Mutou. Akio Mutou


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Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Smoku »

Inspired by a certain fan art and whole bunch of old movies that after a quick analysis appear to be lame, tough everyone still watch them more then once and which titles are a thing I don't care about.

My name is Akio Mutou. I'm a teacher in Yamaku high, a highschool for disabled children. Ones in need of special treatment and care. Every day I take a train from a neighboring town then I make my way up a hill, where the school, my working place, is located.
I'm a science teacher. I teach here for 6 years now. I got used to just about everything. Students going out in the middle of classes, students not listening to a word I say, students who probably think of me as a nuance and a necessary evil in the world. There's only one thing I didn't grow to being used to.

“WAHAHAHA~” laughed the pink haired girl with drills. Laughed in the middle of my classes. She didn't keep her voice down even once, although I asked her for that almost every day. I thought that putting that new kid, Nakai, close to her would at least shut her up but it had an opposite effect.
I went on with my class ramblings tough. It was my job still. I was paid for sitting around here. If I wasn't paid, I couldn't afford living in my rented flat in the town, I wouldn't be able to buy food. I would die a rotten, pathetic death.
Now that I think about it, I'm living alone for a damn long time. I don't remember how long. I got no kids, no wife. Maybe I should buy a dog?


“See? Now you have something to do” I told Nakai. I couldn't help but grin. I just sentenced him to death by drills. Pink drills and wahahas. I got rid of them both at once, throwing Nakai at Mikado to have him help her in the School Festival or whatever was going on here. I couldn't care less.
When he left, I also made my way to the teachers' lounge.
I was greeted with a laugh. Not as annoying as Mikado but close.
“Hello, Mutou, old chap” Nomiya hit my shoulder with his elephant hand.
“I'm not an old chap, Nomiya” I responded as usual. Sadly, he got used to it.
“Psst” he suddenly lowered his irritating voice “I found this nice little place downtown.” He slipped a little card into my hand “Come tonight at 8. They have this new blondie dancer. You'll like her, I'm sure! Wahahaha”.
I could bet all my socks that he and Mikado are relatives.

Nomiya went to do whatever he was doing. It was good as long as it was far away from me. I took a look at the card emotionless. It said “The Gangster: opened from 7 pm till dawn, baby” and it had a little drawing of naked female legs.

Well, why shouldn't I go? It's not like I had anything to do at home apart from watching the ceiling. And it was always like that. Nomiya pulled me around all kinds of dumb places. Every time he got drunk I had to save him from whatever mess he got himself into and then take him home because he was always too drunk to stand.


I didn't bother changing for the evening. Same old outfit I wore to work. About 7 pm I received a phone call:
“Hiya, Akio! I'm almost at your house, wahahaha!” Nomiya's voice thundered at my ear.
“Don't call me Akio” I told and hanged of. The bastard surely will ring at my doorbell in a second. My eternal luck wanted to have Nomiya living only a few buildings away from my flat.

*ding dong*
“Yo, Akio!” boomed the fat guy at me when I opened the door of my home before him. Nomiya was dressed in a red and yellow shirt and jeans, nothing making him less ugly then usual.
Without a word from me, and a million words from him about everything possible to talk about, we went on our way to “The Gangster” located in the town near Yamaku High.

We approached one section of building with a big, shining with neons sign “The Gangster” in blueish and pinkish colors with a long legged blond girl, also made of neons, moving her left leg up and down and blinking her left eye as the lights changed every second.
The entrance wasn't shabby. In front of it was standing a tall, muscular man who looked like his only hobby is spending time at a gym. He was dressed in an elegant suit, fitting for a bodyguard of an exclusive club with a very long line of people waiting at the entrance to kindly be allowed to get in. Tough there wasn't any queue here.

The man scanned us from toes to top of our heads as wanted to get past him, like a machine invented for selecting guests.
“This man can't come in”his hard voice was aimed at me like an artillery missile.
“He's with me, Henry” Nomiya answered him. The man turned his eyes at the art teacher, with a surprised look.
“But I'm not Hen...” he wanted to say but Nomiya went inside and pulled me behind him.

And so we got in. The bodyguard surprisingly didn't follow us. The pub looked pretty new. On our right there was a stairway leading to the upper parts of the club, with more tables then on the lower part, with a nice view on a stage right in front of us. On our left was the bar, with a young, good looking bartender, picked for the job probably because he was young and handsome. He was wiping a glass, probably pretending he's working. The bar itself looked impressive and well supplied.

