For which character did you feel sad the most?

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For which character did you feel sad the most?

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For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by acewing905 »

Out of the six main "heroines", which girl did you feel the most sad for? Like wanting to jump in and hug them? In short, who's the biggest woobie?

In my case, it's Misha and Rin.

Misha cause of (Shizune spoilers)her unrequited love for Shizune. The rooftop scene where she goes "I want her to be my girlfriend" is heart wrenching. And just before that, when she (Shizune spoilers)comes into Hisao's room and says "Comfort me, Hichchan", I felt terrible when clicking "Refuse". I wish there was an option to just hug her and hold her without having sex, just to get that sadness off her face.

Rin cause (Rin spoilers)all she wants is for people to understand her but fails on that aspect because she can't express herself in a way that others can understand. I totally lost it when she collapsed in the art gallery.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Enemy | »

Misha, no doubt.
Unrequited love is a bitch, plus she chose to stay friends with Shizune because she just liked her that much
I felt mostly angry about Rin, I gotta say. Like in a "seriously, what the fuck are you saying/doing". Her final scenes are heartbreaking/HHHNNNNG though.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Murkglow »

Rin easily takes the #1 spot to me.
If I could redo my vote I'd probably have only voted for her but eh I was given 3 choices so I used the other two on Misha and Emi. I blame just waking up on my poor decision there.
Favorite Routes:
Rin > Emi > Hanako > Shizune > Lilly
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Oddball »

Hanako easily.

It's kinda hard to top a backstory involving being pinned under her mother while her mother bruned to death to save Hanako's life. then of course she spends the next ten years or so having everybody either pick on her, trying to protect her, or cringing away when they even look at her. It's no wonder she can barley function as a human being by the time you meet her.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by darkrei »

Hanako,from far.

I think she has the most touching story.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by acewing905 »

I myself did feel sad about Hanako... But by the end of her route, I felt like if Hanako was real, and I felt sad for her, she'd hate me. And that's a really depressing thought. :( I guess it's one of the greatest things about Hanako's good ending. You can genuinely feel happy for her. But Misha, even after Shizune's good ending, I just can't stop feeling that she got the short end of the stick by no fault of hers. And Rin too, even though after getting the good ending I feel that Rin and Hisao are finally going to be happy, I keep feeling a little sad for that girl who really just wants to be understood.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Doraleous »

While Hanako's past is easily the most cruel thing in the game, what brought me the most sadness was what I was actually witnessing, that is, the current events in the game. So, I felt the most sad for Rin because while Hanako had Lilly, Rin truly didn't have anyone, only pencils and papers (note that there's so little interaction between her and Emi beyond the very superficial and Rin herself admits Emi's not her friend in the true and deep sense of the word and Emi and Hisao have a chat about this in the school's corridor, both of them noting how hard it is to understand and reach out to Rin)

So while I felt sad for Hanako, by the time her deep issues started being revealed in full, she already had Lilly and, with Lilly's departure, Hisao. Rin, on the other hand, brought me close to tears for she only had Hisao who had, understandably, a rough and hard time trying to bond with her and, in her own true and desperate words, she "didn't know what was wrong" with her.

Misha was also pretty sad, and in a very surprising, kick in the nuts way. I like Shizune, my 3rd favourite route, but I find myself doubting her good points sometimes because of Misha's side of the story.

Rin, Hanako and Misha by far.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by WorldlyWiseman »

Hanako would despise me if I hugged her, girl gets enough creepy fake pity. I went for Rin, Misha, and lastly Shizune. I know the Prez doesn't get much love around here, but her polarizing personality is a real problem that confuses and alienates the people around her and at most she can just reign it in only a bit.
Hanako's favorite joke is The Aristocrats, but she never tells it because Lilly finds it really offensive. Instead, she practices her delivery in front of a mirror when she's alone. It's the only time she never stammers.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by ShadeHaven »

