Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation


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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Party Don't Start Till Akira Stumbles In
A little slice of Akira for those who love her.

The room smells heavily of wine… and cake.

Akira’s vision swims as she attempts to get off the floor, one hand grabbing at her head in an attempt to soothe the upcoming headache away, but she knows it won’t work. Leaning on the wall, Akira scoots her way to the bathroom, cursing to herself once she finally reaches the porcelain throne.

Here it comes…

Falling to her knees, Akira’s stomach contracts violently, dark purple liquid staining the bowl and leaving a horrifyingly bad taste on her tongue as her muscles strain to empty out all she’s drank in the past two hours.

Fuck all of this.

Washing her mouth out with sink water, Akira manages to walk without the help of the wall back to the duo of sleeping forms.

Lilly… and Hisako.

Both were passed out drunk (thanks to Akira’s supplying of the wine), and Akira took a second to take in the scene.

Lilly had at least made it to the bed, being a lightweight anyway Lilly had stopped at three glasses before passing out. Hisako however thought she could out drink Akira, and because of that she’d found herself blacked out on the floor. Hanako had gone to bed before all this, Hisako taking her across the hall and helping her into bed.

Akira looked down at Hisako’s prone form, still clad in her uniform, and any sense of guilt really didn’t make itself known right now.

Right now, Akira was taking in all of Hisako’s curves.

She had to admit, her sister had good taste in partners, and Hisako was definitely one of the prettiest girls at Yamaku. Probably because she didn’t have to work at it, large bust matched with a good set of hips along with a pert bubble butt gave her the obvious physical attraction bonuses, but the combination of her tomboyish personality paired with a beautiful heart shaped face and soft hazel eyes made her just that much more pretty. Throw in the tousled brown hair, and killer smile and you have your typical girl next door with a dash of femme fatale.

God she hated Lilly sometimes…

Lilly got the good end of the genes, well mostly, there was the whole “blindness” thing but whatever.

Lilly was a natural beauty, always the lady, and very charismatic and empathetic to those around her. Above that, she always managed to handle every situation with a level of pose that Akira could never manage, and hardly ever got truly angry. It’s really no surprise that she managed so many suitors at her schools (both male and female), and Akira knew full well that Lilly wasn’t going to wait for someone to come to her.

Lilly would go for them.

And Hisako apparently was lucky enough to have Lilly choose her.

Hisako shifted a bit, legs opening for a second to give Akira a glimpse of the white thong she wore under the green skirt, and Akira was reminded of the one “good end” Lilly didn’t get.

The cock.

Now, this didn’t mean Lilly was a normal girl down there, she had the wrong set of genitals too. It just meant that where as Lilly’s extra equipment was below average for a the male populace, but Akira’s however….

Let’s just say that if she HAD been male, she’d be the one that put guys to shame in the showers.

But anyway, it was this monster straining against her zipper that was currently beating back the rather quiet voice of her conscience.

Taking a quick glance at Lilly to make sure she was still asleep, Akira let one hand start to work at her zipper, pulling the small piece of metal down quietly and reaching inside to pull out the veined monster.
Just jerk it out, cum in your hand or something, then we’ll drink until we pass out, she told herself as she gripped her hardened shaft.

As if noticing her lust, Hisako rolled onto her back, stretching out a bit in her sleep. Doing so caused her blouse to ride up, displaying a generous dose of delicious midriff for Akira’s horny eyes. Speeding her hand up a bit, Akira dared to get a bit closer, kneeling beside Hisako and staring directly at the little bit of cleavage Hisako’s blouse allowed.

Her levels of lust rising, her erection seemed to speak to her directly, urging her to undo Hisako’s shirt.

She WAS passed out you know? Not like undoing a few buttons was going to snap her out of a drunk coma.

Ignoring the whimpering voice of her conscience, Akira’s hand left her cock, both of them trembling slightly as they close in on the full breasts in front of her. Biting her lip to stifle any noise, Akira quickly undid one button, snapping her hands back in fear that Hisako would wake.


Smirking at the snore, Akira’s hands returned to the blouse, fingers quickly working at the rest of the buttons and letting the shi-

Holy shit she isn’t wearing a bra.

Hands frozen in the air, Akira’s eyes went wide as the shirt fell open to reveal the two tanned breasts with protruding pink nipples wobbling in the air with the motions of her breathing.

Oh God, oh God, oh God…

Akira’s cock twitched in the air as she struggled to get her brain working again after seeing those perfect tits come into view. Moving a hand finally, Akira began to rapidly jack herself off, free hand hanging in the air still as her eyes bored holes in Hisako’s body.

