Won't start


Won't start

Post by cc »

I run Mac OS X 10.3.9 and I get the feeling that the issue is the game is probably for a newer version of Mac. Any chance I can get a version for <3.9 users?

(Also, a side thing, but are the H scenes optional/avoidable? Or will I at least get a fair warning before they happen?)
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Re: Won't start

Post by IceLogic »

To answer your second question, there aren't any H scenes in the Act 1 demo, and there will be an option to disable the H scenes in the full game.

Re: Won't start

Post by cc »

Oh, I'm very happy to hear that! Now here's to hoping that someone can help me with the fact that I can't run it at all, hahaha.
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Re: Won't start

Post by Teclo »


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Re: Won't start

Post by phi »

Katawa Shoujo is built on the Ren'Py visual novel engine, and the current release requires 10.4+.

So, there's not much you can do. Time to upgrade? ;) Two major releases have come out since Panther, and Snow Leopard isn't too far away...

As for WINE, that probably won't help. If he's on Panther, that means he still has a PowerPC based Mac, so no Windows. (I guess you could do Virtual PC, but why? :P)

Re: Won't start

Post by cc »

I'm really kind of computer illiterate. Does WineHQ work like Boot Camp, where you're running Windows OS on a Mac?

I'm running a PowerPC G5. I DO need an upgrade, but I'm too broke, hahaha.

That's too bad, though. I guess I can always look for LPs on YouTube or something. This game looks so cool.
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Re: Won't start

Post by delta »

Wine is a Windows emulation layer that runs under OS X (and other *nix systems). It needs an Intel processor though. Also, getting stock Wine to run on OS X is rather nontrivial, and the usable version of it (Crossover Mac) costs money again. It happens to run Ren'Py, I just checked - but that doesn't help you.

tl;dr There is no use case for Wine/Crossover and KS, since Wine needs an x86 CPU, those CPUs need OS X 10.4.6, and KS runs on that OS natively anyway.

P.S. Chances of a KS version that runs on 10.3.x are exactly zero. Virtual PC will not give anything near usable performance, if it works at all.
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Re: Won't start

Post by mareviq »

cc wrote:I'm really kind of computer illiterate. Does WineHQ work like Boot Camp, where you're running Windows OS on a Mac?

I'm running a PowerPC G5. I DO need an upgrade, but I'm too broke, hahaha.

That's too bad, though. I guess I can always look for LPs on YouTube or something. This game looks so cool.
Don't give up just yet. As ren'py is python-based it should be enough to get a recent python version (I think the current ren'py distribution uses 2.5 - try running the python interpreter and see which version it reports) re-compile all the ren'py libs, check for auxiliary libs (pygame, etc.) and off you go... hopefully. I happen to have access to a G5 mac running 10.3.9 I'll investigate it once I get some sleep. I trully believe that the 10.4+ version restriction is more due to developers being lazy rather than real system issues.
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Re: Won't start

Post by cc »

...I'm sorry, it's like you guys just started speaking Spanish to me. LOL. I think I understand, though. So download Python, you're saying?

I really appreciate the help, sorry for being so oblivious. ^^;
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Re: Won't start

Post by mareviq »

Sorry, I tend to forget that not everyone is as versed in using computers as I am. If you don't understand what I'm talking about then for the time being don't try to do it on your own (installing python alone won't solve your problem). For the time being run the terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal) and type

Code: Select all

into it, confirm with enter and see what it says. Mine shows this:

Code: Select all

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Oct  6 2008, 21:23:10) 
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1640)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
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Re: Won't start

Post by delta »

mareviq wrote:
cc wrote:I'm really kind of computer illiterate. Does WineHQ work like Boot Camp, where you're running Windows OS on a Mac?

I'm running a PowerPC G5. I DO need an upgrade, but I'm too broke, hahaha.

