Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Matter of Memory" 05/01/24


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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Winter’s Lover" - 15/7/15 Update

Post by Asoko_Desu »

Ah - all the suaveity (is that even a word? Suaveishnes? No, probably not) we all wish we had :)

I really like what you did to bring out the chemistry between two characters who aren't often in the spotlight together (Ever together? I keep finding gems hidden in posts from years ago so who knows what I'll read next ..)

Also, you've got a deft hand at bringing out characters' nature - nice combination of inner dialog, exposition, and spoken dialog - hope you don't mind, I'm taking notes.

"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Winter’s Lover" - 15/7/15 Update

Post by Sharp-O »

Asoko_Desu wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:09 am I really like what you did to bring out the chemistry between two characters who aren't often in the spotlight together (Ever together? I keep finding gems hidden in posts from years ago so who knows what I'll read next ..)
I think the smartest pairing in Monomyth (apart from Hanakio because that was gold from the get-go) is Taro and Miki. In terms of opposites attracting, you can't get a more diametrically opposed pair but because their disabilities and underlying protectiveness mirror each other, it works pretty effectively. At least in my mind.
Asoko_Desu wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:09 amAlso, you've got a deft hand at bringing out characters' nature - nice combination of inner dialog, exposition, and spoken dialog - hope you don't mind, I'm taking notes.
Thank you so much, Asoko! :oops: If you can learn anything from my silly bollocks then I'm happy you did so, I'm just glad when folks like my stories. :D
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Sharp-O »

Author's notes: So, hey, I had another idea for a crack-ship like the HanakoxRin one-shot I did so I wrote over 6k words of banter and smut (which is my brand, as you know) about a pairing I don't think anyone's done before? Anyway, slight retcon for the Cordially Invited Finale so whether or not you consider it canon is up to you, I just wanted to write it. Enjoy!

“What? Fuck no! I don’t dance, and neither does he! Why-why would I do that anyway?” She asks, almost looking for a reason to be given.

“Because it’d be sweet, you guys being such good friends and all…” I tease.

“Oh, fuck off with that reverse-psychology voodoo!” Miki bops me in the arm. I sway as I laugh at her, which only makes her eyes narrow at me more intensely. “I’m gonna ask him to dance but only because I think it’ll cheer him up, not because of what you think. Which is stupid. And wrong.”

As more couples congregate within the dance floor area with the happy bride and groom, those without soon became very apparent by their isolation but one in particular definitely puzzles me; Lilly Satou. How is that woman without a dance partner? She’s bloody gorgeous! But she looks so sad, sat all on her tod…

I look over at Suzu and Toshi as the former is looking a little fatigued and is being lead off the dance floor as a faster paced song kicks in. There’s always time for a dance with Suzu later… I weave through the tables and sidle up to the solitary Satou sister, taking up a seat next to her.

“Taking a break, Lilly?” I attempt to break the ice with tongue-in-cheek joke but all it accomplishes is to startle her. Off to a great start.

“Oh, Molly… Sorry, I wasn’t expecting anyone to come over to me.” She smiles but the droop in her brow makes her look a little sad. Everyone at Yamaku would talk about Lilly like she was this goddess teeming with serene grace, but if you spent any amount of time with her you’d quickly know that she is terrible at hiding her emotions. I guess she never really learned to control her facial expressions like the rest of us.

“Why’s that? No one asked you to dance?” I ask, leaning in a little more so she can hear me over the music, so-much-so that our shoulders touch. The physical contact lightens her expression and I can tell she appreciates the gesture as she leans toward me to speak.

“I’m afraid not. I get the distinct impression that I may intimidate some of Akio’s cousins. Akira was telling me how they seemed to be asking every single girl from Hanako’s side of the aisle to dance — Shortly before she, herself, was asked.” Lilly’s warm smile falters again and I look around. Sure enough, all the boys I know to be from Akio’s family seemed to be dancing with Yamaku survivors. Which begs the question…

“And what about yourself?” Lilly enquires and I go with a little self-deprecating humour.

“Ah, the only person I’d really like to dance with is otherwise occupied and I’m guessing the Hayashi boys don’t go for brown girls.”

Hm.” Lilly’s nose crinkles at my insinuation but she manages to flip a compliment out of it. “Then they’d be missing out, Molly. I hear you look quite lovely this evening in your sari.”

“You don’t look too bad yourself, Lilly.” I press against her shoulder, nudging her softly which brings her smile back. It’s not quite a cheongsam but it’s definitely in that ‘vaguely-East Asian’ ballpark.

“Thank you. Akira described the colours and patterning of your sari but I lack the imagination to really contextualise it. If I may…?” She proffers her hand and I turn in my seat to drape my sleeve into her hand. She tilts her head curiously as her fingers delicately trace the ornate navy blue and purple stitching and detailing, all along the pallu draped down my arm.

“This is lovely… It’s a very nice pattern and this material is so smooth.” She muses as her touch extends further than my sleeve. Goosebumps erupt up my arm as her fingers slide along the back of my hand. I’m about to say something when her fingers reach my knuckles and her cheeks become flush.

“Oh my, I’m sorry!” She quickly retracts her hands and I can’t help but smirk at the flustered woman in front of me. I think back to our playful flirtation at Hanako’s hen party and decide I just have to tease her some more.

“Don’t worry about it, Lilly. I know you prefer a hands-on approach.” I giggle as her face becomes even more pink, her eyes ‘looking’ anywhere other than the direction of me.

“Yes, um, well…”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of you, Lills. All flustered and… cute.” I smirk as I tease the supposedly unflappable Lilly Satou.

“It’s not a side I often get to show to others. I’m sure you’re aware of my reputation.” She admits reaching for her wine glass.

“Yeah but you have to let your hair down sometime!” I chuckle but she doesn’t join me. “So, why so glum, chum?”

“I confess that I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts recently.” She gulps down a large mouthful of wine and nods.

“How so?” I raise an eyebrow.

“I… feel like a proverbial stranger in a strange land.” She turns to face me but her eyes drift downwards. She’s not looking at my chest but still… It’s kind of a funny thought. “The woman I once called as close to a sister as my own flesh and blood, is now marrying a man — and is surrounded by friends — that I barely know… I feel adrift amongst her new family. Like I’m an outsider, intruding.”

For as bad a liar as she can be, Lilly’s truth was always something to be heard. It’s tragically poetic.

“Like you’re an ex coming to town to see the person you love has moved on?” I say rhetorically. I understand how she feels and I see from her face that Lilly gets where I’m coming from too.

“So much has changed while I’ve been gone. It’s selfish of me, I know, but I find myself craving connection.” Lilly reaches for her wine again and sips at it.

“I get what you mean… I’m at a bit of a loss myself. Sure, I have a new job in a place that I love but all I want to do is share it with…” I admit with a heavy sigh and Lilly looks up towards my face as I trail off. “Honestly, I’m craving a little… connection, as well.”

Our eyes meet — and I know she’s not doing it on purpose, she can’t be — but I can’t help but feel a connection right there. Those deep pools of sapphire blue…

“Molly?” Lilly’s voice shakes me out of my reverie.

“Huh? Sorry, I… kinda got lost in your eyes for a second.” I admit quietly with a crooked grin and Lilly laughs, her hand covering her mouth in that haughty way she often does. The embarrassment is worth it to cheer her up a little.

“As come-ons go; that’s one of the oldest in the book!”

“Aw, don’t take the piss, I wasn’t coming on to you!” I chuckle as Lilly finishes her wine. I actually didn't intend that but hey — if it works, it works!

“With lines like that, my dear doctor, you’ll need to get me something a little stronger if you intend to.” Her ruby lips curl into a sultry smile as she offers her wine glass.

“I think that can be arranged. Whiskey?” I ask, half-joking.

“It’s awful to stereotype, Molly! And, yes, on the rocks please.”

I take Lilly’s glass from her, tracing my index finger along hers. She blushes as I turn away from her. I get maybe five feet away before the panic sets in.

Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck, is this happening? I think this is happening.

I place the wine glasses on the bar and order three whiskeys from the bartender, one on the rocks. My heart is beating a mile a minute. The bartender lays out the tumblers and fills each with the warm amber liquid before plopping a couple ice cubes into the third. I take one of the glasses and bring it to my lips.

“Having a good time, Molls?”

I peek over my shoulder to find Miki standing there, looking a little sweaty from dancing. I look around to see if anyone else is within earshot - thankfully, everyone else is having too good a time. With the coast clear, I hook my arm around Miki’s shoulders and bring her into a huddle as I neck the whiskey in my hand.

“Whoa, I guess you are!” Miki laughs but when I look at her in panic, she changes tone quickly. “What’s wrong?”

“I am about to do something either stupid or spectacular and I’m not sure if I need you to either talk me out of it or to tell me I deserve nice things.” I ramble, trying to say so much but not enough. If I’m gonna take my shot, I’d prefer it without all my friends watching.

Of course, you deserve nice things, Molls.” She looks at me incredulously before smiling in that way that tells me everything will be okay, a skill she shares with Taro. “Is this about Suzu?”

“No… this is… Well, I guess we’ll find out what this is, shan’t we?” I huff in amusement as I let go of Miki and pick up the glass tumblers. I try to steady my breathing as make my way back to Lilly’s table. Be chill, Molls. You’ve flirted before, this is no different.

“Here y-you g-go, Lilly.” I stammer, placing the glass in front of Lilly. I circle around her to my seat, glancing back at Miki at the bar as she quite clearly mouths the words ‘You’re fucking kidding me!’ I can only offer an exaggerated shrug and an excited ‘I know!’ before putting on a more smooth demeanour, taking my seat beside Lilly once more.

“Is everything alright, Molly?” Lilly asks as lifts her drink to her ear, listening to the soft cracking of cold ice in warm liquid.

“Just Miki acting silly. Here’s… to finding new connections.” I clink my glass against hers.

“And to being open to new things.” She says, leaning in conspiratorially with a wicked smile on her lips.

“And to being hands-on.” I lean in a little closer, whispering into her ear. She smells amazing. Like classy perfume and even classier whiskey.

“My, you’re bold.” She titters, taking a sip. Okay, Molls, time to pour on the ol’ Kapur charm.

“Why shouldn’t I be? Unlike these boys, I don’t find you intimidating. In fact, I find you rather enchanting.” I smirk confidently.

“Then I guess it’s appropriate to tell you that I don’t care what colour your skin is. In fact, I think it feels rather nice.” She blushes like crazy and, honestly, so do I. It’s kind of refreshing to not have to worry about that.

We sit a little too close for a little too long and I feel like I should ask to kiss her but Lilly leans back, as if she instinctively heard the body stepping towards us over the music before I did. I look up to see it’s Lilly’s sister, Akira, and my heart sinks. Don’t vag-block me, Akira, c’mon!

“Hey, Lills, Molls! How’re your nights going?”

“It was certainly getting more interesting, Akira.” Lilly is far from subtle with her slight annoyance but her sister seems oblivious. “Is everything alright?”

Akira scratches the back of her neck nervously and then leans into to whisper on the Lilly’s far side. Lilly’s eyes bulge a little before a wicked smile plays across her lips.

