hence the title) So, nothing deep here. Just some fluff. :)

Note: Contains some Kenji dialogue that is straight from the game. Will be replacing them sometime.

Making Everything Okay:

Graduation day. The day they all knew would come, but somehow didn't expect to face anytime soon. It was finally here. After their small graduation ceremony, Hisao was making his way towards the friends that he wanted to say goodbye to before the day was done. "They said I would have to graduate eventually," Kenji began as Hisao approached him. "Well, I showed them. I've lived here rent free for more than long enough. If you take into account the rising cost of land, I think you could say I've won in the end. No, you know what? I did win. History will acknowledge me as the victor." "The victor of what?" Hisao couldn't help asking. "I managed to stay out of sight, and slipped through the cracks. I beat the system," said Kenji proudly. "So, what you're basically saying is, you won't miss it?" asked Hisao. "No, I told you, this place is too filled with feminists. I'll only come back, years later, when they build a statue to honour me, "replied Kenji. "Anyway, I have to start packing now. Take care of yourself, man." "You take care of yourself, too," said Hisao as Kenji left.

"Take care of yourself..." That was the first time Hisao had heard him say anything of the sort. He was rather annoying at times, but Hisao knew that he'd miss Kenji, oddly. After some more time with a few more people, Hisao decided that he's done with the goodbyes, and went to meet Lilly at the school gates, where they were going to see Hanako off on her trip with the newspaper club. By the time he gets there, Lilly is already there, and is hugging an almost tearful Hanako. But as he closed the distance between them, and she let go of Lilly and turned to him, he could see that her face was brimming with happiness. Tears of joy. Rather uncharacteristically for Hanako, she quickly dashed towards Hisao and sprang into his arms. "Thank you. Thanks so much to both of you. I-I'm s-so happy that you two are my friends," she said earnestly, as he held her gently. "Thank you too, Hanako," he replied, meaning every word he said. "I found Lilly because of you, and the two of you helped me get back on with my life." Together, they walked over to Lilly, who quickly linked her arm with Hisao's, and Naomi of the newspaper club produced a camera. "Say cheese, folks!" Photos were taken, and phone numbers and email addresses were updated. With a heartfelt promise to keep in touch, Hanako left Yamaku Academy with her new friends, leaving Hisao and Lilly to themselves.

"So, we have a lot of time left in the day," said Hisao, bringing himself physically even closer to Lilly. He could almost feel her heartbeat. "My, my, that we do," she giggled. "But before anything else, how about we go for one last stroll across the school?" "I can live with that." And on they went. At the track, they met Emi and Rin, where they learned that Rin had won a scholarship to study at a Tokyo art school, and that Emi and her mother were planning to go to Tokyo with her as well. "Congratulations, Rin!" Hisao was genuinely happy for her. Even Lilly, who usually avoided Rin due to being unable to understand her, seemed to be happy about the development. After saying goodbye to the two friends, and covering almost all of the school premises, they still had one more place left to go to. "The roof," reminded Lilly, and together, they climbed the stairs leading to the roof, through the door with the broken lock.

Up there, however, the sight that awaited Hisao was not one that he expected. It didn't surprise him as much as he thought it would, but he didn't expect it either, that much he was certain. Shizune and Misha were seated alongside the iron railing, locked in a tight embrace, oblivious to the world. It was obvious that the act was of a 'more than friends' nature, and he couldn't stop a small smile from forming. He almost wanted to let them be and steer Lilly away somewhere else, but as soon as that thought came, it was replaced by memories of them often getting him to help out with their student council work. This was too good a chance to just drop, he thought, and cleared his throat loudly. As expected, Misha jumped backwards, her face almost brighter than her pink hair, which she had trimmed, and was now missing the iconic drills that Hisao had come to associate Misha with. It took some time for Shizune to notice what had happened, but unsurprisingly, she managed to keep her cool demeanour, unlike Misha. "H-hi, Hicchan! Lilly! Wahaha~! W-we were... um... W-wahaha~! Shicchan and I were..." Misha was getting redder and redder by the moment. "We were—" "Having fun, weren't you?" interrupted Hisao, and he began laughing, an infectious laugh that soon spread to Lilly. It seemed Lilly had understood what happened as well, and was wearing a chesire cat grin. "Congratulations, you two," said Hisao, managing to curb his laughter. "From me as well," added Lilly. Misha looked at Shizune and signed, who signed back and turned to Hisao with a smile. "Thanks, Hicchan, and Lilly. Shicchan says thanks too." With that the two of them hurried downstairs, leaving Hisao and Lilly on the roof.