There was a few people sitting at the tables, drinking, chatting, but not many of them. It was still early. Nomiya chose a table relatively close to the stage. Naturally he came her to watch female strippers. Dirty old man. We had a few drinks, talked about whatever and then a speaker announced something and a long haired blond woman dressed in a shepherdess dress appeared from the backstage and started her show.


The chief of the Japanese Secret Services approach the Prime Minister's room slowly. His report was very important and dire yet he knew that prime minister allowed nothing to interrupt his weekly rituals. He was a strange man. The last chief of secret services vanished for interrupting such a ritual. Simply vanished. He's nowhere to be found, thus the vice-chief was chosen as a temporary main chief.

He took a quick look on his Rolex watch. The Minister's weekly.. thing should be over by now. He decided to risk a knock on the door.
“Come in, it's opened!” Answered a voice from inside. The chief done as he was told.
“Prime Minister, sir!” Secret services chief bowed respectfully “I have to discuss urgent matters with you right now”. He felt cold drops of sweat forming on his young forehead. He never imagined that he would fear his superior this much.
“Say whatever you have to say. An episode of Rozen Maiden just ended so I'm free for now” an almost bold middle-aged and pretty thin man answered the chief with a most serious look on his face.


Prime Minister's wrinkled forehead was even more wrinkled after hearing what the chief had to say.
“This... This is bad. Very bad” he summarized after the chief ended his report. “This calls for special measures”.
“Most certainly, sir” Agreed the chief “Should I call for.. him?”
“Yes. I want to have him deal with this” Prime Minister coldly decided. It was a tough decision even for a such a merciless man like himself.
He could have any man in Japan killed at will. No one threatened him, at least to the next change in the government. He knew a lot. Like all the higher-ups residing in this building.

Yet he feared of that one person. He still feared to even speak of the name. Or even think about it. In dark depths of his mind dwelled that name... Akio Mutou

(Stay tuned)
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Leotrak »

... I'm not sure whether to laugh or be thrilled with excitement O.o
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by TheHeroicKnight »

My GAR senses are tingling. This seems like it will be quite the interesting Mutou fic.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Off to a nice start. Not much to criticize... some typos, a bit of jumping between tenses and...
students who probably think of me as a nuance were probably going for "nuisance" here.
I wonder if this emergency is going to involve Yamaku or if Mutou will be busy far away from the other characters.
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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by kosherbacon »

Nomiya had me loling :lol:

I could practically hear his voice grating at my inner ears.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Smoku »

A little about the previous part: Japan's Prime Minister really is a fan of Rozen Maiden.

“Did youou she that, Aakio??” Nomiya splurted out a few words. He clearly had enough of colorful drinks and beer for one night. “Did youu ssee dat ass?” he pointed at a short haired Japanese stripper lady leaving that stage with whatever was scattered around of her wardrobe.
“Yeah, whatever” I wasn't that impressed. The place was rather good tough.

After a while Nomiya started losing control. He got confused and started stripping himself. No one noticed tough, I stopped him before he took of more then his jacket. I knew him long enough to predict his “phases” of alcoholic stupors. I led him outside. Naturally it was time for him to puke around a little now. Every now and then Nomiya let of a rainbow puke wherever he could. After years I mastered the art of puke dodging, making myself invulnerable to his attacks. His victims this time were a few trash cans, random city space like a part of the street and a homeless cat.
After this old man's puke it probably melted and died in an instant.


I came back home after putting Nomiya to his own bed, making sure he puked enough not to choke on anything and die in his sleep. I didn't feel drunk at all. Everyone said my head was pretty tough.

Even guys in Vietnam...

I left those times way back in the past anyway. I'm a teacher now, I lead a peaceful life.


On the next day I woke up as always, I made myself a coffee before setting of to school. Suddenly my phone rang. I picked up:
“Akio Mutou?” asked a male voice on the other side. No greetings, no emotions.
“Who asks?”
“The Japanese government”
I hanged off. Fuck them. I've retired. I don't need to listen to them. Naturally the phone rang again.
“Sir, you could face dire consequences for such an action” announced the voice.
“Listen, kid. You were asked to call me because you don't know who I am. I've retired.”
“I know, Sir. But the government is in need of your aid again” the young man seemed unmoved. I hanged off again.
And another call. The number was different now.
“Akio” another voice had spoken my name. A voice that shifted my mind back to many years back. A voice of a man who shouted a lot at me in the past. Who made me crawl on the fields of the training camp and then battlefields, forests and swamps of Vietnam. Who made me run many more miles then a human being possibly could.