“I understand. I’m sure Dr Kapur will be more than happy to help me back to the hotel.” She announces, and Akira laughs, looking towards me. If that means what I think it does then yes, I volunteer!

“I’ll leave my sister in your capable hands, then!” Akira smiles as she returns to the man she’s been dancing with all night. I don’t quite recall which Hayashi cousin it is but he looks chuffed as anything. I quietly thank that brave man before I turn my attention back to my own Satou sister and place my hand on hers.

“I take it your hotel room just got a little emptier for the night?” I ask and Lilly nods.

“You would be correct, yes.”

“Then what do you say to continuing our drinks there?” I slip my hand into hers and pull her to her feet, the sudden shock of becoming vertical makes her giggle.

“I’d say ‘lead on, Molly’.” She slips her arm into the crook of mine as I do just that.

The party is still heaving and it’s no effort at all for us to slip out of the side doors of the hall into the corridors leading to the front exit of the building. We near the row of toilets when the accessible bathroom door opens out into the hall and two bodies stumble out giggling. I halt in my tracks, as does Emi Ibarazaki. In that split second, words are exchanged in looks alone.

‘Really, Emi? In the disableds?’

‘You can’t judge me. You’re hooking up with Lilly!’

I close my eyes and offer up a smile and a hand to her and she gladly gives me five as she drags her partner back to the dance floor. Lilly turns her head at the sound of the slap but I urge her forward.

“Who was that?” She asks, a little concerned we might have been discovered.

“Emi Ibarazaki and one of the cousins. Coming out of the accessible toilet.”

“That girl has no class, I swear!” Lilly laughs and I feel I need to counter that on Emi‘s behalf.

You’re taking me back to your hotel, Lills.”

“I think you’ll find you’re taking me. I’m entirely innocent in this endeavour.” She smirks but I can’t let her lay me up like that and not capitalise.

Oh, I’ll be taking you, alright…” My explicit intentions known, Lilly’s face turns a lot more pink and she can only purse her lips as we leave the building.

An absolute eternity of sexually-charged silence and playful hand-fumbling in the back of a taxi later, we stand in front of Lilly’s room. She retrieves her key card from her handbag but she hesitates as she goes to open the door. It’s only for a second but enough for me to clock it. The door opens inwards and Lilly turns to me.

“I, well, this is…” I’ve never her seen her so flustered, it’s positively adorable. “This is me, then.”

“Nothing has to happen if you’re having second thoughts, Lilly.” I reach out and take her hand in mine. It’s so dainty and warm. She pulls me into the room, slowly, manoeuvring me so she can close the door. She rests her head upon it for a moment before turning around and leaning back, her arms folded along the small of her back.

“I know I said I was open to a lot of things but I… I’ve never been with a woman before, Molly.” Her voice is quiet, nowhere near as confidant as she usually portrays herself.

“You’re in safe hands, I promise, but only if this is something you really want.” This all feels very familiar though it’s strange that I’m taking the lead. Suzu was usually the one in control. It suited our dynamic but this is definitely different.

“I want you to kiss me, we’ll see what happens from there.” A sly smile spreads across her lips and I step into her personal space. She nuzzles into my palm as I reach for her face.

That I can do.”

I lean in and kiss her lips just a little, just to gauge her reaction. Then another, longer. I check again and Lilly nods enthusiastically. Her arms snake around my back and ensnare me as she kisses back more passionately. The sharp inhale through her nose tells me she’s intent on playing with my tongue for a while.

My hands, meanwhile, slide between her body and the door as I reach for her ample bottom. She moans into my mouth and her right leg lifts slightly, giving me enough space to press my luck and press the hard plastic plate of my knee between her inner thighs forcefully.

Her lips escape mine as she gasps for air and I kiss her cheek and neck as her fingers run through my hair. I ease off a little to check how’s she’s doing, knowing full well she is grinding against my leg slowly.

“How was that?” I ask in a suggestive tone. She gasps and swallows before nodding.

“I’m still forming an opinion but…” She breathes a husky laugh into my face, her fingers sliding from my hair to my neck and then my face. “I want you to take me to the bed, Molly.”

Now, I’m usually more than happy to take an order like that from a beautiful woman but I’m probably only going to get one chance to top Lilly Satou; I’d be a bloody idiot not to make the most of it.

“And what if I want to take you right here, you little minx?” I playfully growl into her ear as I press myself hard against her in all the right places, the door behind her shuddering a little from the pressure of two bodies against it. Lilly sinks a little, adding more pressure to her own grinding. She bites her lower lip and whimpers.

“Molly, please.”

I grab her waist and pull her backwards, pecking at her lips and neck all the way to the bed. I turn and push her backwards onto the centre of the relatively low bed, landing with a giggling yelp. I finally take in the room I was fantasising about not a few days before as I remove the pallu from my shoulders and drop it, along with the border of my sari, to the floor at the foot of the bed.

When Lilly pulls the red ribbon from her hair and shakes it out, she is the only thing I want to focus on. She looks so bloody hot with messy hair and I just want to mess it up more. I crawl onto the bed and kneel above her, my knee taking it’s place once more between her thighs. She squirms against it and holds my biceps as I lean in to kiss her more.

Our tongues dance, our bodies writhe, and our heavy breathing fills the room. Soft moans, tender kisses on flesh, and lots of desperate clawing. I think she’s ready for the next part…

“As hot as you look in that dress, Lilly; it needs to come off.”

“Only if you join me.” She grins, sitting up. Her hands find the clasp of my petticoat while I slide the straps of her dress from her shoulders. It takes a little bit of clumsy fumbling but we’re soon down to our underwear. I’m kinda glad she can’t see how plain my underwear is compared to her silky black number.

“Molly, I want a better sense of you…”

I kneel in between her open legs as her hands reach for me. I oblige and gladly enter her embrace. She closes her eyes and begins running her hands all across my torso, pressing and squeezing my fleshy parts to get a better understanding of my form. She leans in, her forehead pressing against my abdomen and inhales deeply through her nose.

“Are you sniffing me?” I giggle, stroking her messy blonde locks.

“Let me indulge in some new sensations, okay?” She responds defensively, before I feel her tongue pressed against my stomach. A tiny lick in a very ticklish spot.

“Li-hi-ly! I’m ti-hi-klish!” I giggle, squirming in her grasp. Her face turns upwards and flashes me a mischievous grin.

“If I’m going to experience something like this, I want every sense to have a memory of it. That’s a good one.” She kisses the spot she licked as her hands slide down to my hips. They slide further still but stop at my mid-thigh. “Is it alright to…”

“Here. Lemme get comfy.” I move over and plant myself parallel to her, my prosthetic legs across her fleshy ones. Her hands continue along my thighs and reach the boundary between flesh and plastic. Her fingers run along the flesh of my skin, to the hem of my stockings, and finally to the sockets.

“Do you want me to take them off?” I ask, unsure if the smooth plastic would bother her or not. I know it can chafe bare skin from experience.

“These are exquisite… Do you want to take them off?” She asks, still running her hands along them, edging every panel line and plate with a curious tilt of her head.

“I’ve been wearing them for the past seven hours so I’d appreciate the break.” I ruefully smile with a lilt in my voice. She nods and removes her hands.

“Then by all means…”

I swing my legs off the side of the bed and begin detaching them while Lilly kneels behind me and explores my body more. She plants kisses along my shoulders as her hands find my chest.

“That’s very distracting…” I mutter, trying to focus on peeling the silicon liner from my thighs.

“Is it really?” She muses in an airy tone, her larger chest pressed against my back. She’s teasing me now? Can’t have that!

“Ah’m Lilleh Sat-Oh! Ah’m hot as fook an’ ah cannae leave the gull wit’ noh legs alohne!” I mock her in a truly awful broad Scottish brogue to buy me just a couple more seconds. She laughs raucously and pulls me backwards.

“C’mere, ye daft wee bampot!” She growls in her much sexier accent. Sans legs, I’m much lighter than she expected and we spill backwards onto the bed. We laugh as I clamber between her legs, my hips pressed against hers.

“Having fun?” I whisper as I lean in to kiss her and she nods. Her hands smoothly slip onto the small of my back as we get hot and heavy once more. I grip her shoulders while her fingers tease the hem of my underwear and I moan a little into her mouth as her fingers dig into the flesh of my bum. I feel her mouth curve into a smile as we kiss.

I kiss her neck and begin to grind against her, a little gasp of delight only encouraging me to go slower and longer with each stroke. “That’s… different.” She smiles with a hint of confusion.

Her hands explore my body more and eventually unclasps my bra for me and tosses it off the side of the bed. Her greedy hands find their way to my chest and start pressing and kneading in all the ways I like.

“You’re a natural.” I encourage with a moan as the combination of her hands and my grinding really get me going.

“I’ve had a lot of practice…” She sighs, her hips starting to grind in counter rhythm to me. I lay myself flat against her body and pull Lilly’s bra up over her magnificent mammaries.

“With boobs like these, I’d be playing with them all the time too!” I tease as I massage them from the side, planting kisses into the soft flesh around her areolas. Her moans are all the go-ahead I need to take her nipples into my mouth. Her hips writhe more intensely and her legs bend, her feet slide up the bed until they almost meet my thighs.

I sit up and run my hands down her torso, the woman beneath me squirming a little more as my hands slip into the hem of her underwear and slip them off her legs in one smooth motion.

M-Molly?” She calls out quietly. I lean into her face and give her a reassuring peck on the lips.

“Don’t worry, you’re going to love this next part.” I trace my tongue down her body, kiss each of her breasts in turn and then continue sliding down her body and the bed until I’m staring at the cutest little bush of blonde pubic hair. I giggle, scritching the curly little mound.

“Is… Is it okay that I’ve got…?” Lilly quietly asks above me and I plant my chin on her pelvis.

“It’s perfectly okay, just adds an extra garnish!”

“That’s so corny…” She groans with an obvious amused look on her face. I smirk and begin kissing around her pubic hair. I move to her plush inner thighs and plants kisses on both. She wiggles at my touch and her hands slide down her body to feel for mine. I interlock the fingers of my left hand with her right as I breathe hotly onto the glistening folds not an inch from my face. Her body shivers and Lilly herself releases a shuddering sigh into the air.

Oh god…” She quietly utters as the fingers of my right hand press against her soft outer folds and reveal the shiny pink flesh beneath. I instinctively take a lungful of her scent in through my nose. That's the good stuff.

“Who’s sniffing who, now?” She shakily titters, gripping my hand a little harder. Rather than banter, I’d rather get to work, starting with the lightest kiss of her perky clitoris, resulting in a sharp gasp. A gentle lick of it earns me a hiss of air sucked in through gritted teeth. A probe of a solitary finger elicits a closed mouth moan. Oh, Lilly, I could play the sweetest symphony with you.

I surge forward and bury my nose into her wispy blonde curls as my mouth suckles on her sensitive spot and Lilly cries out above me. “Oh, God!”

