Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4/12


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Re: Greater Than The Sum - Days 0 - 66pt2 now up: 8/4/12

Post by Beoran »

Well, I'm glad you liked this link. Eric S. Raymond is one of the more extravagant figures in the free and open source community. He is no only a good programmer and prprolific writer, but also polyamourous, which means he knows how to pull of love triangles (or more?) in real life and still make everyone involved happy. If there's anyone who has experience on being a nerd/geek and sex, it's him alright! But I'm drifting off topic...
Kind Regards, B.
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All great love is above pity: for it wants - to create what is loved! -- F. Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum - Days 0 - 66pt2 now up: 8/4/12

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Beoran wrote:But I'm drifting off topic...

In light of the views held towards the 'idealisation' of my last chapter, I'm going to work on reviewing it. I may make changes, I may not, it depends on how I feel any potential changes may affect the outcome of the chapter (as well as the following one, which I'm writing at the moment), as well as the general quality of the changes themselves. Whatever I do decide on will be final by the time I post the next chapter, and you guys will be notified as such. In the mean time, here's two more artworks for your perusal; it's gonna help to declutter the next chapter. In hindsight, I really hate Naomi's art. I'll have to make a better one. Enjoy.
Cheers, BlackWaltz.
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Naomi.png (73.88 KiB) Viewed 6726 times
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Re: Greater Than The Sum - Days 0 - 66pt2 now up: 8/4/12

Post by Mahorfeus »

Katsuro looks pretty swag, but Naomi is kind of scaring me.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum - Days 0 - 66pt2 now up: 8/4/12

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Before you start, I just want to mention that I did end up making some changes to the last chapter. It's not particularly much, but if you could do me the favour of rereading it before you read this one, that would be magnificent. Thanks a bunch guys.


Day Sixty Six - Night

I furrow my brow in confusion. "'One last'? Why's it 'one last'?"
Naomi raises her eyebrow at me. "Because exams start tomorrow afternoon, then at the end of the week Summer break starts. You didn't know?"
"I... I guess I kinda forgot. A lot's happened recently."
"Yeah, that it has. I shouldn't blame you for not remembering. So... you up for it? Or would you rather study?"

I give the matter a little thought. Studying is always good. But... jamming is more fun. And I'm ninety-nine per cent sure I'll be alright for the exams. I never was one for studying, anyway. I've gotten by quite well so far just by winging it, why should that change now? That settles it, jamming with the guys it is. Though, there is a tiny problem that still needs to be addressed...

"Are you kidding? I'd choose jamming any day. But, well, our clothes are still in a soaking wet pile over there..."

I gesture towards the discarded articles of clothing that previously covered our bodies. Even if hung out to dry, it's more than likely that after this short period they would still be wet. Naomi looks in the direction of the clothes, leaning up on her elbow to do so, then smiles at me. Oh no. It's that mischeivious grin. My face drops, and Naomi giggles somewhat evilly. She climbs over me, out of her bed, walks over to her wardrobe and takes a peek inside. I savour the tiny jiggling of Naomi's butt as she walks. After a few seconds Naomi stops rifling through her wardrobe and turns to face me, holding up a flowery dress.

"I could lend you something to wear; how do you like this? It matches your eyes."
"I... I think I'm gonna pass on that one."
She returns the dress to her wardrobe and removes a low cut top and short shorts. "How about these? They'd compliment your form nicely."
"Again, it's probably best if I pass."
Those are then hung up, and a string bikini is held before me. "I think this might be good, it's very sexy."
I sigh in defeat. "I'll wear it if you do."
"Really? Great, I have another pair just like it!"
"What?! No! I was kidding!"
"Aww, you're no fun. What are you going to do then?"

No matter how I look at it, it's gonna have to come down to putting my wet clothes back on. I defintely don't want to be seen wearing Naomi's clothes, no matter how well they may match my eyes or compliment my figure. I'll have to get some clothes from my room. I can suffer the cold for a few minutes. I'm a boss like that.

"I think I'll get dressed and quickly get some clothes from my room."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Oh, nothing. I'll come with you. Just let me get dressed too."

