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by nemz
Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:22 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 11/18)
Replies: 86
Views: 34697

Re: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 7/7)

not a continuation at all. :wink:
by nemz
Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:12 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness
Replies: 186
Views: 72719

Re: Hideaki: A Tale of Manliness

Gettin' Jiggy with it!

It's truly inspiring how the side characters can make Hisao look like such a little bitch.
by nemz
Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:57 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 11/18)
Replies: 86
Views: 34697

Re: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 7/4)

I don't understand why anyone cares who his wife is. It isn't a puzzle.
by nemz
Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:48 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: A Womanly Competition [A Miki vs. Hanako One-Shot]
Replies: 13
Views: 6070

Re: A Womanly Competition [A Miki vs. Hanako One-Shot]

I never would have pegged Hanako as an LL Cool J fan.
by nemz
Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:46 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Life On Rewind
Replies: 5
Views: 2417

Re: Life On Rewind

Henry Spencer wrote:But if you had the potential to literally control everything about a particular existence, or "script"... wouldn't you do the same?
"What, fuck with someone's life for your own amusement? Of course" said every author ever. :mrgreen:
by nemz
Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:55 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Clarity: (Complete)
Replies: 54
Views: 20225

Re: Clarity

Quite the sampler platter; A little bit of everything all in one relatively normal morning. Nice work!
by nemz
Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:44 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: A Memory Hisao has of Lilly
Replies: 72
Views: 36138

Re: A Memory Hisao has of Lilly

Indeed, simply by being so saturated in religion Americans tend to use phrases like that, even for those of us like me who don't personally believe a word of it. (Probably because no one had taught him - just as a man who doesn't eat vegetables couldn't care less if he were ignorant of nutrition.) T...
by nemz
Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:09 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 11/18)
Replies: 86
Views: 34697

Re: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 7/4)

Very nice moment you captured here, telling all kinds of side stories with just a handful of details. I especially appreciate it that you made them NEW little stories rather than taking the easy way out and just referencing things in the VN.
by nemz
Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:33 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Tomorrow's Doom ~ Up: 04/30/16 ~ recommitted to completion.
Replies: 854
Views: 500226

Re: Tomorrow's Doom - Aiko Kurai (OC)

If my eyes don't deceive me Hisao actually kinda smooth in that scene. :shock:

...nah, thinking he goaded her into asking him to the festival on purpose is giving him entirely too much credit.
by nemz
Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:30 am
Forum: Public Discussion
Topic: Which character did you get most attached to and why
Replies: 736
Views: 222608

Re: Which character did you get most attached to and why

When ever I hear people use "moe" to describe an anime character, I expect them to start poking people in the eyes and throwing pies at them. I can't be the only one, can I? Clearly not. :lol: And to answer the thread, Rin . She just hits all my buttons exactly the right way and reminds m...
by nemz
Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:02 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Meanwhile I wait [Hisao x original character]
Replies: 202
Views: 100013

Re: Meanwhile I wait [Hisao x original character]

There must be some statistical algorithm to help him them avoid each other. “I don't have your number,” she says. “That's fine with me. But if Atsuko's mum comes here first, I thought I'd give you a ring. You know, so you don't walk around forever.” Clever girl. Mwahahaha. “Excuse me,” says a worri...
by nemz
Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:00 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Miki Route (updated 7/17)
Replies: 145
Views: 82946

Re: Miki Route (updated 7/2)

Mirage_GSM wrote:No. This is a fanfic, not a VN.
Yes but it's a fanfic OF a VN, so it's sensible.

It isn't a CYOA if the author fully intends to flesh out all the choices regardless of what the audience might choose, as has been done repeatedly in other 'route' fics.
by nemz
Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:55 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). Updated 8/02
Replies: 101
Views: 58318

Re: Five Year Illumination (A Reunion Tale). S6 Updated 7/2

It's slow going but mostly enjoyable so far. I do wish you'd be more consistent with the perspective though, especially in the last update.
by nemz
Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:26 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Just another one-shot compilation thread (new story 11/18)
Replies: 86
Views: 34697

Re: Just another one-shot compilation thread (was Blackout)

Nice little fic here... Takashi as something other than a complete ass-hat! If Takashi was thinking straight he'd realize that the torn up painting could be transformed into something really powerful... say, paint a canvas in black and angry swirls, then glue the ripped pieces of the other painting ...
by nemz
Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:40 pm
Forum: Public Discussion
Topic: What third ending should Lilly and Shizune had?
Replies: 46
Views: 16423

Re: What third ending should Lilly and Shizune had?

Lilly only has one ending as far as I'm concerned, since there's no additional content for letting her go without engaging in ridiculous theatrics to stop her. G - Hisao actually puts up a fight about her leaving and secrets, successfully convincing her to tell her parents to stuff it. N - As above,...