I close my eyes and savour her taste, deploying my tongue to explore every nook and crease, each action producing a wonderful new sound. I hold her hand firm as her body twists at every lick and suck. My fingers dig and search at the roof of her insides until I find the exact spot I’m aiming for. The judder of Lilly’s hips and an audible shriek makes me smile as much as I can with my face buried in her. With my two-pronged attack now underway, the symphony of Lilly’s ecstasy begins in earnest.

“M-Molly! That’s! Gooood!” Her vocal encouragement gives me leave to mix things up a little as I release her hand and hold her thigh tightly, lifting her lower half to allow me a better vantage. My arm hooks over the top of her thigh from beneath, my thumb rubbing her clit in circles as my tongue laps at the delicious nectar she’s produced so far.

Her gasps and moans steady as I slow to a teasing pace. She’s frustrated, good, that’s what I want. I moan a little into her and that makes her respond in kind, her hands reaching desperately for my head, her fingers tangling in my hair as she fidgets uncontrollably.

Molly… I’m so close” The quiet yet urgent whimper makes me switch back to my two-pronged attack on her outer and inner clusters of nerves. I relentlessly suck and lick while my fingers vibrate violently on her spot, building her vocal throes to their inevitable crescendo.

Lilly’s hands clench my hair tightly, her thighs becoming a vice around my neck as her whole body bucks and tenses up erratically. She lets out a drawn-out guttural squeal. There we go… That’s what I wanted. I continue my work until her whole body convulsions stop and she releases me, her limbs collapsing uselessly onto the bed. With a satisfied sigh and a contented smile, Lilly manages to huff out a “Thank… You… Molly…”

“I wouldn’t thank me just yet,” I grin down at the sweaty woman. My fingers wipe away the errant wetness around my lips and jaw, each being sucked clean with a satisfyingly audible ‘pop’. “I’m nowhere near done with you.”

Lilly can only offer a crooked smile and a nervous, unsure giggle at my suggestion. Okay, not right now. I hop off the bed and scuttle my way to the table near the window and pour her a glass of water. I amble my way back to the bed and offer it to her as she sits up, resting against the headboard.

“You’d didn’t need to, I could have…” She accepts the glass with a little quake and I shake my head.

“Can you even move your legs right now?” I ask, rhetorically. I already saw her struggle to shuffle up the bed using only her shaking arms.

Good point.” She quietly admits as I clamber onto the bed again, rolling a little then crawling up the bed to Lilly’s side. She offers the glass to me and I sip only a little, depositing the glass on the bedside table. I open my arms and Lilly is more than happy to nestle into my embrace. I brush the damp bangs from her face, running my fingers across her face a little.

“How’re you feeling now?”

“Feeling like I should have taken you up on your offer at Hanako’s hen party…” She huffs with a look of astonishment, nuzzling her head against mine affectionately. “This has been fun. And if you say there’s more to come, well…”

“I’ll let you rest a little before I do more unspeakable things to you. I’m glad you enjoyed that though.”

She lets out a little ‘Mm-hm!’ as I idly play with Lilly’s hair, she tilts her head awkwardly. Her eyes move in the vague direction of where my hands are.

“Are you braiding my hair again, Molly?”

“Huh? Oh, sorry…” I sheepishly reply, withdrawing my hands.

“You did that on the plane over here too; why?”

“I dunno, I just like to braid cute girls’ hair. Mine, yours, Suzu’s…”

“You care a lot about Suzu, don’t you?” Lilly sits up, leaving my arms empty. She ‘looks’ back at me, curling her legs sideways up to her and leaning on one hand.

“Yeah… But I can’t have her right now and that’s fine.” I answer honestly, even if a little sadly.

“Then she’s a very lucky woman, indeed.” She looks down, smiling bittersweetly. Ugh, I don’t want this evening to turn into an introspective downer… I came here to forget about that whole mess. I place my hand on Lilly’s face and rub her cheek with my thumb.

“Hey, can we not talk about my ex while our tits are out? I’d very much like to keep my attention on the beautiful woman right in front of me.” My joke hits the mark, making Lilly laugh airily.

“Then, please, show this beautiful woman what else you have in mind…” She smiles and closes the distance between us, kissing my neck and chest. How can I refuse?

I wake as the bright morning sun slices through the crack in the curtains and beams directly into my face. I sit up and find myself alone, amongst dishevelled sheets and the funk of a hot night of torrid sex that still lingers in the air. I crawl to the edge of the bed, my flesh sticky and my lower back muscles aching, to find my legs where I left them along with my liner and stockings but my underwear and sari are nowhere to be seen.

Lilly?! You still here?” I call out and hear shuffling behind the twin bifold doors that separate the bedroom and the living room. One of the doors folds and slides open to reveal Lilly; dressed and showered and looking the complete opposite to me.

“Good morning, Molly! Oh my, I really should have opened a window before I closed the door…” She titters as she hurries toward the windows, opening them as much as they will allow. “How’re you feeling this morning?”

She’s so cheery and gorgeous and I’m sitting here like sweaty rubbish.

“I’ll feel a little more human once I have a shower but where are my clothes?” I ask and she laughs.

“Oh, I’m having the staff dry clean your sari and underwear. I’d feel just awful if you had to do a ‘walk of shame’ in… less-than-fresh clothes.” She smirks knowingly in the direction of the bed but not at me. I’ll take it. “I’ve also took the liberty of ordering breakfast so why don’t you hop into the shower and I’ll find something you can wear in the meantime.” Wow. She really thought of everything.

Cleaner, preened, and wearing a baggy tank-top and shorts that Lilly lent to me; I sit across from the woman whose bed I shared last night. Her hair is neatly combed and in a high ponytail but is much more casual that I’m used to. She dressed rather modestly compared to that slinky dress from last night; now in a burgundy turtleneck and slacks.

Mm. The tea is wonderful, are you sure you won’t have some?” She comments with a smile.

“I don’t want to ruin the mood with another argument about tea, I’m happy with coffee for now, thanks.” I chuckle, sipping the dark nectar.

“Very true. Why ruin the mood with you being wrong?” She pokes as she takes another sip. Playing games again. She’s more like her cousin than she’d probably admit. She’s lucky she’s got a fantastic body.

“I’d rise to that blatant bait but, in all honesty; you are, by far, the most pleasant and politest one night stand I’ve ever had.” I laugh, crossing my legs. No one has ever got me a coffee the morning after, let alone offered to dry clean my clothes.

“Thank you, I wanted to show my appreciation for such a wonderful night.” She beams, her cheeks glowing just a little.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your first taste of being a bisexual disaster.” I snicker, the wordplay not lost on Lilly who closes her eyes and stifles her laughter, blowing the amusement out of her nose.

“While I doubt this is something I will indulge in full-time, it was certainly a… palatable experience.” She acknowledges with a cute tilt of her head. Oh, it was definitely palatable. A knock at the door draws both our attentions and I hop to my feet before Lilly can.

“I’ll get it.” I trot over to the door and peek through the peephole to see a concierge with a dry cleaning bag draped over one arm. I open the door and the man looks a little shocked.

“Um, Ms Satou?” He raises a quizzical eyebrow at me and I have to make a conscious effort to speak in Japanese after a whole night of English.

“Yeah, I can take that for her. It’s technically mine anyway.” I laugh, plucking the bag from his arm. He gives a bemused smile before bowing and walking away. I slip back into English as I thank him and close the door. “Cheers, mate! Have a good’un!”

“Everything in order?” Lilly asks as I unzip the bag to find not only my sari freshly cleaned but my underwear too. Finally!

“Yup, looks good! Just gonna slip my bra and knickers on and I’ll get out of your hair. I know you need to start packing and I don’t want your sister giving you grief for my staying over.” I say, quickly slipping out of the clothes given to me. I half-expect Lilly to turn away as I disrobe but she doesn’t. Whether because she doesn’t really need to or because the thought of me being naked doesn’t really shock her anymore.

“It’s a shame I have to leave tonight…” Lilly laments as I’m wearing nothing but my legs, she has such uncanny timing sometimes.

“I knoooow! This was really fun.” I hop back into the jeans I fully intend to return later before the gang see her off at the airport. “But you’ll be back in Japan soon enough, right? Can’t be long until Shizune and Hisao tie the knot!”

She smirks. “Is that the only time we’ll get to meet again? For wedding hook-ups?”

“Or whenever you’re in town on business. Y’know. Circumstances permitting.” I shrug, pulling the tank top down over my torso.

“I’m not very experienced with such a… casual arrangement.” She admits, her face contorted a little in frustration. “Though this trip has been one for firsts, admittedly.”

“Don’t worry so much, Lills. I wouldn’t want to see that pretty face get crows feet.” I take a step towards her and place a hand on her cheek. “You did have fun, right?” I ask, hopefully. Her eyes drift to the sudden contact and then close with a contented smile.

“Very much so.” She nods and I go in for a hug, one which she reciprocates in earnest. I break out of the hug only for her hand to catch my chin and her lips to find mine. She kisses me one last time before stepping back.


“I hope we can do this again soon, Dr Kapur.” She smiles demurely at me and I really hope she means that. I sling the dry cleaning bag over my shoulder and purse my lips as I step backwards out of Lilly’s room.

“I’ll be seeing you, Ms Satou. Count on it.” The door closes and I puff out my chest with a mix of pride and satisfaction as I head for the elevator. I step inside and rock giddily back and forth with a huge grin as the doors close. I couldn’t be more pleased with myself as I strut through the reception, earning a few curious glances.

‘Walk of shame’? Nah, mate. I just shagged Lilly Satou! This is a walk of triumph.

Last edited by Sharp-O on Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:12 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Asoko_Desu »

Nice one - fun and unexpected; fertile ground for future stories I'm sure! Also - seems I'm not the only one with dancing on the mind :D
sat all on her tod…
is this slang? If so, it's from a part of the world I haven't been to.

"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Feurox »

Asoko_Desu wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:05 pm Nice one - fun and unexpected; fertile ground for future stories I'm sure! Also - seems I'm not the only one with dancing on the mind :D
sat all on her tod…
is this slang? If so, it's from a part of the world I haven't been to.

Reminds me of some proofreading edits I had back from Lap recently where he kept asking what 'Room for a little one?' meant. :lol:

Great story Sharp-O. I don't tend to enjoy Smut, but I did quite enjoy the rather messy setting more than anything. I've been to two weddings in the last year, (the first of my friends to get married really) and I can see the setting just as you have there ha! It's a fairly... messy concoction. Great work, very vivid.
My Molly Route
Ekephrasis and Other Stories
I hate when people ruin perfectly good literature with literary terminology.
- CraftyAtom
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Sharp-O »

Feurox wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:29 am Great story Sharp-O. I don't tend to enjoy Smut, but I did quite enjoy the rather messy setting more than anything. I've been to two weddings in the last year, (the first of my friends to get married really) and I can see the setting just as you have there ha! It's a fairly... messy concoction. Great work, very vivid.
Thank you, man! That's exactly what I was going for. Strip away the veneer of fairy tale romance from Cordially Invited and it'd be full of the messiest, horniest hook-ups you could imagine (Looking at you, Emi) and it's why I chose this timeframe/event for the basis. I could see Lilly going for it in a moment of emotional weakness and then copping some feelings, hence her dialogue choices near the end. Hell, I think Lilly has a total demisexual vibe.

