One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

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One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Aura »

<Aura> would you squeeze a warm PVC bottle between your thighs and call it "manaka-chan"
<Suriko> I would do it if it wouldn't be so hard to explain to my parents
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Merlyn_LeRoy »

There probably won't be any more KS. No sequels, no extra disks, no content patches, no side stories, no spinoffs. We've always felt that KS was this one game, this one project, and it seems unlikely that we would change our minds.
reloading save at last decision...
There probably won't be any more KS. No sequels, no extra disks, no content patches, no side stories, no spinoffs. We've always felt that KS was this one game, this one project, and it seems unlikely that we would change our minds.
reloading save at last decision...
There probably won't be any more KS. No sequels, no extra disks, no content patches, no side stories, no spinoffs. We've always felt that KS was this one game, this one project, and it seems unlikely that we would change our minds.
WTB walkthru...
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

Thank you so much for clearing some of the things I've been wondering about, KS has changed something about me, for the better and I love it so much, Thank you thank thank you for all your hard work!
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Nagatoyuuki »

I think, possibly, the one thing that touches my heart more than the story and emotional attachment of the game, is the story of Katawa Shoujo.

I've been following many of the writers quite closely (blogs etc), and I've seen a change in them, as well as the tide of fandom that pours through this site (lost my account so I had to make a new one =x) I have to say that the writer's inspire me more than their works in this case. I never was really bothered by the whole disband thing, as I knew that they would all leave lives worth living knowing what they've done, but I guess I'm just happy to hear that you're not focused on it.

You people amazing, and I know that I will carry your inspiration throughout more than just my generation. Sad as it may be, I want my children to play this game. Not sure why but it feels like the thing that I should do.

Gonna stop being creepy now.

You guys are beyond awesome.

Thank you.
. . .
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

Nagatoyuuki wrote:I think, possibly, the one thing that touches my heart more than the story and emotional attachment of the game, is the story of Katawa Shoujo.

I've been following many of the writers quite closely (blogs etc), and I've seen a change in them, as well as the tide of fandom that pours through this site (lost my account so I had to make a new one =x) I have to say that the writer's inspire me more than their works in this case. I never was really bothered by the whole disband thing, as I knew that they would all leave lives worth living knowing what they've done, but I guess I'm just happy to hear that you're not focused on it.

You people amazing, and I know that I will carry your inspiration throughout more than just my generation. Sad as it may be, I want my children to play this game. Not sure why but it feels like the thing that I should do.

Gonna stop being creepy now.

You guys are beyond awesome.

Thank you.
Amen to that, I'm gonna share this with others as well, It's such a magical experience It deserves to be shared, Kinda sad knowing its finished and all but I think the Dev's have earned a break and they've already done so much for us already :D once again thank you !
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Nagatoyuuki »

I feel almost lost for words. Being quite a philosophical person, I like to think about things. And oh boy has this whole thing made me think. I feel that the only way I can really prove my love for this game, and more so to the writers who persevered through it for the sake of wanting to create it, is to act on this inspiration that this has seemed to expose me too. It seems like it's making me want to do more for the satisfaction of doing it, and less for the expectancy of people's reactions..

I don't even know why I'm typing this all but I guess I'm just letting it out a little >.<;

I'm going to look back at my life decades from now and smile on this experience.

That much I know...

But most of all I wish I got involved in the community sooner -giggles- I regret not being able to get closer to this.

Oh well. My bad I guess.
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

Nagatoyuuki wrote:I feel almost lost for words. Being quite a philosophical person, I like to think about things. And oh boy has this whole thing made me think. I feel that the only way I can really prove my love for this game, and more so to the writers who persevered through it for the sake of wanting to create it, is to act on this inspiration that this has seemed to expose me too. It seems like it's making me want to do more for the satisfaction of doing it, and less for the expectancy of people's reactions..

I don't even know why I'm typing this all but I guess I'm just letting it out a little >.<;

I'm going to look back at my life decades from now and smile on this experience.

That much I know...

But most of all I wish I got involved in the community sooner -giggles- I regret not being able to get closer to this.