I climb out of Naomi's bed, just as she did shortly beforehand, but rather than head over to the wardrobe I stand over the haphazardly deposited pile of wet clothes in the corner of the room. I frown at my clothes intently, willing them to become dry, or at least warm, but quickly abandon my effort as I remember the fruitlessness of my last attempt at a psychic conversion. Sighing in irritation, I look over to Naomi to take my mind off the impending suckiness. I watch as she bends over to slide a new pair of panties up her legs and around her waist. Such a pretty behind. Such a pretty front too, if you know what I mean.

Back to the task at hand. It doesn't take long to start shivering again as I pull my sopping wet underwear back on. One thing down, the rest to go. The shorts follow soon after, socks and shoes after them. Last come my shirts, and the application of the cold garments to my core sends a huge shiver down my already-shivering spine. Okay, dressed; time to get the hell to my room before I freeze to death. Naomi, garbed in her fresh attire and wig reapplied, takes my hand and together we depart her room for mine. The sun outside does little to compensate for the cold brought on by my clothes. I increase my pace a little to decrease the time I need to spend in them.

The door of my room swings open and I dash over to the window, drawing the curtains closed. Behind me, Naomi shuts the door and flicks on the lightswitch. I tear my clothes off my shivering body, glad to finally be free of the freezing wetness. I pull out a new set of clothes from my wardrobe, and lay them on my bed in preparation to be worn. But I'm still damn cold. And wet, now, too. It's no use putting new clothes on if I'm going to get them wet, and it's no use simply drying off if I'm still as cold as I am. Aha, I know.

"I'm gonna jump in the shower quickly, and warm up. I'll be five minutes, tops."

Without even waiting for a response, I open the door into the shared bathroom and step through both it and the frosted glass shower door. Sliding it closed, I give the hot tap a good turn. Ah! Warm up, go, go, go! Much better... oh dammit, too hot! C'mon, cold tap! Ahhh, perfect. Just as my relaxation hits its peak, the shower door slides open and gives me a start. I almost slip over in fright. Naomi catches my arm to steady me, and steps into the shower in front of me, stark naked (why this surprises me, I have no idea).

"Don't worry, it's just me."
"Jesus, you scared the crap outta me."
Naomi's hand brushes against my crotch. "I thought you could use some company."
"It seems I'm not the only one who could use some company."
"Well... my previous company left before I had the chance to say goodbye..." My face falls as I realise the meaning behind Naomi's comment. She quickly amends it when she realises my disappointment. "That doesn't mean it was bad company, I just wish he could have stayed longer. But it's okay, because he's welcome any time."

Naomi takes hold of me, gently stroking and sliding, as she presses her body into mine and kisses me. Blood rushes to my nether regions as the sensation of the moment takes effect. Naomi attempts to guide me into her, but standing up like this and with water running over us it proves to be difficult. I have an idea. I break the kiss and step around Naomi so that she faces away from me. Taking the hint, Naomi bends over slightly and widens the distance between her feet. I press forward, sliding into the exposed entrance. I can't quite go in as far like this, due to the obstruction of Naomi's butt, but the act still has its intended effect.

For the second time today, I'm engulfed in a physical sensation which is impossible to describe. Remembering the catalyst which spurred Naomi to instigate this second encounter, I move my hands from Naomi's waist up to her breasts. I handle the twin protrusions somewhat firmer than I did previously; the flow of water serving to reduce the friction and thus the pleasure. Naomi's hands also move places; one lays itself over my hand, redirecting me in my endeavours to caress Naomi's breasts, while the other slides down her body to disappear between her legs.

In spite of the intensity with which we're moving, I feel a burning desire for more. The only ways I can do this are by going faster, or going harder. Surrendering to my desire, I make my movements grander in scope, pushing further in and pulling further out. A small moan escapes Naomi's throat as I go for one particularly large inwards thrust. On the way out, the strangest feeling of separation permeates my organ for a brief second before it disappears and the feeling of compression takes over once again. For some reason, it feels different than before. The moan emitting from Naomi's throat stops short and turns into a strangled squeal of surprise.

I stop my hips from moving any further and wait, concerned for Naomi. She turns with her waist, and uses the hand formerly between her legs to push me out of her. As she does so, I realise exactly what happened. And where. My bad. Naomi timidly feels around the violated hole as I apologise furiously for my indiscretion. Naomi takes a second to recover, before asking me to do it again. The 'what?' that leaves my mouth is both louder and higher pitched than I intend it to be. Naomi doesn't seem to be joking, though. She asks me once again to repeat the action, insisting I be a bit more gentle this time.

