Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Special


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Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Special

Post by Numb »

So I've been working on this on the side, whenever I encounter a small obstacle with 'Blossom', and have decided to release the first part early for you guys. I hope you enjoy this, it's different to what I usually write, so I've implemented a few basic ideas I've been toying with recently. As usual, I haven't finished the entire story yet. Nevertheless, enjoy part one :D
Part One

“Hakamichi residence. That’ll be 3,500 yen. Have a nice holiday folks.” The taxi driver says. I pull out my wallet and pay our fare, thanking him for the long drive from the town by Yamaku and wishing him a merry Christmas. Stepping out into the snow, I make my way around to the back of the cab to retreive our suitcases but find that Shizune and Misha have already taken care of it.

I take hold of Shizune’s hand, taking one of the suitcases from her in the process, and give her a warm smile as we make our way to the front gate of her family’s home. Holding the gate open, I allow Misha to pass through with her pink titan of a suitcase, which doubles as a snowplough for those walking behind her.

[Nervous?] Shizune asks, a teasing smile on her face.

[Just a little bit. It’s our first Christmas together, it’s a big thing. And I still don’t know what that surprise you were talking about is.] I reply, stumbling with my signing through the thick gloves I chose to wear.

[Don’t worry about it, you’ll find out very soon.] She reaches up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, wrapping her arm around me as we follow Misha up the driveway. I'm surprised to see that the house is dressed in full festive attire; multiple large pine trees line the path to the door, each one with different coloured lights draped over it; small colourful bulbs hanging from the underside of the roof; a holiday wreath hanging from the door.

Raising my hand to knock, I look back at the girl hanging onto me. She smiles up at me, urging me to go on. Heaving a sigh, I knock on the hard wooden door. A few seconds pass, then a voice cracks into existence from the small speaker to our left.

“Hakamichi residence. The door is unlocked, come right in.” The voice says, a voice I don’t recognise. I look at Misha, and she is equally confused at the unfamiliar person. Neither of us bother translating for Shizune, so I turn the handle and push the door open. Misha enters first, tossing her heavy coat off and hanging it quickly on a hook in the lobby.

I offer to take Shizune’s coat, but she shakes her head and tells me to go on ahead with Misha. I hang my own coat up, placing my gloves in it’s pockets, and follow Misha into the guest bedroom.

“So this is where I’m sleeping?” I ask, glancing around at the beige walls. A few abstract paintings hang in a staircase layout above the bed, they remind me of Rin’s style, and a large mirror covers one of the walls.

“Yup~! I’ll be sleeping across the hall Hicchan~, so no funny business! Wahahaha~!” She laughs, echoing through the large building as she bounces into her room, presumably to unpack. I decide to leave my suitcase at the foot of the bed and make my way to the living room, where Hideaki and Jigoro are both reading, sporting glittering Santa hats.

“Ugh, still wearing those damn sweatervests? Well, whatever, just as long as you don’t huff glue anymore.”

“I never did. I see you still wear those tropical shirts. The hat is new though, nice touch.” I rebut, drawing an irritated grunt from him and something that sounds like a ‘thank you’. I look at the book he’s reading, though it isn’t much of a surprise that he’s reading his own autobiography. Looks like he made Hideaki read it too.

“Hey Hisao. Merry Christmas,” is all I get from him before he buries himself in his dad’s book again, telling me I should look for conversation elsewhere. I pass through the living room to the dining room and back around to the main lobby, heading upstairs in an attempt to find Shizune. Pushing open what I think is her bedroom door, I see a few posters of boy bands and musclemen on the walls. Not her room.

Stepping back out, I turn around to see Shizune standing in front of me with her hands on her hips and an accusatory look on her face.

[I was looking for you.]

[So why were you in Hideaki’s room? I’m in this one,] she points over her shoulder, into an open door across the hall. [Come help me unpack.] She adds, not giving me a chance to reply before turning on her heel and entering her room. I follow her in, looking around the familiar space with fond memories.

[It’s been a while since we were in here together. Wasn’t there a chair last time?] I tease, causing her to frown and throw a pillow at me.

