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by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:30 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

“Umm.. Yuki? Can I ask you.. something?” “Is it about me and Acair?” “No, ..well, maybe, --sort of. Umm, your wedding rings, you know they.. they look like they're made of-- fake jade.” “Yes.. yes they are... They're a precious gift.. from a very special Christmas morning. They were carefully set be...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:29 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

“Funny dream?” She quietly asks, with her voice even more graceful and measured than usual so she doesn't wake anyone else up. “No.. just... lame, western comic book references, I guess..” Indeed, that's what it was. Yuki just smiles and tilts her head slightly. ...Her light-gray eyes are completely...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:28 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

Sasha and Shizuo are asleep on the seat opposite of them; Sasha still has his suave smile on despite sleeping like a log, as Shizuo snuggles between his arm and the seat, drooling a little as he does. ..Huh, I guess Shizuo Little must have spent the whole night looking out the window, fascinated by ...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:27 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

A bump in the tracks woke me up... I softly open my eyes, to the train's lights swaying with the motions of my head, giving me the start of a great headache. I force myself to look away, to.. see Lionel, sleeping on my shoulder. I lightly kiss his handsome head, and brush my cheek gently against his...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:26 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

I had a dream about Lionel... about catching a glimpse of him, a world away from me, yet so close in tracks of destiny, for one last time, for just a New York Minute. It was a bittersweet dream.. I wore a golden wedding ring from Hanzou, and he wore a silver one from a young Irish girl. In that drea...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:26 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

[Insert Song: Your Song by Elton John] I hear the lock in her heart breaking open... but she holds the tears back, and straightens herself, and perhaps is forcing a smile. “I-I.. I was thinking, that-- in my visual novel, with the canon love interest Lilly, three 'L's.. the beautiful blonde foreigne...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:25 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

I know what I have to do now, I know what to trust in, ..the value of living. Running blind on a winter morning, giving up all your belongings, your favorite jacket and even the shirt on your back if you had to, because you HAVE TO tell someone, to let her know what she means to you, that no matter ...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:24 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

Iwanako is right, I can't believe I couldn't see it before... I hold her warmly.. and thank her softly. Then immediately get up, and RUN, minding to be careful as I go past Principal Katayama, deeply bowing and thanking her too. I think I understand Saki now... what she would do.. when she couldn't ...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:23 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

“Lionel.. what is your answer? To the question?” “I don't need proof, I've seen that-- fortune toys with our love. I should never have loved Kaori, I should have seen it coming. If my uncle didn't die, I don't think Pa would have even wanted me to come home, and...” “You are happy.. staying with Kao...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:22 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

“L-Lionel?” Iwanako meekly asks through sadness, “If you're happier here, with Kaori.. why do you want to go back?” “Because I need the job at my Pa's company. It's a chance-- the ONLY chance I have to get a proper job with high salary, the only opportunity to show Yuki, and everyone else that I'm b...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:22 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

Late afternoon, I walked home. ..I was hungry, and cold. As Yuki and Akira talked to each other, like a loving couple in the living room. They stopped when they noticed me, and called to me, but not a word reached me in my grief. I walked up the stairs, locked myself in my room, and slept in despair...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:21 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

But I awoke the next day, again at three or four in the morning, feeling my heart beating with an idea, and the desire to fulfill it racing through my mind. I waited until it became eight or nine before I quickly dressed myself, forgetting about breakfast or washing up, and ran out to town. I trippe...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:20 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

I shouted that I was not, and quickly strode on ahead, pulling her along with me when I tripped over a log, we both reached quickly to protect each other, and fell into a warm, tight embrace in the snow. [Insert Song: La Vie En Rose by Cyndi Lauper] “I love you, Yuki. ...I always have.” I whispered ...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:20 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

Months and months later, after all the hard work, of believing and trusting the beauty in my heart, came a turn of the season. In the last weeks of December, when the official, international-level, exam results came back, a letter of acceptance followed it; A letter from Yamaku Academy, a Japanese s...
by LordDarknus
Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:19 am
Forum: Fan Fiction
Topic: K-Shounen!
Replies: 294
Views: 77291

Re: K-Shounen!

I woke up a changed person, where before I would simply sit around folding paper cranes, I instead went and picked up my textbooks and studied diligently, determined not to disappoint Yuki. ..Of course, I had no idea when morning was, and I let Yuki borrow my Borg-Cube alarm clock that had digital n...