Reluctantly, I agree to Naomi's request. I line myself up against the other hole, and, as gently as I can manage, press into Naomi. The entry isn't nearly as smooth nor as easy as it is elsewhere. I can see from over her shoulder that Naomi's mouth tightens; whether or not this is from pain I'm not sure, but I'm not willing to take the chance. I make to withdraw from Naomi, but she whispers for me to continue. Going against my better instincts, I begin to move in and out of Naomi once again. She takes one of my hands and drags it between her legs, as her hand was before, and with a light pressing prompts me to stimulate her front as well as her behind.

Despite moving decidedly slower than before, the pleasure that seems to be experienced on both our parts is greater. Naomi's breathing becomes ragged, and she moves her hips much more irregularly than at first. I increase the frequency of the movements of my hips and my hands, and Naomi takes hold of her breasts, squeezing them roughly. Each exhalation of Naomi's is prefaced with an increasingly intense moaning. All of a sudden, Naomi's whole body becomes incredibly tense, then relaxed; a process which repeats itself many times. The spasming of Naomi's orgasm grips me tightly, drawing out every last drop of my own orgasm; one somewhat less intense than earlier, I note. Once Naomi's body calms back down, she turns slightly to kiss me passionately. Naomi whispers to me as she turns back.

"I love you, Katsuro."
"I love you too, Naomi."
"That was a much better goodbye."
"Glad you enjoyed it."
"You know you could have just asked me to go to your room and get some clothes for you, right?"
"...Dammit. I didn't think of that. But, if I did, I wouldn't have gotten to do this with you, would I?"
"Good thing I didn't suggest that, then, isn't it?"

Success at last. We finish our much-longer-than-five-minute shower properly, and dry off completely afterwards. Naomi and I both get dressed; Naomi in her pretty much fresh clothes and me in my unworn clothes. Satisfied that I'm good to go, I turn to Naomi as she makes to put on her wig.

"Naomi, don't."
"Leave the wig behind. You don't need it."
"But everyone will see..."
"See what? How beautiful you are? You don't need your wig for that."
"No one's ever seen me without it..."
"Does it matter? They've seen who you are, and that's what matters. What you look like won't have any impact on that."
Naomi smiles gratefully, and pulls me into her embrace. "Thank you, Katsuro."
On the other side of the door, someone knocks and calls out. "Yo, Katsuro, you in there, man?"

Oh, shit. Was Seto in his room? Did he hear us? Oh-god-oh-god-oh-god please haven't have heard us.

"Yeah, door's unlocked."

Seto lets himself into my room and stops as he realises I have company.

"Oh, uh, I didn't mean to interrupt. Uh..." Seto notices Naomi's lack of a wig, and almost changes his question, but soldiers on with his original goal. "Are you guys going to meet with Daisuke?"
"Yeah, we were just about to leave. Let's go."

Naomi and I separate and stride towards my door, hand in hand. Seto steps out of our way and we step out into the hall. He raises his finger as if to say something, and takes one last look into my room, presumably at Naomi's wig on my floor. I give him an expectant look over my shoulder, and he simply closes both his mouth and my door, and steps up beside Naomi and me. Together, the three of us leave the dorm building and head over to the music room. When we arrive, Daisuke sits outside the door, Miko standing beside him. He looks us over once, eyes lingering on Naomi, before he addresses us.

"You know, you could at least reply to my texts."
I scratch the back of my neck embarrassedly. "Er, sorry about that. We were... a little busy."
"It doesn't matter now, you're all here. Shall we?"

Daisuke opens the door of the music room and rolls inside, flicking on the light switch. As we follow him in, we're greeted by none other than Yamato and Reina. They look a little worse for wear; a state justified by their involvement in the car accident two weeks ago. Yamato is missing his trademark blindfold, instead sporting a jagged scar down his face, from his forehead down through his nose and ending just above the right tip of his mouth, stitches present all the way down. Reina on the other hand is mostly free of lacerations, but as a trade off her right arm is entombed in a large cast and her shoulder is bandaged tightly. Both smile and greet us as we enter, or at least Reina does, Yamato's smile is more of a pained grimace.