[That won’t be happening again. Not here anyway. Here, put these on the shelf,] she tosses a few photos at me. Looking through them, they’re mostly of us, but the one that catches my eye is our graduation photo.

[You kept this? I thought you said it made you look childish.]

[It does, but it’s the last photo of us as Yamaku students. We can’t really replace it.]

I think back to our last days at Yamaku and how eventful they were. Fixing things up between Shizune and Misha; passing control of the school down to the new student council; organising the graduation ceremony; attending the ceremony. She’s right, we can’t replace the photograph, there are too many memories behind it.

[So when do I get to see this surprise?] I ask, pulling myself out of my reverie and back to the present, as much as I enjoy re-living past memories.

[Once we finish unpacking.] She signs as she tosses a pile of underwear at me, telling me to put them in the drawer to my left. I sort the mess into three catagories, separating bras from socks and anything frilly, much to Shizune’s disapproval. [Stop playing with them and help, idiot.]

[I wasn’t playing with them, I was sorting them. I thought you liked things neat and orderly.] I tease, making my way to the suitcase.

[Shut up, put the shirts on hangers then go downstairs and check on Misha, I have to get changed.] She says, grabbing a few wire hangers from her closet and tossing them on the bed for me. [And you should probably unpack your own things too.]

[You know me too well.] I chuckle, putting her shirts on the wire frames as she digs through the case. She pulls out a familiar black and white dress, red belt included. [You still have that dress? I thought you threw it out months ago because it felt tight on you.]

Smack. Another pillow.

[I got it refitted. Go help Misha, I’ll be fine from here.] She signs, pointing out of the door and smiling at me. I bend down and give her a kiss on the forehead as I pass, receiving a quick peck on the cheek before I stand up and head back down to the guest bedrooms.

At the bottom of the stairs, I bump into Hideaki, giving him a quick wave as I try to pass. He stops me before I can get away, asking what I was doing upstairs.

“I was helping your sister unpack. Why, what’s up?”

“Oh, nothing. Just curious, I noticed you haven’t unpacked your own things yet and I – ”

“You went through my stuff?”

“No, not this time. I only looked around the room and saw your suitcase wasn’t open.” His voice cracks a lot while he talks, and I can’t help but chuckle a little. I mess up his hair a bit before walking away, heading down the hall to the guest rooms to go help Misha.

“Hey Misha, you decent?” I ask, knocking on the door across from my own.

“Oh, hey Hicchan! Hold on~!” A cacophony of loud noises comes from inside, and just as I’m about to offer help, the door swings open and I’m met with a beaming smile. “Sorry, it’s a little messy in here~! Wahahaha~!”

“Oh, uh, Shizune sent me down to help you unpack, but I’m guessing you already did… Want any help putting everything away?”

“You already unpacked, Hicchan?” She asks, a confused look plastered on her face.

“Well, no, but I’ll have time to do that later. I was thinking we could do something together after dinner, just the three of us. I’ll unpack when I feel I need to, don’t worry.”

“Well, if you say so~! Come on in! Wahahaha~!” She laughs, stepping to the side and inviting me in. Climbing over a pile of clothes much too large for our short stay, I turn back to Misha.

“You brought this much? We’re only staying until the end of the month, you know. It looks like you brought everything you own with you.” I tease, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. Misha laughs again, falling backwards onto the bed and sitting up.

“I didn’t want to leave anything important~ behind, so I brought most of my clothes!” She protests, trying to justify her incredibly flawed logic.

“Including this?” I ask, holding up a bikini with a raised eyebrow. “When are we going to the beach?”

Thump. Pillows love me today. I pick it up, tossing it back to Misha. She decides against throwing it at me again and instead opts for hugging it while she talks.
“It’s for the hot tub~! Stop being a pervert Hicchan! Wahahaha~!”

“I’m not being a pervert! I just didn’t expect you to pack so much. Look, there’s even a pair of sandals here – ”

“Those are for wearing around the house~!” She interrupts. There’s no point trying to argue, she’ll come up with a reason for every ridiculous item of clothing she brought.

