Mirage's Myths


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Mirage's Myths

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So by now I have written a few storys, and I think it's time to collect all the links in one thread. I'll use this thread to collect my one-shot storys - longer storys will keep their own thread but will be linked to here.
A warning ahead: None of my Fanfictions contain any Shounen Ai, Yuri or any other kind of sex, so if you're looking for that, please feel free to skip my threads completely.
Also: I am always trying to improve my writing skills, so any kind of (constructive) critique is very welcome.

Katawa Kijo
Multi-part story, featuring a KS-cast with magical abilities.
Finished at 20 Chapters plus Epilogue.
Final word count: just under 50.000.

Tripping (Prologue)
A short Rin PoV one-shot trying to shed some light on her thought processes.

The Yamaku students go on a class trip to Hokkaido. Multi-part story, each chapter narrated by a different character.
Work in progress, currently on hiatus.

Katawa Shoujo - Pentameter Style
What if Shakespeare had written Katawa Shoujo?
These are the prologue chapters of Katawa Shoujo "Out Cold" and "Bundle of Hisao" written in Iambic Pentameter.
Currently I do not plan to do any further chapters, but who knows...

Hisao/Lilly one-shot.

Victory Day
A multi-part Shizune PoV story featuring a slightly different Hisao.
Many guest appearances of other anime characters.
This one was written just for fun and portrays Hisao way out of character. Looking back, I'm not really satisfied with how it worked out...

The Game
What if Katawa Shoujou were a MMORPG?
Just an experiment. Four chapters. Unfinished.

Katawa General
KS lyrics to the "Modern Major General" Song from Pirates of Pennance.

Secret Santa Story 2017 - Better than a Blanket

gibzx wrote:

Winter break is finally here, and Lilly has decided to invite her family - Hanako and Hisao - to stay over a few days in their small summerhouse in Hokkaido. Unbeknownst to the pair, Lilly has set up a surprise Christmas party with the help of Akira for them to celebrate.

Secret Santa Story 2018 - A Gift of Confidence

brythain wrote:

Nomiya and Nurse are having drinks at the local bar. They have to resolve a problem involving a main female character who's neither Rin nor Emi.

Secret Santa Story 2019 - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Lap wrote:

On Aug 28, 2007, there was a lunar eclipse visible in Japan. Who did Hisao view it with, & what happened next? If you really need/want to make it holiday themed, move the eclipse to December, I'm sure only Mirage will check the date to see if it actually occurred then :wink:.

Secret Santa Story 2020 - Christmas at Rock Bottom

brythain wrote:

Akira, Lilly, and Rika walk into a drinking establishment and each has a different drink. The phrase 'White Christmas' is involved. It needn't be snowy.

Secret Santa Story 2021 - To Prime or Not to Prime

Dexorf wrote:

Through a series of unfortunate mistakes/coincidences, Hisao accidentally gives Emi bra pads/inserts as her Christmas gift.

Secret Santa Story 2022 - Feels Just Like Home

NoticeMeOppai wrote:

Your favourite crackfic pairing (romantic or platonic) spend the holidays together at one of their parents' houses, meeting the parent(s) for the first time.

Secret Santa Story 2023 - Naughty or Nice

Ivanovich wrote:

MC celebrating Christmas with the cast and Misha got MC something very interesting... (Try to keep it relatively sfw)

Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:07 pm, edited 24 times in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

OK, this is my first KS fanfic - and incidentally the first fanfic I've written in about five years. I'm not going to comment at this point, so please enjoy ;-)
Thanks to Kosherbacon for pre- and proofreading.


Emi bursts onto the roof grinning widely, all but dragging Hisao behind her. "Sorry we're late. We almost ran into Shizune and Misha on my way here and we had to shake them first before coming here."

So they died. An accident of course, but still tragic.

Hisao is breathing hard, his face is red. It seems like shaking those two took his toll on him. “You’re not looking too good. Is your heart going to give out?”

Emi’s smile freezes as she turns back to Hisao. “Oh my god, Hisao, I’m sorry, did I push you too hard? Are you alright?”

“Calm down Emi, my heart is okay. Just give me a moment to catch my breath. I haven’t gotten used to the heat yet.” And then he died as well. So sad. She had to be heartbroken.
“You’re in heat Hisao?” Well, I guess I should have expected that, the way he and Emi are constantly hanging out lately. I wonder what I should do next. Breasts would be obvious of course. I already have three of them in there though…

If possible his face gets even redder. “That’s not what I… I was talking about the weather Rin.”