But yeah, this was fun after writing Rika fluff/drama for a while.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Asoko_Desu »

Reminds me of some proofreading edits I had back from Lap recently where he kept asking what 'Room for a little one?' meant. :lol:
OK, fine - I'll bite; what does "Room for a little one?" mean? (no - Urban Dictionary was no help, I checked)

"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Asoko_Desu »


Last edited by Asoko_Desu on Sat Sep 16, 2023 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "A Spot of T... & A" 13/9/23

Post by Sharp-O »

Asoko_Desu wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 10:26 pm

Reminds me of some proofreading edits I had back from Lap recently where he kept asking what 'Room for a little one?' meant. :lol:
OK, fine - I'll bite; what does "Room for a little one?" mean? (no - Urban Dictionary was no help, I checked)
Essentially "room for one more?" but can be ironic if it's a large person.

And can you not do your own writing prompts in my one-shot thread, please?
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Hierarchy Of Needs" 20/9/23

Post by Sharp-O »

As she beat her fists uselessly against the door, Shizune Hakamichi imagined it as the face of the irresponsible custodian who had locked the door to the Student Council Room without checking it’s occupancy first. She’d have their head. Or their job. Whichever caused them the greater pain. It was a small comfort.

Her arms ached and her palms stung but she continued until she finally resorted to just slamming her forehead into the door once, the last useless flail of a defeated young woman.

Trapped in my own Student Council office. How ironic. Her maudlin thoughts cursed her own stupidity and obsessive compulsive need to work. If she hadn’t come in after classes to work, after already pulling long hours all week, she’d never have fallen asleep.

No key, no phone, no escape. Trapped and alone.

The vibration of something else hitting the door made Shizune jump backwards, reflexively putting up her arms, ready to fight whatever was trapped with her. She considered the figure before her - a red-haired student in a male student uniform wearing a backpack, prodding and kicking at the door with the their bare feet. No arms. Familiar, definitely someone she’s seen around school. How’d they get stuck in here with me?

Shizune lowered her arms and tapped them on the shoulder. The person stopped and turned to face her. Ah, a female student. She looked at Shizune with huge, verdant green eyes. A blank expression that betrayed no emotion. First thing’s first; establish communication.

[Do you understand sign?] Shizune asked with practiced and purposeful hand movements. I can’t hear her but I can read her lips. We can go from there.

The student watched Shizune’s hands move curiously and then looked her directly in the eyes. Her mouth moves and, to Shizune’s keen powers of observation, clearly says “I don’t speak hands. No arms.” She then waggled her short arms for emphasis. Right then, that makes things more difficult but not impossible, Shizune thought.

She retrieved a pen and paper pad from her desk, jotting down an introduction and then flashing it to the student.

{I’m Shizune, Student Council President. Who are you? How’d you get trapped in here?}

The student read the note and nodded in understanding. She gestured with her head toward the pen in Shizune’s hand and raised her bare foot, adjusting her weight to account for the backpack. She flexed her toes expectantly, the soles of her feet discoloured from walking around the school. After a couple moments of confusion, Shizune placed the pen delicately between the two biggest toes. She knelt down to make it easier for the girl to write. With a surprising amount of dexterity for a pen between toes, the student wrote on the pad.

{I’m Rin, I was looking for Emi, couldn’t find her, stayed in one place so she’d find me. Fell asleep.}

Okay, Shizune nodded, that explains it. She’d question the absurdity of the situation but they were already in it now. The whys and hows would be counterproductive to the real question - what now?

It’s past 8pm, we’re likely only going to be here for a few hours. Misha will no doubt come looking for me. She’s good like that. Rin’s friend should also be looking for her. In the meantime, we should make sure we can survive that long.

Rin flicked the pen toward Shizune unexpectedly, who flinched and scrambled to catch the errant projectile. Pen secured, Shizune glared a little at Rin as she straightened up. Okay, I can’t have her throwing my favourite pen at me all night. There has to be a better way…

Shizune assessed her surroundings, taking stock of her kingdom. The contents of this room and the closet were all they had to use but first, she needed to establish what both Rin and herself needed in the immediate future. Shizune looked at the large blackboard behind her desk and then the dry erase board on an adjacent wall. She nodded and trotted to the white board, removing it from it’s hooks on the wall.

Shizune placed it down on the floor and knelt beside it, picking up two pens; one blue, one red. She uncapped both markers and wrote her name in bold, clear capitals. Rin sidled up to her and looked at the large, white canvas before her. She wanted to write something as well. She flexed her toes and Shizune placed the red marker between them.

Shizune nodded with a smile at Rin as she scrawled her own name next to Shizune’s. Rin nodded placidly. Communication established, now for what we need. Shizune began writing in the dead centre of the board, an almost bullet-pointed list of what they could conceivably need until they were both freed.


Rin tilted her head curiously, her mouth moving but too mumbled for Shizune to really follow. Rin stopped and looked at Shizune, who could only shrug, having not understood Rin’s point.

This is no time for metaphor. Be clear, Rin, Shizune urged with her eyes. Rin seemingly understood as she inched closer and drew two streaks of red from the word Bathroom and then wrote two options.

Ah, that’s a good point, Shizune thought, we need to be clear about if we need to do either of these. Shizune pointed to the word Pee and pointed at Rin. Rin shook her head. Shizune pointed to the word Poop next and Rin shook her head once more. Small mercies, Shizune thought, but we still need a solution to the problem.

She snapped her fingers, Rin recoiling at the sound. Shizune rushed to the closet where they kept many of the general supplies for Student Council duties but also the cleaning supplies. She held up a black, plastic bucket and placed it on the ground.

The brief second of pride for a brilliant idea was immediately dashed as she realises that there’s no real privacy and she may need to assist Rin should she need to use it. Shizune shuddered a little at the thought before shaking her head.

No, I am the Student Council President. I serve the interests of the student body and if a student’s body needs my help - any kind of help - I will not shirk that responsibility.

She looked at the bucket again and grimaced a little. Still, I should make this as private as I can. She looked at the tables around her. She flipped one onto it’s side carefully and moved it to block the view of the bucket. She moved around to where Rin was standing, writing on her pad as she did.

{Is that private enough if we need to use it?} She asked, looking to Rin for an answer. Rin tilted her head and then walked around to where the bucket was, squatting down a little while maintaining eye contact with Shizune. As weird as the display was, it was an effective demonstration that their lower halves would be obscured from view. They nodded to each other, both satisfied with the solution for now.

Returning to the board, Rin picked up her marker and drew more lines from the other options, all to a single point, next to which she writes a simple one word answer before shuffling the backpack off her shoulders. It hit the floor with a soft ‘pomf’ sound that Rin liked. It reminded her of jumping onto a beanbag.

With an uncanny deftness, Rin unzipped the backpack and opens it with her feet, revealing the contents. A blanket, a couple bottles of water, and some snacks. A picnic.

{And you’re willing to share?} Shizune writes and Rin affirms by plucking a water bottle out by it’s neck and offers it with a smile.

Shizune accepted the gift with a grin. A picnic does sound nice, even under the current situation. With the list of needs satisfied for the moment, Shizune knelt before the board again.

A means of escape. The door was locked, as were the windows, but given how insightful Rin had been so far, maybe she’d have a solution Shizune hadn’t thought of. That was Shizune’s hope anyway.


I guess even Rin has her limits.


The hours pass and the two bonded. They learned each other’s favourite things, a little more insight into what made each other tick. Shizune appreciated how concise Rin’s answers on the board were, given how long it seemed to take her to answer questions when speaking. Her mouth moved very quickly and what words Shizune was able to gather seemed like nonsense.

Rin pondered the board and felt a little bit of amusement. That this limited form of communication was much more effective than her words ever could be, especially since they were currently falling on literal deaf ears. She was being understood, even if it was just a little.

Rin drew a little flower in the corner using the other markers and Shizune tried her best to draw Rin. It was sloppy but Rin nodded approvingly. She scrawled on Shizune’s notepad that she was an artist and wanted to do a mural for the next festival. Shizune clapped excitedly and wrote that she looked forward to seeing it.

Shizune indulged her competitive streak by challenging Rin to the simplest game they could play using the board; tic-tac-toe. It wasn’t chess, but Shizune wanted to see how keen Rin’s mind was all the same. She was caught unprepared by Rin’s out-of-the-grid thinking, however. Shizune fumed at the girl’s audacity. To so flagrantly disregard rules and still claim to win annoyed Shizune beyond measure. Rin simply rocked from side-to-side, a little smug to have beaten Shizune.



The avenues of conversation dried up as more hours passed. It couldn’t be much longer, right? Surely one of our friends noticed our absence, Shizune mused. She silently sighed as she walked toward the makeshift bathroom. She’d been holding out for as long she could but had no other option now. Rin was content to amuse herself doodling as Shizune did her business.

The faint smell of bleach hit Rin’s nostrils and she looked over towards Shizune, an embarrassed look on her face as she poured a small amount of the foul-smelling cleaner into the bucket.

Shizune walked to the windows and looked around, lamenting that she’d had to resort to doing that in front of another student. She then went to the door and looked through the small window, moving her head every which way in the hopes of catching a glimpse of any kind of rescuer. No such luck.

A yawn escaped her lips as she pulled a couple chairs together so she could lay along them. Rin looked up from the board as Shizune folded her arms and closed her eyes, intent on a little rest. She pondered the woman with a tilt of her head, following her bespectacled face down her uniform-clad body to her exposed, slender legs.

Rin looked down at the board. She sighed as the cluster of words became more and more faded until, finally, her red marker ran out of ink. She tossed it aside and looked around. She didn’t like the pink and green for writing. They weren’t writing colours, they were flower colours. Her foot stretched across the board and plucked Shizune’s pen up. She wrote the word again but it felt inherently wrong to her.


Shizune wasn’t boring though. Using her pen - her colour - for a word that wasn’t hers was wrong. Rin released the pen from her grasp and stretched out her legs and arms, lolling her head back-and-forth. She tucked her legs underneath herself and rose. She stepped toward Shizune and gently tapped her shoulder, the bespectacled girl jumping at the sudden contact.

Rin returned to the board and pointed with her big toe. Shizune, I need to use the bathroom. Shizune looked curiously at the board and then to Rin. Her cheeks became flush at the realisation but nodded in agreement as she swallowed her fear and pride. Rin is a student in need of help and it’s my duty to help in any way I can.

The pair stepped behind the table and Shizune mentally worked out the logistics of the operation ahead. She nodded to herself and stepped in front of Rin, raising her eyebrows a little, almost asking permission. Rin closed her big eyes and nodded solemnly; giving permission.

Shizune reached for Rin’s belt and carefully unbuckled it, separating the two interlocking parts, then she unbuttoned the green uniform slacks. The heavy belt made the slacks drop immediately now they were free of any friction maintaining their hold on Rin’s hips. Shizune stepped back, startled. She watched in shock as Rin stepped out of them and kicked them off to the side. Rin awaited Shizune to assist further patiently. It’s okay if it’s with a girl, Rin remembered Emi saying.