“Fine, but know that I won’t be helping you re-pack everything when we have to leave. You’ve got to learn not to do things like this somehow.” I concede, receiving a stuck out tongue in reply. “So, you gonna help put all this away?”

“Aww~, I have to help? Wahahaha~! Okay Hicchan!” Misha laughs, hopping off of the bed and diving into the mountain of clothes, sending undergarments and shirts flying in every direction. I stay away from her ‘delicates’ and start hanging her shirts in the mirrored closet.

A startled yelp from behind me causes me to turn around, catching sight of Misha hiding something behind her back and blushing furiously.

“What is it this time, a Mrs Claus outfit or something?” I ask, causing her to shake her head quickly, pursing her lips as an internal debate as to whether or not she should show me rages on. Eventually she caves, pulling a book from behind her and tossing it over to me. The cover is in English, so I can’t understand it. The number ‘50’ stands out as part of the title, slapped onto a grayscale picture of some kind of mask. I don’t understand why she’s embarrassed, but I don’t bother prying any further and toss the book back.

“You aren’t laughing?” She squeaks, her voice much higher than usual. It’s rare that I see her embarrassed like this, she doesn’t have much shame in public.

“No, I don’t know what the big deal is. I can’t read English, remember? Whatever that book is, your secret is safe with me. Just don’t yelp if you find anything else you don’t want to show me.” I chuckle, drawing another pillow attack from her, but I manage to dodge it this time.

“Get back to work Hicchan~!” Misha huffs, hiding the book in her night-stand and returning to the, considerably smaller, pile of clothes. I start grabbing more shirts from the pile and hanging them up, quickly learning that she won’t have enough hangers for all of them.

We stay in relative silence for a few minutes, sorting the pile of clothes into different categories and places, when a knock on the door pulls us out of our peaceful state. Misha leaps up, almost falling over her suitcase as she rushes to the door. The silence after she opens tells me that Shizune is here, unless Hideaki or Jigoro have decided to be silent.

“Tell her I said hi, I’m a little busy here!” I shout out to Misha, struggling with a very flimsy shirt that got caught on one of the wire frames.

“She says hi too Hicchan~! Don’t rip that shirt, it’s one of my favourites!” She pokes her head around the corner, glaring at me when she sees me wrestling with it. I give her a thumbs up as she retreats back to the doorway. Favourite shirt? I’ve never seen her wear it before, but her word goes against mine.

Finally managing to release the shirt from the hanger’s grip, I hang it up and reach for the pile of shirts I had, only to find it empty. I look to the heap in the middle of the floor, which has now been reduced to underwear and shoes, when Misha comes back in.

“Dinner’s ready Hicchan~!”
Part Two
Feedback is welcome, as always. Merry Christmas!
Last edited by Numb on Tue Dec 24, 2013 12:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

Well any story with Shizune as the girlfriend gets bonus points from me. As for the story itself, not much to say outside of I wonder who the voice Hisao and Misha didn't recognize belong to. And the fact that Misha apparently read 50 shades of grey is amusing. At any rate you definitely have my attention.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Riakai »

Oooo, I like it. Always fun to have a Christmas Story.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Feurox »

Good tidings we stick,
To you and this fic,
Oh numb what a nice story,
and a great christmas cheer!

never hire me for song writing…Please.

Seriously though,

Megusta :D
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Mirage_GSM »

She reaches up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, wrapping her arm around me as we follow Misha...
This doesn't seem to be the same relationship I remember from the VN :-)
It’s our first Christmas together,
but the one that catches my eye is our graduation photo.
If it's their first Christmas together, they haven't graduated yet.

As for the voice - Hisao should at least recognize whether it's male or female.

Given that stories with Shizune as the girlfriend usually get deductions from me, this one didn't start out half bad ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Numb »

Mirage_GSM wrote:
She reaches up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, wrapping her arm around me as we follow Misha...
This doesn't seem to be the same relationship I remember from the VN :-)
It’s our first Christmas together,
but the one that catches my eye is our graduation photo.
If it's their first Christmas together, they haven't graduated yet.

