…Well, you prove what happens when you write after drinking too many Kilted Mexicans, for one. You also get…
Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives!
Now with it's very own (er, sorta) theme song!

(Thanks Helbereth)
TV Tropes Page
Mystery One: O Father, Where Art Thou?
Part One: The Job (This Post)
The Clues
The Informant
Mission Complete
Mystery Two: Wherehouse, Warehouse?
The Client
The Trail
Mystery Three: Mason-Free
Moving In
Mystery Four: Templar, Templar
The Plan
Border Descent
Mystery Five: Quia Peccavi Nimis
The Plan
Mystery Six: The Final Showdown?
Hisao and Akira(?!)- Terror in the Night!
Mystery Seven: Hisao and Kenji Versus the Predator
The Hunt
Mystery Eight: Art Seizery
Mystery Nine: The Illuminati’s Revenge!
Mystery Ten: From Sea to Shining Sea
The Client
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Mystery Eleven: Lending a Hand
Uninvited Guests
More Conversation
Mystery Twelve: The Final Mystery?
The Client
The Contact
Aggressive Negotiations
One Shots:
Sparring and Scarring (chronologically follows Mystery One)
Drink Hard on a Couch (chronologically follows Mystery Eight)
Hisao and Kenji: Masterful One Shots!
In the not too distant future
Somewhere in north Japan
Hisao Nakai and bro Kenji
Were plotting a half-baked plan
The world was run by Puppeteers
The names of you should know
They ran the world from afar,
So the Duo grabbed a gun
And blew them into tar.
We’ll call forth our fast armies,
The best we can buy (la-la-la.)
They’ll have to stand and fight them all,
Or else they will die (la-la-la.)
Keep in mind these two are hit
With heart and vision aches (la-la-la.)
Good thing that they have help
And the list really takes the cake.
Ally Roll Call:
The Warehouse! (Don’t tell Artie!)
David Sarif! (Its evolution, son!)
Freemasons! (We’re all dead now!)
Itachiiiiiiii! (I want my money!)
If you’re wondering from where they get
All of they’re cool toys (la-la-la),
Just repeat to yourself “its just a fic
For reading with the boys…”
For Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! (twang!)
Kenji’s office always depressed me. It was dark, it was dirty, and it was in a cheap, poorly lit part of town.
The office I spent far too much time in was actually a converted studio apartment, with the living area transformed into an office. A large dark wooden desk sat prominently in the middle of the only real room, a couple of nearly burnt out lights flickering overhead. A cot and sleeping bag were shoved into a far corner, while a green metal stack of drawers was to the left of the desk in a different corner. Papers and books were piled everywhere, as were a few stray drawers- I really needed to stack those somewhere. And buy another bookcase, to put next to the one on the right of the desk. A coffee pot was… somewhere around.
The desk was disturbingly clean, with just a flat calendar, a half-empty bottle of whiskey, and two glasses sitting on it. A laptop and printer were hefted to one side as well. A half-empty pizza box was perched on a nearby stool, the flap still open from lunch. Kenji still hated phones, so we used my cell phone a lot. Kenji Setou leaned back in his desk office chair, his black shoes perched on the desk while he stared at the ceiling after one too many shots. His eyes, partially hidden behind thick, round glasses, glinted in the dim lighting as he pondered some crazy thing or another. His hands were behind his back, ruffling his black hair in the process.
As for myself, Hisao Nakai, I sat in a simple green folding chair across from him, reading a book in between glances to the front door down the, for lack of a better word, “hallway.” We’re both wearing somewhat casual brown suits, although Kenji’s red and gold scarf was wrapped around him as usual.
Once again I question why I’m here, ten years after graduating high school with my work partner. Well, I’m his partner- he owned the office, he’s the private investigator, technically I’m just his secretary, but he insisted I be his partner, entitled to half the profits from jobs. Which reminded me again why I was here.
I owed him money. The irony did not escape me. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here; I had a job, I had a wife, I had two kids. If it wasn’t summer break, I wouldn’t even be here at three in the afternoon on a Wednesday. I still had papers to grade, a wife’s manuscript to look over and compliment, and possibly a partner’s body to hide when I finally snapped and hit him over the head with the whiskey bottle.
“Relax, man,” Kenji said, his voice piercing the sullen silence of the office like a foghorn. He may be legally blind, but over the years he’s developed an odd ability to sense my mood.
“I would, if we had had a job in three months,” I said to him, not looking up from my book, “good thing we both have day jobs, or we would be out of business and on the street.”
“Nah, that wouldn’t happen,” Kenji said, “Hanako makes more than either my writing or your salary, she would cut her hair before she’d let us out on the street.”