Touch them…

Not even thinking, Akira dropped the hanging hand onto a breast, lightly kneading the soft flesh as her mouth hung open in ecstasy. This was awesome, she was getting a handful of barely legal titty and there wasn’t a chance in hell that Hisako was going to wake up from this due to the booze. Everything was starting to feel a bit too good when something happened that made Akira’s heart jump.

She moaned.

Looking down, Akira noticed that Hisako’s face was one of pleasure (despite being asleep), and that her body was shifting in position. Legs opening and waist twisting as if mimicking…

Oh my God…

She wants it… she fucking wants the dick!

All sense of morality gone, Akira quickly repositioned herself in the new space between Hisako’s legs, and tenderly pulled the now soaked thong covering her pussy away. Leaning back to admire the glistening pink lips, Akira licked her own lips before pressing the head of her cock against Hisako’s hole.

“Fffffffffuuuuuuuucccckkkkk….” Akira hissed as she pushed her way inside.

Hisako was extremely tight, unsurprising seeing as how Lilly wasn’t exactly well endowed, and Akira was carrying the equivalent of a summer sausage in between her legs all of these factors made penetrating her (non-virginal) vagina a difficult job.

But she did it anyway.

Feeling her balls lightly slap Hisako’s ass, Akira bit her lip hard to stave off the imminent deluge of cum that threatened to explode out of her. A few seconds of deep breathing and forced un-sexy thought later and Akira was ready to actually start fucking Hisako.

Slowly starting to thrust, Akira watched Hisako’s mouth make this small “o” shape as she felt the thick pole split open her depths, and her hands clenched the rug as Akira started to speed up. The excess wetness of Hisako’s pussy providing a soundtrack of lewd noises that spurred Akira along.

Pumping faster and faster, Akira’s balls started to audibly smack against Hisako’s cheeks every time she bottomed out, and she started to moan lightly with pleasure as she indulged in this rather taboo act. Everything felt deliciously naughty about this, fucking a barely legal girl, in her sister’s room, while said girl was DATING her sister. All of this created a wonderful setting for her to vent eighteen years of frustration in one single act.

Slamming into her, Akira smiled lecherously as Hisako’s breasts bounced in rhythm with her humping, and was glad to note that Hisako was actually starting to moan along with her now. That was the final straw, and Akira knew it was time to end it. Increasing the pace of her fucking to the fastest pace she could muster, Akira let her mouth hang slack as her orgasm finally hit.

Burying herself in to the hilt, her cock pulsed violently as it emptied a month of saved up semen, pumping the younger girl’s pussy full of off white liquid. Unfortunately, the amount of cum was far too much to be contained in the small passage, and Akira felt her shaft forced out of the velvety smooth walls.

Pulling free, Akira let the last few ropes fire off onto Hisako’s body, staining the school skirt (and somehow those plump breasts) with warm cum. Once the peak had finally passed, and the last little bits of cum leaked out of her head, Akira sat back to admire her handiwork.

Hisako was proper fucked, breasts and skirt covered with cum along with a small puddle of the stuff leaking out of her battered pussy, and this sheen of sweat covering the exposed skin.

Possibly the hottest part though was the content smile on Hisako’s face.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Guest90206 »



Hanabro to the end.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by nemz »

It still rustles my jimmies that you keep calling people with a functional dick and balls "girls". Words matter, damn it.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Mahorfeus »

My face melted a long time ago, so I think I'm practically immune to the shock factor now.

And yet, the one thing that still lights my thalamus on fire is the word "ropes." Thanks to you, I can no longer use it in a normal sentence.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Mahorfeus wrote:And yet, the one thing that still lights my thalamus on fire is the word "ropes." Thanks to you, I can no longer use it in a normal sentence.
Anon - "Hey Maho, you wanna hand me those ropes?"

Maho - ".... I-I-I'vegottagodosomething!"
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Helbereth »

Projectile Vomit: check
Excessive Drunkenness: check
Inverted Genders: check
Dick-Girls: check
Masturbation: check
Sleep-Rape: check
Ropes: check

Did I miss anything?

Honestly, this wasn't excessive enough when compared to your earlier work. The rape theme is also kind of a downer... but that's subjective opinion, not objective critique.

This story gets lazy eyes.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Medical Counsel
A Little FemNursexHisao thing I did for a friend.
Warning, this is a Giantess fetish fic, but it's not that crazy or anything...

