New stuff of Neuman|| Katawamon: Welcome to Ceridian Forest


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New stuff of Neuman|| Katawamon: Welcome to Ceridian Forest

Post by neumanproductions »

Like Pharaoh's Phables, Kosher's Writefaggotry, Snicket's KS Shorts, and other fine established works by EL and others I have decided to make my own one-shot and random writings station. I think this will definitely see some more work and fast, despite how much i'm involved in. :roll:

First up, an OC I made a while back and posted to the DA. Didn't have a good place on here to put it until now.

Lela Hamilton

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Strawberry Blonde

Height: 5’ 5”

Weight: 128 lbs

Birthday: January 21

Blood Type: O

Disability: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes (CFRD)

Likes: Writing poetry and short stories, reading, limited exercise, any fruits

Dislikes: Loud noises, video games

Does get along with: Emi, Rin, Hanako, Lilly, Hisao, and maybe Shizune(w/out Misha)

Doesn’t get along: Kenji, Misha, Shizune(w/ Misha)

Goal in Life: To become a great writer and poet

Lela is a cute, optimistic girl who is a current student at Yamaku in class 2-3. She hails from the northern part of the United States where her father runs a small restaurant. Her mother had been in a car accident when she was little and her father and sisters had raised her. Did I not mention she is the youngest of three sisters? They have all graduated from universities and had gotten married by the time Lela was 12 so her father had to fully take over raising her. She is currently the aunt to 3 children, all her eldest sister’s. Lela spends most of her time sitting outdoors either writing or just watching the clouds floating by. She is also in the school’s poetry club. When the weather is cold or rainy she can often be found by the fireplace either reading or writing. She plans on going on into literature after Yamaku and hopes that she can inspire others with her works.

So, what could be wrong with this girl that she is willing to leave her family and life behind to come to Yamaku? Well, it has a little to do with a personal preference but more on the lines of her condition.

Lela has a well know genetic disease by the name of Cystic Fibrosis. Both of her parents had been carriers of the disease and it was only luck that kept her three sisters from also contracting the disease. The disease is most often related to the lungs but it does have the ability to affect other parts. She daily has to use a nebulizer to try and break down the mucus that builds up in the lungs and since she was young she would try and exercise to help keep her lungs in working condition. Her growth in both height and weight has been affected by the disease as well as causing her to experience type 1diabetes symptoms because of damage caused to her pancreas. She must give herself insulin shots and avoid sugary foods. With her family’s business taking up much of her father’s time he thought it might be best if Lela were to go to a place where she could be taken care of easier. It was actually Lela’s idea to attend Yamaku because she loves the Japanese culture and had always wanted to visit. She had been taking classes for several years due to her love of it and thought this was a great opportunity. Her father agreed and so the following year she saw her father off at the airport and has enjoyed making new friends.

When she had told her new friends about her disease they were intrigued at how this girl could be so optimistic. Many of the students who were at Yamaku with CF were not as happy as its most well know trait is shortening life expectancy to the 20s and 30s due to lung failure. Lela would simply respond, “You never can tell when you will die. All that matters is what you do with the time you have.” She was optimistic in all senses of the word and she would always be smiling. Nothing was going to stop her from living her life the way she wanted. She would run with Emi and Hisao in the morning to help clear her lungs and would read in the library with Hanako. She has a crush on one of the boys but is also semi-shy in nature so she has yet to approach him. Hopefully her friends can help her make the move of her life.
Last edited by neumanproductions on Fri May 06, 2011 2:20 pm, edited 15 times in total.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by kosherbacon »

I was wondering when that OC of yours would show up. Doesn't like video games eh? She's not going to get along with E_Line's character :(
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Leotrak »

Interesting. I'm curious to see the hijinks that will ensue from this 8)

Bacon, not everyone can get along with good ol' Luke >_>
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Extremist_Line »

kosherbacon wrote:I was wondering when that OC of yours would show up. Doesn't like video games eh? She's not going to get along with E_Line's character :(
Leotrak wrote: Bacon, not everyone can get along with good ol' Luke >_>
Indeed, that would make everything too easy and unrealistic. Just because Luke tries to get along with everyone and is extremely loyal to his friends doesn't mean everyone likes him...
Ok, when I actually type it down it seems kinda silly...
It's not like the two characters will meet. or will they?