"Wh-what are you g-g-guys d-doing here?" Miko asks.
"Daisuke invited us. He thought it would be good to jam together before your exams start," Reina answers.
"We agreed," Yamato adds, sliding his guitar about its strap from his back to in front of him, "so we brought our gear along. You up for it?"
Seto's eyes light up. "Are you kidding?! You bet we are!"

Seto practically frolics over to his drum kit, already set up at the back of the music room. Likewise, all of our respective instruments have already been set up and placed at several points in the room. Daisuke's really put in the effort to change, I'll give him that. Naomi, Miko and I follow Seto's lead and engage ourselves with our instruments. All set up and ready to go, Yamato asks what we're to play. Daisuke, rather than stating a song himself, instead poses the question to me. I know exactly what to play.

With no evident opposition, Seto begins the countdown by clicking his drumsticks together. At each person's cue, we all begin our parts; with doubling of instruments for Yamato and me, and Reina and Miko. The sound of all seven of us playing together is music to my ears, literally and figuratively. I couldn't be happier right now. Everything is so... perfect. I've finally found a place where I feel at home. I've come to terms with my past, and with my present. I've found a wonderful group of friends; there have been hiccups along the way, but as it stands I wouldn't trade them for the world. I've got an amazing girlfriend; we've been through both our individual adversities and our shared adversities together, and become closer for it.

Sure there's still some unfinished business I have to attend to; there's exams starting next week, and the rest of the school year after that. There's also the matter of my Mother; I understand why she is the way she is now. I've pretty much come to terms with it, now it's up to her to do so as well. Other than those things, my life is pretty much set. I wouldn't change a thing that's happened since I got here. I can't stop the smile from spreading across my face as we all lead into the chorus of our song, seven voices singing in unison. This is true poetry in motion.

"We are the champions, my friend,
And we'll keep on fighting, till the end,
We are the champions,
We are the champions,
No time for losers,
Cause we are the champions,
Of the world!"

Eight Years Later...

I cradle the bundle in my arms gently. It truly is a sight to behold. To think, the tiny person before me didn't exist nine months ago. And it's all because of us that it has come into being. I lightly tickle the baby's chest, and it grips the tip of my finger with its tiny hand. Its grip is surprisingly firm for something so small and weak. It looks so peaceful and calm. And then it starts crying. Well, so much for that. Naomi holds out her arms, wordlessly imploring me to hand her our baby. I don't blame her for not asking in words, I imagine birth would be rather tiring. The beads of sweat on her forehead and her fast paced breathing are a testament to this.

I pass Naomi our baby, and now she cradles it in her chest. Our baby has brown hair, just like its mother. Its eyes are a light blue at the moment, but as the doctor told us the colour will fill in soon. I hope they turn out to be green, like mine. The baby's crying ceases as Naomi holds it. Naomi tickles the baby, just like I did, but where for me it cried and held my finger, for Naomi it giggles and coos excitedly and tugs on a long strand of hair. Aww, bub, why couldn't you do that for me? Naomi looks me in the eye and smiles tiredly, a gesture I return. The question she wants to ask is plain to see in her eyes.

"It's a girl."
"Then we'll name her..."

I step out of the room in the maternity ward, and everyone waiting outside stands to attention. I look over the group in turn; each holds the same expectant look. Somehow, word seems to have gotten out just a little bit; there's a few more people here than Naomi and I told on the way to the hospital. On my left, Seto and his wife stand together, her fingers interlocked with his, in that strange way they do with Seto's extra digit. Next to them, Miko stands tall and proud, looking around for any paparazzi. Deservedly so; since she overcame her stutter, the world has been her stage and the media has lapped it up.

On my right, Daisuke sits in his decked-out chair, stroking his beard, as his girlfriend sits on his lap. They were supposed to stop doing that, it weirds me out. Beside them stand Yamato and Reina, along with their twins, Taichi and Kari. Even at the ripe old age of four, they're already showing exceptional musical talent. It must run in the family, I guess. Most importantly are the two people directly in front of me. Dad polishes his glasses and sets them back upon his nose, then proceeds to flick at a loose grey hair caught between them and his eye. The woman next to him hasn't changed much at all since I last saw her. It's damn near a miracle that we managed to convince her to come today. I smile at the group.