This was the voice of one and only man who survived with me back there. That very same man was the current Prime Minister of Japan. He was elected cause of his experience, also experience in warfare. He was a minister of defense for a very long time before this. And before that he was a military man. A general of the Japanese forces.
“Akio, the country needs you once again” he went on. “You know where to find me. I knew I'll have to talk to you personally.”
“I've retired, general. You know it. I'm done”
“I know, Mutou. But this is an issue only you can handle. The country's in danger.”
“I don't care”
“Your little cripple school is in danger with whole of Japan too”
“Screw you” I said, but I didn't put off the phone. I just didn't.
“Akio. My men will find you but be on your guard.” He hanged of now.

And what the hell was going on? I resumed my regular day but I couldn't focus on the lectures much.


The day has passed uneventfully. I went on my way to the city with the sun shining on my back with it's last beams, as everything was drowned in an orange aura. Prime Minister's words were still on my mind as I approached the train station. At the entrance were a few men dressed in black suits. Naturally, government morons. They are so obvious with those pompous suits that probably even elementary school kids know who they are by now. I approached one of them. He pretended not to see me. What is he, a hired retard?

“Yeah, I'm here, boy” I started without hesitation.
“Huh?” a man at his thirties shifted his attention towards me “Scram, old man, I ain't got change money for ya” and answered rudely.
Hm? What the... I made a mistake?

“Ekhm!” Someone coughed quite obviously trying to get my attention. I turned around to see a blond... person in a suit and an old 1930's style gangster hat, fitting the suit.
“Akio Mutou?” She, cause the voice was clearly feminine, asked for a confirmation.

Oh, the government sure changed. Women in suits. What next? Men in dresses? But.. she doesn't look half bad.
I nodded in response.
“This way, sir” the woman turned her back at me and moved through the typical train station crowd away from the station. My eyes ventured towards spots they shouldn't have as the woman was leading the way. We stopped near a black, new car at a parking lot, close by. At least the cars stayed as obvious as ever.
She went ahead and entered the car's back seat asking me to follow. I came in the luxurious car. A driver was already inside. He didn't even gave me a look, just started driving.

“Mr. Mutou, Let me introduce myself.” The woman started. I am Akira Satou, Top officer only under the Special Service chief. I'll brief you quickly on your mission”
“I never said I accept, miss Satou”

She found this a little surprising. But she wasn't unprepared for such an issue.
“Mr. Mutou. In any minute with one phone call we can make you lose your job as a teacher and never be employed anywhere” She said while she presented him a cellphone from her pocket.
“You're going to use this phone?” I pointed at the very same phone.
“Yes, tha-” she didn't finish. I just punched the phone out of her hand as fast as I could. Naturally it got crushed immediately.
Akira went a little pale as she didn't even blink an eye as but a few pieces of the phone were just falling of her hand. An awkward silence dropped on us for a minute.
“M-Mister Mutou. This is a dire situation, please hear me out.”
“Let me out of this shit” I said to the driver. He ignored me tough. Funny thing he even ignored the phone punch. Is he a robot or something?
“Sir, the Japanese government is corrupted and taken over by Nazis!” Akira shouted hopelessly.
I gave her a look.
“What do you think I am? A kid to believe such crap? Don't screw with me, young lady.”

“The leader of this plan is named Nakai, sir. Father of Hisao Nakai. One of your students”

(to be continued)
Sorry if it's so short. I'm kinda busy with life =(
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Leotrak »

Cliffhanger alert! Please drive safely! :P

Good read ^_^
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Mirage_GSM »

I like where this is going.
One nitpick: Japan didn't fight in the Vietnam War.
Also, your tenses are all over the place, which makes the story a bit hard to follow. Otherwise a nice read.
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Smoku »

Yes, I'm well aware that Japan did not participate in Vietnam. It's all well and fine with the story. Just read.

