Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 5 - Chapter 3 Dec. 27th, 2024]


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Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 5 - Chapter 3 Dec. 27th, 2024]

Post by StealthyWolf »

I want to start this out with a bit of rambling, which is something I tend to do. This first post will serve as a table of contents for the rest of the story, so you can scroll down to the blue links to get right into the story if you'd rather not read all this, which is fine. I am also uploading this story to Archive of our Own, if you'd prefer to read it there. Though fair warning some of the formatting is a little different there. Nothing extreme, but there is a small difference.

Story Synopsis:
The title will catch you up on where the story takes place (post Emi-good ending) but that begs the question, what's the story about? This is a character drama that seeks to answer some lingering questions about Hisao and Emi's relationship beyond the bounds of her story in the VN. These questions and troubles are brought to the lime-light due to (spoilers for beginning of the story)an unfortunate car accident in 1-1 part 1 and thus forces the couple to face some uncomfortable challenges in their lives. Hisao had cut off everyone in his past, and threw himself completely into Emi's world. What happens when that world is threatened? What path's lay ahead for the two? One thing's for sure, it's an uncertain one. ;)

Why Emi’s Good Ending?:
I chose to write a story starting at this point for fairly simple reasons at first but those quickly lead to this story being a full blown adventure much larger than I originally thought. I want to improve my writing capabilities as a whole and needed something to ground myself to and just get done with less pressure than writing a novel meant for publishing, so I came up with the idea to work on fan-fiction to practice. I did not choose Katawa Shoujo for no reason. In fact, I may not have even gotten back into dedicated writing for some time if it wasn’t for this game, but I’ll go into that in a later section. Point is the two things were closely tied together.

Which meant I needed a good story to write. Early on I came up with the idea, and challenge, to write a story at least 10k words long following the aftermath of ALL endings in the game. I’d go about this in the order that I played them, meaning Emi’s good ending was to be first. See? Fairly simple reason. Since then I’ve done a lot of thinking, soul searching, etc.etc. and whether or not I still try and make a story after all routes is up in the air. I believe some of the stories here already cover a great deal of what I’d cover if I were to try, but that’s an issue for when I get to the next story after this one. Uncertainty has ballooned into a much larger project than I originally anticipated. So I may continue that project idea, or I may try something else. Again, later thing to think about.

I started work on Uncertainty with a few questions about Emi and Hisao’s relationship and personal issues in mind and asked myself: How can I have these two confront these issues? So I pressed forward with that idea and here we are.

Why write this?:
This was covered a bit in my last section but I want to talk about the personal reasons that lead me to writing this story specifically. I’m really new to Katawa Shoujo. One of many introduced to it by none other than Gigguk in this video. The story of how this game came to be intrigued me and with very little understanding of the game’s contents beyond that video, I hopped in. It’s a story I’m sure many in this community are familiar with, but it also happened to me. The game hit me like a truck and quite honestly changed a lot in my life. It’s a little dramatic, but it’s true.

When I played this game I was probably in the middle of one of the worst mental spirals I’ve ever gone through in my life. I was working a job I hated, blamed myself for not being able to handle it, was frustrated with the world, yadah yadah yadah. You get the idea. Short version: I was in a bad mental state and didn’t realize it until I played this game. By the end of playing through the 5 main routes I had a much better understanding of myself and what I wanted to do going forward, but I still had a lot of mental distress to work through first. Eventually it landed me here, writing Uncertainty.

So why write this? Because Katawa Shoujo means a lot to me. The game, its story (both the game itself and of the game), the community, and everything it has done for me since I discovered it. I want to give something back, and that’s what this is. The start of me giving back.

A big thanks to:
I’ll make sure to credit those I’ve gotten help from specifically in the relevant chapters, but since we're here I may as well get them front and center.

The first person I need to thank for the extraordinary amount of help I’ve received from them is Stiles Long. Stiles' work on critiquing and editing my story has helped me come a LONG way in my writing. Though the edits may sometimes be unpleasant to confront, they are certainly very helpful. To say Uncertainty would not be the same without Stiles would be a massive understatement. Stiles, Thanks for everything you’ve done so far and I hope to keep working with you for as long as you’ll allow it.

Next up is BristerXD. Brister was the first person to give me feedback on my story and helped me prepare for the long road ahead. The feedback also helped a great deal very early on in writing. Brister, your feedback was most welcome and I hope you enjoy what’s changed since back then!

I need to thank Talmar next for being a friendly face and giving some rather useful feedback as well. Talmar, I hope you are doing well and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me from the feedback to the talks, to the advice in the book nook. You’ve done a lot to make me feel welcome in this community.

Feurox. Thanks for being blunt with me and giving me some useful advice on how to go about writing and editing this work.

I’d also like to give thanks to the many people over on the Discord for all the little bits of advice, information, and talks given since my time joining. Special thanks to ProfAllister for the consolidated calendar of events which I’ve referenced many times while writing this. And many thanks to the other writers on this board for all the amazing stories I’ve read and have yet to read.

And A huge thanks to Sharp-O for making me the Title-page art and all the discussions we've had in the time I've been here and on discord!

So without further ado, here is…

Image put together by the exquisite hand of Sharp-O. If you haven't already, check out his works!

Uncertainty: A post Emi-Good Ending Story

Act 1: False Start

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 1 Link Part 2 Link POV: ~ ~ Hisao ~ ~
Scene 2: A Trickle Turns in a Stream. A Stream into a River. A River into… POV: ~ ~ Hisao ~ ~
Scene 3: Miscommunications POV: ~ ~ Hisao ~ ~
Scene 4: One Step Forward POV: ~ ~ Hisao ~ ~
Scene 5: Unwelcome Reflections and the Girl Left on her Own - POV: ~ ~ ~ Emi ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Chapter 1: Prelude to Doubt
~ ~ ~ Chapter 2: Building Tension
~ ~ ~ Chapter 3: Dinner and a Late Night Talk
Scene 6: Pajamas, Suits, and School Uniforms - POV: ~ ~ ~ Emi ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ Chapter 1: Midnight Storms (Coming Soon)
And much, much more to come...

Last edited by StealthyWolf on Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:16 am, edited 26 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 1

Post by StealthyWolf »

A Post Emi Good Ending Story

Artist: BluemintAnime or here

Act 1: False Start

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 1

I lay my eyes upon the girl basking in the morning air in front of me - enveloped by a serene glow bright enough to sting my eyes - and fight the panicked heartbeat rising in my chest. It was just a dream after all. The image has already faded, leaving nothing but the raw emotions in its wake, but I dare not close my eyes again; I might lose what’s right in front of me. A strange conflict, I note.

Breathe in. 1… 2… 3… and out…

The deep breath fills my lungs with the taste of a brand new day, teasing me with its world of possibilities. She leans on the sill as the freshly opened window sends air violently dancing in a million exciting directions. A sharp stinging sensation washes over my chest.

In. 1… 2… 3… and out…

I get lost in the stunning green of her eyes. It reminds me of a lush forest, filled with life and promising a brighter future. She closes them, and breathes in silence. The intoxicating smile painted on her face spreads to my own.

In. 1… 2… 3… and out.

My heart finally calms down; I am safe. I close my eyes and take one more short breath to stabilize myself before settling back into gazing at the beauty before me.

The visage before me can only last so long, and soon she returns to my side. Clinging to the fading present I sit still, hoping- dreaming this moment will never end. She asks if something is wrong, but I tell her it’s nothing. She raises an eyebrow, then urges me to get moving and take my morning pills so we can start the day.

With the spell finally broken - and her soft hand pulling me from my waking dream - the day finally begins. She motivates me to battle my army of bottles for the gift of life with the reminder that it’s the last day of classes before summer, so I get up.

The desk is littered with a fresh batch of college brochures, courtesy of our parents. I add them to the stack of papers on the right side of the desk, and begin my morning diet. Summer break is just a few short hours away and we have a hike to prepare for. The rest can wait.

It’s time to move forward.


“...okay but that doesn’t mean they have to keep hanging onto you!” Emi is sitting in the backseat with me so I get the full force of her glare, the one that makes me feel like I'm on the business end of a knife.

“Honest, I think they are just trying to be friendly. Sure they also try to rope me into helping them a lot, but from what I hear that’s kind of their thing.”

“Hmmph.” She puts her leg on the center console as if to create a barrier between us.

How did we get to this topic in the first place? I mentioned how Shizune would definitely confront me next time I saw her about my eagerness to leave class today. It seemed like she and Misha wanted to talk to me about something, probably student council related, but I had to blow them off if I was going to be on time for Emi and her mom. Emi said I should’ve just told her where we were going, and next thing I know she’s saying Misha and Shizune might be interested in me for more than just my help. I think she might have been implying one or both of them might have wanted to go out with me at some point, but that’s entirely absurd! On top of that, it’s like we leapt from point A to point Z and skipped the other twenty-some odd letters. Did I miss the first half of this conversation on some other day or something?

I mean really, it’s the day our summer break starts. Only three days after… well… Emi and I spilled everything to each other - okay, maybe not everything - but definitely a lot. Now we’re neck deep in an argument I didn’t realize I was walking into. “I don’t think either of them would ever even think of me that way anyways.” Emi’s mother cringes a little from the front seat of the car as I finish the sentence.

Emi quickly pulls her leg back down and faces me. I really wish she had just sat in the front; as things are, I feel like I'm trapped back here with her. “So if one of them had been interested in you” - I don't like how she said that word - “would you be here with me today?” We’re supposed to be going on a hike together, not talking about those two…

“No that’s not what I’m-” I sigh and rub my head, looking around for inspiration as I try to find a way to change the topic. I catch a glimpse of Mrs Ibarazaki smirking at me in the rearview mirror, but I think - hope - I see a sympathetic gleam in her eyes. That, or she’s just glad it’s me on the receiving end of this and not her. “I’m just saying that there’s nothing to worry about at all. They’re just doing what they’ve done since I got here.” Emi doesn’t seem convinced quite yet, so I keep going. “On top of that I think Shizune is probably still mad at me.”

“Oh?” She’s got her eyebrows raised as she looks me in the eyes.

“It’s a long story. Well, not really, I guess. She and Lilly got into a fight in my classroom and I sort of took Lilly’s side by accident, but also not really.”

“When was this?” Her mouth threatens to transform from a frown to a smirk; I barely know which is worse at this point.

“Way back in the first week of school.” I manage to squeak out. “It was some stupid fight between Shizune and Lilly. Shizune was saying Lilly was lazy and Lilly was calling her an unreasonable dictator or something along those lines. When Shizune hit a wall in the debate she tried dragging me in and painted me as lazy as well or something, so I told her to cut us some slack.”

“You’re saying that was enough to set her off? Not buying it.” Emi’s anger dissipates just a little more, but I still can’t decide if it’s a good or bad thing.

Last chance to escape this. I’ve had enough mad Emi for the day, so I continue, “Well, then I basically cut Shizune off and talked to Lilly directly, giving her an out from the fight.”

Emi grins as I finish my sad tale and it grows until it’s covering most of her face. “Wow, of all the people to piss off, Hisao!”

“What? No-”

“She’s crafty too, you know. She’ll guilt you into being her minion and before you know it, you’ll be doing council work and telling yourself she’s the victim!”

“I stand by my position and have made that quite clear to her.”

“Oh, resisting her, are you? She loves that even more, takes it as a personal challenge from what I hear.”

“I-…. yeah you’re probably right about that one. Even still, I think she’s backing off from all that by now. She hasn't seriously bugged me about helping out in a few weeks. There's been a little teasing here and there, but nothing quite like when I got here.”

I seem to have passed Emi's test and she visibly relaxes. A quick glance in the mirror tells me Mrs. Ibarazaki agrees. I know I shouldn't press my luck but I feel like I'm owed some revenge... “I think it’s because of you honestly.”

“Me? What did I do?”

“You became my girlfriend, of course!” A small part of me is embarrassed to say such a thing in front of her mom, but doing so catches Emi that much more off guard. Even though she’s doing her best to hide it, her cheeks are shining a bright red. Worth it.

The car comes to a stop. There’s a rather sharp bend up ahead and the few cars in front of us take their time with the turn. A vehicle passing by the turn catches my eye. An ambulance. It’s just cruising along quietly and yet my eyes still instantly lock onto it; maybe one day that’ll stop happening. Seeing it makes me think of being back in the hospital, when I'd hear the sirens of approaching ambulances several times an hour. If I sat up a little in my bed, I could see them offloading their cargoes of broken humans. Needless to say, I developed a bit of a slouch while I was there.

Emi quickly calls me back to reality. “So it was because she was interested in you!” Whether or not she's joking I need to put the issue to bed here and now.

“No. That’s not it. I genuinely think she was trying to help me settle in. Getting help with student council work was just a nice bonus to her.” Emi looks like she wants to say something, but my earnest response seems to satisfy her. She fakes a pout and turns to look out the car window. I smile, satisfied by this outcome. She leans back again with her leg on the console; her mother seems to disapprove, but says nothing.

Emi and Mrs. Ibarazaki make small talk about shopping somewhere sometime for something, but the details slip in one ear and out the other. The car slowly inches forward as I stare at the scenery outside the window, and my mind is elsewhere.

Two days ago when I woke up next to Emi it felt like I was actually next to her for the first time. For the longest time before the… incident… it felt like we were getting no closer to each other, no matter how hard we tried. As if there was this massive river in between us we had to paddle across to reach each other, and everytime it seemed like we were getting closer the rushing waters would pick up and we’d end up further away from each other than ever before. Now that we’ve made it across, we suddenly understand each other in a way we didn't before. A new beginning, maybe the beginning.

The way the sunlight bounced off her bare skin. The genuine smile she wore. The fresh morning air. The cool refreshing feel of the bedsheets all around us. The whisper of the school grounds and nature just beyond making their way into the room. Everything was perfect - She was perfect. I’m sure we have more to work on - it’s not like all of our issues vanished after one conversation after all - but I’ll be damned if I let that stop us now. Revisiting the moment makes me realize there was something I hadn't said, even though I should have. I turn to Emi, a rush of emotions giving me new confidence. “Emi, I love-”

Emi suddenly jolts back from the window. “MOM WA-”

Emi’s yell interrupts whatever I was trying to say, then my ears give out and it’s silent.


My mind races to try to catch up as I’m overwhelmed by waves of new sensations. I’m jerked into the window next to me, my head screams in pain as the taste of iron fills my mouth...

What’s happening?

Then I hear my heartbeat… speeding up… Something in me whispers that I need to avoid freaking out, but I also hear who has to be Emi screaming…

Is she okay? I can’t tell! What happened? What-

The world goes by in a series of flashes… Loud squealing… Little blue dots dancing in every direction, clinking off of surfaces… Everything bounces and moves so much my eyes never manage to catch up… Random bouts of pain pop up on different sides of my body… At one point we might have been upside down but I can’t tell.

With every bounce, my vision blurs a little more... A dull pain in my chest flares to life, then it roars. A pain I remember all too well... It seems like I stopped moving finally, but my eyes catch up for only a moment before it all starts to fade.

Emi’s in front of me, the world a tornado behind her.

She’s bleeding.

Her prosthetic isn’t supposed to be on the dash.

Then nothing.

My eyelids feel like they are glued shut. I go to take a breath, and in return an onslaught of pain overwhelms my entire body as if it was slowly being crushed by an elephant. I barely even move in response, fearing it’ll make it worse. My head spins in the dark- it’s a good thing I’m not standing.

My blood runs cold when I hear the heart monitor- that same damn sound that permeated my life for months on end, the sound that became the background to the end of everything I knew, the sound that put my life in a stand still. And it’s back. I pry my eyes open only to immediately wish I hadn't because the bright lights of the room I'm in seem to pierce my very skull. They snap shut immediately- I might have groaned, or that’s just the elephant.

The pain fades to a dull soreness as my body gets used to it, then there’s a new sensation. Warm skin on my right hand. I’d recognize that soft, comforting touch anywhere. “Mom?” My voice is so dry and raspy I almost don’t hear myself say it.

Something stirs, then I feel her moving. “Hisao! Honey, wake up, Hisao’s up!”

Dad inhales deeply on the other side of the room. I guess I get the habit of taking a deep breath after waking up from him. A series of small thumps and grunting follow as he wakes up. Eventually the sound of a chair scrapes across the floor, jarringly loud “Huh- What? Hisao’s up?” The only response I can muster is another groan. His voice is thick with sleep, but it clears as he begins talking to Mom.

She tells Dad something about having - no - getting me a doctor. Doctor? Why do I need a doctor? The question dies silently in my achingly dry throat. I open my eyes again to try and follow the sounds of receding footsteps but it’s still painfully bright.

Mom says something I don’t quite catch but I get the tone. I close my eyes obediently and drift off again.

The next thing I know, someone's calling my name. It's my dad. I open my eyes and blink away the brightness. It's not so painful now and the room resolves itself quickly. There's a stranger in the room, a man wearing a white lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck. I nod to acknowledge him. The angle in front of me tells me I’m not laying flat, nor am I sitting up fully.

The doctor’s voice is sterile, dry, and crisp, just like everything around here.“I’ll be quick. Nod if you understand me.” I nod again and the small movement sets the whole world spinning again. This time, it only takes a moment for my head to clear.

“Do you remember what happened yesterday?” Yesterday? I was at school, wait no. I must have been out a whole day. Then yesterday was… Oh god…

I can see the doctor's lips move but all I can hear is a throbbing in my ears and the frantic beeping of the HRM as it takes off at a sprint. "Emi!" I croak.

I feel Mom’s hand clasp tightly onto mine trying to convince it- me- to calm down. The doctor speaks up again, his serious tone slipping for a moment to let compassion peer through. “Easy now. Everyone is okay. The other two in the car with you are being discharged as we speak. You woke up at a convenient time to save me an extra trip.” I try to calm down but my heart is still beating pretty fast. My throat hurts.

“Wa- tuh- rhh.”

Mom shuffles around on my right. “Here son.” She holds up a styrofoam cup to my mouth, which I gratefully grab. The water is refreshingly cool and I end up having a coughing fit when I try to drink it too quickly.

I take a moment to catch my breath, then look around the room. Now that my eyes are finally used to the light, I realize I’m in a dimly lit hospital room that looks almost identical to the one I was stuck in before Yamaku. The most immediate difference is the window is on the other side of my bed and there is no light streaming in: a dark void. I turn to see my dad at the foot of the bed. “Easy there son. You just ha-” he catches himself, “Just take it easy.” What was he going to say? You just have to take it easy? Doesn’t make sense to stop himself there. You just had another surgery? No, that's not right. You just had… had what?

I want to press him about what he was going to say, but my mind is busy racing with a thousand other thoughts and worries. I need to slow down and collect myself, then I can figure out what’s going on.

I try to take a deep breath, but it’s cut short as waves of pain shoot through my body. I take a few moments to recover, then with effort I sit up and start taking in the new yet eerily familiar room. My dad is still in his work suit and upon turning to see Mom, I can tell she’s in pretty much the same situation. Their hair is not exactly a mess, but it isn’t clean-looking either, and they both look tired and worried. They look exactly like they did when I first woke up after Iwanako’s confession. Different room. Different day. Different town. Different me. Even a different school. Yet I’m back in a hospital bed.

The one I’m on now isn’t quite as fancy as the first. The sides are just metal railing that remind me of viewing platforms - except I’m on the wrong side - they also only reach just above my waistline. My first one had ledges for each section of the bed that moved as it adjusted position, alongside one at the foot of the bed. Compared to my first one, this one seems low tech. Maybe it doesn’t have a weight sensor like that first one. Despite everything, I still felt deeply embarrassed by that incident. Probably was the strongest emotion I had felt, beyond despair, in my months there. This bed is also slightly wider and the part where my back is has been inclined so I’m partially upright. . After sitting up, I can see why they’d have me lean back more; sitting is entirely uncomfortable and borderline painful. Maybe I’ll be able to reposition myself at night in this one easier than that first one… depending on how long I’m trapped here.

I take another drink of water, then play yesterday’s events back through my mind rapidly: the conversation with Shizune, meeting up with Emi, her mom picking us up, shopping, food preparation, getting in the car, driving, and finally…

As the details of yesterday slowly trickle in I realize the doctor has been carefully watching me this entire time, probably timing me to see how long it takes for me to get my head out of the clouds. “What… happened?” My voice is still dry, like I’d been screaming for a couple hours. Maybe I had done some screaming - hard to tell - either way I begin to sound a bit more like me.

The doctor takes a seat across from my parents, his face and body language giving no indication of the mood we should be in. “You were in a car crash, which triggered ventricular fibrillation and subsequent cardiac arrest.” Another heart attack? Dad winces - that’s probably what he was going to say earlier. The doctor drones on for a while but I tune him out just as quickly as I did the ones back home when I realize he’s going on one of those rants. Large medical words, could haves, close calls, lucky this, unlucky that. I’ve heard it all before. Basically, this could have been a lot worse- and one day it will be. Taking another look around I see a few wires chaining me to the monitors nearby: a couple to my left wrist, one to an oxygen tube around my head, and the rest onto a set of patches on my chest. The fact it's only this much makes me at least feel more like me and less like a test subject.

I finally interrupt him. “Emi? Is Emi okay? And… her mom?” Even though my voice isn’t quite as dry anymore, talking is still a little painful. I have to stop every few words to let the pain subside.

He sighs. Just as I remember, the only other emotion I ever seem to see from medical personnel on a regular basis seems to be dissatisfaction. I can’t tell if he is unhappy with being interrupted or if it was my question specifically, but I don’t think it matters either way. “Mrs. Ibarazaki and her daughter are fine. As I said, they were cleared to leave not long ago. In fact I was the one to discharge them myself. They said they were eager to see you as soon as I allowed it. I’m sure they’ll be here after they finish up the last of their paperwork.” They were just discharged? How long has it been exactly? He said “yesterday” earlier so that must be when the crash happened. They were admitted to the hospital at the same time as me then, but had to stay overnight for some reason or another-

“My concern is you. This event wasn’t as bad as your first attack from what I’ve read,...” Which means they were hurt, but not terribly badly right? That must be a good thing. But just how badly were they hurt?

His tone and posture take a slightly more serious turn so my focus is pulled back to him. “... but I can not stress how detrimental this attack still was. An ambulance was able to reach you significantly quicker this time around and surgery wasn't immediately necessary in your recovery, but that doesn’t mean you got out unscathed. If you had not received immediate treatment… well, things may have ended differently.”

Treatment? Maybe I received CPR or something, which would explain the pain in my chest every time I reset my death clock… funny that. Emi and I had been talking while waiting for her mom to pick us up and she had made a joke about death clocks. “Everyone’s a minute or two from death. Breathing just resets your own death clock!” I had tried to argue it didn’t make sense because we’d pass out and breathe naturally long before death, but she had stood her ground. The idea of the end never being very far away seems to have stuck with me just as much as that stupidly adorable grin of hers. I mean, I already knew that of course. If I’ve gained nothing else from this past year it’s the knowledge I am basically at death’s door every day if I’m not careful, and even if I am it might not matter. But something about the way Emi so morbidly described everyone as being equally so close to death clicked with me in a way I still haven’t quite figured out.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts I almost missed what he said next. “Despite that, your cardiologist still believes that a pacemaker or ICD may be necessary going forward.”

That sounds serious. A pacemaker? Aren’t those mainly for like, old people with weak-... Oh. I don’t know what an ICD is but I can probably assume it means similar things. “You'll want to discuss that with him as soon as you can.” The doctor shifts slightly, then changes topics. “Imaging miraculously-” tch- “shows no damage to the heart muscle or to the brain from the loss of blood flow, though there are indicators of a minor concussion.”

He goes over concussion protocol with me, far too swiftly for someone who's just had a concussion to follow. The only thing I take away from it is that there's nothing he can do to help my brain get better. Thanks.

“You've also got a number of broken ribs, as I'm sure you've noticed. As with the concussion, all medical science can do is manage the pain. Avoid strenuous exercise too. It’ll take about 6 to 8 weeks for you to recover fully from your injuries.”

Great, all of summer and then some. “We’d also like to keep you in the hospital for observation this week. It became clear upon initial examination that we could manage your care here after the crash and transfer to the larger facility near your school would be unnecessary.” Wait, so where am I? We weren’t terribly far from the city as far as I can recall, and I know that the hospital near the school isn’t the only one in the area, but I’m still in the dark here. “...and after talking with your parents we agreed that this would be the best course of action.”

I’m stuck in the hospital again. It’s only a week; they aren’t stealing months of my life this time. I think I can handle that. I wish Emi were here- wait, didn’t he say… Then it strikes me the position I am in. I slowly turn to my parents, both are here. They are here. I mean, I don’t know exactly where here is, but we can’t be too far from Yamaku, and that’s a good few hours from our home. “You guys came all the way… out here?”

My mom’s face seems to swell up for a moment before she bursts out laughing. “Of course we’re here, Hicchan!” After she says that my mind tries to imagine her laugh containing a lot more wa’s before the ha’s and her hair morphing into mining equipment, but the vision fades quickly.

While she tries to get herself under control, Dad chimes in. “Where else would we be?”

Their presence is comforting, as is my mom’s use of my nickname. She has always used it for me unless things were really serious, like last time I was in a hospital. That she’s able to relax so soon this time must be a good sign. Maybe I look better than I feel.

I face forward again and Dad is barely holding back a laugh too, but he also has a tear on his cheek. “Dad?”

He quickly wipes it away and straightens himself. “Your mother’s right. There’s no reason we wouldn’t be here.”

“...Work though, what-”

Mom lifts my hand slowly, then says, “One day isn’t going to ruin us. We know what we’re doing.” I want to argue, but any energy I did have is draining from me right through that hand. Is that some sort of spell mothers learn after giving birth?

Another series of thoughts catch up in my mind; Emi might be coming here, right now, and my parents are here. If they meet here, like this, because of me… I take a painful breath. I don’t think it can be helped. It’s not like luck’s been on my side much as of late anyways.

I drag my mind back to the situation in front of me for the time being. I don’t know why I didn’t expect to see my parents here, but it feels nice to finally see them again. “Thank you for coming,” I eventually say.

Before anyone can say anything else, there's a soft knock at the door, then a voice calls a question. "Hisao? Was that you?"

I look towards the door, recognizing the voice immediately. A wave of emotions flood my mind. “Emi! I-” Only one emotion survives: hurt.

I finally see her and for the second time today I feel glacial runoff replace my blood. She’s in a wheelchair with her mother standing behind her, pushing. Emi’s pale. There's a bunch of small scratches and bruises covering the parts of her body I can see but there’s one cut above her right eye that looks like it needed stitches. What strikes me most however, is her left leg. It’s wrapped in gauze. Is her leg why they were kept overnight? What else could it be? Mrs. Ibarazaki seems mostly fine and is even pushing her. I don’t see anything else wrong with Emi, so it must be her leg.

Emi gave me the same once over I gave her but she must have caught what I was staring at because her face twists a moment, then settles into a blank, foreboding mask. I’ve seen that mask a few too many times. Then the thought that’s been threatening to take over ever since I heard what had happened finally comes to focus: Emi and I were in a car crash and I almost died right in front of her.