"That was... interesting," Lilly turned her chesire cat grin towards Hisao. "How... how did you figure it out so quickly?" asked Hisao, a little surprised. "Let's just say I have my ways," said Lilly, mysteriously. "Of course, Misha's voice and the way she stuttered was enough on its own right," she giggled. As they sat on the roof, in the comfort of each other's company, Misha's voice once again sounded as she peeped in through the door. "Hicchan, come take a photo with us!" Her voice had regained its bubbly nature. "Shicchan said to ask Lilly to come too." "Sure thing, Misha" said Hisao, and hand in hand with Lilly, followed Misha downstairs where Shizune waited with their librarian, waitress at the Shanghai, and most importantly, trustworthy friend, Yuuko Shirakawa, who was holding a camera, though she didn't seem very enthusiastic about taking photos. One look at Misha's giggling face, and Hisao knew who roped her into it.

After several photos were taken while in various goofy poses insisted by none other than Misha, Yuuko seemed to be enjoying herself as well. That didn't last long, however, as the pink haired bundle of energy tried to drag her too into a goofy pose. "Aaaaah", Yuuko screamed as she was pulled into the midst of Misha and Shizune. "Come here, Yuuko! Take a picture with us!" Pulling the camera deftly out of Yuuko's hands, Misha handed it over to Hisao. "Snap one of us, Hicchan!" she almost screamed with a wide grin. Hisao had to admit, her happiness was infectious. He could easily see the cause of that happiness, though, as he softly chuckled to himself.

Once the photographs were taken, and goodbyes were said, the new high school graduates went together towards the school gates, their suitcases in hand, several suitcases in Misha's case, to leave one part of their life behind for good. Hisao had already looked at an apartment for him and Lilly to stay at until everything was sorted out. But that wasn't where they were going to go at all, even though Lilly thought that was their destination. There was just one more thing left. Pocketing out his phone, he quickly typed out a message [It's time. We're almost at the gates.].

As they walked out of across the gates of Yamaku Academy, they heard a shout. "Over here!" A tall, blonde girl in a dark striped suit was leaning on the side of a minivan. Lilly gasped. "Akira?" Akira walked over to Lilly. "Surprise, sis!" she gave a cheerful grin, though Lilly couldn't see it. "I managed to get some leave, though the guy couldn't, sadly. So I had to leave him for a few days." Akira looked wistful, though she cheered up almost instantly. "Get in the van, everyone! And don't comment on that. That's the only thing big enough that I could rent with short notice. Anyway, fun awaits, kiddos. We're going to Hokkaido!"

A little while later, after some massive bouts of confusion on the part of the few that were not in the know, including Lilly, all were safely tucked into the small van as it took to the road, taking everyone towards what was surely going to be a fun way to celebrate their graduation.
Last edited by acewing905 on Tue May 15, 2012 6:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one s

Post by Oddball »

That's kinda sweet.

I wished you would have came up with original dialogue for Kenji though, instead of just copying the game's.
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Re: Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one s

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I feel like I have read the whole story before recently...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one s

Post by acewing905 »

Oddball wrote:That's kinda sweet.

I wished you would have came up with original dialogue for Kenji though, instead of just copying the game's.
I think I'll do that. :)
Mirage_GSM wrote:I feel like I have read the whole story before recently...
Yeah, only the last bit is new. I wrote an ending for what was there in my other story, but as the ending didn't fit into that, I decided to post it like this. :)
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Re: Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one s

Post by nevrop68 »

I kinda wanted to point out that you spelled Hicchan and Shicchan wrong. Other than that it was a great story. I loved it!
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Re: Making Everything Okay [post Lilly good end][Short one s

Post by acewing905 »

nevrop68 wrote:I kinda wanted to point out that you spelled Hicchan and Shicchan wrong. Other than that it was a great story. I loved it!
Thanks. I'll fix that. I guess I just spelled it the way it sounds, without thinking of how it was spelled in-game.
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