Anyways, it'll be interesting to see how this character plays out. All of the other students we've seen have disabilities that only hamper them mildly in their everyday tasks. Your character, on the other hand, would have to stop frequently in the day for treatments and insulin. And of course, that shortened life expectancy is not going to be healthy for a long-term relationship unless you want a cliched tragic ending.

And, kinda off topic, but when I saw the topic title, I thought of the Neumans from Phantasy Star. >.>
"Anyone can say they're your friend, few can prove it." -Me
Hanako >/= Lilly > Shizune > Emi > Rin
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

Extremist_Line wrote:or will they?

And, kinda off topic, but when I saw the topic title, I thought of the Neumans from Phantasy Star. >.>
Don't act like I can't see what you type there. :wink:
Also, I love using my name for an advantage word play such as this.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

I would like to place a shoutout to Wren who sparked this idea into my head along with several other peoples little comments.

A God Among Men (Part 1)

A television is turned on to the 6’oclock news. The man on the scene starts announcing the headliner. ‘It started happening only a few months ago. High ranking advocates for women’s rights and Feministic ideals have been dying unexpected and sometimes unusual deaths. The latest victim was and American by the name of Marie Gunter who was recently on a campaign trail in hopes of becoming the first female President. She had been campaigning on the podium of female rights and regulation in business and private life. According to immediate sources, she was on her way to a debate in Delaware when the incident occurred. While staying at a hotel the night before they would arrive, she was found dead the following morning hanging from the ceiling of her room. The only piece of evidence was a note that was claimed to have be written by her denouncing the stance she had taken on women’s rights. Authorities are in full investigation but have no leads or evidence of this being anything but suicide. Marie makes the 22nd of such deaths of well known female advocates.’ The television is then turned off.

“You really believe your theory is true, don’t you,” a shadowy figure stands beside a desk in a poorly light room.

“My theory is of absolute, sound foundation. I will not sit by and watch the world fall prey to such mockery of its once patriarchal society. Corruption has become evident in once proud nations and I intend to correct that historical misjudgment.”

“But your own classmates are starting to get suspicious of you; especially that Nakai fellow. You told me how you would constantly tell him your opinion on women. I’m sure he already suspects you of having some part in this.”

“Relax; he would be the easiest to deal with. All I have to do is write his name. They wouldn’t take it as anything but his existing heart-condition as the source. What luck for me.”

“Well, you’re the brains here. I’m just along for the ride,” the figure picks up an apple from the desk. *crunch, crunch* “I don’t care much but I suggest you watch your back…Kenji.”


Recently the school has been abuzz about the worldwide deaths.

“It seems too consistent to be just by chance.”

“I agree. All the deaths had been to public female icons.”

“Wasn’t Oprah one of those?”

“I heard it’s something supernatural. Like what you would read in a manga.”

“Nonsense, I don’t believe in such hocus pocus.”

Constant debate has caused many potential reasons and theories to pop up.

“I think that umm… what was his name? You know the crazy kid that gets drunk all the time.”

“Wait, don’t tell me you think it was Kenji Setou. That kid is just stupid nuts. He couldn’t commit something like this let alone organize it.”

“You’re right, what was I thinking.”

To think that these people were so close to the truth only to brush it off on preconceived notions. A crazy genius is what can be actually said about Kenji. His rants might have appeared like a poor man’s excuse at weakness but he really did believe his theories. You could call him a mad scientist, only without the science. Nothing more than his theories would have become reality if he didn’t stumble upon a notebook one afternoon.

(Start Flashback)

While outrunning a group of girls who had discovered he was spying on them in the shower Kenji dodged into a nearby thicket. As soon as his safety was assured was about to step out when he noticed something dark lying on the ground. He picked it up and holding it close to his face read the cover, Death Note. For humor purposes he took the book with him to his room. Upon locking the door the book called out to him. Setting it on his desk he turned to the inside cover. What appeared to be a set of instructions was inscribed in white. ‘How to use: 1) The human whose name is written in this note shall die.’