Silence falls over us with almost physical force, and I know neither of us will be able to break it with our parents present. Luckily Mrs. Ibarazaki saves the day. “You must be Hisao’s parents. My name is Meiko Ibarazaki.” She gives a strained bow. She also has some scratches and bruises, but I don’t see any major injuries. She must be sticking around for Emi’s sake.

My parents had stood up at some point already. “Miharuko Nakai.” Mom was always more likely to keep up appearances. She’s a hard worker through and through and, from what I’ve been told, she's a slave driver in the workplace. Still, she was always kind and compassionate at home - when she was home.

“Yuju Nakai, pleasure to meet you.” They both bow deeply. My dad’s voice is rather quiet, to the point where people sometimes ask if he’s really invested in the conversation. I worry the same thing happens at work, but he did get a promotion just the same as Mom in the end. That’s all the proof I need to know how hard they work. Unlike Mom, the few coworkers of his I’ve met have described him as pretty much the same person I’ve come to know at home. I just wish I could have seen them more often.

The last time the three of us were able to all enjoy a full day’s worth of meals together at once was about two weeks after I first woke up. They made it a whole thing; chose a day they knew my friends wouldn’t be able to visit, made sure their schedules were completely clear, and triple checked with the doctors that I’d be in good enough condition in between surgeries and recovery to be able to participate the whole day. Huh, I guess I don’t only have bad memories of that place.

Before that day though, it had been years maybe. One or both of them almost always missed lunch, and then if one did manage to catch that they would end up missing dinner. Dinner was barely ever an option for either of them in any case which meant a lot of homemade meals left in the fridge for me. I always found it funny that Mom always seemed to be on such a tight schedule - or sleep deprived - yet she still took the time to prepare meals for Dad and I in the morning. I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should’ve back then.

The doctor stands up. “Well I’ve said all I need to say for now so if any of you have any questions feel free to approach me with them.” He gives my parents and I a quick bow, then turns to Emi and Mrs. Ibarazaki to give them an equally courteous goodbye before leaving. Mrs. Ibarazaki is standing more stiffly than usual, but it doesn’t seem to be due to discomfort with the situation. Is something else going on?

I look back at Emi after the doctor leaves and have to stifle a laugh. Something about the way she's sitting feels absurd to me - stiff-backed and straight in her chair, hands clasped tidily on her lap, mouth and face drawn into a tight mask. It's so far from the noisy, relaxed Emi I know that once more, I can't help but wonder what's happened.

My mom breaks the silence, “Hicchan, you want to introduce us to your friend?”

I feel the blood rush right to my cheeks. “Right uhm… Mom, Dad,” I take a short breath, “I’d like to introduce you to Emi… Ibarazaki. My girlfriend.”

Emi’s face reddens a little as she gives as much of a bow as possible while sitting down. “Nice to meet you.” Her greeting is quick and precise. It feels so unlike her that - again -I’d laugh if I wasn’t feeling just as awkward as she is. My parents give another polite bow, then exchange a glance.

I don’t have time to ponder its significance because my dad turns to face me. “We’ll give you guys some privacy. We’ll be back before we need to leave but we’re glad you’re okay, Hisao.” His voice softens more, not in the usual way either; it’s more like he lacks the ability to speak in a precise manner, but not to the point of slurring his words. I’ve heard him like that only a few times, and almost always after a long day at work that knocks him out until his next shift.

“You’re leaving tonight?” Luckily the lingering dryness in my throat masks any hurt that might’ve otherwise crept through.

“Unfortunately we weren’t able to get tomorrow off, and since you are doing better we can’t afford to push it any further than we have. We’ll have some time to talk later, I’m sure.” He turns to face Emi and her mother. “It was a pleasure to meet you two and I hope we have the opportunity to talk more in the future.”

“The pleasure is ours.” Mrs. Ibarazaki steps to the side to let my parents pass and as she does, she winces, but only for a moment. As my mom passes she whispers to me, “She’s very pretty Hicchan,” before giving a wink.

“Mom!” I hiss. She smiles and trots off to catch up with Dad.

I take a moment watching their backs like a hawk to make sure she doesn’t pull any more tricks on her way out. After they round the corner, my whole body seems to unwind of its own accord and I must slump an inch or two deeper into the bed. When did I get so tense? Did it start when Emi arrived? No, it must’ve been earlier.

Emi’s mother is the first to speak, “I didn’t expect to meet your parents like this.”

“Yeah- It’s not how I imagined that going either. Honestly, I was surprised to see them here at all.” That’s a conversation I actually want to avoid right now. Why did I say that? On the bright side, speaking is slowly getting easier and easier. The pain is still there; I’m just getting used to it, but my voice is definitely still strained.

“How long have you been up?” Thanks Mrs. Ibarazaki. I owe you one, not that you know why.

“Just woke up not too long before you two got here.”

“Well I guess we got lucky then. I don’t know if Emi would’ve been able to introduce herself to your parents as your girlfriend!”


Mrs. Ibarazaki chuckles to herself. Maybe she knows Emi better than me because I had the opposite thought. “Well, I’m glad you’re doing okay, Hisao. I’ll make myself scarce. I might talk with your folks if I see them. Text me if you need anything, Emi.” With that, she leaves us. Emi at my bedside in a wheelchair, me bound to my bed. The two of us alone in the room.

Emi visibly sags in a way I’ve never seen. Her eyes droop and the bright and cheerful girl I saw this morn- yesterday morning vanishes completely. “How are you holding up?” I ask, not that I really need an answer.

She gives a hint of a smirk before saying, “Better than you by the looks of it.”

“Haha, very funny.” I smile sarcastically back at her, but don’t dare allow myself to even chuckle.

She wheels herself over to me and grabs my hand. “Honestly Hisao, I’m tired. I don’t think I’ve slept a wink since we got here, unlike you doing your best sleeping beauty cosplay. We only heard about your condition late last night thanks to Mom being able to come and see you, and ever since then it’s been one meeting after another, not to mention the process to clear us. Then there was all the damn paperwork… Ugh.” So their long stay did have something to do with Emi, and it’s likely because of her leg.

I squeeze her hand back, and even just this causes the muscles in my arms to scream. “It’s not like I planned... to sleep that long. I thought maybe I’d just take a cat nap, but here we are.” I manage to get a smile out of her. “Seriously though, you okay?”

“Hisao. I don’t want to talk about it right now.” Memories of the last couple weeks run through my mind and send a shiver down my spine. “Just… can we just relax for now?”

I let out a sigh and say, “On one condition.”


“We will talk about it. It doesn’t have to be... today, or even tomorrow, but- well I’m not going anywhere this week.” I can see a war of thoughts going through her head, then there’s a victor.



We sit, silently holding hands. In spite of everything, I feel as relaxed as I can be and apparently, so does Emi: her eyes droop shut after a few minutes.

I ease my hand free and take advantage of my first moment alone to give myself a quick inspection. There's a few noticeable scratches here and there and my chest is one giant bruise. I discover a a nasty-looking contusion on my leg and a bump on the side of my head, too.

No wonder I'm so sore.

My eyes drift back to Emi. She’s wearing her light pink shirt - or at least one of them - with a light orange blouse on top of it and some beige shorts that reach her lower thigh. The cut above her eye has some discoloration around it, but it doesn’t look quite so bad. I get another flash of the crash, the last moment I saw before my lights went out; her face with blood dripping down it, her eyes filled with a specific type of terror I wish I had never seen before. It reminds me of that night, of Iwanako. My chest tightens a little. I never want to see her- anyone, like that again.

Not that I can help it.

In the chair, Emi stirs a little and I hastily grab her hand again. "Hisao..."


“I’m tired.” Right.

I take note of what’s around me: A couple chairs, a bench against the wall, and the wheelchair Emi is in. Nothing looks like it’d be comfortable to sleep in. Far too late, it strikes me what the obvious answer is. “I can make some room up here for you. Just be careful… around the ribs.” Definitely taking a risk here since I haven’t been able to clear the bed of the possibility it has weight sensors in it just yet, but it seems safe to me. Hopefully.

She nods, eyes half-closed, and a delicate ballet begins. I have to move over as much as I can without disturbing the tubes and wires and without jarring my ribs too much. Emi, I notice, is being very careful not to use her left leg as she climbs into a bed not meant to be climbed into, let alone hold a second person.

Eventually, we get as comfortable as we're ever going to get and within minutes, Emi's breathing slows. She must have been really tired. The warmth of her body soothes something deeper inside of me.

Even still, I almost died right in front of Emi and even worse, it was in a car crash. I-... I can’t be thinking about this right now.

I focus on Emi again. She’s curled up next to me with her hand resting on my stomach. I look at her face to see that all the tension and worry seems to have melted away leaving only her behind. Even in this dimly lit room her skin is glowing. She's… “...Beautiful.”

“She is, isn’t she?” My eyes widen for a moment and the rhythmic beeps pick up in tow. I look over to see Mom standing in the doorway.

“What are you-”

“Shhh.” She points to Emi and I go still. She shows no signs of waking so I calm down, though it takes an effort.

I lower my voice still, just barely above a whisper. “How long have you been there?”

Her face is stricken by sadness, then she glances at the ground for just a moment before saying, “Just a second is all. Your dad got a call from the office; they could really use him back early in the morning.” I glance at the clock to see it’s nearly ten o’clock at night.

“Already?” She nods. There’s a momentary pang in my chest but it passes quickly. The machines I’m hooked up to don’t react, so I suppose the pang had nothing to do with my physical well-being.

“We’d stay if we could,” she sighs, then walks over to me and looks me in the eye. “You know we love you, right?”

I nod vigorously, not trusting myself to speak, and she kisses my forehead. Straightening up, my mom says, “We’ll try to visit over the weekend, even if we only get one day off this week.”

“Okay. Thanks, for coming.”

She smiles and walks back over to the door. “Oh and Hicchan?” She turns back and for a moment she looks lost in thought, then it passes.


“You two really are cute together.”

“Goodbye Mom.”

She giggles and her footsteps fade into the hospital buzz.

My head rests against the pillow. With nothing more interesting to look at, I stare at the ceiling. I’ve only just woken up, but I can already tell my body and mind are done with today. The panels here are slightly longer than the ones at the old hospital- heh, old habits die hard. I studied those things relentlessly before I got a hold of some books. Almost half a year later, I can recall the exact layout of that place far better than I know even my own room at Yamaku. Nothing ever changed in the hospital room, except for the pile of flowers that shrunk to nothing as they withered and died. I stroke Emi’s hair, it seems to calm me down rather well. My eyelids grow heavy. Maybe… I’ll just rest them… for a moment.

I’m woken up by a strained grunting that I immediately recognize. My eyes open to a still-dim room, maybe a little darker than earlier. I lower my head to the side and see Emi's face in the dim light. Her teeth are clenched and she seems tense, even in sleep. She mumbles something and rolls into my chest a little, setting off sparks in my tender ribs. I manage to twist myself just enough to stroke her forehead - it’s a painful challenge - but it seems to work because after a short while, she falls still again. I finally release a breath of my own.

I barely have time to relax before a voice in the darkness calls out, “That was amazing.”

Startled, I jump and the sudden motion makes me hiss in pain. Damn these ribs! Emi's mother emerges from the darkness, rubbing sleep from her eyes but looking concerned as she looms over me.

“Are you ok? Do you want me to call a doctor?”

Moving gingerly, I wave her offer aside. “I’m fine, thanks. You just startled me.” Emi’s mom still looks worried so I quickly change the topic. “What was amazing?”

“I’ve never managed to calm her down like that. When the nightmares start, she always wakes up. If I don’t shake her awake she’d be screaming and crying in minutes. Even when I do…” Her eyes drop to the ground for a moment; whatever memories she’s reliving must be rather painful for her. I’ve only experienced this thing one other time - I can’t imagine years of seeing that.

“Maybe I just got lucky and this one wasn’t quite so bad.”

“I don’t think so. You’ve done a lot for her, you know?”

“Have I?” I wonder if she can tell my cheeks are burning.

“You have.” The certainty and bluntness in her voice scares me a little. “Things have been rough for her since… well, I’m glad she found you.”

“We sort of found each other. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for her. I’d definitely… be in a lot worse shape, that's for sure.” I mean that in a few ways, but I guess the obvious is easiest to see.

She giggles briefly. “Yeah, she’d never let her boyfriend not be in shape, I’ll agree with you there. If she didn't have you out on the track, she'd be managing your diet for you with an iron fist.” I can already see the stack of papers and nutritional labels. A shiver runs down my spine. “Not so much herself though…” We both chuckle at that, but I quickly regret it. My chest yells at me and Emi’s mom quickly apologizes. “Sorry.”

“Isn’t laughter supposed to be the best medicine?” I say as I wave it off.

“Only for people without broken ribs.”

“What time is it?”

“Almost one.”

“You don’t need to get home?”

“Not urgently, and it looks like she needed this. You did too by the looks of it.”

“I’m not exactly lacking… in the sleep department right now.”

“You just had a heart attack, Hisao. You need rest.”

“You sound like the Nurse.”

She laughs a little louder this time. Emi stirs, then settles down after a tense moment. Her mother smiles. “If I had a five yen coin for every time I’ve heard that one…”

“You’d be rich?” I offer.

“I’d be able to afford a soda.”

I shoot her a quick smile then relax against the bed again. Maybe I should rest, but knowing Mrs. Ibarazaki is in the room as well makes it a little harder. It’s not the first time I’d be sleeping in a hospital with a strange audience present, but definitely the first time with that audience being my girlfriend’s mother. I take a deep breath that quickly turns painful before switching to shallow breaths. I’ve had just about enough of this pain. Even without moving I can feel the soreness throughout my body weighing me down.

The reality of the situation begins to finally sink in. We were in a crash. I still don’t know the details, but it probably wasn’t too bad since I’m the only one of us still checked in to the hospital. If it weren’t for my heart we’d all be going home by now. I can almost hear Emi scolding me for shouldering all the blame for keeping us all here. I internally sigh at myself. It can’t be helped.

“You still up, Hisao?”


“I wanted to thank you. For everything you’ve done for Emi. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her genuinely relaxed like she has since getting closer to you.” Mrs Ibarazaki looks somber. She opens her mouth a couple of times as though she's got something to say, but in the end says nothing.

“She hasn’t had other boyfriends?” Wait, Why’d I ask that? I must be more exhausted than I realize because that was a really stupid thing to ask.

“You seriously want to talk about that?” I silently thank the gods for an out.

“Fair point. What about… friends in general? Like Rin or the captain of… the track team.”

“None like you.”

“I uhh… Thanks.”

“Just do me one favor, yeah?”

“What might that be?”

“Stick with her.”

“That’s what I told her I’d do, even if she tried to get rid of me. I meant what I… said.”

“These next few weeks will probably be really hard on her. So please just try and hold on, no matter what happens. I know she loves you.” Is something more serious going on? Maybe…

“Is it because of the crash? Old wounds?”

“No… well a little, probably. It wasn’t pleasant. I’m sure there's something there with that too; I meant it when I said she treats it like it wasn’t a big deal, the first crash I mean, but-… I think I should let her talk to you about it.” Genuine sadness takes hold in her eyes. Worry even. She looks towards Emi and I think I know what she’s looking at.

“Her leg?”

“I’m gonna let her talk to you about it when she’s ready.” I-… guess that’s fair.

“I see.”

Neither of us speak for a little. The monitor is quieter right now so either I already got used to it again or it was turned down. “Goodnight Hisao.” It strikes me that Emi’s mother might be just as worn out as us. I couldn’t see any major injuries on her earlier, but she did seem to be struggling to keep up appearances.

“Goodnight Mrs. Ibarazaki.” It doesn’t take much longer for my body to completely shut down again. Emi’s warmth makes all the soreness and pain in my body worth it.


“...talk about…” My senses start to reach my tired brain one by one. The tone sounds serious and my immediate, guilt-inducing instinct is to not move an inch and try to listen in as much as I can.

“...Hisao doesn’t need…” Emi?

I can’t breathe too well in this position- it won’t take long for my lungs to demand fresher air now that I’m awake.

“...and deserve are different… and you know it.” Her mom.


I wait as long as my body allows me, then stir to let them know I'm waking up. My lungs quickly fill with the cool, open air. Whatever they were talking about is forgotten when they notice me. I have to blink a few times to make her out but Emi's smiling face is the first thing I see, silhouetted by the daylight streaming in through the window. She’s moved to the other side of me.

She gives my hand a squeeze and I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "Did you sit there on purpose?"

Whatever she was about to say dies in her throat. "Huh?" She looks adorably puzzled.

"You just look good with the light behind you. Was that on purpose?"

Emi smiles even wider and my heart swells. Then, Emi's mom laughs from somewhere nearby. "It might have been."

She sounds like she's smiling too but the happy mood is shattered, at least for Emi. The mask I saw yesterday comes back with brutal speed and I ask for a glass of water to cover the sudden awkwardness.

“What time is it?” I can still see the creases under her eyes, but she doesn’t let whatever is causing them to reach her voice in the slightest. One of many signs I managed to pick up on, though it was the most common.

“About a quarter till ten. You musta been real tired huh?”

Her mom cuts in, “You’ve only been up for what, thirty minutes?”

“Earlier’s earlier.” Her voice is almost painful compared to the silence my body demands, but something about it makes me feel warm inside despite everything.

Are we gonna settle back into this song and dance?

I pull Emi’s hand in for a kiss, give it a quick rub, then struggle into a sitting position. There was a lot more grunting than I had hoped for. My limbs still feel like they are made of lead and I have to take care not to breathe too deeply lest I set off fireworks in my chest. Briefly, I wonder what painkillers I'm on and whether I can have any more.

Mrs. Ibarazaki straightens herself and I manage to catch a flash of pain on her face. Then she says, “It’s good you woke when you did. Emi and I have to make a trip back to Yamaku today.”

“Oh? What for?”

“She’s gonna be wheelchair bound for a little while again,” Emi’s jaw tightens ever so slightly, “...so just getting everything ready for that. There’s just a few small things to take care of since she won’t be staying there this summer, but they still need to be done. It won’t take much time, then afterwards I need to check in with work and make sure everything at home is in order. I also need to take care of my car.” Emi clearly doesn’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to start a fight in front of her mom.

“How bad is it?”

“Not very. Well that’s a lie. Technically it’s totaled, but it won’t take too long to replace, and I didn’t lose anything in it really. In the meantime I’ve got a rental to work with… apparently. Been meaning to get a new one too- car I mean. Gotta thank the Satous for that one.” She chuckles to herself. Satou? As in Lilly Satou? What does her family have to do with Mrs. Ibarazaki’s car?

“I haven’t quite gotten the details of what happened yet…”

Emi’s mother stands up and gives an apologetic bow. “I am sorry, Hisao. I wish I could fill you in right now, but we really must be going.” Something about her stance is a little off, but I can’t pinpoint what it is.

Emi turns to me. “Sorry Hisao, I’ll see you later, yeah?” I give her hand another quick squeeze and nod. We’ll deal with whatever this is later too. Her mother moves the wheelchair closer and gives Emi a hand sitting back down into it.

“See you later Emi. I- uh… I love you.”

“I love you too, Hisao.” Both of our cheeks turn a light shade of pink. Her mother seems amused by this exchange, then they set off.

Not long after they leave a doctor comes in the room to check up on me. He informs me I am free to wander the room, but would appreciate it if I kept myself attached to the various monitors as much as I am able and for at least the entire first day. He had a nurse take me on a tour to the bathrooms, the emergency call buttons, vending machines, cafeteria, and everything else I have come to expect from a hospital. The nurse said they would normally do this sort of thing shortly after a patient wakes up, but it was pretty late last night and I was already asleep again when they tried.

I realize I still don’t have any books; I should text Emi to grab me a few from my room while she’s there. I left my phone on the table so I’ll do it when I get back. Even though we were probably only walking for about twenty minutes, my body feels completely drained. Every breath is a workout of its own. I return to my room and send Emi the message. The nurse was hesitant to do an actual walking tour at first, but I pretty much forced their hand. At least this way I got to find out how bad I am physically. Pretty bad, as it turns out.

Not that there’s a chance in hell I’d be able to, but going on a run right now is more appealing than anything else. I could really use something to clear my mind and nothing seems to work as well as a good run anymore. The thought drains my remaining mental energy as well.

“I’ve only been doing this for a few weeks. Emi’s got years of it behind her. I wonder how she’s…” Her leg wrapped in gauze goes through my mind again. Last night she didn’t use it at all for leverage getting on the bed and she was barely awake. This morning she was still favoring her right leg. I know I’m doing it again, trying to reach my own conclusions before Emi talks to me, but I can’t help it.

“I suppose I’ll just have to wait.”

I trudge over to the window and take a seat. The hospital is on a hill that's nowhere near as high as the one Yamaku was built on but I still have a lovely view of the sun dappling a grassy field nearby. Perfect day for running as well. Damn.

My mind bounces between three different thoughts for some time. The crash. My last time in the hospital. And Emi. So much has changed these last few months but I realize just then that I wouldn't change any of it.

I mean, of course I’d have preferred not to end up having a heart attack. Not spending months watching everyone close to me drift away would’ve been nice as well. Then the shock of being sent off to Yamaku was certainly unpleasant at first. Plus I’d prefer not to have arrhythmia, period. But in the end I found Emi. A smile makes its way across my face. Yeah, could’ve gone worse.

Table of Contents | Next Scene: Broken Glass Part 2

And there we have it. This has been a very long journey. I started work on Uncertainty 2 months ago today and I am very glad I can start bringing it to everyone here today. Scene 1 ended up being significantly longer than I expected and at the advice of my editor, I split it up into 2 parts. In total Scene 1 is nearly 24k words long. This is the shorter half of the two clocking in at 9750 words, more or less.

I hope to get Part two out in a reasonable time, but I want to make sure I have the next scene ready before I post this one, so Scene 2 is my current project. It's unlikely that another Scene will reach this length for quite some time so unless something changes this will be the only split scene for some time.

I want to once again thank Stiles for the incredible amount of work you've put into editing this. BristerXD for the help and feedback from the beginning. Talmar for the additional help and feedback after Brister. Feurox for the advice. ProfAllister for the consolidated calendar of events. And everyone on discord for the warm welcome! See you in Scene 1 Part 2!
Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story)

Post by Asoko_Desu »

That was sweet - you've obvioulsy put a lot of thought an effort into this! It's hard to see them battling with their issues, but life's like that - issues don't just go away overnight (Emi's gonna Emi after all).

I very much liked how you brought out their characters - Emi's a bit sharper and less trusting than in the OG, but I can definitely see it being in her to be combative like that.

I look forward to seeing your other works!

"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story)

Post by StealthyWolf »

Asoko_Desu wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:26 pm That was sweet - you've obvioulsy put a lot of thought an effort into this! It's hard to see them battling with their issues, but life's like that - issues don't just go away overnight (Emi's gonna Emi after all).
Life doesn't always let us run away from our troubles. This is a theme I felt like Emi's route, while maybe not focusing on, certainly follows and I think it only makes sense to have that idea still be central in wherever the story takes them next. Our pasts follow us, and our presents are creations of everything we've done until now.
Asoko_Desu wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:26 pm I very much liked how you brought out their characters - Emi's a bit sharper and less trusting than in the OG, but I can definitely see it being in her to be combative like that.
Two steps forward, one step back (To be fair to Emi this was probably one of the best "excuses" to go backwards in that regard).
Asoko_Desu wrote: Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:26 pm I look forward to seeing your other works!
Glad to hear it! I'm excited to share more of the story!

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1: 2/13/23]

Post by ShizuneFan2019 »

Hey there! What you said about "want to improve my writing capabilities as a whole" strikes me, as this is exactly the same reason I'm writing my own work. I wish you success in your writing.

I'm not going to read your story just now, since I'm busy writing; but I'll start reading when you get a few chapters in, because I prefer reading a story that has more completion. As others have mentioned, you obviously spent a lot of effort on it, which is awesome. Keep it up!

ShizuneFan2019: I write Precious Friendships, a Shizune bad end continuation with a plot similar to Sisterhood, but focusing on the other characters. It has 3 parts, has more than 80 chapters already, has expanded way beyond the timeline of Sisterhood, and is still continuing.

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1: 2/13/23]

Post by StealthyWolf »

ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:00 am Hey there! What you said about "want to improve my writing capabilities as a whole" strikes me, as this is exactly the same reason I'm writing my own work. I wish you success in your writing.
Thanks! I haven't had the opportunity to read your's just yet, but it has been on my radar and I do plan to eventually.
ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 2:00 am I'm not going to read your story just now, since I'm busy writing; but I'll start reading when you get a few chapters in, because I prefer reading a story that has more completion. As others have mentioned, you obviously spent a lot of effort on it, which is awesome. Keep it up!
Will do. Currently I have Scenes 2-7 drafted up (and am working on 8 ), but most of them still need plenty of editing so it'll take some time to get them out, but that's fine with me. They are rather long chapters so it takes a bit of time to edit and polish up and I don't want to rush my editor.

Thanks for giving it a look and I hope you enjoy it when you do get a chance to read!
Last edited by StealthyWolf on Thu Mar 02, 2023 1:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:47 pm
Location: United States

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 2

Post by StealthyWolf »

A quick note, unfortunately the Renai seems to have a 60k character limit on posts, so this half will be split into 2 posts right next to each-other. The entirety of this scene will be here, just in 2 back to back posts. Thanks for reading! And here is...

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 2

An indiscernible amount of time passes before there’s knocking at the door. “Mr. Nakai you have a couple visitors.” I wasn’t asleep- probably. The sun hasn’t moved much from where I remembered it last so it’s probably only been about an hour since I got back to my room.

I turn to see a nurse standing in the doorway with two figures in tow. Once I get my bearings I recognize one of them and thank the nurse for rousing me. He leaves me with my two new visitors. They both have shockingly blonde hair you could spot a mile away in Japan. “Lilly? And…” she is holding someone’s arm, though their hair’s a lot shorter than her’s. They are wearing a striped business suit, but have a more feminine figure, and the hairstyle doesn’t help. They look well composed and rather formal.

“Hello Hisao. This is my sister, Akira Satou. Akira, this is Hisao Nakai. We met during his first week at Yamaku a couple months ago.”

“Pleasure to meet you Mr. Nakai.” She bows deeply towards me.

I slowly stand, then give a slow strained bow back. “Just Hisao please, Mr. Nakai is my dad and I hear it enough from the doctors.”

“Very well, Hisao then. Please call me Akira.”

I look over to Lilly. She has a worried look on her face, one I’ve seen many times in the halls of Yamaku. It’s almost like she’s in a constant state of motherly despair. I allow myself a dry chuckle. “So uhh, what brings you two here? Not that I’m complaining, it’s just…” When I struggle to speak, a wave of sympathy flashes across both their faces and I do my best to hide a grimace. Speaking’s definitely a lot easier than last night, but it seems anything longer than a sentence or two is too much for me as I am now.

“Please don’t stand on our account, Hisao. You should rest.” Lilly’s voice is filled with enough concern and empathy that it’s hard to disobey her, no matter how much of a macho-man act I want to put on.

I smile and nod, then take a seat on the bed again. As always, the way she handles herself makes me try to change my own speech and behavioral patterns. It’s like I’m sitting up straight and acting my age. I always feel like a kid playing at being an adult next to her though.