Shizune’s eyes darted up and down the half-naked girl in front of her, panicked, but when Rin started to jostle from side-to-side desperately - her resolve returned. She had only just slid Rin’s striped underwear down to her mid-thighs when Rin suddenly went down into a squat, surprising her. Shizune’s hands instinctively hook under Rin’s armpits to steady her, her head turned to stare at the wall. Emi helps Rin do this sort of thing, right? That’s what she told me, anyway. It’s not that strange, Shizune tried to reassure herself.

The soft tapping on her arms drew Shizune’s attention back to Rin, indicating that she was done. Shizune had a look of unease as she lifted Rin upright again and reached for the packet of tissues she had used earlier. Rin looked guiltily at Shizune and shook her red locks from side-to-side adamantly, indicating that Shizune didn’t need to do that.

Shizune gulped and put on her sternest expression and gestured for Rin to squat a little again. Proper hygiene is important, even in these trying circumstances, Shizune’s resolve was absolute. They were not animals; decorum would be maintained to the best of her ability.

With a wad of tissue laid flat in her palm, Shizune went about the delicate procedure, anxious to do it as quickly as possible. Pressing her hand against Rin’s inner thighs, Shizune noted how Rin began to tremble a little. She placed a hand on her shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile. It’ll be over in a second, please bear with it. Her hand hovered just below Rin’s femininity and Shizune gulped. She padded the tissue against her once softly and Rin quaked, her mouth opening as her eyes closed. Shizune did it once more and Rin’s legs buckled underneath her.

Shizune grabbed Rin tightly and held her up as her hot breath warmed Shizune’s chest through her blouse. A panic attack? Anxiety? Trauma? Shizune listed off all the reasons for this reaction in her mind, unable to comprehend the why of what just happened. Rin’s shaking stopped and she looked up at Shizune, who cocked her eyebrow at the girl. Are you okay?

Rin nodded rapidly and Shizune quickly pulled her underwear back up. Rin watched bewildered as Shizune retrieved the green slacks and offer them open. She furrowed her brows at Shizune and shook her head. No, no, that’s not what’s meant to happen next. I don’t understand.

Rin stepped back, away from Shizune, shaking her head. Shizune looked at the girl, puzzled. She shook the slacks in her hand again, urging the girl to step back into them. Rin refused, simply turning away and walking to the board. Rin wanted to be understood and the board helped. She’ll understand me through the board, it’s like magic. She has to.

Rin plucked the blue marker up once more and wrote with a determined look on her face that captured Shizune’s interest. Rin didn’t seem like a serious person to Shizune, so this new attitude piqued Shizune’s interest quite a bit. What was her game?

Rin stood before the word that expressed her feelings and hoped would make it clear to Shizune. Shizune stepped up beside Rin and read the board, her hand reaching for her mouth in shock.


Shizune’s eyes went wide as she frantically waved her hands in front of her and shook her head violently. No, no, there’s no damn way. I’m glad to help but that’s going too far! She rapidly stepped back away from Rin, who looked at her with hurt and confusion. She looked down at exposed legs and threw her arms out wide in frustration. Even the board couldn’t make Shizune understand.

Shizune watched as Rin’s whole demeanour changed, her shoulders slumped and her face hidden behind her red hair. It was like the girl was shrinking before her eyes. Rin skulked away from the board, to the furthest corner away from Shizune. Shizune felt a powerful need to comfort the girl in that moment. She instinctively reached out but couldn’t find the courage to step forward. Her arms dropped uselessly to their sides as she moved towards the door. She turned off the lights to the room and returned to her chair, determined to block out this uncomfortable air.


With a stretch of her arms and interlocked fingers, Shizune checked her watch and sighed in an annoyed way. Barely twenty minutes had passed. The hours passed slowly enough with boredom but she’d realised this troublesome atmosphere was not conducive to good rest. Nor was the nagging feeling that she’d let down a student under her charge.

Having had time to think, she’d realised why Rin had reacted the way that she did and it was somewhat understandable - even if Shizune was uncomfortable with those kinds of feelings being expressed so casually. Shizune lifted her glasses, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and middle finger, knowing that she had a duty of care towards Rin.

Her gaze drifted to the corner of the room that Rin had slunk to only to find it empty. Shizune span around her chair, desperately looking for Rin, finding the tell-tale shock of red hair behind the overturned table. The dull blue spectrum of the darkened room could do little to hide that bright mane. Like a beacon in the dark. Shizune took several tentative steps towards the girl. Rin faced away from Shizune, rocking slowly back and forth. Shizune felt a pang of guilt that she’d hurt Rin’s feelings but not as much as what she witnessed before her.

Rin kneeled astride the rolled-up picnic blanket, grinding her pelvis against it with a pained look of frustration and sadness. The moonlight made the stream of tears down her cheeks glisten. Shizune balled her fists tightly as she saw the desperation in Rin’s face.

Rin noticed the shadow engulfing her illicit actions and her head snapped to Shizune in fear. Her giant green eyes circled by puffy, wet flesh. She looked down and Shizune despaired as she watched Rin speak.

It’s not working. It just hurts.

A veritable hurricane of emotion enveloped Shizune as she stood there, her shadow like a veil of darkness across Rin. Rage and disgust; that she’d allowed this to happen. Pity and sadness; for this poor girl who couldn’t act on her desires. Resolve; that she wouldn’t continue to fail this student in her time of need.

Shizune slapped her own face, the sound making Rin flinch then look up. Shizune painted on her best smile and stepped forward, crouching down and taking hold of Rin’s biceps. She motioned with her head for Rin to stand and the girl obeyed, trembling as she rose. Shizune saw the soft reddened flesh of Rin’s inner thighs and frowned. She’d have rubbed herself raw? Shizune hated the thought. She put her smile back on as she rose to meet Rin’s eyeline.

Shizune delicately brushed Rin’s hair out of her face, wiping the girl’s tears with her thumbs and then planting a soft, almost motherly kiss on her forehead. I can show you a better way. Shizune guided Rin to the other side of the overturned table and patted the tabletop’s edge. Rin looked confused and Shizune rolled her eyes, cocking her leg over the table to illustrate her point. Rin followed now, attempting the same but not quite able to manage it. Shizune dismounted the table and turned Rin around on the spot, lifting her leg over while holding her steady. Once Rin was stable, the edge of the table pressed against her nethers, Shizune took up position behind her. She wrapped one arm around Rin’s torso to steady her and then, with a firm grip on her thigh, Shizune guided her to grind against the table.

The effect on Rin was immediate as she gasped hard, throwing her head back onto Shizune’s shoulder. I told you so, Shizune thought smugly as the young woman in her arm's grasp continued her rhythm whilst also backing up a little with each gyration. Inch-by-inch, pressing more and more back against Shizune, inadvertently making Shizune’s own hips grind against the table.

Shizune was happy Rin was no longer crying. The moans and whimpers reverberating through Rin’s body were more in tune with the pleasure she was feeling than the sadness, and that gave Shizune a small amount of satisfaction. Maybe it was the warm body grinding against her, maybe it was how Rin submitted to her so willingly, but something in Shizune began to enjoy this much more than she anticipated.

Rin, in the meanwhile, wasn’t thinking much of anything anymore - she was in the blissful throes of pure animalistic lust. She felt the smooth plastic runner on the table edge become slicker with each gyration, felt the soft warm flesh of Shizune’s legs pressed against her hindquarters, and felt the Student Council President’s hot breath in her hair. She wasn’t thinking but she was feeling - and she was felt good.

The pair synced up as Shizune nestled her chin into Rin’s nape, hugging her tighter as their mutual motions quickened. Rin let out a long satisfied sigh and quaked in Shizune’s grip as she herself moaned deep into her own throat and quivered. They sat atop the table for mere moments of euphoria before Rin pitched sideways off the edge of the table, taking Shizune with her.

They landed pretty hard; Shizune taking the brunt of Rin’s fall for her. She was happy to do it but she still cursed up a storm in her own mind as she winced, pulling her arm from under the limp Rin. She rubbed it tenderly, thinking about how big the bruise would be. Shizune crawled next to Rin to check on her; a grinning face slumped into the carpet with her posterior in the air, a soft snore escaping her lips. Shizune huffed to herself in amusement and shook her head ruefully.

She used the table to push herself up onto her wobbly legs. She nursed her sore left arm as she leaned over the table and retrieved the rolled-up picnic blanket. She shook it loose with her right arm and, with a flourish like she was laying a table, she covered the sleeping Rin. For the time being, Shizune was content to let her sleep. There’d be time in the morning for a stern lecture about maintaining boundaries and, most especially, keeping secrets.


Rin awoke to find herself cocooned in the picnic blanket. Am I a butterfly now? She mused, rocking her shoulders to squirm out of it. No wings, she thought as she waggled her arms. She stood in the magic hour light that poured into the Student Council Room from the windows and she inhaled deeply. Rin crinkled her nose at the stale air and faint stench of bleach. She looked around and spotted Shizune slumped in the two chairs she put together last night, splayed out like a discarded ragdoll. A muted high-pitched squeal called Rin’s attention towards the door, a surprisingly horrific visage pressed firmly against the glass of the tiny window.

“Ricchan!” The face shrieked. There was clearly some manner of monster clawing and scraping at the door. Rin was sure she was awake but decided to consult Shizune, just in case she wasn’t. With the faintest nudge of her left bicep, Shizune bolted upright, gasping in shock at the prodding of a sensitive spot. She winced and looked at Rin, haloed in golden light, who simply pointed towards the door as it crashed open and a brown-haired girl tumbled inwards onto the floor.

Misha grumbled as she found herself face first in the carpet. Not the most dashing entrance for a rescue, she thought to herself. She had grand notions of rescuing a helpless, lonely Shizune but instead found her more than safe with another girl. She got up onto all fours, her hazel brown bangs framing her manic expression.

“Shicchan! Ricchan! I’m soooo glad you’re safe!” She wailed, getting up and dusting herself off before opening her phone. “They’re in the Student Council Room, Emi!”

Shizune scrunched her eyes closed then blinked a few times before getting up and stretching, popping and clicking joints back into place. She’d slept in worst positions but couldn’t think of many.

[“Wahaha~! Where are your pants, silly Ricchan?!”] Misha communicated in both sign and sound for the benefit of both girls. Shizune was quick to sign back.

[Over by the bathroom-slash-bucket, behind that desk. Where the hell have you been?]

Shizune watched Misha giddily laugh as she skipped across the room to retrieve Rin’s uniform slacks. She scribbled quickly onto her pad and showed it to Rin.

{We didn’t have sex last night, okay?} She raised an expectant eyebrow at Rin who simply nodded. Shizune flipped the pad closed and began to gather up the blanket and stuffed it haphazardly into Rin’s backpack.

“And why aren’t you wearing pants, anyway, Ricchan?!” Misha boldly asks. Rin looks down at the brown-haired girl jostling her slacks at her legs. Rin stepped into them and Misha helpfully pulled them up and secured them.

“I needed the bathroom and Shizune helped me.” Rin explained plainly.