“Well that seems simple enough.”

Taking a pen out of his draw, Kenji decides to have a laugh with this by writing the name of someone he deeply despised. Shizune Hakamichi. Placing the book in his drawer he set out to conduct more research when there was a sharp scream coming from outside. Being his suspicious self he cautiously made his way to the source. By the time he reached it there was already a crowd of people huddling in a circle. Drawing closer a pink head of hair is first seen followed by a limp body on the ground. Inspecting closely it turned out to be none other than…


Misha’s voice cries out, “No, no this is impossible! You can’t die! Shicchan! Shicchan! Wake up!” She continues to yell as tears pour from her eyes. Kenji inconspicuously leaves the scene and heads back to his room.

“It can’t be. No way can that thing be real.”

Stepping into his room he locks the door and opens the drawer he stuffed the notebook into earlier. Opening it up he reads the first instruction once again. ‘How to use: 1) The human whose name is written in this note shall die.’ Scanning through the rest of the instructions on the first page they aligned almost perfectly with what happened. The scream was about 40 seconds after he finished the name and there were plenty of students normally on the grounds at this time so she couldn’t have been dead earlier. Also, it didn’t seem like an injury so it could be a heart attack. All the pieces added up.

“This thing really can be used to kill.”

“Well, looks like you had an itch to test it out already.”

Kenji just sat there in shock. The voice he heard was raspy of sorts and caused a chill to enter the room. There was no one in his room before he locked the door. Whoever was behind him knew what had happened. Afraid to turn around he uses the mirror on the desk and slowly tilts it in the direction of the voice.


“Aaahhhh,” Kenji slips from his chair seeing death itself staring back at him in the mirror. Regaining his footing he slowly turns to face this uninvited guest. Slowly taking a good look at the ghostly figure a thought pops into his mind. He continues to look up and down what appeared to be the body shape of a large man. Long arms, pale skin, and those red eyes distinguished themselves on the creature.

“Stop looking me all up and down like that. I could swear you were gay or something, especially with the way you look,” he crosses his arms and sits on the bed smiling.

“You’re a Shinigami, aren’t you?”

“Wow, you’re a pretty fast human. That is correct. I am the Shinigami named Ryuk and that’s my Death Note you got there.”

“Are you here to take it back?”

“No, I’m only here to observe until it returns to me naturally. You already seem to understand part of its power.”

“This book can kill anyone who name is written in it.”

“That and much more. You now have the power of a death god my friend,” a grin starts to form on Keji’s face followed by one from Ryuk.

“The power of a god eh. This could come in useful.”

The next few months consist of several names going into the Death Note. Shizune Hakamichi's cause of death was by a heart attack and a memorial service was held at the school. The entire staff, faculty, and student population was in attendance, except for Misha. She had locked herself in her room and was never the same after that day. She no longer laughed with her signature ‘Wahaha!’ and barely spoke to anyone. This had no effect on Kenji as he continued to act on his plan and gain new knowledge of the Death Note’s abilities.

(End Flashback)

Ryuk could only be seen by Kenji so he constantly followed him everywhere.

“The fame of your deeds has seemed to spread across the entire school so quickly.”

“As you just heard, they all say I was crazy from the start. It has worked out perfectly, even as the prime suspect I’m the most unlikely.”

“That seems quite contradictory.”

“Exactly my point.”

Footsteps can be heard following the one and his invisible companion. *click, click* The noise follows for a while until Kenji decides to stop and confront the stalker.

(To be continued)
Last edited by neumanproductions on Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Wren »

Well must have been an odd spark from I am afraid to see what is next, but I am intrigued.
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by kosherbacon »

Kenji-world is gonna be a sausage fest pretty soon.
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Wren »

Shizune Hakamichi was pronounced death by heart attack and a memorial service was held at the school. The entire staff, faculty, and student population was in attendance, except for Misha.
Shizune Hakamichi's cause of death was by a heart attack and a memorial service was held at the school. The entire staff, faculty, and student population was in attendance, except for Misha.