Akira waits until I’m settled, then says, “To start, did your parents tell you anything about the accident and how it was caused?”

My parents? All mentioning them did was make everything more confusing and though I can tell she picks up on this from the look on my face I still say, “I woke up fairly late last night and parents had to return to work before we had the… opportunity to really talk.”

“That’s a shame. If that’s the case then it seems our discussion today will be less complete than I had hoped for since there are a few topics I can only discuss in their presence.” That does nothing to answer any of the dozens of questions I still have. For example: Why is she here? Why is Lilly here? What does any of this have to do with the crash? Why did she talk with my parents? Why-

I need to say something quickly so I settle with starting with one of the more immediate ones if for no other reason than to stop my head from spinning. “So what might be the err- nature of this talk?”

“To get a better idea of how to approach this conversation, how much do you know of the incident?”

Well at least it’s something. I think. If it means I’ll get answers I may as well comply for now, but something about her prepared nature is putting me off. With the suit, professionalism, and wording I’m starting to get a bad feeling, but I don’t want to be rude to Lilly or her sister. They are here visiting me - for some reason - after all. “I don’t know much- it’s been a little chaotic. I guess I could’ve asked the doctor or my parents or something, but… yeah, I have no clue what happened besides there was an accident and I had-” Instinctively I stop myself, then I take a look around at where we are. Well, no point in trying to avoid the elephant in the room, wait when did he get back in here? “-a uhh, heart attack.”

If Akira's put off by my declaration of ignorance, she doesn't show it. “Hisao Nakai,” she says very formally, “I regret to inform you that a Satou Industries vehicle was the cause of the accident yesterday morning. I apologize most sincerely for the injuries suffered by you and all the other parties.” Apologize? What’s going on here? Satou Industries? Does that mean she’s here for the sake of a company? Is it her family’s company? That would make sense given the name but… If I didn’t have a hundred questions before, I certainly do now.

She bows deeply. As for me, I'm struck dumb by the admission, though my mind is racing as I struggle to piece together what's happening. One thing seems clear to me now: Akira must be a lawyer. That’s why everything was bothering me so much earlier. It’s too… precise. Now I really don’t like the nature of this conversation. “My father asked me to personally represent Satou Industries in extending our best wishes and apologies, though we do not believe we are at fault.” I'd love to see how that's possible.

Akira seems to sense my rising disbelief because she holds up her hands and continues quickly. “Though it is early to declare the specific cause of the malfunction, the vehicle in question had been in for maintenance not days ago, and photographs taken at the time showed no signs of damage. Early findings suggest that it may have been a severed brake line. We're not sure what the cause of the severed line is, but it looks accidental. There’s some talk of metal fatigue, or of stones chipping away at it. Tests will be conducted, of course.” A flash of anger crosses my mind, but it’s clear that she’s being honest. That, or she's a very good actress. I can't tell which. If she is telling the truth though, this whole talk feels very unnecessary- especially the apology. It’s just as much their fault as it is Iwanako’s for the first one; that is to say, not at all.

“Shouldn’t my parents be here for something like this? I’m only 18.” I manage to hold back any anger building up inside of me as I speak.

“There is plenty I would like to discuss with your parents, but the relevant discussions will have to wait until then. As for our discussion today, my father and I agreed it was the right thing to do to approach you at the earliest convenience.”

“If this meeting is not for the purpose of a potential lawsuit then what is it for?”

Lilly takes the opportunity to interject. “Akira, I believe you have fulfilled your obligations by now. It would likely be best that we explain to Hisao the real reason for our visit at this time.” The real reason? If not for the corporate crap then why would they be here? Furthermore, is Lilly already working for the company or something?

Akira takes a moment and her unemotive face tells me nothing of her state of mind, then she says, “I agree. Hisao, I am here on behalf of our father, Hiroyuki Satou. He is also currently the head of Satou Industries, and despite the company’s hesitancy to allow such a meeting, my father insisted upon it none-the-less.”

“So you’re here because the head of the company involved in my crash sent you here?”

“Ah, sorry-” Stop with the empty apologies- “it seems like I was not clear. Without admitting fault, and as a gesture of goodwill, my father wanted to personally confront the events of last Friday and ensure all involved parties received proper care. In defiance of Satou’s Industries other lawyers, he and I agreed to take such action and he sent me here on his behalf. Regardless of whether or not you take legal action as a result, it was still his wish to have this meeting take place.” My head hurts. This back and forth of a corporate response mixed with legal speak and declarations of separation are too much.

“So why is Lilly here?” My tone makes Lilly grimace but can you blame me for being short? None of this makes any sense!

“Our father believed that having a familiar face present for this conversation would help ease the tension.”

Lilly joins in again. “If I may…” Akira tells her to go ahead so Lilly continues, “When I was informed that two of my classmates from school were involved in this accident I asked my father for permission to join this meeting. I am truly glad that you are okay.” She bows.

Akira quickly follows suit. “Our father offers his sincerest apologies-” I bite my tongue- “...for what has happened to you and your friend.” As my anger is about to boil over, the mention of “my friend” finally reaches me. She must be talking about…

“What happened to Emi?” They both rise.


Lilly cuts her off before she can continue. “Hisao, I was asked not to inform you of that.” Her face fills with a sorrow that hurts to look at. They both know what’s wrong but they won’t tell me. Another bout of anger takes hold.

I clench my teeth for a moment, then say, “You’re right, that’s probably for the best. Thank you. It seems like the accident was no one’s fault. Thanks for taking the time to come talk… to me.” I quickly turn away, hoping to calm my nerves.

Akira clears her throat. “The next topic to discuss would be the matter that our father sent us here for.” Right, that wasn’t mentioned yet. “Again, without admitting guilt and as a gesture of goodwill, my father wishes to make reparations for the unfortunate accident so everyone can get back on- well to ensure everyone recovers as quickly as possible.”

That explains Mrs. Ibarazaki’s car situation I guess. And I had assumed most of our medical charges were already covered but I guess I haven’t considered what comes next. The doctor mentioned I might need another surgery and though most of the cost is covered, it isn’t quite free either. My parents can handle it, but if they don’t have to it would be all for the better.

“Well, in that case, I owe you and your father my thanks for what he is doing to help Emi’s family as well as my own.” as I say it, I realize it's true. All of this is just the universe's way of pissing on me. Assuming Akira is telling the truth, of course, and I feel like she is. And if this was just a case of shit happens, I can't be mad at the universe. I've tried that before and it doesn't work.

She gives a diplomatic smile and says, “I managed to talk with your parents briefly last night and they mentioned an upcoming surgery might be in the works,” well that was nice of them, “so if you need anything in relation to that do not hesitate to reach out.” She puts a few business cards on my desk, and the logo for Satou Industries is on them.

It seems like it’s all out of my hands again, so all I’m left with here are apologies for nothing and decisions being made for me. Great. Real great. I turn to look outside hoping the nice day will do something to calm me down, but it’s to no avail.

Akira speaks up again, her voice bouncing off the ground, “Once again we are sorry-”

“Stop apologizing.” I hiss a little more harshly than I was hoping for, then I catch myself before continuing. “Please. I’ve heard enough apologies in hospitals.” Memories of a winter chill run down my spine. “I don’t blame your driver or company or Dad. So please, that’s... enough.”

The words put all my anger out into the world and I immediately regret them. I can sense Akira and Lilly are shocked by my outburst and guilt drives me to deliver a swift apology. “Sorry. That was a bit rude.”

“No need to apologize,” Lilly says after a moment. “Akira, I heard they had a cafeteria downstairs. If you wouldn’t mind grabbing something to drink for us I’d like a french vanilla black tea.” Lilly asks me if I would like anything as well and without turning I tell them I’m fine with my water. Akira’s footsteps tell me she almost races off.

I turn back to Lilly after I’m sure Akira is gone. The guilt doesn’t fade. “I’m sorry about that, Lilly. I didn’t mean to yell at your sister.”

Lilly gives a restrained laugh as she pulls a white cane from her bag and starts extending it. “No need to worry. Akira was just surprised by your reaction since few people talk to her in that manner. Not many things are able to faze her though.” She finishes extending the cane. “Hisao, would you mind telling me where a chair is and about how far from it I am?”

“There’s a bench to your left about six feet away. There's a table in front of it. Nothing... else in the way.”

Her face softens into a smile for the first time since she got here. “Thank you Hisao.” She taps the ground a little with the cane as she moves towards the bench. I know it shouldn’t, but it surprises me how gracefully she approaches and sits on the bench only ever lightly brushing the edges of a given surface with her fingers or the cane.

There’s an awkward silence after she sits down. I speak up first, “I should apologize to her when she gets back.”

“There is honestly no need to worry, Hisao, it’s fine. You saw a side of her very few of my friends get the opportunity to see.” Friends? Can I call Lilly that? I mean, I’m not exactly against it but we’ve talked so little since I came here that it’s hard to say.

Then again, who else at Yamaku can I even call a friend right now. Rin? Maybe. She’s hard to understand but she’s Emi’s best friend so in a way I guess that means we’re friends by default, right? Plus we’ve hung out plenty… with Emi. Then there’s Misha and Shizune but if Shizune really is still avoiding me for that fight with Lilly I wouldn’t blame her. Beyond that I’ve barely talked to anyone else. That’s kind of depressing actually. I’ll need to see if I still have time to change that. Maybe I could try and approach someone else in my class. Lilly’s still waiting for a response.

“What do you mean?”

“She’s dressed very formally, yes? In a suit and tie normally worn by males. She also tried to sound perfectly professional and precise. I don’t think today was her best work,” Really? I could hardly tell if she missed a beat or not. “...but then again she’s never dealt with a situation quite like this one. On one hand she had to be a lawyer for Satou Industries and ensure their best interests are kept a priority.” So she is a lawyer. “On the other hand, she’s here at our father’s personal request making it a visit with personal stakes. The two don’t mix that well. Either way, that’s not her. Not really.” I guess that also answers a couple of my other questions I never got to ask.

“Oh?” I’m not sure I fully understand what she’s saying, but I let her continue.

“I’d have to say she’s about as formal as a delinquent in junior high,” she chuckles a little again, “and a harsh mouth to go with it. As I said, not much fazes her. She was just acting the part on behalf of our father’s strange request.” Strange indeed…

“I’d have never guessed.”

She seems to give herself a mental pat on the back for guessing correctly. “ I've only ever known her to act like this around people in the company itself, especially when around her superiors.”

“So should I be honored?”

Lilly smiles and covers her mouth as she lets out a small laugh. “If you want to feel that way, go ahead.” She stops for a minute to contemplate something. “Our father asked her to do this personally after he heard about what happened. On Friday of all days, too.” She says the last part quietly enough I almost miss it. Then her shoulders dip in a way that seems like relief at first, but the way she said it sounded like it was supposed to be a sad thing. I don’t remember anything particularly interesting supposed to be going on on Friday. My interest has piqued.

“What was Friday?”

“We were supposed to be flying to Scotland that night.” Straight to the point this time, almost no emotion in her words. Compared to just a few seconds ago this is starting to feel off.

“A vacation for the summer?”

She lowers her head slightly. “No. I was going to be moving permanently to the family home in Inverness.” I do remember hearing something about another class hosting a goodbye party on the last day, but I don’t remember too much about it. I was pretty dead set on getting to the hike Emi and I had planned, and pretty sick of being trapped in school. “Akira was granted a new position over there and I have…” a frown creeps through but only for a moment, “...nothing holding me back here. So I’ll be taking the opportunity to move with her. It’s been awhile since our family was together so I think it’ll be a good thing.” Something about the way she said that reminds me of Emi. The fake-looking smile she puts on her face deepens the similarity all too much.

Though I do feel something is off, I can’t be sure. If anything I’d hate to jump to conclusions, and if I can avoid the topic entirely that’d be fine too, but still, I should at least let her say what she wants to- if she wants to. “You must be excited that the whole family will be getting back together.” I say diplomatically.

“Indeed. It’ll be a good thing.” And now she’s repeating herself. “After all these years separated we’ll finally be able to be together in the same room as a family like we should be. I don’t think we could ask for a better opportunity than this to come around.” It sounds like she’s trying to justify the move to herself more so than to me. She smiles as she speaks, but there’s no warmth or sincerity in the smile; it’s just for show. I’ve seen smiles like that all too often, and all too recently as well.

As far as I can tell something is clearly going on, and I’m running out of energy to play this game with her. There’s a part of me that wants to try and change the subject, but it doesn’t feel right. I’ll just get right to the point then and see if she has something she needs to say. “Something wrong?”

She shifts slightly and gives me another fake smile. “No, everything is fine. Why do you ask?”

I sigh. “Emi is better at this than you are. I don’t want to get personal, but if something is going on you should talk about it to someone. It doesn’t have to be me, we barely know each... other still. But if you don’t let it out, it will eat away at you,” my head hangs for a moment, “or worse. Those close to you.”

She frowns and her shoulders slump. What feels like minutes pass, making me think maybe I crossed a line. I guess I did do a bit more than open the door for her there. In any case, we’ve only talked a few times since she invited me to lunch with her and Hanako at the start of my year here.

I open my mouth to apologize when she lets out a slow sigh and says, “I can’t help but feel like something’s wrong with this.”

“The move?”

Her face sinks. “I’m not sure. I would really like to be with my family, and Akira is pretty much all I have left here so with her moving it makes sense for me to go as well, plus it’s a chance to really try and bring the family together again…”


“But... something isn’t right.”

I don’t know much about her so it’s hard for me to come up with any reasons. The only one I know of might be Hanako, but how close are they? I’ve seen Hanako wait to leave class for her a few times. I know they sometimes eat lunch together in the tea room. It’s somewhere to start I guess. “Hanako?”

She answers a little too quickly. “No. She doesn’t need me.”

I take a moment to think but nothing else pops up. I really don’t know Lilly all that well, but her saying that about Hanako feels similar. Maybe there’s more there; the idea whispering to me from the edge of my thoughts, until finally it clicks. I lean into my bed for a moment to collect myself. “Emi doesn’t need me.” It hurts to finally say those words out loud, but I think it’s the truth. One I almost failed to realize and admit a couple weeks ago threatening everything Emi and I had with each other.

“What? Hisao, I’m sure Emi loves being around you. She seems so much happier when you are around. I can tell just from the way she talks, and I’m certain she’d be hurt if you left. It’s no coincidence she’s been even more active than usual since you befriended her.”

“But she doesn’t need me.” I sit up and my chest protests that decision. The pain makes the next words from my mouth harsher and I'm glad Lilly can't see me. “You see-” I bite my tongue, then continue, “Emi is strong, really strong. She’s… amazing. It’s one of the reasons I fell for her.” My cheeks burn a little, I’m glad Lilly can’t see that either. Then I remember “meeting” Emi for the first time in the hallway, she was running down the hall and careened right into me. I chuckle at the memory. “I guess literally at first. I think you were there for that.”

“I was, it sounded like you were in a lot of pain.” She seems burdened by the memory, even though it was me who got hurt.

I shake my head. “The point is, Emi doesn’t need me, but I want to be there for her whenever I can and maybe… she wants me to be there sometimes as well.”

Lilly contemplates my words for a little. “So you’re saying Hanako is Emi in this situation?” That sentence feels wrong in so many ways. I couldn’t ever see the two being seen as similar, well besides being cute- in their own ways. I give a light laugh, only to be silenced harshly by the explosions in my chest.

“Ugh- Well. I guess so yeah. I don’t know much about Hanako, but she seems like someone who can fight. Metaphorically I... mean.”

“So that would mean I would be you in this hypothetical then?”

“You want to be there for her right?”

“I do.”

“Then yeah. You and I are the same in that way.”

Lilly’s face twists for a moment as she digests my words. “I can’t abandon my family for one little selfish want, can I? It wouldn’t be right or fair. They’ve arranged so much for this to happen- I mean, there’s the move itself, the talks with Yamaku, the school they have picked out for me there, the room they’ve prepared for me, and even just the fact they summoned me in the first place.” She seems to have had this argument with herself many times before and I’m certain she cut the list of reasons short for my sake.

It strikes me how out of my depth I am in this conversation; I have no answer to any of those concerns and I say as much. “...I can’t tell you what should or shouldn’t be important to you.” A thought crosses my mind, “But for me, I used to think just being with Emi was enough. Until it wasn’t. I almost let her just slip away and I’m glad I didn’t. It was risky… I’ll admit that. I was scared too, but I’m happy I didn’t let her go so easily.”

I look over, and Lilly is sitting completely still, her face sullen. I stammer, “I- I’m sorry. That’s a little much to put on you since you probably won’t be here... long enough to do much about the whole situation.”

She shakes her head clear. “Actually, I’ll be here until Winter break now.”

“That long?”

“Yeah. The man who crashed into you was meant to fill in a few important roles at the Japanese branch. Unfortunately he is going to have to take a considerable amount of time off to recover. He suffered numerous injuries, so until he gets better Father asked Akira to stay here for the time being. I took the opportunity to stay as well, though I couldn’t give them a great answer for why I wanted to stay when they pressed me to continue the move without Akira. I guess… I don’t know. Now I have an entire summer break here now without a plan. Hanako is traveling with Naomi, but I haven’t even told her about this sudden change of plans yet. I don’t know how I’m going to face her after everything.” She sags deeper into her chair. It almost looks like she’s going to melt into it for a moment. Then silence encapsulates the room again.

Well, that was a lot, but it looks like she needed to talk if for no other reason than to try and sort it out herself. Maybe it was a good thing I ended up pushing her to do some talking. Lilly’s hair glimmers in the sunlight shining through the window, but it looks so out of place when the rest of her look so gloomy and bogged down by her thoughts.

Still, I wish I could have done the same with Emi. Maybe things wouldn't have gotten so bad between us if I had.

Again, jumping to conclusions, but I see no other reason Lilly shouldn’t be able to talk with Hanako. “Did something happen between you two?”

“Not exactly, but we did say goodbye. It feels like we- like I ended something there, and then I decided to ignore the sincere departure and come right back.” I don’t think I’m getting the full picture here, but I’m in no position to push for specific details.

I think back to the start of the year. What would it have been like if I went back to school after getting out of the hospital? To just walk back up to Mai, Shin, Takumi, and Iwanako, then try to just go back to normal. After all that? I don’t think it would have been possible. Even if they accepted me back, it would’ve been different. Would Iwanako and I try to give it a second shot? Would it have felt real or honest? I don’t know, but it definitely would’ve felt wrong. “Like you are sticking around after changing everything and burdening... those closest to you?”

“I guess it does feel similar to that.”

“Well, you’ll have plenty of time to come up with something good if you decide not to tell her. But it might be... better to tell her sooner so you don’t blindside her with the sudden change.”

She furrows her brows. “You’re right. I know you’re right- I just… wish there was an easier way to approach this situation.”

“So you still moving with Akira in the Winter then?”

“I would have to have a good explanation for wanting to stay. I don’t think I ever had one to begin with, nor am I sure it would be a good idea to stay here either way.”

I nod at Lilly, then reproach myself when I realize that gesture was empty. I really hope I haven’t been doing that this whole time. “That seems fair, but you might want to give it some more thought-”

Lilly suddenly straightens up and the lack of energy completely vanishes from her in an instant. A second passes and I hear a knock at the door. “It’s Akira.”

“Come on in Akira.”

She comes in and gives me a slight bow. I hadn't noticed it earlier, but her movements look perfectly practiced - to the point she looks slightly robotic. I feel bad for getting mad at her earlier over something like that, even more so when I wrote her off as some corporate lackey at the start of it all. “Akira, you don’t have to do that. Just think of me as one of Lilly’s... friends from school.” I guess I can call her that now. We certainly know a lot more about each-other than Rin and I do.

She glances over to Lilly who confirms what I said and Akira’s entire demeanor changes the instant her sister finishes speaking. “Oh thank the gods. That was exhausting.” She lets out a laugh. Even her posture transformed in a matter of seconds. She goes from almost comically stiff to extraordinarily lax all at once. The inoffensive expression she wore melted into a relaxed and carefree grin and she immediately saunters over to the bench Lilly is on and collapses next to her. “So, you two know each other then?” I guess she really was just here for her father’s sake.

“Just a little,” I admit, trying to adjust to the sudden change of tone in the conversation, “Lilly invited me to lunch during my first week at Yamaku, then I helped her class on festival work with Hanako. I think she… was just trying to help me feel comfortable. I was pretty lost.”

“Yeah, sounds like my sis. She has a nasty motherly streak even I can’t avoid.” Akira raises an eyebrow. “Hanako was there too?”

Lilly smiles softly. “She was. The two of them had already had the opportunity to meet, thus Hanako was not put off much by his presence. It seems Hisao makes friends rather quickly.”

I scratch the back of my head. “I just didn’t want to offend anyone really.”

“Don’t be too harsh on yourself. You were in a rather uncomfortable situation at the time and still put the effort in to care for how others might feel. Those actions were certain to attract the care and attention of many people around you.”

The compliment, plainly meant, takes me by surprise and all I can do is smile awkwardly.

Akira fills the void and says, “Should listen to her. She’s a solid judge of character, not to mention I’ve only just met you and I can tell you’ve got balls, kid. Not many people speak to me that way.”


She laughs, “Don’t worry about it.” Then takes a sip from the can she brought with her, there’s another can resting against her side, tea. I make out the words Earl Gra- on the side of the can resting next to her. Wasn’t she supposed to get Lilly something else? She sets her own can down and leans forward, a serious look washing over her. “Listen kid, just to make sure we’re clear, you understand why I’m here then?” I hesitate and it’s all she needs to push on, “My dad and I agreed I should come here to offer the company's support against the advice of his other lawyers. We think we're safe, legally, but they're a bunch of weenies who don't want to do the right thing because they think you'll sue us. Don't prove them right. If you even think about suing, you're in for the fight of your life, got it?” I nod quietly, startled by her sudden intensity.

I thought we went over all this already. Is she really that worried I’d go after Satou Industries? I guess Lilly did say it herself: this is really awkward for everyone involved.

Lilly pouts and faces her sister. “Akira, Hisao isn’t going to try anything. Please don’t be so harsh on him.” She turns to me, the certainty in her voice and expression wavering, “You aren’t right?” Lilly actually looks genuinely worried, and unlike usual, she doesn’t seem to slow down to consider her words before having already said them. She must really be out of her depths with the whole situation.

“No. I don’t think so. Nothing happening here would change it in any case since it’s all a separate- entity?” I’m not exactly sure how any of the others feel about the situation. My parents, as usual, seemed to be busy with work after ensuring I was okay, but they also seemed to have accepted Mr. Satou’s offer so that right there might be my answer. Emi and her mother look to be in a similar position and they didn’t seem particularly angry, though it’s possible they avoided the topic for that very reason. As I see it, unless it comes out they were committing fraud on the inspections to save a quick buck or something then it’s just what ended up happening. It’s also a conversation I’d have to have with my parents either way.

Maybe that’s what Emi and her mother were busy doing yesterday; tidying up legal loose ends. I have no experience as to what any of that would look like so I haven’t a clue as to how long that would, or should, take.

Akira leans back once more and picks the can up again. It seems like she approves of my response and is even amused by my crude attempt at legalese. “Just coverin’ my bases is all, and hoping to avoid some annoying paperwork. He’d need a damn fine lawy- On second thought, I should really just shut up about that. Where were we?”

Lilly answers, “I believe I had mentioned that Hanako was fine with Hisao’s presence at lunch and festival preparations.” She seems to calm down with the change of subject. I know the feeling.

“Right. You all didn’t hang out again after that?” Akira asks. She definitely got comfortable fast. She’s leaning back against the wall with her hands behind her head and with one leg propped on the other’s knee. When did she manage to set down her drink again?

I answer first, “Not really. I got a bit preoccupied; Emi is very active in almost every way.”

Something about the way Akira’s looking at me makes me uncomfortable. The feeling grows as she leans forward with an evil smile. “In almost every way you say? In what ways isn’t she active?”

This is starting to feel very familiar, but I hope I’m wrong about that. “Oh you know, running for one. She’s pretty much on the track whenever she gets a chance-” Wait she said isn’t. “I mean that’s one of the many ways she is active, as for isn’t… I guess-”

Akira swiftly takes the opportunity to put me further off balance. “You sure you’re not thinking about something else?” Okay now I know what she’s trying to do. Mom’s been doing this sort of thing to me for years and feigning ignorance never seems to help. A glance at Lilly tells me she’s not keeping up with what her sister is playing at and is just lost. Sitting here looking at the two makes me wonder if they are really sisters.

I feel my cheeks warm up at the thought that Akira is suggesting what I think she’s suggesting. She must’ve noticed cause that devilish grin widens just a bit. Out of desperation I say, “I’m not sure what you mean by that.” I turn away from her.

“Hmmmm. And here I heard you two were an item. If you’re saying you aren’t sure if she’s really active in all ways then…”

“I- uhh…”

Lilly’s face widens in shock as she finally catches what her sister is implying. “Akira! That’s hardly appropriate!”

Akira laughs again. “I kid, I kid. Yeah, from what I hear, she’s normally a ball of energy that bounces off of every wall leaving scorch marks in her wake.” Normally. Lilly continues to scowl at her sister, the shock having worn off by now.

“You could say that.” My cheeks are definitely still warm and it’s probably obvious because Akira chuckles again. Lilly makes a visible effort to continue as normal; this must be pretty par for the course with her sister.

Akira sighs. “I could definitely go for a beer though. Might stop and pick some up on the way back.” She glances over at me. “For later obviously.” Something… something… plausible deniability?

Lilly’s scowl returns, but it passes quickly and I almost see a smile creep through. “Sorry Hisao, I think we’ve probably taken up enough of your time here.”

“I wouldn’t say that. There's not a lot to do here anyways. Sorry to hear about your move being delayed, though... maybe it’s a good thing?”

Akira raises an eyebrow to me, then Lilly, but ends up leaning back again. “It definitely makes things awkward though. My err, ex and I are gonna have to see each other daily again for a while.”

Lilly’s face softens as she turns to her sister. “I thought you were going to talk to him?”

Akira shrugs. “Eh. Didn’t have time. Plus, after what happened- I don’t know. Maybe I’ll try talking. No way around it I guess. He’s still an ass though. On the bright side I don’t have to ditch my baby just yet.” Akira has a child? “Knowing we only have a few months left means I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of driving the beauty around.” That… makes a lot more sense.

Lilly does her best to ignore Akira’s language, then smiles again and turns back towards me. “Well then, we’ll be off. You get some rest, Hisao. I’m sure you’ll need it with Emi.” I sense a bit of playfulness in her tone; maybe they are sisters after all.

“Yeah, probably. You think about what I said too alright?” She nods politely. Akira stands up and offers her arm to Lilly almost automatically. If Akira was curious about what I meant by that she gave no indication I could catch. Then she hands the other can to Lilly as they begin walking. I wonder why she waited so long to hand the tea to Lilly, then again I don’t think she asked for Earl Gray.

Akira turns to me, a hint of the professionalism from earlier returning. “Ah, and about earlier… I may have been told to come here on my father’s account but I wasn’t just saying a script. You got dealt a crap hand.”

I swipe the air. “No worries. Thanks for the visit.”