Miss Akira decided that the rest of the story will be told by the Prime Minister himself. She instructed the driver about the directions they were supposed to take now.
After about half hour they arrived at the poorest parts of the city. Buildings were badly damaged and some of them looked deserted. I saw through the car's window a few regular sites at such a place: sleeping drunkards, dirty prostitutes looking for another chance of getting at least a little bit of money for their drugs... Some of them looking at me and the black car with wide eyes showing both surprise and hatred towards people who were more lucky in life.
The driver stopped the car in front of a small, rundown church. Akira instructed me to get in there and wait.

“Is this temple used...?” I thought to myself, entering the house of God in this godforsaken place. The main door made an awful noise as I opened it and made my way inside the dark church. There in a front row on the left was the Prime Minister. He was kneeling and praying. He didn't react although I was sure he heard my loud footsteps.
I took a seat next to him. He had a briefcase right next to his legs. I'm guessing that there is the necessary data for that mission. Nazis... Hah, yea. Whatever they'll think of next. Aliens?

A few minutes have passed and he stopped his prayers. He turned to me. His face turned old since last time I saw him. He was balding. He had glasses on his nose. His moves weren't as sharp as they were in the past. Time was slowly eating the great special forces general. But his eyes... Although his eye sight was getting worse, those eyes were still burning with a fierce black flame of a war dog. He didn't forget and so did I. About the times....


1971. Somewhere in Vietnam. I no longer remember where. Me and the general are the only remaining members of the special services sent by the Japanese government to aid the US army. This was supposed to be one of them bigger secrets between Japan and USA. A little deal. They simply bought us. And threatened with another Hiroshima just to make sure we'll go with their deal. They needed men. And they needed the best men possible badly.

We were selected amongst the Japanese special forces unit. They chose only the brightest, most skilled and fluent in English. No one told us how many of us were there but they wanted us for as long as the war was going on.

So we went. And we killed in the name of USA.

A month ago we got a report that we're the last Japanese in the lines. It's somewhere around April now, how should I know? I don't have a fucking calendar.
I'm 20 years old. VERY young for participating in such a task. My superior is the leader of our forces (only so-called leader. He was treated equally as all other “Japs”) . He passed his thirties. He went all the way up high in light speed because of his astonishing performance and excessive knowledge in just about every military specialty. He could disarm and make explosives, shoot like a machine and even use any kind of guns, weaponry, including artillery and tanks. Heck he could even pilot a helicopter.
But the most important thing was that he knew how to survive in these jungles using only things we could all find here.

We were teamed up with a bunch of Americans. They mostly kept to themselves. So did we. We never eaten together, we never had a drink together, we never pissed together. We only killed together. And we killed many. We were doing our job.
We saw our friends die. They saw one of their men being ripped to shreds by a land mine. And he only wanted to take a shit.
We saw two Japanese being shot in their heads right after breakfast. I was talking to one of'em right before his brain colored my uniform red and pink.
And that are only examples.

Most of the times our, the Japanese, job was infiltrating enemy bases undercover, getting as much information as possible and then along with the Americans destroying all we could. Dirty and risky work.

The Americans didn't seem to like us. Day by the day our relationship got more tense. Sometimes they just didn't cooperate, ignoring our tactical advice. They were superior to us so they treated us as mere tools, keeping us alive just because we were useful. We didn't like them too. Brainless masses of muscles... The only thing they seemed to know how to do is piss, shit, eat and kill.

One day tough... one day everything changed. We were supposed to liberate an innocent village from the hands of Vietnamese military. Without destroying it. Without killing everything and everyone. That was new.
We did what we had to. Me and the general infiltrated the village without complications. We assassinated anyone who suspected us of espionage, hid their corpses and devised a nice enough plan for the Americans to follow. But they ignored it. They just... They just went to the village, shooting like mad men. They killed all the military men, yes. But after that they started killing villagers. Poor people who couldn't defend themselves, who welcomed them as saviors but fell by their bullets.

They also started raping the village women. On our eyes. I was furious but the general just forbid me to show any emotions. He ordered me not to take any action.
“It's an order, Mutou. You hear me?” His voice still booms in my memory

We just stood there. Did nothing. Waited for those barbarians to finish. I wouldn't blink an eye but after that... liberation they sent the village children to clean our way further. Clear out of land mines with their own bodies. And I saw a little girl, kicked by one of the white monsters in front of us, running, scared. Then she stepped on a mine and got torn to pieces. And they only laughed. That was enough. I snapped. Red fog covered my eyes and I lost myself to my rage.