“Are you sure you want to try this? It’s a very experimental drug Mr. Nakai,”

I can’t take my eyes off the nurse’s cherry red lips when she talks, despite the fact that she’s trying to warn me of possible death due to these new pills. I don’t much care honestly, I’m tired of remembering to swallow a dozen meds a day to live, and not being able to run or enjoy things like horror movies anymore. I nod at her, watching her panty-hose clad legs change position to smooth out her skirt as she begins to stand. She picks the orange cylinder up, knocking two pills out with a twitch of her wrist and hands them to me.

“If you’re going to start using these I’m going to be present for the first administration,” she declares, offering me the two pills.

I roll my eyes as I nod, doubtful that these pills will give me anything to really worry about. Taking the pills I stretch my legs as she retrieves a small paper cup filled with cold water for me. I watch as she walks, taking in the view of her perky tush and hips swaying with each clack of her heels on the tile. She’s amazingly youthful looking, despite being almost thirty, and I find my throat growing dry as she leans over to flip the nozzle on the water cooler. Her rear is on almost full display, the skirt riding up to show off the garter belt that keep her stockings (not pantyhose apparently) in place, and I feel my pants tighten at the thought of taking her from behind right now.

These thought are, of course, washed away immediately when she pivots on her heel to saunter back toward me.

“Here you go, drink ‘em down,” she quips with a smile, handing me the paper cone.

Losing myself in those ocean blue eyes, I numbly take the drink and pop the pills into my mouth, and shoot back the entire cup in one gulp. Surprisingly the pills go down easier than others, and I can’t even feel them reach my stomach like the other pills I’ve taken. Though something does feel a bit off about these, and I’m surprised when my view changes from the nurse to the ceiling, and then fades to black.

“Oh wow, I didn’t expect this…”

I rub my eyes as I shake the sleepiness from me, stretching my arms as I yawn afterword, and I’m treated with the familiar sight of the cei- Wait.

Something is wrong here… when did the ceiling get that far away?

From my position now it looks as if the ceiling has retracted, distancing itself by almost six feet from me, and I quickly snap my head around to get a look at my surroundings.

E-Everything is huge!!

Oh God, oh God, oh God, I start to hyperventilate as I take in my now huge surroundings, until a voice snaps me back to reality.

“Mr. Nakai? Are you awake?”

S-S-She’s HUGE!

The nurse leans over me, eying me with a grin and I gulp as she gets closer and closer, eventually resting her chin on the examination table to be level with me.

“What’s going on!?!” I almost shriek, waving my arms frantically at the STILL SMILING woman.

She chuckles at me, knocking me onto my ass with a poke of her finger, and I realize that I’m stark naked.

Oh hell can this get any wo- YEP!

As I start to recollect myself the nurse shifts her position and places her elbows on the padded table, cradling her face in her hands. Accidentally, or perhaps intentionally, she has also granted me a perfect look down her blouse, and my now freed cock quickly hardens at the sight of her tanned cleavage. This of course, earns a giggle since my once proud erection is now a mere shadow of the size it would be had I not been shrunk to this size.

“Mr. Nakai it seems that I forgot to mention a potential side effect of these pills,” she states as she picks me up with one hand, carrying me across the room in her palm.

“In some severe cases these pills cause the instantaneous shrinkage of a person’s body, sometimes to a fatal degree,” with that she sets me down in the sink, turning the water on, and drenching me in a lukewarm deluge.

I would ponder what in the literal fuck she’s thinking, but the water knocks me off my feet and I’m quickly swimming in the stuff as she laughs at my misfortune. She watches me swim, casually putting a hand in the water to make these large waves that push me under, and I’m wondering if she’s planning on drowning me so she can hide my body.

Fortunately she’s not, and after a few seconds of playing she scoops me out again to set me on the counter next to the sink. Immediately I’m hit by the cold of the sterile office, and I wrap my arms around myself as I shiver violently. Clicking her tongue, she lets out this “awwww” and picks me up as if I’m a lost puppy in the rain.

“I guess you need to be dried off,” she smiles, and I shudder for a second fearing the worst, only to have the situation go the complete opposite direction.

With a wicked grin she drops me down her blouse, my now tiny body being caught in her ample bosom. From here I slide down a bit too far, the ‘bath’ from a minute ago sending me into this ocean of titflesh that I’m quickly submerged in, and I’m thankful of that her bra clasps in the front when my foot catches on said clasp, allowing me a bit of balance in-between the squishy prison I’m confined in. I strain a bit to push the tanned walls away so I can breathe and think, wondering how the hell I’m supposed to get out of here, when I notice the lacy ruffles lining the cups of the bra.