She grins widely. “Yep. And oi, keep your chin up. You seem like a solid kid.” I’m taken aback from her words; I don’t think I said anything too depressing did I?

“Uh, yeah. Will do.”

Lilly gives another warm smile. “I’m sure we’ll meet again after summer break, Hisao. Rest well.”

“You too Lilly. Thanks for talking to me.”

Akira and Lilly leave and not long after the door closes Lilly says something to Akira along the lines of “...to the store, can you grab-” Akira cuts her off, “Yeah I thought you’d ask. I’ll get some…” Their voices trail off and I’m left alone in the barren room.

The draining hospital buzz makes its way back and it doesn’t take long for my body to tell me all the talking was exhausting work. Without a book to read and no one left to talk to I resign myself to lying on the bed. Eventually I close my eyes. Somewhere along the way my mind goes blank and I’m asleep.

(Continued in next post)

Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Scene 1: Broken Glass part 2 (Second Half)

Post by StealthyWolf »

(Continued from previous post)

The next few days come and go much faster. Emi and her mother returned that night with a few of the books from my room. I had already read one of them, but I’ll reread it if I manage to finish the other two before I’m out of here. We make some small talk, eat a little, and the doctors give me a quick check-up before the day wraps up. We repeat the process pretty much every day for the next five.

Turns out Mrs. Ibarazaki had gotten pretty bad whiplash from the crash so she was sore all around, but was otherwise fine. The driver from Lilly's father’s company was definitely the worst off of everyone. From what we were told he had three broken ribs, a punctured lung, broken ankle, and several deep cuts that needed stitches. He had only managed to give instructions on how to give me CPR due to adrenaline, then collapsed after the ambulance arrived and took over. From what Emi was saying, his car looked like an older model from many decades ago. An old fashioned type, but everyone’s got their poison I guess.

Emi, on the other hand, still had her guard up every day. Anytime the conversation would wander towards the territory of injury or recovery she would deflect it onto other topics. Her leg was still wrapped in gauze every time I saw her and she’d make a point to ignore it whenever I was caught glancing at it. I never brought it back up in conversation though, even when we were alone, so I guess I can’t place all the blame on her. She promised she’d talk to me about it and I know pushing her is a dangerous game, but it keeps gnawing at me just under the surface.

Every time she leaves it’s the only thing I think about. Whenever I’m left to my own devices every memory comes rushing back with a fiery passion. I see her face covered in blood, or one of her prosthetic legs propped up on the dash behind her mother with her long striped sock still on it, or the look on her face from her wide and shaking eyes to the trembling in her mouth as she yelled something I couldn’t hear. The feeling of helplessness I had at that moment sucker punches me whenever I think about it. Every time she wheels back into the room I hope and beg that today’s the day we get it over with. I’m sick of our relationship being this constant dance where we avoid talking about the thing we should be talking about and slowly letting it tear us from each other. How is not talking about it easier than this?

By day three of this routine I start to grow testy and by day five, my irritation is threatening to develop into something much more dangerous. The atmosphere reminds me of two weeks ago before dinner at her house all over again. Every day I tell myself there’s a good reason for it, that it can wait, that we’ll get to it soon enough. Every time I see her again I notice something in her is slowly cracking- like her eyes getting darker each day, her movements are less and less precise, or her sentences growing shorter and less colorful. She even accidentally leans on her bandaged leg a few times and grits her teeth in pain each time. I don’t want to snap at her again, but with every joke she tells or sharp change in subject the gnawing intensifies just a little more, eating away at me in the background.

Something is wrong. She isn’t talking to me about it. My mind wanders.

It’s a vicious cycle that we’ve started over once again.

Is there no end?

Is it because I had a pretty bad attack in front of her so soon after everything that happened? So soon after I told her I’d be there for her no matter what. She accepted and believed me, and even when I said it may be short I can’t imagine she thought it could have possibly been that short. Then again, maybe that’s not it- or maybe it’s not all of it.

She won't talk about her leg at all. What happened to it? How long is she going to be in that wheelchair again? After the infection put her out of running for well over a week she was in a pretty dark place; it almost broke us apart. If what we're going through now is anything like what we went through last time, we'll be fine, but something tells me it isn't so simple. I hate it when we don't talk because it gives me time to form my own thoughts - all of which are dark. And when you're mostly bed-ridden in a hospital with only two people who can come see you, all you've got is time. Time to do nothing but sit and think. Day in. Day out.

Today after her mom left for the cafeteria for some dinner small talk takes over again. Eventually she says, “..and it seems like you’re healing up a little more. Your talking is almost normal.” That’s an overstatement. I’ve just gotten used to the pain by this point, or maybe the new pills are finally doing their job.

Simple observation. Ordinary tone. Normal words. It was the moment I'd been waiting for, days too late.

“Yep. Talking does wonders, you know.” Propelled by long-simmering anger, the words come out before I can stop myself. Emi's face twitches slightly at my tone, then resolves itself back into the familiar mask. We both know what I’m really talking about and there’s no taking it back.

“Maybe it does.” Her voice is barely above a whisper and in the face of her apparent calmness, I make a conscious effort not to lash out again. I was expecting- maybe even hoping she would fight back, or deflect, or even just blatantly ignore it again.

“When are we going to talk?”

“Aren’t we right now?”

“You know what I mean.”

She lets out a deep sigh. “I told you we would.”

“Five days ago.” That was a little more aggressive than I meant it to be, but I guess there was no nice way to say something like that.

The look she gives breaks me. I don’t see that flash of anger I saw on the rooftop, or the shock, or even that look she gets when stone-walling me. She just looks… tired. “Don’t you trust me?” The uncertainty in her voice hits me like another wall of bricks; she really doesn’t know the answer to the question.

I want to scream at her for a moment. I mean, of course I do! After everything we’ve been through, after the last few months, the lunches on the roof, the daily runs, the nights we spent together, the dinner at her house, the trip to visit her dad- after all that why wouldn’t I trust her? “Of course I do, Emi.” I settle for just that. My hand twitches under the bed sheet cracking the smooth surface above.

“Then can you do me one more favor?”

I don’t like the sound of this one bit. “It’ll depend on what it is.”

She takes a deep breath in. “Wait two more days.”

“Two days?”


“So, the day I’m discharged?”


“We’ll talk then? About-”

“Hisao.” She looks me dead in the eyes with her hands trembling in her lap. “Can you just say yes?”

I finally calm down. “Okay. Yes. I can wait two days, Emi.” A solid date, that’s all I needed. I wipe my sweat covered hand on my leg and let it finally relax.

“Thanks, Hisao.” She leans in to give me a kiss. The first one since the crash. Everything around me melts away, and I kiss her back. Maybe I was worrying just a little too much. Maybe not enough. None of it matters right now besides the soft taste of strawberries. The sunlight fills the room with a faint orange light as it begins to rest on the horizon; the fluorescent lights of the hospital will turn on shortly as it darkens.

The rest of the day goes back to the usual. Small talk, food, reading, check-up. It isn’t oppressive, however. It’s just how the day goes. A “normal” day in the hospital. I find myself laughing at the thought. In all my months after my first attack there wasn’t a single day things felt “normal.” Every day someone else hadn't shown up or stopped showing up all together, the doctors had a new series of examinations to take or results to discuss, I was a little more withdrawn, etc. Every single day it felt as if my life were changing in an irreversible way worse than the day before. In my mind, that’s what being at the hospital meant. Irreversible change was coming- was happening. Sitting here knowing Emi and I have agreed to talk, and just being able to enjoy each other's presence with no underlying issue building up - even for just one day - it feels normal.

The next day almost nothing happened. The check-up was a little more thorough since I was set to be discharged the day afterwards, but what really made the day drag on was the fact Emi and her mother couldn’t make it over to visit for the day. Mrs. Ibarazaki was called into work early and without a ride Emi and I agreed taking public transport so far would be a little tedious. Then my parents intended to come back out today, but both of their jobs had a fresh wave of intensity preventing them from being able to take the time to come visit me, especially after they took two days off earlier in the week already. So I ended up just reading most of the day and before I knew it, the day was over and I was growing tired. Eager to leave the hospital, I went to sleep.

“All right Mr. Nakai, everything seems to be in order. You know where to go to get your new prescription?” I nod. “And we’ve already informed your school’s staff about the situation. As I understand it you are on summer break, but we still strongly recommend talking to them sooner rather than later.” I nod again. “And finally, just in case you don’t see them, we want to make sure you remember a few things. No intense physical activity for at least two more weeks. After that it is up to you, but make sure to be delicate around your chest for three more weeks after that- minimum. And though I expect you don’t plan on bashing your head into a wall anytime soon, do avoid further agitation there as well.” I quickly nod again to which he raises an eyebrow. This is probably the third time he’s given me a version of this speech. “And lastly…” He looks at me, a smile breaks out on his face, “…enjoy your summer.”

Maybe my old view of doctors wasn’t so complete. This past week Dr. Sano has been nothing but nice to me. I guess looking back on it he was even more observant than normal from the first day. Since then he’s given the usual check-ups that I grew used to at the old hospital, but he’d also constantly try to talk about just a little more. Sometimes we talked about his son, or about one of the many trips he and his family like to go on, or anecdotes about his patients. He’s had an effect on my perception at least; maybe hospitals aren’t all doom and gloom. Either way, I’m still glad to be putting this one behind me.

I give him a polite bow and thank him. Though I am careful to keep my back straight out of respect, I’m extra careful for fear of the pain it might cause if I bend my chest at all. I retrieve the day’s worth of pills that are meant to get me through tonight and with that, they allow me to leave.

Emi and Mrs. Ibarazaki planned to be here when I left, but Emi apparently woke up late so I’ve got thirty minutes to kill. She also told me not to eat breakfast today since she has plans, so with my stomach growling at me and not much else left to do I go outside and open a book. The fresh air and freedom from the white walls and floors does my mind wonders. I’m still craving a good run, but that’ll have to wait. I only have a chapter or two left on this one, then I’ll be out of reading material. I should stop by the library at school to drop them off before my parents pick me up. I’d hate to be the cause of an addition to Yuuko’s long list of worries.

Speaking of which, I hadn't really thought about what I’m doing this summer. The start was as bad as it can get but I've still got three more weeks. After my parents come pick me up we’ll be able to spend some time together, but I’ll still have a week to kill at school when they drop me off again. Outside of that I know nothing of my plans. Emi and I haven’t exactly brought it up on account of the fact I don’t know what these next few weeks look like for her. So maybe, depending on how our talk goes today, we’ll make some plans. Hopefully.

Then I realize I have no idea how today is going to go. I half-worry it'll be like the time on the roof when she tried to break up with me but I’d give her the same speech again and she knows it, so probably not. Even if she did try again, I'd try harder to resist. So, what could happen then? What if her leg is worse than it seems? What if she has to go through a few more months of rehabilitation and loses a lot of her progress in track?

What if she can’t run again?

A shiver runs down my spine. I did it again. I Jumped to conclusions. Now that I’m here, there’s no way it won’t be on my mind when we talk. I sigh, then look at my watch. All this thinking has taken up most of my time and I probably won’t finish the book now. Might as well try anyway.

“A picnic?” I ask.

“Yeah! I’ve got it planned out. My mom and I did the cooking. I had to make up for our last one being ruined after all. I even have a spot picked out for us and everything!” Emi calls back from the front seat.

“Oh? Where we going today?”

“The park near The Shanghai.”

“That makes sense. It’s a nice park after all.”

Emi nods enthusiastically, “Plus it’s Sunday, so it’s a good day to go to the park.”

Mrs. Ibarazaki calls back from the driver’s seat, “Hisao, if you want to stop by Yamaku first to drop anything off we can do that.”

“That might be a good idea; I have a few books I’d like to drop off and I was told I should talk to Nurse.”

Emi quickly interrupts, “Oh that can wait, can’t it? Just leave the books and stuff in your room and we can go!”

“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping me honest?”

“I made a healthy meal!”

I open my mouth to argue more, but with an effort, smile instead. “Fine, you win this one. Besides, I don't mind delaying that conversation for a minute.”

“But you will see him before you leave?”

“Oh so now you are keeping your word?”

“I’ll make it up to him.”

“I don’t think he works like that.”

Emi shrugs and looks out the window. I couldn’t help but take a look as I got in the car earlier. Her leg is still wrapped. The stitches on her forehead were taken out though and now it’s just a red line halving the area above her eyebrow and below her hair. Most other scratches were healed and barely visible by this point.

She’s also a little dressed up, still casual, but it makes me feel a little odd wearing my usual every-day outfit after - yet-again - seeing her in something different. She’s wearing light brown shorts and a pale green top with spaghetti straps over what looks like a plain white tee with puffy sleeves. It looks amazing on her, and when I see her outside of the car in it I’m sure it’ll give me pause again. The dichotomy of that amazing look and her leg unleashes a fierce battle in my heart. It reminds me a lot of the outfit she wore to the graveyard, but something about the small change of her sleeves makes her feel more cheerful; it changes the look entirely somehow.

Then there’s me in a plain white tee-shirt, gray argyle sweater vest, and dark gray pants. Getting the sweater vest on today was more of a task than I had anticipated. I’m pretty sure this is my newest set though, so at least the colors and wear of it look really fresh. Never really had much better than this so it works.

“…and after that we’ll stop by the house and grab the food. Sound good to you, Hisao?”

“Yeah. Dorms, leave books, grab essentials, meet back up, and we’re off.”

“Good, you were paying attention!” She gives a mischievous smirk to me, her mother has one as well. I don’t think there was anything else… I missed something, didn't I? Their giggles tell me I’m right.

We arrive at the school and it doesn’t take long for me to drop everything off and grab what I need. I make sure to grab the remaining set of medicine the hospital sent me back with. I take a glance at my old set and remember Dr. Sano saying something about that set not having the right dosages anymore. He told me the school would have my new set in by the time I got back and I know I should be making sure I get the new prescription as soon as possible, but it should be fine.

In the hospital they would provide all the medication I needed on a day to day basis so I didn’t even have to think about it. Now that I’m back out it’s up to me again and even though I do plan on coming back here tonight, it’s better to have the option. I’ll pick up the new stuff in the morning if all else fails.

When I get back to the car Emi and her mom have already grabbed the last of what they needed from Emi’s room before locking it up for the summer. I hop in and we’re off to get the food.

Being back in Emi's house calls to mind the doubt and tension from when I was here for that first dinner. We needed to talk then, as we do now, but at the time we had no plans to talk. Hopefully this time things will be different. I like knowing we're going to clear the air over the uncertainty of days past.

While I busy myself stretching after the car ride, Emi rushes inside as quickly as her chair allows her.

The door to the house closes behind her and Mrs. Ibarazaki takes the opportunity to speak. “So how are you feeling, Hisao?”

“All things considered, could be better.” I laugh a little bitterly.

She smiles, then asks, “Nervous?”

“About today? Yeah. I’d say so. Last time Emi and I had to talk like this it didn’t go so well. I mean at first. Eventually we got there, but I hope today we skip all the parts in the middle.”

She nods and looks back to the door. A look spreads across her face that feels warm and the glint in her eyes reminds me of my own mother. I can’t place a specific memory though. “I think she’s over that hill with you now. I know it’s unkind of me to ask, but I do hope you can continue to be patient with her despite the difficulties that it may bring.”

I don’t get the opportunity to respond before the door bursts open and Emi wheels herself out of the house. “Got it all?” I barely even finish asking as she speeds by me. Nothing ever manages to slow her down.

“Yes. Let’s go!”

When everyone gets settled back into the car we set off.

After we get near the park Mrs. Ibarazaki pulls over, gets Emi’s chair out, and helps Emi into it before loading the picnic and supplies onto her lap. Sure enough I have to take a moment to gather my senses after getting a good look at Emi.

Her mother closes the car door after finishing then turns to Emi. “Well, guess I’m off then. See you at home tonight?”

“Yep, thanks for driving us around Mom!” A small part of me is disappointed by the answer as I’d been hoping the two of us would be able to spend some alone time together outside of the hospital. I’ll likely be back in my room tonight by the sounds of it, which is probably for the best since I still have stuff to take care of at the school. Emi did rush me out of there pretty fast. Not that I blame her. I’m just as eager to get to the other end of this.

Her mom walks over to her, puts her hand on Emi’s shoulder, and gives her a genuine smile- the same smile she had earlier at the house; it’s the look a parent only gives their kid when truly proud of them. It occurs to me I can’t remember the last time Mom gave me a look like that. It’s been nothing but worry, regret, and pain for the last few months and before that she’d been too busy with work for a while to really keep up with me. Despite all that, I can still recall its warmth by looking at Mrs. Ibarazaki right now.

I can’t see Emi’s face from here, but it looks like she nods. My chest starts to feel light as the situation finally catches up to me. It’s time. Yet again our relationship is at a crucial boiling point and all that’s left is to let it play out.

“Now make sure you two have fun. It’s a nice day out. And take your time as well, but don’t stay out too late. And-”


“Right. Well, I’ll be going now. Love you dear.”

“Love you mother!”

I give her a nod. “Thanks for driving us Mrs. Ibarazaki.”

“Glad we reached our destination this time around!” The three of us share a laugh for a moment before she hops back in the car and drives off. The car quickly vanishes around a corner.

“You okay, Hisao?”


“Your hand.” I look down and realize my hand is balled up tightly, so tightly it’s actually causing my fingers to hurt.

I shake it free from itself. “I’m good.” I look over to Emi, but she doesn’t seem quite convinced. “Want me to push you so you can rest your arms a bit?”

Whether or not she believed me vanished under the annoyance that took over. “Absolutely not. You need to take it easy. Nurse’s orders!”

“I haven’t even talked to him yet.”

“I have. And besides, I need the exercise.”

“Let me carry the basket at least then?”

“Fine. But if I hear you breathing even slightly too hard I’m taking it back. Clear?”


We stroll (and roll) through the park slowly, making small talk as we go. It's a beautiful day and despite what's waiting for us at the end, I can't help but feel content.

We pass by a few picnic tables before we arrive at "The One", where we set up quickly. We’re just in time too as my arms are starting to strain under the weight. Emi levers herself out of the chair and onto the bench. She still isn't using her bandaged leg, but I stay silent.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t just sit on the ground like normal, but getting on and off the ground in a wheelchair is so annoying,”she says casually once we’re both comfortable.

“I could have helped you,” I comment, careful to keep my voice neutral and mild.

Despite my care, I draw a swift - but gentle - rebuke from Emi. “We’ve gone over this Hisao. You need to rest, a couple weeks at least.” She’s probably right. Even if I knew how to help her my body probably wouldn’t let me right now. I shrug it off; the intention was there. “Let’s get right into this. I don’t want the sandwiches to get cold,” she continues.

“Get cold? You made heated sandwiches for this?”

She nods excitedly. “These ones are better this way, trust me.” She opens the basket and it looks like there's enough food inside for a three course meal - for four people.

We start pulling food out and I wonder if she got the basket from Mary Poppins herself. Inside there is a whole host of foods, so much so I can’t even keep track. It probably doesn’t help that throughout the entire time we were unpacking the lunch I couldn’t help but think about what’s waiting for me after we eat. For now, I push the thought aside and try to enjoy the meal. “Wow! You really went all out.” I finally say after we finish.

“No reason not to! I hope you listened and didn’t eat breakfast.” She points her chopsticks at me.

I wavered for a moment earlier when a snack bar in the vending machine called to me but I'm glad I didn't give in and I say as much.

“Then we better get started!”

Artist: Kekentang

We didn't talk too much while we ate because the food was really good. Throughout the meal we both make short comments on the taste of something, the other’s next choice of food, or just bursts of small talk as we prep the next dish. The two of us even laugh together for no reason a few times, or over something small like Emi getting some tomato juice on her nose.

Halfway through the bento boxes I tap out. “That’s it. I don’t think I can keep going.” I slouch into the seat and pat my stomach to emphasize my point.

Emi either doesn’t catch on or blatantly ignores my actions. “Aww, but we haven’t even had the macaroni salad, the fruit salad, the-”

“Yeah, yeah. I know, but I don’t think I’ll get anything more down.” I look at the remaining food, well over half of which is still untouched, and my stomach churns at the thought of continuing.

“We’re eating the cake at least.”



“Any way out?”

“Nope. Cake now. Then we can stop.”

“Alright, but if I end up in a food coma it’s on you.”

“Never skip cake.”

It was, of course, lemon cake. I end up giving the last few bites of mine to Emi who practically inhales it. Then as we pack up the rest of the food Emi assures me I will be taking some of this back to my dorm to eat over the next couple days.

After the food is packed up and the blanket is folded the two of us find ourselves sitting in silence for what feels like forever. I even convince myself it’s due to us being content with the meal and wonder if Emi does the same.

The breeze is refreshing in the warm summer air. Luckily today wasn’t that hot and there’s some cloud cover to boot so it’s pretty nice out in general. Though the park is relatively busy, we were wise enough to pick a table far enough out of the way such that very few people end up coming near us. Barring the occasional jogger or someone on a bike who passes by we’re practically alone. No better place to talk. The content silence soon gives way to awkward idle movements; the two of us trapped by the promised and impending talk no matter how much we’d rather avoid it.

“So how long we gonna just sit here?” I say first to break the spell.

Emi lets out a sigh. “I was hoping a little longer.”

I look over, and she’s like a statue again. She’s holding her composure to an almost scary degree waiting to see how I react. “Let’s warm up to it.” I offer.


“I’m warming up to it,” I say with a smile. It takes Emi a moment to remember the day in the graveyard, but when she does she smiles too.

“Ahh. Okay.” She takes a deep breath. “I think you owe me.”

“Oh yeah? What do I owe you.”

“I’ve done a lot of talking about what I’ve gone through and my past. Now you owe me some of yours.”

It hadn’t really occurred to me, but she’s right. It’s not like I was hiding it - I think - but I never really offered much either. I’ve told her bits and pieces and she knows why I’m at Yamaku, but not much more and certainly never the complete story. “Well… where to start.” I think for a minute. “I never really liked soccer.” She narrows her eyes at me. “I’m warming up to it.” I know what she really wants to hear about, but I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet.


“Yeah, people think I liked soccer before my heart attack because I played it with my friends back then, but really it was just an excuse to hang out with them. Something to do together you know? I never cared for the sport and only really tried for the sake of being competitive with them. I was also never really in shape to begin with so it was just something I did. You’d think I’d miss it after losing the ability to play it all together, but I don’t. I don’t miss soccer, I mean. I think I might miss hanging out with them though. Just the four of us against the world. Maybe it could have even turned into five had… well. No point in dwelling on that now.” I take a breath and look over to her. She’s listening intently even though it was such a simple story. “Your turn.”

“Okay.” She sits up and starts playing with her hands a little. “Strawberry really is my number one flavor. A lot of people assume it might actually be lemon because that’s what I usually order when it comes to desserts, but that’s mainly because I really only like eating strawberries on special occasions. You know, the good days. The best ones- and especially when it’s a dessert. It’s always better on those days. I… haven’t had any this past week. It hasn’t felt right.” I take one of her hands and she almost pulls it back, but ends up leaving it. I give it a slight squeeze. I remember the lemon cake we had earlier and wonder if she chose that just in case this conversation went sour. I wouldn’t blame her for worrying since I’ve done plenty of my own, but it still makes me feel a little sad. I decide it’s best to keep these thoughts to myself. She looks back at me. “Your turn.”

“My parents were never really around back home. They always had work so I mostly took care of myself since the start of junior high, and even a bit before that really. I mean, I guess that alone isn’t very unusual, but I’d frequently come home from school to an empty house and not talk to either of them again until the following morning. Most mornings it was just one of them. It didn’t take long for me to start feeling like I was living on my own most of the time. After they got their new positions they had to prioritize work and it meant working hours late into the evening. Family dinners became a scarce thing. I don’t resent it really, but I’d be lying if I said I was completely okay with it. In the end I think it made moving here easier though since I was already used to being on my own. Now there was no illusion of not being that way. I think…” This time Emi gives my hand a light squeeze. “ I think I miss them sometimes. Even when I still lived in that house, I missed them.” I smile as the new river between us begins drying up. “Your turn.”

“My mom is right about a lot. When she says I don’t think the crash… the first one… is a big deal, it’s the truth. I’m not Emi the car crash survivor who lost her legs, I’m just Emi. I’m Emi Ibarazaki, The Fastest Thing on No Legs damnit!” A smile breaks through, but is swept away quickly. “I don’t want the crash to be the first thing that defines me. Yes my dad was… everything to me. Losing him hurts. It changed a lot in my life, but it is not the first thing people need to think about when they look at me. Not the second either. Or even the third or fourth-... but it is a part of me, and it’s also hard to say it's no big deal at all. I still wake up at night even if I don't remember the night- dreams. I still have no legs. I… I still lost my dad.” Her eyes start to shine a little. A tear falls down her cheek. It takes everything I have not to get up and give her a hug. “I refuse to let it define me because it would also mean that day also defines him. I don’t think either of us deserve that.” She wipes her cheek off. “Your turn.”

“The day I had my heart attack was the day a girl named Iwanako confessed to me. After that it felt like everything changed. I wanted to blame the world, and say my life went so badly because of things completely out of my control. That’s a bit of a lie. The start wasn’t my fault, sure, but everything else was. I stopped trying to talk to any of them- my friends and my parents. Mai, Shin, Takuya, and even Iwanako came to visit me as soon as they could, but all I did was mope. I really had given up on happiness.” Thanks Iwanako… again.

I take a breath, then continue, “They spent weeks trying to act normal around me and I did nothing to reciprocate. I think I resented the idea of acting normal after everything that happened. I thought I was a burden and eventually, one by one, they stopped visiting. First Takuya, then Shin, then Mai, and even Iwanako. I never even gave her a proper response to her confession. Next thing I know I’m told I’m going to a school hours away from everyone and then bam, here I am. Everyone tried to treat me like normal again here and I started to resent that fact a little again, until you came along. I was destroying myself, but you helped me see that maybe there’s a way to move forward. Maybe ‘normal’ was never coming back, but it didn’t matter anymore. Or perhaps a new normal could be okay after all.”

I begin to pull her a little closer. At first she seems hesitant, but she soon allows me to move her and I lean my forehead against hers. “So thanks.” I give her a short peck on the lips, then lean back and finish, “I think what really got me is the fact they kept telling me how lucky I was. Again and again they described my life as a ‘miracle.’ The simple fact it took that long for my heart to give out, and the fact I survived when it finally did. Miraculous. All it cost me was everything I knew and had grown used to, my first crush, my friends, my school, and the house I grew up in. At the same time, all of that feels so far behind me now. Maybe it doesn’t matter, maybe it still matters more than I’m letting on, but maybe, just maybe I can be happy with what’s right in front of me.” I give Emi as warm a smile as I can and she returns it in full. “Your turn.”

She lets out a deep breath, then pulls her hands back from me and sits up straight. A minute passes and I worry she might try to back out of this. Through a shaky breath she begins, “This crash doesn’t define me either, but it also changes everything. First, I need to ask you. What was the first thought you had when I didn’t want to talk?”