Should be fixed :).
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

Wren wrote:
Shizune Hakamichi was pronounced death by heart attack and a memorial service was held at the school. The entire staff, faculty, and student population was in attendance, except for Misha.
Shizune Hakamichi's cause of death was by a heart attack and a memorial service was held at the school. The entire staff, faculty, and student population was in attendance, except for Misha.
Should be fixed :).
Alright, fixed it. Also, I hinted at this in my last PM to you Wren. That new story of yours is what really gave me the idea.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

Part two of the series. I have to link to Wren's story that sparked me now that it is up so here it is. The idea came from the first chapter I bet you can find the source. Anyways, I might wrap this up sooner as in a shorter story because I want to enter it into a contest for Manifest.

A God among Men (Part 2)

Turning around he is met by a large pair of green eyes approximately a quarter of a meter away. “Hi Kenji!” Surprised, he falls over backwards causing all the contents of his bag to spill onto the floor. His head had hit the floor so he was rubbing it in discontent when he noticed what had happened. Among the scattered paper, pens, and other school supplies lay the Death Note. Emi was already starting to pick up the spilled contents while apologizing for being the obvious cause.

‘Darn it, if she touches that thing I’ll be found out,’ he frantically tries to move towards the notebook. Whispering as too keep Emi from hearing, “Ryuk get out of the area,” The shinigami replies while passing through the neighboring wall, “This will be interesting,” As predicted, Kenji could not make it to the notebook before Emi had picked it up with the rest of the spilled contents. Now Emi would have instantly saw Ryuk if he had not slipped out when Kenji told him. The future problem was another story. The rules state that a shinigami must stay so close to the human owner of the Death Note but it’s not like Kenji could simply stop going to class. All it would take is for Emi to see Ryuk and that of itself would cause an investigation on me. ‘I have to get rid of her.’

“Again, I’m sorry for causing this,” her puppy-dog eyes have no affect on the trained Kenji. He needed to ask the question that had started this whole ordeal.

“Why the heck were you following me?!” Emi stands there looking at the ground while simultaneously tapping the floor with one of her artificial appendages. *click, click* “Come on, spit it out.”

“Well, it’s nothing personally but some of the track members expressed potential at you being a fast runner.”

“Where would they get an idea like that?”

“Frankly, it arose from how many times you were caught peeping on the girls in the shower. Every now and then a female member would be in that group and they expressed great potential for your speed since you constantly avoided them. Of course they want to kill you but it was decided that all past crimes shall be forgotten if you join the team. I’m just the pigeon with the message,” she smiles at her clever comparison.

“Thanks but no thanks.”


“It seems to me that you’re only the carrier of blackmail. You can tell them that neither they nor you have any power over me. I challenge those who want to kill me to try.”

In some sense of the phrase he was both serious and exaggeratory. Even though he had the power of death he wasn’t about to use it unwisely for something as stupid as that. Emi was a different story. Since she had touched the notebook, in Kenji’s thoughts, she couldn’t be left alive. ‘No accomplices’ was his motto, especially when it comes to females. Disappointed, Emi turns around and walks away but quickly regains her normal step. Ryuk reappears from the other side of the wall.

“She could be an asset to you.”

“On the contrary, she could be a great hindrance in the future. It’s always easier to deal with a small nuisance before it becomes a big problem,” a devilish look envelopes his face.


The weekend had come. Normally those who can take the chance to wonder outside the school grounds go into the town or park and such. Luckily, Kenji was able to avoid running into Emi for enough time until he felt as though anything linking him to her would be long forgotten.

“The perfect time to enact out my plan,” the Death Note makes its way onto the desk.

“You could have avoided this whole ordeal if you had just left the notebook in your room.”

“And leave it for my enemies to find, I don’t think so. It is staying on my person the whole time.”

“Well, that seems to be working out great,” he laughs while taking a bite of his apple. With a black pen and the book open Kenji writes a name.

Takao Mori, Accidental death
On September 2, 2012, at 7:35pm he cancels any plans and drives a mile before reaching Kamiki Park. He sees a group of girls near a bench and motions for them to come over. He then offers to give a ride back to their place of residence. When the offer is accepted he drives straight out of town for approximately 30 minutes before running off the road into a tree where he dies.’

“Kenji, why are you writing some random guys name?”