"It's a girl," I say, pausing briefly as everyone cheers and congratulates Naomi and me, the men shaking my hand excitedly. Once they've settled down again, I continue, "and we decided to name her Maya."

The face of the woman next to Dad reflects her shock, but quickly shifts into a broad smile. It's something I haven't seen her do in my lifetime. Tears of happiness begin to fall down her cheeks. I step over to her, and pull her into a strong hug, joined soon after by Dad. She whispers to me through her tears.

"Thank you. This means so much to me. I love you, son."
"I love you too, Mom."

On to the next part?


Nope, not on to the next part. This is it. Fin. Die ende. Shyuryou. The end. Way way back when I hastily threw together a character bio and backstory for the 'Design Your Character' thread, I never would have expected that half an hour of brainstorming could finish up as two months of solid writing. Hell, even as I was writing it, I never expected to write as much as I have, or for as long. It's absolutely safe to say this is the longest, most demanding story I have ever written. If you average it out, I've put about nine hundred words to paper (well, screen) each day since I started. That's a lot of work. And it's all thanks to you guys that I made it this far.

When my computer died in the midst of writing Day Four, I very nearly gave up. But simply because there was people who liked what I'd written - no matter how small the number - I kept going. When I spent the period of over a week being the only poster, churning out chapters to no reception, I almost gave up. I complained to my aforementioned very close friend for days, and every time she told me to keep going; that just because no one was posting, it didn't mean no one was reading. When what I was writing didn't match my plan, or when my plan wasn't enough for me to write a whole chapter, I didn't give up, but I gritted my teeth and put my nose to the grindstone to make it work, so I could see the reactions you would post.

What I'm trying to say, is thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for posting. Thank you for criticising, or complimenting, or going off topic. But most of all, thank you for making that choice to put aside even a tiny bit of your time to look at that first post. Whatever tiny contributions you may have made, it has shaped this story and me as both a writer and a person. I would also like to put out some special thanks; to FluffandCrunch, Doomish, Mealforthree, themocaw and Rikabro - you guys have been writing your arses off the whole time, and provided welcome distractions for me when my brain was running on empty (that, and these guys are accomplished writers themselves, by all means read their stuff). To Mirage_GSM, not only have you provided reading material yourself, but you have also been a very helpful critic and your input has served to make my story so much better than it would have been. And lastly, to 4LS; without you guys, there would be no KS, and with it no Greater Than The Sum. Thank you for the excellent reading, and thank you for the inspiration. You've done a great thing in making KS, you should be very proud.

Do note, that even if your name is not listed above, that does not mean I've forgotten you. Everyone who has ever put forth their input is appreciated. But, now I'm rambling. I'll wrap up my nonsense here by saying that it's unlikely I'll write another story for a long time, if ever. I'm all storied out. I'll still hang around the forums though, always reading, always posting. I hope that maybe I can be the person who inspires someone else to take up the challenge of writing. To that person, whoever you may be, best of luck. Remember; "There is no such thing as an 'aspiring writer'. You are a writer. Period." (Matthew Reilly, Area 7, 2001)

Below I have included the last of my pictures related to my story. The two MSPaint ones are pretty obvious; Katsuro and Naomi. Below them, is a photo. This photo is of Katsuro Akarada - a.k.a., yours truly. Yeah, pretty shallow of me to make my MC a facsimile of myself, but as the story went on, Katsuro became something more. While some of his experiences and facets of his character may be inspired by my own, Katsuro ultimately developed from an extension of myself in the KS universe into a fully fledged character in his own right. Such is the power of writing. Once again, I thank you all. You've been a wonderful audience.
Cheers, BlackWaltz.
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Last edited by BlackWaltzTheThird on Mon May 26, 2014 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Congratulations on finishing your story.
It's been a great read all the way, even if I didn't post that after every single chapter ;-)
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by Beoran »

Thank you for this great story! Hope to read more other works of you some day!
Kind Regards, B.
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All great love is above pity: for it wants - to create what is loved! -- F. Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by The O.H.L. »

Great story. I loved it. Oh how I loved it. If you could ever think about writing again, even just a one-shot, you have my full support. You proved to be a pretty great writer. It's just a little sad that all the good fanfics are coming to an end.
Oh well, hopefully that will bring about the birth of new ones.