I want to say her leg - it was what I first noticed after all - but even before that I think I’ve felt guilty for a different reason. “My first thought was it’s because I almost died… in a car crash… right in front of you. But-”

“Yeah I thought so. I won’t lie, I’m kind of pissed at you for that, but I’m not so selfish as to blame you or be scared by that fact either. At least not anymore. There might have been a time where I really tried to push you away after something like that, but that’s behind us now. It’s not like I don’t know what can happen because of your heart. I still want to be with you.” I feel my chest release in a way that both hurts and feels amazing.

“Even though I might still leave you early?”

“You said it yourself: we’ve got to enjoy what we have while we have it. And we will enjoy it no matter how long or short it lasts.” She smiles at me. “I must be a jerk too because I never knew that not saying so earlier worried you so much, Hisao.”

“Huh?” She reaches over and wipes a tear from my cheek. “Oh! I-” I was crying? Another tear forms in my eye, blurring the world in front of me. Ah, I’m relieved. “I’m sorry… it’s just- I know it’s stupid.” I take a measured breath, wipe my eyes and compose myself. When I look up Emi isn’t in a much better state. I finally finish my sentence that was cut far too short. “I love you, Emi.”

“I love you too, you idiot.”

“I never really thought you’d leave me because of my heart, and I know you knew it was a risk and all, but…”

“Yeah, I should’ve just come out and said it sooner.” She takes another shaky breath in. “And the second reason?”

“Your leg. The wheelchair. All of that.”

She sags in the chair for a moment and as she does the color seems to drain from the entire park. “During the crash what’s - ah - left of my left leg took a pretty heavy hit. The prosthetic got caught up in between the console and chair, then ended up being ripped off of my body entirely…” She gives a dry laugh, “I lost my left leg twice now!” Her half-smile quickly fades away. “It injured my knee pretty bad.”

Her eyes drop to the ground, and she looks and sounds like a robot reading from a teleprompter at her feet. “The ligaments in my legs were already in rough shape after my first crash, but surgery and physical therapy were able to restore them to a point where I could utilize prosthetic legs below the knee. They never fully healed back to their ‘original’ state, but it was more than enough to get me going.” As she speaks she makes an effort to keep her breath steady. I get the feeling she’s using this time to prepare herself for what comes after this part of the story.

“Over the years since the crash a big part of my long-term treatment has been ensuring they don’t deteriorate any further. BKA prosthesis utilizes the joint at the knee, a little bit of the remaining shin, and the muscles in the area - in basic terms - as a point of contact and stabilization with the prosthetic. It’s better to do it below the knee because the knee is really useful when it comes to natural range of motion. Full prosthetic legs have come a long way these past years, but not nearly far enough. It’s easier to relearn how to walk or run with below the knee amputations.” Her voice takes on a sarcastic edge. “Plus the sense of normality can be rejuvenating for people as well. The quality of life is easier to uphold if an amputation is able to take place below the knee rather than above it.”

Her head lowers further and the edge in her voice is gone. “This crash though, the force needed to rip that prosthetic off in the way it did… it damaged those same ligaments, the meniscus, the bones themselves to some degree, my skin, and even my muscles.” Her hands are shaking hard enough that I’m not even sure if she felt me when I grabbed hold of one of them.

“I was basically sent back to square one on my left leg. But even that... wasn’t enough.” I can’t stop myself this time. I stand up and move next to her, pulling her into a hug. She doesn’t resist but tears start flowing from her eyes.

She speaks faster, “They said there’s a decent chance my knee can’t heal this time. The damage is hard to assess, but they want us to prepare for…” She breaks into a sob struggling to get anything more out.

“It’s okay Emi. You don’t have to say anymore.”
She pushes herself off and turns to face me. She shakes her head, then twists my vest to try and steady her hands before taking a few forced breaths. “If I’m not showing signs of improvement… in two more weeks they’re worried I... won’t be able to use a prosthetic on my left leg at all. Even then… even if I start to heal...” Tears fall from my face as well. I hug her a little tighter this time.

“Hisao I’m scared. I might…”

“I know.” I can barely manage speaking myself.

“I might not be able to run again. I-…”

“…I might lose him again.”

Table of Contents | Previous Scene: Broken Glass part 1 | Next Scene: Scene 2: A Trickle Turns in a Stream. A Stream into a River. A River into…

And there we have it: The completion of Scene 1. Originally this Scene was going to be the entirety of "Uncertainty" but things changed. This is why the Scene as a whole feels like it has its own sort of "3 act structure" so to speak, at least in my mind it does. I wanted to explore what might happen should Hisao and Emi be forced to endure a car crash that puts the two of them (especially Emi) in a very awkward situation regarding their relationship and future, then see how the two of them would come together to overcome this new challenge.

Then as I started writing I started getting ideas for how to fill out the story, and who would be interesting to see involved, thus came the introduction of Hisao's parents and the Satou sisters. Finally, after writing out their scenes I started getting inspiration for scenes that would take place far in the future, and eventually decided I wanted to turn this into a full blown story. With plenty of ideas, themes, and topics to explore I started writing.

Once again I want to thank BristerXD, Talmar, Feurox, and especially Stiles for all the feedback and advice that lead to the outcome of this scene. Stiles helped me fill in many large gaps in the story that would've otherwise been rather distracting and flesh out existing scenes to a significant degree. Thanks to the help given to me I can confidently say my writing has already improved significantly and I hope you guys enjoy the story as it is and as is to come! I certainly have a lot more in mind and I'm excited to be able to share it with you in the coming months (or years?)!

Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:11 pm, edited 5 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1: 2/13/23]

Post by ShizuneFan2019 »

StealthyWolf wrote: Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:25 am Thanks! I haven't had the opportunity to read your's just yet, but it has been on my radar and I do plan to eventually.

Will do. Currently I have Scenes 2-7 drafted up (and am working on 8 ), but most of them still need plenty of editing so it'll take some time to get them out, but that's fine with me. They are rather long chapters so it takes a bit of time to edit and polish up and I don't want to rush my editor.

Thanks for giving it a look and I hope you enjoy it when you do get a chance to read!
I have your writing pasted in Word so that I can read it offline later. It's really long: 2 chapters in and already 23k+ words, that's already 1/10 of the entire 70 Chapters of my writing, and 1/20 of Sisterhood (~456k words).

Contrary to your work, I started my writing with very short chapters. I focused on only dialogues, I didn't have much writing power, and I never have an editor or proofreader. But mid-way into the project, I realized that I'm writing better, and the chapters get increasingly longer while I expand on my original plot. I think my objective of "improving my writing" has already been accomplished. But I'll finish my story anyway. I hope you'll feel the same way after you finish your project.

A disadvantage of starting the chapters so long is that it's hard to keep up. A few chapters in, and it's easy to run out of things to write, or the plot has reached a point where there's no more room to progress. Very often this leads to an unfinished story (as seen in many of the stories in the forum), which I find frustrating. But with suitable plot planning, this issue can be overcome. I'm sure you can do it.

I appreciate that you're keeping the calendar of events in mind while writing. It's hard to do, but it makes the story a lot more consistent and real. Not many stories in the forum can do that (Sisterhood being one of them).

I'm planning a short Part 3 in my story. If applicable, I might refer to some of the events in your work.

ShizuneFan2019: I write Precious Friendships, a Shizune bad end continuation with a plot similar to Sisterhood, but focusing on the other characters. It has 3 parts, has more than 80 chapters already, has expanded way beyond the timeline of Sisterhood, and is still continuing.

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1: 2/13/23]

Post by StealthyWolf »

ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:17 am
I have your writing pasted in Word so that I can read it offline later. It's really long: 2 chapters in and already 23k+ words, that's already 1/10 of the entire 70 Chapters of my writing, and 1/20 of Sisterhood (~456k words).
:shock: and it's only scene 1 so far...
ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:17 am Contrary to your work, I started my writing with very short chapters. I focused on only dialogues, I didn't have much writing power, and I never have an editor or proofreader. But mid-way into the project, I realized that I'm writing better, and the chapters get increasingly longer while I expand on my original plot. I think my objective of "improving my writing" has already been accomplished. But I'll finish my story anyway. I hope you'll feel the same way after you finish your project.
I certainly plan on finishing this as it stands, and I'm glad to hear that you've noticed improvement in your own! I've also noticed some progress already in my writing and hope to continue!
ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:17 am A disadvantage of starting the chapters so long is that it's hard to keep up. A few chapters in, and it's easy to run out of things to write, or the plot has reached a point where there's no more room to progress. Very often this leads to an unfinished story (as seen in many of the stories in the forum), which I find frustrating. But with suitable plot planning, this issue can be overcome. I'm sure you can do it.
I'm setting myself up to ensure I have enough content to work with for many, many scenes to come. I'm certainly aware of the issues writing in such a long format can present, and I'm doing what I can to avoid running into as many of those issues as possible. Unfortunately the only one I can only hope to overcome is fatigue, with such a long style of writing.
ShizuneFan2019 wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 3:17 am I appreciate that you're keeping the calendar of events in mind while writing. It's hard to do, but it makes the story a lot more consistent and real. Not many stories in the forum can do that (Sisterhood being one of them).

I'm planning a short Part 3 in my story. If applicable, I might refer to some of the events in your work.
I've spent a good few hours just deliberating dates and keeping things straight, not to mention what it took to ensure a few scenes at the very start were plausible. I'll keep them in mind going forward as well, though there's a lot less to keep track of post-summer.

If you find any of the events that take place in Uncertainty might be a good addition to reference in your own, I'd gladly welcome it. Some of the events, especially early on, may be more difficult since it is so divergent from canon/sisterhood plotlines, but if you can make it work that'd be interesting to see. Now, some of the events a little later in the story might be easier to work in, but those are gonna be some time out in terms of posting. As I said, I have scene 2-7 written (Scene 2 is almost completely edited, and 3 is ~50% through editing process) and I'm working on 8, but the current rate of posting means we're some time away from getting those out.

Hope you like what you read!

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1 Part 2: March 2nd, 2023]

Post by Silentfrost »

I started reading this with the intention of giving feedback.

I think the biggest bit of feedback i can give, however, is that i want more.

I only have a couple small nit-picks.

1) I don't really like how these few sentences read:
her eyes filled with a specific type of terror I wish I had never seen before. It reminds me of that night, of Iwanako. My chest tightens a little. I never want to see her- anyone, like that again.
I'm not sure how I would re-word it, but the current wording just doesn't sound quite right in my head.

2) In the bit where Emi announces the location of the picnic, you missed the 'The' from 'The Shanghai'.
Saki = Emi = Suzu > Lilly > Misha > Hanako > Miki > Shizune > Rika. Rin is off to the side somewhere pondering about what a tier list tastes like.

“Try explaining the concept of suicide being empowering. It doesn’t go well”
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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1 Part 2: March 2nd, 2023]

Post by Feurox »

Finally getting around to commenting on this, which is funny, because you even give thanks to me even though i was evidently being a bit of a prick. Maybe an honest prick.

I'm always a bit hesitant when a new author to the forums begins with a story synopsis and a large text dump about what the story is and what its going to be before the story is even posted. That being said, you're probably using the word synopsis wrong - or maybe too literally. Instead, your synopsis is more of a prompt for the reader to understand the genesis of your writing rather than the content of it. That's a good thing, by the way, not a criticism.

That being said, deliver first. Forget this preamble stuff. I'm sure we've all been guilty of it before, but the story should speak for itself first and foremost. Let the analysis happen later, by you and by those who read it. Hell, just because you write the damn thing doesn't mean you know what it's about.

Anyway, onto the content.

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 1
The deep breath fills my lungs with the taste of a brand new day, teasing me with its world of possibilities.
You use quite a lot of purple prose in this opening section. It reads quite pretentiously, if not of you then of your character.
I get lost in the stunning green of her eyes. It reminds me of a lush forest, filled with life and promising a brighter future.
Case in point. Nobody thinks or talks in this way. I think the trouble with having your protagonist speak in this manner is that doesn't lend them much legitimacy - it's not relatable, its inhuman.

The next section begins with a far more organic sounding narration and the conversation is well written. I think Emi misses some of her usual bouncyness but it has been some time since i read the source material, so I'll just credit that to my own failing memory.
Revisiting the moment makes me realize there was something I hadn't said, even though I should have. I turn to Emi, a rush of emotions giving me new confidence. “Emi, I love-”

An inhuman, metallic scream erupts from the right on the outside of the car.


The noise and Emi’s yell interrupts whatever I was trying to say, then my ears give out and it’s silent.

What is the scream? A blaring car horn? That's not really metallic - nor is the sound of an approaching car at fast speeds... and I find that Emi can even react remotely a bit far fetched. I don't mean to be dismissive, and I truly hope you never and have never had to experience a car crash, but they don't really happen like this. There's not this much excitement building up to it, there's just the sudden jolt and shock. They don't tend to have any warning, or any preamble - they just suddenly happen. I think this whole scene would have served better just immediately interjecting Hisao's narration - that would certainly convey the suddenness and seriousness of the accident.

The whole crash scene is a bit surreal, and I understand that's the intention, but I personally find it falls a bit flat. It captures the chaos of a car crash, granted, but not the emotion of one. Hisao is being remarkably calm given the circumstances. Again, I think that a sudden interruption and cut would have been more poignant here.

I for the most part enjoy the scene in which Hisao wakes up in the hospital. I think the stoic father and mother figure fit into established general sentiments regarding Hisao and why he's the way he is. I do find this bit a bit egregious.
That sounds serious. A pacemaker? Aren’t those mainly for like, old people with weak-..
He's already made his association with his condition and being elderly multiple times in the canon of the story at this point, and i think this contrasts what was good characterisation of Hisao as a fairly sensible lad.
My parents had stood up at some point already. “Miharuko Nakai.” Mom was always more likely to keep up appearances. She’s a hard worker through and through and, from what I’ve been told, she's a slave driver in the workplace. Still, she was always kind and compassionate at home - when she was home.
I really like this characterisation of Hisao's mother. I love twists on the standard parents for Hisao, and this has just the right amount of tease to make me want to see Hisao growing up with his absent family. I toy with the idea that Hisao's father is mildly emotionally abusive in Gravity, though i digress... kudos. The whole section of his parents and his reflection is really superb actually. Good work.
I barely have time to relax before a voice in the darkness calls out, “That was amazing.”
This part feels a bit absurd to me, and I think it probably goes against the in game characterisation of Emi's mother, who shows hesitance at discussing Emi's issues with Hisao and has already fought with Emi after exposing her before... Even if it isn't uncharacteristic, it's a bit on the nose.
“What might that be?”

“Stick with her.”
Not sure she knows the tremendous pressure she's putting on him with that, or if any mother would say that to their daughter's boyfriend.
Been meaning to get a new one too- car I mean. Gotta thank the Satous for that one.” She chuckles to herself. Satou? As in Lilly Satou? What does her family have to do with Mrs. Ibarazaki’s car?
This is an interesting crinkle - I've certainly written in the past that the Satou's are some nebulous figures central to other to stories. That being said, I think Hisao is a bit quick to make the connection here - maybe my knowledge is limited, but would you assume that two people with the same surnames are the same person? either way, and interesting tangent.
My mind bounces between three different thoughts for some time. The crash. My last time in the hospital. And Emi. So much has changed these last few months but I realize just then that I wouldn't change any of it.

I mean, of course I’d have preferred not to end up having a heart attack. Not spending months watching everyone close to me drift away would’ve been nice as well. Then the shock of being sent off to Yamaku was certainly unpleasant at first. Plus I’d prefer not to have arrhythmia, period. But in the end I found Emi. A smile makes its way across my face. Yeah, could’ve gone worse.
Okay so yes, a good ending to a good first scene - even if there are a few gripes. I suppose my major critique at this juncture is that the beginning feels a bit floaty, and maybe a bit too much of a recapitulation of what we already knew. I'd say be a bit more confident in your writing, and in your audience - we know the context and we know the characters, even if only vaguely. As is the case for most writing, show us rather than tell us... though we'll return to this.

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 2
If Akira's put off by my declaration of ignorance, she doesn't show it. “Hisao Nakai,” she says very formally, “I regret to inform you that a Satou Industries vehicle was the cause of the accident yesterday morning. I apologize most sincerely for the injuries suffered by you and all the other parties.” Apologize? What’s going on here? Satou Industries? Does that mean she’s here for the sake of a company? Is it her family’s company? That would make sense given the name but… If I didn’t have a hundred questions before, I certainly do now.
Quite a quick reveal from my earlier interest, and I would say it is quite a suitable and believable reveal too so again, kudos. I do find the timing and presence of Lilly here peculiar.
I'd love to see how that's possible.
This, again, feels a bit out of character for Hisao. He himself just admitted his confusion regarding the situation, and yet he's already taking the defensive. Hisao certainly can be a dick and can be quite callous, but this doesn't come through here, it just comes across like he's suddenly feeling jilted.
Akira seems to sense my rising disbelief because she holds up her hands and continues quickly. “Though it is early to declare the specific cause of the malfunction, the vehicle in question had been in for maintenance not days ago, and photographs taken at the time showed no signs of damage. Early findings suggest that it may have been a severed brake line. We're not sure what the cause of the severed line is, but it looks accidental. There’s some talk of metal fatigue, or of stones chipping away at it. Tests will be conducted, of course.” A flash of anger crosses my mind, but it’s clear that she’s being honest. That, or she's a very good actress. I can't tell which. If she is telling the truth though, this whole talk feels very unnecessary- especially the apology. It’s just as much their fault as it is Iwanako’s for the first one; that is to say, not at all.
This feels like a rather stupid thing for Akira to start discussing now - she's meant to be an intelligent and boystrous character right? Here she's not being at all tactful, which I think goes against the characterisation but forward in the game - her blunt attitude and tact is highlighted, at least, to my memory.
“Akira, I believe you have fulfilled your obligations by now. It would likely be best that we explain to Hisao the real reason for our visit at this time.
The 'at this time' component of this sentence is a bit stilted. There's a tendency for people (myself included) to write Lilly's formal speech as victorian or just terribly prim. Be careful, because it ruins her relatability and characterisation.
Lilly joins in again. “If I may…” Akira tells her to go ahead so Lilly continues, “When I was informed that two of my classmates from school were involved in this accident I asked my father for permission to join this meeting. I am truly glad that you are okay.” She bows.

I can never see this as a believable situation, especially considering the legality of Akira's speech - this seems a glaring failure and stupidity on her fathers side.
There is honestly no need to worry, Hisao, it’s fine. You saw a side of her very few of my friends get the opportunity to see.” Friends? Can I call Lilly that? I mean, I’m not exactly against it but we’ve talked so little since I came here that it’s hard to say.
Again, i find this speech a bit stilted. It's like you've tried too hard to avoid the convenient contraction at the beginning and the stoic nature of Lilly has been lost. Show us Lilly thinking how best to respond, show her using the tactful mind we know her for in game, her manipulative language and tactical thinking... Anyway.
She lowers her head slightly. “No. I was going to be moving permanently to the family home in Inverness.” I do remember hearing something about another class hosting a goodbye party on the last day, but I don’t remember too much about it.
So here is the really promising interjection - with Lilly entering the story more fluidly and becoming part of its fabric. Good! I like this a lot and its really promising, but again, her existence in this scene feels a bit hasty and a bit tangential.
Her face sinks. “I’m not sure. I would really like to be with my family, and Akira is pretty much all I have left here so with her moving it makes sense for me to go as well, plus it’s a chance to really try and bring the family together again…”
Forgive me but where the fuck is this coming from? It's like Lilly is both a stranger and Hisao's best friend here... dial it back, have things reveal more slowly. Even a simple skip might have worked in this scene - 'Lilly visited several times over the next few days, maybe it was guilt that kept her coming back but our conversation progressed...' just seems to me this is coming from no where, artificial drama.

I understand this facilitates or prompts the reflection by Hisao to think about him and Emi but again it just feels a bit odd...
Akira fills the void and says, “Should listen to her. She’s a solid judge of character, not to mention I’ve only just met you and I can tell you’ve got balls, kid. Not many people speak to me that way.
Man's just been hospitalised and, lets be honest, Akira thinks its her father's company's fault, and she's joshing with him. Punk.
Akira raises an eyebrow to me, then Lilly, but ends up leaning back again. “It definitely makes things awkward though. My err, ex and I are gonna have to see each other daily again for a while.”

Lilly’s face softens as she turns to her sister. “I thought you were going to talk to him?”
Again just seems like a random detail for Hisao to be overhearing this. He doesn't really know these people in your own story, so why?
The next day almost nothing happened.
Jarring switch in tenses.

The next section, with Emi and Hisao at the picnic is really good. No complaints at all. I really love the characterisation of Hisao here, and i love seeing his backstory get fleshed out. I think the emotional climax is handled well, even if i'm not that invested yet (mostly because I'm not surprised and yet Hisao has been seemingly oblivious to the potential consequences of the crash for Emi...) Also, the art is a lovely touch, kudos to the artist.

So, overall, this is a story with lots of promise and potential, but it feels a bit disjointed as of right now and a bit tangential. The stuff with the Satou's feels like a really fascinating plot point, but it's initial appearance felt rather random and arbitrary. Maybe some of that comes from a lack of faith in the reader here, and I think that speaks to my second more salient criticism that you're doing far too much telling. Let the audience infer a bit. Hisao is nervous, have him pace, have him find trouble reading (characteristics we know to be unusual), rather than continue his repeated lamentations. Likewise, Lilly's section and chat with Hisao is all over the place, gave me whiplash with how she goes from complete stranger to confidant in a second.

Please don't take this too harshly. I wouldn't even bother commenting if there wasn't something generally interesting here worth reading and worth developing - I want to see this story continue and I'm curious to see where it goes. Right now, however, it feels as if you're more interested in writing an epic than a story. Let the story breathe a bit, and let it take its time naturally. Conversely, let the story make its point and be done - you mention having lots of themes to explore and that's great, but hone in one or maybe two and tell that story.

Anyway, long and rambly comment out of the way, this is good stuff, good job and i look forward to reading more.
My Molly Route
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Re: Uncertainty (A Post Emi-Good Ending Story) [Act 1 Scene 1 Part 2: March 2nd, 2023]

Post by StealthyWolf »

Thanks for the comments! First I'll respond to SilentFrost's...
Silentfrost wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:05 am I started reading this with the intention of giving feedback.

I think the biggest bit of feedback i can give, however, is that i want more.
:shock: Well, that's great news to my ears. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
Silentfrost wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:05 am I only have a couple small nit-picks.

1) I don't really like how these few sentences read:
her eyes filled with a specific type of terror I wish I had never seen before. It reminds me of that night, of Iwanako. My chest tightens a little. I never want to see her- anyone, like that again.
I'm not sure how I would re-word it, but the current wording just doesn't sound quite right in my head.
Not sure I see what you're seeing, but it is my writing after all. I'll keep it in mind and see if anything comes up in terms of altering that sentence, but for now I think it still works, if only a little harsh.
Silentfrost wrote: Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:05 am 2) In the bit where Emi announces the location of the picnic, you missed the 'The' from 'The Shanghai'.
Fixed, thanks.

I'm glad you're enjoying what I've written so far and I hope to keep your interest going forward! Thanks for the comment!

And now for Feurox's comment...
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm Finally getting... (snip) Hell, just because you write the damn thing doesn't mean you know what it's about.
I'm always toying with what that first page should look like. It'll probably change a little as time goes on. I'll keep what you've said in mind.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm Anyway, onto the content.

Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 1
The deep breath fills my lungs with the taste of a brand new day, teasing me with its world of possibilities.
You use quite a lot of purple prose in this opening section. It reads quite pretentiously, if not of you then of your character.
I get lost in the stunning green of her eyes. It reminds me of a lush forest, filled with life and promising a brighter future.
Case in point. Nobody thinks or talks in this way. I think the trouble with having your protagonist speak in this manner is that doesn't lend them much legitimacy - it's not relatable, its inhuman.
I'll admit that this intro section was rather experimental and a last minute addition to the Scene. It has it's purposes and, as I'm sure all writers believe, I do think it still serves those purposes well, but ultimately this one probably could have used some "more time in the oven" as it were. Purple prose is something I believe has its place in stories when used right. Sometimes it doesn't quite hit the mark. I'll keep this in mind for whatever usages it may have in the future.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm The next section begins... (snip). Again, I think that a sudden interruption and cut would have been more poignant here.
This scene is probably one of two that Stiles and I spent the most time working on. All I can say is that there is a definitive series of events and explanations for pretty much everything that happens here. However, it seems that they very specific line is perhaps outdated. I'll go through my notes a few more times and alter it if need be.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm I for the most part enjoy the scene in which Hisao wakes up in the hospital. I think the stoic father and mother figure fit into established general sentiments regarding Hisao and why he's the way he is. I do find this bit a bit egregious.
That sounds serious. A pacemaker? Aren’t those mainly for like, old people with weak-..
He's already made his association with his condition and being elderly multiple times in the canon of the story at this point, and i think this contrasts what was good characterisation of Hisao as a fairly sensible lad.
Of all the routes in the base game, I think this aspect of Hisao's wavers most in Emi's. Perhaps I take this sentiment a little too far every so often, I'll keep an eye out for it in the future.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm (a lot of nice words). Good work.
Thanks! Hisao's parents have always been an intriguing case to me, and their appearance here was certainly fun to explore.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
I barely have time to relax before a voice in the darkness calls out, “That was amazing.”
This part feels a bit absurd to me, and I think it probably goes against the in game characterisation of Emi's mother, who shows hesitance at discussing Emi's issues with Hisao and has already fought with Emi after exposing her before... Even if it isn't uncharacteristic, it's a bit on the nose.
There is a couple day blank period between the Good Ending's stopping point and the start of this story. I'm not saying changes this drastic took place entirely in that time period, but there's a lot of blanks I've been filling in for Uncertainty's sake with what I feel is with proper respect to the original characterizations. That being said, I could certainly do with some more subtlety in my writing. I always felt like Meiko was a lot like Emi when it comes to her extremes. Speaking of which...
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
“What might that be?”