As for the voice - Hisao should at least recognize whether it's male or female.

Given that stories with Shizune as the girlfriend usually get deductions from me, this one didn't start out half bad ;-)
It's their first Christmas together, though it isn't their first as a couple. This takes place a year AFTER graduation, so naturally the relationship is much further developed. This just happens to be the first Christmas they are spending together.
Currently working on: Notes for a new project (Coming Soon™)
I did KS and other songs on note blocks in Minecraft: Playlist here
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

This story made a bad night good :D I love "Thump. Pillows love me" XD
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by motokid108 »

I dig it. Good reading, and as mentioned before, the Hisao and Shizune pairing draws good points from me. I look forward to the continuation of this story

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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Numb »

Part Two
Taking my place beside Shizune at the long cherry wood table, I set my gaze on the massive feast that has been prepared. Looking down the table at Jigoro, I seriously doubt that this is his work considering my last meal here was an omlette with eggshells mixed in. I sign this to Shizune, drawing a silent giggle as she replies.

[He didn’t do this, it’s all part of the surprise. You’ll see soon enough.]

Misha bounces into the room, coming from the kitchen, and plops down into the seat opposite me. Apparently her reason for staying behind was so she could change clothes and do something with her hair, braiding a small pink crown on one side and replacing her usual heart clip with a rather fancy, glittery holly leaf after switching out her winter gear for a more casual shirt-and-skirt combo.

“Looking good Misha, I like the hair.” I say, my compliment earning me a kick under the table from Shizune. I put on my best apologetic face, turning to meet her scowl, but it doesn’t work.

[You didn’t compliment me on my hair.] She signs, sticking her bottom lip out in a failing attempt to look cute, maintaining the frown.

[You didn’t do anything different to it. Besides, you look perfect whatever you do. Remember the cat ears?]

[Yes, don’t remind me, please. I can’t believe I had so many…] She signs, trailing off as she tries to hide her rapidly reddening face.

“Hey, sweatervest, whatever filth you’re spouting, stop it. I won’t have you treating my daughter like that.” Jigoro interrupts, as usual assuming the worst of me.

“It isn’t filth, I’m just having a conversation with her, isn’t that what a boyfriend is supposed to do?” I retort, flooding my tone with dangerous levels of sarcasm. Shizune taps my leg under the table to draw my attention away from her increasingly infuriated father.

[Don’t start another argument, you know he can’t lose.] She signs, keeping her hands close to her chest despite knowing her father can’t understand what she’s saying anyway.

“Hey, you, pinkie. What’s she saying?” He asks, though his tone makes it seem more like a command to start interpreting. Misha jumps a little at her sudden involvement in the conversation. She signs to Shizune, asking whether or not she should interpret, quickly apologising to Jigoro when she is told not to. “Fine, dammit. Mayoi!”

An unfamiliar woman, who bears a striking resemblance to Shizune, pokes her head around the corner, frowning at Jigoro. Noticing me sitting at the table, she yelps and ducks back into the kitchen. A few moments later, she comes back into the room,

“Jiggy, you ruined the surprise!” She groans, slumping her shoulders as Jigoro’s face changes colour from purple to red, his anger quickly replaced with embarrassment.

“Mayoi, how many times do I have to say it? It’s Jigoro. Just because you’re my wife doesn’t mean you can change my name…” He mumbles, his usual extravagance all but gone and replaced by a shy child.

“What am I going to do with you…” The woman sighs, walking over to where he sits and leaning over the back of his chair. “Well, now that the secret is out, I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Mayoi Satou Hakamichi, Shizune’s mother. I’m the fun parent, this big fuzzy bear here doesn’t seem to understand that.”

Jigoro grunts disapprovingly at the mention of the Satou name, ignoring Mayoi’s teasing entirely as questions start flooding my mind. I open my mouth to speak, but realise that asking them in the fuzzy bear’s presence might spark another argument. I quickly turn to Shizune to ask if her mother knows sign, but Mayoi answers my question for me.