I voted for Rin, Hanako and Shizune. I feel Rin's pain of being misunderstood, although not on the level that she has it. Imagine going to a foreign country where the language is different and trying to talk to people. Its probably something like that, except prolonged. Shizune also has a problem with misunderstanding. But unlike Hanako, I think Shizune has a large sense of pride. Its always hard to watch someone so prideful be struck down, and man was Shizune struck down. Not a lot, but enough to hurt. My reasons for voting Hanako have been previously stated by others, although I wouldn't pity her, or get annoyed. I guess patience is good for something after all.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by ~Shultz »

Hanako. It hit me really hard. I even managed to see all my life and I almost went through the same
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Althamus »

Shizune, because her bad ending was the most heart wrenching out of all of them, by about a mile and a half. The way I saw it, her life just completely went to pieces through no fault of her own, and because of all those events, she felt she was unfit to function in society. I just felt so, so heartbroken.

Rin, because she has no friends, and can't interact properly with people. All she has is her paints, and she gave up almost everything to become an artist, despite what she knew it would cost her.

If we're talking feel sad for the msot in terms of events previously to the story, I'd also say Hanako, since as people say, her life pretty much sucked in the leadup to KS, and because of those events she had a terrible time of things.

If we're talking only about events during the KS story, I'd say Misha, because unrequited love sucks, and then she had to watch her crush going out with someone else.
Routes played: Emi (10/10), Shizune (6/10), Lilly (9/10), Hanako (9/10), Rin (7.5/10)
Emi > Hanako = Lilly > Rin > Shizune
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by UsedforSecrets »

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Emi (at least not in detail). Emi route spoilers ahead.

Emi reminds me a lot myself, in the way she struggles with true intimacy because of her fears, and how that effects her relationship with Hiasao. I also feel like my heart is being ripped out every time I truly stop to think about Emi's father. My dad is one person who I am extremely close to. We're identical in almost way. The thought of losing him like Emi lost her father and having to live without him kills me. I can't even imagine.
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by yummines »

Id say a tie between Rin and Hanako.

Rin because she really does have a difficult time, but her personality masks it with indifference. Easily musunderstood by everyone, barely even understanding herself, i feel like she is the most "human" out of all of them. Got major feels from the art gallery and ending. Even with the good ending she doesn't seem to get a break, and that's reality for you.

Hanako because she has an absolutely heartbreaking backstory, and a pitiful personality as a result. Which is the one thing she doesn't want: pity. However Lily and Akira are good friends and she's an understandable person, albeit shy
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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by ArazelEternal »

I voted Emi, Hanako and Rin.

Emi's past is heartbreaking. Losing her legs and then her father at the same time. She had to deal with so much at one time. However she still came through it, and became a strong person even after all of it.

Hanako because her past is truly heart rending. Surviving only because her mother gave her life to save her. Having her mother burned to death while sheilding her. Having to deal with hearing her scream in pain until death took her. Then on top of that having the others turn on her because of something she couldnt help. Teasing, recoiling because of her looks. She still becomes a strong person though at the end of her and Lillys routes.

Rin is so misunderstood. The only friends she ever really had were art utensils. The only way she knew how to express herself was through art. She didnt want it to be something that people just looked at and admired, she wanted a deeper meaning to it. Every time someone got mad at her because she wouldnt be what they wanted or didnt understand her was really sad. The end of her story was good though (int he good ending of course). She turns to Hisao and says something along the lines of Whats the name for the feeling in your heart where you know everything in the world is okay? She at that time realizes that she doesnt have to be what others want, and can just be herself. The dandelions blooming at the end and scattering their seeds signify this. They are becoming what they were destined to be, and are starting a new life, and so is she.

Lilly = Hanako, Emi, Rin, Shizune
I fell in love with Lilly and Hanako

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Re: For which character did you feel sad the most?

Post by Guest Poster »

But by the end of her route, I felt like if Hanako was real, and I felt sad for her, she'd hate me. And that's a really depressing thought.
I don't think the point of Hanako's route is that you're not allowed to feel sorry for her...she has such a heartbreaking past that you'd be a soulless monster if you didn't. What she hates is if you make feeling sorry for her the sole reason you're spending time with her...or make it appear like that's the sole reason you want to spend time with her.
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