“Stick with her.”
Not sure she knows the tremendous pressure she's putting on him with that, or if any mother would say that to their daughter's boyfriend.
It certainly is a lot of pressure to put on him, huh?
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
Been meaning to get a new one too- car I mean. Gotta thank the Satous for that one.” She chuckles to herself. Satou? As in Lilly Satou? What does her family have to do with Mrs. Ibarazaki’s car?
This is an interesting crinkle - I've certainly written in the past that the Satou's are some nebulous figures central to other to stories. That being said, I think Hisao is a bit quick to make the connection here - maybe my knowledge is limited, but would you assume that two people with the same surnames are the same person? either way, and interesting tangent.
I think Hisao is a bit hasty sometimes when it comes to his conclusions. and I'll write this off as his tired brain not slowing down enough to think "maybe it's not the only Satou's I know."
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
Okay so yes, a good ending to a good first scene - even if there are a few gripes. I suppose my major critique at this juncture is that the beginning feels a bit floaty, and maybe a bit too much of a recapitulation of what we already knew. I'd say be a bit more confident in your writing, and in your audience - we know the context and we know the characters, even if only vaguely. As is the case for most writing, show us rather than tell us... though we'll return to this.
I'll take the hit here. It was a last minute decision at the advice of my editor to split Scene 1: Broken Glass into 2 parts. I should've taken the time to consider how each half began and ended a bit more thoroughly. I think this section works fine as a mid-chapter ramble, but not so much as a closing off point. As for the showing vs. telling half, I'll keep working at it.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm Scene 1: Broken Glass Part 2
Quite a quick reveal from my earlier interest, and I would say it is quite a suitable and believable reveal too so again, kudos. I do find the timing and presence of Lilly here peculiar.
I'd love to see how that's possible.
This, again, feels a bit out of character for Hisao. He himself just admitted his confusion regarding the situation, and yet he's already taking the defensive. Hisao certainly can be a dick and can be quite callous, but this doesn't come through here, it just comes across like he's suddenly feeling jilted.
This comes back, again, to my earlier perceptions of Emi!Hisao. Something I personally found rather unexplored in this route for Hisao was his aggressive attitudes. So this is part of my attempt to explore that side of Hisao. Sometimes it probably doesn't come off quite right, but I'll try to keep working at it to make situations like this one less common.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
This feels like a rather stupid thing for Akira to start discussing now - she's meant to be an intelligent and boystrous character right? Here she's not being at all tactful, which I think goes against the characterisation but forward in the game - her blunt attitude and tact is highlighted, at least, to my memory.
This is the second scene Stiles and I spent a long time working and reworking. Akira was certainly difficult to work with here and I took my liberties with how she'd act in this particular situation. It's not one we see her in in the VN, at least to my knowledge. That is to say, a position where she has to prioritize the responsibilities of her work position over that of her own wants.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
“Akira, I believe you have fulfilled your obligations by now. It would likely be best that we explain to Hisao the real reason for our visit at this time.
The 'at this time' component of this sentence is a bit stilted. There's a tendency for people (myself included) to write Lilly's formal speech as victorian or just terribly prim. Be careful, because it ruins her relatability and characterisation.
I try to make it such that moments like this are where it's at its worst. in other words, I don't plan on making her speak this way most of the time. But it is certainly easy to go overboard with her. It's also easy to go too lax.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm

I can never see this as a believable situation, especially considering the legality of Akira's speech - this seems a glaring failure and stupidity on her fathers side.
More on this in a later part about Lilly.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
There is honestly no need to worry, Hisao, it’s fine. You saw a side of her very few of my friends get the opportunity to see.” Friends? Can I call Lilly that? I mean, I’m not exactly against it but we’ve talked so little since I came here that it’s hard to say.
Again, i find this speech a bit stilted. It's like you've tried too hard to avoid the convenient contraction at the beginning and the stoic nature of Lilly has been lost. Show us Lilly thinking how best to respond, show her using the tactful mind we know her for in game, her manipulative language and tactical thinking... Anyway.
I'll keep working at improving Lily's speech patterns. It's something l've I've been working on as well. Not just with Lilly, but my writing as well. I tend to use odd language or phrases here and there while trying to prioritize uniqueness in my writing over readability. An issue I'm always working to improve. I think it's at its worst when I'm writing some of the dialogue for Lilly.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
So here is the really promising interjection - with Lilly entering the story more fluidly and becoming part of its fabric. Good! I like this a lot and its really promising, but again, her existence in this scene feels a bit hasty and a bit tangential.
Good to hear. And as for that last bit...
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
Forgive me but where the fuck is this coming from? It's like Lilly is both a stranger and Hisao's best friend here... dial it back, have things reveal more slowly. Even a simple skip might have worked in this scene - 'Lilly visited several times over the next few days, maybe it was guilt that kept her coming back but our conversation progressed...' just seems to me this is coming from no where, artificial drama.

I understand this facilitates or prompts the reflection by Hisao to think about him and Emi but again it just feels a bit odd...
I admit this scene was still, perhaps, not quite as developed as I had hoped it could be. That being said, I do currently like where it stands for how it came to be. Admittedly, the idea to have Lilly visit multiple times over the course of the week never occurred to me. That's a fault on my part and it likely would have helped soften the blow of a lot of the remaining issues in this section and the ones following it.

I knew this section would always feel a bit weak compared to others, but I was fond of it from the beginning so I worked to make it at least acceptable. The last thing I'll say regarding this is that Lilly's drama and story are something I've given a lot more thought than I probably should have considering this is Emi and Hisao's story, but I do hope you are patient with me in exploring it. I assure you it was not tacked on to the scene for no reason.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
Man's just been hospitalised and, lets be honest, Akira thinks its her father's company's fault, and she's joshing with him. Punk.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
Again just seems like a random detail for Hisao to be overhearing this. He doesn't really know these people in your own story, so why?
Alright so I'll use this part to address some of the outstanding issues with Akira and Lilly here. Coming in to this scene there were a few things I asked myself as to why Akira and Lilly's presence here might be worth it for the story at large. When Scene 1 was the entirety of "Uncertainty" this wasn't an issue. But in the context of it actually being a full story it certainly is. So I took the few ideas I toyed with from the initial version and sought to explore them more completely. So I started by asking "where would Lilly be at this point in the timeline" and the answer I came up with was "at her lowest." In my opinion and from my perspective, moving was never something Lilly wanted to do more than stay. Whether it be because of Hisao in her path, or Hanako in any other. Ultimately this is just my interpretation though.

Coincidentally this lead me to exploring another aspect of Lilly I felt interesting. The reason I say coincidentally is because I think Lilly also works in extremes, like Emi. But her extremes are more subtle. But she also tends to show them more often when she is at her limits. So that's how her actions in this scene came to be.

As for Akira. I think she's generally fairly perceptive as to what people are thinking and feeling. But she also prefers to keep things lighthearted. So this specific line was just her taking a page from Emi's book and changing the subject one of the best way she knows how: making a complaint about something/someone else.

Sorry if all that came off as "I'm right cause I wrote it" preachy. Not my intention, I just mean to say that the strangeness here is intentional, but I also recognize that it is flawed and I will work to reduce instances like this moving forward.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm
The next day almost nothing happened.
Jarring switch in tenses.
perhaps this transition could've been a bit softer.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm The next section, with Emi and Hisao at the picnic is really good. No complaints at all. I really love the characterisation of Hisao here, and i love seeing his backstory get fleshed out. I think the emotional climax is handled well, even if i'm not that invested yet (mostly because I'm not surprised and yet Hisao has been seemingly oblivious to the potential consequences of the crash for Emi...) Also, the art is a lovely touch, kudos to the artist.
Thanks for the kind words! And I also do love how the art turned out. As for Hisao and the consequences, this is just a bit of mirroring to how Hisao almost (in the Good Ending) missed the obvious answer to where Emi's dad was. He's usually pretty smart, but in Emi's route he is a little dumb. Especially in the Bad Ending.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm So, overall, this is a story with lots of promise and potential, but it feels a bit disjointed as of right now and a bit tangential. The stuff with the Satou's feels like a really fascinating plot point, but it's initial appearance felt rather random and arbitrary. Maybe some of that comes from a lack of faith in the reader here, and I think that speaks to my second more salient criticism that you're doing far too much telling. Let the audience infer a bit. Hisao is nervous, have him pace, have him find trouble reading (characteristics we know to be unusual), rather than continue his repeated lamentations. Likewise, Lilly's section and chat with Hisao is all over the place, gave me whiplash with how she goes from complete stranger to confidant in a second.
I'm currently working on balancing my show vs tell act and probably strayed too far in the other direction here. Hopefully it's less and less an issue moving forward.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm Please don't take this too harshly.
Nothing you've said here has been any worse than what Stiles has told me. If I couldn't take harsh criticism well my ambitions of being an author would've been nothing more than a dream.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm I wouldn't even bother commenting if there wasn't something generally interesting here worth reading and worth developing - I want to see this story continue and I'm curious to see where it goes. Right now, however, it feels as if you're more interested in writing an epic than a story. Let the story breathe a bit, and let it take its time naturally. Conversely, let the story make its point and be done - you mention having lots of themes to explore and that's great, but hone in one or maybe two and tell that story.
Both halves of this point have been ones I've recently been giving a lot of thought. Honestly it took some time to decide on what the point of writing this was, and in the end I came to the conclusion that I do have a story to tell. And I want to tell it in a way that feels best to me, unbound by restrictions that have killed past endeavors. For the sake of this story that meant I allowed myself to just write what felt right. I assure you that while it will likely feel like I'm just writing for the sake of writing at times, I do have a story to tell here. And ultimately I just wanted to explore this world a bit more in my own way. Though I admit it is a bit greedy of me to go about it in such a way as I am.
Feurox wrote: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:32 pm Anyway, long and rambly comment out of the way, this is good stuff, good job and i look forward to reading more.
Trust me, when it comes to long and rambly comment I know a thing or two... Glad you are looking forward to more and I hope to not disappoint!

There's a few more things I wanted to say but didn't really fit in anywhere else. So they'll go here.

1: While I try to stay as true to the VN's characterization as possible, I know that I will fail in some regards. My only hope is that the resulting characters are believable close to their canon counter-parts and that the new aspects of them are interesting enough to fill in the gaps left behind.

2: There will be parts of this story that will inevitably fall short as a result of my decision to post them procedurally as they are written. I can already tell that there's a lot of things I'll need to think about in more depth than I previously anticipated. Comments and discussions like those here are what help me flesh out the weaker parts of my story, so thank you for all the feedback and commentary. In an ideal world I'd write the whole thing and post it Sisterhood style, but I'm not confident enough in myself to believe I'd be able to hold such motivations for that long without some sort of continued support system in place. Posting in this way helps me motivate myself to continue at the cost of some story integrity. I hope to make such weaknesses smaller and smaller as time goes on, so I ask that you bear with me as I continue to grow.

3: I really do appreciate all of your comments thus far. And speculation/notes on expectations for the future are really helpful in allowing me to think about how to approach situations moving forward. I don't think it's viable for me to alter the content I've already posted to such an extent as to fix all its issues, but they'll help me smooth out future projects and writing.

4: The Akira/Lilly meeting scene was one that probably was closest to being cut due to it's difficulties and strains it puts on the story now that it is a full story. But honestly I just liked the idea too much and felt it was at a good point by this version. I admit it is still probably the most problematic scene, but I like where it stands and my goal is to justify its existence throughout the duration of Uncertainty. It is one such injection that'll affect every part of the story moving forward after all, and I certainly want to explore the fallout of such an interaction taking place.

So in the end, Thanks for the lengthy and helpful comment! I hope you'll stick around to see what comes in the future and am interested in seeing how you'll react to what's to come. Scene 2 is already in its "near-complete" state so the feedback and considerations made here probably won't have an effect on the story until Scene 3 forward. With that in mind, see you around and thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Scene 2: A Trickle Turns in a Stream. A Stream into a River. A River into…

Post by StealthyWolf »

Once again, 2 immediate back to back posts. For anyone using an alternate layout/color scheme besides the original, there's a spot that incorporated some stylistic coloring using the original color scheme in mind in this Scene that might stand out more when not on the base set-up. Should still be completely readable. I'll save the rest of the rambles for post-Scene. Sorry for the long wait, enjoy!


Scene 2: A Trickle Turns in a Stream. A Stream into a River. A River into…

An alarm blares, cutting short the peaceful sleep I eventually found last night. Reflexively, I move to shut the alarm off, then recoil in pain. It’s not as bad as it was last week, but still far from pleasant - especially after just waking up. Having done this a few times now, I manage to recover with nothing more than a drawn out grunt; I don’t even have the energy to curse my own ribs this time. I trudge over to my desk and flop into the chair. A quick inspection of the cup of water I left on my desk last night - expressly for the purpose of taking my morning pills - clears it of any dead bugs, so I pick it up and begin my morning diet. A few gulps later the pills are gone along with most of the water.

My phone buzzes from the edge of the desk: a message. After flipping it open my mind finally wakes up. It’s Emi reminding me to go see Nurse this morning since I didn’t catch him yesterday.

I groan. “There’s no time like the present, I guess.”

No one’s there to respond. So I get dressed and force myself to go to the Nurse’s office. I feel like I forgot to do something though. What was it?


“Ok, breathe in...” My entire chest aches as my lungs fill with air. It’s a pretty standard check-up - setting aside the fact that my ribs hate every instruction Nurse is giving me. “...and out.” Doing so makes my chest feel like a vacuum violently collapsing in on itself. Okay- that’s dramatic. Point is it hurts and I’m getting real sick of it, and I’m getting sick of getting sick of it. Is he just doing this out of habit or is it to get a baseline moving forward? I imagine it’s the latter.

Nurse finishes the examination, then says. “Now I could sit here and give you the same lecture I’m sure you’ve received a few different times by now - about not running for two weeks, what recovery looks like, don’t go banging…” he smirks, “... your head against walls, how you should try to stay active still, and so on - but I won’t.” You just did, kind of. “Instead, I’m just going to ask you to make sure you take care of yourself. Take this one step at a time, no matter how frustrating it gets - and trust me it will get frustrating.”

He scribbles onto a clipboard for a moment then ditches it on the counter. I don’t recall him doing that much before now. He’s also looking at me a lot while he writes, so much so that I wonder if he’s even watching what he’s doing. No wonder doctors’ handwriting is so bad.

“So is that all?” I ask as I struggle back into my shirt. I ditched the sweater vest this morning and plan to do so for at least a few more weeks. Getting it on yesterday was a struggle, but not so bad. Getting it off though, that was an adventure on its own - a very, very painful adventure.

“Not quite. Your prescription has been altered so you’ll have to go pick up the new doses. Not much has changed - mostly minor adjustments and a painkiller to account for your current situation - but if any concerning symptoms crop up, come right to me okay?” That's what I forgot this morning: I still haven't picked up my new prescriptions! Which means I took my old set this morning. I've been on the previous dosages for months though, so one day shouldn't cause any issues, right?

“Yes sir,” I promise even as my mind races. Is this going to be a problem? There are so many drugs and dosages that I can't tell if there's a difference between the new and the old prescriptions, let alone be sure I haven’t forgotten anything on the long list.

I don't think missing a day will kill me, but now that I'm thinking about it, that list of warnings is starting to get to me. And if I couldn’t tell the difference between the two sets but it’s important enough to make note of, I really shouldn’t rely on my own judgment. I know that ignoring the professionals is a bad idea as well, so I should probably rip the band-aid off and accept whatever lecture is in store for me before Nurse finds out himself. I shudder at the thought of what that type of scolding would look like. “Actually…”

“Something wrong, Hisao?”

“They sent me back yesterday with instructions to pick up the new pills when I got back and I only had enough for the night with me. However I got distracted by the talk Emi and I had and-”

“To the point please.” He narrows his eyes at me and even though I knew it was coming it still hurts to see that look coming from him. I probably- definitely deserve this.

“I took my normal- old set before coming here this morning.”

He sighs, then rubs his head. After turning around to his computer, he reaches over and pulls a couple sheets out of my folder. “I understand you had a very eventful day yesterday Hisao, but it is extraordinarily irresponsible of you to disregard your doctors like that.”

“I understand-”

“I should hope so,” he says curtly before picking up the phone. He must have called a pharmacist because after he spells my name, he starts reading off drugs and dosages. I sit like a chastened child, silent and awkward, until he hangs up the phone, sorts the fresh mess of papers in front of him, and turns back to me.

“It looks like I won’t have to make any more extra calls today on your account. However…” he pulls out a sheet of paper; one that I recognize is for picking up medicine from the school's pharmacy, “...you’re going to go straight to the dispensary and drop this off when you’re done here. If you move quickly” - he smirks as though the pain of rushing is to be my punishment - “they’ll be able to fax it in and get it filled before the end of day. You will drop off your old bottles and pick up your new ones tonight and I will be checking in with them later to make sure you've done that.”

I nod meekly. “I’ll try not to do something like this again.”

“Don’t try, Hisao. Just don’t do it again. Your doctor put you on a specific drug regime for a reason. Right now it's been readjusted for your recent cardiac episode, not to mention the pain from your ribs. Being this flippant and careless is highly irresponsible. Understand?”

“Yes sir.” A flash of the long list of possible side effects from my medications goes through my mind. I’m pretty sure a couple of the pills I’m on are there just to counter the side effects of some of the others, but even they have their own. Then, of course, there’s the one overwhelmingly monolithic reason I’m on those pills in the first place. If I’m trying to be serious about my health, this is something I have to be more careful about going forward.

After eying me up and down for what feels like forever, he seems satisfied that his lecture got the point across and the flip is switched from serious ‘doctor mode’ back to that strange impish grin of his. “Good.” He leans back in his chair. “Now, Hisao, we haven’t had a chance to talk for some time.”

“I guess not huh? It should’ve been a little longer though, all things considered.”



“Ahh, right. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in the day to day that I forget.”

“I find that hard to believe. I’m sure you get a lot less visitors around this time of year.” I gesture to the wide open room behind us that usually has a bed or two occupied by a student resting or recovering from something or another.

“Well- that’s true, but in place of that I have an increase in meetings with the doctors outside of the school taking care of you all out there.” He sweeps his pen, apparently invoking the dangers of the wide open world outside Yamaku. “Fills the void pretty neatly. Speaking of which, I did talk to yours.”


“The crash and what it means for you moving forward.” His smile fades back into doctor mode; that didn’t last long.

“Ah… the uh...”

“Pacemaker or ICD? Yes. He mentioned the possibility.”

“Has it really gotten bad enough for me to need another surgery?”

“Truth be told, probably. You had a concerning number of ‘flutters’ after you arrived here and this most recent episode was quite the scare. If nothing else, it proved that you’ll likely be at higher risk without the procedure.” A sigh escapes me, which Nurse picks up on. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Hisao. It isn’t your fault. You did everything right; better than I ever hoped that’s for sure. These things happen.”

“Heh, Emi says that too. I’m not sure how she feels about that sentiment right now though.” Immediately after I mention Emi Nurse’s eyes gloss over.

“This has certainly been rough on her. But, knowing her, she’ll bounce back from this. If one crash didn’t slow her down, a second won’t either.” He says that, but the serious face he was making has evolved again; he’s frowning with creases breaking his forehead into small, uneven pieces and the few times he completely opens his eyes, they seem unfocused. She’s definitely been on his mind a lot since he’s so unaware of the change of subject.

“How can you be so sure?”

“She had that look in her eyes again. Same one I saw sometime after the first crash. She’s ready to get back out there. Now it’s just a matter of when.” From the way he says it I can tell this is not the first time he’s told himself this, but he also seems to truly believe it.

“You aren’t worried she won’t be able to run anymore?”

“Oh I’m terrified by that possibility. I watched her go from barely being able to walk to racing again. If she were to lose all that, I’d be crushed, not to mention what it would do to Emi.” It’s uncanny how candid and serious he’s being with me right now. I’ve never heard him speak a sentence so completely devoid of energy.

“I still struggle to tell when you are joking or being serious.” I know he’s being straight with me this time, but I want to try and lighten the mood. It’s not like him to be so glum.

“Honest this time. The progress she’s made this year has been truly amazing; the past eight even more so. This incident, well, it hurts.”

“Tell me about it.” I rub my chest with mock pain on my face and he finally cracks a smile.

Settling back into his default cheeriness, he says, “From what I heard you got out of it almost unscathed until your ticker tapped out.”

“Yeah. If you don’t count my near death experience and what it took to pull me back, I don't have even a single bad cut, just some bruising and scratches. Well, and I guess I have a minor concussion.”

“Hmm, yes. There is that. Either way, well done!”


“Luck is a skill as well. Just one you can’t control.” If that’s the case then I don’t consider what happened to me to be a great example of good luck.

“I hope you don’t practice medicine that way.”

He finally breaks into a laugh, then says, “You’re getting better at this, Hisao.”

“Had good teachers.”

He beams, or what I think is him beaming, and says, “So how are you holding up?”

“Fine I guess. Chest hurts from the ribs and bright lights still get to me a bit, but I’m okay.”

“No Hisao, I mean how are you doing?” He sits up and I’m acutely aware of the new tone his voice takes. His face softens, or at least I think it does - the grin is gone if nothing else. Looks like he didn’t forget about talking about me after all. “Car crashes are almost always traumatic. Even a little tap can give people quite a shock and you were in a pretty severe crash. So I’ll ask again: How are you doing?

Pretty severe crash huh? I think Emi’s (first) was much worse, not to mention the fact that she was in this one as well. “Pretty good I think. Honestly,” Emi’s bloody face and terrified eyes flash through my mind, “...I can’t even remember a lot of it. My heart gave out pretty quickly and the only good thing about it is the fact that it knocked me out.”

I see Mrs. Ibarazaki slouched over in the front seat and Emi rapidly switching from looking at me and her mother. The details outside the window are nothing more than a vague, sickly green blur. Yet, the picture as a whole is becoming more clear; it’s like I was watching a video but could only see a shattered series of separated fragments. Now the rest is coming into focus one piece at a time.

“All I remember is Emi shouting before it all started, then everything went dark.”

Again, a new memory reaches the surface. I see a man whose face is a mess of vague colors. Red streaks litter his body, then he’s coughing. His foot is bent towards me. Then Mrs. Ibarazaki is above me. The image fades away and I’m back in Nurse’s office.

“So I guess I got lucky on all accounts.” Why are these memories coming back now? I’ve been thinking about this too much. I need to clear my head. If Nurse didn’t make me think about it like this none of these new images would even be an issue.

While I've been talking, Nurse has been staring at me. I can't tell if he believes me when I say I'm fine or if he wants to give me another lecture, but after what feels like an eternity, he starts smiling again.

“Guess so.” He relaxes into his chair. I’m in the clear. “Speaking of getting lucky… I heard you and Emi were going on a date yesterday. I’m assuming it went well?” He gives me a mischievous smirk with an eyebrow raise that leaves me a little uncomfortable.

Maybe I can turn this back on him. “I had to break it to her doc. She knows about us.”

“Oh my!” He feigns shock and horror on his face, but doesn’t move an inch in his chair. “I thought we were gonna tell her together.”

“She already knew. Ever since…” Nope. I can’t do this routine like those two, this is just too much. My cheeks burn what’s probably a deep red, and I break into a coughing fit exasperated by the waves of pain in my chest afterwards.

Nurse looks on with some level of concern, but likely understands that this is just how it is for me right now and ends up smiling giddily. “Haha! Amazing. Definitely still got it.”

“Yeah, yeah. Gloat all you want, jerk.”

“Will do.” His smirk widens a little more. “And careful with that language; Emi’s a dangerous person to let rub off on you.”

I breathe and steady myself. “Yeah maybe, but there’s a lot of benefits as well.” I pause a moment, then continue, “It wasn’t really a date. We had lunch - if you can call a three course meal lunch - and then we talked.”

“Talking is good. Was she hiding anything?” Right, we’re supposed to be spying on each other, but wasn’t that for the purposes of my heart and her legs? Maybe the contract has changed and I didn’t read the fine print.

“I… don’t think so. She said a lot more than I was expecting she would after the last few weeks.”

“You’ve made a lot of progress, Hisao. Give yourself some credit - but not too much. I do remember giving you some advice that seemed to prove useful.”

“You and Mutou both.” I readjust my posture to get as comfortable as I can. This conversation has ran much longer than I had expected it to and it’s not likely to end anytime soon. “This whole situation with her le-” I stop myself. It’s not really my place to mention such things is it?

“I know what’s going on with her, Hisao. As you know, I've been following her case for a very long time.”

“Right. Well, I think it’s really getting to her. She’s worried that if she can’t run, she’ll lose everything all over again. Everything.” A pang of guilt still wears me down as I say it.

He furrows his brows deeply. Then he opens his mouth for a moment, closes it, then opens it again to say, “well… you’ll be there to support her, won’t you?”

“Without a doubt.”

“Then I’ll believe in you two. Just remember, you both have limits. I’m going to rely on you to keep them in check this time around.” He lifts his pen to his mouth as if debating something, but waves it off silently. Then he says, “Oh and Hisao, I want you to take this.” He reaches behind him and pulls out a plain looking notebook he had stashed on his desk.

“A notebook?”

“Yep. I want you to use it as a journal.”

“But I don’t journal.”

“You do now. Nurse’s orders. You don’t have to show me, or even prove to me that you are doing it, and I’m not going to recruit a spy for this either, but I do think it would be a good idea for you to have somewhere to vent privately and sort out your own thoughts. My advice for it: be honest with yourself. Plus it’s good to keep the brain active when you can’t do much else all day.”

Before we can continue his phone starts buzzing. He leans back to look at the screen. “That time already? We talked longer than I thought. Remember what I’ve told you and consider the journal.”

I get the message and prepare myself to leave. “Will do. Thanks as always!” We wave goodbye to each other.

As I exit the room he answers the phone a little too cheerfully. “Hey Meiko- yep. Was just talking to him in fact…” I ignore the voice in my head telling me to eavesdrop and leave to order the new doses of medicine before returning to my room.

Did Nurse purposely make that meeting run so long as further punishment? I'm really going to have to work up a sweat if I want to get the order in before the cut-off time.

Though I wasn’t able to quite get through all of it, the left-overs Emi sent me home with were rather delicious. I could read one of the books I picked up on my way back, but the mood just isn’t right. Maybe I should give the journal thing a try. There’s plenty of time left to kill in the day so I may as well give it a go.


Setting the pencil down, I stretch and look outside. As Nurse said, I might not be able to keep up running right now, but if I let my habits slip completely I’ll be right back to the sorry state I was in when I got here. Besides, I’ll need to be ready for when Emi can join back in too… If she can join back in… I shake my head clear mentally, then I repeat the action physically to make sure the message gets through. No reason to sit here and worry about that. Then my head spins for a second: a reminder of my other injury I need to be wary of.

After I recover, I get up and change for my walk. Before I can make it out the door my phone lights up on the other side of the room. It’s Emi.
Emi: ‘whatchadoin?’

Me: ‘just about to go for a walk at
the track.’
Me: ‘nurses orders.’

Emi: ‘sounds lame…’

Me: ‘yeah. can’t run for at least 2
more weeks.’
Me: ‘at least.’

Emi: ‘ouch.’
Emi: ‘guess im not the only one on
house arrest’
Emi: ‘chair arrest?’
Emi: ‘room arrest’
Emi: ‘then again you arent stuck inside
like me’

Me: ‘but i am on a strict “no running”
Me: ‘which is a shame cause i could
really use one about now.’
Me: ‘its gonna be weird not having you

Emi: ‘miss me already? ;)’

Me: ‘we just saw eachother yesterday.

Emi: ‘you can just say yes you know >:(‘
Emi: ‘jerk’

Me: ‘i did have a private meeting with
nurse today…’

Emi: ‘you are so dead nakai.’

Me: ‘D:’
Me: ‘i rejected him ;)’

Emi: ‘still gonna end you.’

Me: ‘what about him?’

Emi: ‘he still has his uses’

Me: ‘at least wait until after our next
run together then?’
Me: ‘Sorry. If you don’t want to talk about it,
I won’t mention it anymore.’

Emi: “yeah”
I sigh and drop my phone on the bed. Way to go, Hisao, you just had to run your mouth - hands? - and ruin the moment. A minute passes and Emi doesn’t send another message. I should probably just go for my walk.

The school grounds are pretty much empty - at least compared to how they normally are. It reminds me of my first day on campus, though that time it was because everyone was in class. Still unsettling. This time around I do occasionally see a couple students slowly wandering the campus. I do my best to not label them based on whatever is obviously slowing them down.