[So I assume you’re the friends Shizune told me so much about. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you both.] She signs to me and Misha, as a comforting smile spread across her face. [Don’t mind my husband, he can be very inconsiderate sometimes, most of it is an act. I like to think it’s because he misses me when I’m away.]

Mayoi steps away from Jigoro, taking a seat opposite me for herself. Shizune bumps my leg under the table, prompting me to say something, anything, in response. My mind comes up blank, but luckily Misha is here and ready for any conversation.

“Wahahaha~!” She laughs, making Mayoi wince at the sheer volume. “Nice to meet you too~ Mayochan! I’m Misha~!” She adds, stating what was already obvious with a huge grin and pointing at her face to emphasise her pointless statement.

“Of course, then you must be the fabled Hisao. I have to say, some of the stories I’ve been told are very impressive~.” She says, a suggestive lilt at the end forcing me to hide an oncoming blush. “I understand you learned how to sign just for my daughter. That takes dedication, overcoming a language barrier for somebody you barely know. I’m sure your parents are proud of you.”

“Thank you, but my parents were a little bit skeptical at first. I’ve managed to convince my mom to start learning sign so she can speak to Shizune,” I explain, signing while I speak so Shizune isn’t left out of the conversation. “I can’t say as much for my father though, but I know he supports us. He just has a strange way of showing it.” I add, shooting a quick glance at Jigoro that goes unnoticed by him, but Mayoi seems to catch on.

[Try not to take him seriously, he still can’t accept that his daughter can’t hear him, so I very much doubt he’s ready for her to be in a relationship. I’m sure he approves of you, you seem like a lovely boy.] Mayoi signs, a small but supportive smile on her face.

[Why didn’t dad ever learn sign, mom?] Shizune butts in. Looking at her face, she looks troubled, so I place my hand on her leg in an attempt to support her.

[I’m not sure sweetheart, I think he blames himself for your deafness. I’ve tried teaching him a few times, but he just seems so distant whenever I do…] Mayoi replies, gazing at her husband with the same troubled face her daughter is currently wearing. [Maybe that’s why he’s so hostile towards Hisao, I’ll have to ask him later.]

An awkward silence falls over the table while I consider that possibility. Is it even possible for Jigoro to feel inadequate? He always has that air of arrogance, like he’s above everything else, so it’s difficult to imagine. The silence is broken when the man in question stands up to start a speech I imagine one of his employees wrote for him. My thoughts are confirmed when he pulls out a script he had stored somewhere in his shirt.

“Well, first and foremost, I’d like to wish you all a merry Christmas,” he starts, sounding ridiculously formal for a family occasion. “And while this might not be our usual arrangement, I’m very glad to be seeing my wonderful wife again. While I can’t say I approve of the secret conversations, I’m willing to let them go on, since I know I’m in the minority who can’t understand them and don’t want to ruin everyone’s holiday. Formalities aside, I hope you enjoy the meal Mayoi has prepared, and have a nice time staying with us.”

Misha finishes translating for Shizune, who simply smiles and nods at her father. Mayoi is the first to fill her plate, taking a large helping of the unknown bird she prepared and covering it in foliage before reaching for the salad dressing. I take my plate and fill it in a similar fashion, adding some smoked salmon around the sides and a few baby potatoes, switching out the dressing for gravy instead.

Jigoro, ever playing the sophisticated host, waits until everyone has their serving before taking his own; everything that was left. Shizune is left unable to speak while we eat, so Misha starts a conversation with Mayoi, roping me in so we can all get better acquainted. Mayoi asks how Shizune and I met, and Misha leaves me to answer.

“I transferred to Yamaku about halfway through the last year, and I was placed in her class, right next to Misha actually. They roped me into joining the Student Council after I helped them make preparations for a local festival and at some point down the line I started learning sign language. It’s all still a blur honestly, I was still learning how do deal with my heart condition when it all happened.” I explain, fondly reliving the memories of my first days at Yamaku once again. Back then, I wasn’t in the healthiest mental state, so I couldn’t enjoy my new life for what it was until I got over my heart condition, but I knew I couldn’t change it, so I accepted it. I’m glad I decided to go to the festival with Shizune and Misha now, my life is much better now than if I’d have gone with Kenji to the rooftop. “I’m glad I met your daughter, I’d probably still be depressed about my heart if I hadn’t.”