There were 16 of the Americans in this unit. I don't remember quite well of what I did back there. I try not to remember too much. I recall simply shooting down 3 unsuspecting marines in the backs of their heads and unleashing hell. I just threw a grenade at the furthest group. They recognized an enemy in me and that's it. The slaughter has started. I have no idea what the general did, I lost sight of him. The next thing I remember is that I ran out of ammo and I jumped on the last standing American. I just kept hitting him even after he lost conscious. Even after his head was just a piece of mashed meat. Even after I dug through his face to the ground. I still kept hitting until the general came and just put his hand on my shoulder. I regained my senses and so we fled afterwards.
General contacted some kind of US army outpost and we got sent home as our forces practically no longer existed.

And that's the whole motherfucking war...

I'm older then I look and I hold remarkably well. Everyone assume I'm just 40 years old. That's weird how I seemed to stop growing into an old, wrinkled man.


He looked at me for a while with a serious face. After the war I undergone a few psychological tests. The Americans didn't blow the issue around. They didn't want to have a worse reputation then they already had. But a few men in black occasionally made visits at my place. About that I didn't tell. Anyone. They wanted to kill me. I had to be on guard 24/7. I was testing if my food was poisoned, I made every one of my steps carefully. I covered the windows to prevent sniper attacks and I moved my sleeping spot every night randomly. I grew paranoid. And brutal. After my superiors, including the general, got an info from the American embassy that someone impaled a head of an American special agent to their eastern wall with a steel arrow, I got removed from duty.

But they secretly called me sometimes. For “special missions” as they called it. The Americans finally stopped their attacks. They probably ran out of professionals. My missions weren't as often as well. They were all about killing anyway... because they just didn't find a way to kill me. So they decided to leave me be. Until the general wanted to see me again.

“So, general...” I started. “What is this shit about Nazis?”
“It's stupid but true, Akio” he said. He was so serious. As serious as in Vietnam.”We need you this time. We had enough”
“So.. Now I'm killing anyone you want to see dead?” I got up “I'm not your dog anymore”
“Sit down. The situation got out of control. We let those Nakais into our nest. They were witty, smart and they had charisma. The people liked them and voted. They've got all the way to the government”.
I sat back down as he started his story
“They were all fine at first. But soon after they started sharing that doctrine of theirs. They took it all from Mein Kampf. They said about how the country is getting more and more infected by a cancer from outside of Japan. Some liked their point of view, some didn't. We thought they'd die out and disappear as fast as they came.” Prime Minister adjusted his glasses as he kept talking. The church seemed empty and no one seemed to be coming. Guess his men took care of this.
“But they didn't. They gained some followers. Word spread that their riches increased. Their influence rapidly grew without us getting a full grip on them” He clenched a fist. He looked... weaker. Time has made it's toll not only on his body but on the personality as well. His old self would already have dealt with all this crap. I looked with pity on an ending existence of a tough man. He just couldn't deal with this on his own anymore.
“So now... those idiots hold great power in the government. They may be elected on high positions. Many sweet talkers are on their side. Anyone who dares to openly disobey them, vanishes like a rock in water. They're all dead, probably. So... Akio, you must understand.. this is an emergency” His eyes were now piercing through me. They had great hope in them.

I got up, finally hearing from him.
“This here case contains all the information about your mission” He took the briefcase in his old hands. “Here...”
“Reward?” I asked bluntly, without taking the case, without looking at him. My sight was set on the guy nailed on a cross. I wasn't religious. Ever. My parents were Shintoists but they didn't teach me much about it. All we did was go to a shrine at New year's.
“... reward? You'll save the nation, Mutou!”
“I said... reward. I'm not a lap dog”
“I had enough” I made my way towards the exit, from whence I came. I didn't turn my head, I didn't see the general's... no, The Prime Minister's face. I didn't particularly care about this shit.
As I was reaching the door, a sudden noise was heard outside. And soon after the door went crushing to pieces as miss Akira flew by them inside. She fell right by my feet. Blood on her face and on her suited said enough to me. She wasn't getting up. At least not now. She was still breathing.
In front of me, was a group of foreign looking men, also dressed in black suits. Just now they started to take out guns...
I took Akira in my arms and jumped to the benches, hiding behind a pillar as bullets started to fly in the air. General came to my side from the other side of the benches.
“See? They came for my head, Akio”
“Treat this woman, general” I said as I took Akira's gun and all of the ammo she had with her I could currently find. It wasn't much... a loaded Glock 17 with 2 extended 19 bullet rounds. Time to shoot some ducks, Akio.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Leotrak »

Oh, bloody hell O.O It's all going downhill from here, isn't it?