Most students are either home for the summer already, hiding in their rooms, or off campus for the day. I half expect to hear Emi’s running legs as I approach the track, but only the wind and background noise of nature greet me.

Once on the track I begin walking. I don’t even need to be doing my daily walk here at that track - I could just walk around aimlessly to get the same result, right? Then again, I guess I could also do that with running, but the track is a controlled environment; people expect you to be running here, and it has a consistent distance. It’s probably best to stick with what I know until I’m in a better position to experiment.

Just a few well paced laps should be good. But that clarity - the energy I get from running - it’s just not there. I’m not even at the 100 meter mark before deciding to do something stupid. I guess I was lying to myself about not experimenting. I need to clear my head.

I take a slightly dramatic pose at my mental “starting line.” It’s not even close to the same pose that Emi and the others at the track meet took when their races began, but even in my stupidity I don’t risk that position with my chest. Then I ready myself. If I’m going to do something stupid I may as well hype myself up.


I think back to the day I watched Emi’s race and imagine the Starter raising his pistol to the sky. I only know the name of that position thanks to Emi. And no Hisao, they don't walk around all day just carrying that gun everywhere.


His finger tightens around the trigger. Everyone on the track coiled tightly, like a loaded spring building up potential energy.


Anticipation fills the crowd. I can see myself sitting in the bleachers next to Mrs. Ibarazaki and Rin. Emi’s look of determination dances in my mind. I can almost feel it. The freedom of running. The call of the track.


The moment I start moving I realize the gravity of my mistake and I only manage to take three steps before my body nearly freezes in place. Far before I can even start to hit a stride, shock-waves are sent throughout my body. Two more steps is all it takes to stop, but each time my foot hits the ground a new wave of pain threatens to make me collapse on the spot. It feels like someone took a sledgehammer to every side of my chest all at once with every movement and the pain reverberates throughout every limb.

When the bouts of pain finally begin to subside a cough works its way up my throat, causing me to finally double over.

Two minutes pass and I haven’t moved an inch. It still feels like needles are poking me from every direction all over my body. My ragged breathing reminds me of my first sprint, but even he would call this display pathetic.

Just to make sure I didn’t really screw up I focus on the sound of my heartbeat. It’s beating fast, but not dangerously so. I don’t feel the pinching sensation of a flutter either. I breathe a sigh of relief, painful as it may be.
Walking it is.

I extract myself from the ground and force my sore and pained body to move. I could really use those pain meds right about now; have they come in yet?

As I slowly walk the track a thought crosses my mind: Wait, was Emi waiting for me to continue talking? Was I supposed to say something else after that last message? Shit…

I’ve really got to work on that.


This’ll be the last time I walk down to the track this week. My parents are probably already on their way here, or close to leaving the house. I wish I was doing something more interesting than just going home for the summer, but in light of recent events I shouldn't be surprised by this outcome.

I reach the track and get up to speed. I’m walking basically about twice as fast as normal. Just fast enough for my legs to tell me this is a workout but slow enough that the act of breathing doesn't get so painful I have to stop. Anytime I get a little too careless and walk faster my body is quick to coach me back to speed.

The last couple days have been nothing but a chore to get through. Emi and I haven’t been able to get together at all since her mother has been busy with her own day to day, and when I offered to take a bus to her house, Emi shut down the idea saying we’d have nothing interesting to do. I don't know what she thinks I'm going to do; I just wanted to spend time with her.

Still, I can't blame her. The conversation from the day of the picnic looms over us, patient and menacing with its painful promises as-yet unfulfilled. Kind of like how the blazing hot sun looms overhead, wearing me down on my walks. In any case, neither of us have mentioned the picnic again and I get why. Unlike our last talk, the mornings after this one have been nothing but dreadful and exhausting - and though I’d love to blame that on the sweltering heat, I know that the real reason is that both of us are in a pretty terrible position. And it’s not like talking changed that, but knowing that also doesn’t change how stressful it’s been either. Combine that with restless night after restless night and I’m left feeling drained from the moment my day begins.

I invited Emi to come along with me down to my parents’ place for even just a couple days to visit and she rejected that idea too. I guess that one’s a little more understandable. She said she wanted to meet my parents properly the next time they ran into each other. I’d be remiss if I said I wasn’t conflicted by that statement; on one hand it means I won’t be able to see Emi again for another two weeks but on the other she did say next time which means she does want there to be a next time with my parents. I smile at the thought and continue my walk around the empty field.

I finish my depressingly slow-paced walk before the threatening pain turns violent, then head back towards the dorms for one last shower before packing my things.

When I get close though, I spot Emi outside. Of the group of four she’s with, she’s the first to notice me approaching and her arm shoots up to wave me over. “Hisao! There you are.”

“Hello there!” When I reach her I turn to the others present, “Mrs. Ibarazaki. Lilly. Akira.” I nod a greeting to them as well. “What brings you all here?” It's a very odd group and I feel like I fit right in with my running clothes.

Emi perks up. “Mom and I came to say goodbye before your parents nabbed you.”

Mrs. Ibarazaki returns my greeting. “Yes. While I’d love to talk with them more, now may not be the best time.” How much of that is her actually wanting to wait until a proper time to talk more, and how much of it is her waiting for Emi’s sake?

Mrs. Ibarazaki seems to be moving stiffly and I wonder if she’s still sore from the crash. I know I am. “Neck still bothering you Mrs. Ibarazaki?”

“Yes, but I’m almost over it.” She rubs her neck then catches herself. “Ah! I’d better give you all some space. Don’t need some geezer messing with the mood. It was nice to see you, Hisao. I assume we’ll meet again when you return?”

“I’m sure you will. Hopefully we’ll have an opportunity to have a complete dinner next time.” It seems like the world is conspiring against that possibility though. The crash ruined a couple of the plans we had for that day. First, Emi and I were to spend the day going on a hike and picnic together while Mrs Ibarazaki was having a “me” day. Then we were going to spend the evening at her house having dinner to make up for the last one turning sour. Now it’s gonna have to wait much longer.

Mrs. Ibarazaki smiles, then nods and turns to Lilly and Akira. “It was a pleasure speaking with you two again. Thanks for all the help Ms. Satou, Lilly.”

Lilly gives her a normal soft smile and bow. Akira, meanwhile, seems to be in “professional mode” again. She bows a little too deeply for the light conversation and says, “Of course, Mrs. Ibarazaki.” She straightens up . “And please, it's just Akira; I don’t mind. If you have any other needs feel free to call me or any of the other Satou representatives on the cards I gave you.” Oh yeah- I forgot Akira had left a few business cards on my stand at the hospital. One has her number on it and there are three others for people I don’t recognize, but I get the feeling it was just of symbolic nature rather than practical use.

“Certainly, and in that case please feel free to call me Meiko, Akira. I’ll be off then. I’ll see you in the car, Emi?”

“Yep!” Emi’s been sounding better even over the phone, but I get the feeling she’s still playing it up more than usual for Akira and Lilly’s sake.

Mrs. Ibarazaki walks off and after a short while Akira’s shoulders drop. Emi laughs. “You don’t have to do that with Mom you know? She’s pretty alright for a geezer.” then she grins.

“I’d feel like an ass if I didn’t at least try. Eh.” She shrugs then finally turns to me. “Yo.” I realize only now that Akira's hands are in her pockets. When did that happen?

“Uh… Sup?”

“Oh, you know.”

“But… I don’t? What’re you guys doing here?”

Lilly claps her hands. “Oh my! You weren’t here for that, of course. The school hadn't filled the vacancy yet, thankfully, so I will be moving back into my room here until Akira's replacement is once more fit to work.” I notice that she and Akira are each only carrying one bag. Maybe they’re making several trips so Akira can guide Lilly, or maybe it’s just all they have left. Must make the whole process just a little slower either way - that or Akira is just lazy. With how much of an extreme difference there is between her ‘work mode’ and her ‘casual mode,’ it wouldn’t surprise me.

I nod. I find the likelihood of the school managing to fill her room in the short span of a week in the middle of the year quite unlikely, but I keep the thought to myself. “Seems like a good idea. So you’re staying here for the summer then?” Obviously, dumbass. Have my social skills really atrophied that much since the start of the year?

Akira ignores my redundant question and answers. “Truth be told, squatting in hotels gets old real fast. And since I only got a few months left here I don’t want to waste money on a nice place just to ditch it. So I’ll be staying in some crummy apartment in the city. There was an offer to stay in the company’s ‘guest house,’ but I don’t want to deal with the shit I’d get if I were to put an important guest out of their way. With the hell that awaits me at work it’s not like I’ll be lounging around anyways. So in the end it’s best Lilly stays here seeing as the old man’s paying for it either way.”

“Won’t it be a little- you know- lonely?”

An empathetic look washes over Lilly. “I’m certain I can find plenty to occupy my time. I’ve got all of summer here after all. And despite how the campus feels right now, there are plenty of students that stay here over the summer.” I take a look around; the place looks completely deserted. And in the three mornings I’ve been out for a walk, I’ve seen very few other students. Maybe all the people that would usually be out and about the campus are the ones that left, or maybe they’re not morning people. That would make sense… I think. I guess I did run into quite a few more people the couple times I stopped by the library later in the day.

Emi jumps in enthusiastically. “You could pick up running! I can’t really demonstrate now but I can certainly still instruct you on your form!”

Lilly seems both exhausted and amused by the offer. “I don’t believe that would be a good hobby for me unfortunately. Running and I don’t have a great relationship.”

“But I’ve seen plenty of stories of blind people picking up running! You just need a running partner that is able to keep up with you and it’s a walk in the park.” I get the feeling it’s not as simple as Emi makes it sound.

Lilly’s smile tells me she appreciates the gesture, if nothing else. “I’m sure it could be for some. That particular passtime probably isn’t where my interests lie, however, and I doubt I’d have the stamina for such an activity.”

“Aww. Well, the offer stands!” Emi looks at the ground and her lips curl downwards briefly. It was more than just playful disappointment, I think, but it’s gone fairly quickly.

Akira starts snickering, causing Lilly to frown and face her. “Did we say something funny?”

“No no, it’s just… pff… the thought of you actually running…” She breaks into a fit of laughter. “Oh man, that’d be something to see. Emi, you gotta keep trying now!” I probably could have guessed earlier, but it’s clear Emi and Akira must have had a conversation about formality - more specifically the unnecessary nature of it - similar to the one Akira and I had in the hospital.

I start to chuckle at the absurd image of Lilly in gym clothes on the track. Doing my best to ignore the pain, I say, “Don’t tempt Emi; she might just be stubborn enough to actually drag Lilly out there!”

Emi joins in the laughter as well. It’s nice to see her smiling. Lilly, however, frowns a little more. “I get the suspicion I’m being made fun of and I don’t appreciate the feeling.” She gives what looks to be an exaggerated pout, but it’s not as effective as Emi’s.

Akira waves it off, finally calming herself down. “Nah. Just a funny thought. Anyways, we’d better be going, Lilly. I gotta be back at the office in a few hours so we don’t have too much longer.”

“Have you not done enough already?” Lilly looks like working long hours drains her more than it does Akira.

“Eh. Until things are back up and running like normal, everyone's busting their ass. Plus I’m supposed to be in a higher position now - technically - so if I slack off it’ll sour the Satou name.” She gives a partial smile as if to mock something, or someone. She shrugs before saying, “I’m used to it. See ya later kids!” She gives a half wave as she turns to walk towards the girls’ dorms, then in a much quieter voice, “Ready to get back at it Lils?”

Lilly frowns briefly. “I suppose we must.” She gives us a nod. “It was nice meeting with you two again.”

Before she finishes turning to leave I call her back, “Oh- by the way Lilly, did you have the chance to talk to, ah, our mutual acquaintance about what we discussed at the hospital?”

She sighs, and her usual facade strains under the barrage of thoughts threatening to break free. “Unfortunately I have not been able to bring myself to make the call quite yet. I was planning on doing so tonight.” Then the worry is wiped away with her usual smile. “Your advice was most welcome though, and I’ll keep trying to be there for her…” She trails off abruptly, still smiling benignly. She looks tired.

I didn’t really have a plan for whatever response she might’ve had to my question, so I settle for something neutral. “Glad I could help, even a little. I’ll be rooting for you!”

“Then I will do my best to not fall short of those expectations.”

Emi has been following the conversation with mounting curiosity plain on her face. She catches my eye and I mouth to her, “later.” She nods, then says, “Oh and Lilly, I won’t be on campus for most of summer but if you want to talk or hangout or something I’m sure I’ll be free!” It’s hard to tell, but I think Emi might be tensing up as she speaks.

“I hope you don’t plan on trying to get me to pick up running.”

“Ha! Can’t promise I won't! But there’s lots of cool things we can still do. Rin might still be here too and I plan on trying to hang out with her at some point. Maybe we can all hang out!”

Lilly’s smile breaks a little when Emi mentions Rin. Not in the same way as when Shizune is brought up; she looks more uncomfortable than annoyed. “I do not believe I have anything planned, so that would be a splendid idea. Would calling be the best way to reach you?”

Emi nods to herself and when the tension in her posture collapses it confirms my earlier suspicion. Then they exchange numbers quickly. Lilly makes no move to write Emi's number down, though Emi offers to for her. "I'll be fine, thanks.” Lilly frowns and turns her head. “I presume my sister has already made her way back to the dorms?”

I look past her and sure enough, Akira managed to vanish. “Seems like it. Need any help with moving stuff back in?”
Emi shoots me a glare reminding me that I’m in no position to offer such help. Luckily Lilly saves me from a harsh and public lecture. “I appreciate the offer, but we should be able to handle the rest on our own. Akira and I have the last few items so it would be best if I caught up with her.”

Emi cranes her head back to the gate. “We shouldn’t keep Mom waiting too long either, and you still need to shower, Hisao.” The fact she picked up on that detail makes me worry that everyone could tell I needed one. I lean into my shoulder to check. Well, at least one other person didn’t notice. I hope. Don’t they say that losing one sense makes all your others stronger? I push the thought aside.

Lilly picks her bag back up, says goodbye to us both, and then is off to the dorms. I turn to start walking towards the parking lot but Emi stops me and says, “I know I just said I don’t want to keep Mom waiting, but I think it’s okay if we take a few more minutes. You okay with a bit more walking?”

“Should be fine, yeah.” She squints at me. “Honest. As long as we’re not tackling challenging terrain, I’ll be okay.” She accepts that with a nod and starts moving towards the gardens. After a moment I say, “Still won’t let me push you? I’m in much better condition now. I’m even already back up to doing a 5k!”

“And how long does it take you to do that?”

My shoulders slump. “... Almost two hours.”

She glares at me.

“It’s not endurance that’s the problem for me right now; it’s pace!” Now that I bring it up, would it be better for me to push my speed right now like I’ve been doing most days, or just keep up on distance? Probably something I should have brought up with either Nurse or Emi a while ago. I think I’m getting enough exercise either way though.

“I could do it faster in this chair!”

“Well someone doesn’t have half a dozen broken ribs!” I’m tempted to mention the fact that she’s been training her legs, not her arms, so she’s probably overestimating her abilities, but I don’t feel like antagonizing her right now.

“But someone does have two fully functional legs.” She gives a weak smile. Does this mean she’s okay with talking about it now, or is she just making the usual reference to her title.

Never know if you don’t try, I guess. “That won’t last forever though. The Fastest Thing on No Legs will be running circles around me in no time.”


Still not quite there. “You know, my mom said we looked cute together.” The change in subject seems to work because Emi sits up.

“Damn right we do! You need to start pulling some weight!”

“Hey! I’m trying, but I think you do more than enough for the two of us.”

She gives a full grin this time. “You’re pretty cute in your own way.”

“That sounds like a mother trying to console her kid-”

“Don’t believe me?” She pulls my arm, and thus the rest of me, down to her. The taste of strawberry fills my mouth, her soft lips feel like clouds on my own. The sudden shift sends a shock of pain through me, but I’m too happy to let it bother me. “See? You’re adorable!”

My cheeks warm up considerably. “I hope you know how lucky you are,” I say as I conspicuously rub my shoulder and chest.

Her eyes go wide. “Oh no- I’m sorry. I forgot, I didn’t hurt you, did I? I swear I didn’t mean to, I just wasn’t thinking and-”

I laugh, then quickly lean down and kiss her. My sides and chest hurt a little more this time, but seeing her cheeks go red make it well worth it. I lean my forehead on hers; a smile spreads across my face to celebrate my little victory. “Now we’re even.”

“I don’t- That’s not- Ugh…” She pulls back and speeds off ahead of me; I make a note that she’s getting faster in that thing already.

After catching up to Emi and matching her pace she begins to slow down again, then timidly says, “So she liked me then?”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “I think so. She’s a tease through and through, but I don’t see a reason she wouldn’t.”

“You sure?”

I stop and she turns to face me before I say, “It’s not like you to be so unsure of yourself. Why wouldn’t my parents like you?”

“I don’t know, it's just… I’ve never… you know… metaboyfriend’sparentsbefore.”


She nods, her cheeks burning a deep crimson.

My heart feels like it’s gonna melt as I look at her adorably embarrassed face. “Damn, you’re right. You are pulling most of the weight in the cute department.” Though how I’m supposed up my own cute factor is beyond me. I give her another kiss on the forehead.

Ok- I lied. I really am getting sick of these accursed ribs. That one hurt considerably.

She shakes her head, then that determined smile of hers returns. “Right. I’m gonna make damn sure they fall in love with me next time we meet. No doubt about it!”

“That’s more like it!”

“They’ll be begging you to marry me in no time flat!”

“Haha! You’ve got your work cut out for you then. They’ve always been a little protective when it comes to me and relationships, even from a distance. I’m not just their only son, but their broken son as well; it’ll be an uphill battle for you.” Not to mention what happened last time a girl and I even came close to dating.

Emi slows to a stop then turns the chair towards me. Her face is serious enough to give me pause. “You’ve gotta stop doing that.”


“Beating yourself up. You aren’t broken, Hisao.”


“Am I broken too?”

“What? No, we’ve gone over this. I-”

“Then why should you be?”

“I… guess you’ve got a point.” I think. Our situations are very different and-

“No, I do have a point. And don’t downplay the work we’ve done. You’ve gotten great grades despite spending so much time out of school, you’ve started a science club that’s already attracting widespread attention, you’ve focused on your health, you’ve challenged yourself so many times and overcome those challenges, and you’re in much much better shape!” She gives a mischievous grin that makes my cheeks warm.

I do my best to make sure she doesn’t see my reaction, then say, “Yeah yeah yeah- You’re right, I have come a long way haven’t I?”

She narrows her eyes a little and the grin is wiped from her face. “Yes. You have, and I really hope you stop pulling this shit.”

I take her hands in mine, look into her eyes, and with all of the sincerity I can muster I say, “Emi. I promise you I will try to stop downplaying how far I’ve come- which is really, really far.” That must’ve been the right answer because Emi starts to relax. She nods and pulls her hands back from mine.

“I’ll take a little credit myself.” She smiles proudly to herself.

I smile as well. “Nurse said something similar.”

“He learned from the best!”


(Continued in next post)
Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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Scene 2: A Trickle Turns in a Stream. A Stream into a River. A River into… Part 2

Post by StealthyWolf »

(Continued from previous post)

We continue walking (and rolling - again) through the gardens for nearly ten more minutes, making light conversation as we go. At one point, we almost wander down the path towards the track before Emi stops and sharply turns another direction. After that we start heading to the parking lot and when we reach the car Mrs. Ibarazaki helps Emi in, then disassembles her chair to put it into the back, which consists mainly of taking the wheels off to allow it to fit. Aren’t there fold-up chairs to make transportation easier?

We say our second set of goodbyes and I assure them I’ll be fine finishing up here on my own. Then I feel my stomach begin to sink a little. Why am I nervous?

I walk around to Emi, lean in the window, and we kiss each other goodbye. My heartbeat picks up in my chest. It’s only a couple weeks, Hisao, and you’ll talk on the phone plenty. It doesn’t help.

“Hisao?” I look up; Emi’s worried.

“I’m fine. Just gonna miss you is all.”

“You sure?”

I nod. “I’ll call you after we get back to my house.”

She flashes a smile. “I’ll be waiting.” Then turns away and the window rolls up. My breathing quickens.

Th-...thump. Th-...thump Th-...thump.

“Love you!” I call out loud enough that I hope she hears it through the window, and to try to drown my own thoughts. The car lurches forward. Something’s wrong. Something isn’t right here. Something-

Th-...thump. Th-...thump. Th-...thump.

The edges of my vision begin to fade, the world begins to spin, and my legs start to weaken beneath me. I force myself to watch the car drive off until it leaves my view. My mind races, shouting a dozen things at once - none of which I can even comprehend - then my vision gives way completely. In the darkness I hear the loud screeching of rubber on pavement getting louder and louder and-

Th-...thump. Th-...thump. Th-...thump.

Control your breathing, Hisao. Calm down. Breathe in. 1… 2… 3… Out… What am I missing? Why- In. 1… 2… 3… Out... At some point I had fallen to the ground, one hand on my chest. The screeching fades giving way to the quiet nothing surrounding me.

Th-...thump. Th-...Thump. Th-...thump.

Details in the ground beneath start to clear up. Keep going. In. 1… 2… 3… Out… My hands, arms, and even legs are all trembling. My mouth is dry and I feel drenched in sweat, though it is probably only a thin layer.

Th-...thump. Th-...thump. Th–...thump.

I’ve practiced this routine dozens of times before; control yourself, get your heartbeat back to normal, and calm the hell down. Just like Nurse taught. Don’t stop just yet. In. 1… 2… 3… Out… The dizziness starts to fade. My heartbeat continues to slowly shift from dangerous explosions back to a light rhythm in the background - not quite normal, but exactly what I want to hear.

I continue the breathing exercise for another half a minute then move my hand back to my chest instinctively preparing for the adrenaline to wear off and the familiar pain to take hold, but it doesn’t come. Instead I’m left with the all-encompassing pain that’s taken over this past week and a half. I collapse into a sitting position and rub my sides a little. My arms and legs are still shaking, my breath is still unsteady, and my head is still spinning a little, but I don’t think I’m in danger anymore.

A flutter? But why? I know it hurts that I won’t be able to see Emi for a couple weeks, but I don’t think it would be as much of a big deal as, gee- I don’t know, a damn confession… Plus I took my medication this morning and everything. Nurse said I was fine!

Nurse. I should visit him. I know I only have a couple hours until my parents get here, but if this is more serious than a normal flutter Emi would never forgive me for not going straight to him. She might not forgive me anyways if she finds out I didn’t tell her what was going on a moment ago.

My legs are still weak, I’ll rest for just a moment before I go.

“N-Nakai?” A quiet voice calls out from behind me. I turn to see a vaguely familiar face. It quickly clicks into place where I know her from and I reprimand myself for not instantly recognizing my own classmate.

“Komaki?” Then again, she’s as pale as a ghost right now - a far cry from her usual cheery vibe.

“Are you o-okay? Do you want me to g-go get a nurse?”

I must look really pathetic right now if she’s that scared by the sight of me. “I can get there on my own. I just need a minute.” Which I hope is true.

She looks skeptical about both of my statements - if I look half as bad as I feel, I can’t blame her - and comes to kneel at my side. “Let me help you then.”


The sudden determination in her voice only confuses me further. “You’re obviously in no condition to be left on your own so I’ll help you get to Nurse’s office.”

“Thanks but I can’t ask you to do that-”

“Nakai, everyone needs help sometimes. And if something were to happen to you on your way back to the nurse and you ended up in the hospital or worse then I’d feel like I could’ve done something to help and it’d haunt me for the rest of my life.” The grim line of her jaw makes me feel like she won't take no for an answer, so I try to lighten things up.

“Geez, that’s a little dramatic don’t you think?”

“So is collapsing in the middle of the street after saying goodbye to your girlfriend.”

My cheeks burn intensely. “Ah… you uh- saw that.”

“I did. It was pretty scary looking. I kind of froze when you collapsed. I…” a dark expression washes over her and I suddenly feel like I need to say something.

“Ah- sorry about that. I-” I take a few short breaths. “I have a heart condition. Arrhythmia. That was a flutter. I really should have said something to Emi before they left but I think my pride got in the way or something.” I really don’t understand why I did what I did anyways. It’s not like Emi doesn’t know about my arrhythmia, and I know it’s dangerous to be on my own when something like this happens, but I kept my mouth shut. Hell, I even tried to act like normal. What’s wrong with me?

She takes a second to take in everything I’ve said, then a stern look takes over and I feel like she’s preparing to lecture me. The moment passes and instead she asks in a soft voice, “You sure you don’t need me to call someone?”

“Yes, thank you, but it’s passed. I should be fine, I just need to talk to the Nurse to make sure it isn’t a sign of something worse. Sorry I-” I try to fully pull myself off the ground and just about end up right back on the pavement.

When my head slows its spin cycle I realize Komaki is beside me supporting my weight. “Yeah- you’re not fine. I’m helping you walk.” Even if I had the energy to fight back, her determined tone and expression would’ve killed my spirit.

She’s surprisingly sturdy despite being nearly a head shorter than me. “Okay, just be careful around my chest. I have a few broken ribs right now.”

Another sorrowful expression takes over her face and it seems like she’s about to ask why, but thinks better of it. “In that case we’ll take it slow. Oh, and call me Ikuno.” She carefully helps me support myself and gives a smile that would make anyone feel a little warmer.

“Hisao.” I give her a strained smile back, then we start moving.

“Well then, Hisao, nice to finally meet you properly.”

“You as well, Ikuno. You’re surprisingly perceptive considering we just met.”

She laughs and the heavy atmosphere finally fades away behind us. “Yeah. I’m used to people trying to hide their issues. My best friend loves to try and ignore her limitations despite my best efforts.”

Artist: Borjjie

“Do I know this mystery trouble-maker?”

“Possibly. She sits right behind you after all…” We continue talking as we slowly work our way back towards campus and to the auxiliary building. A few students give us passing glances as we go and I can’t help but feel embarrassed. What is it with me and being carried around by short girls?

The low hum of the fluorescent lights is deafening in the absence of the usual quiet shuffling and rumble that typically liven up the area. The unusual quiet is probably due to summer vacation calming down activity on every part of campus. The light’s droning buzz is only broken up by the soft sound of metal and plastic running across my skin as Nurse moves the stethoscope from one part of my chest to another; it’s as cold as ever. Unlike usual, this routine is filled with a lot more stinging when my chest reacts to the different pressure on it. I can’t even hear either of our breathing as the hum overpowers everything around us. The walls press in on me suffocatingly from every side despite the room being more open than ever with empty beds and open exam curtains. Perhaps he just turned a light off since I was here last? That’d explain all these harsh differences.

“Sounds normal to me. Turn around.”

“Didn’t you say the back is for lungs, not heart?”

“Yes. Now do as you’re told, Hisao.” Unlike a few weeks ago when he was messing with me, there's no playful tone to his voice. He must mean it.

I obey Nurse and he repeats the same drill as before. The stethoscope has warmed up by now so it’s not as shocking on my back as it was on the front.