“Oh.” Yes, that would be another explanation. Yes, the weather has gotten a lot warmer in the two weeks since the school festival. It’s supposed to. Mom’s birthday is coming up, and it’s always hot on mum’s birthday.

“Say, why don’t we start lunch already?” Emi breaks the silence that was starting to creep up on us. Creepy. I wonder why I didn’t notice. No more breasts then. Faces?
We head over to the bench and Emi breaks out three lunchboxes. “Here you go, Hisao, Rin.”

“I’d rather we sit down to eat. I’m not so good eating while walking.” Emi seems to accept my reasoning as she follows my advice without arguing. We get comfortable and start to eat. Come to think of it, I didn't get her a present yet.

Emi turns to Hisao. “I really think you are making great progress. You ran six laps this morning. That’s your new record.” I've seen that actor before in other movies. But those were more funny.

“Well, it’s not like I was always this out of shape. I’ve just spent four months cooped up in a hospital bed. I’ll never be as good a runner as you are, though.” I suppose it needs a couple more faces. Angry faces.

Emi shudders at the thought of being confined in a room for any length of time. “I’m sorry Hisao. I didn’t know it was that long. When I lost my legs they had me exercise regularly until I learned to use those.” She points at her prosthetics. She didn't have to go and poison herself though.

“They told me any kind of strain was very dangerous until they knew how I would react to my medications.” Last year I got a pair of gloves, but she got all weepy-eyed and hugged me and cried. What should they be angry about? That's an important question. They should have a reason to be angry. For some reason, Hisao seems to be a bit down. I think the weather is really getting to him. He takes a deep breath. “So, have you decided where to go on the school trip yet?”

“What school trip?” I have no idea what he is talking about.

Emi rolls her eyes. Of course she didn't know she'd go to hell because of it... “Rin, Everyone's been talking about nothing but the trip for days now. How did you not hear about it. Have you been sleeping in class when the teacher told us about it?” I still don't understand. They were nice gloves.

“Probably.” It is as good an explanation as any. “So where are we going?”

“You can choose actually,” Hisao starts to explain. “There are some students who have problems with some destinations, so it doesn't make sense to divide the groups by classes.”
“This year there's three options,” Emi chimes in. “A cultural trip to Kyoto, a trip to the beach to Okinawa and finally a trip to Akan National Park on Hokkaido.”

I wonder if you really do go to heaven if you die and if it's just like in the movie. “Let's go to Okinawa,” I decide impulsively.

“Yeah right, as soon as I find my aquatic legs. These aren't exactly made for swimming you know?”

Cramps. Cramps are always a good reason to be angry. Few people feel sorry for them. But that is news to me. “You've got aquatic legs? I've never seen those before.”

“I don't. Besides you're not the best swimmer either, are you?” Of course! I'm so stupid. Why would she need gloves in the summer?

I ponder the question for a while. “I don't know. I never tried before. I could be really good at it.”

“So where do you want to go?” Hisao looks at Emi expectantly.

A wide grin spreads across Emi's face. “I'd like to go to Hokkaido.” …Though I'd be bored out of my mind in such a place.

“To that park?” Hisao seems surprised. “Why? What's so special about it?” I'm going to need more violet colour for cramps. Is there enough violet left in the art room?

“I studied the brochures.” Emi is really enthusiastic about this. “There are many forests and lakes and the area is perfect for hiking. I've talked about it with the nurse and he thinks it would be very good for you to build up your endurance.” Hisao seems a bit less than happy about this, but Emi is not finished yet. “You can also go canoeing and there are even some hot springs nearby.” She blinks at Hisao with a face that almost makes me giggle. “Please, Hisao, you will come with us, won't you?”

Hisao looks at me helplessly. “Hey what about Rin? Aren't you going to ask her if she wants to go?”

They both look at me. Hell might be more interesting, but much too dreary. “Sure why not. Sounds like it would be fun.”

Hisao sighs. “Ok, you win. I'll go to Hokkaido and have you chase me along miles upon miles of hiking paths until I collapse.” I'll get her another pair for Christmas. I bet she'll be happy about that.

“Hey Hisao, you shouldn't joke about this,” Emi says with a pout. “Besides”, she adds with a mischievous grin, “There's nothing to worry about. The Nurse will go along this trip as well, and he'll take good care of you.” I don't think so... Well I can mix the hue I need. I should be finished with the whole thing by Saturday.

This elicits a groan from Hisao. “Don't tell me Mutou is coming along as well?”

