+1 to "not the best title for the topic ever".
Steam Deck verified, works good. Source: me
+1 to "not the best title for the topic ever".
Steam Deck verified, works good. Source: me
Progress is making progress
Please, remove any censorship in the chapter 87. We're 18+ forum, after all, no one will wince from the word "fuck", and also it messes with the formatting sometimes.
That's a good start. Looking forward for the next chapters!
Seannie. An expert of delivering heart-wrenching stuff.
Well done and thank you.
Celestial Caesar wrote: Tue Feb 18, 2025 5:55 pmJigoro: I can dance. Ballet.
Hiroyuki: Do WHAT now?!
Jigoro: That's right! I can do something you cannot, therefore, I win!
Mr. Enomoto: At what cost?
Mayoi: (whispering) …wearing women's pants.
Relevations, Case 1249 and Last Night on Earth now have official Russian translation as a three-part fanfic, made by me:
For those who also want to help with translation for Sisterhood VN into Spanish, Russian, and maybe other languages too, get in touch with Whizvox and his team and maybe also help with making the next chapters into a game — feel free to join Sisterhood VN Discord server.
There was a second part of it, I wonder if Prof delivered it to you: "Hisao is absent of the story."
You did fulfilled that too regardless!
Jesus fucking Christ, the third ending takes this to a Fancopter level of crackfiction.
And I'm totally fine with it. Bless you.
It reminded me about the story of this photo:
You always know how to deliver dark stuff, and it kinda scares me Thank you!