It took Ikuno and me a little longer to get here than I had hoped for. Lifting myself from the ground took much more effort than it should’ve and my chest was numb from pain due to my ribs. Luckily that pain has started to subside again, but even still, without Ikuno’s help I don’t think I would’ve been able to walk the whole distance alone in a reasonable time.

Nurse spends another minute listening to my chest before removing the tool and putting it back around his neck. “Everything seems right as rain to me physically. Now, can you explain to me what happened in more detail?”

When we walked in I tried to explain the whole incident in an embarrassed, confused rush. He shut me up and got right to the examination after dismissing Ikuno and thanking her for ‘dragging’ me to him. “Well, I was fine all this morning. I woke up, took my medication, and went on my usual walk only going slightly farther than the last couple days. Then I ran into Emi, her mother, and a couple others at the gate.”


“Then we talked, things continued as normal, and I went to say goodbye to Emi and her mother. That’s when it changed. I started feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and couldn't breathe very well… It was like I was having a flutter like I told you, but…” I squint my eyes trying to find the right words to describe the weird sensation that came over me.

“Go on.”

“It was also different. Usually there’s pain, you know? Like a pinching sensation in the chest that either fades or intensifies until I black out. It never came.”

“Hmm. And the breathing exercise worked?”


“Any other symptoms?”

“I was sweating too, I think? I lost my vision for a minute as well, and I fell to the ground but don’t remember how or when that happened.”

He nods, scribbles onto his notepad as usual, then sets it down and grabs some gauze alongside a container of some sort of clear, gel-like substance. After wetting the gauze, he sits down in front of me. “That was the last time you’ll see Emi for a few weeks, yes?”

“What? How’s that-”

“No questions, just answers.” He starts wiping my knees off; they were a little scratched up from my fall. The sharp stinging sensation does little to distract me.

“Yes it was. She wants to meet my parents properly, not while in a wheelchair.”
He grits his teeth for a second. “So you’ll not be able to see her for some time? In other words, this is the first time you cannot see Emi for an extended period.”

“Well, yes… but I don’t think It’d cause another episode. I mean- it took a full blown confession last time! On top of that, I know I will be able to see her again. Outside of the whole flutter situation I think I was pretty stable- emotionally I mean.”

He finishes my first knee and dries it off, then moves and gets to work on the left one. This time I wince a little. “Okay… Walk me through the scene a little slower.”

I go over it again with more detail this time. How it started when they both got in the car, then only got worse. Finally, I do my best to recount the exact series of events and in which order the symptoms came. He sets the dirty gauze to the side and picks his notepad back up, then scribbles a few more things down. He scowls at me as I tell him that I kept Emi in the dark and I try my best to get through the story without frustrating him any more. After I finish, the notepad ends up back on the counter. I really don’t remember that being a thing before this week.

“Okay. I think I’m getting a better picture now.”

“So it was another flutter right? What caused it though? I don’t get it, I should be-”

He holds his hand up. Then he rubs a little bit of the gel-like substance onto my knees and I feel a sense of relief wash over the scrapes. When he finishes, he applies a bandage to each of them, then gives me a spare set with a small container of the gel - which is apparently a ‘petroleum jelly,’ or vaseline as Nurse describes when explaining how to redress them for the night. Then he says, “Just a couple last questions.”

I nod.

“Is this the first time since the accident that you’ve watched them drive away?”

I do my best to quickly recall how many times I’ve seen Emi’s mother drive off until this point. “I watched Mrs. Ibarazaki drive off a couple times after dropping me and Emi, or just Emi off.”

“But never Emi with her until now?”

Nothing pops up. “No, I guess not.”

“Okay.” He slowly moves over to his chair and sits down. He has that deep analytical look on him that I see Mutou sometimes get before addressing a student about something. “Do you know what a panic attack is, Hisao?”

“When something overwhelms you and your body shuts down?”

Usually I tune out medical personnel when they start going on these long rants, but Nurse always somehow seems to hold my attention. “That’s a very crude definition, but it’s more or less accurate. It’s a trauma response usually activated as a result of various conditions ranging from PTSD to extreme mental distress or any other of a long list of reasons. It can crop up in many different ways for different people. Some people will completely shut down and though they are still conscious, it’s like their mind is unable to react or comprehend any stimuli. Others will enter a state of panic which could result in anything from mindlessly running away from the stimulant that caused the attack in the first place, to them breaking down in tears, or they could even enter a robotic-like state to deal with the situation at hand acting only on instinct and not on any logical or conscious thought.”

“Okay?…” He can’t be thinking…

“That breathing exercise I taught you was meant, primarily, to help you control your physiological reaction to stimuli or, in other words, your emotions. Its very nature also helps if you overexert yourself, which is the cover story I gave you, but its main job is to help you control whatever emotional outburst puts you at risk of having a flutter. As such it is also one of many techniques used to help respond to panic attacks. I believe that’s what you were experiencing: A panic attack.” He was. “For some people a panic attack can feel similar to the palpitations and ‘flutters’ you’ve experienced in the past, but ultimately they are different things.”

“A panic attack? But…”

“Hisao,” he moves his chair closer to me, “I know of plenty of patients who have gone through accidents in the past. They’ve all gone through more or less the same thing afterwards.” The look he gives me lets me know specifically who he is talking about.
“Crashes can be really traumatic experiences and everyone responds to them in different ways, but they still fall into a pattern. Many people tend to get jumpy even after a little bump. It’s scary experiencing that much raw energy, seeing that much carnage up close and personal, and losing that much control of events around you.” He pauses, clasps his hands together, and leans towards me.
His voice takes on a softer edge. “Have you slowed down and really confronted what happened to you in the crash yet? As far as anyone’s heard from you, you were knocked out from the get go, but if there’s anything else that you remember…”

My face melted into a neutral state long before he finished speaking. I hold onto it, refusing to let him shift it in the slightest. “I don’t.” My voice is less steady, but close enough I think. This is ridiculous.

“MOM WA-” Tires wailing against concrete, metal twisting, bending, thundering all around, glass shattering on every side into a million pieces, screaming.

“All I remember was Emi screaming for her mom, then there was a lot of loud noises, and then nothing.” I think I see his eye twitch for a moment. All these new details don’t matter. They don’t.

“Mom wake up! Mom! Hisao’s- Mom!” Emi reaches over me and shakes her mom’s arm, violently turning Mrs. Ibarazaki into a scribbled mess of muted colors. Emi’s hand is covered in blood she wiped from her head. Mrs. Ibarazaki begins moving on her own almost immediately.

“Then I woke up in the hospital, over a day later.” He is basically forcing me to go back to that moment. Forcing these new scenes into my head. It. Doesn’t. Matter.

“I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t! He can’t do this- I-” Emi’s voice rebounds off every corner of my head.

A deep, strained voice joins the echoes from the distance but I can’t make out any of the words. Mrs. Ibarazaki is above my face and she has a phone to her ear as the world flies by behind her. My hand falls to the side, and I fade out of consciousness again. That disgusting green washes over everything.

Nurse leans in towards me. Studying my every movement. Inspecting me top to bottom. Why do I feel like he does this to Emi as well? I don’t move an inch- absolute stillness in my position. He sighs, then backs off. “I have no choice but to believe you for the time being then.” He picks up the pad for like the third or fourth… maybe fifth? time and continues jotting down notes, only occasionally glancing up at me.

“So…” My eyes drift to the ground beneath my feet. I'm not lying to Nurse; I'm omitting stuff. He doesn't need to know the full story because the full story doesn't change what’s physically- what's actually happening to me and my heart. I’d know if I was having a panic attack, right? That was a flutter. It had to be. Pinching sensation be damned.

“We’re just about done here. Give me a moment.” His pen scrapes the paper repetitively, each new mark louder than the last. Seriously, when did he start using a pen and paper so often? What's he even writing? It's obviously about me and it obviously can't be good because he keeps glancing at me as he scribbles and I have a sudden urge to snatch it from him and see for myself…

The droning of the lights and the scratching of the pen seem to fill the room. Why is the damn buzzing so loud? And has it always been so cramped in here?

Nurse shoots another furtive look at me and I want to scream at him to get on with it. What’s even the point of any of this? It’s never taken this long to record a flutter on record or whatever he’s doing, and even if-

Before I can continue the thought or do something stupid, Nurse caps his pen, then drops it and the clipboard onto the table behind him.


The small noise causes me to jump and immediately I feel ashamed of my reaction, then he sighs yet again. Why did I jump? Thankfully, Nurse had his back turned so he couldn’t see me.

Nurse’s expression and posture have hardened when he turns to face me and he wastes no time getting started. “First off I want to remind you in the future to tell those around you what is happening. That was extremely stupid of you to disregard that after everything that’s happened. Had young Komaki not been around to help you, this incident could have been far more serious. We were lucky that this did not escalate into another attack, but had that been the case her fluke presence would have been vital to giving you a chance at surviving.”


His disapproving glares somehow intensifies. “She did the right thing helping you here and I am glad it was your intention from the beginning, but - that being said - you really can’t be taking risks like this. Surviving two heart attacks is already an amazing feat on its own, but we can’t expect you to keep getting so lucky.” He leans in towards me a little, towering in front of me as he speaks over his crossed arms causing me to shrink back into the bed.

“Should you have another one, surviving may be only the first of your worries. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but you’ve been extremely fortunate these past two times, and the fact you got off with minimal damage is an opportunity you really shouldn’t waste.” My ribs and I disagree with the statement. Not to mention the scar plastered on my chest.

He must pick up on my disbelief in the sentiment because he continues, “It looks like I’ve been too lenient on you. Hisao, I’m going to be blunt. You may feel like crap right now because your chest hurts and your head is out of sorts, but the fact you are even here right now is a miracle in and of itself.”

I bite my lip hoping to hide whatever emotions that word brings up. “You got lucky in almost every way with this last attack right down to when and where it happened. You may not feel like acknowledging it right now, but the truth is you almost died. And if you insist on rolling the dice with your condition moving forward then I will have no choice but to lose any sympathy I have for you.” He raises a hand to rub his forehead momentarily, as if to dispel the stress.

Then he lowers his hand and that piercing gaze comes right back. “You’ve done amazing things since you arrived here, and I’m going to be a little unprofessional and selfish for just a moment when I say this, but your life is not just your own anymore. You have people all around you that care about you. These actions are downright disrespectful to each and every one of them.”

His shoulders sink, if only a little. “What would I tell your parents if you had died today? What do you think would happen to Emi?” I risk a glance at his face and it sends chills down my body. His eyes are like stars going supernova. Yet, despite the fire burning in his eyes, the rest of his face conveys a deep worry, sadness even. I turn back to the ground before his glare burns my soul any further.

The anger- or frustration or whatever that was building up in me dies when he finishes. He takes a breath and his voice lowers a couple octaves and his chair squeaks as he leans back. “I can’t force you to do anything, but I do believe this was a panic attack. The best advice I can offer you right now is to take your time and reach out to those around you when- not if- you need it. I work on the body, not the mind, so I can’t do more than that right now and I hope I never need to.”

He straightens up and sharpens his tone. “However, there are specialists on campus here for that purpose I could direct you to, voluntarily for the time being.” Likely sensing my hesitation, he continues, “Panic attacks can be more dangerous for someone in your position; this one might’ve been fine but in the future it’s reasonable to believe they could trigger a more dangerous type of attack. I want you to take that into account as you address what’s happened today.”

“I will.”

“Finally, I don’t see a need for any further medication changes at this time, but I know you are going to have a talk with your primary doctor back at home about your current position. It would be worth mentioning this to him.”

I nod a little.


“Yes?” I raise my eyes to meet his again. They’re filled with a deep sadness I don’t think is entirely my fault; he’s lost in his memories.

“What goes on up here,” he taps his head, “is just as important to take care of as everything else. Recovery is not just one thing or the other. You need to work on both and treat them as equally important. It’s dangerous not to.” Again, we both know exactly who he is referencing.

I turn to the ground again. “Hey uhh… Nurse, can you do something for me?”

“Spill it.”

“Don’t tell Emi about this… panic attack situation. She doesn’t need to be worrying about me right now.”

He lowers his head into his hand and I swear he ages ten years in a matter of seconds. “First of all, that would be a breach of patient confidentiality. But fine, I can promise you I won’t mention it to anyone besides the absolutely necessary staff.” He rubs his forehead and mumbles, “You also seem to have picked up her worst traits as well.”

“Am I free to go then?”

“Yes Hisao, you are free to go.”

“Thanks doc- err, Nurse.”

His lip curls up slightly. “It’s funny, you know. People still end up calling me ‘doctor’ sometimes, but I am just a nurse in the end.”

“Right. See you in a few weeks then.”

“I hope it’s that long but if there’s another attack, I want to see you right away, got it?” I nod and leave his office.

The humid air around me invites my lungs to relax as the steaming water rushes over my skin. It took some time for the water to get up to a decent temperature, then I kept increasing the heat until it was almost painful. My skin reddens as the water evaporates into steam, which clings to every surface of the bathroom.

On the wall near me, beads of water grow and gather until they start sliding towards the ground. I watch two drops race side by side on the wall in front of me. At one point they bounce off of each other, then the one of the left crashes into a few more droplets and speeds off leaving the other in its dust.

Usually I’d spend as little time as possible in this room, hastened by the energy I got from the track or the desire to avoid being intercepted by Kenji and being drawn into one of his rants. Today I’d rather sit- err- stand here and think than do so in my room where all I have to look at are books, the same view I’ve seen for a couple months now, and an army of pill bottles.

I mean, it’s possible Nurse is wrong, right? I sigh. Doubting the doctors never goes anywhere good. Still though, he said it himself: he’s not a psychologist which means it might- it is not the full picture. It’s just a hypothesis he presented too quickly.

The better theory is that there were a lot of emotions that boiled up as Emi pulled away; that’s all this was. It’s completely illogical to believe she’s at any real risk, so why would I be doing that? It makes no damn sense- but~, this will be the first time since we got together that I won’t be able to see her for a good while.

I mean, I’d love for her to come visit me at my parents house and everything, but I respect not wanting to face them until she’s in better condition. Had I been hospitalized when I first met Mrs. Ibarazaki I’d probably feel the same way.

Speaking of home, I’ll have two weeks back there. What will I do? I mean, I know Mom and Dad probably will try to spend the days they got off with me or something, so that’ll be about two or three days covered. That leaves over ten to myself.

I catch a glimpse of my fingers. They are starting to look like raisins. How long have I been in here, I wonder as I turn the water off and step out of the shower.

A vision of my broken body, reflected in the steam-covered mirror, greets me. I stop and stare.

My skin is discolored around my chest from top to bottom like a scarred battlefield. There’s even a few scorch marks that have mostly healed from the defibrillator they used to get my heart back on track. Surrounding that is a pale complexion that would make hikikomoris look like functional members of society. I briefly contemplate if that was where my life was heading before I met Emi.

Eventually my eyes meet in the mirror. Who are you? With bags under bags and a despondent look that should’ve died months ago. No, this look is new- or evolved? He’s not shouting silently at the world, screaming and kicking in his mind while his body is shuffled off to the next room. Those eyes aren’t lifting their fists preparing to throw a punch at whoever is unlucky enough to be nearby. It’s worse than that; it’s… what is it?

Who. Are. You?

Artist: Alichii or here

I shake my head lightly, put my clothes on, redress the scrapes on my knees, and return to my room. Luckily Kenji has been nowhere to be seen these past few days so I don’t even bother being quiet as I walk the halls. After sitting at my desk I look at the pile of papers in the right corner; stuff I know I should keep but never got to sorting. At the bottom a paper with a sunflower peeking out from its top left corner catches my eye.

I shove the college brochures and other envelopes aside as I pull the paper out. The letter inside still creased all over, but mostly preserved and easy enough to read.

“Hey guys, I’m back! Sorry about never talking to you all again after everything, but how’s about we just…” The fake conversation already drains me. Just what, Hisao?

I mean, how am I supposed to face them again after everything, face her. We were a group of five nearly inseparable friends for some time; I guess Iwanako only really joined us “officially” a few months before the end of last year so before that it was only the four of us for a long while. Then it just ended, and not only did I do nothing to stop it, nothing to recover the lost ties after I got better here, and nothing to acknowledge the letter she wrote for my sake, I basically was the cause of all of it. I cut them off completely.

Would they even want to see me? Will they reach out? Should I reach out? Man, I have no idea how to approach this. Is it too much to hope for not having to deal with it at all? Probably. Even if I manage to avoid randomly running into any of them, word will get back to my former friends that I’m back in town. We walked those streets together frequently and there are familial connections and mutual acquaintances and shopkeepers we used to chat with. Unless I really do want to become a shut-in, it’s unavoidable.

My head starts to hurt and I rub my eyes hoping the sensation will wipe away the thought process, then look over to my clock. Crap, my parents will be here in less than 30 minutes, I need to get moving. Why’d I take so long in the shower?

Despite my parents ending up having to help me finish packing when they arrived, we still only left the school 15 minutes later than expected. All things considered, not that large of a set back. They managed to line up their schedules just right today so we were in no real rush, but they apparently have to go back to work after we get home.

The first bit of the ride was just idle small talk. Then we talked about how my recovery is going, what dorm-life is like, and finally got into what has happened since I moved here. First I told them about my hectic first week and meeting all sorts of unique people in interesting ways. Then I mentioned how Emi and I met and moved on to the next event quickly hoping they didn’t make a big deal about it, but as time went on it became clear that a lot of what I had left to talk about involved Emi…

Mom is the first to interrupt with a question. “So wait, first you meet her by crashing into each other in the hall, then you try to race her on the track?”

“I know, I know- Nurse already gave me a proper scolding-” I grimace at the thought of calling that a proper scolding after today, “for how idiotic that move was. I swear I won’t try something like that again.” I do my best to vanish outside the window, but it doesn’t seem to work as only my gaze leaves the car.

Mom turns around from the passenger seat. “The Nurse is right. That was stupid. You need to focus on your health, Hisao, you can’t do everything like you used to.” Ouch. I really can’t tell her about today. At least not now. Maybe in ten years when it’s far, far in the past and the urge to strangle me is much more subdued.

“I know that Mom, and I have been careful. I just got caught up in the moment.” Her glare drills right into my skull. “I swear it. Plus it taught me a valuable lesson in how to go about my running! Since then I’ve been a lot more active, even more than before my… you know. And I’ve been safe. I know what my limits are and I’m careful to avoid them.” If she knew what happened today though…

“Mmm-hmm…” She’s still mad.

“Honest! Before this whole thing,” I vaguely gesture at my chest, “I was putting in more laps on the track than I’d ever done before - without any chest pains.”

Her gaze finally breaks and she faces forward again. “As long as you’re being smart about it…” It seems like I was finally able to convince her.

“Besides, I don’t repeat my mistakes.”

She locks eyes with me in the mirror. I am an idiot. “Oh Hicchan, where should I start? I guess we could talk about the time you poured pineapple juice in your eyes, twice, to impress your friends…”

“I’m telling you, that was a dare!” My eyes sting at the memory.

“...or when you almost drowned jumping off the high dive, then went right back up to do it all over the very next day.”

“Also… a dare… probably.” I was trying to prove something to myself, so not technically a complete lie. It went better the second time too- technically.

“Or when you ate a habanero pepper, had to be sent to the nurse, and then tried it again two weeks later.”

“Listen I was trying to cheer up a friend the second time and-”

“Or when you tried and failed to do a back-flip... three times… getting more hurt than the last each time you did it. And that’s just the start of the physical mistakes you’ve made. If we throw in everything else-”

“I get it, I get it- but I’m not a kid anymore, I’ve grown from all that! I know the position I’m in and I’m taking my health seriously! No more racing track stars. Promise.”

My dad calls back, “So she’s a track star?”

No way around it now I guess, they’ve trapped me - or maybe I’ve exposed myself. “Fastest runner in the school. Saw it myself at her meeting about a month ago.”

“Oh? But she… you know…”

“Doesn’t have legs.” There’s no point in beating around the bush here. I don’t think I’m crossing a line by saying this much and besides, it’s hard to avoid mentioning it at first I think. I hardly notice- or uhh, noticed, anymore that it was something different about her while we were there. It’s just Emi.

He actually looks embarrassed; that’s a new look on him. “I don’t mean to be rude-”

“She uses special prosthetics for running. They are made to be more flexible and lightweight or something- I don’t know the details but it’s pretty cool, and she’s used them for years so she’s really good on them.”

“Well… I guess… we’ll have to see it next chance we get!” He and Mom give each other that same glance I saw in the hospital, but I still can’t make anything of it.

“Yeah…” ...if there is a next time. No- there will be. “Next time for sure.”

Mom’s face twists into a maniacal grin. “So how many times did you go on a run with Emi before you ran with her?” I could try and feign ignorance to what she means by that, but we both know that I know what she’s asking.

My cheeks probably begin turning a light shade of pink, so I keep my gaze focused on the passing scenery. “It was about uhh… about three weeks after I got there that we officially started dating.”

“And you never told us!”

“We haven’t really talked much since I got there…”

Her face drops suddenly, and Dad also hides his gaze away from meeting the mirrors.

“No, it’s fine, I never reached out to you guys either. It’s not your fault.” It’s the truth. I haven’t made much of an effort to keep up with anyone outside of school since I got there. After how I treated all of them it’s only fair that it turned out this way, right?

“Sorry Hisao- It’s just…” Dad’s voice is really quiet now, more than usual. It sounds wrong.

“I know. Work. I’m used to that, don’t worry. If you guy’s could’ve reached out you would’ve.”

He shifts in the seat a little and they don’t respond for some time. I continue the story, “She actually confronted me about it first.”

“She confessed to you?” Mom’s attention returns in full, but there’s also something else there too; a spark in her eye.

I rub the back of my head and suddenly find the floor really interesting. “Yeah. I think she knew I wasn’t so sure of myself so she made the first move. I was probably not very subtle about liking her.”

A far too wide grin sweeps across her and she elbows Dad. “Sounds familiar, doesn’t it, Yucchan.”

Dad’s face starts turning a light shade of pink as well. “I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about.”

I practically pick my jaw up from the floor. “Wait, you confessed to Dad first? How have I never heard this story?”

“Well you see, your dad always tried to act super formal- even back then. He was never one to take things fast. He wanted to do things ‘proper’ so to speak, but it was soooo~ obvious he had a thing for me. I thought it was charming personally~. So while we were on a group trip with some mutuals I snuck him off and gave him two options.” She turns to face Dad, snickering.

He clears his throat, then in a flat voice he repeats, “You have two options Yucchan. One, you take this flower and offer it to me in return for a date or two, kiss me right now.”

He doesn’t continue, but Mom’s snicker turns into a giggling fit. I look at Dad and ask, “So what did you choose?”

“I… didn’t” The pink in his face starts to turn red.


“I was so surprised by her confrontation that- I… fell down the hill behind me before I could respond.” He started smiling, but his face could be mistaken for a ripe apple.

Then Mom starts howling, “Oh you should’ve seen him! He was covered in dirt, sticks, leaves, his clothes were in shambles, he was so embarrassed he couldn’t even speak, he lost a shoe- it was amazing! He was a complete wreck.”

“But it worked, yeah? We started dating that week.” Dad tries to defend his masculine pride, but it only seems to make her laugh harder.

Finally she calms down a little. “You dummy, we were going to date either way.” She pulls his spare hand over to her and snuggles into it. It’s been a while since I saw the two of them so relaxed around me - around each other even. When was the last time the three of us really just got the opportunity to talk like this?

“What if you were wrong though? What If I said no!”

“Then you’d have been a jerk!”


My body launches forward. The seat belt stops me in place and I fold around it limply. I hear the brakes of our car scream in a fading echo that loops in my head longer than I think it should.

Immediately after that screaming fades my chest starts its own type of shouting and I silently collapse into myself, clawing at the fire burning under my skin. I can’t even make a noise; it hurts so bad. My eyes snap shut and everything fades into a distant blur. Everything except for this damn pain.

Dad shatters the momentary silence, though his voice is still a little fuzzy. “WATCH THE ROAD YOU THICK-BROWED SHIT!”

The first of my senses - that isn’t pain - to return to me is sound and I realize that it’s not silent; I hear breathing- my breathing. Dad turns to the side. “You guys okay?”

“I’m fine dear.” Mom says.

“Hisao?” He faces me. Then a little louder, “Hisao!”

This probably looks really bad. The pain’s started to give just enough leeway that I can speak now. “I’m fine. I… just… I’m fine.” My breathing is harsh and uneven - my body forcibly taking deep breaths in and out at unpredictable intervals only adding to the waves of almost nauseating pain.

“Are you sure? Your heart-”

I finally sit back up. Luckily the seatbelt didn’t lock up again after the jolt, allowing me to writhe in pain. If it had, it might’ve just made this whole ordeal that much worse. “It’s fine. My- heart is fine, I just… need to catch- my breath.”

Mom reaches back and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Not lying to us?”

I look her in the eyes and try to smile, unsuccessfully, through the pain. “I promise my heart is- fine. My ribs hurt though. And my head. I just need- a minute. Swear it.” As if on cue, I start to feel a little dizzy. Honestly that could be from either injury at this point and quite frankly I don’t care right now.

I’m covered in sweat, my chest is still on fire, and my head feels like shit. So it’s probably pretty obvious that I’m not fine, but I’m not about to have a heart attack so they can stop fussing over me.

They look at each other and their worry-stricken faces leave a bad taste in my mouth. A car honks behind us and we lurch forward again. I lean back against the seat, then suffocating silence fills the car for some time. As the minutes pass the pain slowly fades and my breathing returns to normal. Eventually I’m able to calm down and rest again.

My eyelids are heavy all of the sudden; the world outside the windows speeds by in a blur of incomprehensive color. I let it pass by for a few more minutes, getting lost in the blur.

Before I can start falling asleep though, I hear Dad speak up in a far too casual tone, “So I ran into Shin and Mai at the market yesterday. Mentioned you’d be coming back today.”

My exhaustion and any lingering pain vanish in an instant. “You WHAT?!”

Table of Contents | Previous Scene: Scene 1: Broken Glass part 2 | Next Scene: Scene 3: Miscommunications

Finally we are past the first Scene! And with what will likely be the longest single post for quite some time. This scene transformed probably even more than Scene 1 did from it's original conception, but that was necessary. Originally this scene was no more than 8,800 words, and now it is 16.5k, largely as a result of making the Scene a more thoroughly integrated piece of the story and not just a springboard to bridge that original gap mentioned in the previous chapter. Part of me thinks "Uncertainty" really starts here. Hope you guys enjoyed the new elements in the story and continue to stick around! Thanks for reading.

Once again I'd like to thank Stiles for the tremendous amount of help he's given to me in this project. While his edits didn't directly transform this Scene quite as much as Scene 1 (Though there were still many), his feedback and critique went a long way in helping shape and mold the Scene as a whole. I'd also like to give Talmar another shout-out for a minor amount of help on this Scene and for being a good head to bounce ideas off of ;)

Last edited by StealthyWolf on Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

My Writing:
Uncertainty (A post Emi-Good Ending Story)
Saying Goodbye to Tomorrow (A Mai Morikawa Pseudo Route)
My Shorts and One-shots

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