“I don't think so.” She frowns. “Mutou is going with the Kyoto group. Mr. Nomiya from the art club will be in charge of the Hokkaido group.” That still doesn't solve the birthday problem though... Maybe a book.

“Nomiya, huh? I think I met him once, but he doesn’t teach any of my classes. What’s he like?” 'Genesis of Pride'... That's what I'll call it. Mr. Nomiya says every painting should have a name.

“He has a strange sense of humour. Most of the time he is the only one laughing at his own jokes.” Emi smiles. “Most students like him though. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the art club were to go to Hokkaido, just because of him.” If I have the choice, I think I'll go for reincarnation. I'd like to try out another life, once I'm done with this one. Mom always liked to read biographies... She might be right about Mr. Nomiya. He always reminds me a bit of my grandfather. Except he has no beard… And his voice is different… And grandpa was bald… And he didn’t need glasses…

“Do you know of any others who might go to Hokkaido?” Emi interrupts my thoughts with her question.

“Actually yes. Lilly told me she and Hanako were going there. She said Kyoto would be bad because it would be hard for Hanako to avoid walking among lots of people, and of course the beach is completely out of the question.” That's stupid. Every painting has as many names as there are people looking at it.

Emi and Hisao are sharing a sympathetic look. “Yes. No way, she’d wear a bathing suit. Oh yes, I overheard the nurse persuading Ooki to come along as well. He’s in your class, isn’t he?”

I don’t know anyone by that name. “Ooki? Who’s that? Another new exchange student?” The english teacher talked about that american author last week.

“Yes, he is in my class. His real name is Motoki Matsumoto,” Hisao explains. “Ooki is only his nickname. It’s because of… well, because he’s so fat.” Hisao would probably call it „Violet Faces and Green Breasts on Red Background“ I know who they are talking about, and talking about Motoki adjectives like ‘corpulent’ or ‘rotund’ just don’t cut it, but still… “Isn’t it kind of rude to call him a name like that?”

“Normally it would be, but he’s the one who insisted on keeping the nickname once Misha came up with it. He’s really a cool guy when you get to know him. I used to help him find his way around the gym when he transferred here last year.” Hemmingway! That was his name. Now what was the book called?

“They say, nobody is making fun of him, because he’s done all the bad jokes himself already,” Hisao adds laughing. I wonder how he gets the inspiration for those titles...

By now I’ve reached the bottom of my lunchbox. Hisao is finished as well, but Emi still has a bit left. “Are you going to eat the rest of your lunch?” Would I meet Emi, Hisao and all my other friends in that next life as well.

Emi picks three more bites out of her box and hands the rest to me. “Did you skip breakfast again this morning?”

“Yup. I forgot.” I quickly finish Emi’s lunchbox. I’m still a bit hungry, but I’ll survive till after school is over… Probably. You never know though… Oh, well... I'll just have to find out in the next life.

"A Farewell to Arms" I'll see if there's a Japanese translation available. I'm sure she'll be happy this time.

Hisao stands up. “Guess it’s time to return to class, if we don’t want to run to get there on time.” With that he shoots Emi a sly grin. Emi pretends not to notice. Maybe she didn’t.
We pack up our stuff and head for the stairs. I find myself really looking forward to that trip. I usually don’t try to predict the future, but I am certain it will be very interesting.


OK, now, I'm going to comment 8)
I got the idea for this fic when I noticed that there were a lot of fics on this forum and quite many were the girls' PoV, but very few were Rin's PoV. The one I read so far had her think pretty normal.
The second part for my inspiration was the following quote from Rin's path in the game:
Tezuka Rin wrote:Did you know I can only think of four things at the same time?
(Thursday - "Things you can do")
About the class trip they talk about in this scene - that is an idea for a fanfic, which is in my ideas folder. I contemplated where to set this scene and thought I could make it sort of a prologue for that other fic. That one is going to be multichapter and NOT Rin PoV (Maybe except for one or two short scenes.) I can't keep this up for long and stay sane^^°
Don't expect that other fic soon though. I just started working on the german translation of KS, and that will take precedence over my own fic-writing. I'll still be able to fit in proofreading other fics, if someone is interested.
By the way, this is really how I picture Rin's thoughts. That's one of the reasons I think she's awesome.
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:31 am, edited 10 times in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Leotrak »

Very interesting read ^_^ And to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised at all if these were Rin's actual thought processes...
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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Re: Tripping

Post by darrin »

Mirage_GSM wrote:OK, this is my first KS fanfic
This took a lot longer for me to read than I expected given its length... I kept going over and over trying to splice all the "cars of thought" into their respective trains so to speak. :D But I do think it was worth the effort (though I tend to prefer things which are a bit experimental, so I may be biased).