“I see she means a lot to you, sweatervest,” Jigoro starts, pointing his fork at me across the table. “I just don’t understand why. What is it about my daughter that you love?”


“Quiet Mayoi, I want to hear this. Go boy, tell me why you love her.” He orders, his voice low and monotone, almost threatening. I swallow my food and look him dead in the eyes, putting my cutlery neatly to the side of my plate before answering.

“I love her because she inspires me to make something of myself, and she helps me with whatever I need. I return the favour because she deserves the same treatment. I learned a whole new language just so I could speak to her, which seems to be more than you ever did.” I pause, waiting for him to react to my accusation, but he just crosses his arms and waits for me to continue. “We’ve been living together for almost a whole year already, I would’ve left by now if I didn’t love her.”

“You’re damn right. If it was my choice, you’d be at the bottom of a river before you could even lay eyes on my daughter. I don’t like you, let’s make that clear now, but I’m willing to give you a chance. Make my daughter happy and I’ll give you my blessings, but if you hurt her… I’ll leave that up to your imagination.” Jigoro growls, baring his teeth at me across the table. For a few seconds, the tension seems to suck all of the oxygen from the room. Shizune pokes my side and signs something under the table, sensing the tense atmosphere.

[What’s he saying, is he threatening you again?] She asks, keeping her arms as still as possible so as not to arouse suspicion. I look up at Jigoro, who is still staring at me with dangerous, piercing eyes before replying in a similar fashion.

[He’s trying to give us his blessing, but he’s messing it up. Should I thank him?]

[Yes. He’ll find a way to kick you out otherwise.]

“Thank you sir. I promise I won’t hurt your daughter, and I’m willing to take whatever punishment you have in mind if I somehow do.” I say, keeping my voice steady so as not to cause further irritation.

“Smart move. Just remember this, I was in your position once. If you do this right, you’ll be fine.” He says as leans back in his chair, his tight lips forming into some kind of smile that looks out of place on his worn out face. “Take my advice seriously. Don’t let her go. Not for fear of me hunting you down, but for fear of losing the one thing that makes you happy. I almost lost Mayoi years ago, and it wasn’t pretty. I had to keep it out of my autobiography.”

“Jiggy dear, you don’t need to tell that story… I know it still hurts you to think about it.” Mayoi breathes, her voice little more than a whisper at the silent table.

“I do Mayoi, for Shizune. It’s the least I can do for her.” He replies, his voice a tone lower than his usual shouting. He continues, motioning for me to translate for Shizune as he does. “Nearly two decades ago, Mayoi lost hearing in her left ear. It happened at a concert we were visiting, but it was bad enough that her hearing was gone in both ears for a month. We couldn’t communicate at all during that time, and I felt a gap growing between us.” He stops, looking between me and Shizune for some kind of reaction.

I think back to what my time in hospital was like when Iwanako visited, realising that our situations were similar, but I dare not interrupt him when he’s telling us something this important, so I simply nod at him in a way I hope he realises is understanding.

“I tried learning how to sign after the doctors told me that the damage might be permanent, but I couldn’t do it. I have mild arthritis, so my signing was slow and occasionally painful. Eventually I stopped, and the knowledge faded over the years, but Mayoi continued learning when Shizune was born. I was sure that Shizune’s hearing could be fixed, at least partly, in the same way Mayoi’s was, so I took her to every doctor I knew, including some outside of Japan. I didn’t want to deal with the shame of being unable to communicate with my own child.” He motions for me to stop translating, “Just do one thing for me Sweatervest, tell her that I care. Tell her that I’m proud of her.” He continues, his voice gravelly and broken by the time he finishes. Mayoi leaves her seat and walks around to his side to offer him reassurance.

Looking at Misha and Hideaki, who have both been silent and unmoving during this whole situation, I see that Misha is tearing up. Part of me wants to tell her everything is fine, but I know I don’t have the authority to do that. Jigoro asked me for his help, and I’ll likely never get an opportunity to gain his trust again, so I turn to Shizune, ready to pass on his message.