Gripping handfuls of flesh, I start to scoot my way onto the bra cups, and I begin to inch my way across her bra as she starts to breathe a bit harder, chest swelling and threatening to dislodge me. The entire scene reminds me of a climber scaling the side of a mountain, except this mountain is made of flesh, and I have no safety lines to catch me should I fall. A sudden jarring up down motion causes me to clench her breast meat even harder as she, I assume, sits down.

The sudden motion also causes me to lose my footing, and a foot slips under the cup only to find purchase on a hard nub. I now realize this nub is her nipple, and that it’s as hard as a diamond. The sudden realization of this reminds me that I’m not scaling a cliff, but that I’m currently rubbing against one of the exact things I rub off to each night.

Hit by a surge of lust, my erection pushes itself up against my stomach, and I begin to grind against her breast. I honestly can’t stop myself; gripping as hard as I can I begin the thrust away, pre-cum dripping out of my thick head as I furiously attempt to mate with the lump of flesh in from of me. I barely notice, due to being focused on blowing my load that the owner of this tit is moaning quietly above me. Of course even a loud moan is noticeable in my current state, and it reminds me that the warden of this jiggly prison is enjoying the attention I’m giving her.

Spurred onward, I let myself slide into the bra cup, using the stiff nipple as a handhold, and place to get air. Of course I could barely care about that, as my mouth strains to fit the pink nub inside to suckle on as I grind even faster against her. As my pace increases so does her moans, and I’m treated to the first female orgasm of my life as she convulses with pleasure.

The vibration of her convulsing paired with the sound of her moaning in orgasmic pleasure causes my own orgasm to his, several spurts of sticky white cum drenching both the underside of her breast and my own chest. Quickly after my peak passes I realize that I’m still miniature, and return to my great escape.

Slipping out of the cup, I feel her breathing increase again as I slide up the cup to the strap on the side. Using what little muscle I have I pull myself up and out of her blouse, relishing the lungful of cool air as I catch a look of her seductive look. I get a mere second of freedom before her hand snatches me up again, bringing me to her lips as she gives me a flurry of light pecks.

“Oh. My. God. That. Was. So. Good. I. Can’t. Believe. It,” she punctuates each word with a kiss, and after a few seconds of said pecking she drops me into the pocket of her lab coat.

Attempting to balance myself in the jumbled mess of pens and lollipops, I’m again jostled onto my ass as she starts trotting off, making her way out of the office murmuring something about a new vibrator.

God I don’t know if I hate my life or love it.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Kasane1337 »

Gotta admit, I find it totally boring. It's like reading 50 Shades of Grey.

I'm not against sex as a topic in books, but when every third word is either "anus", "penis", "pussy", "moan" or "lick" or something, it's just getting really boring.
So yep, I don't like this, seriously. These are not even persons in your stories because of their "sex-only"-style....
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

Kasane1337 wrote:Gotta admit, I find it totally boring. It's like reading 50 Shades of Grey.

I'm not against sex as a topic in books, but when every third word is either "anus", "penis", "pussy", "moan" or "lick" or something, it's just getting really boring.
So yep, I don't like this, seriously. These are not even persons in your stories because of their "sex-only"-style....

Then I'm oh-so-glad you decided to post here! No seriously fuck yourself, if you didn't like the first story you should've closed the thread and moved on instead of commenting.

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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by CaptainFalcon »

Gotta admit, I find it totally boring. It's like reading 50 Shades of Grey.

I'm not against sex as a topic in books, but when every third word is either "anus", "penis", "pussy", "moan" or "lick" or something, it's just getting really boring.
So yep, I don't like this, seriously. These are not even persons in your stories because of their "sex-only"-style....
Yeah i'm going to go ahead here and agree with Banda in telling you to go fuck yourself. What the hell did you expect from something (which I might add is wonderful by the way) titled 'Banda's Wonderful Smut Compliation'? Take your hate elsewhere, it does not belong in this forum. Idiot.

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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by JTemby »

Kasane1337 wrote:Gotta admit, I find it totally boring. It's like reading 50 Shades of Grey.

I'm not against sex as a topic in books, but when every third word is either "anus", "penis", "pussy", "moan" or "lick" or something, it's just getting really boring.
So yep, I don't like this, seriously. These are not even persons in your stories because of their "sex-only"-style....
Dis nigga srs?
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Banda »

JTemby wrote:
Dis nigga srs?

Yep, he's that ignant.
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by Helbereth »

Might I suggest a way to relieve some of the butthurt?
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Re: Banda's Wonderful Smut Compilation

Post by motokid108 »

Some pretty weird ones, but overall, great thread. 7/10. Would read again

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