Oh well. My bad I guess.
I think that's a lesson we can all learn from KS, One I've certainly taken to heart, I'm also gonna strive to do more and be better just for the sake of it, and just as you said, will look back on the time Spent in these forums and playing KS and smile, knowing it was time well spent and remembering the joy, sadness and the rest of the emotions this VN evoked within me,
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by trekki859 »

I really, really. REALLY cant thank you guys enouge for this game. to be honest, its had a profound impact on my life allready, not the game per say, but the journey to it, and now that its over, im in a state of shock to be honest, not just cause of the game, but because i let the game become something to always look forward to, that will always be comeing, but now that its here, and ive palyed it. [though, only lillys and emis route as of yet] im.. lost. im probably being more philosophical then this calls for, but i dont know, tis just how its hitting me, not to mention at this shocking point of my life. im left wondering what now, and after i thought about it a bit, i think.. will everything always end this way? every good accomplishment, every mountain climbed, every book read, every game played, what now?

ehh, sorry for blabbing im just more then a bit lost in my own world you can say, but again! you have my deepest thanks for this game, it is truly, the most amazing piece of artwork i have ever seen. if you think back to ten years ago when that one page panel with the girls on it came into exisitance, i dont think anyone could have ever imagined this being the end.
in the wise words of Jack O'neill ..."what?"
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

trekki859 wrote:I really, really. REALLY cant thank you guys enouge for this game. to be honest, its had a profound impact on my life allready, not the game per say, but the journey to it, and now that its over, im in a state of shock to be honest, not just cause of the game, but because i let the game become something to always look forward to, that will always be comeing, but now that its here, and ive palyed it. [though, only lillys and emis route as of yet] im.. lost. im probably being more philosophical then this calls for, but i dont know, tis just how its hitting me, not to mention at this shocking point of my life. im left wondering what now, and after i thought about it a bit, i think.. will everything always end this way? every good accomplishment, every mountain climbed, every book read, every game played, what now?

ehh, sorry for blabbing im just more then a bit lost in my own world you can say, but again! you have my deepest thanks for this game, it is truly, the most amazing piece of artwork i have ever seen. if you think back to ten years ago when that one page panel with the girls on it came into exisitance, i dont think anyone could have ever imagined this being the end.
That was beautifully said, and I think we can all agree that a lot of us are feeling the same things as you right now, I know I am. After finishing it, it left me wondering what now? will my life end like this, with people departing and not sticking around forever? Admittedly it's part of life but it's still scary and upsetting, Sorry If I'm rambling, I'm not in the greatest state emotionally or anything at the moment xD
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Jojje »

It's a damn shame there will be nothing after. A big damn shame.
Honestly I love the game and the content but after the storylines it kinda leaves you hanging and you kinda wonder what happened afterwards in their lives.
I'd love to know for sure but maybe it's better we imagine it ourselves.
But still. An epilogue would be cool.

Whatever. For all your time, for everyones time, for all these years, I give my humble thanks.
This game has touched me in so many ways, awoken a lot of emotions I didn't even know I had.
Even though I'll 100% it pretty soon, it'll probably never leave my mind and I'll most likely play it again someday.

And I get what trekki859 is saying.
It had become routine for me to check the shimmie and the forums every now and then for the progress, read the usual fanfic etc.
And now that the game is actually out it's like... Alright. Now what?

Also I downloaded this for my IRL friend who says it seems interesting so lets see what he thinks of that
"Yeah, I like doing it in a horizontal position more, if you know what I mean.
But it can't be helped, can't ask the wall to lay down."
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

Jojje wrote:It's a damn shame there will be nothing after. A big damn shame.
Honestly I love the game and the content but after the storylines it kinda leaves you hanging and you kinda wonder what happened afterwards in their lives.
I'd love to know for sure but maybe it's better we imagine it ourselves.
But still. An epilogue would be cool.

Whatever. For all your time, for everyones time, for all these years, I give my humble thanks.
This game has touched me in so many ways, awoken a lot of emotions I didn't even know I had.
Even though I'll 100% it pretty soon, it'll probably never leave my mind and I'll most likely play it again someday.