“Anything in particular you want me to say, sir?” I ask, though I know it’s more a formality than anything else.

“No, just tell her I love her. You seem to have a way with words, just don’t mess it up.” He commands, wrapping his muscular arm around Mayoi’s shoulders as she moves her chair next to his. Shizune looks at me with a perplexed expression after seeing the strange scene unfold.

[What’s going on?] She asks, looking around the room and noticing the water forming around Misha’s eyes. She moves to comfort her, but I grab her shoulder and stare into her deep, caring eyes.

[Shizune, you know how we always call your dad an ass… You don’t actually believe any of that, do you?] I ask, hesitating slightly in my signing.

[Of course I don’t, he’s my father. He might not act like it sometimes, but he’s there if I ever really need him.] She replies, signing slowly in her confused state. [Why?]

[He wants me to let you know he cares about you, and that he’s proud. What should I tell him?]

[Tell him I’ve always known that. He’s the one who sent me to Yamaku in the first place, so without him I wouldn’t have met you. Just thank him for me, but make it sound nice, I don’t want to look heartless.] She signs, her reddened lips curling upwards into an amused smile.

“She says your worry is misplaced, she knows you love her. She wants to thank you for sending her to Yamaku back when you did too, you made a good decision doing that. I want to thank you for that too actually, it’s thanks to you I met her.”

Jigoro stares at me for a few minutes, probably unsure whether he should thank me or insult me, before nodding his appreciation and turning back to his meal. Mayoi catches my gaze, smiling widely and signing.

[Welcome to the family Hisao.]
I had to go to my backup ending for this so I could release it on time for Christmas Eve, but I feel like I managed to capture the moment properly. As usual, critiques and feedback is gladly accepted. Happy holidays everyone! :D
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I did KS and other songs on note blocks in Minecraft: Playlist here
Old works| Rooftops - An Emi Story| Christmas with the Hakamichis | Not Like Him - Rin Perspective|Blossom - A Miki pseudo-route
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by monkeywitha6pack »

I enjoy what you did with jigoro, every fiction I have read always has him be a huge asshole to Hisao even after Hisao proves himself. I also like shizunes mother character the way you portray her. most have her dead. Overall this isn't the run of the mill shizune fiction and that's good :D!
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by TheGoatman »

What a lovely chapter, I'm assuming this is the end of this story? The Shizune stories are so few and far between that I'm having a really hard time remembering which one is which, come to think of them all as part of one story lately.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

I really like this. I think you succeeded in making Jiggy much easier to sympathize with, which isn't something a lot of fics do.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by AntonSlavik020 »

TheGoatman wrote:What a lovely chapter, I'm assuming this is the end of this story? The Shizune stories are so few and far between that I'm having a really hard time remembering which one is which, come to think of them all as part of one story lately.
I actually had the same problem. It took me a bit to remember which story this was.
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Numb »

TheGoatman wrote:What a lovely chapter, I'm assuming this is the end of this story? The Shizune stories are so few and far between that I'm having a really hard time remembering which one is which, come to think of them all as part of one story lately.
Yes, this is the end of the story.

In regards to all of your messages, thank you for your kind words. I spent the past three days wrestling with the last scene so Jigoro wouldn't seem arrogant or out of character, and I'm glad to see it worked out! :D
Currently working on: Notes for a new project (Coming Soon™)
I did KS and other songs on note blocks in Minecraft: Playlist here
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Re: Christmas with the Hakamichis: A Shizune Christmas Speci

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Nice to meet you too~ Mayochan!
Mayochan? The way I read this, this was Misha's first time meeting Mrs. Hakamichi as well, or did I misinterpret it?
“I transferred to Yamaku about halfway through the last year,
It was about halfway through the first trimester.

I also liked the story quite a bit, especially that you did something original about Mayoi - about both Mayoi and Jigoro actually.
It shows that you were writing with a deadline, however. The ending seems a bit rushed...
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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