“All part of the plan. I have several people to use in cases like these. Their names and faces I have burned into my mind so I don’t need anything linking me to them such as a photo or something,” he thought himself pretty sly. “Now for the main dish,” he once again starts writing.

Emi Ibarazaki, Accidental death
On September 2, 2012, at 2:45pm she gathers a group of acquaintances and heads into town. At 7:00pm she convinces the people with her to relax in the park. Seeing a man motioning to her in a car after 7:35pm she heads over and accepts the offer the man makes. The car she is riding in runs off the road into a tree where she dies immediately after impact.

The book is closed and placed back into its drawer. “Now it will all seem like a kidnapping that when wrong. Also, with her friends there they will be the perfect witnesses to throw the case towards the soon to be dead perpetrator.”

“But what if more of the friends accept the offer? You didn’t specify that he would only take Ibarazaki.”

“I know, but what happens, happens. If more die then fine by me.”


Word soon spread about the alleged kidnapping attempt after their bodies were found the following day. It had only been a few months since the death of Hakamichi so the school was still shaken up. A small miscalculation on Kenji’s part was that there had only been a couple of deaths in the school’s history and yet for two to happen so close to each other was arousing suspicion. This couldn’t become a common thing otherwise eyes would start to turn to this school. Apart from that, Hisao was decimated by the loss. He had gotten to know both girls relatively well since he first arrived and his unease was beginning to show. They say life is a series of simple accidents that we only come to accept as either being good or bad. Yet accidents always have the ability to be avoided or prevented.

Aside, school eventually went back to normal. The public eye simply kept itself on more pressing matters as Kenji continued to use the Death Note to its potential. There was no one else who knew of its existence. As Kenji was walking down the hall a calmly displayed female voice causes him to turn around.

“I wonder what your Shinigami looks like Kenji.”

(to be continued)
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Wren »

Again, another great entry.

I can see Kenji doing this in his mind.

Looking forward to the next chapters :).
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Leotrak »

Heehee, must have more ^_^

Srsly, Kenji-Kira is the best Kenji fic I've seen up to now 8)
"ice-cream-flavoured ice-cream" -Rin
"oh moe is me" -me
Numbered Days, my first piece of fanfic
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by neumanproductions »

I really can't seem to catch a decent enough break to make this long. I do have until the end of July for that Manifest contest though so I guess i'm alright. Anyways, here is just a smaller chapter and depending on where I need to make the word cut this might start to get a bit speedy but never the less Justice Will Prevail. 8)

A God among Men (Part 3)

“What did you just say?” Kenji starts getting more nervous then when Emi simply touched the notebook. ‘If I have to kill again there is really going to be a problem.’

“I wonder what your shinigami looks like. I can’t see it even with the eyes,” a blonde haired girl steps out of the shadows. That voice sounded awfully familiar to the now shaking boy. Focusing as best he could Kenji realizes his suspicions had been correct.


The blind foreign girl was standing with a smug look on her face. Kenji cringed in his place as he was weighing the reasoning for her showing up and knowing his secret. He realized something strange in her wording. Sure, it was no problem for a blind person to wonder what his shinigami looks like but to know who he was without me mumming a word. Also her comment about ‘the eyes’ seemed to trail towards a definite answer.

“Ryuk, why didn’t you tell me she had a Death Note?”

“You never asked. Anyways, you could have found out for yourself earlier if you made the eye deal when I so humbly offered it to you.”

Sure enough Lilly had taken the deal to posses the eyes of a shinigami. By trading half her remaining years she was able to gain sight to her eyes that had long since been non-existent to her. How to use XXI: ‘Those with the eye power of the god of death will have the eyesight of over 3.6 in the human measurement, regardless of their original eyesight.’ So, even the blind have the ability to see.

“No way was I giving up half my life for those stupid eyes. I don’t need them to accomplish my purp…,” just then Lilly brushed up against Kenji looking around. A chill runs down his spine.

“So, where is your book? We both know I can’t see who you’re talking to without it. Here,” she sticks out her notebook from inside her bag just enough for someone to touch. “Go ahead, I know you want to.”

Without much delay Kenji reaches and touches the tip of the book. Looking around he expected someone as dominating as Ryuk but no one was there.