Keep going :D I'm -still- awaiting the James bond style introduction! :P
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by kosherbacon »

I am seriously concerned for the safety of mai waifu now.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Smoku »


I loaded the Glock as I heard shots fired at us. I had to take their attention away from the general and Akira as soon as possible because the pillar didn't look it was made for such things as withstanding bullets.

Well... old bones, do your best. I sprang out of the bench aiming to get to the other side of the church, to the other benches. Naturally I'd expose myself while rolling there, but what the hell
I made the jump towards the space between the two sides of the church. In the air I pointed the gun to the foreign men at the door. They didn't expect this and they didn't point their guns to me as fast as I did to them. I quickly aimed and shot one of them. I had no idea if I actually hit him, I was to busy focusing on rolling to the benches.
I did it just in time as the men altered all of their attention to me. I hid behind the second pillar. The general and Akira were at least a little safer now. I took a look to see what's the situation. It looked as if I hit one guy in the arm, but as soon as I got visible even by an inch, they started shooting straight at that spot.
A bullet flew by, cutting of a little bit of my hair, barely a few centimeters away from my head. But then the shots stopped. They needed to reload but one of them spoke:
“Our target is the Prime Minister, do not interfere!”
Naturally I took this chance and sold them a few shots of my own right after the guy finished his sentence. I got him in the head, infuriating his companions effectively.
They breached the church and headed towards the general and Akira. God damn! Now I was a bit too far to get to them. Well, roll, you old piece of a teacher.
I got up, jumped on a bench aiming to ones left near the door, shooting them up nicely and headed back to the Prime Minister, reloading my gun.
Well, I decided to do it in my old style, I guess... :
I ran to the remaining enemies head on, dodging bullets, flying dangerously close to my whole body. As I closed on them, the four remaining enemies' faces started showing more fear. I shot down two on my kamikaze run. I think I got shot in my left shoulder. That just filled me with anger. I was close enough to engage both of them in close combat, their hands started shaking. I jumped on a bench again, bounced from it and kicked one of them in the chest. The impact of the hit had knocked him on the ground. I don't know if he was the one that shot me or the remaining guy, who didn't even notice that his round was empty. I didn't care.
As he was lying on the ground with pure fear in his eyes, he started pointing his gun at me. He couldn't shoot tough. Not anymore. I stepped on his hand, kicked him in the face. He didn't lose consciousness but he knew he lost. But I didn't stop on that . I jumped. On his head. With all my might. His skull didn't withstand the power and it's insides splattered under my boots. I immediately jumped to the last remaining foe. He was constantly pressing the trigger, although his ammo was long gone. I punched his face and he fell on his back. I kicked his gun away.
“W-W-W-What the hell are you!!? A demon!?” He yelled.
I pointed my gun at his face.
“Mutou. Akio Mutou” And I shot him with cold blood. Smoke came out of the freshly used gun. I didn't bother looking at the remains of the guy.

“You alive, general?” I asked and took out a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket.
“Yeah. Thanks, Akio” The prime minister got out from between the church benches with Akira in his hands. She was out cold still, but she was breathing stably. At the next minute we heard a car suddenly stopping outside the church and a load of men in suits came in.
“Finally! You damn slowpokes!” yelled the minister. Looks like those were his men this time. He handed them the woman and we went out of this hell of a temple. My wound got tended by the general's medics. We were placed in the black car I came here in a while ago. The driver didn't change. It was his job to transport people. And that's that.
“So, you see how it looks like, Mutou. They made a move” Prime minister told me. I kept smoking in silence. I was supposed to come up with a little exam for the students and yet I was out of my apartment, killing people who were hired henchmen of the parents of one of my students... Who happened to be Nazis or whatever crap too.
“Will you help me now remove the Nakais, Akio?”
“I'll leave the case with the documents to you. Driver, let's get Akio to his apartment”.