And I get what trekki859 is saying.
It had become routine for me to check the shimmie and the forums every now and then for the progress, read the usual fanfic etc.
And now that the game is actually out it's like... Alright. Now what?
Brilliantly put, an epilogue would be nice, and while Aura has said there probably wont be more KS, theres just the tiniest glimmer of hope that maybe they might think about it a few years down the line, But even if they don't, we still have the game itself and all the memories and emotions it made us feel, and I think that's important, I know I'm never gonna forget any of the feelings I've experienced while playing Katawa Shoujo, It's a masterpiece in every sense of the word to me. I love it so much

Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Heiwatsuki »

Ive always loved romances and dramas, reveling in what I could never hope to become and experience. Ive always had this laid back and yearning personality. However, after playing this game, one thing came to mind... I need to change. When I first heard about this and read its backround, I had the impression I was going to play a legend. And true to my assumption. This game was amazing. Completely amazing. I truly loved it. A perfect portrayal of the life I yearn so much to have. As an otaku who separates himself from reality, I once again, feel a need to change who I am in reality. I haven't felt this alive in so long... I actually felt content going to school today.Though thinking about KS ( Though my rather huge love for Hanako makes me dread that she is simply 2D... ) all day.. haha. But no matter whether she exists or not, I want to become someone that any girl like her would come to love. Thank you KS staff, *sniff*, truly thank you for this game. I cant express enough how im grateful to you all.
Sidenote: Being in love with Hanako isn't healthy for a normal mindset, but im proud to be an Otaku T-T.
also... Ill be looking forward to whatever comes in the future.
ps: More Hanako Artwork please!! ^^
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Misfile17 »

Heiwatsuki wrote:Ive always loved romances and dramas, reveling in what I could never hope to become and experience. Ive always had this laid back and yearning personality. However, after playing this game, one thing came to mind... I need to change. When I first heard about this and read its backround, I had the impression I was going to play a legend. And true to my assumption. This game was amazing. Completely amazing. I truly loved it. A perfect portrayal of the life I yearn so much to have. As an otaku who separates himself from reality, I once again, feel a need to change who I am in reality. I haven't felt this alive in so long... I actually felt content going to school today.Though thinking about KS ( Though my rather huge love for Hanako makes me dread that she is simply 2D... ) all day.. haha. But no matter whether she exists or not, I want to become someone that any girl like her would come to love. Thank you KS staff, *sniff*, truly thank you for this game. I cant express enough how im grateful to you all.
Sidenote: Being in love with Hanako isn't healthy for a normal mindset, but im proud to be an Otaku T-T.
also... Ill be looking forward to whatever comes in the future.
ps: More Hanako Artwork please!! ^^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ this, over and over again, Something I've been thinking since finishing KS, I need to change in that sort of way to, You aren't alone in feeling that way,

Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Guest »

Misfile17 wrote:
Heiwatsuki wrote:Ive always loved romances and dramas, reveling in what I could never hope to become and experience. Ive always had this laid back and yearning personality. However, after playing this game, one thing came to mind... I need to change. When I first heard about this and read its backround, I had the impression I was going to play a legend. And true to my assumption. This game was amazing. Completely amazing. I truly loved it. A perfect portrayal of the life I yearn so much to have. As an otaku who separates himself from reality, I once again, feel a need to change who I am in reality. I haven't felt this alive in so long... I actually felt content going to school today.Though thinking about KS ( Though my rather huge love for Hanako makes me dread that she is simply 2D... ) all day.. haha. But no matter whether she exists or not, I want to become someone that any girl like her would come to love. Thank you KS staff, *sniff*, truly thank you for this game. I cant express enough how im grateful to you all.
Sidenote: Being in love with Hanako isn't healthy for a normal mindset, but im proud to be an Otaku T-T.
also... Ill be looking forward to whatever comes in the future.
ps: More Hanako Artwork please!! ^^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ this, over and over again, Something I've been thinking since finishing KS, I need to change in that sort of way to, You aren't alone in feeling that way,
Haha, in fact, on 4chan, theres so many people who've said the same as me. This VN really got to my and everyones hearts... so Beautiful...
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Re: One Week's Worth of Memories, part 1

Post by Kiuchi »

Thank for this great VN! It sometimes made cry of love when I made the right choices and cry of sadness when I made the wrong ones!

Glad to hear you are not disbanding but that you are "hibernating", that gives me back a little hope for more, because it made me feel very sad when I read the word disbanding.
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