AUGH.Scissorlips wrote:Somewhere outside, a very confused bird is chirping, I wish it bodily harm.
I know this feeling. I know it far too well.
Anyhow, excellent, excellent updatage, sir.
AUGH.Scissorlips wrote:Somewhere outside, a very confused bird is chirping, I wish it bodily harm.
Well, thanks. Now all I can picture is yukkuri Saya. I hope you feel proud, Cook.Silentcook wrote:I promised the Nurse I'd take it easy though.
There we go.Silentcook wrote:Closing the door behind me, I walk through the halls. As I turned and left the empty dorms, a gust of wind blew through, and the Akagi OP hummed gently in the background.
So harsh.Silentcook wrote:The raep of my neurons is complete.
Just... wow.cpl_crud wrote:Anyway, we can just skip out on the H, unless Emi cries out "Daddy" during intercourse.