If it was a one-shot, good job; if it is first in a series, I am definitely curious.
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Re: Tripping

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Bonus points if you can name the movie ;-)

Like I said, I plan to continue the scenario - eventually - but not from Rin's PoV. If everything goes as I envision it, I'm going to be switching perspectives a lot, so Rin might get a scene or two as well. Anyway, for the reasons stated above, it's not going to happen soon - KS has a lot of text ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping

Post by neumanproductions »

I just going to say that I think you established Rin's POV better than my adaption. Excellent work and I look forward to your future releases.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: Tripping

Post by kosherbacon »

Mirage_GSM wrote:Bonus points if you can name the movie ;-)
One of the most underrated modern movies, IMO. How could you not love the eye candy in it?
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Re: Tripping - Rin PoV

Post by Rhaegar »

Mirage_GSM wrote: “Well, it’s not like I was always this out of shape. I’ve just spent four months cooped up in a hospital bed. I’ll never be as good a runner as you are, though.” I suppose it needs a couple more faces. Angry faces.

lol, jealous Rin?
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Re: Tripping - Rin PoV

Post by Esa94 »

Rhaegar wrote:
Mirage_GSM wrote: “Well, it’s not like I was always this out of shape. I’ve just spent four months cooped up in a hospital bed. I’ll never be as good a runner as you are, though.” I suppose it needs a couple more faces. Angry faces.

lol, jealous Rin?
That's Hisao speaking, I believe.

Also, the gloves and "Farewell to Arms"? The irony, it's tasty. Even if the second one is kind of a pun.
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Re: Tripping - Rin PoV

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Yes, it's Hisao speaking, but it is Rin thinking...
It's not necessarily connected to what Hisao said though. Rin's four trains of thought all run independently from each other. All seeming connections are just me trying to confuse you... Ahem... coincidence! Yes, coincidence!
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Tripping - Rin PoV

Post by Devon »

Love it.
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Re: Mirage's Myths

Post by Mirage_GSM »

So this is a story I've been wanting to write for a very long time now. Its title is fitting in more ways than one...


“Thank you for helping me with my shopping again.” Lilly smiles at me, her golden hair glowing in the late afternoon sun. That smile is one of what have to be a thousand reasons I am so in love with that girl. Brightly coloured leaves are slowly falling from the trees lining the road leading back up he hill to Yamaku.

“Don't worry, Lilly, that's what friends are for, isn't it?” Friends... That's all we are, as much as I wish it to be otherwise. “Besides Hanako is visiting her mother this weekend, and it's not as if I had any other plans for this afternoon.”

I slip into an uncomfortable silence again, wondering how to breach the subject that's been weighing on my mind these last months. If I want to tell her about my feelings, another opportunity like this won't come again soon. It's really hard to find Lilly alone. Most of the time, Hanako is hanging out with either of us, and while I really like her, I couldn't breach that subject while she is present.

That is why, when she told us she'd be going home for the weekend, I promised myself that come what may, I would tell Lilly now...

I open my mouth and close it again. I remember what happened the last time I was involved in a love confession. Will my heart be able to take the stress this time? I shake my head angrily. I don't care! I can't live in fear of my heart for my whole life. It is a risk I will have to take.

What about rejection? That is the thing I'm even more afraid of than a heart attack. Lilly has never given a hint that she sees me as more than a friend, and if I'm honest with myself, I don't think she does. Why should a girl like her fall for a guy like me? She's kind, beautiful, intelligent... perfect. I'm just a regular guy, who could fall over dead any moment.

In front of us I can see the gates of Yamaku, and still my mouth won't open. Damn, if I don't speak up soon, this moment will pass without me having said anything.

I freeze. Lilly walks on for a few steps, before noticing I am no longer besides her. She stops as well and turns back to me, a look of concern on her face. “Is everything alright, Hisao? Your heart?”

Well, in a manner of speaking my heart is the problem, but I shake my head. “No, I'm okay, Lilly. But would you like to sit down for a bit before returning to school?”

Lilly seems to detect the anxiety in my voice and nods, so I lead her to one of the benches lining the road, and we sit down. I try to bring some semblance of order to my thoughts. Lilly sits patiently by my side, content to wait until I'm ready to begin.

After what feels like an eternity, I finally begin to speak. “So... Do you remember the time we went to the Tanabata festival together?”

Lilly looks surprised by this unexpected question, but soon regains her composure. “I certainly do, Hisao.” She smiles at me. “It took us both most of the week to convince Hanako to come along.”