That's too bad, though. I guess I can always look for LPs on YouTube or something. This game looks so cool.
Don't give up just yet. As ren'py is python-based it should be enough to get a recent python version (I think the current ren'py distribution uses 2.5 - try running the python interpreter and see which version it reports) re-compile all the ren'py libs, check for auxiliary libs (pygame, etc.) and off you go... hopefully. I happen to have access to a G5 mac running 10.3.9 I'll investigate it once I get some sleep. I trully believe that the 10.4+ version restriction is more due to developers being lazy rather than real system issues.
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Re: Won't start

Post by mareviq »

delta wrote:I don't think you are as clever as you think you are.
I don't think I'm as clever as you think I think I am either.
Okay, to be fair my previous statement could have sounded like boasting, sorry, didn't mean it like that. It's just that I'm used to dealing with people who happen to know how how the internals of their computer (both hardware and software) operate.

In other news, I've hit a snag - pygame (ren'py dependency) requires pyobjc to compile and due to my Mac being a bit screwed up pyobjc refuses to build (the infamous Quicktime 7 problem). I'll get back to getting ren'py work on 10.3.9 as soon as I solve it.

edit: I did manage to compile both pyobjc and pygame (finally). Right now I'm figuring out how ren'ai for MacOS X boots up (it bundles it's own python and python libraries along with some sort of a starter program). I'm not out of the woods yet, but it still looks like it can be done.

2nd edit: I may have really gone over my head with this one this time. I did manage to compile ren'py with all dependenciess for MacOS 10.3.9 (PPC only). It even runs. If it'd stop getting a bus error after displaying 4LS logo (without sound, the console is showered with vorbis saying it can't find the main header of a file) then it'd be perfect.

3rd edit: I made some progress. Now it plays sound along with the 4LS logo before crashing.

4th edit: I've got a vague idea where and why it crashes (I thank thee Lord for sys.setrecursionlimit()). But I need some break from it since I've been spending way too much time on solving this problem.
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Re: Won't start

Post by mareviq »

cc: I successfully compiled a version that runs on 10.3.9 (PPC only, so a G5 will do nicely)
The only problem is that it's 175MB when compressed, and I don't really have a server that can hold that much, nor do I think I can send that much by e-mail. I'll check if rapidshare/mediafire can hold this much data but I'd rather not post it there without permission from Katawa Shoujo devs.

delta: can I now claim to be as clever as you think I think I am?
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Re: Won't start

Post by delta »

You are not getting permission to distribute the game. Post your engine and instructions how to use the resources with it. It should be small enough to even work as a forum attachment.

Also, this is completely unsupported from our side, of course.
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Re: Won't start

Post by mareviq »

Okay, so here is the PPC Mac OSX 10.3 engine attached.

how to get this working:
1 ) download this version and unpack (it contains the engine itself and a README.txt with more or less a copy of this post)
2 ) download an official version of Katawa Shoujo (the system doesn't matter, but the instructions will assume you've downloaded the Mac version)
3 ) right-click (or ctrl-click) the original Katawa Shoujo Act 1 and choose Show Package Contents
4 ) this will open a new Finder window. In this window open the Contents folder, in it the Resources folder, and finally the autorun folder.
5 ) ctrl-click the game folder and select Copy "game"
6 ) Now go back to this version of Katawa Shoujo and Ctrl-click it, then select Show Package Contents
7 ) again, open the Contents, then Resources, then autorun folder.
8 ) Ctrl-click somewhere inside the autorun folder (there should be a common and renpy folder inside, but no game folder) and select Paste item
9 ) wait for the files to copy
10) Run it and have fun (hopefully)

I know delta said it already but this version is NOT supported by Katawa Shoujo dev team
I also pray that the final version of Katawa Shoujo will run on the same version of ren'py, as I really don't want to go through this again :lol:
(5.88 MiB) Downloaded 604 times
abs(imag(ME) / abs(ME)) = exp(PI) - PI - 19;
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