“What kind of joke is this? There is no one here,” Lilly lets out a slight chuckle.

“You’re looking a little too high,” this causes Kenji to reroute his vision lower to the ground where he spots something with one eye that looked like it came out of Tim Burton’s 9; although a lot worse in form.

“Well, well interesting to see you here Gelus. I wouldn’t have thought you had any guts to come to the human world.”

“You know him?”

“Of course, I’m so popular as to know all the Shinigami. Even the King listens to me.”

Gelus speaks up, “That’s only because you give him apples. How else do you think I got a second Death Note?”

“You’d think the geezer would stop falling for that by now,” Ryuk says while making the impression of being a genius.

“I want to hear what he’s saying. Come on Kenji, let me touch your notebook,” she starts groping Kenji all over in search of the book, making him jump all over the place. “Found it!” She pulls the book out of his bag.

“Hey, give that back!” He quickly lays claim to his notebook almost as quickly as Lilly had obtained it.

“What an interesting look you have, those cloths, oh and that hair,” Lilly’s acting like one of those over eccentric girls in anime while analyzing Ryuk from head to foot.

“Can someone please explain what in the world is going on here?” Lilly abruptly stops her observations of Ryuk turning all attention to Kenji.

“I’ll tell you, but not here. To my room we go,” she starts dragging Kenji while also making sure no one is in sight. Eventually they make it to her room. “It was actually only a few weeks ago when I stumbled across the notebook just lying right here in my room,” she points to a space on the rug where the notebook apparently had once occupied. “I immediately heard Gelus’ voice and he made me the deal for the eyes post haste. He told me what the consequences were and that I would have to use this notebook to kill in order to have my sight. I agreed and well the rest is not as important. It was completely by accident that I discovered you being the other holder when I couldn’t see your name.”

“Well, there went all my hard work down the drain. Obviously you know what I’ve been up to.”

“Oh yes, but I have no intention of interfering,” Kenji collapses in his seat. This was something he didn’t expect. “It’s almost certain that you’re the reason behind Emi and Shizune’s premature departures. No details are needed but on one condition.”

“And what prey-tell could that be?”

“Simple, you kill all my competition for Hisao,” she just smiles.


“You heard me. I rather not myself and seeing as your into killing girls I thought it would be more your style.”

‘This chick is sick,’ thought Kenji. ‘She wants me to kill just because of a crush. That is only going to throw every suspicion on me and this school.’ “How many are there again?”

“Well, there’s Rin, that crazy Misha, and umm Hanako…”

“Wait, isn’t Ikezawa like your best friend or something?”

“Of course, that’s why I can’t do it. I love her so but she is getting too close to Hisao for my liking,” Gelus’ pronunciation really plays a part in Lilly’s mindset.

“Wow, she is even more ruthless than you Kenji,” Ryuk begins laughing hysterically.

“So, do we have a deal?”

‘I could just kill her. No, I can’t run that risk. Gelus would probably just kill me in retaliation. He seems to have grown a liking for her.”

“Fine, I’ll agree to your terms.”

Thus the list was set. There seems to be no stopping this terrible duo. One spawned from ideals and the other from jealousy.

In another room. *static* “Fne, I’ll agee t yur tems.”

“So that is what they are planning.”

(to be continued)
Last edited by neumanproductions on Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rin=Hanako>Emi>Misha>Lilly>Shizune (Misha counts in my world alright; and now she surpassed Lilly)
Fanfic series entitled... A Day in the Life of [character name here] (updated 6/8/10)
Random writings and Crossover... New stuff of Neuman (updated 5/6/11)
It's time to Duel... KS Yugioh Deck (updated 3/16/11)
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Re: The New stuff of a Neuman

Post by Wren »

“Of course, that’s why I can’t do it. I love her so but she is getting too close to Hisao for my liking,” Gelus’ pronunciation really plays a part in Lilly’s mindset.

Another great entry :) Can't wait to see how all this will end up.
"They leave. Because they should, or they find someone else. And some of them...some of them, forget me. I suppose in the end....they break my heart." - Tenth Doctor talking about his companions.

BG Artist - Somnova Studios - Missing Stars Project
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