“Shizune is very helpful, isn’t she?” Misha beamed, proud of her friend. An appreciation that ran much deeper than she’d openly admit. “Didn’t you want to put your pants after you were done?”

“I think I fell asleep afterwards.” Rin frowned, as if trying to recall the night’s events before turning red. “We didn’t have sex.” Rin’s words were just as matter of fact as her others, but uttered much more quickly. An embarrassed addendum that Misha’s ears were keen to pick up on.

Misha stopped buckling Rin’s belt and tilted her head in confusion. “I… didn’t… think… you… did.”

“Shizune thought it best to make that clear.” Rin nodded sagely, unaware that her clear wording would cause more confusion than anything else she could ever say. Misha opened her mouth to question Rin further when Shizune came into her periphery, slipping the straps of Rin’s backpack onto her slender shoulders.

“Rin! There you are! I’ve been worried sick!” Emi cried from the doorway, the soft tac-tac-tacing of her legs accompanying her run. She pounced on her friend and hugged her tightly. “I’ve had half the dorms out looking for you! Misha and Taro and Miki and Haruhiko and the track capta-”

“I’m sorry, Emi. I missed you. Shizune took care of me.” Rin said and Misha looked curiously between the red-haired girl and the softly smiling Shizune as she dutifully interpreted for Shizune - even if Misha wasn’t sure she was paying attention.

“Thank you, Shizune! I hope she wasn’t too much trouble!” Emi exclaimed as she pounced on Shizune next. She smiled sympathetically and signed behind her back.

“She’s not that much of a handful. I found our time together to be enlightening.” Misha spoke aloud, translating for Emi and Rin’s benefits. Emi dragged her friend towards the door but Rin stopped dead to face Shizune. She bowed deeply and smiled as she straightened up, saying nothing. Shizune bowed her head a little with a smile.

With Emi and Rin out of sight, Shizune’s strong exterior crumbled immediately, comfortable doing so in the presence of her best friend and confidante.

[How are you feeling, Shicchan?] Misha asked cautiously and Shizune answered with a bewildered look and lazily signed [Tired. Very tired.]

She went about flipping the table back onto it’s legs and then retrieving the bucket for a quick disposal. As Shizune hurried out of the room, Misha placed the marker pens back on their tray and gingerly picked up the whiteboard from the centre of the room. She looked at the bizarre scrawling with much bemusement and placed it back on the wall.

She analysed the board closely; from the plan of action to the info exchange, the cute doodles to the game Shizune obviously lost. That made Misha giggle. But when she saw one particular word, she pursed her lips. It’s in blue, which means Shicchan must have written it, right? The thought intrigued and excited Misha in equal measure.

Between what was clearly one of Shizune’s personal thoughts on the board and what Rin was-slash-wasn’t saying; a devilish, playful hum came from Misha’s throat as she picked up the pink marker. That the woman she secretly admired was capable of such base desires, much less with a girl - why that idea was exactly what Misha was hoping for as she put marker to board.

A loud, piercing snap rang out from the doorway. Misha span on one foot to see Shizune tiredly sigh.

[Leave that for now, I’ll clean it later. Let’s just get the hell out of here. I need coffee.]

[“Right you are, Shicchan! Let’s get you caffeinated! Wahaha~!”] Misha announced as she chased after Shizune, her long brown hair flowing carefree behind her as she did.

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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Hierarchy Of Needs" 20/9/23

Post by Feurox »

I told you my thoughts on this story on the KS server, but posting here because we all love our comments ;) Great story, thought not one I personally engaged with. (Me, not you!). As always I ended up really liking your Shizune, but Rin just felt off to me... Regardless, I did really enjoy the use of the whiteboard motif and the extra work you put into making it develop as we go was really appreciated, it really helps to show readers what's happening.

I wrote a story about Rin and Shizune once, and Crafty commented that it was like 'ships passing in the night, but with one thinking the other is derelict and the other mistaking it for a whale.' I think some of that applies here, ha, but Shizune really puts the work in to understand Rin, and I think goes beyond the pale.

Great job! Looking forward to your next story.
My Molly Route
Ekephrasis and Other Stories
I hate when people ruin perfectly good literature with literary terminology.
- CraftyAtom
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Hierarchy Of Needs" 20/9/23

Post by Frankyo »

Glad to see you still posting and writing even in 2023. I love your Monomyth universe, having read all you've written around last year, and I find your works an enjoyable read!
Girls: Hanako/Misha > Lilly > Emi > Shizune/Rin
Routes: I realized that every route has its own charms, but felt that Shizune's was lackluster. It has Misha though!

"No masters or kings, when the ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin"
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Hierarchy Of Needs" 20/9/23

Post by Sharp-O »

Frankyo wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 9:06 pm Glad to see you still posting and writing even in 2023. I love your Monomyth universe, having read all you've written around last year, and I find your works an enjoyable read!
Thanks, Frankyo! I'm glad you enjoyed Monomyth and hope you enjoyed the new side-stories. I primarily came back after 6 years to finish Flutter but, just like when I used to write back in the day, I just can't help but write one-shots.
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Re: Sharp-O's One-Shots! "Tender & Wild" (SS23) 12/12/23

Post by Sharp-O »

Tender & Wild (SS23 for Lap)


‘Twas the night before winter break, as we approached the girls’ dorm
We were all there to partake, Of camaraderie most warm

“I’m just saying; the math doesn’t add up!” Takashi protested as the four of us made our way across the snowy quad towards the girls’ dorms. My clubmate was being his usual ornery self but that was understandable. While we each have our burdens to bear, those of us with chronic conditions have it the worst so I don’t begrudge his griping.

“Not all of us are looking to hook-up tonight, Maeda…” Hisao rolled his eyes, holding his arms out in protest, his hands firmly in his jacket pockets. The wind caught his splayed open jacket and pushed him back slightly. He quickly closed his jacket and shivered a little. “I’m just thankful I’m not gonna spend winter break alone here.”

“I hear that. Not all of us have happy home lives to go back to and I, for one, would rather spend it with people I actually care for!” Akio huffed, trailing slightly behind us and navigating the freshly falling snow with a little more care than those of us without hollow bird bones.

True to form; our class joker had gone the extra mile and worn a set of foam antlers and light-up red nose. I stop and wait a little for our red-headed reindeer to catch up, the other two stopping once they notice my bulk absent from our line-up. Akio shoots me a smile and I pat his back gently, encouraging him forward.

“Come on, Rudolph.” I smile warmly before addressing the group as a whole. “Now, remember; best behaviour in there. The girls didn’t have to invite us over but we’re going to be gracious guests and we’re not going to be fucking weirdoes, right?”

An assortment of mutterings came from the boys so I cleared my throat and repeated myself for emphasis. “Right?”

“Yes, Taro…” The reply came in unison as we entered the girls’ dorms.

“Hey guys! Glad you could make it!” The cheery Chiharu Kumamoto called out from the near-empty girls’ dorm common room. Chi is also one of my clubmates and was gracious enough to extend an invite when she heard that the four of us would be the only ones from the boys’ dorms left over winter break.

Chi was one of only three, however; Natsume and Hanako from my class were also going to be staying through winter break for their own obvious reasons but I think this little get-together will alleviate all our yuletime blues somewhat.

The area around the TV had been claimed by the trio of girls. The two sofas pulled to form something of a semi-circle, or maybe even a triangle with the TV and the two sofas as its points. With all the assorted blankets, duvets, and scattered pillows; you’d be forgiven in thinking the girls were either having a sleepover or building forts.

Honestly; those both sound like fun but I doubt my rep would survive such an admission. In the centre of the chaos sat a large round table, catered with an assortment of drinks and snacks with a large bowl of liquid in the centre.

“We didn’t know you’d be putting on a spread!” Akio offers the grocery bag of large soda bottles and snacks, placing it delicately amongst the goodies provided by our distaff hosts.

“We th-thought it’d be a n-nice surprise…” Hanako meekly offered from one of the comfier bean bags, just off to the side of the sofa to my left. Hanako’s eyes locked onto Akio as he sat down on the sofa opposite her.

As I called my seat on the sofa next to Hanako, I watched Akio’s face figuratively light-up when he noticed her looking and quickly pressed a button on his plastic nose, which literally lit up with a flashing red light.

Hanako’s child-like mirth warmed my heart. Christmas was always pretty lonely at my home even with my loving step-mother, so to see my school family embrace the silliness of the season really put me in the mood to party, even if partying for this bunch was watching terrible holiday movies.

“Hi, Chi! How’s things?” Takashi asked, making a bee-line for Chiharu and putting on a much more friendly attitude than he had outside. Seems he’s marking his territory early doors but, luckily for him, I know Chi has had her own designs on him for a while.

“Things are good, Takashi! Even better now you guys are here. Nattie’s been itching to get started.” Chi smiles coyly over to the Newspaper Chief, whose ears prick up at the mention of her name after making small-talk with Hisao.

“Seriously; I have some utter dreck to show you guys; it’s going to be great!” Natsume beams, bouncing up and off the sofa. With the opposite sofa occupied by Akio, Takashi, and Chiharu and ours hosting Natsume, Hisao, and myself, with a Hanako hanger-on; we await the first awful holiday movie that Nattie has in mind.

We were invited thus, we were nary prepared
For what would await us, for what would be shared

As Hanako scoops another cupful of punch into a plastic tumbler, the taste reminds me of something… There’s a familiar warm sensation to the fruity concoction that reminds me of the misspent summer of my second year. I taste apple, orange, cranberry, hints of spices…

And bourbon!

My realisation sends my eyes wide as I glance over to Taro on the sofa opposite, who is thoughtfully swirling the punch around in his mouth. He seemingly connects the dots and looks over to me, our shared acknowledgement unspoken to the rest of the group.

One of the girls spiked the punch!

I mean, it would have to be one of them! None of us guys were here when it was made and none of us made a move for it until Hanako started serving it up. It couldn’t have been Hanako, surely… She’s too… Innocent?

“Is something wrong, Akio?” Natsume asks as she gladly accepts the tumbler from Hanako and I freeze. What the hell do I do? Do I say something? Do I accuse them? Think quicker, Akio!

“Nuh-no! Just, ah, trying to figure out where I know that actress from!” I laugh awkwardly, gesturing towards the movie.

“I know what you mean! She’s one of those you see in a bunch of stuff but can never place.” Taro adds like the bro he is, saving my ass once again.

“This is delicious, guys! What is it?” Hisao asks and again, I look at Taro. Is it okay for Hisao to be drinking? Granted, he only fell into my orbit after I found him drinking whiskey on the roof but still…

“It’s called Wassail; Molly taught me how to make it last year!” Natsume offered with a grin. An almost knowing grin. If she made it, it had to be her… “It’s like apple cider but with a bunch of citrus, brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger.”

“It’s super yummy!” Takashi says with a grin before double-guessing what just came out of his mouth by repeating it quietly with a frown; much to Chiharu’s amusement.

“It super is.” She smirks, clonking her plastic tumbler against his. Seems she likes his dorky side. Back on topic, maybe Natsume made it but Chi put in the bourbon? Warm cider with spices would generally hide the bourbon for the uninitiated and only me and Taro seemingly know it’s there.