I said nothing as I left the Prime Minister's car. I wonder if he'll survive the night.
At home, I made a coffee and read through the papers.
It seems the Nakais started acting on the political stage a mere year ago. They were elected surprisingly fast and I noticed that they made their way to the government at the same time Hisao Nakai got hospitalized.
Well... if they had such fame and success in their hands, why did they seem poor when I saw them once at Yamaku, when they rolled in their sick son?
I think even Hisao believed his family had a terrible situation. And how the hell didn't he know both his parents were elected as government representatives? How didn't I know that? Well... I didn't care about politics much.

The papers stated they quickly stopped being neutral and joined a minor political party. They grew in popularity thanks to their sheer charisma. Many mighty politicians started eagerly supporting them and they gained a formidable power in no time, bla bla bla, I skipped a few pages. Screw their doctrine shit.
Currently they control a small army. They are located near Tokyo, in a mansion-like fortress. Wow, interesting. That's worth to remember since I'll make a little teacher home visit to kill them.

This is a spot I probably should have a moral dilemma “Oh, but they are my student's beloved parents, what should I do?”. I should pull the trigger aiming at their heads, then go back leading a peaceful life with my money earned for this endeavor.

It was done. Nakais pissed me off.


Tomorrow, after barely having any sleep, I went to school. My lecture was the same as usual. Altough I didn't see Hisao Nakai present today. As well as Hakamichi, Mikado or Ikezawa. Hmm, weird. Well, school skipping, flues, whatever. It's a disabled children school for Christ sake.

On lunch break, I went out to have something to eat at the town. I went to a ramen stand for a quick ramen. As I sat and enjoyed my meal, a man sat right beside me. He took out a gun, showing it clearly to the stand owner, making him leave quietly, then he aimed at me.
“I come with a word from Fuhrer Nakai.” He said. I slowly finished my meal and took a slight glance at him. A punk. He probably called himself “a lone mercenary” or “professional killer” by now. A clichéd suit, a long barrel magnum with a silencer, semi long brown hair, dark glasses and a gangster hat. It all almost screamed “I lick yakuza asses”. He waited for something. Maybe my sign of fear? Panic? A response maybe?
“He said that the Nakais are waiting for you at their mansion and ordered me to give you this map here to get there” He gave me a piece of paper. “They say they took a few yamaku students as hostages, to make you move it faster.”
“Fine. So why the gun?” I asked after wiping my face with a handkerchief.
“Protection. Also.. I heard about you, Mutou. Why not come back in business but try working as a Hand of God for hire?” He grinned with satisfaction. Hand of God...
“Yeah, sure, why not.”
“R-really? I was sure you'd decline like a hero and stuff! Well, that's great” He reached out one of his hands for his pocket, probably for a smoke. Good, that's just what I needed. Dropped guard.
I took his gun out of his hand in a flash and sticked it deep in his throat. He nearly puked, confused.
“Not” I added.
I guided him politely outside the stand, taking the gun out of his mouth, hiding it in my jacket, kindly reminding him of it's position by pocking him with it every now and then.
We made it to an alley.
“O-oi, Mutou... What are you doing?”
“You're a pro and you don't know?” I shot him in the head, he dropped dead, I threw his body to a big trash can.
“Less kids on the market” I said as I hid his gun in my jacket. On my way back to school late a little, I had a smoke while examining the map. It seemed pretty accurate.

I wonder how much are they prepared for my arrival.


Akira woke up in a hospital. She cursed herself for being such a fool. After a while she could possibly get up, she reported to the Prime Minister.
“Mutou called” he announced without further ado “he said he's going to do his job”
“Sir... Are you sure that man can do it alone?”
“He's a lucky guy”
“Does he have enough luck for this one tough?”
Prime Minister turned on the TV in his office. Rozen Maiden was starting.
“I don't know, Akira. But let me tell you one thing...” He took out a pack of chips “he's one hell of a badass”

(Continued later)
(ara, ara, I think I pulled of a little punisher)
Last edited by Smoku on Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by kosherbacon »

Gun battle... in a church... All you need are doves flying everywhere and you've got a John Woo scene :P
She cursed herself for being such a full.
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Smoku »

fixed. lol, damn automated word change Oo
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Re: Mutou. Akio Mutou

Post by Leotrak »

Smoku wrote:“Mutou. Akio Mutou”
About time :P

Keep kicking ass here, Smoku ^_^ Minor nitpick: tough --> though...
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
Leotrak's Library, my other depository of written stuffs
Before: Hanako>/=Emi>Rin>Lilly>Shizune
After: Emi>Rin>Hanako>Lilly>>>>>>>>>>>Shizune
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