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by Mahorfeus
Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:06 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Starbursts)

though I am skeptical about Misha being the "constant companion," even with the fact that this is Act 1 fiction. I'm not quite sure what you mean by that... Eh, I don't like the way I worded that. And thinking back, I am honestly not sure how the second part of that sentence was supposed ...
by Mahorfeus
Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:25 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Constant Companion)

First thing first, it is an awful eyeful to read. Grammatical errors and inconsistent capitalization are abound, and the use of punctuation is far too generous. Getting past that, it is a sweet little piece. It follows the "Hisao survives the manly picnic" line of thinking, which is one of...
by Mahorfeus
Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:48 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Ascent: An Emilouge)

To be fair, I think the white knighting was more in regards to Emi's emotional well-being. Carrying her legless ass off a mountain seems like another thing entirely.
by Mahorfeus
Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:17 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Ascent: An Emilouge)

Oh, right, it's that time already. I guess I can rant now. The "humanity versus nature" theme seems to be overplayed in fiction, but I have never seen it worked into KS' setting outside of this story. The choice of theme works quite well, in my opinion. Stories that are more or less direct...
by Mahorfeus
Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:49 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Interlude 4 up 8

If it is Emi that shows up, I doubt it will be because she had any contact with Hanako. Hisao's failure to show up to their morning run would be more than reason enough to track him down... Still hedging my bets on Kenji, though. I don't know, the sweater vest set-up just seems too perfect. (Or obvi...
by Mahorfeus
Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:31 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Interlude 4 up 8

Hilarity ensues in Weekend at Hisao's! (No relation to the fic.) I hope Noriko has a pair of sunglasses on her...

On a more serious note, I am guessing that it is Kenji.
by Mahorfeus
Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:46 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Panda's Stuff)

Sea wrote: Ascent: An Emilogue – Epilogue by Mountaineer (completed, ca. 13.000 words)
PoV: Hisao; Pairings: Hisao x Emi; Begins: after Emi good end
Remarks: sex
Oh, nice. I liked this one.

More to come on the 12th, I suppose.
by Mahorfeus
Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:35 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Panda's Stuff)

It may be my own personal bias, but in panda's works (or at least the ones in question), the characters seem just a tad out of character. Just in small ways, pushing the agenda of cuteness for the sake of cuteness. Not that there is anything wrong with that, because indeed, I did find it cute. To be...
by Mahorfeus
Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:29 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: The Haunting: A Love Story *UPDATED 02/26/2015*
Replies: 124
Views: 79442

Re: The Haunting: A Love Story *UPDATED* 8/7/14

The recent update must have caught my attention, somehow. I have spoiled myself. For gods know what reason, I passed on reading this when it first came out, but last night I binged on the last two years' worth of chapters. Despite some rather prevalent writing hiccups and some admittedly :roll:-wort...
by Mahorfeus
Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:03 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Chapter 47 up 8/

Even if Lilly actually were dead in her room, and even if it were Yamaku staff entering... that's showing less trust than Lilly even showed in Hanako. I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous. What does this have to do with trust? Frankly, I think Lilly should be angry at herself for pulling this stupid s...
by Mahorfeus
Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:21 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Chapter 47 up 8/

A Misstep would be wildly out of character for Lilly, even this Lilly. She left without telling anyone. It was more or less what she had planned to do with her trip to Scotland. Deliberately making everyone worry about her (she knew Hisao was a worrier, after all), at that. Besides, Lilly's room has...
by Mahorfeus
Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:26 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Chapter 47 up 8/

Count me in the camp that doesn't really like Shizune, but she always seems to star in some of the best fiction on here. (That may or may not be hyperbole.) The formatting took some getting used to (a second read and a cup of coffee), but I like the effort you put into making the narrative fit the P...
by Mahorfeus
Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:46 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Chapter 47 up 8/

By god, a story in which Shizune's mother isn't dead?
by Mahorfeus
Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:07 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Developments (Post-Lilly NE) [Complete, 2015-08-11]
Replies: 1562
Views: 766206

Re: Developments (Post-Lilly Neutral End) - Chapter 46 up 7/

Perhaps Lilly has gone to Hokkaido out of sentimentality? To sort out her feelings? Granted, I have no idea whether she could even make that kind of trip on her own, but who knows? At any rate, I hope this little gathering doesn't blow up in Hisao's face. I definitely did not expect Noriko and Yoshi...
by Mahorfeus
Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:14 pm
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: Yamaku Book Club (20220124 Dish Washing)
Replies: 1945
Views: 957779

Re: Yamaku Book Club (Now Reading: Mendācium)

Frankly, I thought that Mehkanik's Emilogue was in itself all kinds of bad. I mention this only because the melodrama in that fic surrounding Emi and Rin was evidently a direct source of inspiration for this one. To be honest, what we have here barely qualifies as a story at all. We have Hisao not t...