“I th-think it’s very f-festive. Makes me feel m-merry, anyway.” Hanako beams, her cheeks a little flush but I’m not sure if that’s from her inherent shyness or the booze. I definitely don’t think Hanako should be drinking either.

“It’s very festive. Cheers.” Taro smiles down at our classmate and toasts with her. Argh, am I have to be the responsible one here? I hate being the responsible one…

“Akio! Do the nose again! Hanako thinks it’s funny.” Taro calls over to me and, after seeing Hanako’s expectant gaze, I realise I can’t be the responsible one. At least not while I’m dressed like a reindeer. I push the button on the nose that sets off the light, garnering cheers from both Taro and Hanako. I chuckle and shake my head. If you can’t beat them; out-drink them.

The movie comes to a finish and I observe how everyone is holding up. Taro and I have a higher tolerance than most of the others though Hanako seems to be keeping pace which is fascinating to me. She’s a little less stammer-y which is neat and she’s been actively talking to Taro a whole bunch.

Natsume and Hisao have slunk down into the couch a little, fully relaxing as they add their own little jokes to the movie.

Chi and Takashi, though… Well, they might think they’re being subtle by wrapping a blanket around them but I know they’re probably doing a little more than holding hands.

I get up from my spot and find the punch bowl looking a very empty. Shame, I was getting a nice buzz going.

“Damn, looks like I’m switching to the soda!” I announce, rustling open the bag that we brought with us. A chorus of Aww’s comes from several of the group but Natsume sits up excitedly.

“Hold your horses, Red! We’re out of punch but we’re not out of drink!” She grins as she stands. It was her. Shoulda known… She gets up and slinks around the back of the couch, making her way towards a suddenly frightened Hanako. “I need to tell you all something but I want you to promise not to be mad…”

Natsume, y-you s-said we wouldn’t go overboard!” She quietly protests but Natsume leans behind Hanako, reaching towards a pile of pillows.

“Sorry, Hanako, but I think they ought to thank the person responsible for such a cheery atmosphere…” Natsume says in a weirdly husky tone, a little too close to Hanako. “Everyone; I need to tell you all that the punch was made with more than just my love, it was made with…!”

She stands to her full height, revealing a half-empty bottle of amber liquid with a flourish. “The best whiskey Taro’s money can buy!”

“You son of a bitch! You’ve been holding out on me!” I wheel on Taro immediately with an accusatory finger. “You said you didn’t have any money!”

“I don’t! Not now, at least.” Taro chuckles before throwing an exasperated look toward Natsume. “For a Newsie, you’re real bad at hiding your sources, Nattie… And I thought the punch was going to be the extent of it.”

“C’mooon, Taro! What’s the point in getting the good stuff and not drinking it all?” Natsume hops over Hanako’s legs and stumbles a little, clearly feeling the effects. She rights herself, laughing as she holds her free hand out for balance. “I’m okay, I’m okay!”

She sidles up to me and bumps me out of the way with her hip. She fills my tumbler with a shots-worth of bourbon then the rest with soda. She then fixes a similar drink for herself. She picks both up and hands one to me.


“No problem.” She winks at me before jostling the bottle. “Who else wants one?”

While Natsume plays host, I glance back at my seat and decide I’d rather not be sitting next to the lovebirds. I’m halfway to taking Natsume’s seat when she calls out to me.

“Oi! I’m sitting there!” She protests as Hanako holds both hers and Taro’s tumblers steady.

“Not anymore!” I jeer as I plop down next to Hisao, who looks at me then snorts with laughter.

“Hisao! Tell him to move!” Natsume whines, pouting, but I swing my legs up and fold them across Hisao’s lap.

“On your feet lose your seat, loser.” I stick my tongue out at her. I glance sideways at Hisao, curious to see how he’s reacting to me being so familiar with him and he seems chill about my legs being on him. Not that I’d expect anything less. Outside of Taro, Hisao is one of my best friends and I’m so glad he accepts all of me.

“Fine, guess I’ll put on the next movie and sit with Chi and Taka!” Natsume pouts at me before taking up my former spot.

“That’s not only a great idea; it might just be the greatest idea you’ve ever had!” I point across Hisao’s face at Taro, who is a god damn genius.

“I was kidding, Akio!” Taro laughs, holding the now empty bourbon bottle but as Hanako clears the table of it’s contents, it’s clear she agrees with me. I always knew I liked her for a reason. She’s game for shenanigans and what’s more shenana-nanigan-y than spin the bottle!? Nothing!

“I dunno, that sounds like fun, doesn’t it?” Chi adds, mostly looking at Takashi. I swing my pointing arm around to the other couch, my legs rolling over Hisao’s.

“Yes, Chi! Takashi’s in too!” I adjust my point and the boy in the beret shakes his head with a smirk.

“I’m not gonna poop on the party. Wait…” Takashi realises what he’s said and frowns. My point next goes to Natsume, who is soundly asleep.

“Lightweight! Hisao!” My attention snaps to the boy whose lap I’m mostly in. “You’re in!”

“I guess so.” He purses his lips through a smirk. Good boy.

Hanako, in the meantime, has been a busy little beaver and cleared the table and sat near the TV with cheekiest, expectant smile. I’m happy she’s joining in. The rest of us slide off the couches and position ourselves around the table. Without Natsume, Chi offers to sit opposite Hanako so the spread of girls and boys is a little more even.

“Since it was my idea; I guess I’ll go first.” Taro places the bottle in the centre of the table, hand ready to spin. “If the bottle points to you; you have a choice of truth or dare. If you choose and then decide not to do it, you have to do the other. Everyone cool with that?”

We let the bottle decide, all slaves to fate
We gambled with our pride, for an evening less sedate

The bottle span and span and eventually settled on me. The excitement to play with friends suddenly overwhelmed me as Taro said my name.


I let out an ‘eep’ which makes the others laugh but Taro looked at me with a soft smile. He’s going to take it easy on me because I’m the first. He’s nice like that.

“Truth.” I nod, firm in my decision.

“What’s your favourite colour?” He asked, looking down his nose a little at me with an expectant look. Okay, I was expecting a soft ball question but that’s softer than his belly.

Boo! Lame!” Akio jeers and I can’t help but smile.

“I… Like y-yellow.” I offer and Taro seems satisfied but Akio doesn’t as I take my turn.

“Hope you’ve got something better, Hana. That was weak sauce, Taro!”

“This is my first time playing; I didn’t wanna push anyone too far!”

“T-Takashi.” I interrupt, the bottle settling on the beret-wearing boy from our class.

“Truth.” He sits bolt upright, looking very nervous. He ought to be as I glance over at Chiharu.

“Do you h-have a crush on Chiharu?” I smirk, much to everyone’s shock.

“Um, I, uh…” Takashi squirms in his seat, nervously looking at a very interested Chiharu. Her seductive eyes seem to calm him as he takes a breath and looks to me. “Yeah… I do.”

“That’s sweet, th-thank you.” I smile, blushing almost as much he is. He shares another cute gaze with Chiharu and spins.

“Alright, Hisao… You’re up.” Takashi asks and Hisao stops to think for a second.

“Tru-No, dare.” Hisao folds him arms, locking eyes with Takashi.

“Fuck, uhhhh…” Takashi looks around, as if to find an answer to his predicament. “I dare you to… Uhh… wear Akio’s antlers!”

Both Akio and Hisao look to each other, and then Takashi, with disappointment before Akio takes his antlers off and passes them to Hisao.

“You want the nose too?” Akio asks and Hisao laughs.

“Nah, you look like a clown; it suits you.”

“Fuck you too, buddy.”

“You wish.” Hisao spins and the bottle points my way again. Hisao’s nice but he has spent a lot of time with Akio this year so I’m a little anxious about what he’ll do when I say…


“Ooooh, tough one.” Hisao strokes his chin, looking utterly ridiculous with reindeer antlers. “I dare you to tie your hair up. Like in a bun.”

“O-okay.” I accept, and begin to wind my hair up. Everyone’s eyes are on me and I silently thank Taro for providing such strong alcohol. I don’t think I’d have the courage to show my scars otherwise. I flare my hands out to show my hair is staying where it is for the time being.

Ta-daaah~!” I smile nervously and Hisao grins.

“You’re so pretty, Hanako!” Chiharu says but it’s Akio’s follow-up that sends me into a shyness spiral. A shyral, even.

“That looks so hot.” He says with eyes I’ve never had on me before, almost… lustful? I try not to look at him as I spin the bottle again.


“Sure, I’ll go for a dare too.”

“I d-d-dare you to…” I know what I want to say; if for no other reason than to take attention away from me… “T-t-take your shirt off.”

“Whooooa, Hana! You horny little-” Akio’s excited cheering is cut-off by Takashi cuffing the back of his head. I wince a little, hoping that didn’t hurt him too bad.

When I look back over at Taro, he’s already undressed. His body is pink but he looks comfortable showing off. Maybe he doesn’t have body issues like I thought. Good for him.

“Satisfied, Hanako?” Taro throws me a smirk and I nod, giggling. Glad he’s taking it in stride.

Taro spins and it lands on Chiharu.

“Dare me, big boy.” She says, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

“I know what you want me to do… And since you helped me with that project; I’mma give it to you.” Taro laughs before gesturing to Takashi. “I dare you to kiss Takashi.”

Chiharu practically pushes Akio out of the way to get to Takashi and lock lips with him. We mostly look away as they noisily make-out. Almost a minute goes by before she releases him. Looking very satisfied, she spins.

“And you were worried about the math…” Akio nudges Takashi.

Akio! Aki-Aki-Akio!” Chiharu cheers.

“Truth me.”

“Do you have a cruuuush… On anyone in this room?” Now that’s what I wanted to hear! I try to watch his eyes intently as the make their way around the table but I’m starting to feel a bit fuzzier. He looks back over to Chiharu after circling the table.

“Yeah. A pretty big one.”

“Who?” I ask but Akio wags a finger at me.

“Uh-uh. That’s a different truth!” Daaaamn it!

The spins continue and we each take our turns. Hisao gets dared to swap shirts with Akio, Takashi admits that he’s never had sex, Akio admits he’s had sex with three boys and two girls, Taro asks me if I have a crush and I answer honestly; I have more than one. That got some interesting reactions.

Each spin reveals more and more of ourselves and I feel more connected to my classmates than I have in almost three years.

“Okay, Akio…” Hisao chews his lip as he looks around the room curiously before a devilish smirk tugs at his lips. “I dare you to kiss your crush.”

Akio smirks back as he rises, taking careful steps around Takashi… And then past me. Damn it… Past Taro… And then kneels next to Hisao, whose eyes go wide.

“C’mon dude. You had to see this coming.” Akio whispers as he leans in and plants a gentle peck on Hisao’s lips. Okay, that was so cute, I can’t even be mad! Don’t spurn his feelings, Hisao!

“Wow, I…” Hisao blinks a couple times before smiling. “I’m guess I don’t have to make a big deal about telling everyone, I guess.”

Hisao cups Akio’s face and kisses him back, a little more deeply. Yesssss… I beam at Taro who nods knowingly.