But anal without a condom?
Guess who's back, back, back, back again.
Not that I ever made any great contributions, but oh well, too bad.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by FishyBroski »

I love your story and I really want to say thanks for writing something so entertaining for us all. Oh and when you quoted Matthew Reilly (y favourite writer) I couldn't stop smiling. (:
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

The O.H.L. wrote:But anal without a condom?
I'm not sure if your protest is to the potential muckiness or the friction. For the latter, they're in a shower. Problem solved. For the former... it's unlikely there would be much. My biology studies have taught me that at the end of the colon, a second "sphincter" cordones off a section of the colon about 6 inches long. The only time there's actually poop in there is when you're pooping. Any other time it's clear (unless, of course, it's being used otherwise...). I don't have any evidence from real life to prove this; I could ask my very gay buddy Danny but I think that crosses a line and I'd be much to afraid to do so even if it didn't. Anyway, that's enough TMI stuff for today. Glad you enjoyed it.
BlackWaltz's One-stop Oneshot Shop - my fanfiction portal topic. Contains links to all my previous works, plus starting now any new ones I may produce (or reproduce)! Please, check it out!

BlackWaltz's Pastebin - for those who prefer to read things with no formatting and stuff. It's mostly the same as in my thread. Also contains assorted other writing!
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by YOTC »

BlackWaltzTheThird wrote:
The O.H.L. wrote:But anal without a condom?
I'm not sure if your protest is to the potential muckiness or the friction. For the latter, they're in a shower. Problem solved. For the former... it's unlikely there would be much. My biology studies have taught me that at the end of the colon, a second "sphincter" cordones off a section of the colon about 6 inches long. The only time there's actually poop in there is when you're pooping. Any other time it's clear (unless, of course, it's being used otherwise...). I don't have any evidence from real life to prove this; I could ask my very gay buddy Danny but I think that crosses a line and I'd be much to afraid to do so even if it didn't. Anyway, that's enough TMI stuff for today. Glad you enjoyed it.
I will answer for you then if you don't want to know then don't hover over the spoiler text. 90% of the time your in the clean on the poop thing. Occasionally you'll have residual fecal matter that hasn't been expelled from the body during the last session with the porcelain god but even then it's never a lot. On the other hand if you get ROUGH with it you can cause things to... shift. This has ended Poorly for me in the past so basically if your going to do someone in the butt they should definitively empty themselves first.

Also Diarrhea or just generally soft fecal matter makes this even more likely. Fiber kids.

On the sanitary level. Use a damn condom kids. That hole is a danger zone of bacterial nightmares. Do you WANT a UTI?
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by Mahorfeus »

Congrats, I certainly enjoyed the story through and through. In the end I think Katsuro proved to be a likable character. And evidently, that makes you a likable person, no?
"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." -Stendhal
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by BlackWaltzTheThird »

Mahorfeus wrote:Congrats, I certainly enjoyed the story through and through. In the end I think Katsuro proved to be a likable character. And evidently, that makes you a likable person, no?
I'd sure like to think so. Thanks for reading. :)
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by Gilrond »

Thank you for writing this. I haven't posted much, but I've eagerly anticipated every new chapter and thoroughly enjoyed the story. Well done indeed :)
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by xaolindragon »

I loved this story. Not a bad ending either. Definitely saved.
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Re: Greater Than The Sum (Finished!) - All days now up: 11/4

Post by bronko »

Thanks for writing this emotional moving story. I started around 11pm, now it's 5am. Don't feel like going to bed after all. Where the hell did the time pass? How the heck did the story take 6 hours to get through?
Still, i expected to get a more specific characterization of Seto. I caught myself appraising him to be the coolest character :oops:
Hope you will get some new fresh ideas at a later time. As long as you keep this standard it'll be an awesome story once again. I will watch you ;) haha

BTW your statement about the readers is very right. To take me as an example, i read many stories in the fan fiction forum. I never considered about register myself. Nonetheless i was an enthusiastic reader. I think i soaked up many stories. The pure absence of any comments doesn't proof the absence of thrilled readers after all. The amount of arms would probably surprise us if everyone, who read the story, raised his/her hand.
I apologize for any grammatical and spelling mistake I may do. English is not my native language.
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