French translation of the website

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French translation of the website

Post by HxL »

Been lurking around for a few days, and I have to admit that i got pretty caught into the game and such.
So anyway, here's my french translation of the website. It's only been proofread once, so if a few more people could do it it would be nice. ^-^
Katawa Shoujo.txt
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Re: French translation of the website

Post by Poulp »

It's only been proofread once
and will need a couple more...

A quick review shows no obvious misspelling, but there's a problem with page setting. Here for instance;
et est
créé en utilisant le système de scripting Ren'Py.
Pressing enter instead of space... Happens to me too.

Can you stand up for yourself?: Peux-tu tenir debout sur tes propres jambes?
makes me raise an eyebrow. I can't tell why, but I find this one odd.

I won't probe into your txt file any deeper as I quite busy with the game translation.
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Re: French translation of the website

Post by HxL »

Poulp wrote: Pressing enter instead of space... Happens to me too.
I think it may be because I just used the notepad and adjusted the length of the lines to my screen size lol.
Poulp wrote:
Can you stand up for yourself?: Peux-tu tenir debout sur tes propres jambes?
makes me raise an eyebrow. I can't tell why, but I find this one odd.
Yep, I know this one sounds kind of weird, the translation is grammatically correct, but the context I'm using it in may not be the best. If someone comes up with something better, feel free to tell me. ;p
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Re: French translation of the website

Post by Stanitalia »

Katawa Shoujo est un Visual Novel de style bishoujo ayant lieu dans le Lycée pour handicapés Yamaku
I would just say a word about this line. According to wikipedia, we should say "unE visual novel". I think it's better this way, "un visual novel" seems awkward.

And "Lycée pour handicapés" should be replaced by "Lycée pour personnes handicapées", disabled people generally prefer this way.
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Re: French translation of the website

Post by HxL »

Stanitalia wrote:
Katawa Shoujo est un Visual Novel de style bishoujo ayant lieu dans le Lycée pour handicapés Yamaku
I would just say a word about this line. According to wikipedia, we should say "unE visual novel". I think it's better this way, "un visual novel" seems awkward.

And "Lycée pour handicapés" should be replaced by "Lycée pour personnes handicapées", disabled people generally prefer this way.
Good points, I didn't think about the gender of VN since I never used that word in french before... Thanks for helping :p
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Re: French translation of the website

Post by Clainoute »

Hello. First post, and I'd like to help with this translation... Let's begin...

For "Peux-tu tenir debout sur tes propres jambes?", I'd put "Peux-tu tenir debout tout seul ?" <= It's gender specific, so if I misunderstood, it's more like "Peux-tu tenir debout toute seule ?". Something neutral would be "Peux-tu tenir debout par toi-même ?" but I'm not that convinced.

Instead of "cherchant à s'adapter au nouvel environnement qui l'entoure," I'd put "cherchant à s'adapter à son nouvel environnement". The former seems more redundant.

For "Après avoir été lancé dans un nouveau début", excuse me but that sound weird... Something like "Ayant du prendre un nouveau départ" or "Forcé de reprendre à partir de zéro" might look more "French", but I admit I'm taking some liberties with the adaptation of the text (but ways of writing/speaking can be quite different within two languages).

At the end of this paragraph, instead of "le futur", I'd put "l'avenir" of maybe "son avenir".

For the girls' description, put "Taille" instead of "Hauteur"

For "à la surface du globe.", I'd put "à la surface du globe, sans compter le lycée" to be more fidel to the original text

For "incluant peindre", I'd put "incluant la peinture"

For "Elle a été déléguée de classe, bien qu'étant sourde-muette, aussi longtemps que sa classe en a eu" I'd invert those... "Bien qu'étant sourde-muette, elle a été déléguée de classe tant que sa classe en a eu,"

"surprenamment" isn't french. "incroyablement" is better.

That's it. I'm sorry if I seem harsh, my hability to speak english isn't as wide... You did a good job to translate that, HxL.