The game kind of disolved after that as the two couples began to make-out more and more… Leaving only me and Taro to play.

As the night wore on, the pairings alighted
The drinking was fun, but now passions ignited

The thump from the back of my head hitting my door doesn’t quite match the clonk of Takashi and mine’s foreheads meeting on the rebound but the pain is dulled enough that we only need to share a small laugh before the tongue-wrestling continues. I somehow manage to fumble my key into the lock and get the door open without untangling with his grip.

We slip inside and I close the door. I’d worry about locking it but I know damn well that Natsume and Hanako live on another floor so I don’t have to worry about my neighbours. Not tonight, anyway.

“I can’t… Believe… Taro…” Takashi gasps as he takes breaths inbetween sloppy kisses.

“I can.” I giggle, tossing his beret to the other side of the room and running my hands through his sandy hair and breathing lustfully into his face. “He’s got a knack for getting things in motion.”

“Huh?” Takashi leans back a little, an incredulous eyebrow darting up his forehead.

“He can clock our attraction and put us in a room with enough social lubricant to get us here, in my room, with your hands on my butt…”

Takashi’s hands quickly leave my behind but a stern look makes him rethink that. My smile returning is his reward as I feel his hands press against my denim-clad rear once more.

“Attaboy… It’s just a shame that Taro can’t see when people are interested in him. You had to have seen it.”

Takashi furrows his brow a little. “No, I don’t think I have…”

“I guess all boys are clueless then.” I laugh as Takashi’s frown of confusion soon becomes focused on me. “That was your cue to kiss me more, ‘Kashi.”

He does as he’s told and I silently thank my clubmate for arranging this. Sure I liked Takashi but he’s always seemed stand-offish most of the time. Weirdly, I find his resting bitch-face kind of cute. Whether confused, annoyed, or just plain clueless; I find the way his nose scrunches to be hella cute.

“Chi, I f-feel I should ask…” Takashi stops suddenly, moving to arms-length while still maintaining a hold on my hips. “Wh-what is g-going to happen tonight?”

And then there’s the other side of Maeda. The one who isn’t sure of himself. He might know his gouache from his goulash but isn’t so good with people. I plant my hands on his shoulders and give the most reassuring smile I can.

“I’m not going to devour you like a praying mantis; if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“Heh, n-no… But like I said earlier… I don’t… I’ve never…”

“Neither have I…” I blush, pressing my body against his and feeling that his protests may ring a little more hollow than even he knows. “But I have done some other stuff before. If that’s what you want.”

“I’d like to try… Stuff.” He smirks a little crookedly but no less earnestly.

“Then kiss me some more and let’s see what… stuff happens.” I wink and pull him towards my bed, kissing him just as passionately. We clamber onto my bed and I ease him into a sitting position against my wall as I rub my hands across his shoulders, kneeling next to him.

The bourbon is making my head spin but not in the familiar way my condition does. It’s an odd sensation; like when I have an episode and my vision distorts but not quite. I break away from our kiss and rub Takashi’s face. My hand seems normal; right shape, right size, but the fuzzy pins-and-needles-esque sensation is new. Must be the booze.

I flex my fingers a little, feeling the new sensation fully. Tingly. Takashi brings his hand up to hold mine, causing my attention to snap to his face.

“Everything okay, Chi? Is it your AIWS?” He asks, a wash of concern comes over him but I simply shake my head.

“No, just never been drunk before. Feels weird. And nice.”

You’re nice.” Takashi mutters, not quite confident in how cute that compliment was.

“Awww! So are you!” I drape myself over him and continue to make out with… My boyfriend? Friend with benefits? Oh, who cares right now…?

My hand slides down his torso as we kiss more; a slight moan into my mouth tells me I’m doing something right. I palm the noticeable bulge in his slacks and smile a little as my fingernails scrape up and down the length of it.


“Does that feel good?” I whisper into his ear, receiving an enthusiastic nod. “Do you want to go further?”

“I…” Takashi’s eyes open to meet mine. “I wanna do you, too.”

I look down at his slacks and then my jeans. “Let’s get out of these then, shall we?”

From girls’ dorms to boys’ own, hands and mouths were occupied
Whilst a sleepy Newsie was prone, listening to friends as they imbibed

My eyes squint open and find the common room much darker than I remember. Quieter, too. Thank god. The fluorescent lights would kill my good eye. The only the light in the room emanating from the TV and the only sound coming from the two silhouetted people sitting either side of the table.

From their shapes, I’d guess Taro and Hanako… Both are hunched over the table and turning something between them… A bottle? I can’t tell. Even the low light hurts my eyes so I clamp them shut and try to attune my ears to their conversation.

“…Ward of the state. Once I graduate; I’m on m-my own a-again, Taro. After Lilly… left… I wanted, n-needed, to be with people. Build up m-my circle. Make the most of th-the time I h-have left. So h-here I am. Getting d-drunk o-off my ass with a classmate.” Hanako punctuating her heartfelt sentence not only with a curse word but with a happy laugh warms my weary bones. I’m proud to be a part of that.

“Gettin’ drunk off your ass wit’ a friend!” Taro interrupts with an amazing follow-up. Glad it’s him and not someone like Takashi. Taro at least knows how to talk to people.

“Yeah. A friend. Y-yoooour t-tuuuurn~.” The soft sound of hollow glass sliding on wood as Hanako slurs her words slightly. “Why not go to bed as shoon as the others left?”

“Cos I wanted to spend time with you too! We’ve never really talked! Always thought you were scared-a me, honestly.”

“Honestly? K-Kinda was. You’re big and you were a r-reeeeeal sourpuss when you first g-got here…”


“B-but watching you, and Akio, and Miki, and the others… You’re all so f-funny and c-caring. I know I’ve never s-said it before but I’m thankful for being in class with you all.”

“Awww. I wish I’d tried a little harder now…”

“I appreciate you trying at all. God knows I d-didn’t make it easy.”

“You’ve met Miki, right? The first act of our friendship resulted in me getting a black eye.” They both laugh and I have a distinct memory of Miki decking Taro early into the first year.

“I’m pretty s-sure she m-made it up to you…” So am I. The walls can be awfully thin here.

“Yeah, well… I’m sure being friends with you will involve a lot less arm-wrestling matches and bruising.”

“You s-sure about that, Taro?” The glass bottle turns again. “I d-dare you to arm-wrestle me!”

“Come on, Hana, don’t do this! You’re like eighty pounds soaking wet!”

Pfft. I can t-take you.”

“Yeah… Miki said the same thing.”

I can’t help but smile to myself as I hear faint grunting and cursing before the soft sound of flesh meeting wood.

“Oh noooo, looks like you beat me!” Taro says in a sarcastically defeated tone. I can practically hear the smile on his face as Hanako celebrates. I groan to announce my presence and pull myself up from the couch.

“You missed show-and-tell, Nattie!” Taro chuckles but is quickly corrected by Hanako.

“Truth-or-dare. But you did miss the fun, Natsume.”

“You’ll have to tell me all about it, Hana. But first, I think I need some coffee.”

As the morning arose, the night before was a haze
Wearing festive antlers and nose, he wondered if this was a phase

Waking with Akio’s breath on my neck causes goosebumps to erupt over my skin. The fact that Akio is in my bed at all makes my heartbeat match the pounding in my head. I lightly pull his arm off of me and get out of bed, gingerly stretching. Okay, we’re wearing underwear, that’s something, but I remember…

Kissing. Lots of kissing. Kissing a boy. Kissing my friend. I pull the red nose and antlers from my head and also remember… Ugh, Akio’s awful holiday puns.

Something about riding me like a reindeer… Wanting to sleigh with me… Oh god, the North Pole! I wince and look back at the sleeping Akio, snoring softly in red-and-white striped boxers. If nothing else; I have to admire his commitment to a bit.

I also admire his scars. Much different to mine. His were inflicted upon him out of malice, not necessity. I don’t understand how so much violence and abuse made someone so funny and kind. He played it off, not wanting to spoil the mood, but I really want to know.

Especially if this… If ‘us’… Is now going to be a thing. Out of everything I expected when I came to Yamaku, this was definitely not on the list. Have I always been attracted to guys and just didn’t know? Is it just Akio? How am I going to tell my parents? What is the rest of the school going to think?

“Hisao… You’re thinking too loud…” Akio groans as he sits up and rubs his eyes, looking at me standing at my desk. “Though for this view, I think I can forgive yo-ow, yeah, nope, too hung-over to be suave.”

“First time for everything, I suppose.” I offer a light chuckle, turning and resting against my desk. “What did you mean ‘thinking too loud’?”

“You mumble, dude. You’re a mumbler. Like you’re giving a mumblelogue.” Akio rests at the edge of my bed, running his hands through his hair and untangling the shaggy mess of red. Once finished, it looks like a wild mane that is quickly brushed and patted down with his palms.

“So… What do you wanna do for breakfast?” He beams up at me, like a heavy night of drinking and making out hasn’t left him dehydrated and groggy. Like me.

“What was the stuff you gave me after the school festival?” I ask, rubbing my own eyes while the memory of Akio nursing me after I drank almost all of a bottle of whiskey. Never forgiving Kenji for leaving me up there alone. Or maybe I should thank him; because that’s how I met Akio.

“Ah, the Hayashi Special. Think I have some of that stuff left but we’ll probably have to make a run to the Aura Mart for the rest. Which mean...” He slaps his knees and rises. “Unfortunately, we’re gonna have to get dressed.”

His eyes linger on my mostly naked form and I reflexively cover my crotch. He laughs as he reaches for my trousers and tosses them to me.

“I’ve already seen your goods, Nakai. No need to be shy now.”

“Y-yeah, well… This is still… Weird.” I admit sheepishly but seeing Akio’s face contort with concern, I stumble to word myself better. “Not weird-weird! Just awkward-weird, y’know?”

“You don’t regret kissing and whatnot, do you?” Akio asks cautiously as he slips on his jeans. Do I? I don’t think I do but I have a lot of questions and I’m not sure what the answers are.

“I don’t know, Akio. Sorry… This is… I don’t know if I’m…” I try to find the words but fail, my shoulders slumping. Akio smiles sympathetically and offers out my t-shirt that he had been wearing for the better part of the night.

“I get it. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to find my groove. Maybe you’re like me, maybe you’re not - but I’m here for you regardless, okay?” As Akio talks, I notice his scent still lingers on my shirt. That, and his sagely words, are oddly comforting.

“Thanks, Akio. You’re a good friend.”

“A good friend doesn’t spoon their drunken crushes, Hisao. I’m an excellent friend!” He winks at me and I burst out laughing.

“For what it’s worth… Headache aside… That’s, uh… That’s the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.” My cheeks burn crimson as I watch Akio open my door.

“And that is the best thing I’ve heard all year, sweetheart.” Akio looks over his shoulder with a debonair smile and my heart skips a beat. It’s not until I hear his voice from the hall that I realise I’d spaced out for a second thinking about it.

“It’s a brand new day, Hisao! Move your ass! We need to make sure the others are suitably hung-over!”

A brand new day, huh? Sounds good to me.

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