I stare straight ahead, afraid I won't be able to continue if I look into her eyes. “I also clearly remember that day. We had been looking forward to that festival for weeks. You were wearing a blue Yukata with flower patterns. Then half an hour after we got there, the rain started pouring down like there was no tomorrow. Neither of us had brought an umbrella, We were all soaking wet, by the time we found a shelter, but it didn't let up, so we had to walk all the way back to Yamaku in that downpour...”

I pause a moment to collect my thoughts. “All in all the day should have been a total disaster... but that night, when I was in my room, I realized that it had been the happiest day in my life... because I got to spend it with you.”

I finally gather the courage to face Lilly again. “Ever since that day, I've been in love with you, Lilly.”

There. I've said it.

Lilly averts her eyes. My heart sinks. That is not the reaction she would show, if she was about to give a positive answer.

“I had a feeling it would be something like that... I'm sorry, Hisao... I feel honoured that you would think of me that way, and you are a very valuable friend to me, but I do not love you like that.”

My shoulders sag, but I try to force a smile to my face, even if she won' be able to see it. “I know, Lilly.” As I say it I realize it is true. I know her well enough by now that I knew what her answer would be.

She turns to me, surprised. “Then why...?”

I stare away into the distance again, trying to fight back tears, trying to express my feelings with words. “I knew you don't love me, but I still hoped. And I just couldn't stop hoping. Not without hearing it from you.”

I feel Lilly's hand on my arm, trying to comfort me. For a moment we are both silent, then Lilly speaks up again. “You know, I really admire your courage.”

“My courage?”

“Yes, this can't have been easy for you.” She pauses, as if it is now her who has to collect her thoughts. “Do you know Kenta, the representative of class 3-1?”

I frown, trying to place the name. “I think I've seen him a few times. Never talked to him, though. What about him?”

“I've been in love with him for more than a year now.” I turn to her so abruptly her hand gets dislodged from my arm. She smiles ruefully. “This is something I have told nobody but Akira until now – not even Hanako. We've been down to the Shanghai a few times, and he's always been the perfect gentleman, but in my heart I know he's not interested in me. I never had the courage to tell him about my feelings though, so I can't stop hoping.”

My thoughts are tumbling around in my head. A part of me wants to rage against this Kenta guy - either for hurting Lilly's feelings like that or for being too dense to realize how lucky he is. But the other part of me knows that he is not at fault. He can't help it if he is not in love with Lilly – no more than Lilly can help not being in love with me - and as much as I can wish to be in his shoes, there's nothing either of us can do about it.

Again we sit in silence for a while, then... “So, what happens next? We can still be friends, can't we?”

I look at her in shock. I never even considered that my confession might put an end to our friendship. “Of course! Please don't start avoiding me now just to protect my feelings. I can't say this won't be hard for me, but it would be even harder to lose you completely. I'll manage somehow.”

To be honest, I have no idea if I can make good on this promise, but there's no reason to make her worry more than she does already.

She smiles at me again – a very sad smile but still a smile. “So... should we head back to school now? It's starting to get chilly out here.”

She is right. At this time of year it starts to get quite cold in the evenings. I rise and take our shopping bags, then offer Lilly my hand to help her up. Together we walk he rest of the way to the dorms, talking about everything but what happened between us just now. When we reach the dorms I hand her her bag, and we say our farewells, promising to meet the next day after classes in the tea room as we always do.

I briskly walk through the corridors of my dorm until I reach my room. As soon as its door closes behind me, I collapse on my bed and start to weep uncontrollably. I cry until my pillow is soaking wet and my throat hurts, thanking whatever god might be out there that I was able to contain it until I got back here. I wonder if Lilly's abrupt goodbye was to allow me to do just this...

As I drift into an exhausted sleep, I realize that the anxiety, that has burdened me for so long now, has lifted somewhat. I love Lilly with all my heart, but maybe – just maybe – I will be able to get over her some day...
Last edited by Mirage_GSM on Fri Nov 27, 2020 11:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Mirage's Myths

Post by neumanproductions »

Normally it is hard for me to write a story of rejected love but you sir have done exceptional bringing true feelings out into the open and describing the confrontation between two different emotions.
Simply, I really enjoyed it. :)
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: Mirage's Myths

Post by Devon »

Damn good.
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Re: Mirage's Myths

Post by kosherbacon »

I once tried doing a fan-fiction that involved(or well, opened with) a breakup. What I ended up with sucked and wasn't nearly as sentimental as this. Good job!
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