Fair point, but unfortunately, I was personally one whiskey shot past being rational when it came to arguing something. Especially arguing with a borderline schizophrenic conspiracy theorist wearing a scarf in the middle of the summer.
Fortunately, Kenji was spared my rant by the front door opening, the business sign clattering lightly on the white wooden door as it creaked open. It took me a second longer then it should have to recognize the entrant. Her long bubblegum pink hair should’ve given it away, but seeing Shiina “Misha” Mikado in a brown skirted suit struck me as so out of place that my brain refused to accept it for a few seconds. The two briefcases she held in each hand didn’t help, either.
“Misha?” I asked, as Kenji was too blind to see the newcomer. He did straighten up and quickly hide the bottle of whiskey in a desk drawer, though.
“Misha, that lackey for the Student Council President?” Kenji asked.
Misha nodded to me and put her hands on her hips. Well, she tried to, “I was her translator, not lackey~!”
“Pay no attention to the man behind the desk,” I said, “welcome to Setou Private Investigative Services, how can we help you?”
I stood up and offered her the third chair, a simple brown rolling office chair. She placed the cases next to her and sat, smoothing her skirt out along the way. She quickly grabbed one of the briefcases and placed it in her lap. Kenji, meanwhile, leaned in close to her face in order to see her, which she didn’t seem to mind.
Kenji grunted, “well, how can we help you?”
Kenji had never gotten over some of our high school grudges, and Kenji’s near one man feud against the Student Council was one of them. Hell, if we didn’t need the money, he probably would’ve thrown her out.
Misha sighed, clinging to the case as she spoke, “Shicchan’s father has gone missing, maybe~.”
That got our attention. I had met Jigoro Hakamichi once, during his niece’s wedding. The thought of that bear of a man missing was disconcerting- the sword he carried everywhere should’ve been easy to spot, at least.
“Start from the beginning, please,” Kenji said. At least he could be polite as a professional courtesy.
“Last night, Shic-er, Shizune’s- father went to a bar near the international airport, and he never came back. I would go to the police, but Shizune found this,” Misha hefted the case onto the desk and opened it with a loud snap, “with her mother’s personal affects a while ago, and she thinks it’s related to his disappearance.”
Kenji looked closely into the contents of the case, a bunch of manila folders. As he started taking them out and placing them on the desk, we both were able to see the black ink stamp on the top left of each one. Each folder had a different thickness and stamp.
“Shizune is familiar with your writing,” Misha said to Kenji, “do you recognize these symbols?”
“Of course I do!” Kenji said, holding up the first folder, which had a stamp of a floating eyeball above a pyramid, the eye within the top part, which was slightly separated from the rest of the structure, “this is the Illuminati’s symbol! And this,” he pointed a finger at another one, bearing the Eye of Horus Egyptian glyph- don’t ask how I knew that, “is the Eye of Horus! I don’t know much about them, but what I’ve found mentions ‘Regents,’ ‘artifacts,’ and ‘Warehouses.’”
Kenji dug deeper into the case, pulling out two more folders, “this is the Knights Templar symbol,” he said, pointing to a perfectly symmetrical red cross, the one stamp not in black ink, “and this,” another cross, but this one was inside a shield, “is the Knights Hospitaller.”
Kenji stopped at the last folder, stamped with a right and compass forming an almost triangle around an English letter G. He frowned at that one, “this is the Freemasons, but they’re a part of the Illuminati. Nominally, at least- the war between the two never went hot.”
“See, you look at these and you believe that they’re real~!” Misha cut in, “if we went to the police, or to his company, they’d laugh at us. That’s why we need you~.”
“His company?” I asked.
Misha nodded, “Shizune’s father is a senior partner with Yutani Private Military Contractors and Security. They have the resources to find him, but they wouldn’t take anything we said seriously,” Misha turned from me to face Kenji, “but you do, so that’s why we need you to find him.”
Misha hefted the other case and opened it with it facing her. She pulled out some more folders and placed them on the desk, “this is all the information we can get about his job, his work, and his last known locations. We know this will be hard to do, so we’re willing to pay well,” she turned the case around and plopped it onto the desk, “this is the first half, you get the rest when he’s found and safely brought back from… wherever he is.”
The briefcase was full of cash. A lot of cash. Enough cash that, with the other half, I wouldn’t have to work for Kenji again.
Kenji looked into the second case, the new folders, and even sniffed and flipped through some of the wads of cash. Then he looked at me, his eyes narrowed in thought. I sighed, nodded, and we both turned to Misha and said as one:
“We’ll take the job.”
Next Chapter
I really miss my sanity sometimes. Feedback is, as always, appreciated.
Also, you’re welcome for not linking to TV Tropes.
Also also, don’t worry, USM fans, that is still an ongoing project. Writing this is pure catharsis for me.